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on guns in the once again welcome to a word on words i guess is ralph my friend rob welcome within earshot a pleasure to be back and the mere review before with all available option so i'm delighted to include virtually well i you know love nobody understands how memories became the number one bestseller all in the product and liz and nobody knew out was i couldn't terry only people call me up on the billfold morally country who is this fellow britons but no reason why that on why is it on the best seller list at the top one thing he's been sort of the cause of the national network and people never understood that you're writing your audience with larger than any of the other side than talk shows or are that that show really had an impact it's and it's unfortunate that it's not hear him or leaning it had a great impact it
was good for the city it was good for the city and good for the country and it was very good for country music in an hour a fifty year the country road off well with the introduction by a mutual friend the loss isn't as an abduction that you display in the fact that you're a historian and i say it is a fact and i say this is the book this is what we are are buying tickets and i've felt georgia it wouldn't last two books to create an eraser about asia now we should tell people this is not a history i should okay it's so sort of borders on history but we don't cover every facet and i had some parameters for this book the book is actually sort of celebration of fifty years of broadcasting for me i got into broadcasting and fifty one until fifty one to two thousand and one just fifteen years
so at the beginning of the book where we're covering some events in the fight for the sort of forties travis up the stain for the first ej and the first thing that we try to figure out what to do when the book came about when we got green light to write it with what how hamlet hamlet fifty years so we decided to do a decade by decade and that was more manageable one it works very well but it also has a look that is rich in anecdotal material most of a grounding in fact some of it you'll say occasionally are in that anecdote that we don't know for sure but is far lower and i find an unloved in reading this book that i learned more about the culture of country music
the evelyn before an unmanned in an e book and i think i've read a dozen books some by african music starts m i and the end of the end for some are out there work why haven't appreciate that on the you know i think it helps and i'm a native of this area i was not free with my grandfather for scotty billy kenny jim jordan is our mother after high road and higher with autobiography she came up with my radio and i didn't have access to it when i wrote the first book where you and i say that because it's an interesting things in my baby book baby's first radio experiment i listened to wsm according to my mother and she said i was kind of dancing to the music saw bread dough us it was in my blood long before work
you know i'm very much interested in free expression first amendment rights and i've notice the controversy surrounding music rap music has controversy surrounding it sometimes him an ailment someone new stars or criticized i never heard that story about all an hour you tell your ear right upfront about our dexter and pistol packing mama and it was a band and bing crosby echoed he covered the covered it or talk about it you know i've been trying to get out that you're into the country really pull for him i think he belongs there is a huge career essentially was over by the fifties but in the forties she was very common that a lot of hit records i think he had hall on a
radiator can in the top five and show runner for fiber one record or a little boy and lillian mcewen tennessee had one jukebox one drugstore with a jukebox and i guess you'll join or i'm guessing forty three forty four and that few blocks which you play for a nickel plated pistol packing mama day in there was and i think it was actually the first crossover record in country music history where a record shows pop and country n crosby of course help healthy apartment really know ryan crocker took advantage of that i think the song which offer strong and he would have jumped on it unless he sold americans saw and the parade wouldn't go for it because of the laws only only on drinking beer a cabaret have they changed
and they try and singing songs of the camera and that's what a great story of what a great story and an agreement on pieces what you've done is is at any income the historian of country music i think in this book give the city is of history then well then they do they change the lyrics and they do except on a bright and then later that prayer real hard time rock n roll and it was not like joe stafford frank sinatra you know that one of my hair very reassuring and i wrote it because it reflects how are people in nashville felt about country music and the ugly prose to recover during the war and the edge of mr roy acuff invited the governor to come to a party
celebrating the new country show he was doing from robert i guess i was running away from work and the governor declined to come and what kind of history of black he allegedly said i'll be no part i'll be part of no such service a covers a disgrace to the great state of tennessee for trying to make national the hillbilly capital of the united states i'm thinking of this if we only knew what happened after that it would only be had ever thought about it his son was gone for congress one day and this thing about ron and it even as we're sitting in a darkened in i'm a new eleven year out of his map of what you heard of them out on his father and india would repudiate that well that was the attitude i know i wish our grand ole opry announcers no the early should
do about the fullest as one live on our show it's a contractor friend of mine who lived in the army and he and i should do that we do need a law that they've been allowed to have answers about rambo and they would be there on his life and they're and that happened to an awful an issue is it took a long time and i'm not sure the old that but feelings of love this but i think we will recover novel and you know i can remember as a boy everybody went downtown to church i mean there was that was mckinley methodist and there was the first photo gerry now downtown providence st mary's catholic church there was there was a recall the naacp church downtown and you carry up fifth avenue to an off broadway church and course that area would be littered the goal of an
