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building in the region and on guns and thought once again welcome to word on words presumed guilty it's a thriller and i guess is june is our room welcomed or onwards author of frost eleven now you've written this thriller now from manila but from russia yes i sent the book in russia legal thrillers set in russia just it was an unusual an exciting place that to set a book i'd look at other places in the world and i travel around trying to find some place on a book and i just chose russia because it would have been interesting is in such turmoil no such drama on on russia and the moment you set this book is it strikes me that was the moment of greatest term or where demonstrators were in the streets raising general hill about the transition about about the go which are being out yeltsin being in china's up the common is down
and internet into that scene where people are discontented and disenchanted and i'm really upset and many of them angry at me i'm worried about the future and many of them drunk you put the this american prosecutor who had been born in what was then the soviet union now the daughter of a famine cisco radical protest against the war in vietnam and and welsh poet your writers mostly trouble inner machinations and adjust though what a wonderful time to have been the un and russia would wonder what kind of the american revolution and simply seventy six but does so we had a sad about wasn't there because of dramatic time was an adventurous time i never experienced that you never experienced that that we can experience through books we serve again and you do it through
shot it and looking at the times and players through on a glimpse below russian legal system which really is part of a broader system european system or trial by jury is not part of what goes on i was i was fascinated by it but are two of the major characters both mayo one other actually likes i and the other a yuri a balls of whom can't interact in different ways was this with this track to the young woman and she says the only living their version in in the world why didn't you like arizona chased you know it's the reason why i don't like women i like what i told a woman as its main character
because i think was a great challenge and i think women make interesting characters they especially make interesting characters in thrillers action movies of books printed books because amanda does a little bit actually if you put a man into an ad to a thriller action type situation he deals with physical thing to speak his hands in his guns when you take a woman put in that situation we have to deal with their intelligence that the deal with their own their own wits that the deal with their instincts and i think they have too much work there is much were challenging a woman out of a situation that a man who just couldn't beat somebody up and she had to get out of that with her wits and i'm really happy that winds that rash i begin to women like the character and now there's another female character no i liked a lot nina who was a i was actually a racial problem russia and i wasn't aware that when i started my research and nina i based the pa an actual research into the racial problem russia and her background she's an
african russian young woman and down a bitter pollen and for research on in it's fascinating that that the url information against against america or against everton russia africa russians is as intense many ways as it has been in this country for a career you know in a lot of ways they became a scapegoat when things went bad and in fact in russia the word black became at an award that was commonly use any time some these thoughts and was better angry and more naughty to by the way was also used and i think it's very you know it's very sad but does that she had this is actually drawn from asher research there was an incident which a young a young factory girl at a lover of other young black men and she had a baby and then the family's the brothers and all of them actually killed a young man and i drew that incident to make the back of my character know your character your
heroine is really going back because she's fascinating well most magnetized miller i often by me and other ramallah she she did just have the depth or a mother she had a traumatic experience yourself and which is an unrelated of the book because you learn as the first few pages that she had been traumatized herself and brutalized him now the blaming but by her mother that her mother had dublin on psychedelic drugs which was a popular thing to the point people within the sixties and seventies and she went back not just to find out what happen from other than find out what happened to her at a lot of secrets that to what the kreeger heard from well as is always the case with all the only way any big are trying to quit either but what i would say that that almost every chapter there was another exciting thrilling the moments of our
eyes as leonard and and you know lightly and yet the roads mean you put a car into situations right away oh one in which likes it comes to rescue another and with fury comes to the rescue and you get a sense for a moment i get a sense for a moment that are maybe she was not strong enough the handle the situation in which a border and maybe she would never allow wall on the other or both it's true she had some help but does she also actually reach interest of you know went with the promise she went through in russia and then the danger she went through she'd rich took yourself and just kept it wants to forge a very frightened throughout the book a woman told me she read the book that you didn't fight a lot of her own life and i just take one step forward every kind just to keep
moving and that's what my character did i hadn't picked is just move along slowly into the tiny frederica danger nobles <unk> when the real danger came undone she had to do some rather clever things herself like to say i don't like go wrong false woman who are eager to cry punch people and i prefer on a typo that killed their wits center and an instinct now where does not you come from how the television a lawyer but other sex pot watching several months of love love love the moscow evening news translated in english anne and watching the female officers to be a female anchor woman i thought i'm based bonnie upon she looks very much unlike my mom not retract a russian woman let me out let me share the so it's one one little anecdote that that really grabbed my arm and i think it's only one of many stories that
say there is a saying we're this lush party i look out and alexei is the us is the most and it is their own and are not is really a more little insulting about about their own stress don't like to wear shoes really poked fun at the physics on a costume party and i am and it is dressed in a western outfit very revealing then the one point an audience says oreo in effect that outfits or to be married in fact which is that almost an effect yes an endowment and come back was a miracle and it does i'm a stop and start laughing i couldn't stop laughing
