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fb liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature ideas for more than three decades this is word on words with johnson and johnson of all welcome once again to award on where our guest today sue the senator she's a member of the poetry society of america and the little williamson county council for the written word is here to talk about her book's clowns for the
table and two dollars smoothie welcomed the word on words it's an amenity here you know i've been doing the show a long time and i haven't had many poets here because you know is so tough far points to get published these days that was a time when i am emily bingham oh poetry is the non fiction or nonfiction thanks to what happened the border where your poetry than twelve thousand people to writing combat point she just doesn't say how can i say how are a famous poet could sell maybe four hundred books and he would make that much money and taking one tree up reading his poetry so
how are poetry this is you have to be determined to write i mean you have to have to write it's something that must come out of you than he lets get down on paper and so i know well they a resurgence i think that by now the book she also a loaded with poetry book ex cons often we forget some lyrics to music poetry every case since last minute to get poetry but portrait is no as robert hass my favorite poet louis said that singing is poetry and singing it is the music that so you know you who said that the border doesn't sell but it does sell some amount of the
that this book is so in this book they rose as in second printing maybe thirty hit its second but it's saddling still selling well in all over the country and it's it's amazing to me a channel how to plan a non threatening them is beautiful poetry and i know that the sale or go to the first myth is years in front of us the young people wear it it's flat packed get the bird out waste coming from driving from are they giving a paper on poetry at a steady clip and i was driving home and i turned on the radio to celebrate because the table was oh well and i wanted to hear music and i heard instead the column then news of combat so i wrote up a little further and pesto scrutinize got out got to
do something to show these young people that week so at that time a riotous and chandler on the points in the city the satin not said that to say that someone dying and all like to lady can do for young people and star how ryan home called the publisher and de mello who are suffering a friend a man in the church and asked that i want to do this and he said bring them in ft good we'll do it and so we did it and they so there are are books that should have sold in four years so wal mart's doesn't surprise me at all you know and i just your audience an opportunity to the herald reporter ian and you not talk about it i have some selections that really rattled me when i read that a lot of the table what about you reading one and then our reading one and then you read one and i'll read one
sounds fair to me your opinion how to right this is the title poem quiet voice gets quiet oasis close when bruce shaggy age secret and breaths blurred heroes stand still frozen and to will and scat stand to wait and land outside in freezing rain black the second stream someday going to say oh spin the down robes of snow about their flowing make it nice whispers out paperwork rise to trace their sleep unwinding through a muted browns of the oaks laid back tonight reads to himself from poets of starlight
daily campus climate voices that speak for those who listen to be a pizza and that is that is the line that gave us the title of the book no why would do what had that land grab you and make you feel a cover of a book how i think it's i'm keen to nature and how they get worse and yet i write about the people of franklin and and natural to and so this is a bit of nature of a bit of the home and it says much of what i am so let me you know
let me try my hand want your own stand clear and unlikely to come about what prompted you to ride it goes like this excuse me excuse me please i think this is right off fears this is my floor as high as i go stand clear ms lee yes says it though it's been there and we get to a point and we think this is where i'm supposed to be a new feel good in that point at that point and you pat stepped out of the rat race and the and you say close the door behind me how well the piece i want
to be here by myself without the long this is the floor this is as tense and go and it doesn't bother me in and it would have been that tell me this do you remember when you wrote a given paul can you the new market time when white horses do you know when you look what voices well yes holiest city and won a park parked it was raining my daughter allie swiss the cross country runner and she was practicing running through that course at juan apart an asset there in the rain and they saw the wonderful wonderful tones of korean winter and the heels and it
hurts and i remember that very vividly i can feel that moment call alice to tow out of this is alice who's running on three dollars in their new book in a little while but let me ask you read them fourth july paul that that's one of my favorites on to this one of course pat hassey the fireworks that we also if from the golf courses and this and this it's a tribute to a member of the social scale we're worried too that not too long before the ground is always hide beneath the spread the fourth of july and quilts and the wait is always a little longer than
