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it's both liz from nashville studio way celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades this is word on workers with jobs welcome once again to award on words my guest today about it is scott harrison the pictures and then on the surgical faculty at vanderbilt university for thirteen years where he combines cancer research with clinical practice of
surgery in a day and a lot of them to be talking about his new book rupture scott welcomed a world where you are a medical doctor you are an author but you'll often has written a page turning piece of fiction about a medical doctor and about a real scandal in the health care industry and i just begin by asking you i know our system of medicine is so much better than most of the top you have created in this book and i know that but i am it really took a creative mind to produce a lot of that takes your hero the life into i think
the darkest world of healthcare i'm a rabbi i created eli brands the main character as someone who could take on some of the challenges that i think that we face and medicine he takes on as you mentioned much darker challenging challenges and much more sinister world calm but he was someone that i could give some some of these problems and challenges concerns that that i mean in the larger arms maybe group of physicians have about arm healthcare and things that we've we face down and his life to be able to give that to helmand in dallas there's an intruder fictional world that inhabits you you pack an awful lot of drama in a seven day a week i think i had to live through the excitement the ups and down of the
dangers that disappointment with and follow along with him the jockeys of of the week what we hear one sign iran let's have one week and let's tell a story they've got great chapter by chapter almost minute by minute and time ago there are times when you recite not only the day of the week of the time of day all the time and it all the time sometimes a very early morning yes well i thought that the seven day period would give the book's structure and i could take you on day by day and as you mentioned it starts out in the middle of the night as as we experience in the world of surgery often times and i wanted to to bring eli into medical center is coming up real and rising star in the end show at the railing of his career and i chose to do that as a step by step and second as you meets an hour and somewhat minute by minute says the time span was for short and then you pack it every minute
work on this something new and challenging that's happening to him every day during the seven days and he gets the call surgery crisis eleanor roosevelt the language has a young intern will of land says it's not the corinthian is mean spirited and an n or his leased an old bolt lands operation is in progress and progress kaminski after it's over walked out on monsters you finish it up and he says none of the big leagues i know i'm going to get my own with the time of this death
and not only that are as the lies about the operation and the next day the line is call him by his chief and told i was told before so you're on probation for armed how many currencies have you know christie is there as they embellished character he probably brings out some of the worst of any physician or maybe a combination of several an arm and a few that are of that nature but i do think that this world in medicine and in operations where there's high tension and the stakes are high on and when things don't go well it brings out of it a part of people in a part of the character it may not be evident day to day may not be evident outside
the confines of the operating room when we're we're much more civil but he's he is highly embellished found it in perspective the fictional world and i wanted to paint him as such and he really begins as the railing of a four ely and eli is the time period is the first part of july i'm new in terms of the residents he's in the fat remember he wants to stay but his best foot forward and to have success and operator in and hold his first operation that he's credited with his mortality so he's dropping well behind dionne well behind the eight ball and passed and tries to climb out of that that done with his father and his father had been a distinguished academic and human medicine but you sure knew that i had early on may maybe he didn't have that good relationship with and fall and something then of the shadow they are and you know really all over to his early on you let us know
and bad might not a miniature ocean many other people for that now i said minute by minute drama and virtually the same and that he's in the operating room across the world there is another real hero of madison bernie bernie murray a crowded shouting as he finishes his speech walt alston virtually dropped it to me from the collapse is his wife give medical assistance formed about tommy's in the operating room it's over with we're a part of this now lead a warning device it is as much a character in this book is relying on green ski on bernie our main turned out to be lucky love love interest so long the audience of beginning to get
a sense of the drama you talk a little bit about the creation of that they are a device that just doesn't work and has killed almost everybody but that we have to have that that so that's headed injecting sure what it found that the device is is a real device and is used routinely and is highly successful and patients benefit from from that device which allows for a somewhat of a less invasive type procedure for repair of the organisms and my its success without ah i wanted to i had this idea that began this plot on when it on was involved in a patient care not with this device but another by medical device that it failed and occasionally they will fail but that's unusual but not this was not of your device that i was providing albert of exposure for the specially physician and i had this question my mind what if other devices like this started to fail all simultaneously which didn't wait which would not occur within the
fall with their sabotage took her by human element and always in the stories and bring in a human element that i think is is on always how medicine plays out and rather than blaming things on a device or technology is easy the human element involved if things fail on some distant that the device israel and it is the cause of death it looked initially but ultimately in the stories reveal that human element for this hour anyway everything for you but i think by the time of his time maybe they've taken the bait and say it all remember them on but home island i would say that you see all the deeper conspiracy foreign good long time during the week and i'm halfway through the but before i mean getting a hint that there are links
