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remember being on dancing in the once again welcome to word on words i guess is william buddy carter welcome to word on words thank you and glad to see oh thank you this is your second book and this is a book about billy carter your father and the subtitle is a journey through the shadows and this is and this is a gut wrenching book to read was a gut wrenching book to write and not not as much as you do you might thank a lot of people have asked me that man that the reason i was and is because of any problems that might have had with my father i didn't have so i had some had a lot but i've dealt with those years ago and dealt with them a long time ago so it wasn't as hard as you might might think it was he was you know i'm sure that many people walking through bookstores going to see that cover see that face and that smile and they'll feel wistful about it or they'll say you know this is passe i mean
billy cardoza yesterday's president's brother now deceased president raul analyses why shall read about that and recently she read about it is we all that's true the recently she rebound i think is there goes the way you write about i mean there are there are writers son who are good and there are those who have what i call the gift is that rare town of telling a story and on and the reason you should read this book it because he has to get above the county hall first only about the smoke and first all without you and i know until i got into the book that tom delay gave the eulogy then they go through
so he was really the only logical choice an iowa town think about this but i think mr father so much alike it's scary and whether both are hazardous because they can bathe with there were great friends and he's one of the well i used to watch him together sometimes an end and people who didn't know them or guns wouldn't think that because a lot of times a very rarely spoke they could be in the same room together for two or three hours and they wouldn't speak enough unaware is because neither neither one felt they had the need to speak or the smell of good friends or so he was really the be the only choice for there was a very moving usually begins and where candidates and tribute as thomas the ability or you go with you know and writhing dancers is hugh laurie tell us
it follows heard that it was on the coffee was we're a county t shirt onto your t shirt and a page or check the sports jacket and jeans and vinton blue and roads and he said brother billy he's not wearing times ran out of respect not him it will really does actually does ozone calls a little discomfort book most people smiled annoyingly said tom i guess a really you really get the sense of that moment and that his words were his words were we just age when i'm in and carefully put together to remind us atlanta billy really was a man many people didn't know they say you know oh no not all still still don't i'm not as much as that i would like to i don't think anybody really
my mother she'd probably know i'm better than a body chill even tate to the thirty years he's still a mystery to her after the american for thirty three years hugh martin when she was sixteen he was eighteen he was just out of boot camp and marine corps family had a warehouse in plains georgia his own mother by many years was also the naval academy and then into the navy where he was going to make a career really looked upon the warehouse owner of sciences as his latest is his to inherit from his father as for his faso thought that love the same wavelength but that's what i guess really the boat that they're suffering from everybody at all tuned course you know having workable father yours a dear them he did think of the warehouse is the years because my uncle jimmy mchugh said it and try to the navy is when my kids were out of
it had no plans to come back to run the family business but my grandfather died and there but for that my father spent years walking filled my mind with my grandfather worked in the warehouse business with and that was his place and a it was sixteen when my grandfather course two young run the business of jimmy had come back and insect world my father he didn't well you know that that brings me to an early question as i read eerily pages a book he wrote i sensed on your part of this town are you know yet who that for most is like all that a lot you had real problems relating to and communicating with and i talk about the rides and in riding was a vital part of his life and you set the same areas at the wheel of the truck with a pickup truck with a can of beer between his eyes and cigarette in his hands elbow out
the window and then they're you ride with your elbows out the other one that well you know for hours he accepted the size car except as you where you are there and he knows where every road is in and what often he'd lose you five miles and played but i get the sense that the that even though you'd you didn't have that close relationship one that return of that land was to be our president he came home and really sowed superseded billy because his father had died and and jimmy was your brother that was expected of ice since resentment in on your part for the first couple of chapters now later on when you start talking about jimmy carter as when a principle of courage and win a conviction a man who stood up on the issues on the tough issues including the race
issue and you don't let your father and and and how your family always was raised to believe in equality opportunity for everybody and that's true of billy collins was jimmy as you really dead but i would you say that idea that early in the book i sense some resentment will present when your part for me was trimming i was there because i also look to the family business is mine also not been thinking of my cousins wanted to come back in and run in that up until i was eighteen years old and image and his children his children but up until i was a plane that that was my life pretty much later and i was looking for it i mean that was what i wanted and i was a water race and our reporter with and you know to us all some things happen and i am not because of any bodies fall out because we think of jimmy may have done or whatever just things canada very much
control that their gut that it did blaming jimmy the fall maybe he could've done things differently he could've turned everything but no i was very young at the time to go or a lot and i'm sure that you and perhaps your mosul some of billy's resentment of what he thought was his having been taken away from some of his resentment may have rubbed off on you and i'm not not to such a great degree because monthly he didn't talk a lot about those things he did and water was gone son of the father's the it pretty much kept kept their mouth that but there are some thing to say but that the week we would pick up on it we would pick apart so the story goes as the story goes he and
