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a word on where the program delving into the world of books and their other this week tom t hall margaret marian barry sanders and kathleen wall of the southern women's voices your vote for a word and words mr john siegel welcome once again for word on words you know where it's all riding riding again this week with the numbers the county hall mirrors to vote in on the whole leo storyteller and so this rule is tom welcome thank you jessica it's like to have you and to have your guest settler exposed in the bears your name first thought like introduce these for a distinguished authors margaret man whose book southern discomfort has won the edgar the cavity the agatha the author of what every bloody award the us treats books can win all four in one year a grand slam congratulations will thank you thank you
and then we have the true life story of isabel own very end watching this as it was used on its own oil and songwriter it's a short book the very strict legal and moving what were the words of an old friend lori welcome back again raised and has her own place last time we were together your first novel with a big hit everybody in theory we'll talk about it melatonin about her own plates think it happened that have you all here to celebrate the writing it's been on the go tom t hall to create a symposium where people come to talk about books more alley right what makes life permission to access they were three of you
only a martyr and who is called the mystery and the sense of a mystery but missing him at each of you has a compelling mystery in the story and each of you know so i mean you could take us through three of these books and you create it's creating a drama and you create a plot and create the question and you keep a secret and right up to the last lesson and let's talk a little bit about that began with why we begin with you mara because you set out for writing a mystery and is the latest thought was a big hit and and it was nominated for all of sort of now one and it seemed to me that having and all books other things about
other personalities now a judge on the bench here in southern discomfort would not talk about how they get it fixed that he stands there they were this whole business of creating a mystery illness and keeping secrets though all three of all of bohemian well i think that that when you're writing fiction and trying to shape a story if he did try to shape the story it does have a beginning a middle and an and unusual is something that you find that in the hand and i think that's his heart shaping good novel i think we are back to telling real stories that have a real punch line and people do change over the course of a book and dramatic things are revealed not just always it doesn't have to be a murder although it of course if you're stuck in the genre get out sometimes
the murder is everything but in most books most novels today i think there is a mystery of liberty well i think there are there often is what i was struck by the calculating we all three of you work at hiding secrets and you began with the with a cat and the mockingbird inn and to present to get to the best of our state and i knew i was on an arsenic is the poisoned choice in iraq now it's getting harder because it used to be that they didn't care what had arsenic in it now has four x and we can do an awful lot of her along after i clean it but women can keep the sacred week that sector i was i had a tough time i had a very tough time not this like a mom in this book
she she turn me off why your family that walk go out one night and i understand it completely though the arm she is my creation i feel a lot of compassion for her to choose was one of those people that somehow got stuck and never got finished and had to go off to get her self image but i i understand what you're saying and other people told me then also because i think it's also it in a way a woman's issue a woman who runs off to finish a career or finish something which he's chosen to do and in this case she does become a stripper it's not an ally but it is you know especially in nineteen sixty three and sixty four my book besides devlin acceptable behavior whatsoever so ah i was amazing it old allies
will mcavoy and he loved or an yet room in his heart for another one but certainly one of the one boy that was not unlike the patients i believe i do believe there is such a thing as grand passion i do believe that there are driving forces within us make us human listeners elemental thing as it would be in the simplest man of the simplest woman that others reasons why one day they stand up and just say not so you know whether it's someone involved in the movement for social change your just the smallest thing in life and ari he has slowly or avoided the new orleans new creators a good man a good and decent an honorable man and anything can you steal well because it needs and that i was doing in there
terrible aspect of writing that's called riding in a contrived away and form of writing that's not been the vocal i'm glad i was able to accomplish that stimulated with a good editor with the place to hear that i believe the main characters you created or how the light i know i think that the whole idea of so strong female personalities absolutely of a droid you know you take her back in decades and women but i think in the end in the in the black community matriarchal five is more than a myth that it's so it's a more likely shea it's reality and
it's that life you write about yeah because it's so much a part of my very own life because she say it is not difficult for me to draw a character like a woman named megan barnes a woman who's very song was the song of strength she was on my show and a love of the land something is very good person a very electric history center says the parma a person very close to the land i think i was able to do that and do it convincingly because there's something about the farming life it's osso ever so elemental but ever so rewarding because fama will work as hard physical as a person would say in my work around race it's filled with wonderful because it's a perfect record my mind is free your imagination can just store and you can write some of that kind of character we're it's nice very much on what i know about real life and only have to give shape and molded into fiction so that people would say that your senses get too
