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an avalanche done seen the once again welcome to word on words our guest peyton car prose welcome back dieses to talk about perilous journey the story of the founding of nashville mile down a filter miss it and i entered and to read this one of love story and it's created a novel historical novel grounded in fact and must begin with that challenge on to take factor make fiction of it well of course it is a challenge if you don't care about the history would be so much of a challenge but i was very concerned that it be as accurate as possible and i spent a year just doing the research alone i started at the ladder of congress and then i came to kingsport tennessee and to the archives there and a very nice lady there showed me exactly where
the spot where were they start in this book and so i acted you know and i could imagine what it was like and then i went on to knoxville in chattanooga chattanooga is where one of the most terrifying and this happens right what's interesting is that the river doesn't look the way it did in that the corps of engineers a smooth everything out about red mosul skulls and got rid of workers are in chattanooga but i could go to the spot where it would have been prisoners still something called sutter creek right there and churn it in the big seller was where this horrible event happened or those who harm you know at one time or another for our lives or for a long time we all the story of how it started for that and they may come down the most voters and then and then they'll iran and then the common man when you look at that map of a circuitous route
and when an ordeal we also known as john donaldson did colonel who was taking that the flotilla down the river out we had jam from a single land to establish really in advance of that other photo it was a much longer trip envision not a wise what's interesting is that they didn't have an accurate map they thought that the cumberland and the tennessee in tennessee river were very closely parallel because of ohio they are pretty close together and so they thought oh well the women and children families it's much better for them to go on the rubber and now we have near garlanded ago a malian you work at that it turned out to be quite different now in your tax family there are numerous indian attacks as a well i took so much i took four months and they
were expecting it takes a lot of the provisions that was tough you express an asset in an election year that the john thompson forgiving and are a chorus and fortunately most if not all of the important event the tragedies and joys a part of donaldson's diary you have your great great great grandmother when m and johnson couple ms roberts and joanna robinson johnson cochran that's right but you know she had quite a life and them as her list of
names will indicate but but you have heard in effect keeping a diary that's right to say now that because her diary in anyway intersect with the dates of dance inspired absolutely that line so glad they're dead alison davis those dates in the rye try to get into her mind and think what she missed they'll like twenty three years older for hearst first husband three truly three little girls first has been kale when it tree fall sunday for years of mergers and there she is going to throw a lot with your brothers james robertson was her brother and she had two other brothers who went oh oh over land as well and had just had imagined have better than most and we know she does meet john cockrel on the voyage so the rule five it from a journalist to create this love story a major and cockrel the diary when he was a carpenter and a blacksmith and that might not see much in today's world of
multimedia and cyberspace but at the time he was a calm and a blacksmith solar lerro a lover and he had rabbit since very good comment very big concerns that and it's a brave the things i knew about him from family lore and other things where that she was right she was either the only daughter in the family of five brothers or there may have been another one back can find anything about her side i didn't see i could put her in but i just thought that this tough girl with all those brothers or a herr i just knew she was our old farmer and now you also have an attorney return every right to make the trip and when i started doing the research i saw there was a pain and family but i do know is my family and i am one of the things i did was go to the da are and get my mother's records
and it was revealed that was my pay some make them good friends you making good friends and that ends i think of a story particularly if you know who they think are poses for her when you're really writing family stuff matt one allowed to have days and defined as a history book of history will tell us a bag at putnam and in that but he says well this terrible thing happens who's the pain loses her baby in the bucket and it was to pack and sister he says well it's fine because she went on to have all these children and then became a congressman and everything i found that there wasn't sure if it was my great great grandfather was the evil toy and it was his twin brother who went on to have the child again david well it's really interesting for a long time as that must a been discovered before a
lecture out of anyone else cares well it is interesting to know when you're reading aloud let's talk a little bit about the perils of traveling first all there are the indians are heading canoe was sort of an early and late yes talk about revenue as four sided he knew exactly what was up with these white settlers were coming and they were going away and he saw the indian nation as he's said melting away like balls of snow with the coming of these white settlers and he's in his father and i'm not sure exactly how to pronounce but at a color color words for me was trying to negotiate with these people trying to get them out of oliver hill cherokee community and going on somewhere else but dragging canoe stood up and announced that he was separating from the charities he began to form his own groups his own tribe the