get some marines earl carter his father dies he leaves and comes back and there ensues some very five years and billions it will then there then for kids violence and researched it but i mean it was almost than a mouth forty four and then after bouncing around bloomberg jamie decides politics is the magnet that going in an e s miller to come home and and begin to work at the warehouse in the midst of an then they've been on that yes i've been a father if i realized before so he wasn't going to come back to the business listings and when you say that very specifically is jimmy hadn't asked them if they don't really odd that it ended in markel had not calm a father and asked him to come back he would have stayed in macon where her was that when he came back
after jimmy went into politics that was the beginning of probably some the happiest out of a life because he was managing a warehouse and he was wary which meant that they engineer who was taking care of management it was a near the front office you think you're the fan off an end and billy was handling the consulate customers that's right and it was in the field we'll work that that's what he would get out while he would get paid for clocking more and sometimes an added to the road and the farmers were up at allied our farmers felt going in tech with them and you know all the farmers and their intimate father he was the gap who needed pr if any say then jimmy acknowledged that he never expected billy gonna come home workshop or reworked in the middle of night in unexpected on it but then that was about the poem now is it is it is it the fact of life is this is the story of a fist fight on the lew want our a fact of life for is that parliament so you want that that affect their pile
i didnt do a whole lot of research and talked to too many people most of what i write about i was there is judy and what you saw and down but a couple things that didn't wanna get straights law called jimmy up and ask him about this because i've heard rumors about it and and he said oh yeah i said we we followed several occasions so there there were there were times when i'm they became physical with each other the news was very tough very hard nose and very race aggressive but the second fight as well played by the depth of our debt we got in a fight trying when he left the mornings and they convinced him that morning was a woman than normal fan of very quickly afterwards that that was not gay and i don't recall him ever win in the fall those years in the governorship
and those were good years still you're having a little problem well and the only ones that can you talk about the old house the place that you live in your childhood and is crowded with graphic detail can you talk about those saturdays and sundays and they were really his thirties and then he was very problem couch probably a book or televisions on but he's really read the book when he goes off to sleep and soliciting shutting the children and on and it's all about the big picture window and that's another story and never heard about the shattering of the picture window what caused that he got any idea about well i think they're followed it we never had any idea about you know of course he was an alcohol occasionally even human than barely the diseases that you know it was taking all but who knows nobody knows why did i know you smash smash the fall of the wall and go through the one leg as well as they live
today in today's and he actually forbid anybody tichenor there are some i could always something like that always everyone must they were stories about my father how are predictably was as there's a tradition between with him an armed iran anyway my mother's father because they say they would get together on during the day there'd be damned to celebrate christmas in and they have a job when christmas eve of winning other barbie dream house from our sister jiang and they'd head or willing to the date of the dam now would make the story short course it in many directions but in the very in the barbie dream house on the barn because you write that story as far as i know still it's a delay that what is up up up up but he was always doing something and something you know and some some of it was funny so wasn't so funny but it was always an adventure
after jetting was elected president to the present studios time when billy carter you became a day or i mean he was doing and he was very young everybody else was a straight man and everything he said delighted me and there was that period of sort of euphoria in which he enjoyed being a beer drinking chain smoking a redneck joy division join the billy beer phenomenon windfall city came down and but that their number of aspects to being new both president plays george ibarra for you to be the nephew replace join one things that happened which is fascinating to me as a former journalist yes there's a mix of soldiering was your description of four types of
journalists that flooded plains soon examine and re examine and re re examine the carters and and what they were about what would rival about talk about those four types goes and never heard joe's bona fide and i think the first one the ones we had the most fun with it with one that i called the rodents the rodents they were made basically a journalism endured back then in the mid seventies out there there's a very clear distinction between cowboys families in what we called the legitimate respect him and they've you know of course they were always looking for something and you end up but the first thing they always ran into the camp where the tents people in maine others don't believe or desperation and eighty eight when he had bought at the gas stations and seventy
to live and there was basically a beer joint just happened so again write that these journalists would command expecting to get all kind of dirt on monday at our engineer or somebody with a one thing they they undoubtedly a journalist couldn't really understand is the wall street that human their head from with his friend and ann jimmy also in that much with the rodents we always had to tell them in pretty much ignore him go for a little bit and and michael medved then rose said the newcomers a command and and you mentioned earlier you still most unreasonable gratin so it was you know a little <unk> journalism is still too seriously and taken themselves mary by too seriously and and we know it's loaded down with no mom so in the mile course plans in the middle of nowhere and that they'd asked directions somewhere in and we'd send than eighty miles away and then come back and orca recall covers new and the ones i
really respected the ones who who everybody really go along with four were what i call the pros who were there can and exotic kind of cannoli on and done they knew what they were about the new what they're about knew what the whole weinstein was about and they could and they knew when to be a journalist and when not to be a journalist and some of the some of these guys are and some of the women are still great friends or family to mean these are the ones who they understood what was gone with my father i mean then there's another the call the most insidious bator the culmination of the rodents and the prose of these guys who would come and you acted like they do you know the really professional and and and they were born there are warm their way into your life can be your friend and your buddies and the next thing you know you're here read an article horrible scathing article about her family with about one and fifty dollars for and
