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fb we're going where the program delving into the world of books and they're offered this week andrew hodges and he talks about the need for intelligence your host for or downwards mr jon seaton fallen chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university hello i'm john singing follow welcome once again the world works we have is i guest andrew jihad is indie gerry adams welcome back to word on words less so earlier we were talking about the jesus you a psychiatrist at the minute you a jesus across time i had as much reaction to that to that interview as eight interview i've done in twenty five years on this program and i'll play it it was a he was great when i knew that you had written the right through to the deeper intelligence and as
one of lenny back let's talk about let's talk about the deeper intelligence you open up and you tell us that the this really made an impression on users old leukemia patient population a patient that there is an exchange was mob then you'd given amendment she receives says their cows dead and says it in a dim sum for a school run and that really sort of says you know you're european and she doesn't hear and all it really says our minds but beyond that we like we don't understand that there is another consciousness their lives at work
that screens in screams out and i guess the question is is there we used this deeper intelligence this all of the mine to our benefit for society's benefit is that for the great question is very fair i think don't crush with arizona a row it is in and the good news about a deeper mind is that it has an incredible bit towards health and towards whole mess and i think the first thing to do is to understand that it exists which is the story you're talking about with leukemia patient who died in the intimate understanding help that mother say that her son about when she had enormous snake she was absolutely convinced he was still living that was such a shocking experience for me at the time that it went this to me about we can have two chambers to our minds and now that we do the breakthrough to this deeper intelligence and calling it occurred nearly twenty years ago and basically how it works is that we have a second chamber of our mind for years we weren't sure how it
had worked with familiar with some people get their subconscious mind task some problem i can solve know preserve that now the problem consciously go to sleep wake up and somehow the problem solved some people even describe in the drains the actual common they're sometimes scientific discoveries that people discover answers in the drains so that we've known this man was there the breakthrough came when we realize that this mine had a language and that it tried to communicate was the color well look it is we have a left brain catches my right brain deeper american rye rye is a symbolic into this sort of them and that's the marlboro borrow from what happened in ways scared of this in therapy because you would come in and would judge that i'm really just so we've learned that if you just let him keep going i could tell you that was really true when it wasn't time to stop that would tell you all come stories of unfinished business test that were unfinished that mine had a language all of song they
would do a three stories one story after another with the same message and mike talk about the childhood on to an unfinished task a boss who wouldn't see things through ways of communicating the job has not been finished their day every minute that they needed further work so we began to say this mine this subconscious mind part of the what i call the deep or intelligence is really trying to guide us for our own best interest if we listened we found role as you could help us if you list how can you listen to it if if you you have to understand that the capacity there is there to listen but what if you were if you haven't heard it speak and you think youre only functioning with one chamber and then you are really functioning with one chamber words a wakeup call comfort i think what helped was that that we have an environment with
talk therapy that we can really study that second law which has studied both chambers and from the second a patient walks in my office i specialize in one than one individual private psychotherapy what a season the second they woke him awfully strange enough to communicating to love the seinfeld won a liberal but that is where their ideas ago their stories go for example awesome i would come in and sell a change my point they give you raise love learned through listening to the deeper intelligence in their laws of life keep stability as much as possible so as pressure would come in and then so a trademark on the term and then they would present five or six stories ideas not necessarily connected to feelings about other people about don't change the schedule they would they would talk but disruptions occur when people changed education what mob boss could never stick to the schedule and i was always moved their kitchen screens go analysis site that pointless in your mother's translator you you really need the stability and let's look again at why are you know you want a change or point or the film's most of the time we didn't really need
to but the amazing thing is after you achieved the stability in the world will always be an issue that would be in our room one story in particular a patient honored that their mind that if things don't tell knowing he do go through this chain with a little apartment but really tell myself about trust or try to when i came in the next week or so and said well i think you're wrong doctor landau was to instill in them their story but i said ok i knew that they would they would for the cotton from that that indeed i've done the right thing they have done right so then right over this tour there with their family was sitting at the breakfast room table and by the way the persians much better assumptions about him as i was sitting at the breakfast room table watching his mother bird build this mess and she built it so well it was so sorry for him no northern no other animals could get to in the birds grew up employers such a wonderful experience that's what therapy was we kept a solid boundaries of human is humans when a solid boundaries as how we grow and develop our home you know our