between the people who are very tough on the line and people are trying to be very nice when ely it's amazing to me how quickly harvey so this entrepreneur ceo on this gigantic corporation that the merger the twinkle black and stone's monopoly and as the merger and this device is it's used in over to dinner to the company and there also is a little stem cell a component yes and as you know stem cell is politically controversial because what i am and when you put stem cell into the chairman of the score for this particular company
that the device drives their of their financial success but they want the company it's passion is to derive stem cell therapy forward and i wanted to write about stem cells from the interest of of the science but also to alarm om reveal that anything of a controversial nature with such potential also on on those years there's two sides to everything as easily complex and then in madison i'm i don't think we need to simplify potential cures and potential therapies armed and has a ways up the human element as you mentioned sometimes a political element that drives these and i wanted to paint a very complex picture on both sides of of that arm but ultimately the big stories driven by the bizarre of the helm of the company for stem cell therapy and dan other other characters that are on the other side of that venture an end
and want to work in that and so it's somewhat of an internal war and just briefly you inflict and everyone else in the process yes fortunately i have to talk about their thoughts on the land that's earlier than that a pretty gripping aspect of the story it is that but some of them are back store for eli is as you mentioned his father was a professor of anatomy and so he grew up in this world as a very young child a huge tin in the world of of cadavers and watching his father another character in the book gaston and most important down with it with the cadavers end and had this kind of all for art and walk on the experience and the teaching that could come from a cadaver and it's just such a marvelous mom obviously we have of families and in people that donate their body for size
but we also have to protect our protect on that resource and this and this concerning things that he's solved just based on that the section as a busy away comes back they'll now here he realizes that his father in relation to cadavers in relation to this company did have some secrets and now not only is this is his career becoming unraveled the tv comes understand these family secrets and that his father in particular was not exactly therapy he was well if you're just joining us i'm talking with the sculptures and doctors about his book rupture which is about the health care industry and about a very good doctor or heroic doctors and now as i said earlier meets a young woman who performs autopsies and help him put together the facts
and then helped him on around all the mystery that has some that that really has consumed his life in trouble because gorecki complained about him dr carl fisher who's chief for foreigners as the and you're out of here so don't you know marisa money and i should have suspected right then that fisher in foreign ski were in with song with harvey's doma because the call comes runaway come along and work for us look we're gonna i'm dr burney died and were going to get a job his office just to sweep you know but he's on the romney no easy suffering a little bit emotionally and talk about his relationship with meg and did you know before you start writing that name there's going to be a medical doctor performing autopsies help them solve the problem of the or aortic fix it and i wanted to i want involves strong female character
in the book and in may daily plays and that partisan as the lead female character because of a lot of very strong arm physicians that are that are women that that added so much to medicine the day i wanted to to bring maggie and i knew that she would be involved in helping heal me can uncover some of the secrets and i wanted to to use art not only some forensic science deleted autopsy but to be able to create a world where you as a surgeon might uncover some uncover some clues in living patients and dull where the outcome is unknown so meghan and eli go down this road together made both somewhat unwillingly eli didn't want to become involved in this neck feels compelled to help because see sequentially uncovers more more pleased that her autopsies an end and realizes something is not right and so together they they have their own baggage and problems and that they pursue this yesterday in their number of subplots
and when there's a big bonus to have been a triple the yacht before for eli and made at the end on because he really unformed in act i have secure or surgery and saving lives of young one young man but then there is this a lot of his own brother yes yahoo has been betrayed yes tom miller made just as you are about one other character the god character development is really interesting word about the sex symbols are you know on the fire i knew what he walked down the season from the rear and you know i'm really worried mind is well your mind when you created cereno well i had it for serena is is on
is also a complex character and as anne and i wanted to portray and says know that as that end she's seas or the lead scientist in the company which is over the stem cell development but she's very conflicted that with that there'd be morally and an ultimately acts decisively own that moral conflict as she has for him on there or an immoral may be and try to portray her as i'm somewhat stereotypical in her sensuality and harm but ultimately show the complex and in the end some of the the insult on that sheehan ahead upper leone and one that changed her moral compass about time about some of the signs that she was saying is so calm somebody endured three years and i've identified in the idea of a deal i enjoyed the overall olive oh you know ruptured and that's a
title that your time my time is and what he's about to cover maybe we could just take another look and the fury and see that cover when you think of a cover on it i'm like that the cover and i was able to work somewhat with the publisher not on the specific design that and an idea and i wanted to portray something that seemed to be somewhat explosive in the birds it but also that was not immediately apparent what that free trade or was not immediately medical arm and i think that we at the dallas with lots of compliments on that how well you know memphis us where you set the scene yes and the myths fairly well i grew up in the west part of the state with a medical school in memphis not my wife and apple screw and dime i knew i wanted to write about memphis not only was my town there but memphis has this character on that on with the river there and i include the river and then in some of mine spawned standing is
