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ron johnson and the once again welcome to word on words and welcome back sherman crum and its allies to have you talk about say they'll say they'll it was a lot of that over signed bayless is blue folks many people probably is that ever this book is now three months but i had lived until last few days and um i'm not a nascar fan and i thought a low like this are not know my grandson's eight fines according to be a hero and cheers dale jr from time to time but what about you had a jew come to be and i wasn't expecting it i started out planning to write a contemporary worship the tenebrae trail scott which is an idea that i got in grad school i realized that thomas becket was a homeboy sight to the people in chaucer's work it hadn't been dead that long and he was their man and haven't
so i thought well if you can assert the canterbury tales in the southeastern united states who is our man in heaven at the time the answer was elvis but i refuse to do that and then princess diana died and i was tempted but you'd have to set that in britain and so i kept waiting and when dale earnhardt went into the wall on february eighteenth two thousand and three us and the world has changed where i live which is midway between the short tracks at bristol and more and surreal it were pulling off the rioting going to the speedway and leaving hundred dollar nascar jacket some advance and walking away owen as it's possible to get that the cover again but i like to show our viewers something there is that they look closely they'll say that the but that is number three what wang says wayne's and third they'll would violate the total since he's still alice and say they'll is
made in aloud presents police along with his book is popular and my guess of bebop it for as long as people love nascar racing he is a special personality i think ellison by minute on the size of them but they don't resign already have been sightings of bail yes you open with a signing of daily talk about the olds encounter that the first i want to begin the book with the first miracle and so there's a woman who's got the last and has car trouble in the middle of the night somewhere within thirty miles of charlotte and so there she is stranded on a country road and suddenly the race car pulls up behind her and the headlights eliminate the road which is the first sign that something strange because race car headlights or details they should not be able to admit light and the man in the white fire stay with the good rains why
this comes up and she knows it's dale earnhardt except that dale earnhardt been dead for a year and a half and he fixes her car an id she realizes she's on the road that is now been a rift valley in his arm and i'm so that is the first supernatural encounter with the light earnhardt and that's your own ek origin who is as they should back assumes present chaos baucus who is a judge and becca sue is going on this trip about the same enthusiasm about a park as i'm not a nascar fan on the other hand love the book love to make a tour the storm are likely more and harley claymore is a fellow who was a driver yes and loves it and knows it body <unk> more money really wants to be ben takes on this tour
really in the whole poem from making a connection they gonna go to races and that will give him a chance to network with james and get a new job that he thinks is a guided tour of southern speech what is then after he's hired they say oh no this is the earnhardt memorial pilgrimage where you know where we've done every track from bristol to daytona and here is a man who raced against dale earnhardt and hated him and he will now be trapped for nine days on the bus with the weeping earnhardt plans well and he's a great character he's smart he's used not only street smart and he's got some native intelligence and it's also a bit of the cynic he's had some tough times some of his own making word is harley come from i
mean in order for his work or anybody like him no i didn't and it's amazing job done to know nascar drivers and how frighteningly close i came to the real thing but harley i grew up in north carolina in the era of earnhardt and so i went to school with a lot of voice that are marketed ended up being they started out the same voice but because of our hearts extraordinary talent and some good luck and some help along the way he became the fourteenth richest person in america and the boys that i may with the cigarette packs in the end this was essentially yes right they didn't make it but i think that allowing them gave me an idea of what they're strivers would've been like well i don't know anybody who doesn't know about raising including some sportswriters are raising writers who don't say that rarely is the real deal and he had written the year winston
circuit where did it come from was covered i'm sure many come from some of the british comedy like tony robinson who is barbara cohn black bear i just pictured him as a an eccentric character who's completely whimsical and he tells olly at the outset in on the wave you want me to be i can play a role that other truths not as far about it it i can you just let me know what i have to be an army glad that you weren't i'll be willing to pose as anything so they're pretty good team now let's talk about i'm in first will there is but to say and this episode was a hostage her sister is the one in the family has the jacksonian democrat and so last year becca sue insisted for their vacation they go to toronto to the opera which her sister said it
sounded like they were made are in the eggs with so another man's a better so finds herself enrolled on the nascar pilgrimage to cited back to nail and then there's a third in their party they'll who is the one who had car trouble and so she has experience the force no miracle and she's confused about it because she was not a dale earnhardt i have not well then there is father night the episcopal priest yet still my sweet peas and caring man whose almost i mean his he is present on this turow is almost a christian dearie yes he knows nothing about you know nothing about where he's going but that there's a dying child a native chaparral who made a wish yes and it flows make a wish come true situations and so so far the bill takes it all i'm sure
not expecting to enjoy a moment of it but it turns out that heat is a sort of sounding board for many other members of the true about what a dozen thirty s and he's also the person who makes the cultural connections because father bill's hobby is medieval pilgrimage is of the church santiago de compostela jurors to an agrarian and jurors and so he's beginning to realize on this nascar pilgrimage that there are certain things which he recognizes there's resonance is strong the church government has and certainly there is a christian duty perform moreland wants along the way yes and then they're mr
