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as dave davies delving into the world of books and they're offered this week ricky van shelton talks about tales from london named weiner euro's tomorrow or downwards mr johnson chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center at vanderbilt university says once again welcome to world war the main year it's going to be a great way for you get in two for two for one you get an interview with one of this country's great musical form of ricky van shelton
been unearthing earlier said hot shots on the chart for long enough now i'm a household word and the giver is that he's now written a book they are from the main quack or a children's book i mean i am so i am video not long ago on a view on that online video station and you and the little crimes a crime a pay for that it was a crime oppressive there how does a guy in before the crime a person come up with tales from the main question at something to base i'm alive this is about this is my gift god because ailes a hotel room last year amid the great lakes it was poor no rain and ours is bored out of my mind the aisles looking at the window an eyelid
or list will call the table and there was a pair of paper and pam called me again and them anderson asked the right end the whole thing turned to this idea that a favor what was going where and that when it was finished it was finished i looked and i rented not calm a wife and rent her took her dance and massive pistons i mean it was and it was truly inspired that you get when you're thinking what followed was a child her stories read that you read stories or were you thinking about the reading it that you're not actually now wasn't buying them or anything like this ad that thing was this was inspired in after rohde now write songs and they and our rights but they had never tried to write a kid's book i never thought about it like that it just came to me as an accurate
and i wrote it and rated as a yes you know this is this is something that you hear it's got a good message as martin ventures it's about acceptance and there isn't it there's those values in his book visible that a little more what you will and there that's something that kids need being needs and teaching they don't need a children's book that's just a bunch of mix the war but that doesn't say anything to them they need teaching because because now you know both parents are working and they don't have time for their children because they have to make a living and so were the key is going to get their teacher where they only get taught the values that they need specially with all the garment this on tv land so you know dan rowe excited about these books and what they're saying you know you say these books this analysis series is that this is a very short little book it's really a gift it's really in a sense you might describe it as a sort of larger
on the minutes of its own there's a lovely little thing little story about a third guest is not accurate to call a song for children blood if you put the music in concert in the press for a long time going into it that like some of the words rhyme as only the only country music lomas then we'll see the whole thing is in rhythm and i know it is there and they get the gainesville and the rhymes of that you can even wrap with yeah going through i have a car and there's a list of the six tours of art finished the second story and each story clapper that the main characters he meets different animals and in their ventures arm but michael el columbo later said as a squatter is the second character we don't have like a
country clapper for the country kids in a city quite crippling city kid winnable rapper quieter now when i can call a boy have always they think why actors that that hears from different areas of the country and different walks of life can associate and identify with and then you envision ghana wrap with them the idea black or kinky lenovo the idea came to his addison duck i just don't mean quieter and you had this the i had never going to him for wes mays is an ordained as beers omaha aoun our whole form and the fish and on the facade of the backpack that backpack and he would come fly low across the camp bastion and land in front yard and then can wag his tail that wags know if a boat in there and although that was a strange thing or will you a dollar down and that at ice get a kicker watching wag
his tail him a signed yes invest part inspiration the stowers year and says an acquittal quackery this quack or disappeared about eunice yes as bolt of lightning that you know though we know it disappeared later and it adds them on a girlfriend and i think she drove them all a quite get a quite get there but what you don't know is it well take like that when you wrote when you wrote this reading about ten minutes and as we say on know it was a gift from god it was untrue inspire the second story cain sen levin think about it it just like the scalp and that the best that and explain it is this the scout pardon power of the whole thing that it was spinach spinach i didn't think that what was going where what i was saying i mean that it came just like this and there's a difference on television there've been throwing something that has
inspired and something that you work on and think about this told me to i don't know how many of our viewers know that you have written solo from music from lyrics really grab this country the attention of this country and they knew her fans by the millions and our call for asylum i haven't met you you were from yours and frontline woman journalist who have discussion you waiting outside undiscovered except by gary thompson and he had discovered and we were in there talking about something else going to talk about was you know and i came out and at that time i know that you had really sort of a loaded on new songs that you had written and i take it when you say it's not as if you're writing something