close to her and i congratulate you on the idea of creating layers of them that brings a diversity of the middle tennessee state university for this i wish i could take credit but we what we tried to do you know you start off with the notion of maybe i came up with the notion of robert van morrison a place to come to i love that i love that line and there's a we're all betting about having an allied nation john and i wanted them were talking and you know after what we need and middle tennessee is a place to come to so i am a lot of grape out around town we started beating the bushes for somali man that we get together and the funding for a larger ship at the middle tennessee state university which has a beautiful
beautiful people on a map and then they have a brand new communications building to which we don't have this thing and now so we you know now we have a place to come to and i got to admit it is made now live gracious to say it's a top the loss of poaching and hearing one would like that but now where liberty with this is money that we would beg of begged borrowed now we are we can do this am i get them together in a certain problem and then of course to the symposium to tell other people about writing the big success and this is the population of evoke fear and there are others in town of the show really happy about the last request
oh yeah but that you know i've always loved that the administration john boehner and i've often wondered are mystery operators lawyers operate and i've tried to you know everybody tried writing but i've often wondered if what was going to forge the day at hp itself or who did who is a moment where it wears the journal which is the chicken with the idea i mean the act right what is that and i mean i mean i mean the plot of what it's done is the basic that has more or less like the couple at the end of the song and the mystery is really as artificial oh there's a song that you
start with that country the problem including flint and in shape the homework and watch tv so that you actually did it my change for me it would give me another chance to beat my drum because we started out with a place to come through and then we wound up with a weapon when it's ago i think it's a good question because sometimes you can write a mystery than that and and that you said you know did it i mean you know what you don't know when you're writing you did an interview that are winding down through that seemed to me that in some are fitful way perhaps for wired everything starts falling in you see what for an occasional eu leaders often we restrain maybe i'm too much about what i know about as do have emotions about the people up you require their
when you're writing that i am not a mystery writer i know that it happens as i was writing it my characters that led me to discover this just like anybody else would in the actual genre write a mystery and i've learned a lot just from sitting here listening to you i would never thought what a man in the original england you now the captain was always there i wasn't quite sure that the captain was it i discovered who he was when isabelle the main character discovered i wasn't sure i wasn't sure like that makes the point tom is like a wedding for those things i really don't want to know too much about what people believe planned outlines because i like to think i'm reading on why i can't wait to get back to my word processor and she wanted
to really uncover shaking like him compensation but it's a sign that the thing with a writer it's a really good thing to say well i can get the violin and then the readers and then you know like you said you know well you go it may be using the men while my butt might have had a little trace of the mystery that's issa certify while its way he'd tell me why do the city put in at least three airlines and they're a lot of things were so embarrassed over that we don't want to tell a talk about anyway so those are the well gets in it wasn't just about some of the sort of things that we just might confide in little bits and pieces for very best friends on the front porch that puts conversation openly and that there are things we hold dear car horns america you really love this this is the strong woman you
created so we'll she's so like every far more men now when she felt when she when she had a suspicion that she had been wrong and lead your life money should belong by young man when she was a young woman i have no idea why it seems they've been wronged again the job that you're going up the cyclists to dallas and sing because as she would do that this equipment be there and within two million this is so far an adage that if you make one mistake it's all right we can be pardoned for that but you should have been used we should have in a sense not to make another one to say see that's a problem that's because we set ourselves up and we are strong antarctic even born you have to be strong to say so you say you can't get to meet spot show and that's why it was shaken cat that characterized that way but she couldn't tell we were all talking and just before we came on
the air with our with our audience and to talk about the interesting families three writers the printer also the families in this world but i'll have to say we couldn't have three riders three in some ways more bizarre than the other aspect of it is that despite the crisis in carmel that affect their lives there is this stream of love learned that showed up in each each one in and a guest on this human emotion where we have we have a tendency in archery especially in novels and we really a first person because i'm reading a lot of the books at the author's we're here today but there are some books about now and the nothing matters of bridges of madison county might be one of the many like that all the time and i don't mind saying so
who cares if you're going out i might take your promise of a lot and then go through the process for three hundred pages dollars what wonderful people how literate carrying them when they are and this troubled me a little bit and we shouldn't college so much of that let's have these imperfect family and i would have these imperfect lives in an alley glorious and improbable circumstances but the smoke free packs of cigarettes a day in sports making beer at noon did not have the stomach like and i was like wow
but it is true the protection well i think you're right pro at my character dev or not is the youngest child her father second married she's the only posters that lots of brothers she has at least eleven or twelve maybe i'm sure that that these brothers have done as our own brothers have done in human that marriage is one of them drinking problem and that we may not do it just as in any results except the odd thing is that that social change turned up in all three of your books