children or to wait so they laid back and look up copying shaggy manes and stubby laced fingers crossing brown blankets to jim gullo quite sneaker anxiously and mayo wish away the day and i don't talk snapchat compressing it spread call up in the floating stripes of roses pt and turks them away a hand that he helps together we wait for this reluctant night to pull a black canopy up around her neck and cannons or a large and so are ten straight errors and mouse game end oh one wonder as if on cue earthquake employees and their disc weight headwinds brewers and run down the pace of scat we have a duty and prayed needed to
solo with celebration out for a drone and burning embers is seared into the night apollo's crisply contagious lim reports some whistle through their teeth this fourth of july this illness and goes out dark the races all mention of how intrusion but this meticulously followed their quilts children take their father's hands fan out collecting little family groups drawn to on dairy magnate it's two fronts do is they turned to stay and i entered the camp tonight searching for the faces of their most brothers who must for at work on to pay the co host
you know how many times have i been in an audience of thousands sometimes in washington dc and the banks that people sometimes use a golf course unnatural and waited for the night to come and then those massive explosions light up the sky all sorts of patterns or the rockets red glare resistant and how so i have four of it as anything but initial approval for the july fireworks beautiful shocking frightening at times eliminating by a you know you captured it here it's all about those were given a lot of other country says rowland it had
less than they must give every year it and that strikes me as as it makes poetry real when you gonna take you beyond what you see in an issue an issue for you and that makes me feel natural when i was seventeen the single door slam twice and i'm like no will reread real big screen from the gate that night word said not be more gentle darts over machines of despair named into flesh rubber all approaching and turned out the lights and went upstairs apron strings winds severed to quickly lead from both clintons that is palpable way out there our deadline came
from the landslide came from the pa at writing seminar at vanderbilt enjoyed scarborough asked us to write one line and so that is a terrible ten making a point to come up to that plan how issues to make their lives and how it's used to start to get the furniture wisdom might be an in house from the roof down instead of up from that out of the way you you're used to like how did i do think that's one of the best lance ever wrote ann and i remembered that i was sitting in a place where most of the younger people here say easily and when i go to these
things and i read that and then notice that he did you know i haven't told on injury painter as well and perhaps the cover is when your paintings and while ebola great things about the cloud for the table is that throughout the book your poetry is decorated beautifully by your yard destiny and i'm talking with susan sarandon about her book clubs that they won in a little while we're going to talk about her second book i'm just not too tall house with as the children's book of poetry is for children of all ages and i'll ask you to read just one more conspiracy which i mean there are many many poems in this book the city that reach out
and as i say grabbed me and i think this one as in fashion well he speaks to a lot of those words conspire against me now lerach back there just beyond mao aggress and racks and racks of them are computerized responses match sulfur to have labeled him up procreate combinations had great spoken parched lands club low rate pretty miss the waste names and places who wait now until the median adherence the receiver is hung up the elevator door closes the plane takes off the party his soulful than they emerge with a smirk drag their feet just inside the entry to mom that as
if they had been there all that ten percent then grave cue card on brazil literally barreling from the waist and grab the bow go up for the layout but the final buzzer sounded the crowd is sprouting from theory and now i'm left hanging on the renowned groping forever and maybe i am for the word that came to me tonight now an undeniable memory and thinking to remember the word meditate remember the punchline and it is leaving you know ed and that cross at about it happening i think more frequently on egalitarian on that we're looking towards one hour late but i think everybody everybody whatever that is relates to that poem there are times when it just welcomed it's just right out there you know and we set
foot on the mountain we now say i'm having a senior moment that reflects a wonderful poem and i guess we've all lived it was going to throw us out free books which you use your ears and i'll give you that and i said that the bet you're a painter but this was authored by melinda that us in the shoes at the almost two does us and three young wonderful beautiful confrontations little girl you're in it and cbo more him from other on this book is which is pretty exciting too yes they and they are now expanding their press an undoing a very good year about it and i was privileged to to want to be one of them well it had dedicated to children at all as dear to me