that that you really had to think about that this just came to them that we're in engaged in that in this tough ordeal of making a song where that that is that can be hard work that can take time that can consume a period mean can you compare that compare the two the two art form for my cotton how you go about writing so well you know you can be an inspiration for song can come from many different things and you can look at a light bulb hanging out and then write a song were like bugs baking company and if they knew where this day and age the large publishing companies and they have one is that this is a right they have a staff of writers you know and each runner has an office and they go and nine o'clock in the morning and worked five and they ride all their law so they were local players will keep phrases so it was the way things are written today
are different from the way things were written in the old days was most the songs been more inspired and written surely bow love but nance change is such a big business that you go into it as a job and that's why most songs that you here in radio sound historic you notice they're not inspired they don't come from a heart full of early songs that you wrote how long we wouldn't take you be satisfied with that well again you know most of the songs were inspired that they come from a feeling i haven't sat asset allison with some riders some professional riders and when i tried to write i o n seven a different hands and and i just couldn't do like an awful lot like here there were i can't force nasa to write it either has to come from my heart the muscle through the garbage and the nothing that i go out of songs in it and it's a lesson with his good song
now looking for votes all of them i say will all this got some great lines in la looking for two great live every song's got evers ever was going to be great everlastingly good and in europe and in your field country music quite frequently and that whole story yet is tell a story a lover played those are our anchors are our spies love our misplaced love our broken love well you know in most songs are about love because it says the most harmful thing touches people from all walks a lot if you know that country music is his life's song and this is mainly songs about life in us law that allowed to color crimean beer song or whatever you know but so strange thing when people get hurt me lose in europe really huge and more drama whatever the first lady wandered you want me to wear some as up tempo you want are something that make you cry much harder because that's a really nice because you've gone crime you nervous system it it actually makes you feel nervous of
the swap like as a country is to visit is about life in their lives often many people who would you would listen to what you just said about it does that mean i know this bookstore really thrilling off a lot of young people but many people would say well he did my inspiration came to can that inspiration hit him six times willa comes same way but we have to work at loan number two the jury dunn the next story carter meets ms mu very written that one red cent process same process of the second thirteen same way that the other four star result laid out an i wanna wanna be about an unknown with characters there's gandhi in a sense he may have to work harder know we'll come to have all broken world and you've promised the world it the medium
six i'll even amid an equine actors go through this process of wasabi his move and then into that the ms mu must only miss the way that you think had it know i'm going to get labs that like this at applebee's and now hear the last story in the last oh really what her needs a girlfriend invisible girlfriend and her name like it really isn't a pen name is peanut butter so this is that taylor thing about a plaque up and they were not politically ago and i don't believe in a book and made that may seem you like a man like a set up you know simple things like a little goof is simple phrases like the early days of tv with one simple place you know was there a claim that people love stuff like that in the end and kids they like at the event and what did your
kid is let's talk about tomorrow why would you keep it is all very neatly and very sensitive about prompted decades and that will mean rent and he really feel well less tourism are spying nerds so than coke it into an early the problem to have some serious problems is that it allows yeah the sabbath well you know mr live in one of the momentum now but there is a subtle some point yeah and all the stars have a little little little value a little more than they were they can't grasp this little simple style and it's almost as i can as i get a thousand and i thought i mean basically the ten commandments don't live right through and don't eat right bit because there exactly and they need stuff like this yeah i heard other day that they would
kill all superman comic books because they've been nearly forty years and the party was an hour as that's awful as all the things that that i've that i he wrote that the superman is a comic but he stands for everything that is true and good you know and they want so much garbage on tv and they think that he's a lawyer you know that that there's something wrong with with tv they're watching too much garbage i mean i think you would but you get the point one of our one one one hour when i wrote the story and after we was we just put them all together the us and a wife to the bookstore to balance and kids' books someone a seattle laid out how the color schemes were how big the words were dismissing adelaide out and that i'd like to read a couple of them and then i really get an album or of some of the messages that was in it which it was but i had no idea someone almost on the edge of vivaldi or ru be able find the plan to
