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fb a word on words and their authors' tonight roy blount jr talks about now your host for word on words mr johnson publisher of the tennessean an editorial director of usa today good evening ladies and gentlemen once again welcome toward own words i guess stunned i guess this evening is a is a writer who takes the bomb cell phone every time he sits down to fall on the most difficult task in letters the funny roy blunt welcome to world were you are very very fine man i'm sure people believe that before he modestly modestly a new sense of an extremely gloomy to remember
the well is not only about now where were we and there's roy blunt defended their among his founding fathers since the distinguished gloomy face roy blunt so that's the area terrific idea for a recoverable know of these four think rising for nearly every other country in the letter oh please about what and why would have none have been at the convention or that pointed out the ancestor william what was there and was always distinguished member of the lyric they really go straight into our economy so you say in the book that the alien blunt reflected some sleaze factor of the sort of sleaze fact the bible for the sleaze actor was who was going to that i was nothing ha ha ha neumann lost in the shuffle into the benefit is pretty good for is to raise
the story about your book about the convention which says among the founding fathers there were geniuses so i don't want our rights counselor and i was a suspension of the rules that he was impeached from the senate because he tried to foment war with spying in order to protect his investments and word got out when it came to damages a first images laser came back here to say to avoid the impeachment proceedings and they said the sergeant of arms them getting from the margins at them people of the naacp fold entertained the sergeant of arms and johnny marr and then in several parties and family after the police are the norm said well i've got to take a set of blood back up to washington and they said no no do that will give your party with the fireplace and one of them would have the runoff
which what the way you say that through our book war thesis that season the final your eye about politics because eliot whose be truthful well it's a sudden two drummers that i'll think that you need a certain little outrage over the phone about politics and the rule isn't that i think that nobody cares anymore much an innocent things are different it happened in the current congress a defensive about the carnage the things the goal of going well in the eighties it was a sort of watching all and i think the reagan diffused political humor satire enormously this cozy never got anything this year this whole separate system zardari none thought that he operated on people sing like it and later by feel comfortable and they've made a lot of people get very rich and we were all those adamant there's nobody wanted the us often only it was hard to write
that argument about when you have any little essay and they're about what was the overall oil and it did provide you some some father are up for this book this is really a book of some of the satirical essays are funny stuart stubbs and you'd drop in people are you bumped into on your own on your own career rim some people i know i mean i was surprised that the great photographer comedian slipped often turned up on the in the early pages well more of it accurate deciding vote i have a picture i
remembered i have i guess a week this chapter of the book i don't know why there's well until recently about trying to room service standard of living that's right there is and that's an end of it and the horror that they had to do to try to find a bubble you are inexcusable del rio it colonizing tried to get us need to see what i could do through called the economist's travelers perlman they asked me to go to a fancy hotel in new york and see what i could do nothing will remember there was misconduct letta tayler was being nearly awaited at the plaza in a hotel i'm sure for many reasons but for a reason
because she was known to run up room service thirty four year old and they may they'll set for an electoral out or even those free champagne stuff the force take him in the world was marked hair shampooed it was not at all that and so the fertile so i'm a vessel within judaism all of brought up to do partial playing the bass and a half but i couldn't have enjoyed it distracted bad habits and more money and i was like and how criminals with arrogance and blues are so much better than i thought well choose raised on the mgm lot and other forces in iraq really created or to publish two let's
listen room service call a moment of rna ms these things were i thought i was going to sort of snob about a soldier with a really tried the beds the meringue or <unk> of optimal world to know about the one phone that mythology oh i don't know it where the unions are an international association a wonder what the aftermath of your publishing that or woman has been i mean i'm certain that even they got bows and now all they got a sign on the wall it says no bubbles into layers and so you know if you didn't i was overdue award from getting into the air from now i'll walk into play golf well i think got golfers and made you
sort of thing that people do mormon people who you know are playing golf arm and as part of the eighties or the news about the colors forty with oil is in iraq not believe in country clubs in the us a political analysts give golf but i was invited via jack and says the aftermath no your job that bill mcdermott they're out they're out there on the course with the foursome and they said and i said no i can't play golf with them all for wooden shoe bachmann doesn't god chooses to use somewhere else you know that i saw get three four shots in the fortunes and yet they played off ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i had to get there so if you get laid off when you know many would detail of us are well i don't know if you pay the money or more ms ahluwalia i was you love where you make most days where are raising it ends up in western massachusetts political mill river the last ten fifteen years and now we're out of the mess of our show have some fun football in new york city applies spending most of them live in about seven thousand copies i go back and forth between your
