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and our at our audience once again welcome to word on words a guest is gregg williams and a poet a poet what's in that ives what's in i would like to live in a book you know books are bordered on so that's quite true how in the world are your publisher to do it oh you done it before yeah well i'm in their usual course is you try to get poems and now post and magazines charles and indian without enough of a list of acknowledgments publish my interest a publisher and bring a book out it's called arizona for arizona's records a minute that is a title poem comes in the back of the boat but talk about that title areas in the script to get tide over book
was like as you say came from that poem appeared in he was one of the lighter points narrowed ford and when i when i had that one occurs in the course of the boy and so when i win win a title that porn it i thought almost immediately that there would be a good title for the book and one of the recurring themes are gags or whatever throughout the book are all kinds of theirs that i end up making well i you know there are moments when i go through the trial comes to me because i can tell if you're teasing me to or not which i know is what you do intended as a give all poetry was as it as diverse as george
and there was always a movie since mystery their own but important but i mean it is so rare to have a published poet like a government program for the data published just so much fun to talk to poach goes i think you know if you look back at the evolution in literature in this country it was a dollar art form nearly days this country and we've lost a lot or doesn't have lived as much appeal was as if people say once did i don't know how popular it has been compared to other forms of literature really is concern not know the century as you sow but at the same time we are there are lots of journals into and summit conferences and lots of them if a school's where philip people are a part of applied in hopes of
becoming better poets and becoming poets no you didn't talk and you know and your soon so you're a poet forgive and then go into your class because they were i hope so i mean i probably much more than any interest in the particulars just that the other interested in poetry themselves and you make like a little world that is visual and were dominated the prison let into an oral visual world that there's almost no place for a mom line in a commercial bottom line for poet know there aren't very many well to do though it's early so well blew off the sales of the books
that's true and yet their president would like to find a poem a poet can deliver i mean beyond kennedy and bill clinton are the two presidents is i can remember where poets were dominant figures on that platform i mean i think first after clinton kennedy were the two poets to read their serving on the preachers who do i gave the end locations are more than them mooney and he just is who administered the oath so the power of poetry still it would've you know it seems to make of a strange pursuit of love you know have to have those public event marked by a commemorative poem or something but that certainly happens and bound for the most part probably poetry days thought of both by the riders themselves in the audience is a more
a personal you know discourse than i want to know you know a public going to come from public comment but through vimeo for forever those things of course has been capable of of those both of those approaches and more there's really a lot of the top priorities of age nineteen and a and this is my selection and so i don't know my audience that well all of them in the thirty years and i have a sense of fluid so closely it we're many of them really like your borders was it that i really like a portable thank you so this is going to top priority granted i'm a malcontent a geek his people skills in and are facing
technique are let's say challenged granted i maintain a kennel of pet peeves and yet this rain of fashion is a simple border focus on our new king the cheeky hocus pocus of bass orwellian duplicity is free gifts true facts and top priorities and jfk the ticket engineer invites us to pre board and down my beard and stash the paper back and check my father that is not into yemeni times gun lobby that are no instead inject that's every man going up and on the way we manage the conflict and that isn't what she means i don't know why she says the us who clearly aren't onboard those who have not reported gnome a bored and when they land in the weather event called rain the weed the board turns out we'd be playing and left the grass to dismounted not remained but the hits the plane is whenever point granted i'm a grownup a grouch a crank but when the recipe for braised
lamb shank a big dick says preheat the oven to the fed said heat the oven what would you do if grocery store support supply a pre sliced roland sliced and sliced pre sliced his work will hold if the sales suggest supreme a bow you think that he means ribbon does he know when deal then says not use pre old crown vic yes king did she use it he says dick soup is ready when soup is not the kind of rice and chicken in a pot and this going to because there is no pay and noble no spring it's cold it's an occasion and why not offer ready to fish with books already to read pre bound pre written books we call things literal and figurative i literally died and yet you live we float a metaphor until it fails the steam was taken out of the president's sales we drowned greatness and polluted waters woman admits to allegedly killing her daughters were just plain subjects up in regal guys to talk is to share
the plan prioritize and the big business when it's growing ceases right size is one more rightly it decreases reform top colleges a fine sense as with say previous experience past history when the poet wrote that i can truly forgive her by a vote the class refused to find a phrase and really later i forgave them but not fully and had my heirs to list of course i have misspoken riding my high horse but open truly forgiven every life and so you know i basically when i die predate migrate six feet ahead the coffin brainstorm and dialogue about me often and all the body to join the win win group for pre cooked ham and ready to eat soup completely free gifts no extra charge to me and walk with god the top priority is a lesser of it well i think that form the of new orleans is as those of the known as i think they'll find
