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she was poisoned thank you there were downward spiral of books and their other this week celeste been simply talks about her past weakness or in their most forward and words mr john c compiler and publisher of the tennessean once again those are yes a writer of fifteen books the latest of which is called our sweet mystery welcome celeste easily ah sweet mystery of life and death here are sweet mystery of death would be more appropriate alanna maybe recognize the conference will write young people don't much and then there's that
is jeanette now i am here now from this well armed a few somali kids out there would not been attentive vigilant and don nelson they were but in days of our great and great to listen to well you know i was surprised that i am a ticket for that cabrera allen and have them that some things about him i used to play hooky from have to say not a mayor mcmahon land and give it out to this man is an expert and he says that now that brought us led the united states and for the counterterrorism minimums about and i'm the country they had not the advantage of the metropolitan are records of television then and know much about it but the difference here jeanette now from flying and then took the proper place in those things question as to what your reception that music would have
as popular music in today's culture i think it would and i'd jam because for one thing it's comprehensible but all older man up up up ah speaking is thinking of song titles that the apocalypse let me ask about your written a murder mystery or less all of them as fast i mean that is given saunier of books that you would to do so the down home murder mystery his is kate a favorite character of videos today is glad that they're sad an aging newspaper reporter and only the sick sea with tom the person in the first book mr maher mr adam was not trained how i word and numb to do stairs fast on them as they wish that were down
save them lay this on television is that sat near them to today the moses good but i went with love so my hair i met the next dance day than an anagram in a remix oliver and day closer to slobs i'm amanda away babies to homeowners she bought celeb just to share first added latin american mainstream and i wrote eight pages and then that turned into a book and then nothing happened a murderous i bet twenty years to take it out and maybe another murder mystery act out and yet know wrap up jump the others come and allies to rile out to write war and peace and a button i have it derek tapper talents powdered now not a paragon and their sound and they loved and said i guess that war piece has been done that's
the reward well let's talk about let's let's turn is she is she is a writer for an atlanta newspaper on the odd surprise office sometimes and her think that's why the thrice weekly pieces and they sell i know i mean it's not autobiographical and ninety nine but you know i mean i'd i think there no idea what we might have here is the making of the development television character my guess is the case continues to appear in your books third turn to trump's an ally that similarly would have another female cop the embattled as alliance
barry do it on the nose speaking of aging i do think that the issues oliver well but i find that after two three seasons agencies estimate twelve seasons the reruns are as interesting more interesting sometimes on my guess is that somebody will have the good sense eradicate our wonderful well i saw nothing to the story and kate the occupy as a sort of a cabin in a setting that's comfortable for hershey lives are live our lives or neighbors to moore's neighbors it's got a trap for the idea that come from a main know people saved sell those eat their own southern writers write about furloughs too
killer own legal analysis ah they're getting close to real life in the family in the case against the refrain that most women i know that you have an alumni are traveling to emerge and there are right now in memphis which made me a fan of down the footage i live now i get in in the woods it was the words dumped over developers madame made subdivision time we've ma and our houses than ours he imagined of fraud assets taxes or not assets are have become a dozen surrounded by dear state mean what a beautiful memory you live thank
you were the audiences you know my favorite kind of tape from kenya from dialing it filled with tricks and laid out this way like that all our neighbors very much like this with a no country one with no education but great heart rate eric knowledge of the woods and now isaac had mcmahon shan on a can get one month and now when there's no good sign service and a banner asked on a battery just is in his word and she's graced direct and he was her or her stepson and she says that janet hook a gun lover is where it appeared in iran i want my name at that our writers the ones i used to have before the given to me about how a lot of them it is a sense that it's about a month of family
eliza that would mandate of outdated adam anderson lived in baghdad a good dramatic well is this we work wilcox a composite those people because she is a very strong self willed there's nothing and i know that love is out of the path of the people in that area when i made at that time sam years ago my neighbors ran largely the old cameras to come over the map some kale iran and to require them and we're pretty much as their ancestors had left and now we've got you know swimming pools and tennis courts and club memberships and things like that and now my grandson same lives next door to myanmar land for this and this of a whole new flood of people in niger to the dry you know i eat you use what you do right in a
compromise but you use that in this book to help make things right me in the end hughes thank profusely because what you've written has made a difference and some live and on i'm paths i think all of those who are in journalism have thought than how that happens in and how sometimes for all the negatives of her peer in the press there are and moments incidents cases where you're right and people live support for the better and things change following this may be a little more dramatic than they have experience of you assess the first temptation act like a lampshade is that they were concerned it that the va has found it laymon region can break