massachusetts with just the tiniest little village in the world in new york city which is a string a municipal sewer why did you decide that you want to uproot and leave your native soil and they were so we're so so locked into place well i always grew up wanting to go somewhere in your credit would move south woodstock joe frazier the fighter him was born in soccer world but you want to feel the philadelphia and i said oh when did you decide to leave assassination first off all agree the new yorker and live the job was doing is to journalists and gave me the new yorker as jerry palm oil
sophisticated way people to read it and i thought that everybody in new york city and it's got everything in your car the other's this whole city up there which i knew everything that was in there we know that breath very additional olive oil you up their modest amounts or move up there there's also job growth or to the letter with sports illustrated offered me a job in new york and found out of course your suv full of people i love their work before tilford seven years a moon but her head shields joint custody of next year the mayor up in the country and so our state up for evers i'm also a lot of friends up there as that thing about moving the ball is this new mood that self that i think about a lot of strange live in two different places at that these two houses and go back and forth go on the country at
different than some in charlotte in a nice place on the war where we divert moved to nashville and mr roesler well the book the book you get a sense of mosul of a stranger not enough so strange land it's clear you you know you wear around their is a funny story a really funny story every chapter and i have you know it's hard to go left it's really hard to laugh these days and anywhere and i found myself chuckling and sometimes just the following as i would go as of the fruit sit and i think i am i've got many reasonable sense humor but i don't think they got a quick funny bone or anything like that that just one rose to one of those in the
time allotted uk possibly girl all is just as well so lee a viewer can go out and get the answer to the question about the book but why would you attack a blind man in bloomington in buffalo started over la mean attacking now you know somebody's been over to pick up a quarter and in the movie up against the cameras on friday for a lot of that mr obama unveiled in that why wouldn't have otherwise he said he would know me anywhere in wonderment don't know me by and therefore we demand first apartment with all know that aluminum for the moon but when you're wearing veils
amazing spray things only knew what the story was a woman selling some call poison headache so that poisons use brian what is that jesus was all ha ha ha ha ha ha you know if you think of when you love when you write ms vonnie talk about slavery but my guess is very serious business to do well i think you know it worked for kids then you know it's a really am they've always asked me how it be funny and wine or would you be funny with support of being funny and hardly and funny and i get other uses government that that probably comes out of some kind of schizophrenia or something of a gully most funny writers from working
to all are pretty gloomy before or have a tendency to be melancholy alyssa writer way out of the mark twain was well but veteran had a really scary childhood and a huge amount of use during james thurber we're not really a master's or a person there's lots of a love darkness in the lifelines of funny writers usually don't go out in a mobile robot a bit at home and i hate all oh i don't think about being funny and what's on his journey make sense in late senator's work putting money on some of this anew longer work on boeing's the real battle dr profile where they are destroying taylor finishes if the senate does not like i'm look at is and isn't funny enough i'm doing an errant sailors don't make any sense if the race answer did you re write itself much yeah lost lost lost and an n and humor
improved with a rerun on latino usa surely this over toronto and disheartening well sort of send it down and you know it would work to make it run through but our review they allow writing but inner ear and what hasn't there also a connection between the back of the throat year an iraqi war right back and forth through that top spot snagging the seattle thing everybody does have that i really don't have that other people who have no new lease interesting then about so you always been for that i mean there are some people that is about every writer come successful well known and even writers incomes to follow the flames for their book but i mean seriously with you having it i've i hear people say it was inevitable that you'd be oh a
successful writer william weld oily successful bowser yeah as i say it is going mad and that has some people call him saying which arcane and some people are not my family know general honore service of others with a level of certainty out of polarity in a family that burst out and wasn't necessarily to keep a mission returned to normal or send this is a crazy his family and lawyers ms loesser realm of drones to that the element of we have laughed the weekend a lot of people over you too much at the city out on the stump and he and it would be scared so that most of them even if you don't get as much your family was
not as we do an articulate that well my mother was a really and the mistreated joshua norton was kicked around and vendors sell arms to delete the worst things in that i think that the roots of their humor and learn or in the moment of the sadness and that's a similar thing with interesting concept on subjects that are of i guess some people think that no subject is off limits in today's her literature that probably so but being funny about some subjects my bet is tougher and and can be dangerous for example i read with great interest believe that with sodomy for the daily double that's right to serve it up what audio or