chicken nuggets and die were the ones who principal you instigated the attacks another restaurant went on and on and on of one's one trading account of mr jennings was slain and dismembered his body parts hanging in bushes for the portable theatre i know and then i tell people if it's really really horrible and yet it really happened i didn't make up any of the really really horrible stuff well let's talk about the man and jon cockle for a moment we don't know for sure that band was in the house and both the adventure that's right but you
create that exciting moment when they're both for its pleasures and lawrence the first to get the host and an integrated there is a great sense of celebration and they're on their way and you know for all the heartache and travail and torment and fear that must've been part of it but the love story of major john carpenter but the soldier hero as you said that man every woman would love to follow up or john is a very stable stop asylum or so fellow but but at the outset an odd hurdle have no question in our mind of the field
well yes your identity on purpose because she can just fall for right way and i like the concept of it was that he was a quiet suburb that he does and he did things with his fiancee i guess perhaps i thought a little bit of my grandfather and my father when i was creating him sort of quietly getting things done there's a story family story that my grandfather could be was never lost you could put it anywhere and he was able to find his way home when they go how we'd go hunting and love to go running and i thought about that sound this major cockrel at one point goes out and everyone is starting this is after an injury get married and the indians are surrounding orange for and most someone told me when i spoke yesterday they had heard that idea that may refuse to go out and
only john cochrane would go out with what average on copper goes out and it's cold and he has to go for miles and miles and he kills a bear and he raps this scared the bear around the meeting brings it back for hours carrying one hundred pounds on his back and and not only does he do that and share with everyone and therefore he says he'll go again and if it's necessary and that's not fiction that that fact that fact that he did no one the she loved him but why did you make are not lovin early was just for dramatic tension after you think of any other way to say it is a fictional devise well it worked extremely well i'm so glad that they got to get it ok you know you thought they were free it's me the
whole question of the indians in one problem another problem is that the terrain and the water or water you know your ground in the rivers and protected the way they were there with absolutely as actor logos is not just a jury about india being offshore a minute one point in into chasing them in a boat and others are shooting at them from london from the shore but it's not just that it also is navigating the strictures war and the weather is so cold and i think if we became believe and i do believe that the cumberland was frozen and their christmas day when robertson arrived that same colts was everywhere in tennessee that winter and that made it much more difficult to find game ended the game or a deer tick you know that is the fish aren't moonlighting and
it's freezing yard and obviously wasn't frozen in the ten times the river and they wouldn't have to move but it was all around hard and i kept thinking about how cold it was all one thing i wanted to mention countless down example of aaron's bravery which really is documented is that she'd saved ford castle for indians in earlier par before they even started on this journey with her first husband was still alive and and that of course heads to her characterization but one of the reports i read to say that she saved before nash prop early newspaper that wasn't true so the dogs out and put that into motion that they gave him credit for setting the dogs out and they wash water over on the fire so that was kind of a fun puzzle and it turns out
a perfect story and i guess that's one of places where common sense dictates along with fact laurel dictating what really happened as well as one on fiction i wondered about a wonder the about the stop at muscle shoals then they expect to see they will find robert lehrman me to leave a message for lawmakers to be assigned to the left talk about writing the main not elevate navigating in uncharted waters there when you are to make it work so well again what's the guide there i i read so many different things it's hard to remember where it out which piece of information that i didn't know that he said if it's possible i will come in nature of loss of shells and it out they say it was a password
was from much too far away i bet they thought that it might be a good stopping point and then they could just go over land from there but it was so much further than they had thought it would be that that didn't happen that i actually won the most and dancers trotter imagine going through massive schools when it's all those miles more flimsy rocks and if they hadn't had so much cold rain that wary and they couldn't out throughout the book they suffered for monitoring it also lifted their balances they say so they were able to get through without a single injury for those who just tuning in i'm talking with big opera lewis about her book her journey and perilous journey was a torturous journey don't you give us a sense of a man's character win win
tried to protect her she's got these three children and has a knee always to find food to kill again so that there is adequate unique to put on the table men this show stay with the children and she says i cannot i can shoot and he dove yes well those brothers well it was a time when when women had to had to fend for themselves on foot to win some widows some work married to men who had gone ahead and there was a tough road all out war for women and also that the part where she takes over and then helps you handle the bodies that are also evidently really happened after that so many places that you know i'm sure that's true of so she was attacked
