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a word on words of programs overseas and their other this week double plane talks about frasier's forward onwards mr johnson chairman of the freedom forum's first amendment center university good evening ladies and gentlemen once again welcome to warlords it's my great pleasure to ny to be able to share with you the thoughts and views one this nation's best known best loved i think most admired most prolific authors bill bolling welcome to world markets frankly frankly someone's great to have you here to talk about your latest bestseller treasures it's a book that i said my wife bought plane could've written three books i mean there are three separate human interest dramas that unfold as you think about the lives of the three members of his family and you pull all together and won well the family interacted
as it is in the work of everything that's led to any good affected the two sisters and so you really couldn't separate them you couldn't separate them and i thought that at the outset and another about the book before i offered i just knew that they'll play no no and that was it the bus so listen and read all the people in berlin and he delivered until the outcome so i had not know inside to it you give us that little glimpse us marshals coming in to before let arrest the first couple pages and then i thought well i'm an get made into a major criminal conspiracy here and then suddenly i'm cast back into the family life of three children
now orphaned pig skins and these great human interest so i wanted to use that technique in addition as the us marshals coming in with that that arrest warrant i did because i i was affected by all the things that were happening on wall street and throughout the country the savings in a scandal and all that and there were these arrests of course is as we know and the question that always came to my mind when i read about these things in the newspapers was oh who are these people who is this man who are who who could be a busy did and keep on amassing money to an extent that no human being could possibly conceive of winning ticket can you understand what five hundred million dollars and so that puzzled me and that's why i thought well that's a good way to
start the book with this question now that is this man being arrested and his splendid office or c why did he do with his age successful admired the secretary's in tears and often goes he drapes the as we say so often on television right size until there's a lot of it a few nights ago the umbrella the wrinkle to live while that's less than going to the flashback a cause it seemed to me that in some ways given the ambition that bulk i am and eighty clearly reflected in those opening pages you know that they're into trouble i think so as somebody said vision should be made of sterner stuff but it was a well what is it you must and analyze the makeup of families you're into family lives in and
passions with every with every bus so what is it about a family that gets a two children such driving almost insatiable ambition and still in that same family produces something close to st paul are a heavy rains hadn't more than one child knows that strange strange differences crop up even when they are with five or six years old has a wise one so sweet tempered another one is angry who knows genetic but i think it was more i think it was at a contagion in the country that we had all through the ad yes and i've seen acting roasters of seeing a guy in the suburbs of our cities of course on a much smaller scale people are not talking about five hundred million dollars that we're talking about people who have gone out and bought grandiose houses on a shoestring the bank's unfortunately we're
willing to lend them money to do it and i know in my area in new jersey there are many of these people who are now not able to maintain the houses they're being foreclosed elizabeth of more than they can chew they did was seven it wasn't there i really saying well i mean we both know it was called parley of the movement and so that the core of the of the movement now and it said that is that there is something not to be respected or enlarged if you are satisfied with the routine as latin davey seem to be in those days well a day of ways not satisfy with just routine of daily was fascinated by his work it was invented mehta yes
machinery foreign such as the things that they were using today in heart surgery myself for and that's what interested him and of course he wanted to make a living and support is wife and have a family that's not natural and certainly the american way and that's good buddy he was thinking of his work in getting a fair return for years he just wasn't shuffling paper and thinking in terms of picking up the phone in and trickling is money in two minutes and that's a different thing and tighter and any of course and having been into tax shelters and multiple earnings having made his start in the us town in ohio where they grew up those at wall street and i never knew what wall street was named for until you tell me about the new wall street was very windy and that's where he went and done i mean he wanted to spread around not only for himself but for others too as he was an avid sell out and sell and loved being generous
love being you know it's just spreading around and and being admired for it and survive to making people happy doing favors for people made an important story to human everything i became a collector all almost there was a lot of sadness for them is that the serbs' art in an odd effect if you go up to new york and you see the big downers ensued course nowadays up to very recently most of the people by japanese rockstar by japanese and the japanese are buying them but there are plenty of americans to as leroy and i understand that they're still ferreting out their own fortunes that have been stashed away in switzerland are trying to ferret now i can and so that was so at ease passion is money and as we said it you know it was over and so we want to help the