it was on the point of pride in is they're trying to write about things that are embarrassing and try to be funny but i think that you know to be funny but i think that's that in fact that if the viewers as anybody he takes on things that you probably shouldn't buy going to sell without that's what about write about women through a touchy thing licensed of the song standard knee jerk it's covering up what everybody's really think you know i think that everybody's father is a wonder about is the servicer buys taylor's lots of old funny or frightening stuff and that and when you're right i'll write a sense that this is awful because boring and there's no immunity just begun a little open up the less the forefront of that it's a can of worms is it has to do with security and well
i i gather this thing on selling this approach son came during two weeks of calm it and it examined seven sisko knows when did you actually are recommended one of calm say a creation of a national signing day was it given what the definitions are certain practices are currently leave earned us army in many states which singing so popular that there you would be it's warming it's more surprising that there is a lot is that then there would be if there were a day for but you know when certain songs marital prices are outlawed under the broad umbrella of sodomy and so i was they live in like was the broad umbrella of the caucus there are laws on the books to say things like the defense arm is that abomination which no question personally
mentioned to another person you know and which could be anything that's dangerous the concept of the saga seem to be years ago invited me to run afoul of it well you know you mentioned your imagination may i guess was about and the whiskey a seminar subject is off limits no work except that there are more puritan we're going through a period of sportswriters a lot of fun and nobody thought about the downside of that now those moments you know and people are lots of rowdy friends are saying around ground with have adequate see the downside of taking and what we're doing is a more controversial thing to write about that is a newspaperman bill young is bettman don't dry which means i
mean major reaction to that is what are women but as part of the secure the culture becoming more solemn and serious and no you have nay on smoking no i never have so when i did interviews and a few weeks ago about smoking i never have smoked a cigar and so it's never been a very violent intolerant or tomorrow will be saying that you know a light smokers lot better though like people would jump up and smokers faces in the elements that cigarettes are the males that the cat have a person a lot of you do like to read a lot nineteen year all is all we are nothing gets them because the original i what worries though eminem york is your dentistry and sorcery it as you walk along you know i'm a bit nervous in the woods is is that under either bill would
see reading problem much of the evidence of a lot of artifice a novel in which the writers of the narrator is a writer and a critic of univision what role of writers you know lots there one thing that you never think about in books is that their poll by reuters in the air force putin that white people are caught up in war it's not you know in marriage and one thing another of the allies over the years and i am caught up in words too much better respond to the arguments also i also have take that statement where would we are taking solace i'd written and argue that that's instead of dealing with a personable nothing writers haven't imaginary playmate in their hip is the reader and they talked to that we talked to that person more than we talk to other people nothing to wait that's i think that's what makes the writers of his was an adult level faculty of talking about yourself and some other little of for an
american in that in that this i mean look where you do with that love of writing union point out that you know a lot of you know lowering a lot or we're here call that the first thing he said was that you had learned about finally first if you could reach into anyone's flutter until you're a lot older than i was and are open about working with somebody my age did it and ms ayotte a lot i think is going to feel that the good writing is his erotic in a way that hard to get at that so turn fuel on a mansion slip lawson shown up forever will camel love and who has all why is served
his personality that conveys that raises your friends like there and and slicked figures it will launch your look just alike pictures of you but our wills prayers about slick but you do run into fascinating characters when you're writing you know i think more so than when you just the amendment and when you're you may be famous novelist in you may lock yourself in a room right from knowledge honestly say we're writing you are every single thing every day is part of has to be part of what you're about you're looking for a laugh or i don't know that's great but yeah i mean you mean don't i think that skews your life
only if you're always on the lookout for funny stuff about it was a look of a funny stuff before became a writer just flushed next book spain in our analysis right now attorney dan discovered as kyoto first hobbits the narrator is a man whose wife becomes the first woman president of the united states which means he's the first male first lady and he doesn't like it big events well it's a lot of that is an actual file will be out of me in line and i saw it there was no promise of the novelist because the accepted as with the first well that are going to have two surgeries a novelist alice said well what i've read some of the measures that we're not what they say ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a humorist who's been involved with your part of that so it will pose that farmer
well i guess they were excited about it gates jr author of now as ben our guest on a word on words featuring john sigg and thought this program was produced in the studios of wbez and television nashville tennessee with
A Word on Words
Roy Blount, Jr.
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Now, Where Were We?
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: N0882 (Old Tape Number)
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-416sx65373.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:03
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0854; Roy Blount, Jr.,” 1989-10-14, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0854; Roy Blount, Jr..” 1989-10-14. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0854; Roy Blount, Jr.. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from