well i don't know whether they were embarrassed going on television to come back so i have to avoid that actually the truth is la la can tech tuesday laden skin color that's exactly what is done that the true american plastic surgeon implants the procedure for hiding that those articles car and with the ultimate it wouldn't open that i couldn't i literally it was not that i was reading us that i'm alive when we receive a new wheel is not particularly so i read it there and he's a camera that you never need a miracle ha ha ha ha ha ha i could tell you story however the warriors officer ordered a deposition in which i was
representing a a stripper and he was asked that it had that arose out of the surgery and i mean that not to reveal her august it's a supply that them when the morass of this car wash i said ok and i said no and she said it's ok and before you do anything she pulled off or dress from the bottom up and that i mean the court reporter's a woman are sitting there within each other like ha ha ha ha's i was very interested that siler that well it has everything we know is bliss delight is no i guess so but you know you walk into that one for me in act one of what they yeah they can do that you know and it's very difficult for somebody who's been and i think most people this country now and go through it in ways they hadn't a decade ago or five years ago now to coltrane into
what happens in american courts will mean it's it's it's oj simpson minutes and it's your parrot murder case and opponents the young mother in the carolinas took her two children and the warner one sensational case after another and now the american public i think that's a good idea of how the system works imperfect system phone system injuries sustained in terms of ranges americans but i thought after reading this book and you'll say get during this book how lucky are to be part of a system where twelve people in quotation make a judgment and that you are presumed to be innocent and a proven guilty and this is that's what prison gilkey does
it in terms of defining the difference between european system in our own i you know i'd been an american trial were children trailer for twenty years i tried to re educate you can imagine and i know how you feel about the seminal how the american people feel about system any question it and i question it and certainly there is improvement but i don't think that the whole jr the case with the young mother or they're all oh pear i don't think they're examples of american justice system those are extreme cases there are other like gun the flavor of the week both like designer legal cases i mean when a hundred twenty door we go our young a babysitter can hire three top notch lawyers to represent her in a criminal trial she often pay many think they get paid through the media like that interface on television but yes but before we pressure system which is a one of a system like to get into that your mind before pressure system i think we should ask herself what else is available what else is out there
and i don't think anybody was think about the fact the term the common law system that we live under that we represent is the only news in a few countries we could use in britain for indian states and canada and australia new zealand for five countries in this world and that the main justice system in the world and the western world that includes like three dozen european countries and most of central south america is what they're they call the civil law system where i caught the scope of european system and one of the i love to learn when i write a book that looked at research and one of the fascinating things was to get into that system in this car or that the russian system was based upon the french system and i was really in the basement system france that the book in france and at russia's system was based upon the french system and a french system of courses based upon the ad gets caught a fight in the politico type things but it's based upon the general system that romans brought for civil law and down the course in an undeveloped if nicolas island he was on the floor an
honest effort and down the roman law system is quite different in how they treat criminal cases you know not really must go a number of the russian judges and prosecutors came to our center and i put them with love for a victorious in this country illegally who now saying prosecutor in this in a twilight zone case and in california prosecute whole american mitchell the first lawyer for convict jimmy hoffa lenny was unjustified and he was talking to these russian judges and prosecutors and what prosecutors said was new you can do talk to me about a fair and impartial jury can be sure the jury is fair impartial and mr neal said was prosecutor
that they were too violent offense lawyer the last thing i'm looking for is a fair and impartial jury and i'll assure you the lesson the prosecutor is looking for is a fair and impartial jury weezer the fact that i have to have a voice and selection of me as she has a voice and selection means ultimately we get a jury on which we can rely to find the facts and you said it's our adversarial system that you know that you don't understand what i don't know that that that the back i mean that was discussed there came to me until i read prison guilty to me when i read about about about your judge and learn the two sitting at his side and listen to nina to describe the horrors of the system into which this case was going to drop it down and really i really brought home to me oh i love your
use of love of metaphors that to three places you talk about the electable metal cabinet one point talked about building having me for having that knowledge for you described bolton as a something like this a big solid slab of russian beef but i didn't associate it not only gives a monologue he thinks is it's like a little cabinet that was probably proved it with an issue they are like the common which is that about though the two sides collected during one of the things we haven't i think your viewers and i have seen a lot of is called body or arms dyer we have different regional illinois a pronouncement i never learned how to pronounce it but as in body or a sudden revelation yeah very difficult early understanding of one body or the process which you take this panel jurors
and you ask them questions about their background gender prejudices and nationally has come under attack and the federal courts so i got rid of it it's up to the judge basically except nurseries cases in california where government also recently and what's happened is now that the conservative government california got rid of the vibe here to help the prosecutors of the association of district attorneys went to the ledge there's a muscular body or for the defense catches us a look at collectors now they have gone to the government and said we want y beer back were getting people on the jury that we don't want an editor at a daily fix one without the prosecutor gets up and i really did not exactly right and the prosecutor but they want a body here well i cannot that i'm not surprised that turned i'm not surprised that that end you know you've gone through the legislature settled law like the one you describe your you know we talk about russia but i'd like to make a