county's first husband and you want to interact with martin when he wanted to like davy to the reds survived and they avoided at just let's just go public amenities answered all your friends and canino on the other hand you know her story is much more rooted in human tragedy being falls in love desperately in love with a man of means she eats he's well to do and they go off to new york and suddenly you inject into then another subject that is of the broader issue later in today's society of homosexuality we've heard about things like that i was i was astonished to read danielle last week famous so i guess i can mention names it was the paper's mr zeleny i
think he was then sure i was young and now i'm on samantha fall in love with and then we find out that he did it for years and years even having a homosexual affair it's kind of disappointing so i said sure is all kinds of really disappointed and i came home and it is devastating to her album she came through it and then let martin man from another culture religious background was jewish poor kid who made it really not a book one of the very very wealthy man she finds having lost happen if she finds happiness it's a ok well so much of that although he was a good man and cl c liked him and respected him but that it wasn't it really anything that was deep in the high paid that was surrounded two
dollars of like icing on the cake all the nice things that any had this mr martin i think that a lot of really really good and when you see it you know open magazines and you see these magnificent palaces with fat all the worlds are collected and endo a woman marrying such a man can literally have anything and everything she wants i got these facts out in the newspapers and magazine articles there were people who gave a dinner parties and whose flower bill was ten thousand dollars a month i didn't make these things up in green dolly yes yes imagine ten thousand a month just for flowers there is that scene where she might have run through bitter confrontation over what she
feels certain martin he's about to do the family and i don't know whether this is and whether it is something beyond all accuse out our league but certainly at that point she realized that the main issue there too though mr lemmon she thought she knew since that happens also well there was that basic deep love for her says her sister and so just couldn't bear to see that her sister and had alienated and amy hey perry says they have a little ambition a little house everything they had worked for just vanish likes to say that when it came down and that she forgot everything else of that basically she was the lead decent we always sort of given our our audience here a
little glimpse of these three separate bombers as i say one of them could have been about playing that so upset if that they had not been members of the same family or perhaps you get a trilogy about the family done an exceptional job i think of putting him together and then there is that happy ending it on thanksgiving day i thought that was symbolic something to be thankful for after all the chaos and all the tragedy if you have them in their family circle around the table and at that point i i was through i said my god she's written a morality play on us a story with a moral worth am and it says and in a real sense despite the tragedy and heartache despite last ambitions and fail korea's you suddenly realize that in the circle of family there is sustenance and hope and most of all happens and it's a star of
every inning and mortar stores are well i guess i'm tested lauren upton i think most of life's troubles outside of devastating illness most things it i believe maybe it's naive of me but i believe you can work most things out of use common sense you know as was a saying handover hard to see anything as edie finally as andy finally did now hey well i really want to find what really matters to me and i swam and i guess it took him a lot they know the point where he could say what management knew what he hadn't thought through the idea so often compete with hope and aspirations and ambition and the last particularly those surveyed who are raised to believe that
that money is happiness and success is doubling us again not oily up the movement but that was clearly the characteristics i hope we changing now i think possibly i don't like to see economic distress address heaven's sakes i'm not mean to say is that it all but i think and maybe haven't seen you around us so we perhaps realize how or how they known that was his campaign it's like coming back to what's reasonable everybody wants enough to have security and have a little left over for some pleasures but this insane greed that we sell a christian that's what why i wrote the book because i had seen it was in they all around us and i hope it's a been dispelled now like a fog out with gone what we do on this program stock offers about
the nuts and bolts of how they were right where the plots come from where characters come from and i have to ask you what are these three people and and their lives la la la you know embody you run across are they a sudden cancellation of several people and none is an identical an identifiable person the latter what you just said there that is a combination of people that i might not necessarily know well but you know when you get out of the word you'll hear conversations you a house for dinner and there are a dozen people there knew is somebody talking to realize what's making the person that i am and so thats what writers do with what i do
