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no word on where it's just a world of books and their other this week really true blood talks about managing your host for a word on words mr jon seaton york publisher tennessee good evening ladies and gentlemen once again welcome he's singing we're going to be talking about managing managing comedies but most of all managing people and off they're actually he is a co author several times over to a jubilant welcome onto or instability the book is managing from a hard lesson the title is almost an oxymoron that as a contradiction in terms in the minds of many people cause as you know and i'm sure you're an annual causes newman when you put that tyler there is a very little art an image of corporate america we
see these giant corporations that now work for one of these search national conglomerates the bottom line is what everybody thinks the top word is and so it is an anomaly to be talking about managing a harder time managing from the heart at a time when most people don't think corporate as a whole i think that's right and yet i think because of that that it's a mandatory that management find it's hard to survive you talk in the book about compassion i guess we should say though that at this is a book that's produced by for you in your four colleagues at the amount and sorting through in your business is really concerning yourself with
problems companies are supposed to represent an individual to say it's a need help but this is directed toward the executive offices and what you're done it seems tomatoes taken from real life case studies history so i love love problems you've helped all encapsulated them sometimes change the names and places to protect the innocent and the guilty and what we come up with is a really is an almost fiction like story end on and i was interested that that the theme that seems to me iran throughout the book is one of compassion is it tough to convince managers that they have to be compassionate i think it's a it is tough sometimes but i think it's tough because
i don't think they know how to be compassionate see i think most marriages our compassion i think they really do care about the people but i don't think they know how to demonstrate that inappropriate ways so they basically avoided or try to avoid keep the focus on the bottom line on productivity and by the way we really believe that compassion and accountability go hand in hand knot one without the other and the book manson from the heart is about producing results but producing them in a way that people feel cared for and respect why is important to me why is it really important if you're sitting up there in executive suite and if the bottom line is there and if you only have to answer to a board of directors and sokolow wasn't really matter meant big
company how people feel about you as long as i make a living wage i think sometimes the people in the boardroom think that it doesn't matter because they're a long way remove from the shop floor and i think they get besieged by bottom line results i think you can get bottom line results without caring for people critical in the short run but i think in the long run it will come back to haunt you a lot of the companies that have had their bottom line results i don't exist anymore they come and go very quickly and i think one of the reasons for that is that the high productivity high quality which is a tremendous emphasis to day demands the involvement of the workforce and people will not become involved unless they trust their managers and leaders they will not share their ideas their creativity and so you lose a lot of years human resource if you don't communicate to people i really care about you i want to hear from you i want you to
participate with me in making this company right well ours did visual snow and point out it's not humanly possible a manager for a mountain dew demands accountability and has a heart to individually and personally deal with every employee any organization to undress how that there is a part of that it seems to me is as i understand it is it is creating an image that israel that's based on good communication up and down
the state address that from another there would say intimate people within a man has to be a barrier says you walk out there you reach out to one person looks like favorite is the fear and therefore it would have to say all he has reached out to this person and didn't reach out to me and sometimes i guess managers there are introverted because they're intimated by his inability to deal with many people and fear oh i think that's true and i think again it goes back to the the concept that they don't know they don't feel comfortable in their ability in how to do that and to do that consistently because i think it does that manages duty to be consistent with everybody that they do it but i think it goes back even farther than that i think organizations have to be very clear about what are their values do they really value people do they value participation do they valued input from people and if they do then the man the issues job is
to model that in his or her behavior in every interaction with every employee to model the kind of behavior they hear she wants their subordinates tomorrow all the way down the line so the modeling factors tremendously important they have to model managing from the heart see if you don't care about the people you can't expect them to care about the company you know it's that simple and i don't think you can have a total quality culture unless you learn how to manage from the heart i think it's impossible let's talk about your office closures year an interesting group jay rosenblum tyler gracie allen rice yes and aubrey center about the four of you are in this this group that really reaches out to businesses then you see to create an environment where where my how good a corporation thinks
is it can fly caring for people improve bottom on productivity the image of a company the attitudes inside the workplace if you come through the work i guess from different experiences so how did you come to decide you have put us together that's a really good question the four of us than working together for seventeen years trying to train managers and the skill of caring for their people to jamaica behavior to managers me to be competent they need to know how to do their jobs they need to be confident in their ability to do their job and they need to be carrying those are the three c's of effective measures far as we're concerned and we've been doing it in training managers income is over the country for seventeen years and we thought about writing a book many many times that it's very difficult to capture what we do in a book and so we got discouraged over and over again until we came upon the idea