comment about the whole european system and of course when i speak of the european system others there is no such thing as a european system is through fifty countries between europe and latin america and they all defer little bit with the basics has been there is that you are the judge and worse could be the prior fact calmly it's like a penalty of one two or three judges one two or three hours lay person's were not yours now there's there are citizens that are selected are specially selected for example read a german trial to two professional judges three later is on a young army a murder case annan the russian example as one judge to leaders so that it's it's not the same for out but they actually come to the court room with the mentality with the mindset that are presumed guilty because they have already been induced to the prosecution's evidence and you might've noticed an end that the navy richer viewers watched the princess di investigation
of the reporters that your average investigation is right that an actual change magistrate in rome's went to the hospital where the bodyguard was and lane and went in there to question a bodyguard now there is a judge the metric to judge there is a judge it involved in the investigation of the case which is obviously not an intraparty europe and in america we run three am running legal case something like a sports event yet two players on the field but advocates for her educating each side you that a judge who's the referee you have panels for scorekeepers over here well over there the judge actually got involved in the process from the beginning and he may make determination or the hold bowles report for trial and i don't think so in this case what he could or if it is it's feasible that you can make a determination to deliver that guilt or innocence to what would you do how did you go about recreating
a trial saying then making certain that it was on that rhyme with authenticity well first of all you do research you can't speak the language so does you no good to the one argued inside about russia corcoran but you it respected you do research talk to an american lawyer who has health reform russian system i've talked to expatriates in the nation law center's we have quite a russian population some of whom i've been on both sides of the law and we've been on both sides of giles oh yeah i know i've done a lot of defense i've met a wide variety of other people but you just do not as ray bradbury make mars authentic you do with your imagination and through your research and through making things consistent yelling especially as a character i made it i thought i thought of svetlana stalin's breath while the prosecutor was one most fascinating
personalities i've ever never seem created where she come from ibm is at all imagination you know a bite and closer to a woman whose perfume smell like stalingrad thull is brett was i can't remember you may be able to help it was a multiple who was the stalls for mr molotov wife was the director of the perfume under stalin some factories there produce the perfume and they had this perfectly awful perfume that the people's nightly not been publically chorus refer to as stalin's breath and dove and developing that character i just that you know the rhythm and i wish my editor barclays was here within sound because it was a movie in the nineteen thirties in which young the wrist there was the start of female russian character the knowledge that it might disappear again into imagination it like to cover covers dynamite
going to do and usually you know you asked me a great question for them wonder myself an oven for two and author doesn't know well i i think that anybody who sees that book and seize that title of columbia is that it can reach out rather you use a device in the book for each app and you can quote a bum music from film a lot and quite often from russian russian author check off the lesson i that lenin and shows up marks wants i think my views other live each time what he's said some usual a peek at what's what's coming just just true at a more dramatic flavor to give you a flavor of the russian soul no question it's such an interesting country ie the name like to
characters and yuri endowment lara after of the daughters of our going on in ours passed last one of four characters i just just a given women inside the russian mind while riding in ruins it in ditches the continent and noble but what really enriches it didn't believe it is done and gets them who the real owners are and then you lead me down about five different trails in search of which one of these characters is really are so big and and then there are the track trade mission and everybody who's a suspect and there also are underlying facts lead a body then and just when i thought i had it you double cross me and then i thought i had a double cross me guess it's a double in the ending of trouble really a triple
whammy and you know and god there again we we going to reduce research and you find your new to new researcher book when you're writing a book and you go through all the limits of what what you've experienced yourself and i knew that the amount you're going to give up a book right now because i don't want to believe any that causes a mr sperling it but i knew that russia practice some junk science that this great country yet under us law under the terror of stalin at it and i'm following those years after stalin had put down a sputnik up and i had put the song two heads on a dog still did some cracks eyes like ever done and what's this this baby something you know where a but the quack science at the bottom of the mystery the story was performed by american doctors one american teenager and that was revealed that the last two years when the story came out and i've tried not to reveal what it is but that's actual true story done by american
doctors not russian doctors what's next the uaw already i have a yard another novel coming out and forge called frost of heaven which is a on another thriller taken place in the world why does this one's gonna take place in them london calcutta in tibet boys tied them to bed nets as i was the sows are young one of the levers are books about tibet and i just had to set a book into the bet that tom doherty then publisher of love for jazz called the book of thought out yet it's called the book of the gas rises for the nineties type of thing so i mean i just i'm hoping on his right had died i'd love
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Junius Podrug
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Presumed Guilty
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0518 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-4746q1td41.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:46
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2613; Junius Podrug,” 1997-11-04, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2613; Junius Podrug.” 1997-11-04. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2613; Junius Podrug. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from