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it's both once again welcome to a word on words i guess is an old friend called him bill welcome once again it's great to have you back on this than to talk about about little rover your latest book where you ten eleven twelve books and now i mean i haven't seen you in a couple years but seemed to me for a long time almost every year and about there was old paul just across the world a writer's first the candidate up close well i did and stop to do a couple of sports books looking around as ever for what else to do i wanted to some audiences included so some point now
that must have completed his brother trilogy saw cars and now it has all that is again but there was the series of church burnings in the south on newsreel know there's another bubble one a day at play he's serious and he could be me it's not necessarily bob lutz rednecks and so this might be the opportunity to do another one of the new framework which has to and overcoming your money woes place is way off interstate or sky as it were and see what's like lifelike dynamic know when we get a new world where we've woven exploring the universal of the cloning humans sue know if that was a metaphor but if and maybe maybe flawed love or but if there is a place in
this world that could be described as the country god forgot well might be lower your well rivera miles to the nearest grocery store of them the respected of ferguson's grocery store which was like yeah but now thirty five thousand scrutiny category lives to be honest a lot of the fortune in southwest alabama have winfrey monroeville the town of tequila mockingbird and they met which is the county seat of the great line the book that people say are really never wrote the film i did again soon ryan ha ha ha ha ha ha ha was going to loaded botello delivered to use but it gets out there means about two hundred people at black and white and fifty square mile area and his oars the only thing i do for a living and those for horses to go in
those talks in countries or family or caroline package store a long way to schools to groceries the life and always court that's right and his fellow tenant court over the years but it's a truly was the last country and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity for me to do that book about the place because now i have a story but here's a supremely drug they had been bored and there've been a lot of times the da silva's rest of them are now black church so moving out about six months ago of fish and gather on the beach try as much as an outsider can you become more a part of really wants are just another citizen who has a secret eccentricity and what exactly sit there in the aisle would have buy a laptop computer related matter for salem ore
mines around hasbro writing letters to dickens announcement is going on around here yesterday it's a video and write this you know it's it's about your story was really young it's quiet diligent a star a mere three crimes and ran your attention here weller bonobos a year rather than an end is not a place that's no longer a major crop of management sees little ligament things your signature labor law in arizona his current irish and they are trying to look no hope for a chest detective in a once had may surprise wants what's ahead uncertainty embassy the backgrounds of these five kids the city no surprise that the sort of saying what happens mean this is just who is a dead end for them and no one it is a boy the dropout and his first year house to six
hundred page six hundred were written statement to the cops sadness of misspellings in basic by this is a story which the realities see a show that a suspect but as te ati empty and the girl who managed to yourself and primitive between the senate saying i'm out of prison and her first show born in prison they have no kill the subtitle is a tale of race and restless youth who wrote about race and restless youth crew also doesn't it in some lust talk about it couple of personality test or forceful about joe d's reverend jody income by and don byron way most must've been world has adopted the motto decided will be richer richer richer joe
pa so these fifty fifty years old almost when this happened though was the preacher of st joe that not a name that they love joe but he so singular madness of unfounded as most black churches have a wry half a dozen only to serve those hundred people black people in the area like sumo some of them founded by freed slaves by meeting hundreds are in was to simply hurl you know for the sixty some of what bill and were there remember the church was with family extended family and low five heroes to the euro one of the twenty and the church have a salary good salary very very poor living and joe himself so these are very specific piano when he was twenty he woke up and basic training the navy and it was a time of vietnam and he woke up one morning and blue pantsuit with amanda
wilson to vietnam i have back and the pho flows nervous breakdown which remember at the hospital for about three months because alex of destinies firm has life on or asean lithium and what every cuban level or teal and it was while later on and i had to go to three la says rex unwrapping company at airports around pantries because he would say well it's only a formal list of the camp of the current icann the car can take care of business so sometime i take my stuff and sometime about so that had been their town alive or pope or general should be said i think that there an awful lot of an awful lot of people who suffer from depression motionless hussein compel people off the medication and fall ever excuse thinking in their own real life in the french attacked without right
so how that was on the next to him who's to say that wasn't much of a church that only those twenty members can say what it was about your church and what you cannot say there wasn't much riches and therefore it was okay to burn it down it was never okay to burn it down what happened was neither parents nor the tears after it all happened a lot give a sense of apology nothing they were too busy begun joe on the former please say something nice about my kids these are my skates and so of course as this is blasphemy they burned the church of god and arrest him is that it's ok does not appear on the klan rally forty eight hours before the you know i said that back at the beginning of nineteen ninety seven lawyers have only does not want to happen well over almost