and then resting were made in your case whole issue of domestic violence and learns that was an end in your book the prosecution played for the whole issues broken family so can family and also that it is set right at the death of john f kennedy a kind of a complete turnaround whose entire country that's a consciousness i kind of tried to maintain even as the story became more interwoven a more personal two years ago the main character is a constant underlying theme that's always there and an aunt or even in your credit being in your case it was just that an indomitable spirit of a black woman's face to have all of the obstacles that confront women and wise maine and she just would not let anybody keeper never occurred to anybody that
scientists a second i have to say that was some strong conviction because you know i think we'd never ever survive as a farmer if we didn't have that to keep this going we don't go about it in a way that we wrap wrapped in racially talk we just go ahead and analyze how we handle it we sit on the front porch the top of their best friends and then when that way we do this but mainly it's a physical work the slayer that determination to hold onto something that she or as i believe officer set so the silence because you see it's yours if yours for a while to work to nourish to carry alone along issue is to condition how it might react under someone else's control because you see them and itself is so eternal you may own it for a while but you know what we've always you know someone else will take it over it's a wonderful feeling so good or is that sort of the tissue that strong
determination to just handle things a cigar but it's quite a challenge and not an easy thing while at the same time is about barry is a farmer i'm from his native american on her great grandfather and i'm from a long line of farmers couple hundred years and i understand completely what you're saying about the lantern it grow up on a farm in southern indiana and now it is that same constancy that you're talking about and even though that character prince you're talking about a man who is in love with this woman so desperately that and he begins to drink too much beer with his hogs still that is something that can change its is as there's a line about the earth was like a scan and some people need it as bad as we can and you know i think i i totally agree personally
i think i think many farmers been so much time praying for rain that's in every in a lot of trivia operation is going what's wrong or you're a fortune that's what i'm doing glad you said that because someone said in connection with my about how a shoe deal with change we had a woman a story that set was the beginning of a story one or two she has the case of rape and race relations at undergo treatment changes and she just had some opponents tried as she does want to kiss rocks how does she do it she's so busy trying to fight this sort of thing is just so glad they're moving moments and in all thrilled books i think that the that your book is one which
we use light hearted i mean it's so funny and so so serious but they're ours but there are moments when everybody's got a family and relates to to tell them a great walk in and then my factor in the corn grab his arms and i walked out after a long it had been so dry and we got fooled sitting around and walked out that night kitchen light and we can hear slow creaking ms alice corns ground you could actually hear after nine and doritos the moment that's moving and touching in which the white woman widow now half of a man who had been demanded them win any of the man of means and money and this white woman comes late in the
book that i'm always going to do this that was the life of his black out of life through creative and she's so surprised because when she was growing up as a young woman she saw in the book white woman she couldn't believe that the moment of the myth and see how some heel in the obama five children from one chapter from a long struggling but the woman said she was a free spirit you and says she had to say i guess the pitches of the food is always better that's right yes and was in your case you almost hit two women together overly affectionate man and because one of them had betrayed that man she really reaches out to the other one hundred sell it so they're able to exist in our household despite all pensions and stresses that mutually shared a sexual relationship would have created that was rather unusual but it is key it was kind of a
woman's unity maine not deliberately nor manipulative we all it really grew out of i think that women have that within saddam's ability to forgive and i think your idea of creating a symposium that features wainwright is this in a normal year that some of us imposed with with a great idea and an end and it's been validated just by listening to the oil well i mean that we you know we have sex together this being heard as we speak with a very great pleasure you know you really kind of pose we think before we go off the air i'd like to share the covers of the books so with your first girl it is is there a dory sunday's book her own place where we are a dory it like that cover
i'm nervous that song so you know and then i'd like to show you the next which is the true story of the true story of isabel of it and it's really nice and how do you like that for a family karen spoke southern discomfort that a faith incident behind the carolina i did because i got in the structure because the housing for habitat tom t hall margaret marian barry sanders and kathleen weil us have been our guest on the word on words ghost as ben johnson involve chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university's
twenty eighteen
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Southern Woman Voice, Part 2
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0396 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 29:09
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-c53dz04140.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:28
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2209; Southern Woman Voice, Part 2,” 1993-10-07, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2209; Southern Woman Voice, Part 2.” 1993-10-07. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2209; Southern Woman Voice, Part 2. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from