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remember on guns in the law once again welcome to a word on words my guest is michael phrase he's the author of fatal gift you remember they don't give their highly acclaimed mystery novel now he's back on another front of alaska by local michael a world war ii vet any good to have you back and to rescue him why in the world you want to punish anyone the way you have to punish your hero joshua mitchell my drive you have wooden truth all of the steps of hell and and it i mean you know you must they didn't dream so badly you know it's not that i hate him but he said in his heart this is the woman from a media and i said okay for a ha ha ha ha ha ah well unless an arab muslim
aren't audience a moment on the secret i mean she gets on an airplane the dozing and she said move over as she said it was veering pleasant dreams or something like that you know and he's up they joined from across six hour flight across the country chess is a sense of the bay area then he falls madly helplessly painfully in love with the sperm within him he had been living with bad choices for a while is your head some of the earthen monetization and samantha was just add though he was nicer there was some evidence or i come for us because well the problem with that is a lot so a lot of us do is use good that he's scared but the insurgency he hadn't been making very good choices the least of which was denying his heritage i think that set him up initially forman tired and i'll type thing their tours he was clear minded but all i'm always in the back of his
mind there was this perfect woman it's nine am i think he was hoping that one day he would later but i don't think he really believed it would and the long haul to dump in his lap palms literally on an airplane that has leaped that's the end of our city was significant issue awaken from a drain here i liked playing on that and he sees this person and it's not an issue and it's just conversation with a deeper and get some longer last year long conversation some over six hours that they're willing to talk to them and that they spoke softly and he realizes that the camera made in just a moment we're going to escape into the sea of people in same sister nationalists la you write it exceptionally well it's almost a legalization and i turned to us and gotten a similar plane had booked rehearsal work to do
i did not want to be interrupted by the person next to me was interesting looking man or woman attractive articulate and the first thing you know they bring a drink man you're talking and working on the book above board and you're locked in the conversation as long as long as it lives than the way you help them break the ice with like the cave know bailey's is pretty good i'm upset i'll have to try that on the next elmo <unk> airplanes what we're always she was far more blue and half stewed ha ha ha ha well and then you know yeah i'm six hours in at eighty six thousand loans and they're immediately love arabs hours and doing one sided relationship again or how long will most beautiful woman and early and actually there was a
eighteen hours later she'd get on the beach and he's walking along an and they've had he come to his roulette and underwater night won a romance when a bloody mess at the end i mean there she is the ebola oh listen you robin said a welder hester endure even in death or otherwise it's not its convenience rich comfort he said i love you to himself up to her and he had to put around literally had to put his money in him and i'm so fortunate ones ok let's look let's look at the sky and it is a fellow who weren't we as he's a ashamed of his role of bringing he's in some ways a shame of his family with parents where they came from the he goes off to cambridge to massachusetts into technology
where he is a quiz of the students graduate son doubled agrees bridget caldwell a bump and never looked back and in the it's the world of new technology and runs into mr hightower and and ghost workers great sales aircraft sales rep marvelous success wonderful wonderful begich has a better relationship with with mottos not really true but soldier or she can as soon as she can be that's right that's that's very that's very fair so now now you followed the low and eight you know avoided he's in the midst of them are a mystery that had seemed to be a suicide he knew she didn't kill it so yeah you knew that she was capable of doing that a little arrows not
really reflecting what she was pretty convenient to that you can have you know run for cheney said the one thing i learned about murder as it has never made the teeming the car first interviewed he says never made when it's made there's complicity and i think it all along for short have done over the years and not as a couple dozen unsold tickets open a place like that and that's one thing i've learned that it's or sloppy and i mean that in terms of food scientists mean it's it's always confused and nodded in and languished in it's not made a note is a neatly folded way to the simple science cooked over to just an out and pitching in even though lynn and finds out a poem or a flame is not going well here the plot was really diane timeline and diane lane is a person who was an art historian and travel abroad a great deal and you know you read the obituary
and fires not just to it was that he thought was ok for a while his lover like you he knows he absolutely no doubt about the before he doesn't mean you get in deep trouble i i don't he gets himself in trouble again michael that nobody in his right mind would get themselves into trouble and it was your machiavellian mind they created all this all this trouble for mom in the armenian effort to assassinate him on the fbi surveillance i have to ask you because you would know a lot is the new technology is the spot technology that tracking as sophisticated as you make it it's
better than that is that if i told you how good it was they would almost beside fi but it's better than their cameras the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen transmitters the smallest chicken yeah they can verify and more he hangs around for the field because private ceremonies excluded from that barred from an actual bar for bundy he had surveillance well known and as he left home as it literally to go with the logo as he left the cemetery and you know tell us who it is already and try to guess what the soul of any game about three four five different leads but although or confusion
