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and on guns in the once again welcome to word on words that the music of mozart and for mozart the marshall chapman shoot back for a second visit is on the game with you so like say is that it's great to be back thank you for all week long we've been sitting you in these two just waiting on the chemical combine so i went back to talk about again goodbye little rock and roll or your hit book what i read well thank you can't lead you think it's a hit will we last met we you know the credits came up as you were playing that song a stranger well rock and more word out over indeed the airwaves and the us it's great to see you here in thinking and i'm going to talk to you some more you know there's so many good stories in that little book i mean it's a page turner and bugs and some of the stories are hilarious and some are our own than a dozen great one liners and i'm just begin with dignity do you know
they i don't know they bundle now because you know this i mean this book is chock full of stories about names you know in country music but everybody knows them and chris dodd and there will lose their way and shows up jimmy buffett is there all the people you have written music for all people you performed with all the well not all i'm in a number of people with whom you have intimate relationships friendships with dry show opens in our good friends we've been friends a long time in today's love is like a brother to me but dave hickey is not somebody i ever extended analysis all right well you might want to have him on the show he wrote a book called air guitar essays on our democracy it's about it senator a thrilling but he's an art critic world and last year he was awarded the macarthur foundation genius award because when he was not boyfriend from lighting whenever it was seventy six to nineteen eighty my parents i was
there you know the lucifer and we were just on the road to destruction and nelson he's a macarthur foundation award winner in their lives and about and now were they just can't really because he's written up in time and newsweek all the time for his art you know criticism we should not been little rock and roll or fervor by little rock and roll really held for dave hickey assumes oh here and i like this one to deal with a few dave hickey over a coat to give you a flavor of the book on charity ride we give more you know i mean that's the story of my life every day i get an obama will give them at the mall the diy u o then there is not way we hear you allude it livable and the us squad an elite and maybe is going to run it but at least average other right and i've also heard that townes van zandt and i have said that i first time i
heard it was fun day they were born in the same hospital in fort worth i'm aware there isn't about where they heard it and then on you i have so many descriptions of human here and i am absolutely up she looks like farrah fawcett from about peter frampton for fraud move will tour right i don't know what that lab and as a basketball on writing say the truth and fiction yeah dave hickey isn't everybody's it to some of the song but most right i mean i agree here's the most squirming kinky free military that that dave hickey is the most quotable aren't carried by allen the great artist writer from lubbock texas said he's a bottomless pit it is the most fair and i can say this decree a slum been with for twelve years that chris has met day we had lunch with dave and his wife his wife bought all the archer i'm steve wynn's hotel in las vegas and they were living in
las vegas but i think they're moving them to long beach he's fallen out with you know the heat and stay in any one place very long he's a great believer and thrown a match the high noon just keep going for this but international says ultimately big data always try he said today when it is three o'clock the morning we were on your jay jay's market an individual a rather long this ahrens spelled a rhino cadillac with cruising slowly bad it had you know the dealer tag still on it and the white wall tires and that's when he said that that's either a south american dictator and nashville peeled away when jill and he said it just like that all the time of what i am what people you run into the music business behind the saints unknown talents bobby braddock is another minds not
widely known toppled bit about bob her brother well bobby braddock and they're just say i mean there's so many people in nashville that are just fascinating to me that the chamber of commerce would never knew existed at giza good example bobby braddock so good example the creators in over they're not the faces that you see on television and the big stars like garth brooks and alan jackson that there are a lot of people creates songs that just create a whole saying that national just fascinating to me that way but bobby braddock i mean if you don't know bobby practice he's one of the most successful songwriters ever come to nashville he's in the whole thing and when the tree riders dmv or c he stopped loving her today we need we go any further than that we got a hold on and that we wrote a song together sort of as a joke to do their debts write just to say that we had written a song together and he thought it was the silliest song he'd ever had anything to do with and then ended up in the book the idiot wind up in your book we did that a lot of those lyrics one night some
benefit it to a pac an end and then nashville banner the tennessean they all call me the next day when copies of the lyrics and inning sing and i just repeated the lyrics but it was just you know they just move that house at the end of music were overhang queen suppose it was born and dry nationalist the music scene was changing a lot then john it was after william way and suddenly it was jazz it was getting real l and he you know it was by him to las vegas brian country cosmopolitan or something in minnesota's changes along with and i don't and so that song sower of that reflected their believe it you're really there more for the st joe straightened up his act tao he's never coming back that nobody i begin by the credit for the ozone is a terrific song no wasn't set the music yes i think it's a waltz went up a bit about your tape and