opera crowd and people would i can remember my parents talking about the trash on the sidewalk and disgraceful it was mean we came to see a time when the chamber of commerce of frowned on in the old days i mean you couldn't have a board of the chamber commerce without having kind of music represents a dramatic change and he recounted the fires were started nail and i've heard it as i've heard that he's heard and that enron nineteen thirty seven thirty eight there was an editorial and one of the paper's banner of attention let's get rid of the grand ole opry that was a benefit law have already voted for the you know their own lists and so then you help dispel penguins a great great talent and hank williams
clearly walked across the bridge from country to pop and help the country will cross that but you make the point that any oil built the bridge yes and i dedicated the book and he is the top i think eddie arnold became the first showing her that made records in nashville who became widely accepted by more people in the united states and worldwide and i didn't realize until a really get into it with any was up selling at rca people like perry como un vaughn monroe and all those great stars ahead and any oh tommy about talking finally meeting the president of rca and the man said you know brad reviews an icu for huge controls why does every monday morning edition here are so their worlds every say well the new lows
and he went in there that day as you tell as you tell the story in the book when you know that day thinking he might be you might be canceled or are you love your soul and ensure that the old storyline in there that really saw confirms what that was about the whole attitude about what country was a country was when barbara mandrell had her national television show i mean she was the darling of the nation and people can then in gross for that the primetime television program by barbara ann and her sisters end and i'm thirty two and came up with one of the roots of that was envisioned barbara kern this was before what i say before because la roche picturing
row of coal miner daughter came out of seventy nine and that wishes that if i had a role in that the characters patchett for them thirty four and had a moving or the movie about thirty five and i think the ad for them and roll shows on at eighty one but barbara said where each week they sat down and production meeting and tried to come up with an idea for the show and she said why don't we salute patsy cline at the voice or to scratch day than i could see that happening to some nondescript at the end of a tragic lives of bach's air pollution issued nineteen eighty six and sold for two million copies general in her lifetime would never mentioned the barber knew patsy <unk> wrote that in this book about that
barr was on the road with people like george jones died gives an inch of other cherished born barbara was thirty and she roamed the story is in nashua with pratchett four and that he was having heart our hair and borrowed the mother's fear of our barber circular help you with curator barbara said if it had been me hours of buzz off good you can touch my hair what that she was very nice for you and she's a world of friendship and how that his barbershop with that surprises used to kick your butt budget i think she accepted or early on that she was one of her heroes thought it was borrowed from a year ago especially for entire nineteen sixty three we're in this setting we're talking about eighteen years later aaron sorkin see how some people will forget but i think the i think putting
fancy in a coal miner's daughter a movie really an aircrew the resurgence of her popular for though the justinian i'm talking with rob crilly about his book fifty is not a country road or ralph don't be back with us again next week and thank you very much for that a uk tells sorcha music there without getting into the legendary and as you say the mysterious hank williams and i was fascinated by the fact that i didn't i never knew that you in tokyo had once considered below the phone to hank williams story of bell well dr tom had this idea that sandy was going to vote in in the research we've done and fantastic research we have a lot of the book
are if i was going to get in his bus at montgomery alabama and follow the route of hank williams from the montgomery and his awareness is where future montgomery alabama to chad knoxville and then on up to go to west virginia and that was canceled because of a social right because we repeal or something i'd not realized prior to my mission and a carefully gun owner of one airplane and flew them a good morning and had come back to max wilk says there's no show was canceled right and this cannot wear yellow that show charleston west virginia there was tension so then with him on a troublemaker bar car and court had died a lawyer and this poll is that much discretion when he died he died the thirty first ordered the guy the first
there was new year's eve new year's day and palmer for me i think and junior done something that made him how very controversial and gm and backed off because of that and wardle suspect your stories and they maybe didn't want them there was a great idea i really the unfounded and did some research for when he found a guy that was driving hank williams but by the guy and interviewed him for making such jolly down that we're going through what doubly looked him up and charles car and charles carr who were driving from all right now is dead set out of another bout of the camp of death his summer home on christmas vacation and so or hanging it somewhere driver of the west virginia and the kids so it tears women his father saw the chairs the kids pick up a
