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so you know once again welcome i guess is the marshall chapman welcome to world words and then the hook is goodbye little rock n roll nerd this city this is an idea that low rock n roll are i am indeed it is great the heavier is quite debris and i read this book and i have no i have so much in my life there was so much of the book that's a right here in my native city where i bump into people i knew and people i liked and interview people i really like right now really like you and i'm glad to hear about like it always about private college other rights it and i'm fascinated by the fact that you won who has written songs for over two hundred and fifty songs have remained wasn't that the phrase counting
that's right i'm not and i mean major hits or may know i'm in our listen the other data buffet jimmy buffett singing a song and i read your book and i would listen to a book but the song by marshall chapman and so i mean i know you've written a book right and it's not as if to say to people who were are going who were in in the music and write books they can undo what you have written of funny funny funny book and i wonder where it comes from i'm a southerner i grew up around who had a family that was you know as we said are on the table and told stories after dinner and everybody tells a good story in the family were all great storytellers and most as tj's has had some writing published and she's very funny how is that she's a lot funnier than i am i also oppose the
quiet one in the family or had to come to nashville to make noise and he had to really fight to get airtime enough i know now more about a family that ended before i mean it's a reasonably fair is a huge of a privilege i am a child privilege was born into privilege and i are born with the video proverbial silver spoon in the mouth and on can you know a crowbar i cut out now when it's been years but i might need to reactivate it yet but everything changed when i saw elvis presley as a child i saw his eye that is on lab from the colored balcony it was as it was called dr carolina finance barbara twenty two and fifty six where perez rapper and we had black servants anna they would come to our house on the bus and dealers like the changing of the guard corps g would now looming war began the daytime and she don't assign bust brought cora jeter you know in
korean like oregon and there is second all of the cicadas me and saying say he white was like the common and that's when our that love the book i feel like you know ethical issues were going oh here and nobody really thinks about the king in those terms when he would when he was when he was right out of two pomona he was great and i saw a song twice live us on a nineteen fifty six s on and in a nineteen seventy two was playing a gig in atlanta and it was a happy hour being i came out and i and there was just a sea of people i get swept in essence quarter was gone i said alice allison somebody so me a ticket i ended up you know going but the first record of a court in that balcony and you know he was on a country music package show and i think it was contractually he was still obligated that you are a cannibal come elvis so on there was just this electricity the place was packed and on and that
was just in time the chorus is just unknown the name on the world the package in any of the blacks the balcony weren't really there was sort of milan rangel is linda boyd elder's hit the stage is like lightning struck the beirut and they were riveted i loved him and did you know did you have you so young did you have a sense when i was just seven years old in and i've never heard of alice until that day and i said this is an you know elvis and she told me that she was left the batters names of what i may notice what's happening is that you know stress it's right is that any way we are i mean you know you're so sure when you're seven years though you know i just know our seen something really special and it just it just it was something that just went into my manager's hit my whole body and soul and it has stayed with me forever well no says one thing jerry lee's of mouth and you start with new york times among many yeah i had fun reading that passage from the prologue about jerry lee lewis the first line of the
book jerry lee lewis once gave me advice on how to live my life i haven't read that prologue all over the country got been doing a book tour since august thirtieth started and seven sisko not been going every night and i was in oxford mississippi in atlanta had to stop for about three minutes while they last night and honestly get closer to jerry lee you know you say in the book that really the trinity right the father the prodigal son in the whole ego that's ryan well it's elvis and richard and low which is a holy ghost and jeremy is a prodigal son that's right and it's interesting that new marshall chapman come back right after i would find you weigh in too musical environment where privileged means relatively nothing was what appealed that that had a great appeal to me cause i even at age twenty i knew that you could be black you could be bland and you could still be ray charles you
