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in a word down word sids program and delving into the world of books and their authors this week naomi judd talks about love can build every euros for a word out words mr john singleton chairman of the very important first amendment center at vanderbilt university hello i'm john signal welcome once again to were words it is a real treat to have as our guest for this program naomi judd welcome to world war ii you now is used to tell one and ashley that words are the clothes that are parts where and i have to point out to the audience and that they can say that not only are you articulate with your vocabulary pitcher david welch well i guess that has noticed an hour my wife dolores who thinks that you have to keep these old houses painted want this guy and one this blue very much like it but i thank you for the men and for the young and for the notice something i've i
feel as if i'm sitting here and sartorial splendor not matching it up so that's a very disarming way to a boat to begin the program well it's so good that i wasn't about his legs dirt you know is here and there's a book that really started out i know so much about you and about one hour that i had never known what are mostly about you and then i found out among other things that the that the german who has a mother who is most often say singing aren't as a real way with words wow that's right hand well so i can i think people who read this book they're going to be in a real sense surprise that to the naomi judd
and as somebody who first call one another major role in my own book did not want the book written for her which says something about your intellectual interest and commitment and secondly i think that they'll be surprised to find the candor with which you speak about the good times and that is the economy and i think of that but i got interested because this program goes over into our interview what finally led you to tell a story in this way well the only way i know how to do anything john is just to be straight where you now are talking just sitting here together or whether i'm on stage singing
ah it's it's the only currency the hand i've never written work and how to ride it and ali seemed to be starting over our city be in a position of having to reinvent myself and i remember sitting down with it's a big legal pad and sharpened pencil realizing i had to write a book and i was overwhelmed with the notion and i just ran into my words other than a farm what badness out that nashville spent the day in the words and just really went in set meditation and prayer about how in the world i was going to do the process tell people about the stupid things i've done all the miss dates how much of my family's skeletons out was either pull out of the closet and the message that i got was that the lighter the jets has a voice of its own alongside the music
itself what we're known in action are as women as human being and as people has a voice its own and my job was simply to set perfectly still for songs that their record that you won't drop in lines along the way of telling the story but in a stark mainly years and look the one that the first one that really jumped off the page may and then they go back and read a couple of ancient than was one that says goes something like this enlightenment that can be described as non white van and late together on were the words of i wanna ask or where it came from and it means there are no i mean i mean what nobody in ashland kentucky ever said anything like that and it is not what california you get stoned everything except in some circles lady and maybe in the
lab or in actual and i'm fascinated by your weight report i mean it's it's it's not just that it's our character the main office quite frequently run against the grain a perception and more and more and if you look at people who are celebrities and more it might be fine that there was so much more there than just what you say but you know what i've heard and re aired and seen at the jets there on the stage in front of the camera to hit whole ordeal of fun early success and i think that's so successful do you give and went on for most of an ordeal through the ordeal of your real lives none of that prepared me for eli kantor or in the level of writing that i got i'm innocent i mean this is a thoughtful well thought out well written book unless it's not a complement it's a comment
which hopes to spark a response last night that that praise and mike met they can be described as a really enlightenment is actually know is an ad age that's not an original thought of nine i think perhaps it was an outage yeah i think perhaps what i'm saying is that words fail us you know words sometimes fall very short china expressing emotion or an experience that was so overwhelming and in sports and so enlightened that they can be described as a really enlightenment is taking down so many of my years i remember saying on stage one time when i was introducing aside written that term amazon had very deep profound meaning to me i simply order that that music for instance it allows us to express emotions that works words can he begin to define and what i had and where i was personally i'm a mostly in a bucket that states that made this
out praise i head realize that writing this book had become a voyage of self discovery on a journey to homeless for myself so there was no way that i can express to the reader or for one there's no way i could ascertain a particular level of understanding i've been doing research in the mind body field for four years i read myself i feel very fortunate to head basis ability to somi subcultures america to liberia's travels for the last decade and i simply was saying that i have learned so much about myself in the process of becoming a detective in my own mind and putting together this amazing emotion on jigsaw puzzle i'm writing my life story i sort of pull back the curtain and was allowed to see the little girl he grew up to be me
i saw of a bizarre adventure is that i was raul is gypsy years i realized how that when i was thirty seven down into country music as their fancies wonderful folks that they are validated to feel sound self worth some confidence are and that sort of was a trajectory to launch me on the next phase which was to really delve into non spirituality klein my healing i do research in the mind body connection on explore psychology and put it all together to become a whole package now do you think writing this book you do think writing this book contributed in a very real way to the healing and wholeness you know fewer police department go absolutely
there's no question of that and i have the ability to as one end and arsonists tell me to make lemonade from lemons that that's one of the things they say and you know when alice good anagram prognosis from my liver does eighties i head thank god and i think it really comes from having unconditional love as a child i think it comes from being raised and nurtured in a small town in a community where i fell out of ten was told i was special so a surge send out in the world as a lily unit you know thinking well i can do this i can do that on when i was given my prognosis i knew that there's another old saying that says when the body weeks for that which is lost the spirit rejoices for that which it is the gang and blue and i just had a sense that in the middle of this grim reality i was going to go where my questions led me and that was going to lead me on yet another