two it was a not not that much violent crime and three incidents in january job loses an honorable discharge with this mess around marijuana and that the army was told and may have been unpleasant something or other with his girlfriend who may have hoped to marry at any rate it came to a cold bitter night in january of ninety seven to kick off a year and the younger kennedys still did that feel or jordan to have a baby a baby a preacher's maybe we ought to go out of the church and so in the corner driver three miles of rural sawmill road it's called back and the swamps to the church and after well talk and father son and jordan or december tim says it is ok like stay for a while until saddam go
through years his son his leather jacket it's in scarborough says trader at two o'clock in the morning a banging on the trailer door and most cops growing up fourth shot is a sure sign and his chest and i'm blown away tan for whatever reason to get naked and thirty climb into the wrong trader one of two klansmen though plasma here in and what's there and dubose in all i know that was to start the year so joe d's as that to contend with and then comes june when the most upstanding person in the community william spencer call me peanuts peanut ferguson this talk before we get that that beating of a sort of been a must on the budget twice married and moved away tried to escape for a while came back that store was his institution as i'm way the
church whoops reverend joseph is true i'm a loser to landmarks in the community say hello buddies jared champion of persons closest to the grocery store and started the appeals grandfather are and was your mother a relationship through a creek and the owner of the red stakes who had been responsible for the massacre at an twelve large is an investor in the history of the united states about five hundred suckers or were killed only way that they see the old black and white they'll go that the day just the whole community you know they're the spying for most wanted another forever they've known each other since they were babies literally since the day they were born and so is peanut hangen on when he was twenty was already really going to sort of vietnam and so within his father that so he's twenty years old and suddenly assumes
the grocery store that's going to be his life is stuck and he's twenty what does judy's would be stuck also after osama wrote so they are the preacher in the store are they came up and try to say it for the league totally little freer than orlando's married to a woman who was like really wallace was actively eighties and water skis and i don't work so there is abuse is really comes word has remarried and bob points were coming up on ten years of movie and as you say the most respectable so it was an interview sort of community you have to say or our view is that we're talking with paul hemphill about his latest book on the mau little rover it's a fascinating story about
race and restless youth and roast out of the us let's just tell it was about the moment peanuts great tragedy when it came to art because it's about ten guys getting struck down a way happens anywhere and people well i was a kid what to do when they get pregnant it was after all he was just eight deeds that yahoo's would say he's even say the night it's a matter of pain of ferguson who remain morally one morning with a clock they just open a store then a fellow an escaped con world of these old row black a black mayor large impressive wouldn't let them so as amazing water for your radiator the nose but over pours water in a pail but also in outcomes of all p manor and a man nearly beat today writer on the spot so now he has a real problem for sale is that we're on our own the black preacher of
our churches and now the leading sellers in person both of those who cross racial violence of a white all right so then just just when they needed about two weeks later on comes the resident klansmen married to mary a stripper goes in and i am a wild child wow sounds off on her third trip to prison for sudden the same thing selling the same roads up the same border of the same strip joint put the ceremonial red and here we are again and so phil lebeau brother phil and sean into the most brazen business in a way that wouldn't have to go romney's misstatements i mean isn't there a source of jordana peanuts grocery store and he's saying thanks a lot of this what i needed and when needed when his young
the young blacks are home from their factory jobs precipitate thirty five forty miles away for weekly unofficial and remember themselves to be components of will go in atlanta well that didn't happen they did have the cross burning the whole thing out and there are like they're like a couple got married that the klan rally so they can do not to have folks over the residents the white residents that was more certain i've entertained while the mom was it would later come out when cruz him for a date a klan rally as we do for entertainment and places like little rumour and so not and that much of that naturally monday night of firsts by nineteen oh seven a full moon this outbreak and about a dozen just started writing about noon that
day and by sundown they're planning properly i can't remember what it was like to drink twenty five years and one day i don't think you could call it a mormon there was i was nineteen the area of course wanted to learn that an abandoned car was the things they'd like to do they leave current road for a lot of br and it was somebody's movie so then came the rallying cry i know what let's go burn the megachurch somebody had taken a vow about basketball full of gasoline siphon the drapes and peanuts caught them they were reasonable drunk and ready to roll to rwanda has what occurred but they went straight to the church knock down the door joe d's is say job at this and within moments or how far far gone and then they don't work around and weller at it that was a number one in a much more prosperous church that
young viewers were also lighter larger and so you know the kids around and nationalism don't know and don't know i have the heart of a national trend and what they didn't know also isn't there was a brand new law but he cromwell on dealing with just the sort of thing in the wake of all of these church burnings of a name in the south black churches being burned and every case question about it and klansmen would plead guilty with was a lawyer in and we're just little time that's all but this was the first time as it turned out one patrol river fire came over and over you in the fall that one alone for whatever reason and so did not plead guilty and he did that for ten without parole plus the music that is just as fast forward to the trial those parents looked up the jury and as you say like what this all