wondering moment where is the sort of taking taking me in was this fellow at his hero having to suffer so well i think that if i can't have the audience at least wonder who and why and then it's not credible that josh can't figure it out mean if you go josh on others chasing in on a wider after you are you so scared that doesn't work i like to think that the audience at least goes out why there's something going on here we don't understand because this is driven by more than a murder if the autism care about murder you know i'm like yeah this is right action in any gerard they care about the process of her local forty solver but the fbi saul's our concerns and social aspects of the technology of the murder weapons bombs profiling of people that they won't understand the methodology for
more than than the crime itself i did think that was a wrestler as for the fbi agent who was in charge of this operation i thought he'd treated him rather cruelly when when josh said i'm being followed by you've got the underserved know we have somebody got me on the servants my life's in jeopardy but he saw a brush that aside i couldn't tell whether well as though really didn't think that he was in danger our latest in other resources other timely interest through focus or protecting and you understand of course having read what hester was that which we really can tell it's like any other animal a giveaway because it's such a good book how when you want to work and every day the uni to get less <unk> hatch hatch lawyers agenda had nothing to do with whether josh was a lot of it had to do our judgment that
exactly right you know you know that he was the guy that news that point starts out thinking just killed a third of the way through begins to rethink that it will at this point were just says some of a solemn a pet store had pretty well said okay the guy probably killed the woman but it looks like a modern just compassion it wasn't what we thought so therefore we don't care what happens to it and he would've said i don't care about my job and they're so when josh wanted here i think he wanted to hear yes i'm following you because at least then there's some safety in that so you maintain josh is haunted by the memory of hell are low wage violent and what might have been yeah and what might've been you didn't take a solo odyssey back to jackson mississippi where the matches internet
is the internet as was a city where bug where do you find out oh my oh the way we thought of the family i had been a student of that scene in the drugstore mean how many people in the family's small town it's have met the proprietors of the drugstore knows everybody in town knows everybody's business woman was ever asked to write to whoever came in for ago the dying but you're muslim about their wish you never knew diana course shia panel from high school because panel was an unforgettable person because he goes looking the one that finds the other screen and if isaac hello it's killed eight years ago it also finds that if you heard a friend
maria who was black well ken as here and but yeah because she was a lot of she was rejected in the community and by everybody else and she said the course pamela was a legitimate and she read common she said we were close because we were best are generally right and they will build enough about it yet but that they had only themselves and i think that that friendship which was forged on shoulders from battle to forge friendships that can ever be forged in this time and this was a battle for the panel because she was attractive because she was terribly intelligent singing like an old arsonist or as it is in the va used to go in without much difficulty she was very popular and to homecoming queen twice bought and she saw them brought her rio
grande into a circle it made it possible for her to mostly survive in that southern researchers are doing in my tip wasn't for her a question it might be possible for her and that was a that was a friendship that was forged now kamal moment there came a moment when i thought i had you sitting there in the lever and he's looking at one end of a clipping from the quirky and the other what maybe your book and also an awful lot that you just tell a debate right out and then took it away and i'll miss the chance to buy if i had been smart aka the family owns a book you've got me involved in
his problems and you had people tried to kill him and try to run him off the road on issues they get shot back up to farmers for good reason only i mean they so pickup truck owners like steve lawson you'll always the fight over the house until the owner of the politiken that's exactly right right and an interviewer way they would've gotten a truck was to have killed in that's what got me it was just follow and rescue him from a plate worth of course i know a lot of people i think that boeing would need a tremendous reason to some opportunity in these two idiots obviously needed killing and there are more than enough people want to do that in some places they were you know there's a special forces and had been hit men and one other got a call from this mysterious operative who had been tracking him or still working for yet another party that us all about his employer for a while
oh gosh joshua to worry about your own is a very tough guy in the literary arts and josh knows the vollmer suspect on through here we'll be very tough means a long talk about that's sort of exactly what he was more they seemed to be by video true both more and less incendiary josh if you recall his expertise in college was programmed in and out of the knowledge of technology that was really tremendous reason hightower became interested in josh uncanny as buddy was used to starving programmers have come up with a piece of the knowledge you get that high tara wanted he had just assumed the presidency of a company misses opportunities shows borden or stockholders would tuck or the guy
you chose this he brought his piece of technology and that immediately realized that kenny could handle the rest of the technology developed by itself but it a goldmine and josh good looking good talented person died today is a sale not then but hightower know we weren't just good side of the man the side that said you can be even more than you are and offered him the opportunity to make a lot of money which he did but then she and him almost like an indentured servant ok you cannot have this banter three days he makes seven hundred fifty thousand dollars a day for the company you can have interpol hours which was in a generous gift innocents than rubber doesn't have an audience but so at wages and he was an injunction had a day off since he had started a company wasn't an independent obligation to call to come to millions it enjoyed lion the city enjoyed when he was absolutely love that it was the world he thought he wanted to