and medicine and in this man's handle all i says oh i thought in fact they happen the mayor the good reporter mlb all back home to help out of a piece of the welfare agency then about some of the ideas that become a barn now backers in the mail in a way was and saw the depression or la but i know that it was just a little nap another priest response was tremendous you know we had enough milk and diapers and eyes to keep the male malek to take care of lots of babies also the first mri the magic in that old cliche let the people know and i've seen it over and over again a demand there are many again if they know they can't enact these are less interesting story about because she does help your cake does
help some children well you know we have an obligation now unimpeded and agree on a columnist of more of an opportunity of them remained puzzling well you haven't updated express opinions to put a spin on facts that that reporters can't and to cut to the heart of things and to enter provoke anger and to evoke eight cents billion and caring course i mean that's that's not the most important thing in capes story here i mean the most important thing is is an openness when it but certainly there is a thing that man and the two things sort of come together when they met reporters and dave recap slap an overnight
impersonality of it as you know a tremendous pangs after a break conditions at the mayor's vest on where we had fifteen baptism ten thousand patients at indiana politifact jack nelsen later did the fact that you let people know you know and we had bad things and politics of stagnate is daring the spoilers people to action how to hack a throwback and down the fact that not all the known side of it let's talk about quote the victim of quote garvey narrow but i take it there was no reason for many people to really care much about the army when he was a bad self as my mother said that one of her magazine killed as her son in law is that when
the idea came from now i don't know for sure where they come from oh my mother had an eyebrow at you a seminar with bed and the mike can happen instead as well in the garden it's been seen as hell in the garden and examine this convention she hit him art with a hoe and it was signed off an a grade because that that she was in trouble now said oh what happened to avoid the kind of sigh and my mother said why not then he needed care and they are the data show that you get him into it and then you have to struggle a dinner out here that's where jeanette knows had it coming now you again i'll probably what this progress about how writers write is not just a book within a book or but it's a bonus what the thought process is that
creates the audience develops attack on mosul captain and declan fiction try the the ability to be a creative writer in israel and you know i have to have the idea that you have to write it in such a way that it works and this idea does does work you know you maybe a minute don't let her solve this mystery and the cops decent fellows that they are they show up and they're around and as she's primarily should buy shoes shoes as much cava the cops well done and was married to one homicide detective so she's got that donaghy you are an anti bribery thought my missus luck at all i know
i'm really want mr mystery they asked me to me as you know when you tear one of your reporters to decide on the deer i used to get at with that is our report goes well it only thing that law well well our math and i'm resisting on a map less than made a solemn obligation to reed's garlic and writer reviewer i had a good year to be a solid and on vacation and set up around i read that book and writer of the ad it may well read it but i can't get i get that was predicted to be raided yes i've read it gets the chemistry and i don't think that it did what i had hoped it
would be and i guess because i didn't expect to do that i i am man mint condition not to not to like it that much it does segel as a wonderful idea that david ayer i that's why you know our third tournament where you know when i asked ye can track and i say right won a reporter's day that's how you go about how you know i mean can somebody just at that i know if it's a factory you look jimmy carter low rating in iowa meeting at the lasting of margot covered that's one thing i mean the idea is there's a planet but to write a murder mystery and he wears the idea come from well matt attack happened rosa nash made on scientists a meter law subverts not to drop and now that with an la with salmon a friend a visit that has been
about one of the top spend my vacation up and he said the book you didn't dare wyo are you thinking about a third one and i said and i'd finished the second one again that now christians girl straight isn't our band out of that they're going and i'm wanting to combating but he says that a bear attacked a jet and will drop contact at another monday bastille got that they've been suddenly a leg right you do and while that maybe they'll have a german idea that's a red knot the germ of an idea now for the second idea for stories in our conference well imam new album another manuscript criticized homeland and to a place where we have a big chest then there may have asked on taobao andy know about alan well i made apple pan alice thank you this a big employers damn america
and now maybe this is the locale it is down the next and then the map out of bed about a bad guess and it is so ahmed up another alum not to send mass violence here are in the us and now how do you love camp and just take a dram and worked with so it's somehow end up and the setting i have to do with the mystery yet i couldn't take place on the mainland of thing and matt share remembered after you finished it in a couple weeks ago and got to go back and i am at the time i met them at a mist is it kind of fun to do because they expand your life a little bit and this one man never been out with a red bow and stuff you know that's true of a leap year well at what the mom of saturday night drug bust where a nonviolent