that form jumps and you eat well the voters it but yeah i alone so ago are those panties yeah i i think that he you know i mean how often i read the newspaper how can i read the newspaper when i was an editor and i have peeves over those crazy i would get over that phraseology you know bunn and still is of most often it's a former journal ej and we learned over the hyphen well for some reason i think despite every whole fix its own alice is pre drilling holes and thrive with a bestseller was a reporter and political analyst a few years ago saying it's it's it's still too early to prejudge the candidate i don't think it's possible in the physical world that we know no
that's very notable your twenties do you this hasn't been an epigraph from seamus heaney and this is really where the point is he is the nobel prize winning irish poet ezra and i just saw that he had written this somewhere i don't even remember where this was clear that assad any longer but time and he's he's terrific but this was my rejoinder to his sentence god bodies of water and he says glimmerings or what the souls composed of yes but the body is made of water that's a fat it freezes with fear and boils with rage because it has a state's blows off staying in swells with pride it's what's like a pipe but it is water genetic pool swamp of desires its heart melts into beautiful face turned to a plot of it stands in the street admires the body runs hot and cold and down and
soaked birds seeking its level there's been souls who drowned and pity drowned and sorrow just last week there was a glimmer of something on the surface that it went under when divers went in they found gold teeth and hundreds of miles of water for most of your just your efforts redlands and just in reading from his new book that harrison schmitt it is a poet is a published poet is a poet whose books are published which is when i did more recommended a rarity today's world literature many of them is due in about that segment of your book in which you're reliant is both raised and we talk about why wealth this is of the sessions called double exposures and there is probably where i believe in their mid to love
it's meant to her to account for a roll of film in which every press gets exposed wires and so on b the idea behind it was to try to duplicate or represent somehow the d o double exposed huge double exposed for so i would run intended people to read one side and then the other side and then reading together an suv away the joint reading of changes the significance of each side an did you have a drone again is by the editor of the potion were well known on the taste but you know that people are very some eyebrows i would think and i would think i would think in our lives here you go on by this book they become a double exposure section of a widow of this on the other hand if they listen to us they'll not clear but let's have a shot at that what about
what about the view of the neighborhood and what's natural fit with you of all i should say you don't have a national learning more that i grew up with them and then over it was made and and so this was a psalm forty one i think they fear they're so they're twenty six of these poems to try to account for in a row of twenty four with one extra prayers and then one that i had duplicated and then there are two that are meant to the scene is enlargements and this is one of those it's a little longer than the others but not much known a much longer so the school viewed neighborhood in the neighborhood was desolate you have fallen the first little bit is there goes to reflection back a weirdly wordsworth says her lines composed when he was booked intern andy hands so is supposed to be a kind of gag rule went to crisis porn but i hope what really not just a dead so
the once the boldface site is five years of past that you might ask when jews why launch this what you're seeing here is my old hometown and oh i can't detect five deceived myself i recollect the sound of two stroke engines rees of smoke for city of hot asphalt these of obama former home but nowadays icy perplexing thoughts of what's become a flea new ufos was set up in the corner and it's a well a ufo i haven't been able to tell if it's a blemish on the limbs or say the official mascot of the bs a hundred out of context i have both my formal rules the vision of a spaceship it's a sort of crafted brings an alien old familiar things and together they would go five years have passed but us launches what's that up in the corner it so well why large this week is saying here's a ufo i haven't been able to tell my old hometown and though i can detect if it's a blemish on the lens or say if i'm deceived myself i recollect the official mascot of the bs say the sound of two stroke
engines reeves of smoke hovering out of context i buffer city of hot asphalt these evoke my former home or else the vision of my former home but nowadays i see a spaceship it's a sort of crafted brings perplexing thoughts of what's become fully in alien told familiar things now in one page fourteen lines you'd only three poems each with given me some slightly overlapping me but each distinctive it's a first time around of course is that your own creation well i as far as i know it is but on and i'm sure that you know the people of had similar ideas i haven't seen one quite like this or some that it would serve their separate columns and and the sort of play off each other or been waged there's a lot of
interrupting voice that breaks in and disrupt things that seem not quite like qualities to see i think the reason that your poetry is something that a publisher would jump to publish is because there is not just avoiding message by winning done with humor with the top but there also is a little game playing the fun and i know where the book is it a more obvious than adults so let's let's go to to reduce richard on page eighty and so help our audience i thought i looked yellow is to be sitting in on monday they are not to see new read the fourteen months first alternately and then and then and then the and then the ad telling
an and then read both together well i get much more automated but i'm chewing well if it's nothing but confused but so i think part of us in something that seems to come up at throughout the book and and and other points as well i'd pay gases and as i'm sometimes just one meal without my intentions really i suppose is just a concern with different ways of looking at the same things that the rebels are going to play along with that is a very old john are very old form and they're always rebuilt and then very difficult to build a guess the answer but in these eyed given says giving incentives and because and this is set up her like s at question of the hours that kind of complex and so when we go along so well the audience come along with the book as well given the endangered