who inspired the children in this book was we'd love roger for making the flowers bloom are that by melinda bentz says and the comedian childcare franklin tennessee a licensed loving caregiver for children working lower income families of recipients of the proceeds of this book so so when you say writers of border don't collect much i mean you know collect much it had so much more fun than having to send a package it's so hip it goes to get into labels me to do things that i wouldn't be able to date the fall and this this hour command teacher i care and from the beginning they had lent it to us so you know you had
you had done i can tell you've had great fun writing poetry or poetry is not necessarily fun to read some of it touches our purchases so let's the mind makes us think but sometimes it makes is less than their moment to dollars when you laugh their moments of the very short bookend them and they might turn john hong wonders what alice's cover up on obama's brain while you're reading this goes on you're talking about her daughter alice hear these and the one i read a page and you read a page from that with one's opponent than there was a little girl named alice only she wasn't very little for very long she had grown up as cement whole lot closer and her stroller and mother couldn't keep wearing clothes
and when she started this group they always put palace at the very back of the law where your nose june has gone down as we stand the back i'm on a c all the way live from what are we having village out with green when a placement to listen to how the children wanted to sit back and that's on the bus be a part of us could reach up and touch the birdcage to make the birds sing and ceo all account it may be mirrors and when they had ice cream resume and hallway so alice foreigners sometimes he gave her acceptance and has always said alice could swim the length of the pool while her friends with women
and so like i said too big to tell certain allison colin the teachers taller than all the sixth grade and she was only in the fourth and then she even taller than the principal no well it's you cannot be the princess we do not have a tall predicts uber may be the way itzhak kallus who is such a tal and scary weeks no one noticed the prince and prince since two thousand the children say and you work in rio oh sweet but alice could not find in eugene their sleeves long enough could not turn cartwheels or be a cheerleader and not so lucky to be to tell and they say so one day my mother picked drugs you took her to see dr willoughby how well as how
to reset my how you roam they call me to tell wylie says screw alan simpson actually measure a way the typed on his computer and said alice i can stop you from growing oh no and they say and someone else would have to be to tell who were badly i wanna be the i want to be to talk about it will be a kind of dome of a third of actors who had two tall mature greens a high very same smiling down at the end no well as your daughter like being duped all of our evening in the book in the book i see lefty says it induces you can see came to the book signing with their children and the pipe teaches canning and jingles
and the principal came and dr willoughby and his we had four hundred thousand nice thing about your poetry is that sometimes real life people show up in their own names dr willoughby is a real doctor he was honest as dr lee slam have it feel to do that and i take it that i was really love the book yes she she did get to cover the big c sheep she's a businesswoman and i'm working mother of two children and then when she introduced it she said it planned to have to thailand it's dolls and so they're being me and a wild man at the meeting said only if they live so i know that dude all our show
though with becoming quote to go quote about the time that was of a poke where coal people don't tuesday was a great great story and a great human being and so to be called to tell was right keeping with the denver the time to go there were the two don't die out there as well in all this half hour has thrown by we only have a few seconds left what suzy is the future of poetry who had think the future is great i think they are unlimited care and limited places for it to go up if it doesn't take up much dan to read it is our aha of an expression of feelings that we all had a very intense with all of us now we need poetry about
poetry began to frost said with a lump in the throat and if it goes to the core of it let's say sao homesick they send an end bulk and then the fans are words and it's it's just to remedy for a lot of our heroes today thank you so much for sharing your poetry thank you for being here thank all of you for watching and johnson and offer a word on words the breeding and keep reading poetry
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Susie Sims Irvin
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Too Tall Alice And Clouds...
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Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0114 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 27:49
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-g73707xq9s.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:06
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3708; Susie Sims Irvin,” 2008-08-18, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3708; Susie Sims Irvin.” 2008-08-18. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3708; Susie Sims Irvin. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from