shane mckee as sharon tells the story or so the first person story they don't get married at the bristol speedway weekend you can do there and were they married when you lived there was there were weddings at the jury that rendered in two thousand taylor as a huge huge let you describe it but that scene and they're not very lonely there is it's not a solo flight for them they're surrounded by other couples about to be married yeah it's the get an end at the speedway and there's a justice of the peace and they gave you a little by clay of sharpie markers tied in a ribbon and and you it's the first time i did it jerry maybe you who was a nascar driver acted as best man for anybody that wanted them and they
get married or renew their vows often it's older people who want to do it and the dress code whenever anything goes up up there is on the studios yes i was a store or a taxi to a source quite as out this or whenever and the women they wear white or they may be dressed in whatever yes it's that george carstensen settles absolutely martinsville sort of martinsville we bump into for the first time get a center generally yes and that's an interesting story and also there are many who think maybe early and shouldn't be on the streets talk about where they came from in your mind my mother had alzheimer's and arlene is a woman who
is being lost to alzheimer's and her husband has been devoted to her for many years says he knows that she had was was a bigger more than she wanted to go on the stewardess i get batter earnhardt and he feels like he's on the tour decide about her says she's sliding into dimension this might be the last few good days that she has and bill might sees them as he sees all those riders are as somebody who and he recognizes a measure courage and commitment in jim's love of our lane and then there is terrence i think there's a story to me is the most compelling the most touching the most moving around his rhino or three deaths
took them about terrence hake it was the child of a very mismatched couple his mother was a socialite from north carolina and his father was a it's maybe lower middleclass farmer that they met during her hippie days at the university and of course the marriage didn't take and so when he was a baby they divorced and his mother went back to the high society life that she'd been raised in and married a suitable second husband who raised tariffs the taxes always known that his real father was this man that his mother calls the hog farmer and he hasn't seen on forever lonely you know never met him and then one day his mother carson says that his father has died and left him the farm and so on and he goes to the funeral knowing nothing about israel father interesting exchanges and when she offers to go with the first vote you cannot understand why i want to go through and then she facetiously says in on the lead to go with you
and the notion of a window right i think that she's at wilson i've read and he says you have in sight in only the biggest reason the store but he goes into fuel and and and then so satellite but a very meaningful sunlight ago then was a big fan of a number for him he gets there were the funnel a girlfriend he finds the number three with wings on the top of the car and he's a nascar fans and the one thing he's got in common with this manning never met is that they were both earnhardt fans so he's coming on the pilgrimage to try to connect with the father he never met he does at the funeral his father's old friends and enlighten him about this many never knew and there is a bomb created in a sense you think to bed terrence never mundane yes and the one thing happened in that that i enjoyed was that
he wants to know who the well dressed man at the piano was that everybody was built satellites to mr johnson believes another body was senator and its junior johnson and telomeres about two new jobs and janet jackson it was the subject of tom wolfe's article the last american hero which was made into a movie he was the main shower who won the daytona five hundred in nineteen sixty and i went and spent the day with jr johnson when i was in researching this book and generous when drafting to me is the mandolin than the draft fa fa cup for those you just live the love that you just tuned in and talking about her new book say they'll well let's move along with with the two are because really we've all waited they'd known before were before we threw but at each stop further is a labor reason and the members of the tucson divide up on her us and the duty
of laying the wreath and there as the bill of speech with each want then even for those who are inarticulate there is the moments a measure of eloquence in what this inserted that was what was interesting to me was that earnhardt hatfield so many different hall's in people's lives that all of these people were mark fans but for that many different reasons to somebody was a father figure to another he was the person that they fantasize about when they were being picked on at work if only they can act like bernhard but their supervisor in the wall and somebody else thought of him as as a best friends everybody sees it he's the blank screen on which everybody runs their movie at the martinsville there is the rigidity museum where ash ash borer
ensure that and did you actually go oh yes it's exactly the way i described it and so is dr they are hardly say on this which is then and more severe those western ish where did serve has gone from seven ashes it's based on a friend of mine who is rather like a duchess lives in western north carolina just mean if you met met her and she didn't have a scrappy jury on and no makeup you would still know that she had more money than god and i thought i would try to capture that you know there's a moment in the book when they're selling dale earnhardt spring warner and bill knight says to serve their would've turned it into one forget those lions that that company or i mean your reading of what seems to be an intensely serious moment and no light as a
as a priest has a terrific scent to you are about a factor of funny lines are just run through this book at every turn if you pardon the pun intended every turn in the end the track what about iraq rockingham that's not on tour anymore and and people miss that that was part of the old nascar back when it was a sappy streets for years before he raced in vegas and phoenix and california as you do nail and their talking in the book about the fact that they think that they're going to lose that track an idiot between the time i read the book in the time it was published but it is so it is an old style tractors senate that's our heart attack planned they'll remain us good with bailey says you know with says while this one are lemon