discovery i just had its insatiable curiosity about life and weidman that can be it can be described in lima right well let's talk a bit about the title and an end something like so it's a cliche love can build really seems to me that it says what it means it means with chasm or chart today passed over an alum and that it's more than a cliche it's it's it's it's really am really is this secret of the secret message there that goes beyond the title for a country music song at the top of the roughly sell says the very last song and i ever sang together like a wise life center at odds
the title work until the breads talks about how in life we are always trying to get from a debate there are always kansans they're always gaps in our francis right now i'm working with to get the twain the spiritual community and the scientific community in china talked about the mind body connection i try to talk to try to raise the gap between the average person and you're not average nice little boy i'm trying to bridge the gap between the average person on the straight he doesn't understand maybe the medical jargon and the scientific research or about how the mind effects of body art one ann and i were trying to bridge again once in a very tumultuous mother daughter relationship i was trying to bring to get the twain poverty and some major financial security or
safety and i think that's what life is all about like really involves only about four basic plots you know birth and its builder in a new job and get that stuff so i had figured out that love has this transformational power and actually dates whether it's in trying to surmount our hard empirical data tess and prognosis and medical results when you're trying to own do a small piece of her schoolwork our son and possible drain like trying to become a country music artist you know one image one in a million shot love has this gone this is no question about it it is the greatest healer of our debts it's graded than any wise words we can raid or any paradise us away say it would be too much of a cliche to say you've got a bridge for her time song so that
on air act but it but i would say that first i think love is mentioned in the book it's a word that comes out your father's mao uses the love him you say no are no no yes and at that time fewer pregnant women and american man when you say it uses you're welcome arun it's like see daylight and sixty three and small turn a switch and in nineteen fifty an all comers which reduce what some people still do in big town and small town america but it was the fashion they're now what about that ambivalence tell you tell us something about yourself about you're saying is we like what we later found out is that this is a marriage should never happen and that was the thing to do but it's awful thing to say yes and that the wrong words popped out first clue for the right word
so many women and this is one of the most powerful lessons that had that word in my life so many women that were raised to be demure to follow a standard survey to keep it within the fence posts and to live at the role that they that was expected and than it when i get to highly weird in my twenties and i found myself and a relationship with a man who turned out to be an abuse or physically abused and they are psychologically torment today that's when i had to do that all quantum leap of faith and step that are allies that aren't there i had worth and dignity and that empower myself i realize i'm a child of the most high god and that this is what he wants from me and i have talked to so many women i really cherish my female friends by the way they're very important in a tiny truck that you were called in by james dean jr yes my friend oprah winfrey one said that the thing that disturbs her
most is that women allow man to run their lives and they don't acknowledge their own their own personal power you know mom i just talk about the about that opening mention of of logos a different use that waylon south pristine employer yes because the route sixty six became known as well you know i mean i'm sure that the glitz and the celebrity that's come to the two of you as was taken for granted for many of us considering where you came from is now taken for granted by you know and that's another message i gather around and as that
i didn't know i didn't know anything about both gypsy years that period term are you tell about michael your husband was followed in virginia to depart and you write in with what painters to acknowledge that he fell into that trap for a while unless said there isn't all flawed candidate but it's not written in a sense before sharp appeal it's almost as if it's heard and read so most of the party and telling this because i want to get out and edify whole idea and being dishonest i'm just going to read a book with myself man and you know you read some books by some celebrities who showed a flawed relationships and that and eight the thing that makes this book will i think is that it's not
told in any given situation defaults not downplayed it's just their peers what i am and hears i came to be what i did and that's how i read ah how i really knew those that point we talk about our known as fascination with a guitar and you say no she wouldn't pay any attention anything else they say the expenses than that and as a mother who wanted child who won't screw where the competition i know that you want around where they make an awful lot about the confrontation between you but that's not the way a stolen story and if i start one question to you about shark factors in your life and to have euros they'll miss an awful lot of this book that is written with a different purpose and this book is written to tell about life that is and billy elliot i work you
write the fiction ok nobody would've believed they say that this that my life story is really stranger than anything any hollywood screenwriter dreamed up and then she'd find any new century yourself you know that real life is stranger than publicity well you know you do know it i mean you know it is forty odd years in journalism the journalism taught me that you know you and complaints about all the violence on television i worry about violence on television but how were hacked one more gun violence on the streets and violence in the home which is what your experience how were you able to you say in there i decided to file and i was tired of being a handmade and for powerful men don't think that's a quote that peyton manning's that they design is it has all about not have how was it just want all of cyan
