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we're down where it's a program built this week ralph amery talks about memory goes forward and we're surprised gerrick johnson in voller chairman emeritus a fantasy leading ladies and gentleman welcome once again to award and we're saving our guest is a is a law firms face is known to millions and millions of people rather marie fifty five million households see that place every year and every day welcomed or lowers much great to have you talk about memories the autobiography a robbery i am i suspect that there also are people who see your book number two on the best seller list the new york times who are signs of how it's ralph emory may never look at the national network they don't know that there's another world out there another world out there besides their own small literary line john the other day a lady of macmillan publishing company called people magazine charlie an article about the
book the prisoner but never anything about them and they are lady had people are more pollution laws which he said i know he has a lot of fans and watches television show but i don't get it what you're saying is you've been an issue of what was once exactly exactly what what's a lollipop and ideas popular for one reason because you're bob and i think that you and your program on earth women were clearly has a compelling audience i have said to people your own family's program he's a talk show host out bassist carson jay leno or mara i see all i said you know you just don't know and when i said that to my friends in new yorker and washing machine only an honest nature too bad for them as well let me say that memories to begin with it's not just your popularity has made the book
hit the lists and stayed there i am impressed with the remarkable candor i didn't expect to get i don't know what i expected but i did not expect to read very bare belongings candor with which you wrote about your childhood what affect your first sexual experience your marriages i did was particularly their split with today that the conflicts of the grand ole opry they impact who's non fat lanes turn one brief curriculum all of that opened the curtain on new route their religion your views on religion in the modern world all that startled unless they shock me and i can actually on but i'd like to know what went on your head it was a i could've written i
suppose a whimsical little book about show business of people for years have said to me you ought to write a book and i think what they really meant was that i should write a book about old people and i felt that and i also i saw the guidelines with tom carter that the actual writing mr tom a murder trial my friends but i don't know the book needed an edge and decide to make myself it since it was autobiographical i decided to make it it can have possible why are certain people were close to me has misgivings about whats wife jill burke well enjoy the joys concerns were that i had i talk about my amphetamine problem back in the sixties and the people with adolescent may my lawyer thought that her the
story about falsifying charge for skeeter davis would lessen my credibility with the american public so there were some concerns about that i created the people around me but i decided to her for the book to be successful who would have the advantage so mara why russia didn't i really have no idea ribble i have no idea where this one a big fan of brooks' passionately so we can stay off the wait is only done that research and on their eye on and has no way to tell what happens to the best of the sellers on guns i don't think it's a us policy rather maria number two on that list and probably within the more on that does is an honest count somewhere well the book is the amazing thing it has not has not had international pressure that one will last
and we've had no all our national television exposure through the national board member of the book has succeeded remarkably well i think well let's listen let's get into it a little bit and to the end of the story itself because it's amazing like mckeown to say of absolute the impoverishment of the chao father not just the drunkard been a mean drunk idea why your mother goes through absolute hell couple margins but there is that early link with the world and outside radio that stare out how you phrase it something that than as the link between imagination and reality was the radio career was my companion an only child and her
when the neighborhood kids would go home in all fourteen that either side of a lot of the art is that initial elevate his forecast when i got into radio found the opportunities were not great i did i did to us a play by play for a short time but it still is bill stern and harry whisper and excitement of the crowd at the football and i thought i'd like to be and it is to send off well we set off and audible to one man's family and their analog just to see what the start acting i actually look like and and then there were those regulars that i guess every year my generation you're young at the time but but inner sanctum and jack armstrong already tried
restrict end of enemy if you're a fireside chat message oh most boxing matches all those provided to float lane what was to be alive i can recall i was very young and lived for a while about another scouted in the country that when fdr came on the fireside chatty sounded like he and he had so much charisma and people in that community they loved him and it was all think would talk about all along the president and then with joe lewis fight with her mom to talk about this and we have the batteries amazing thing that the land and sat there listening to a president's aides never dreaming that he'd won at one time be on the other side mike foale was ultimately to sit on a microphone across from another president on stage george bush was a lovely picture
in their time president bush came king calling and comedian robin issue that they generate probably one day and said and the us are mummers to villagers wars franchise that he had not even announce a half but jimmy said georgia's gonna run for president and i think the public thinks he's stuffy so i'd like to bring and to have him on the show and he's not stopping and so jimmy appeared on the programme with mr billy mays the give and go on that session with a nostalgic and jimmy jack a crack and children and george larger media and although the president and that's another things in italy recently said i have the hardest time calling him and i said no i should've been so used to call until it anyway it was so
