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how advancing all once again welcome to world words our guest is mario martinez welcome to world words and give them a drawdown that's the title the psychological novel and what else it was a it was an interesting process because i've written professional articles and they're obviously very dry with all the data backing up and i wanted to figure out a way to de writer dental public and having a little bit of poetic license so i thought well a psychological now but at the time i didn't really know what i was getting into well you got very deeply into it and it's interesting you create a novel which is a story about a very successful author a true blockbuster best selling novels and made him wealthy and famous but the story is about the process he goes through in writing his novel is they're not and in that process evolved in
love with a beautiful woman but the focus really is on the fictional character in his book breyer got tom first talk about the knowledge the kappa about the story is first ordered the arm in that the character is a epic celtic mystique for merkel the part of spain from college and my father was from so you can never get away from your own or what our vip andy speech coalition and speculation and do a yes and he what he does is he investigates us tomatoes for vatican ii which is something that i also do i'm that light is the regulars and maybe touching barkley very much very much and now but that in the process as you said the yacht the offers very successful two books but he still wanted to find out what joy is all about so it's an opportunity to look at someone who
has been successful and what is missing in that unusual happens is the person has to go inside and and realize that that nothing is external everything is an internal process and that there are no amount of success for or an hour or accomplishments can actually give you that that sustaining joy that that that's required from the inside you know he and i had the feeling at moments that your theory about cognition was part of the mission of your mission the mission of anomalous a mission of braille about talk about bow cognition because i'm sure there is out there like this one really i mean when i understood they haven't been amazed that they're about there right now very much in anbar commission is a word that i had to invent it's really a theory of love how the mind and body evolve and emmett in a historical culture
because psychology and medicine are still split week we've been we look at in the vigils as if they're avoidable quarter and the quarter dictates much of what happens as including our longevity a quarter tells us how to what to do things based on our age what does a person of thirty attribute area a particular problem or person or seventy and those are quarterly vessels are not biological and so the fear is really carry out a theory that that explains how mind body and historical to come together to perceive the world to pursue relationships and also how our biology will adjust to that ark that we've for example here in united states would consider migraines to be vascular but if you go to any limits gastrointestinal if you go to france it's a liver and they'll get better not because it's evil but because the culture knows where they're going to deal with a problem i think ari what happens is if you have a migraine or systems are gonna be an upset so it's a the
power the court is what i'm trying to convey in the book as the book is really a novel this guy singing the yeah the theory of love by permission i sense when i read are those chapters that began with programs lectures that maybe you had read those lectures maybe those lectures had been written somewhere before those words were put in beaumont know a lot about their dsl selections that have actually that's tijuana lecture is is your own lectures yes and pro gun have plagiarized it better than permission because most admired does play a role in the ultimate point of the story for me the ultimate point and given the recent events in rome with other local
election will go that the decisive moment of the end is will get two thousand it but let's talk about stigmata so that those in the audience who may not be aware of it because the non catholic background of the arc of that background and all of us that love is quite confusing my aunt my specialties go second or immunology and now that's an energy supplier its fieldwork that looks at how thoughts and emotions affect the most of them saw stigmata which is an individual worm manifests the lens of christ is a fascinating subject for me because of how the the thoughts and the police can actually affect the biology and in many cases that there've been about three hundred and sixty census in france's of assisting him in the thirteenth century and many cases are self inflicted and there of hysterical whistles or the states but there are cases like butter peel who so you're the most recent and it lives with her with the wounds were for fifty years he
bled a couple blood a day no infections so it served as a trans biological process where the the mind is really giving the immune system a specific instructions to knock knock you but to also not become infected and that the lease fascinating and now what i investigate cases for the catholic church on that first we have to rule out a fit for further so it's like a pathology or if it has been self inflicted so out there that i wanted to weave that into the story because it's really the ultimate mind body communication whether it's seen as divine intervention not an and the catholic church as it does not hold it has to be the plan and eventually set up to the individual to make the interpretation what's your of what's your sense of the novel of where does he come from i i said that in a sense there're aspects of the book that are in a sense or autobiographical and i wondered done how
much of him on eu we eat as sumptuous leone drink known as wonderfully as either all or whether this is not some new and bravado around as well maybe more in grilled on in there what isn't and i think that it had a different offers this is i should mention it's very difficult to get away from from their own projections but i wanted to capitalize on that and deal with my own process of the book was almost therapeutic for me for me to deal with the patients of love for chaplin grew up in miami in amman at the time miami would be for castro there was quite a bit of prejudice for hispanics or had to deal with that and i projected that to the characters to so that not only to to address the issue but to also address how you can overcome the issue and then to take
write off first page where wherein and you were in miami and herb and i were immersed in that contemporary culture why did you want to do that i wanted to be the offer to go back to listen to his beginnings to where he grew up and to show that the ocean drive was not always that the beautiful people passing around that and though sleighs ocean drive was a dilapidated art deco place where many a juice would lift them who had been in concentration camps lived there and if you walk around the air you could see the actual marks on and their arms of three of the degradation that they went through so i wanted to show that history of howl howl miami has changed but also how the beautiful people are purchased the facade of all what would that area is all about now i am the hero is every gay lugo us and