do six of these i mean i know i know i know it sounds so cool goes well certainly that's true ten minutes but but the ten minutes don't just come automatically and writing is only part of the work then you have to get somebody to illustrate it and then you have to get somebody to go over to put together and there's on it then than it has to be printed and published in books is not circulated all over this country but you are a very this guy obviously use only gotten wrapped up in an insurance looks as though they know it's going to take more of your time then it sounds i don't know well i tried it as you know is like it i don't have the town star with and so this is taking all my town but it's something and that's inside a male want to do i'll commission asked are the pope you can now publishing read the books a mile wide have run into it and then china has
indicated that issues of sheer genius emissions excellent so it's gonna be done and the inspiration for the reform won't be there this there was going to be there i'm also really to abc looks at us the remarkable fictional character called babbitt and all these noble morals and so they're calling on the payroll of the choir yeah bump let's talk about what you do that you're you've said you decided to publish it on your own and was that that is it you know i was an idea i'd be i am first of all see this in this thing was put together with illustrations by conspiring back in the late spring osama and allah publish again as an olive publisher lawyers say it will years so the next year before you because there's no way possible to because i have enough either talking with that answer was no what's the big deal is a little it's a little less run disappointed four pages while it take a year had to set aside
as nonbelievers so we say now you're talking to publishing houses yet you can publish your you know i knew what they go others is it lets geri we'd look you know write four year after next you get it written that soon get a tremendous reform is it going to taste this and this and this and this and this and i wrote that i mean that there's no way that some wrong in some way so we want to work on that and there it is in his ballard was been through for mo as minister and now you got them in iowa join the individual and it combined your performances as a great entertainer with the promotion of what her yes that it you know it helps because an opposition i know i have some though often though they have something that i don't have they have brains i have an inspiration but i have something that they've known and that is the public eye of the public you know are still eerily i mean i do least by the ten and abuse in the week
i can reach back and reach five hundred million people in six months with this you know with news of this book because of the mammoth interviews with tv and radio used that was my business or so forth so thats very helpful so while mat in my country is it status and a sailboat but the book is stand on so never mind is rooted in that and i challenge him under review and so it's like a book seven books five hundred million a lot of my mom or laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha ah the m atv it didn't occur you when you drop those publishers hated it yourself that you would get a shot in the senate which is what most authors and tabler that was a rumor next period film is that although the studios and the lp i do just doesn't share because they'll understand what our authors as it needs to go through with anna willing to power their well percentage wise yeah well no
questions as no negotiating in your district is going to lose fifty one percent this to this to get into the still legal for now wears and then you publish is going to be about forty five percent annually like if you get five percent and that and when i had that ousted ben somalia right things will happen but i see all those all times about fifteen percent in that time to get out front to try to get the advanced york was heavy advanced put into let's just talk about the mission when shan is the is the illustrator illustrator so i suppose just take a look at the book where i just turn the page or to really get a sense which income from hedge funds a chef well my cab driver knew oliver and that in so we called around
and an icy ideas and the characters i knew all the characters so i sent my characters to and then she sent back away layer of visible sketch that you drew with all the character's place in this poll once they and when i saw it i said yes that's gartner this is it is it right here as this is the artist because you just lighting is all but i wanted the characters and the illustrations to look beyond i want them to look to be alone raul i didn't want a fancy unpolished because our wind the key is to see these illustrations and see that youth to see that wrongness and then to say oh i can do this you know knowing that you're a chiropractor recommended your illustrated and he never hits all the work it obvious things though you know you don't look at all of the law i've been a common item back in eighty four when i was working construction