then there are they really didn't last too long it all about the period after the euphoria when things really got bad omen because jimmy is finance is going to be put in a blind trust and that meant that billy really no longer good run the warehouse or on the business the way he had been running it with a renewed for about a year after that are being counseled took over and he got out of the arrow that led to that period of escapades that you call libya moammar gadhafi and luke plus and so for investigation by our as you say look i don't dwell on that i don't deal with any depth but it was a terrible time in addition every else it seemed that he was just trying to provoke them and you tell about them they brought was of the ku klux klan in laos enough serious civil was announced theories you or
i would just his way telling the whole world the tale exactly exactly that after run on the left a warehouse and he left by choice or was it could not deal with the blind trust the people who own wine country don't think he just moved didn't give a damn you and i'm as you said he was just getting married by the voters where you are what this program's about is you know is how writers write bum i think the best enjoyed for our viewers to listen to it right if you mentally raise a little bit our region look on page thirty just a couple paragraphs later on in we've got time to many and a couple of excerpts in here if you would start there and just didn't bother to play on the slow pace is about riding on the truck and an hour which is some the nearby doesn't a part of the self you
you ride a while because there's really not a whole lot the day but in the writing was an addiction and there's nothing in the world like the smell of an early summer morning in south georgia the aromas of pan new science and red earth has turned still damp from to do something to the senses for a little while in school and you rattle your window down in your elbow well an altogether proper poems the same pose struck in the late afternoon the smells are different still good the same red earth ali baker bit mingles with a tank of triple twenty in the stamp of greek warrior from from jack jack irrigator and ride a slower an axle a singer that they were planned to more often than not in the bed space was a pabst blue ribbon clenched between his last and several more in a brown paper bag beside him i don't know why but i never connected these dams with his drinking problem it was drinking and ran for the ritual and something in those days at least a ball was entirely innocent little a little more deeply in the book and paid seventy three and indeed to really
make the most of the place riot i think it just would close it is also the way it's written i watched him with a fascination us to wonder about today i couldn't help it without knowing he was doing and i think he demanded attention and m and it amazes me still that he received that attention in a certain loyalty from so many people still does ten years after his death he wasn't physically imposing at all he was short and stocky and more clunky black horn rimmed glasses he started when he was excited and had a nervous laugh at certain said no water to one of two things to those who knew him will it he was genuinely amused or he was on the brink of a serious show of temper for those of us who were close to helm as close as one could get to my father the one indication it was one indication was done illegally festers when you look at your the top of his glasses and a life somehow seem to have been stopped from that people start to damn near
invisible point you can almost feel a wave of cold coming off his face those it had that were played upon them have never forgotten it it was a scary scary filmed but in spite of his movie vincent was legendary still admired how they could all were promising no one was safe from the sarcasm in his wit some actively sought it and my god i was amazed at the number of people he knew and counted as is free and he seemed to know everybody could ask about their families by nine people i never knew existed come up to me on what troops home until the helmets in a snowman to give me stories about how i help them or someone they knew out of trouble with the problem though mails frame of money and favors in a fan was a friend for life so we fall a plane is on its way to changing and that was at the time jay plays was on its way to changing goes without elected president then finally on page eighty one there are of salem that really seemed to jump off the page and then i catch
myself along in a bit from those days in a sad maybe wasn't so they had been exactly what was goofiness and all the best part of those times lower now wanna tell stories to my son's about where they come from a sing along and in their eyes for things they never knew what time zone when the words and wandering the dirt road to become the great adventures i never realize they were a bottle graveyard the very boxes of treasured by christ grannies else lying to halloween night and mason jars full lightning bugs become magic things i wonder why every gave up with iran they seemed to feel when snow and taste the same things i did have some as if somehow they experience these things and sell them our allies their southern voice and have their blood runs with bitter deep red toward equality you know i'm tempted and the cavaliers as the left of the law go into to him as he read from that final chapter which show which made me cry and which and in a related night
my wife was asleep i will grow up and made her cry and earned a loyal audience crying but i challenge you read that book and get through that last chapter and not cry and so i ask european question i asked at the outset even ten years after it must been crying inside when you wrote about going to the graveyard and flat little less in the book oh yeah yeah it i act to say that the songs some some portable quarter are some some parts that require that when our drive them that was one of them and that there are there are one or two pages in there the park there's a porn there we'll talk about a bomb you know wishing he would that hit undone in a wish and now that i could take their wish away now those are pork right that but the last chapter that was that was reading or watching actually join what's the next book on the
next book i'm just bored of fiction in and it's at about a small southern town don't win an explosion of growth that was so urban sprawl russell <unk> now i'm working on is jimmy carter this but i don't think he's really yet clear if he had you heard from mark wasn't know always has like a father a lot of them to keep things to himself we're very well
A Word on Words
Episode Number
William "Buddy" Carter
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Billy Carter: A Journey Through The Shadows
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0321 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-bc3st7ft3v.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2814; William "Buddy" Carter,” 1999-10-20, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 11, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2814; William "Buddy" Carter.” 1999-10-20. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 11, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2814; William "Buddy" Carter. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from