life our writing a bicycle a job we grow up her marriage and nights of fortune that gives him strength and so that's how women were not your hero and basically i think the basic message i think that you want to convey is that not only does this deeper intelligence exist but there is an absolute treasure trove of benefits that come from discovery particularly if you use it in a skirt or are inspirational way but again the block is is to understand how the communication goes all out how to create a communication react to the church we ought to just return to your previous question which is related to
the us when the question and so we sought work in therapy in humans for a controlled in therapy you gotta row microscope to them on what we call it's like the scale and so you're you're listening in your view you're really focusing in on the deeper intelligence or were you given the deep or intelligence or the patient's mind is an opportunity to express itself when everyday conversation were tearing own about three fourths of the two appear in the air or what you have to do is learn to listen but i can tell you stories about what's the same thing take place in everyday life i don't go around you are listening on this i just paid attention and i tell the stories in the book about a friend of mine came into english as an everyday life to be a lucrative job offer of considering a move and he ran a bombing what i think it had a nightmare and then even the heavy handed boots you know with the movie thought it was a good job you should take songs to listen the soil sometimes nightmarish can toss up in this in casual conversation he goes on to tell me about people that my dad moves just it just kind of drifted just like the law works in therapy that operations will realize
their data miners remembering these stories to help them save themselves so he remembered a couple stories about other people and the life story was about he said can imagine these crazy people that moved to san francisco when an earthquake hit so i stop writer nuala the saudis massive look at you asked me this question a second just a young man works we have a deeper challenge is i think your man is picking up something about this job is no good and in that something really best to happen when he's considered it a lot or shorty in that movie within the year was a terrible situation the boss was much more difficult in a new and it was like an earthquake hit his family may cause marital stress person stress he's picked up when something in that interview with the boss it was and it is now trying to tell so the answer is you listen or and ky moments marvelous way for parents to listen ron key moments i'm reminded of another story they really ought to give you thousand from from therapy but out of the book as what it in from therapy every day life how to give
both the butt i think if we we first get to know how the mind works and i tell a story in the book about a parent articulate their teenage son wanted to play rock band fifteen sixteen years old are we getting frail enough that whole dilemma when a family powwow blue of the past didn't feel real good about their predictive a sewing when wrong by their kids' grades would then his behavior the charity start smoking though how they realize when i get this get other band older children ages shouldn't let him play in the bank so they had another meeting in the kid's fault him for he was descending don't time the other man finally the dead says at the end of that meeting you got a lot of the band that's it no further discussion here gets mad but he's sitting there in i think the calculus of the camp of loopholes these two stories and tell stories about people that said there are boundaries he told a story about an a real another given them over the narrative that i'm a control and a kid to join the army most regular they tell another story about having a good heart teacher was
very hard in the mantle that he had was telling his parents just reset the boundaries of the father told me this story his father was a psychiatrist and he you know he was used this list includes case of this gets to what my patients did and then he thought back to the night that he granted to get permission and seven reading from issues that we've been so they're talking about forty five minutes after it was over the kid told a story about a kid who was another kid without a control that had too much freedom and then the kid and i tell the story the book city not just eating too much chocolate cake i think i'm going to get sick and then said you know he again had taken forty forty aides say she'll usually he's he said the kid was trying to tell not just giving too much freedom too much pleasure a sudden the state and looking back and fallen back in the laws he really showed the question what good play in the band you have huge you know some other indicators about in going to put its that type listen it's interesting to me that that how often the
voice of a second mine speaks in narrative seemingly unrelated narrative how does one know without their best that the link is there that this is that the warning signs are there other been signs of encouragement are their main those narratives you really have to be able to translate them it seems to make you became great question i think i think what helps is in therapy but we have learned lots of the rules of life i really don't believe that their laws of life such as stability i've learned over and over how important stability is two human beings more than we think it is we know that it's important it's even more like a play she would come in and want to change your point the time i was previously quote very flexible it didn't bother me to change employment terms now learned if at all possible keep a passionate the sign just above in order the kids stability you know you go to different types of these groups whatever church or where a lot of beep also the science