know all you had to have was talent and stick to its thickness and the endowment i came from basically it was you know as i say this in the book is pretty tough words but it was so she who marries the richest man wins another there's gotta be a better game than that i you know and i decided what anything to do with an act friday not mean i'm david these guys and an arm i really thought that that's what it ended due in a nearby think saddest the plan on dishonest and still are stolen and the things i stumbled in here today you know i really never had to have a plan has just sort of been bad to fall well i don't want to this so i just sort of move away from that end up here whether was something about national it seems to me it was a magnet for him it really comes across in my book that you know your father was an omen he was a mill owner and he had a friend and walter forbes senior was when my grandfather's to signal thread company from lookout mountain they're
somewhat ford jr recorded an album too well as with chet atkins rca records and dad took me to a textile convention at mr convention hollywood beach california night came out i was sixteen years old nineteen sixty five and he say we're going on here this man saying he had the tarrant was wearing a white dinner jacket was always and he was singing the song and i was riveted he told me he said you wanted go to ban a bill does and what their abilities are words a school in ashland you will be in nashville and i was sixteen and that has stuck in my mind there are close allies everyone's doesn't want a vanderbilt i know what vendor was and of course my parents wanted the hollands a sweet ride they took me around this village and i had come out of their little mountain again only way you know buy in south carolina john i think anything west of the blue ridge mountains as plain and simple lives you know it was when i got the national think doing was still on the books as being legal they detained a satellite they got it off the books until seventy five cents a big ideas and i just
innovation for blood on i came out here and they came out when i graduated with a u haul trailer to take me back to nationalistic activist margaret and he's easy pickings story that to spartanburg and say it's become home it really began said that it is my home and proud to say what is it about it what is it about this the band dynamic to say particularly from the perspective of one who don't have to be in a rock n roll or them have to be an music and an end then what is it about a town that is so across the country that brings the rock and roll here i don't know i mean i just want to be in a music town and i love country music to miami now and the family couldn't believe it had a large loved a lot of ford's got me into country music when i heard those records cable where the carter family and i became aware of a wake of them became aware of hank williams and also what to this summer
camp in hendersonville north carolina was a gap there that term you a lot of that music that he was also and chuck berry you know but george jones oh i took the tear george jones in greenville south carolina nineteen sixty five years on a packed show with all along with a glacier brothers as thought they were great you know but all the friends school the parents of just listen to classical music innovators i can imagine why i was attracted to country music they both thought it was a joke in in the house and they know it was you know food for the soul or the work and they you know they are they saw shows like arthur guitar boogie smith we got those shows would iran for wagner show we get the wilburn brothers show and i love watching those shows i thought the music was great but they are alarmed about country music was the role a motion in the songs and i think the old child of privilege you know we grow up where the thing you dont making waves and nobody ever shows emotion you
know that that was a real outlet for me like in the book is sort of an account oh really funny and fascinating in loops right to life is not not autobiography and in a way because people can do much to young now that i have not met an autobiography that have always said i'll never write an autobiography i mean it just i can't imagine but it just twelve songs and where they came from and it's an idea i've had for a long time and i just never thought i'd sit still long enough to write but people say why do you write that song marshall and so in each chapter i try to answer the question where the song came from but of course had written hundreds of song the pick the twelve that ended their stories what i started to say as a first question marshall why can't you be like a bigger and i can't see that that's what that that child a song has a question mark as an eye and i've always always thought i could be like other girls
but you know we talked about back when people were teenagers they all fit in but i think everybody feels like they really do don't fit in that everybody else somewhere has got it together you know but that that's what i am that story's going thousand to see in my awards show i think that the old auditorium and with a live in boyfriend act iconoclast critic art critic dave hickey us still adore to this day and we were down there and on dawn williams walked in the room and has all the snow queen just made a b line of you know there's when you get their hair teased out to hear from a subordinate said so the closer to god and they made of the land so there's immature as a silent alarm and those women and you know they all had had the makeup on and everything he lifted me somewhat kgb ha ha ha ha ha ha you would say the same thing you know for us when bell made in those you know that junior league outfit at the time the little you know kind of green and pink outfit for the butterflies or skirts idc then