successful at the president took the tape of our show back to washington and showed his talent auditions said i want to make me look like that in my campaign i am and you say that was over e and his picture taken with up with executive congress can do harm and they've all been selling gold when i realized that he had his picture would have a photographer and they would call congressmen came over to show the law and the inspection that level of us and then he was getting radical islam is in just outside the studio and he turned around he said hey when our vision of these get the crew and i think you know hangs backstage at all the other the other of the other aspect of the book that surprised me was
the fact that you crammed into two and fifty odd pages anecdote after anecdote after anecdote now to start you know again you know is it really about that as milton chappell and a n n flashback a lot but there is that then there were nineteen ninety when your victim of the barber of mandrill johnny cash ruess years and they get you there pretending that you're going to be on one program it's really a program granting you must integrate i was lucero is our war margaret parker barbara mandrell she really is she had her hands on attitude to do that and it's she wandered this week the average over which is the additional a lot of laughter issue
prior to that show she imagined twenty something about when julie available television show and it's about you know it's being an astronaut christmas time as you mentioned again and isobel well i hear more about as usual some of which she she relocated by late january and they tell me more about that was going to be an all star some of country music and that was really the announcer and to take part in the program and then i went to a dummy rehearse and i later learned that but they were actually having a real reversal of black and they're watching from a woman when i got there what ailes is all it started and that they
also hear that covered the sign's uncertain also our salute to operate anyway i did a run through on the stage at the opera house with johnny cash and barbara mandrell how i would introduce in hollywood walk across how i would make a graceful exit they went to the state went to the trouble to tell me not to walk too close to the wall because i would cast a shadow borders also barbara said it all general sherman in there paul legends of the legends which was a tribute to my relationship with merle haggard died in where's your john morton and they're issued their offspring were very emotional and barbara poma she said i really about having the writing is not would you write that sentence in russia want in the shop so i spent a whole day and my office doing research and i rewrote that whole
segment this is also a boat it's just another way to send me down the wrong path by color or that sunday night and i wrote what i wrote for her she's watched it actually would not let me talk to join joy was uneven coming joy was in college freshen up at that time ever enjoy this photo shows she's been through a lot of orange juice and so barbara california and this joy that we receive some kind of origin she should be there then do it over again and i found out later she did not tell jill for food for fear that joint much and eventually get so they didn't kill joy what was actually going on to ten minutes before the show and even one on the night of a show about oneness before showtime i'll forever says but tellier that the day
before the show over there and i try to you know read the names of all the stars who are going to be in the ocean it is gathering in history and so the following night i said ralph a few storage engine room yesterday our second year my new book on the stick side that that was very valid i simply you need to go to the next building and really i get over there and the engineer does not have the tech i said hey we got to have a change and i can see it visually in order read the names so he got on the fall he made a boat was full of anise partly over the way writes it up mr giuliani so about fifteen years so direct your camera short wherever producer
and barber used her the producer of the old barbara mandrell invasive and families rather tantalizing can you do this time all i said television times money college actually they're just going to show you baby do do you have more short then they brought me back we open the show i did was supposed to johnny and johnny cash and barbara can crush and i said a few more to reduce them started exit and cash version our mission uses to go up and that's what a great what a great what a great spot to rwanda and went right to the young and there's so many many many funny stories may stores for with iphones there's one story that didn't get on our last show we did on here but has to ronnie milsap is an
inspector our ears television was a pleasure for a blind person is what he uses the radiation effects of robots with and you tell us toward beardsley in the book jon you have to help me says we were doing by syndicated radio that's right africa wire i asked him well you know he had a really something and you asked him and he said well i get a better audience is and you were good enough to raise that with a winner i said well you know these profiles elise start you know so well every almost every big names in country music is in that book somewhere many of them glowing tributes some of them again
with with candor and your stories that my goal of embarrassing for them i don't really think i wrote anything that except that once restored actual which i did not i don't think they're owed anything that would hurt anybody know i don't know one of the things that i explain in the book that from my vantage point on the establishment with this is not they struggle of a young entertainer to climb the ladder live as they fall from that superstars walk into in a lesser position by some of the majors have been very difficult for them to handle that no one likes to be an object well let me just in that and then buying them is that story in there about marty robbins a us this for viewers who might not know of you're on my radio program had an open door policy than any star who won a comeback in by and sometimes you'd have a half
dozen more and their might run into the red there was that story about hillary clinton at a time when they're when they're records of back to back one into robin someone reached number to raise a very outgoing guy comes in and does not want all thongs money's there i you know that i still don't understand that adage as i mention in the book i just guessed that horrible n word a lady who had been secretary years and she's understanding that jim was always a big fan of mari robinson but on this particular occasion i thought about that to our listeners in america know what the compass maher el paso and you might alienate you have to go and they were bowled to be my guess on wsm that night and marty came in first and we went on the a ten fifteen and he sat down and we talked a while and then jim came in about fifteen minutes twenty minutes later