almost a character in itself an even traveling to memphis for book signings and interviews they had this might come in the city have the start of his urgency to write i feel like i can i bring stories live in that city and it did do you think about detail obviously you put those gigantic corporation a unique place in the city and as we go along even own of the stall you bump into places you've been a little while ago you know it's inevitable doom when you do some of the set for much of this that that this time was aren't always exciting thought was on how much of you is in the line well i think that as much about
what to say that you know there's no abarca fear no similar characteristics i think we always knew what we want from our experiences and a lot of that and some things at eli experiences experiences i've experienced on a certain level and so i think that down i wanted to show you why someone with tom tom problems in his in his personal life it may impact is his ability to perform as a physician which i think is the way we all are in medicine or any profession and i want corporate rate at realistically on the way there were different year he's younger and he's on he single our cities better looking around the stronger but he's naive and he's coming into the world of medicine on full steam ahead and he calmed some reality sets in and that that set him on the course of this book and i thought he really did to lenders the young intern quite well and in the end it paid off they're a couple black
characters so after american pharaoh ends anton it's really has its own she was the victim of a murder from overuse in his own way is a hero in a really come from wealth and fear is an interesting character and she is loosely based own plan and experience with a patient that had a medical school on very loosely but on she has she eats a persecuted has on some of the paranoid schizophrenia character say is endearing and this this person that i knew i could come out with some of these absurdities and sayings that were are from left field but at the same time charmian and i wanted to make her somewhat that top of character an awful lot of readers to say that they were on star say what happened yet haven't heard it in that you know she is also
will book at the same time there are moments when both of the right on the ground yes it is a visible policy at seattle is he believes in to protect it so what about problems and pride in i enjoyed writing that character as much as anyone and i agree with the leak he is somewhat of a low key hero in the book and i hope to have to bring him back maybe in future stories and he's kind of inside man with inside knowledge that added at some of the low position that is able to rise above this an end and help help someone in need a noun bring out some of the foyer of that character in the meantime you know oil pros around his father's how it is right i mean you've got to jump savannah bill gorman is a busy man how do you carve out david is a day that it was dated at home and draws how you carve out
time i'm a lead on that over the years and his has been over many years at the early morning i found that when i was no longer wasn't a fellow in rounding at five thirty we start early but not that fatherly effect at that hour anne and wrote and maybe got a page a day following the victim of a page a day good year for intercity five page manuscript within the year and i followed that with some disciplines it the problem is at the end of the year you have three and sixty five and edited pages that need many more drafts and many more months or years to develop but that short amount of time each day to get something on the page a comeback and edited that ended then the built up you know on the end of the book i suddenly realize a federal agent shows up funny liners emerge victorious with an
ice it was so scott is doing it was a sequel he's gonna keep eli on his mind and he's you know i know the story about him and put him in washington some new approach the united states in the white house armed but having made that assumption that there's fear because what's next the written this book you've been successful with the league cited a lot of readers on the gun inside a lot of those were reading it mr roy is a secure i'm i'm working on sickle aniston finished the first draft in the publishing are working on the editing it eli as back make daily as back announce and those federal agents that they can visit their thing and in as you mentioned to come back and he says somewhat unwillingly on pulled into another investigation but rises to meet the challenge that's now
of how us how you are you including in washington dc and in this next book is not that the senate will still be enough this time but he is he's visited by a female physician who he knew as an interned on summer personally and she is in the water and she calls for his help and he he feels obligated to arm to help her and she pulls and maybe just maybe as is maybe she hasn't become jealous said no man you got that on your mind that that develops that those two characters made in this new female strong character clash you know i thought of the middle class for americans already made it into the ring and then a little more stable you might have of tension in this book thats right lee comes in that well like a way to review the nile then come back we've run out of time i want to thank you for gun and thank all of you for watching we've been talking to scott beers about
his new book rapture or warlords and does it at all or reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Dr. A Scott Pearson
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0132 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 27:22
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-8p5v699755.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:01
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3801; Dr. A Scott Pearson,” 2009-08-11, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 18, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3801; Dr. A Scott Pearson.” 2009-08-11. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 18, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3801; Dr. A Scott Pearson. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from