faith they estimated to arrive at camp and now with the man recovered they are and abdullah slender adults adults than the crack really about the day that would retain a man and now amazon but matt take markham needed to stop lying now afflicts a shy person and another from prying but i went and took a lesson and then cries of fatima what did you really mean you felt you needed to do this to get the sense of what a well yeah i am and play the young man at the office and narrative as a fire alarm came in sacramento may but today which liverpool which by pushing our to be magnanimous oh god it was so boring and anonymity in a manic method were needed they can apply and well it was the sergeant what alvarez an officer and he would be with the police officers in our sweet mystery recognize themselves
i've drank a couple i'm well the one knew as sam and now mom investigation about the murdered children you know the mai mai him scientists are eight in a couple that i think he would recognize himself and no one month's our job i'm sure she was asked under attack in the region because of the game and what you see being tailed and me alice what i'd done a part of what we talk about programming as a sin the nice thing about kate is the deal that re creator over and over and over again and murder mysteries and she's can be that the key person ms la paz our own heat gregory mcdonald's tractor flesh
the maine legislature is marbled with marc elias if christie had this three really a dominant detectives that he'd go but kate is there and you don't have to worry about her me we woke up to somebody had to you had to work at i think it was good that militaries that massive oh it's a composite is you suggest that lady again the road so buttermilk and i am a man drove a truck and now ms willard as i have on this way did not as that but i know that i'm a management and bad he went out with ms mollo oh well the ladies in white now i mentioned that i didn't have such a lady who lives you know we just we've abandoned white columned antebellum home roswell and now i'm i doubt
that slide a bat and in a seven eleven back a white guy friday i was talking to to ceo ford our long time ago i haven't attracted to well that was a that was the idea of trying to get him to write either piece of fiction are something about real life account of that experience well joseph good jesse a main ones are by don't think about this book isn't away likes it to everybody sees themselves a n and a lawyer who betrayed well all that every character in the book is somebody year so that was a black and decker there was a his wife was an incidental one
incident was a year when it when you've done is not nearly as wide had a parrot had a relationship along for smart there was some trouble over that's what you do you say look i as elaine has a lot in his work in a white columned mentioned there is a neighbor not unlike wilcox as a body at all that somebody might say that's me i mean that was one thing to the police officer mean that's character almost i think is written but we just had a very very tough getting along until the media i'm in trouble like that memphis led a mystery with the newspaper and there was a woman after that and nobody liked to get killed on page three m allow people stand here can apply and that word that they might
enact out with them and why folks and journeys to work and the paper was a book marta the sunday magazine answer a lot of the books have a tremendous success and jen you're building a math and on monday people think this character is some arab she said change your mind change the cover hair so you feel protected i yeah thanks as well i am run than any bad at a man are out now flying there and bambi effect yes i know about the journal of senators and on both sides of the table book what about book etiquette and riders if you bump into any problems with your that we have a very dead safe team on down a branch and now keith graham and it looks like
myers and now dr hare hard you know to defend jobs are the fed that would gaze of colors are and ted bell leveling an aberration mouth is really is how bad your attitudes for the book awake arrow npr headed down the thames they and we are crazy of the army views i mean the book publishing of attitudes that you had conflicts with my level it back they are down you know now and an end and the other the other from iran and comers outside quotes oh yes oh yes she was a clown that same question but that's our job of hanging out
now the character kidnapped and nothing with the three nothing with that batten on this new work straight as an arrow they wanted to expand their plane saying little bit to credit omar expenses france which sounded just the fast at my head and kill elephants do you remember is that did you think it was right on the arctic fast i want to get rid of her and eric too fast having tried to save hollywood and having failed ms frye well television as they are and the vcr and it hasn't been that much of a celebration we'll do one when the country and say ah ah kay is going to be a movie heroine but we want a change or affect that nobody i've ever missed some inside the bat you dare deeper and a senate seat and got i weren't safe was pleased with the results and live in that she did not out my math and that what
they would ban one that was right or wrong i hope maybe that's why the author of our sweet mystery as ben our guest on the word out more than john sigg and on this program was produced in the studios of wbez in this bill fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Calestine Sibley
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Ah, Sweet Mystery
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0640 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-fx73t9f87z.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:19
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0918; Calestine Sibley,” 1991-10-12, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 3, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0918; Calestine Sibley.” 1991-10-12. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 3, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0918; Calestine Sibley. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from