historic beginning in this example that like we do is going to be this eighties and it's served with a high pitch i leave home and my flights over your field support and politics on summer nights i sleep the sky the blind i get lost and what's so then you go through the answers to be they as a bat b ball sie lieber of the a and e n e c and d may go an example cause i can think of five things that i want to be see right there and the rest were supposed to have five answers all of which are supposed to be correct so for instance chamber of commonly i thrive i've been shot and yet i'm still alive though people think having me i survive the us what is the love that right so the answers would be a rifle the
photograph see moon the the foundling tom jones and he dies and in our chamber commonly i thrived i've been shot yet still on the line that people think me think damian i survive we're all apply although i'd add i didn't hear that they will sleep why there's this therefore in where i finally realized i had to go back and i'll check but then there's a note about the city and the tom jones isn't actually shot so tom jones much that it almost has only have read almost yet he has all kinds of bad things happened and on the other hand they're a minute tom jones in this world haven't shot will that stroke justice not outright no justification for it joey take a lot about at number four the good
eye makeup words but i know at school was in the top five in my class at school help write the laws and yet i do not rule finances answers are they say the e c a b b and e d we still as others are you still with his other arm all right let's go to him let's go to number ten months or number nine i going ahead but neither had no hair no good nor would normally theaters to wear so little little friend only given a lump lump tombstone didn't blame lampshade price really i think on the next one single election under the answers and they knew the riddle i do the answers to ten below a foot before the
seafloor in the foot he boldly and say geez foot foot right okay go ahead because in the control room saying what they are going on out there so i know it turns out based in good measure on an old design i'm told by a ball with me in mind step by step the company a little on foot foot foot foot and foot right let's pitch welcome credit card echo a debate about whether to put the zealots it even acknowledge the mistake and tom johnson says the whole book is errors in the script i thought it needed to a list of writers i thought that the title areas in the script did not adequately well somebody thought my thought you were i thought we'd given a metaphor for the writers well for gillies accommodate a list
of a rubber boat i think there've been they do at least one or two people who have who've wondered whether that on and on this point everybody's leg and i don't mean to be but i don't know that will not everybody but anyway so the new a rod of paper pages one is while the family tom jones is a costly gunpoint he is not in fact as it turns out shout protestations to the effect that he sees he shot on film in the movie starts trying to albert finney have not met support in the court of public opinion the authors should such a creature exists he's asked regrets this misunderstanding and into the heading of this page as what was made evident to the offer whatever by douglas are hofstetter should read properly of view but his endeavors a vivid about that you probably isn't aware of no pay
you write so well then anderson very telling stuff that i mean you have to read behind what you read sometimes to get it and sometimes if i think you're going to be with me i find that you're in it being very serious you make me think and so for me your poetry as a solo special impact what about what about an art form what about writing fiction why would love to but in a recently when i you know when i was younger i thought that might be a i would be what i wanted to but that there's just no evidence whatsoever that i have the slightest they were built a
i think a fiction writer's i mean people are able to do both but not everyone i think fiction are just think differently from the way i think that they bought plots and characters in iowa and i'm not sure that i don't have the patience to involve people around so beauty knowledge that your poetry takes great creativity but you think the difference for creativity their texture a fiction to some degree out and you still dealing with you know still deal with english winnow and nonfiction and run on it you know i what i would try and still honestly i still drive a novel or short stories but i just don't know a loaf that would forbid stuart kamel they're never talking to talk with fiction writers friends of mine and something you know we'd see the same you're the same one over here the same
conversation and i'll be thinking about how i could you know i could manipulate that are you know trope on that and they start thinking about the circumstances that would lead to someone having said that how they ended up in the you know in the seat next to them on the bus and where they went from there and i'll think bills that well you're a poet number of the time we didn't talk and greg williamson about his new book errors in the script the one thing i could so much like a lot of you and john c and offer a report on words reading waits lots in the periphery
and here is the one with the waste lots of the epicenter what is now the ocean there is the sala we uncover a most remarkable thing and i would invite you wherever you go in the world find the us in a spare no hope and roll on and see if what i say is natural now concerning rowing bodies do you all know what yo yo is here is a yoyo but before i don't know that i want to remind you the only reason this body control the only reason this body control is that there is friction between it and the incline play without friction that can be your only consider the baby on your automobile wheels on a very icy surface they cannot roll accordingly in the playing all with a yo yo what we find what is a
yoyo are y'all y'all is idiots where the central access around with his wildest terrain so this is a body rolling on an inclined plane which is usually bad apple watch it
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Greg Williamson
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Errors In The Script
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW3123 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-4b2x34nj8k.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3123; Greg Williamson,” 2002-10-12, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 22, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3123; Greg Williamson.” 2002-10-12. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 22, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3123; Greg Williamson. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from