leads to their surrogates their space and were like that is people so if you know the rules of life that really helps and a friend and another friend timothy taylor the story we had a mutual friend a good friend who would walk on the light crazy isn't lopez forty and he was that his wild oats headed out of america basically no also than he thinks aggressive greenery and he thinks he'll leave it was like right now life crisis exact we all knew and we we knew in typically the commodity has this problem often has had some unresolved issues from his press which is cad did he had been abandoned as a kid and so forth so he would he i think was mostly been dealing with some of that and abandoning his wife in some ways that but the bottom line was he so severe as the divorce his wife is talking to this other mutual friend and he tells a story about a celebrity in hollywood he says the skies are ruining america is why the city's craft the narrative and the american effort is not a trained therapist reason he comes to me says you won't believe what this is and discuss as we all know is like the nevada
says he's telling the nation has won nothing new the laws of law that he appreciated how important stability was then that you know he would have made a compass senses and bottomless he eventually did which isn't good news but its that type of listen to your right and a book about our base needs a huge big issue called courtney do you say they're a very young basically three core needs and did you worry it might help because because you know what no in these are waving human being is not aware that the only people not aware that they hadn't eaten for example that that person uses talking about who went through tragic divorce and new but can tell and self assured and social media there was a there was that there was a basic lack of a foundation right talk about warnings well i think
if you know this record is a massive their stability or commitment that's one point one and the second one is freedom autonomy self expression the freedom to baser you gotta have basically that i have a point knitted situation within which you have the freedom to be an individual and it's really best with a no it's a different one the ones a father son relationship the tremendous commitment there and within that stability within those boundaries the father gets on a mission to be all he can bait and thirdly desiree is integrity that which remains to be giving him a commitment in a commitment to be in a gimme freedom make sure you really mina says it was say that that the first two are the contradictions of that that how can you have civilian life if you have freedom but i think the stability of the first read the first major side goes then he belongs over the wall and there is room there is space for far more than the freedom that you need in order to function
grows human being you know what you have to say is just how important that commitment is commitment comes out of relationships develop when parents for example commit to a child and maintain a marriage which is ideal if you can do that in the past both live and you don't lose a parent court she can grow up and deal with that and still won't get any the audio that creates all about and a kid comes home and kids as well this is my house and my parents and my room and the boundaries are all solid finis money than your next door he goes to his parents or whatever and so it's a real solid situation now i have appreciated that when my patients an essay in here the city every day like when people do not have stability the first thing the patient does make a modest given the stability in your regular appointment don't run over start on time do all these things that are right in and before our sky casual about things and my star like mr ronald reagan to say the patients really didn't like give me the giveaways developed so once i started doing that assad had this was just a lot lighter than i was doing
within therapies true in every day was to write me for stability now with him that's place within those boundaries rainey for self expression passing this law and i tell the story but you did more book about a bookshelf and they were one of the more books and they said you know writing a term paper a slick a new implant it in a bar that book in your lover alvin lee baca a week and when the search for a week they've been persuaded to tell the fat stores about why they should borrow because they need to do something on their own therapy really was in and he was a an environment where i was building into them independence autonomy self expression so what they was signed to me it seemed to me a very minor issue among women the mobile but the point was they were saying teach me to be and i'm over in st louis very moderation but i learned that it's these minor issues in life that are important parents say to a kid mike rounds says she sent out on what you should do with their tans we should let our children even for soaring curry's him
make up your own but i don't know what to do i don't know what you should do so i say how important freedom self expression and taking responsibilities at your book i'm working on our third book assigned to do with the with leadership and successes so forth one of the things that i say in any industry is a lot of times you see in government where people will take responsibility for the decisions and that's one of the things it's that core about our nature as people we deep down really that the deeper intelligence knows we should take responsibility and really wants is to encourage assistant you talk about dui about the potential for growth they're thirty feet deep intelligence is understood and if it can be called all and if they are sort of the rules of life can be honest and a deepened thousands and we made it work and then there is a potential and rose as it as a human being and
still when you talk about when you talk about stability and responsibility it all sounds as if there are strictures their song some people might say that happened i really grove i have to worry about not changing my agenda if i have to worry first of all about my integrity before i really consider an outer option presley on low intellectually and still be as responsible as a must be any again that all the dichotomy of growth on the one hand and the strictures that that society seems to impose on an ad and it's about families and composed they almost a nod to talk on tape that that the deep intelligence who is still