are just come home the boat about art have a very bizarre biological chronological clock i seem to have done everything completely out of rhythm and rhyme to other people you know married at seventeen before my senior of high school i was thirty seven before we ever got into country music myself through college in the thirties that myself off welfare i just live fully in the moment i practice what's called art mindfulness prince's noticing a tight unit you know entity tv studio and it's a tv camera over here i have learned and i think i've always been this way john i just have this very vivid imagination and i really experience all five senses when you're fully in the moment in your car listening to really present which yourself in your immediate surroundings you get tantalized by the possibility of adventure and i'm
always saying to myself why they're you know what if i go over and speak to this person what if i take this job wide and wade given the you call it and then to texas and checkout country music in texas you know when i got an ornate white colleagues out there and wear and get into medicine that's the way ali now wife i don't know what i'm gonna do next i really down one and ashley say them actually a backwards tiny you know i seem to be going back and re discovering things over time it's interesting to me that every time i've heard about you until i looked at the book it's been the judges and it's been a home in one of the ads and every time you mention the jets on this program is ben manila actually only end the
sort of about action and we don't see often and escape to new york where i held together a christian apartment and he relates in iran out like a proud monument get a wastebasket and sarah curtains governor for isn't everything geithner settled in and build a nest because she's going to be a star on broadway she just to weigh in and just finally or picnic and are selling our life at that i'm so proud of that's because she has so much integrity of race but the girls to believe and personal excellence which has to be differentiated from success of a success as the report card that society puts on this what kind of car do you drive which are jogging add hang where there were none and actually believe it a commitment to personal excellence the soul satisfying but that's what's really a meaningful life c she turned and this huge budget are based at a picture to do that a broadway plan to pick that one seized today she's getting at here chopped up and i'd
wind at like to say that well i think the from the so much of your professional life was in a mesh with one of those professional career and next to a company go out the sisters with actually last and cause of jihad says she's had for the last two years a feature an nbc hit series cole sisters on saturday nights and they've been trying to get in for a couple years and do some acting but that's right and i really don't want to mess with their actually is very at times she wanted to make it on her own and then she didn't want anyone to actually know that she was one of those germs because she wanted to make another america forever so it's really a near final episode is assessed to be released her tv contracts issue comes they'll mark that i can resist and that he got in the mls that is only for those who marched there is a scene in the book where it's a very touching thing
was red naturalists and therefore write a post in which are telling although it's not the jets him or twelve a moment the breakup has come cause illness has forced if you came to warn fortunately a very strict orders come along in an immense and it's not all bad news miami and what its bad news which i mean i don't want to try that poole nascar naomi judd well i would think that a moment and it reads this way was want and which mother nora who had had some problems of every minute clip of refined it really all in stride all of that all of our of what you're going
through and insert knew what she was going through this film in that one moment when you reach out and take her face in your hand linger and i don't i'm allowed fellow say how you feel now that this has occurred but i am interested in that moment it was seen very few people i think john will ever have something like that happen to them on i felt as if i was being applied for life support because the stage was really thick the courier who is actually a metaphor for life itself with me and has is at all all the garbage that i had survived and i in my life is to say we do given that occur till i was thirty seven years old been on welfare feel like i was just a face in the crowd completely anonymous going solo and so much of my life on for months at times struggling to keep a jar of peanut butter on the table for my children aren't being beaten by a man that i loved
chest in at one time and another devastating for abramoff seven years which is this crazy to me all the stuff that i had been to let alone that life threatening disease and in that moment i was trained i was a collapse into a sapping heat on the stage as we were getting ready to sing our last song again i i just felt like like this is a horribly unfair sometimes that change really is the true nature of this world and we have to sort of free fall into that and i'd just been hanging on by my fingernails the whole concert to let that last song that when i looked in the one ernest banks and realized but she was losing that she had no voice and this last solid can build a grid of parades required the highest range local challenge of any of our songs the old maternal instinct once again saved because
it was like flipping a switch inside my hand when i saw my child drowned when she was in trouble i completely came out of myself and my whole motivation to hold everything was just to bolster her so at an arm around her and i made eye contact with their eyes locked into her and i said the deepest source of your identity is not being lied on sunday and my child it's not being enchanted the deepest source of your identity as the loan and in that moment the underpinning strains of love can build a bridge or church choir was behind this and i just felt like the stages been meditated it was really an ethereal chants and that moment that it was a sacred moment that they will ever it's
i'm naomi judd author of love can build a bridge has been our guest on the word on words your host is then john sigg and fallen chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university this program was produced in the studios of wbez in nashville tenn
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Naomi Judd
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Love Can Build A Bridge
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0405 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 28;45
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-gf0ms3m18j.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:29
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2226; Naomi Judd,” 1994-03-07, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2226; Naomi Judd.” 1994-03-07. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2226; Naomi Judd. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from