you know it's one is one malaria story after another mr ej but i am but i think that you capture the flavor not only of successful career but also you make it clear that the road to success in music industry is a rocky road and the rocky road of trump everybody's got stories and i've got man in and i really didn't put those stories and they i mean i've talked to peterborough like about that and he said you know watch or you just into good place to come across you know is so poorly or anything like that but everybody's got store well the simple me stories in here but you always treat them with another job well it is a joke a cosmic joke if you look at an image of the town i just always loved nash flat i think it's it's become a
magnet for just characters and we talked about that last and last week we talked about some of those characters and we also talked about a character named marshall chapman and some of earth's gravity and that she's lived every town that on television they're in the playoffs and now the world series every time i turn our i remember your visit to the world series which we recount last week npr and our school for the red cell for reasons those of you will know who wants to buy a week and evaluate wait for the replay and since that isn't this was the sixth game of the world series in nineteen seventy five that you referred to it people have read this book now that had people would blunt jr all these people companies i was at that game i saw those people i saw another one that was may have seen a picture of trying to get our conference steve morse of the globe to see if he could join our cause and find that i've seen pictures we could see little hints that they'll sing about that in the book but i
am you know i'd love to say that us are carlton fisk hit that home run in the bottom of the twelfth but i was wrong all i was not there in your house on lewis to yawn on the mount in the end they got special permission for his parents to come in from cuba i mean it was just electric united i am just the moment be some people out there who missed last week in marshall chapman acknowledged plus we preview the child privilege let the unlike many people in country music and she came out of a day a background that bush culpable which dave hickey said is perhaps the largest obstacle you could face in trying to make it internationally in country music that's dr amended the litigation that it could be disastrous for it did have the worst thing you could have sarnoff says the gate well senator hugh beaver brown of using a lot of the year he's been a great supporter were good friend i know you are i remember the reception that at is how did you know like
that harvey was sort of of those major parties i used to have an active the neighborhood come full circle because there was jack then there's a picture that a sense of that of jacqueline shaken hands with gordon between in this type of a laugh you know he's a growing need to vanderbilt's you know when you talk about the bard your upbringing in a not very uncertain sheltered upbringing i think your grandparents to load of added children who broke out of the shelter a desolate i was raised sheltered they wanted to show is that's how you can love you can see there is a there is an account the back of a book about your mother's politics and i'd love to see you and the mother in the same room she's a very bright woman and our say that she really has become a hero at age eighty one and we had a difficult relation in the twenties and thirties for obvious reasons but she's like my hero know she's eighty one
she has the bone density the twenty seven year old woman and she is a mover and shaker but her politics our politics are not the same i like the sounds of our world now republican tell me about her interest in jesse helms we're seeing you have to my dad died in nineteen eighty three to our heart she remarried and moved back to her hometown in north carolina and after she was there i got this letter in the mail asking me to come donate a thousand dollars to be in one of her children she gave a thousand dollars for jesse helms campaign people can believe that i'll talk about this but i believe you're about what it's the tree and then she asked each one of her four children to donate so she could get four thousand more and i don't think any artist did it that know my brother and i didn't do it and i walked back its eye on the show what my brother said to her but is a liar and
a respect your three daughters who are women and your son who is an avowed homosexuals to donate to that the surgeon estate homophobic is beyond me i'm glad i'm so glad you couldn't sit on it i wanted a laudable you know there's always a member of a large family one child they can say things to a parent that none of the other joint pain and it just gets away with martin and our family was not broadly you could say things tomorrow that the rest of us if we said it we would be out of the will instantly well speaking of jamie i mean it's not all laughs in the image is he's no longer withstand is no longer with us and you do it in a very sensitive about the approaching way but once again with a smile and within a brother you if you would you can't help it's now he was he really was