and as a semi invalid votes and jim for some reason said after you've finished and never have an answer mari also picked up on that amsterdam are you normally would stay most of the state or fifteen minutes and should work on a very sensitive and alabama haven't ginger and i really don't have the answer would write stories about <unk> all about about jellyfish about about both worlds about barbara about dolly everybody who's anybody is where the important thing about it is that they've been there every night with you for all pro league is either on either on the online show are now in nashville now are occasionally even i get up early in the morning and as we've come to call on your local church
very early snow and since the book was written one of the stories i found interesting and our jewish she was a story that a democrat in nineteen eighty about dolly parton taking off or closing value dotted around the runner on the level and the old again and what i was writing was the result of a radio interview interview i did with alec asking her about the story and if it indeed was true then she won a job yes it was and he went on to describe in something that some way i found a story with bryan newton awful lot of people have been interviewed by a lot of members of the press and local radio and television in various cities and the stories why they're also one of the stories in there i mean i don't i'm sure that the story about
about the falsifying of records for speed was there an anne what courage it took to mean i you know i mean i think what you did there is something that you want to get out says want people to know that you made it clear earlier in the book you made clear follicle your telephone seventy the money to buy my records and you tell him where to go and you made it clear that that sure that the whole thing went on for a time but you're really help and skiers you say you rummage through the trash can and he found an anti slut walk in those days the billboard reporting system was more sophisticated and i would send three of course poachers are your personality governor salman for having me to fill online orders
and as anne retrospect that may have not been inaccurate because i was playing giving her preferred record play and this beige list were reflections record player now where i would roll it but it was not a legal pot just at the corner on i have an analogy as war it really existed well the role and i would pick them up and i would fill out their slip to input the same information and so they might get through selection of national intelligence and especially livers so as you say jim reeves the once again planting much yet hewitt will you play him well you play video generally good he didn't really have any complaints or anything but he can justify was told of party one night the point about which contributes too often by certain given over sharer of those who taught you have a chapter in the end america and
and that's worth of talk about what makes your life go what makes so country music go a finance news this segment back in the back we tell interesting and some funny stories about how fans impact on the lives of a personalities i take it that really the reaction of fans to country music represents the lifeboats of this whole industry and those stars lives intersected videos throughout your career understand that most of them that if they are survivors and take that injection of a fan support to keep them going and keep this industry mccutcheon is in fragile emotional eleven workers they're not as fit goes on a fence usually it's a lock onto an entertainer they
stay with the mahdi army was staffers won't have a great fan <unk> through menopause and they weren't lose or draw is these people never really do any wrongs force or frantic picture won a national network went on the air a lot of people looked at it and thought this is not going to shoot shoot and when they did indeed ask me what i thought i should get it because of the loyalty of the family because loyal fans that identity stolen about how shotgun read showed up along on your on your program a new one in that program to deal with the children as well as adults to help build an audience well i wish i bought we're chit chat with an ultra we are really struggling and we did want to shoot shoot and about a month into the show or voters in the
television and he was in towns managed to call and have this little puppet show them around asian town for a battle of the bands and then there were the regional winners in the upper midwest and they came here for a national flaws so i thought he was really acutely live in minnesota and i was doing a local show in nashville there was no interest in that so about a month into the national now experience i thought of him and i went to the rally which our program manager that china should our knowledge and that's a heritage little cowboy pop or country and western pop and if you and i really think that he would be a great help for us and broadening the demographics many children would like him and if children once they get a hold of television show and you try to change generation
salt and he said well if you think that what's elements ring and so he did and elmo wants to abortions so we went to the opera opryland hotel stays and i remember we sell a cocktail table today get on the table put the puppet of the next day we get about fifteen minutes hamm steve told some jokes and i've i get the straight work and even their impression of freddy fender singing impression so we showed the tape to elmer hq i lived in the cycle of love continue to greatly to this country music is undergoing a great resurgence royal family offer of families has been our guest on the word on words your host as ben johnson didn't follow this program was produced in the studios of wbez
and nashville no no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Ralph Emery
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0629 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-fq9q23rz9h.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:33
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0932; Ralph Emery,” 1992-03-27, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0932; Ralph Emery.” 1992-03-27. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0932; Ralph Emery. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from