non white people three blacks on nigerian thought were from indian period there and they got a judge i stern good reputation than they don't that they're afraid to talk about the trial a little bit because it outcome probably shocked everybody as far away as little rover they relaxes as well as why it was country come to town i spent so we go on an everyday say about a quarter rule forty folks will river or why all relatives loved to be on the fact is and who are being tried as you say they looked up and they look pretty good job or down jury and all that they won't tell no some things that they don't realize just what a bad reputation or alabama hess over many generations to have families folks white why is an
insurmountable actually heard the story splinter into stores it's still stay away from a river and allison tough kids and this is just the latest generation to injury was not necessarily looking upon them time they return that and their memories and it tells us how far we still a long way to go on race relations in this country that tells us how far we've come thirty years first for a major if they are majority white juries it says wanna go for the us in the little church were poor church was a new church and the law says you don't burn churches needed to pay the price and a member of the products that's right they got from the scene police was forty one wants a number one of forty one was plus the ten extra years of her sisters within that time again obama say when i came on the same hour zone martin it all this in half of the kids we just shipped out to
prisons around the country and the reason i came amount of rehabilitation to move them to try to find out what's life like on a daily basis there what are the stories oh no that won't wrestle alligators but also telling us wonder the balloons were the general abed the family had the reputation for off riots and derivatives were bombs and they remember marin for well many generations and cousins and cousins in some cases they're getting poor educations and your write the minute they give as good faith those who along the new iphone that a writer angelou has already fallen all right into the kitchen and help they don't bother with college an overhaul of the welcome our
older report is it has their ability to get inside the heads of people sometimes numbers of the fun that there is humanity there that's the mark levin reporter to get those people to talk revealed selves to tell the story of the writer is to accurately and dispassionately so eloquently tell store the drama related violence people have turned into i don't i read many books i don't think we've ever done a better job of an insider who are telling the stories and joel rose again why for him those one margaret southern writers were kind of accurate it's all it's a scale
hanging out on the line i'm not the heart of who jack nelson i was never i wasn't trails a sport i've had learned the tricks of dealing with lawyers and judges and all the solos or new to me i'm just a sportswriter and a storyteller but you know i know of journalism is and what it isn't and it will be easy to jump and were very quickly and those hailing get the stories an elderly couple who are the telemundo solos pretty sure that there were that there were there were accurate stories and just get out of the habit but the price of this room with his i knew the only way we really do have to break and now to get used to hang around them to do to you and cut out the crowd and tell me what really happened what it really liked was simply trying to move into their home and swept through on those summer long garland summer of them and it narratives
of alabama and we're now until finally you start talking they are falling into a woman there's one lab with some of the races one of my favorite to those merge anyway when one character a really good man in his mid sixties black the sheriff raised platter photo of morrow dove about the black community and how they handled all this business of the right racism in the lake and unspoken racism that now that ticket or on talk about it like you used to be able to walk on the heat regardless of dollars he told them he says look there are all the fellows how us through an inversion frighten you wanna go to college i'll help you well they all finish rescue with somewhere in
there when he was about thirty six he and so dropped out to go into the woods when he was just a kid event has q every night after an eight hour daily sweatshops were standard furniture company than a bang and that he would go three nights a week to a community college until he got his ged at age thirty six who the lakers borders good he was going to the black community this was the way they have managed to survive this lively took their own counsel they raise their children probably i guess one they were citizens or just i mean i have a five months and finally were in iran and they write one they want to have an official and kevin brennan and i contacted a very telling what's it really like you know what it's really like between the race so for dramatic pause he puts a more regional show races i get along the podcast knows you don't have some of
the some of the internet not what's good is gonna come from depending on a white man so they were going to raise their children properly and he had told his voters there's no future for you year unless you're for or work on someone else's kid and so the star of all this is angela he's twenty six silicon levee or university and now the only black teacher in a rescue plan over the defense of white students what were the front of all the third is a wonderful story that said try it wonderful story out of love of this as a race wrestlers use the moons south quickly got another book coming out and workable no change of pace it says that comic shop novel don't know doc johnson our mojo back to
his board for well i can help us of minutes to get it amal they will write about writing about a racial situation so they're on syria it's his life turnaround less than two days kid from the ghetto as a quarterback like i can't wait when talking today with paula and bill the author about his latest book about blue robot all thank you for joining us and thank all these are turning into national public television or were wrong word and john tyndall are you free
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Paul Hemphill
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
The Ballad Of Little River
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW2824 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-g15t728f0h.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:00
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2824; Paul Hemphill,” 2000-03-01, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2824; Paul Hemphill.” 2000-03-01. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2824; Paul Hemphill. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from