a good issue on avenue but thanks to that inspires him what's so beautiful is a million dollars come up in therapy over the nation and then and that's we can put it on the market scope and then apply the principles of what you say is when somebody comes in and you raise this question welsh who should we really not carpool the time leaving rigid and issues and there's an exotic land to give her body the flavor of that seems so ridiculous well what we found is if we change that we take away their stability the way i would say it would be like a parishioner kaufman i'm a magnificent performer what does he have to have before he can perform he's got have that stage with theater he's got to have his environment and then he can do wonderful things you take bo jackson or michael jordan they got to have their arena and then they can do wonderful things but within the boundaries and it's a beautiful form and freedom i mean it's it's both and so one defines the other and that's what i see every day at their somebody comes in and they're present an issue should we make this
change and i listen i now know what the rules are know where the boundaries are in or the rain is in my area saw mail they're going to tell me that they really shouldn't like his gender should depending upon the issue a memo where the boundaries are before i had to learn them you know what was a good change of point out was a good little impatience things was a good to extend sanctions all these things i had to learn but now i know when we do the right things a lot of times you have a patient that would accept a healthy environment they're not used to say you have to move them into a healthy and balanced the first thing you do you hear first though they'll talk about things the image that they'll raise their conscious question just like you here and then we'll talk about when they settle into a space that they say is regina talk about we're michael jordans came out of retirement he's now back in his old we'll talk about an artist who has his frame or latino for a fellow who were interviewed use across time it is fair to ask whether any bit too a great celebrity athletes bo jackson and michael jordan's bulls of wounded
arm demonstrated the ability to to function into levels but i meet him in one sport was really not enough and i wonder what the lesson is for michael jordan having sought to go out of his element into another the related fields of the sport's great actually and they don't like it they did does that is that am i mean could the deeper and dozens of donor not go we'll both of those athletes are from burning out you know and i have a close look at michael jordan and address this issue in the book an anomaly although know that i'm running but in this particular book here because intimacy has its own issues and michael jordan the thing that i think was overlooked was he lost his father right and i think that was a devastating event and i think that that propelled him into a mountain retreat is my personal opinion this was a this is a baryshnikov this is a one of a kind and that he's not a baseball players in every baseball player
best their question will take a mighty i think we saw his rule wishes come true and uk to only if you look at michael jordan after he won his third nba title in a row you watch has reaction now this is nominally burned out this is a man who still enjoys doing what he does best just like baryshnikov would enjoy dancing that he can do something no one else can do some apartment and for what it's worth is i think that there were some other reasons affecting him this thing and the death of his father uncertain must've been a terrible blow to learn and probably said things don't maybe it was a little less talking to or maybe i'm at a listen to the ad for maybe you want listen for a deeper and expected to how and i really saw this as a breakthrough that that have that has occurred in the last twenty years before we got the subconscious mind was kind of a mystical thing now are saying the writer was to the specific language that it is the subconscious
mind as a part of it called the deeper and hold back on the beaver intelligence it has a very crystal clear storytelling language so somebody can come in with their feelings that left brain saying i've got planned it i want to i want to stop therapy and then they tell me ten stories while they're not reading all apart from their feelings all disconnected from your feelings but not their audience in a good year it is there is a sense i brought psychiatrists i guess a movie's stereotypes probably you know a work adversely on the image of chicago says was a muslim there is that stereotype of feeling that that your psychologist is really trying to really eat reviewed i love your top concern about faith commitments and then you take the us out that is you know me
if a face to you and these attackers is is the day in context and spirituality is an important part love bug of the way some psychiatrist look at patient needs and certain spirits riley plays a role in what you're saying here i think of the breakthrough shows us that there's so much more to us but is disconnected from our feelings initially which is a wonderful thing a wonderful place to start the death in and don't tell us the whole truth like somebody my site and andrew hodges and the author of the deeper intelligence as that our guest on the word un workers heroes defend john sigg involved chairman of the freedom farm first amendment center at vanderbilt university this program was produced in the studios of wbez in nashville
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Andrew Hodges
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Deeper Intelligence
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0440 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-cv4bn9z33j.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:17
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2333; Andrew Hodges,” 1995-05-03, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2333; Andrew Hodges.” 1995-05-03. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2333; Andrew Hodges. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from