a sapper richard pryor one of her funniest humans it's ever been on this planet it was he was hilarious and the stories i mean i had so much fun writing about him as a child and the first day of school he went to his first day of school he came home to prince was ahead ago sun has a lot of you are not going to leave it said no ms estrada ms turner was the first great teacher the storm a base through mist hollers girl is so thick that when i started in the family with a pencil she didn't even feign and mother saying that oh my god this is going be a long twelve years because of a japanese go it was what about heat or never prep school with that let's talk a little bit about the structure of this book because you touched on it last week on every chapter has a title is titled the songs and and within the framework of that title you dear little segment your
life some of its personnel some of it's impersonal some of it is about people even a second with wry phrases people infamous people arrived at and amongst people who write the songs and dictated what i wrote about in each chapter a song and i just think about that song go on coming into it detailing what to write about and but i didn't take it you have written hundreds of songs and i picked the twelve that have the best stories around them but in some cases and you picked on this up on this today i would pick a song because i want to write about a particular person and i did that two chapters and one was a perfect partner i want to ride that jimmy and the other was why cannot be like other girls because i want to ride that dave hickey because he's the most interesting person i've ever known in my life but i'm alive and well in an invited only that i get in a little rock and roller way that if
we do anything today the purpose of come back to that would be we getting that dave hickey on your show on the show you were on the garden yeah we got again an absolutely was and that's a given as eric siu again david dionne no i can't wait i mean i just gave the taste i gave orders at the taste of the key is right but there are there's a look they're i mean the book is loaded with it but let's go to take that in the way the book is written a little bit less go into more depth about that it seems to me that i am what most riders have a story to tell and the book is a story and beginning of it malone and on some cases even approaching the pool and the bite of new decided you to tell your stories through the music you have a part of it music really big states ride
the total story but individually each chapter is a separate story stand on a banana boat ride now talk about how you've framed in your own mind because this is a book about how people write rockwell as whatever i talk about how you came to that idea in that concept well if i'd had the idea for a long time just from performing live in telling stories when you're fillin around on stage a new kind of looking you know which are doing it out and get mad inclination is just to start talking you know i'm hung around looking for my cape over nervous or trying to top of the sound now start tell a story about where the song came from and i just had i just thought you know especially road horn put up where that scene or a baritone of tell that story people just roll out in the aisles or not the sound and community to write this down down so where are we traveled a lot of work as well and then that was that story you know
everybody's heard of it i'm gonna hear john prine with some friends we were living in the contained condemn neighborhood and came home and one on disappeared came back with a mason jar of moonshine whiskey ever made but moonshine whiskey before signing to check that off so the next thing i knew i was face down in the front yard and the underpants which was a vegetable garden in the field piece you know waking up with that you're innocent bird singing at the top of the stalk of ear of corn a sentiment a jackhammer gone off remembering anton i woke up and i was hardly hung over there's no other way around it and i just crawled back up on the porch she knows old houses like the state for those porches or go around the corner they all have concrete front porches and boy when i got up in the show that portion i'm still feel how that cool concrete for help on the fullest sheikh it felt so good side as it lay there for a while the concrete and i just wandered into an apartment started display in this rhythm and wrote i feel like i've been done
fill it and then wrote heart and put up where i've had more at some credit from your flew down here and thought that song was about sex ok and as as something i heard my father say grownup about is just an old southern expression that the entire because if you ride a horse hard and you don't walk on for you put em up don't get sick if they're still where humans so that's the story on the radio to talk about the vacationing little religion friend pedro oh that was bell's a great great it's one of the great life experiences and i think everyone should have the opportunity to go to a third world country alone no and i went totally alone and nobody knew i was going in and there's something really freeing about going to a foreign country where nobody you know knows where you are and nobody there knows who you are now why did you pick a new we'll find out who you are or why did you pick up that bailey's because i'd gone to work one
morning just freezing cold and nash or not things were not going well the father who just died there that winner in this was that winter had just come back to national i was sad about that and it was co united national winners are they're so great it is easy to get depressed so was sleeping one morning i went to this pancake place it used to be right across twenty first ever knew they weren't the odd then the plaza hotel was under construction i remember that and i walked in there was a row of the stools in this prank it plays there was one man in there that he was sitting on was due to the sun where the sun was shining and os they cannot punish ago sit over here but also called out what set right next to him just to be in the sun and we was it an act of like we were elbow to elbow haven't breakfast and families in your marshall chapman already a nasa got outside that are close on it and we just start talking as they were steve carter and on that he was an actor i aspiring actor national he was kind of the tally was a