serve the world he created it had gone beyond his wildest imagination a goat sense is gone the ones at the carmel others savor goes he loved <unk> see any can afford to go later we love that sharif was first class back to mississippi because he can afford to fly first put it on a win win win you make an icon of money the actual hundred are here a hundred hours there isn't interested reasons nothing but also the fact that he threw money around like it was unimportant simultaneously denying the fact that the best relationships and his wife were also not important his parents' friends original france his whole value system so skewed from the world had created from being thrust into new england and armored for middle tennessee town i'm thinking if i don't do this they want except that instead of just saying here's yours who has come up to the school like in relieving but there's a lot that's all you're gonna get if he had known that lesson of this would've happened you know in the first voters on
their way that's six hour balogh and more it seems to me a very close to touch and a real soul of this guy who had forgotten we were on your show as the story unfolds that if they had stayed together it would've been different early or bahrain or something like philosopher one time i can record as i like to say it's a huge positive but it said we don't love people for the reasons we think we love them for who we are when we're with them and who we know we are what we are with them josh knew that he could be just josh with this one and it would be good enough and so furry that was so soul liberating that i think that was probably one of the greatest
traction on it and we had some twenty insurgents over me to write one show at me for me i can drop all this the guys can go after just the judge problem was he had redefined josh so many times that it took this trouble fire to fire josh again and he i don't think he knew who he was i think he had to feel that he had lost a lot and this journey was as much about finding pamela moral was as was about finding josh mitchell wants less weird and that's i think that's the best i'm telling a piece of this story really is this sort of odyssey of self discovery almost self destruction i mean it's definitely we're tracking where where you go swimming weather he's talking to kenny are willing is talking to his new friend was going or whether he's talking to the widow
of that chorus woman to exclude him from the funeral in in the first place to work or that's why i know are i have seen are well let's talk now is a wonderful story and it has a great it hasn't absolutely wonderful club goes to a great climax and then then you reveal all and we won't say what you're really about let me talk to forty minutes about about this whole business of right you make this story the more fascinating i think with quote known well known and not so well known quote i love when and when our lives are less the trees and goes there's things i mean i can and then you mentioned that your vote as a quarter rotation from from him in an appropriate points with
being of chapters you drop and philosophers and historians and poet why i'm not sure a fully know why i'll read things during the year and a lot of times they actually trigger lawyer story goes the first cookie gaming which was frost effects thereof hope was the gist of the story you know won a literalist treason to go the good thing here the bout in a season or a love love and about getting the love and that guided the story so that it deserved a place in other things like the cruise lines are often told silence give me any any person has ever done something despicable and has owned up to it knows that that's true and i think they had a place to me that it unhealthy ripple
throughout the reader well no interviews that fatal gift god and they do to rave reviews in less plausible process of it all that has led to a formal contract congratulations thank you somehow not surprised i had a sense there in that frozen i really awful lot of let this one that they live with special interview that can actually teach you what about talk and authors are having such trouble getting published and people called him a phone call to see the show and could you tell me a work of an asian american i get somebody look at the workshops and directly the publishing house it will advice but i'm not able to ok great up up up up of william gavin was
a real is now and that's the ability to tell you my church records ah life made and i decided one day after i'd written a book that we wanted to get a pokemon go lawsuit one to a librarian got a thing called literary marketplace which is about this slick we open up we found agents who specialize in and published writers and fiction wrote down the top fifty or the first has definitely and my old cory water lot of book on iraq where a road exactly where they sat and sent this letter a donation from a batch was great weakness center worker who said this group published in a week i guarantee it we were rejected at from last summer said that everybody including kinko's chinatown it was so consequently rejected i didn't like it anymore we pedal fires in the house and with cities imposed a long run many scripts was
terrible mean it was the worst express my life my wife said we're starting him and i said are you crazy i didn't get published and she said no that didn't get published writers write the start of another book which was very good oh in that rejection process when the publisher said i like his work i just didn't like that story so we went back to him and he bought and that's not publish it so i don't have an answer and my body just gave me the answer i want everybody out there to go get the book and right right of red light is right on in your hand winch toronto and then another one and another one riders right it's well as was told me the photographer's photograph but is run just stealing that riders right
A Word on Words
Episode Number
H. Michael Frase
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
The Last Goodbye
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0123 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-9k45q4sm1v.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:47
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2701; H. Michael Frase,” 1998-07-21, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2701; H. Michael Frase.” 1998-07-21. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2701; H. Michael Frase. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from