of writing a fictional account of what we call company and a fall manager somebody that didn't know how to manage from the heart and his story alive you know but go ahead that's bill dallas north america every horror story you heard about solar crops up in one way or another and this and this workplace my hope is that people will recognize you know a lot of people maybe even themselves maybe a mirror held up to themselves but anyway it's the story of a hard nose hard driving bottom line results manager having to learn the principles of writing from the heart and the reason he had to learn those is because he had a near death experience just a week and so we have some ticks discretionary time to learn the principles it's
gonna like a christmas carol scrooge and so it's his struggle and i really was a struggle for him to learn those five principles and so once we got on to their plan the five principles are woven through everything that we do as a company we thought this would be fine let's do this and it will also communicate what were about and what our values are as an organization now as a scientist with a problem you have a book like this is a twenty thousand outages an american to read so you fall i know they'll have that mirror right and from and you know as one his head says some experience imaginable not my there are mistakes we always for an icy icy select part of it is speaking when you should be listening part of it is not listening and not being willing at all to listen at all made you go into a company and there's question marks suggestion
box putting in the suggestion the suggestion of the month it's something summarize but you know it's not really very meaningful in most companies and causal harry did not on tonight i'm gonna make it work go either on when you created this individual that each of you contribute to attack each of the four of you included an attack only is going to be there they owe over a scrooge it we all had some input basically though the jacket i wrote the first draft i said that we'd made a composite together and then our partners agreed with the caricature that that we put together so it was served as a joint agreement on that and it comes out of our experience seventeen years of experience of working with miniatures of various kind of a composite maybe overdrawn a little bit that as you know from looking at
maybe not overdrawn that much audi and ask about the fourteen years it seems to me a couple of hugh hewitt young phd oh a jacket and edgy as an editor in education does eight and early other jeremy ace on the lam ph these images in it so you'd end and down to what about your business experience i mean is this a textbook you put together our is a real hard experience in consulting and you also are playing themselves who made a perilous they say we have made a payroll is not that we are making a payroll all of the all of the problems that any organization any company has we can and so we have to practice what we preach and we're not perfect at it but i think we're pretty good and all of us are in this business because we've had this struggle to one of my
partners to hire is a matter of fact it makes a comment that he got in this business cause he was so screwed up as a manager and sell it couldn't do it and he needed to learn these skills is a comment i want every argument ever had with my ex wife which is the kind of also of various backgrounds and personally i'd given my background one of the principles of management from the heart has acknowledged the greatness within me this if there was a few people an ally that took me aside and help me understand my potential i was going down the wrong path so those principles have when applied to may have helped me and they are very very important to him well that's that's one of the chapters in harry's evolution acknowledging the greatness and letting people know that you acknowledge that you have that you're not on it i gather that that problems like this on the lions
of many corporate executives today because we have same in banking in the newspaper industry which is mined in much as my own in the fracturing we have same day because of the significant roles of national companies conglomerates an the larger the organization and the more difficult from management but comes and particularly more difficult with intimate does managing for my heart because set fair i think it's fair for but it's still the point is it still starts from the top and it's modeled from top down that's where these to start and it doesn't matter how large corporation is if they hold these values and they modeled the values themselves and they hold their own managers accountable for delivering not only the results but also the man is that people in a caring way i think it can flow through a
large organization as well as a small organization because if you're at the bottom of the ladder it is coming to feel that this company is more than a monolith of this company does have a flesh and blood and feelings and i guess it's a it's it's particularly difficult to reach from the executive suite to low man on the floor of the shop a low woman on the phone to shop and and you know the countries hard does ramen terry learned the hard way out on how do
i am one of the one of the problems that managers have today is that for the first hour is growing diversity in our lives that are women as well this man there aren't black people and asian people who are non hispanics who are so they in a mainly in the workforce and sometimes that complicates things for mountains there's a consulting group like yours address problems like we do not address the problems of diversity as such but the thing there that i know this is true is that under the surface and underneath the skin we're all human beings will be cared for will wanna be respected and treated with respect and we'll like to make a contribution we wanna be listened to
and so i think that's a common denominator running through all of our organizations regardless or of race religion sex color which human but managers who are insensitive do have your instincts to maine because of that diversity what's the danger is government regulators are from lawsuits if they're insisted to the lead diverse workforce it seems to me that presents us with problems that we've had a decade or two and going oh it complicates them out i'd get us both makes managing tamara all more difficult and maybe even inhibits the manager from i'm attempting to show compassion i think it may make it more difficult but it also makes it
even more imperative that they learn how to manage from the heart just because of those sensitivities that you're talking about a sea menacing from the heart even though it may seem difficult and it was difficult for harry people can learn to do that harry learned and other managers can learn and i think they can be trained and know how to be sensitive how to listen how to care how to express that an appropriate ways in the workplace and how to get good results from doing that but i don't think just reading my book will do it anymore than reading any book will do that i think there's an application that measly medicines training end and the coming taking seriously its responsibility to care for people as well as the bottom line results and the thing that that i think isn't happening and oftentimes gas companies do you value people and you get all the right words within us why how much of your budget argue expanding to train your managers and how to be caring as well as a whole people