planned manned and he wishes we talk and small talk and those tomahawk old it was a poem about my father and he said your go to base as of what they said never heard on so he wrote down in number in the name of a family down there he knew that sadat called the sea breeze hotel there's nothing more than their house was some rooms for scuba divers and fishermen which back then there were no tourists just two scuba divers and fishermen were going on there and two days later also applying one elephant and you wrote a song on on that subject again with a simple apology that's right and i had to grow a very lovely lovely it was great and i was really fortunate and what's so great about writing is what you learn while you're what why you're riding in the look things up and a look that bailey's and i was in nineteen eighty four and that was the best year for the
young fishing trade ever they lost a fish and they have the losses down there don't have calls the ages eat them the taylor you've got the booster for a ban on beer delicious off the flow down and what's so amazing job was the average income of the family down there was fourteen hundred dollars a year end i would say that the quality of life i pitted against any american family and from bill made under the bridge because they had a good educational system in schools it was catholic community in the church bells you hear them ring in these children were just clean scrubbed well dressed going to school going to church and all you hear is let the sound of laughter of children in the streets and on the men all fish for a living in all the houses were up on stilts and the women had gardens and a crash that these food all about fourteen thousand year but it's i don't know what it's like you know our
five senses books come out so followed where you've been and what you've done it you know i came to have when your book signings and a bookstore built that was a terrific ground turned out to fill low steps that night the question became more as funny as some of them with funny answers well our ears talk a little bit about the difficulty of getting a book published proposed some of question that might came from people opposed to writing a book but i'm wondering when you hear all these stories about how hard it is to get a book published and people who've written books and for years and years and years and years and and larry brown you know the first person we have sort of a letter writing friendship you know he yells novels he wrote he never got a deal in and this is my first book and i think i was lucky because of the friendship with lee smith who was my mentor from day one one of
three and she is the reason i got a deal because she called me and wanted to show what i'd written to a woman named joe oh a billboard on who's now my agent and she's also pamela duncan's agent should just gotten a deal from mr duncan's first book and she called said i like your permission to show these first three four chapters to joe well billboard though she says she's a fabulous ages used to be harper collins but mckean editor now she's wants to represent the writers that she knows all the ins and outs from that work she's just top notch and she didn't pull any punches if you don't like it you tell us but i'd like to show it to an unlike your permission it's like how much can a pay you disability and then last symbol of course you can show which is a good question of are given a tour in a cell in it she calmly back later she said she loves that she wants to represent you you're going to be hearing from a candidate or your phone was well of course in the end so joe well and then
when she read the manuscript the first chapter one the first chapter of road hard put up with was the first chapter and she thought we'd get a deal with one of the smaller presses like the one in nationalists one peach tree in the end the one the university presses and after i wrote that first chapter that i wrote last a fella the storyteller know i was dylan and she read that chapter inge she thought it was just great in this week before any editing it started she says i will run it by the new york corporate on publishers she says i think i'm going to try this is a great and she did we get three dns so lenders are having inside among three well they are and i said that too in your we get one from a small pubs house and with new money ruling they did it they won them it was a modest modest beards but respectable for a first time author liz and there are some authors have terrible time and that's what i keep hearing that
and it was that when the songs to the force i'll ever wrote that recorded in iraq from warren they got recorded in the order they were written and then i was sort of unlucky up front and they're going through the hard times and then i got lucky again so well but i feel very fortunate though you showed any written a wonderful book and i hope you got into it and can you believe we have one more run out of time for a combat calls it a new combat thank you john and i wanna thank all of you for watching mr schorr has been talking to us about her book goodbye little rock and roller and johnson and offer a warlord
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Marshall Chapman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Goodbye Little Rock And Roller
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3226 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-gq6qz23g8r.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3226; Marshall Chapman,” 2003-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 2, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3226; Marshall Chapman.” 2003-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 2, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3226; Marshall Chapman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from