unease in love with cate yes and he falls along about the second page and continue that relationship throughout you talk about the process of writing ago that's part of what this program's about e they get trouble separating our update from rogue on in terms of the thought process i mean you do have to go through its engine emotions shifted gears to get from i like it in american life and it goes for an article from his life into rhode island's life i think for me if i worked for it and i'm not sure i can make that transition has freshly his unit know you're right that's exactly what happened and i have to be very conscious of the shifts and i had to
use as much of my background in psychology as i could because it's very easy to to not only clear winner but i so i was giving certain attribution to bring down a search for net emissions of enrique both of me but also work i guess a conglomerate of many people that i've known but i the interesting thing that i find that in writing this i'd really didn't have applauded and have it was really the drifters i call the lead the simplest the drifters of maine portland the main thrust of the book pretty chowder going to the non linear world so i had to live it i couldn't just write a book and pretend that it wasn't the the draft or the synchronous that process so there were times that i did notice on a ride and i would stop and i would say and reagan doesn't know is when i write about i was me actually license and you know there were moments when the zones and when you talk about the linkage struggle to get back to in their countries as i must get back to the deadline is running out its economy waiting for an e n n u an abyss is to
his publicist and his agent all of whom play a row and not only keeping on track but keeping him and lectures and the fund of funds that come and the fun that come from from lectures i did you know at the outset where you're going with this i mean did you have an idea who that was who then would be the person korean a listed among non out all the book really was an exercise in in and doing non linear thinking it non linear thinking about which is that an idea what i explain in the book as a linear thinking is what we do every day we get up we expect the car to start a non linear thinking is more chaotic where things happened and indirectly things that rather than rather than trying to arm confirmed something we do to discover and we're not
very good at that i'm in the book i try to teach how to shift from one to the other because what we try to do is we try to confirm and confirm even though the data's not their role in full backing go into discovery and by the way that's very healthy for the immune system we try to confirm or we can't confirm it cause an alarm but as you go into discovery and you're open to discover the alarm goes down a new function increases and that pipa at the time of a seeing that that that this is not an alarm that this is not a dangerous situation that this is a charity love of discovery for those of you who are just tuning in i'm talking with dr mario martinez who is the author of the man from autumn and interestingly enough in today's book is the man from long as your book is will be made i spoke about the delicious cuisine that only get constantly finds almost every
turn the page in the book talk about that job that i mean are you an abusing us through on these delicacies because they represent in a sense i think ethnic cleansing yes an absolutely and also ones as well anna wise as well very french or spanish but that there's something very sacred about breaking bread it has a very powerful archetype all quality and i wanted to bring the readers into what they were reading at what they are how they were enjoying the duma sense that that of what can happen now when when you allow yourself to break bread as opposed to watching television or doing things that distract you from from the actual sacredness of of exchanging food with with someone that you care for you done as well as in the gate you were three but it does head a sense of gusto that over
to the to the tale as it moves and it moves along now comes a moment comes a moment when program is called in to a very special assignment and we'll talk a little bit about how you've gotten from war ii was film a lecture for the story wound up that was about it and there was a discovery also i didn't know which way to go and now then i started writing about the possibility and he gets called by the vatican to investigate cases stigmata so then the book completely changes into that in a ghost into the depth of what the psychology and than the medicine is of a sick mother what we know about stigmata but then the implications of the vatican wanting that this person to be treated because this person is being considered and possibly for the next pope and the timing again it's very a synchronous in gaza had no
idea that this was going to be happening at the time that was that that was the first question i ask myself when i put the book out of my wife announced it happily unknown when did you when did you begin to write this book and more poorly when did you finish the book about a year in a half ago and because of that the pope and all that was almost a very bad about girl postal year well we all knew that john paul sacco was aged vs enabling but from the pickup has broken and really almost concurrently worse the conclave and with the election of benedict was astounded i know the mystical speak another side as i really believe that we as
it is a part of the book and that and i find really intriguing because it really is we haven't and a connectedness in this world and we take chunks of reality we think that that were disconnected that we're not where we're in a connected and in the book i explain how to actually go into that that drifts and then when when people do that day begin to find more more synchronicity in their lives things that that are that are meaningful coincidences and because of this the interconnectedness it's available but we don't know how to introduce portals to talk about but yes so that this town that me when i saw that that these things were so close to approve actually the answer were going on in my life and in general with or with the world and it just happens that the cardinal who is ongoing first the stigmata has the same heritage as in likud are a robot
also interestingly he had suffered in the concentration camps i he had been he had been made to suffer he'd been published and he had been violated to the job corps ball is in different ways is very much like to go after you know a little bit and it is nothing short of phenomenal of those who read this book and find another enjoyable novel that mario wrote it that far in advance and it's a financial outlay and you think you're reading many want that benedict sufism on the us to kenya created