accountable and then you get a lot of clearing of throat some time outside the uk so that's it that's something we look forward to do organizations put their money where their mouth is when they talk about caring for people it does take training to it doesn't happen automatically what's your sense of that oh where corporate america is so much weakened in the main the technology they believe the uk may even now conference coast to coast even internationally i can have a fax letter on my desk two minutes after it's out of somebody is terminal in a new york another computer printer it seemed to me that that the presence of technology
could further isolate the manager from real world workforce it will let why think us and ride that this is a bigger temptation passports so maybe it's an easier a crutch to use technology as an excuse not to interact with people but unless your operation is totally automated at some point a manager or a leader has to come face to face with a worker and that's what i'm talking about how those interactions take place those interactions when giving instruction or disappointing are confronting a coaching of those interactions characterized by compassion and caring as well as a concern for the bottom line so even in the midst of all this technology sooner or later somebody has to sit down like i am with you look somebody else in the eye and talk to them and it's how they talk and deal with that person that he their communiques i really care about you
as well as this organization or i doubt and it comes through in those interactions if of if corporate culture developed to carry it is inevitable that that there is a happy ending to the novel that there's a happy ending in real life has arisen fiction not only will accompany me about a company with the manager will be about human being as liz what so that i can say yes to the latter part as i really think they're learning how to manage from the heart does make a person a better human being and the skills can be applied at home as well as on the job as harry no i think there's a lot of other things that are involved in this week we get into recession somebody invents a better wage or competition gets tougher and and you know
even if we have a happy family that doesn't mean that we are immune from all the pressures of competition in business and it doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to be successful so we have to keep our eye on on both of these balls one of them as being as confident as we can and being productive and be accountable but also doing that in a caring compassion why we have to be both and like everything else in life there are no guarantees what if what if becoming doesn't have a hair and harry and i had it with him to change to listen and to learn but a huge number of low there are some managers who now you tell on contaminants i love less a mama don't tell me until a new underwear and so the charter's people hurt
people either because there may be you know months now and then are now immune to the signs of a callousness that i'm into what you do if youre advising a company and they just got the wrong guy and wrong place where there's a lot of alternatives you can do that first of all an organization as i said before has to take very seriously these bags and they have to put some pressure on in terms of accountability not just for results but walk on evaluations are you people giving us a caring rancher sometimes we have to move people around sometimes so you have to wait for retirement you write a lot of people are not going to want to put forth the effort or do not have the confidence that they can change or learn to be different and so you have to manage them also in a caring way but the hawk but but not to hold the standard so that they know ok you're not doing this you know that i know that but that's
where the company is going the struggle over the few minutes that are left about a consulting group who can obviously there is a lot more need for of the sort of managing in corporate america which i guess is what created the need for for companies like like yours talking over about how you'll operate or clients come from it would seem to me that the great almost a crying need on the part of some corporations for this song have internal a human relations professionals to advise them but it has the dynamics of your company work
well we have marketing efforts like every organization to try to get the word out to what the mission of our organization is and so there's some self selection organizations come in contact with this they hear a speech that we may watch a program like this read someone that assurance say that's what i want in my company and so they will call us and talk to us about their sometimes it's sort of now is kind of a sophisticated word of mouth business which i think most businesses when you get right down to somebody tell somebody else this is good this help make the semi company helped us get what we wanted to do it so all of those so all of those ways help us develop and build a business i was still a small company i was managing a good story is also a terrific technique and so forth is there a sequel is there another harry out there that maybe we've talked about that we talk about taking harry into another book
and okay you've learned these principles now apply them in an operation you know let's watch how that would play itself out there maybe that at this time there's nothing on the drawing board i have to say having forty come together and you tell me a little bit about before you started to have you write that first rap but it has it has a smoothness that it is remarkable and i know that as managers go to professional help you all of professional help for it that could win the story we satisfied with the result yes we're satisfied with his co author of managing from marni as ben our guest edward jones this program was produced videos with
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Roy Trueblood
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Managing From The Heart
Talk Show
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0615 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:45
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-9w08w3925k.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:21
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0911; Roy Trueblood,” 1991-09-17, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0911; Roy Trueblood.” 1991-09-17. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0911; Roy Trueblood. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from