and samantha no republican bob and a lot of the shanty song us that is a true story and i know this talk of weeks back shan is interdicted christian whole family is and her parents say when she was about this baby's she told them one day she forgot told me that i was not be an artist and she couldn't babysit she could grow nothing and that then a little while later she said that god told me that our son hello i'm a bull illustrated before its twenty twelve she's nineteen and this summer she was saying ok god militant on the algoma panel will go straight line and got a job you know and then the next week that are color and as he's turning forty in these images go first illustration such permits know what a chair is a neat story there are many people who would say that that pam williams is a very lucky young
woman and many people would say they can and help them with a very lucky young god what you now both low they can win just how and everybody knows that they can then go and how would you say that idea i mean i know what to say but but are likely to share your views when you say that is all that law will force a lot of is no such things look as hard work a dedication that there's no such thing as like they're such thing as time and you can beat the right place it right than a lot of people call law that there's no such thing they were called the report you so this is why you know maybe the world war called the end of the psalm just a drunk on timely and open up a new independent in alabama you were you were tortured you know what you just said i think
there's an awful lot of reporting about new but it also says something about the business you're in goes in the minds of many people images formed by the performance and the lives career of a country music star is a decade or two ago and some event that the enemy is talent destroyed by drunkenness men in the lungs and a lack of commitment and raul power and that story is that the stories reflect life life of hank williams told and retold is there new kocher and country
music that that those that this new breed of country music in atlanta antennas you care about tomorrow's of children and i mean does that reflect your peers and in this business today there isn't that a new breed of entertainer in the sense that in the old days all stars out her about the old ways is the entertainers that were just purely entertainers that had no business sense of and care about of a takeover of making music in and partying and whatnot to days entertainers and they watch what's normal in their career and they stick their nose in there and and keep track of what's going on and that's that's a bigger challenge and you don't have a feeling that there is that self destruct maybe it's a myth that there was self destruction built into the truth well it could've been because in days gone by you know
a lot of these singers is chemistry reveals its true of the farmer knew nothing about society enough american life outside of the farm you know and they get ripped off in the rat race and drinkin intros and you know and he covers the what they're doing there's one way out and they are down the most common than the gaps that is it it ended your and a big part of what we heard about them was that turing was so tough and so rivers and that the isolation was so it was so complete that they really owe so encapsulated on buses are solely focused on stage with adulation quartet is that turing still part of your life yet we which are constantly and how do you survive that is not easy to raise tough because first of all there is there's a lot of will and again thing the right words that there's a lot of everything
that you're exposed to a lot of places now and if you could be exposed to her about awards ceremonies then there is that their butt award solomon much can tell you something but while temptations lover has been offered to the jews you know so that's hard and has been fact that you've gotten as hard because you know get caught up in that home and about the time he discovered calm down and get your faculties back at the road his money's on the roads for the birds of the aladdin music but the road is for the birds or maybe maybe you've started a career with crocker that that that might take you it might take you were the road less i hope so families like us who want to repeal the force there was no says oppose there were inspired well how one of the inspirational metaphor here and is no no no
well i know what you know and i need to get back here five twenty ten you if he asked me out and i have an open invitation ri outlook for not now when you think you have the next route you ever went on the publisher you can just tell the women so you get well you know i'm gonna wait until it circulates country if it takes two months now let's note that takes to you know i'm gonna wait until the town of dr matthew hour long it takes have a lot of takes to get that one out properly followed singing back and i know that you've done and you've got a new orleans fans out there now and many of them of very very young younger than me and you haven't yet ricky van shelton author of tales from a thug named walker as ben our guest on a word on words your host as ben johnson can follow this program was produced in the
studios of wbez in nashville
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Ricky Van Shelton Murray
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Tales From A Duck Named Quacker
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0375 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:44
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-6q1sf2n63r.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:29
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 1009; Ricky Van Shelton Murray,” 1992-10-09, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 1009; Ricky Van Shelton Murray.” 1992-10-09. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 1009; Ricky Van Shelton Murray. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from