for braille ban includes a medical doctor and a priest who is the cardinal spiritual advisor how that works is that affect situation we're in the investigation on by the church follow that direction within the multiple investigators multiple cow sellars yes and that's actually how it how we do it there are only maybe three or four people in the world that actually investigate the so and a part of the book is that it really gives a protocol of how to treat husted might as well as what i call psycho spiritual problems are so yes you have a spiritual director who have a medical doctor and then duran who is somehow an anthropologist mistake and they treated more than this but merely and then i use some of the methods of the christian mystics at three similar the prayer of quiet which is a contemplative quiet it come upon the bodies they need us and i use that amtrak but to deal with the
treat autoimmune illnesses that particular techniques but the book is that is full of coats and i'll give you a code here and let everyone else or five years but for example than that the name of the cardinal the us to mop mop is an acronym for the concentration camp where he was i try to dispel or backward to see whether that that is the fact that is just that was a cuban consulate as the sturgeon cabinet is euphemistically called i believe via the unit for the arm and for the support of economic development or something like that but it's you mop is actually the acronym for the concentration camp and i left that out for people to finally sent in his full of codes for things that will allow you to then go back in and re read and refreshing way say you can get the most out of the book let me ask about this ad it is lays very heavily
with the spiritual life of roman catholicism but there are moments when you inject the values of buddhism even when you inject the values of lewis talk about that you know that's coming from that is that i'm interested in that not just as elle writer approaches it but our psychologist or approaches is the part of the call to leave that the impulse of the culture from the spirit of sites are brought in voodoo as you mentioned catholicism and that the burden buddhism to show how the how the culture shape the religion in the religion shapes the culture and now each of them have a very unique presentation i explain quite a bit about food to an end in and made it very clear that it's a religion that has the good and the bad like many many billy systems but
duh yes exactly right it is bringing be the transcendental aspect of the quarter in and i use three quarters to be able to weave all that information and especially miami having high large haitian culture a quite a bit of that the buddha goes on they're both good and that just as a practicing psychologist and one on one moves as presented this sort of evolving theory you of the bulk of mission of how important is a religious foundation two to the sort of bone happiness joy satisfaction and you talk about them is it possible is it possible for a person deeply committed to one denomination or faith christian jewish own sake someone out oh i'm a stranger no question i
think is it possible let it was among voters and one of both and called for me and rich the search i think that there that it's very important to have a spiritual believe an end to give you evidence of all centenarians in the world we haven't found an atheist yet they have some spiritual believe and they don't the worry about the longer than a living at their living colour hi it's very healthy and they have a spiritual understanding really a compassionate sense that transcends specific religions and when you look at all religions are either but at least i believe we find a set the true religion whatever and the panel in the state is based on compassion and love and and i wanted to bring that up into the book so that people could see that that we do have to be rigid we you can believe in and you're in a particular denomination but also be open because that means tolerance and tolerance as a part of compassion and that is very very good for health a sense of compassion and then we go back to
program is when we've first are introduced to he's more named the person of the year and to use him errors as the creation of enrique and then after we'd know about when we know who is his only add to that even professional and on the skeletal the the fictional skeletal into that you created was that a challenge for you as a writer yes very much because i had to run with a symbol without going very deep and then gradually as you said develop the uk the year the substance of the symbol and at times not knowing what the subsidies going to be allowing myself to go through the drift so those areas very challenging but also very enticing in and learning methods of going into cognitive process is it that writers need to go through but it was time to operation i set in a way where i could go
back and do it again rather than just being totally intuitive lakota word drunk throughout and metaphors are meaningful and understand with the first one the man from autumn but of the man from long is your book it is it is enrique book but it also the metaphor for aging well you talk about what the title meant to you and why you selected it one of things that i wanted to do was to to break away from the culture of limitations that we have about aging how about people who are aging are made to locals like our pictures and that the people at any age have the right tool for love have the right to do many things that are healthy and that we don't have to categorize the aging processes of the tyranny pruss we know a lot about the pathology of aging we know very little about the wellness of aging so in the book what i try to do with this autumn asserted that the milk them and in the next to the last season giving you an opportunity to
re evaluate to replenish before he and so as a way of adelson a mystical way to look at who you are as an individual and know how much power the culture has over you so then you can liberate yourself at any age and do whatever you want to do that raise you join your life rather than going by the paltry vodka by the cauldron portals that limit an individual because of the cauldron of because of their biology run out of time mario martinez dr mario martinez author the man from all and thank you for being here thank all of you for watching and johnson well forward on words keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Mario Martinez
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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The Man From Autumn
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3337 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-5t3fx74t6g.mp4 (mediainfo)
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Duration: 00:27:47
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3337; Mario Martinez,” 2005-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 2, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3337; Mario Martinez.” 2005-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 2, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3337; Mario Martinez. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from