yes i think that's a pretty good analogy i mean i had to answer that question in order to be able to write this and i went all the way back to back it and i think i came up with some some things that i found in common between beckett pelvis princes than and they'll they came from humble roots comparatively speaking they rose to positions of great power and influence during their lives and yet they never lost the common touch ch beckett before he died and washed the feet of the poor at that last ceremony and gave his clothes away princess diana auction off her dresses at sotheby's for aids charities ellis was known for giving cadillacs to people when snow whiting peanut butter sandwiches even when he was rich and famous and dale earnhardt inc moved to palm beach or hollywood are some fashionable place he lived in morrisville twenty miles from where he was born
had a simple farm and never lost that common touch even when he was with nineteen me and numbers talk about impostor the imposter israel and when i was researching this book i went a nascar races and there was a guy dressed up as our heart walking around the parsley and the real racecar drivers on the traffic trying to win the race including dale jr and yet people in the stands close to the impersonator just forgot the rise or not the real drivers and ran to this man weeping and they knew he wasn't a row on august two years after our bad but just the symbol of the man was compelling and i thought that is what i was getting at in this book was the idea of grassroots canonization and why are some people such larger than life figures that they leave shockwaves in the culture and he was an indication that that dale earnhardt had become a half just as we have
passionate wiser way mls impersonators you know that people continue to wail because we keep embodying them to legalize as you know not as an author but as an expert oh nascar which you have become don't deny why could they'll never win the battle and he wanted a television for now though i keep any story that's exactly right so to tell me about that earnhardt tried to win a term from nineteen seventy nine is ricky year until nineteen ninety seven and that's the race that puts you in a history book and he never could win one tiny have a sego and you know that is karma and it wasn't that he couldn't handle that track because he won thirty four races at daytona but he couldn't when it counted and so in nineteen ninety eight a little girl came to the track she was in a wheelchair she was six years old and she was unveiled plan and the cause for pictures whether endeavor hat and she said you're going on it must have taken our lap and she said
no this is your ear see this penny this is what the penny take it anyway and he must've thought what the heck he took the painting has cemented it superdelegates in the dashboard of the number three money hollow and he won he won the race with the lucky penny and in the number three but he lived for three years and it really varies after that victory la la and died in the last lap of the daytona five hundred eleven seconds from the finish line and leland and that well is part of the great mythology and it's part of why they're recognizing race cars an important part of the culture for gaza that continues to attract people from wall street i think the store level matthew what
you think about the levee when you put him on this bus i wanted somebody who believed in our hearts in the afterlife somebody who needed an angel this job is dying and the thing is a fight about is not a fish but if there's no live after that but that he's needed to have an anomaly by unveiling plans he knows busy so young he hasn't we lost many people in his life so the only person you know there's no so it's been an important is his racing he read it all and he thinks that if there were dismayed a minimum he'll be a cat and how to deal with a question will you might say matthews life or perhaps i decided that because that little girl in the wheelchair day dale earnhardt up lucky penny and gave him the one lice he wanted to win the barnhart owed a child a miracle and then typically pay back a war and so that's the way that the that that's the way you really open build saws
us your reality you know lula was a right yes because if you work at it everybody on the boss gets a miracle they get what they made that everybody on the bus get some miracle evenly on believers and there are some ugly was on that yes saying they'll when did you decide on the title already ordered the publishing the sun with no i'm the title really came first i decided that that's what i wanted to call it because that just summed up what i want to say a restaurant and the biker macabre as when i had to fight for that with new york with a potion yeah see that big that nascar is a former president of egypt i do to convince them and let em a part of their strategy was to keep people from finding out that it was a book about rising so basically discover with a pink sunset in pop for male marine matt us you know i can stand here and look and i tried to talk him out of it and they would listen
and so i've got i had received my first cover court from a nascar driver warburton who's my driver and i sent them a picture of him in the piracy with the sunglasses and i said this guy won the daytona five hundred he put those sunglasses on the staple gun and he gave my neck gave his name for my cover and he put a pink sunset on the cover with his name you have to explain that the hand and they can eat and they gave me the cover alignment well about what's the next book i mean you had such a string and so many different subjects covered in your novels what's the next well the next thing i'm doing is a nonfiction book with ward barton i wanted to study racing in reality and i've made now so many friends in nascar that you know the patties in a humpy wheeler in the earnhardt says like the book and so i mean and they were another novel with nascar going more deeply into the sport because i got a lot of people now are much
thicker you think that the you think that the both the let's go there because they know that there is definitely career and they don't i say it and i can say because i have a driver and when he is in a way that crap for an hour i don't want anybody to wreck nine ones i don't like the urgency of that makes it a sport was ernest hemingway said it best there are only three rules sports mountain climbing for filing an automobile racing and everything else is just a game and you quote bail you quote standing way in the book as saying just that we run out of time share and it's great to have you back again thank all of you for watching for our own words and john c bar keep reading no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Sharyn Mccrumb
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0054 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 28:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-5717m04x35.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:05
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3419; Sharyn Mccrumb,” 2005-10-08, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3419; Sharyn Mccrumb.” 2005-10-08. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3419; Sharyn Mccrumb. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from