package you'd be like other girls and everyone like those girls i'll tell you not like you not like most of the privilege to start telling his tour their lives and in the lunar for you tom very candidly about his sex life well now i don't know if you've read your book how well no i mean well done is my baby and it my dear you realize that through her disgrace has presented a united that this doesn't know it's not like what jimmy email me he said for god's sake he quickly tell stories on to misogyny you will be free trade as the lovable altar boy we all know a result of what exactly but i did have it i love jimmy like a brother and an analyst i like you saw the banner reverend brother and an engine i enjoyed writing
about in a party pick you know mostly song the set up it goes ahead the ones in the best stories around them are a few songs and i picked so i can write about somebody and i think the perfect porn was chosen for that reason jamie and i've had so much there were so many great anecdotes that i had to and i don't mean that you are i don't mean you do with explicit sex is follow andrew the dozens of his novels and i but i do think you're a candid about it around and not send out about what's what's rave reviews of them many succumb to the no shame day that i know i want to ask you about is alice thought i was and i mean if i get credit for doing all things people thought i did i put myself in some situations because it's always fall in love it will not follow that would be the gap you know and harlan howard used to tease reason marshall you must be in love music as your career be going great and employee followed
when you come back out as a where she must have broken out with also and so when you talk about the crazy elude in boston yeah that was that was while now i don't have that this guy you know nine not that there's three guys in their domain and wrong listeners called cw right in there talk about arkansas political stuff in that assessment running out the night came from and sung this book really is about the relationship between online you know i think that creativity and i think that fear and if you'd made the kind of our allied with its paintings books where i lie artists like the end of it you look at their pains in you know who they are as people and i write books that people aren't whether it's fiction nonfiction whatever what i don't like a
trashy you know tell all sure you know like most that's what the same orders was impressed them on book was inviting glenn found some writer to write my life star announced and that this was somehow wanted to write it was to do well you know smith was a great mentor thank you no no yeah tongue forward police sergeant i read that you know there's there's a great line at the end of charlotte's where that says you know it's great having a friend a close friend there's just nothing quite as wonderful as having a great friend who's a great writer denise is the first time us so that the jolly are there if you can imagine that and then you come back to the jolly actually but just tell me a bit about abortion in chairs of it was wild that city was well it was named that that that scene in there about crashing again at the with the audience and if my world series i mean it's just all true and a crucial role in ever nurses as the greatest baseball players ever
to say i was that i did see called atheist his homeless reverend seat of his truck would listen to it on the radio is the place to come and run a soft as we crash and so my estimate and say these are my you know but as i thought i was a dime i had their night sticks and i want to know i was a woman if there was like a different but it did help to get my mat as a river roughly under ruff embody upset that was that we were up there less school board right field and big jolly green giant how is it you know when i write wrote about that stuff out it just was i thought i'd write about somebody else i felt like i was right about an errant nice a beloved parent needed and his money taken away they believed to have to do all of that you got no sir you're not going to go in the front row so that was the whole
point you know if you say no i'm from it be there is something that comes with that they're called advice i don't wanna hear that at that point but you know it was it had to be strange for my parents because they had no pages of that annoying thing about the music business accounts carol and unsure ask him for a few years just in the so we you know that was a scary story there was you know it scared me write about that was just my heart was just pounding when i was there i was on that alleged behind the scoreboard could've fallen away would like him so it's a great habitat and why shouldn't drink they are easy and then there is the there's a great story in nashville where i'm at some old friends in your account and that their
world cup a source of great of a saucy and in its own way is a genius or i was the most creative advertising genius was that iraq had been counted and writer of music artist an artist he's crying and the land and he would be the first to say if you hear an ex convict but he refuses to protect your attitude i'm standing about numbers but he is as fans or extreme wealth but that that story is another's sort of wild and woolly episode not so dangerous but but the best in the moonlight yeah veritable in them like that and this is true what they then yet tapper at pena's clothes on and i know it's only one at bat has laid down in the drive like as the