charge now accent and after doing research on this book i used to hate to go to the grocery store but now i think the gross or what they had to do it again there is a moment when you talk about the street after americans on the moon and you talk about henry and yahoo both of whom were slaves and then about jack still on the role of dubious reputation tom emerge actually well i don't know that much about jack silva says martin now i just didn't know it for this bitter bug that i think he got involved in something later on with it that line of dubious reputation is right out of the history books is that is that they get it right and i just wondered
i just wondered why it's there finally in your book that some pro israel is dubious right before it but it's interesting too that that slaves accompanied them on that journey other thing that we forget is this occurred right in the middle of a funeral and for those people who think it was all a bunker hill and and valley forge and that's an arab army in this was a southern war as well a british game proving down to make him back and what is it that or what is it that drove them what led men and women to uproot and come this
fall well i think it was perhaps a different things for different people for some i think it was just a danger for some i think it was land hunger and first son i think they really felt they had a christian duty to symbolize this new land and again and again i was struck as i was writing the book about how faith based they were and how important god wants to them thousands are begins today with god's permission would be and exactly you have them at the marriage of john and then after they arrive at that moment i have it he injects into the way and i wondered whether this was you or perhaps the record that passage from ruth's <unk> go of the largest a lot
but you usually make you think more oh john carport to know that that one bears the family name though that much of an attendee joe cocker one interesting thing about john hargrove when he died he is well hidden and had eight children after these and he made sure and no diet and he made sure that the three step children were treated equally under his whaling is that if you don't like it then you get anything less too much talk about it because she had started i think she must have had scars it as she was dazzling wounded when she saved the fort mac back against
tennessee and she worried to death about john who has seen her beauty let's round the same risk our body and it doesn't change it's not that would be true and that would be true that scalia one would you know i think and then women would be fearful about maybe missed but some say the sam houston you had left in over the terrible winter they're willing to the growing we don't know that's true but that certainly is part of the mythology and it has been written into his shoe boxes as a reason there's a reason for that within that there is no long weighing itself and then you and you write about that time in a fascinating way i mean they're on government or maybe a hundred people
and as a fiddle player who provides some music the food's gathered there is corn cake a wedding cake and i take it that that's all your creative where there and there are from harriet are no reports about what a winning would've been like what they would've had it access to it so i wanted to make and in this closely as i can and i want to make it reasonable and what kind of decorations they might have been what we know for sure was september first you do know that that's the tanking and also as the controller at a romney didn't win and you say you've ever say to herself a new i knew all from the first and the president's love to be bred to the notion of a bright and sometimes additionally them talk about the battle of the
jennings peyton your nitro reggae great designer named them why no she related to the jennings was dismembered i thought it was interesting that that she handed two brothers that we know of wine to win when the chips fall than he abandoned the family this is her reading journey a journey when they're stuck on the rocks off and then he's capturing he gets says these scout and jon another interesting thing that when i add the day are i found gentle as well and in our cannot the real thing and in it he says he leaves a servant to his son who was stabbed by the indians who never be able to take care of himself so that was the twin brother and it was at another brother who had and if daniel boone and traveled with him says she was a real pioneer of families
spirit herself and someone just told me that that her mother mrs jennings and i didn't know this when i wrote the book that she joined with a bunch of women who signed up contracts say we will not leave we're here to stay and i need to find out more about that survey there were very strong family as well and she had to be strong because if the ruse off and we don't know what it was good number of married her and then the good twin had a daughter you marry one of a friend's children by this the second marriage when history of scandal in the year from the very beginning of it as well here's larry you've worked hard all his book
get along you're sitting in another book i would like to do another one of the things about coming back to tennessee after being away for so long since the early sixties it's re connected me to my roots and i went over to a couple schools to which is the local school here to talk on this trip and i thought there's more couple stories need to be told them and i think that i would like to do that well you do and when you do i want to come back here on other countries that you so much for the years and that's all of you think so do the watching for own words and john cigar really an advantage
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Peyton Lewis
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Perilous Journey: The Founding Of Nashville Tennessee 1780-1981
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0061 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCPro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-cn6xw48s4v.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:48
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3425; Peyton Lewis,” 2005-11-04, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3425; Peyton Lewis.” 2005-11-04. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3425; Peyton Lewis. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from