few dollars and seven lawyers off on vacation dr hank to west virginia and they've done in their hair charles castille in another charles carr so his answers were different than some other letter and i were always wondering i love history it's an hour's drive to the shooter was the man thinking properly when i interviewed somebody about something happened long sometimes sometimes we forget and we can't remember a chapter in first like we used to that's why tape and so forth most of the things you really buy books i have i have on tape with someone well i'm in on cnn a man you're the premier interviewer for the
nation if they tuned in at all to watch anything about about country music and the flare of course you were a disc jockey and then the premier disc jockey of country music to an announcer ole opry i mean you've done it all and you've been there but then you put it down and this story i'm in town to use research on a headwind for forgiveness i mean is something he gave us they want everything we needed to know down to the question who do they get a traffic ticket and who the quake on average women who were driving in and and when i was in bed when the cops pulled him over on a lot of those questions have never been one hank williams was a word that body too caldwell voyage to his car than i do at a marshmallow told to make their final journey
there were knowing about because he year he couldn't walk or was the drum fill it in some sort of brought herbie into morphing and you do that level the shows were alive five we've got a morphing carney walk into a drugstore and give the movie the engineers are lots of his father died on both those kinds of drugs because of affordable horse and a very bad back and i've had a bad back so i can certainly didn't follow that for example although i think maybe a morphine card might be a little excessive nobody ever offered me won't let me just ask you about that about the role of fred rose red roses all ways than sort of mythic figure to me it really said well it hadn't been for rose you wouldn't have hank williams as a great writer perhaps as great
entertainer thing i know about fred rose was he and hank at a great deal more in common than music i mean they both had an alcohol problem i never heard that the federal reserve had to overcome he had overcome his problem and i think other than that anything that fred rowe's a hazard area history of song doctor and songwriter and i think it was that there was a meeting a meeting that happens that are challenged the carl albert hall is that ross country share with all in roller and fred wrote i think dr shamu the lurch he also worked very hard to build a pax reputation songwriter soviet be a dotted i hear a prostitute their change one or two words here you are to make it more subtle
with it for them to protect the published author of songs and he i think he you know had bounced things awful for and he loved telling the measure of the curvature of it hit religious fervor yet and they were they were they were good combination videos have been in tin pan alley in new york even chicago you recognize the pop music writers of torture if that's what the john doe was the at the time he was successful but the depth of his drunkenness when we found christian science was something i never heard before he was at the end of his rope and christian church save him and i say do i hate it if you're a writer i'm a fish that people already a sprint in the early and the fifties onward victors in world
but when if you were masterful writer fred was an airstrip you could not write with a real line you can now go and that he could not write with hank williams' not put him a lot talk about a cutthroat have an ascap company he could write for call my leniency but jake of rose was a real life nora get too far afield here with the rock it came from hollywood he was a hollywood writer and also from a french a man who changed my heart jeremy for you to go there and i had written to a legit that you do the grill for a lesbian for intervention and he was the guy in the forefront of a good literature and new york and have one on the right road took money out of his own bank account and contended to fred look on taking this money from people who agree it just to save his pride
that about three minutes left and i don't know i'm glad we got that time ago the story needs to be atoned little more depth and no and we only have a minute left but hank williams jr was a legitimate well i don't want to endure but that's the books they are documented and it's explainable line it really depends on certain dates know he was the son of water there were no doubt and he reveres the years from questionnaires to and when he was a boy and i think they have they've offered management and they had been married divorced got back together and never bothered
steering area until after his birth as so it's a stretch it is happening and i wanted to stop him but what it is you're running if you're running for political report well that whole love that whole in that whole part of the book that deals with was never mark what did we do with one fifth of his book is a right wing i know you and an end and to know that there is a stage and you get through hank williams you've also intersecting with many other stars in the story about rose coming to nashville and i guess you thought frank and saying fred wrote with laughing at and country music until you've heard roy a cuff saying and then the depth of sincerity by he heard in roy a close music
captured his interest in in nashville and continued i think that's death well jonas next we wouldn't continue our conversation with royal family about his book fifty years than it has been in hardback it's now in paperback ralph branca vigilance my pleasure because we covered a few miles we haven't got a long way to go on johnson in the opera world words keep reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Ralph Emery
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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50 Years Down A Country Road Part 1
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3035 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:47
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-4t6f18t97g.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:21
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3035; Ralph Emery,” 2002-03-25, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3035; Ralph Emery.” 2002-03-25. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3035; Ralph Emery. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from