moon was full and it was just you know we were just full of life and mourn and even the last forever he had taken a bunch of his close the restaurant a bunch of the city fallen out of the oil rich detail know we all know that is hal something slows down and i was a basketball goal and a bunch of us we were taken the moon back in the driveway in that we start shooting baskets i don't know what i thought many women sadly the bet there was the you know the white persons who are outside his phone and you develop over this broken and go from from the one aspect your life to another to another i wondered where it was that you really beside an hour and for all from mali and for all fun and for all the light touch of red when you
make a serious decision about music that's a good question and like everything i will answer with a story of the way but you know it as saying that miles roger known for first time i went on the road with a new zealand australia with roger know i mean i've never been a murfreesboro without a salary cap wade into the deep in and i'm roger was living in the ag eric o'neill john there are more state and in up in the hills of the beverly hills and we all ended up at his house we did a show at the arab forum for left hand and we all ended up at his house when it will announce was there and there was a fire in the fireplace and they started passing the guitar and here i was with two of my idols roger miller willie nelson astoria sing in the very first some guitar came to me and i mean just think about it right now storm to clam up a wounded a starry plane this first song i've ever written it's called a woman's heart as the haney place to be and i think i ran across that in your book
yeah and i well the story in the book know but what the but with autism it's in the town square that is four song and i said there was a lot in their own shoes and lower runnin from a friend found a stranger and when a fierce sing the song never looked at nelson he says it with a warning look at me they look and each other he says running from a friend of fun a stranger that it back in it was just like being ordained i felt like in that moment i thought i can do this i can do this you know and analysts want to do it so that you you know when you just start now you don't think you're good enough you're insecure and you're just trying to write it first i would never finish songs cause then somebody might tell me tell me if they liked him or not analysis games they might say they're not good enough that at that song the first person to sign for was owen bradley from readily in august she was not a rich country female singer and how interesting and he passed because he said she was
to establish for the third verse which accurately with someone but barrett irony of all are nice crystal gayle recorded on first of those are her sister so in the jazzy coltrane recorded after that and the force twelve songs i wrote that record in the order they were written that was you know that to the sounds that come in that i was really encouraged to deliver babies happen to a lot of people and end you know you're talking about say you're talking about country there and we're talking about roger miller and when you talk about being in that crowd knew it really and they when you talk about the role in utah not on the rock and roll which is where where the music took him and i was it really you really have so i'm going to root well and also the finals excited to me in the early seventies was this out walcott you know that movement which is what they call the but
waylon jennings to me it's not that far from wayland jennings to the rolling stones you know waylon had that salmon that beat and i just thought that was really exciting and i loved willie for the song that way and had that sound and it was robbed of rock and roll to me and wrong there were a lot of people young johnny darrell i thought that he was just such a great singer and stylist and they were just done and kristofferson with a painful moment in the vote look a half hours on the phone but can i have an incredible way to play but you got well but i mean i'd say a year you tear a well this is this is the title to the book and it's called goodbye little rock n roller and the song is as it says in the book pastorius kremlin this alone american airlines cocktail napkin line from los angeles to nashville and over their
june quarter and it was finished on a friday and finished at that sunday was mother's day a once there was yeah it does all she saw rock n roll call her dad about her old guitar in the average range of at a star she were giving those seasonal bugs so that made that good job all day long barricade in sentences sang songs from dunedin may use a challenge that just would say we all these days davis says that way
unc they made a daze i was just saying
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Marshall Chapman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Goodby Little Rock And Roller
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3213 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-4x54f1ng18.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3213; Marshall Chapman,” 2003-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3213; Marshall Chapman.” 2003-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3213; Marshall Chapman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from