anyway to go home and down and then and build from that they had built that plan and what's going on in the country now in our road for instance m atv on a book blessings question is on adoption are well that really came about because of the reading so much in the newspapers about the health movement on the part of adopted people to find out victor's parents and so i thought to myself well now five if i were in that situation either via the birth mother or their child how would that what would i do how would i feel so that's where ideas come from this week's us and this certainly did because we lived it all through the eighties sure you know what we had now in formulating
characters getting the substance is it necessary in your judgment to create a different form of speech for each one i mean do you think through well khan a lab have to be this different personalities and therefore not just what they say but the way they say it in the way they were represent them must be distinctive ora is a dial common one to the other now a very different i had as you speak now i and i'm just remembering quickly when all the opening scene when they've come back for years and mothers funeral wake and andrew our own are the ones who did get a daughter and saying about the mother how love how she never complained about things that you try to look at the bright side and
carney says and mary says how brain she was uncanny says no reason bravery is that she was afraid to face hell i was in life that's exactly right and then there's just that those appear in perspective and both i think that scene characterizes factually speaking over a certain giving each one of them a different and if they are suspected of for example that guy's first husband was gay because you gave me some clues to let me know i was shocked when they walked in there the first time that married only in there was a cool is there and then subsequently ooh she would feel a sense of passion which he obviously didn't realize as i was so prepared for a full that id which says that you created in her husband's
distinctly different personnel have done because people do speak so differently so that i i think the example i gave was a big difference right there because they tested and then how do you keep repeating itself and here you've done this now so you sell a bottle of bestsellers every time you write a book and it goes all the bestsellers but how do you keep repeating itself well i am very grateful and i will say that i have is it would it help the ideas keep coming so far so good and so i haven't repeated myself so yeah you need your help because the world is so full i really believe the world is still full of new things happening all the time and i'm hoping as i say without being inspired by events in
europe not too long ago and said i got a criminal court trial sometime after all the courthouses live is not so she's interested in history writing and crime and ann woll i will conduct fatally of slips in and out of europe's your book says that day here it's not fair to say that you have sought to write throws off on this trip until there is in each of your books i think the nature of the suspense allowed them and the measure in some ways i could be other thrillers which you i take it read newspapers you go to you you're constantly making rest of year then the life experiences in terms of developing right that's why you know you can't write people say how much time he spent writing well for a for a physical music gets get tired of sitting all day long but there's another reason the more
important one why i'm only write about four hours a day and that is lets say when asked about the world and they can have something to write about now you say you write about was a day some writers tell me they'll get that through that the genie comes out of the bottle early in the morning some say the new solution an eye in the middle of it the other preference morning morally as and nine are not good for anything that the morning and i'm very bright lively and the ideas come barreling yes they do is interesting thing as tom befriends a psychologist at night i said to him you must very strange sometimes i i find a little problem with the scene that i'm writing and i'm just getting tired it out and then i go to sleep and i'll wake up in the morning and there's certain i said isn't that odd and he
said no it is not in your hands i guess it's just because you're sometimes uses a working here nine right well i'm a crossword puzzle freak out and i find that i'll be stomped only only only true writer one of the nie but many times only gotten morning anne garrels it's right there in that one of the local more alive now and i think that up i think that there may be something maybe something to the hounds at a son of the guy but your experience in these six the successes of the commitment out rider in the morning then so at dinner when you get the right to get tired guitar and generally i find them before i start early in the morning and and
one o'clock that maybe it's a little more than four hours it depends on if it's raining identities else knowing either i live in ann that not tempted to go outdoors and walk to like to walk a lot then alana worked longer but then if i do that i find the end of the day you kind of you know it's better to get out its really bad or c give it your best and then get out and refresh yourself a look around and talk to people when completed you have struggled with your editors at the publishing house no i haven't i do have a wonderful internet we have great reporters just marvelous and has a good sense of humor and a drug you know and she urged yes i mostly do a because she's experienced and it's always somebody else can judge or better than yukon yourself but if i do feel very strong and i guess what's nice about our relationship to always say to me look
it's your book you don't have to do it if you don't want to i may have been times when i said you know jackie i really want to i like it the way i did and she'll say okay how you come to accept or to find titles so others i talked to keep the titles of the suggested form people are working tirelessly with the treasures where's that come from that happened to be my title but it is my title there have been times when i've had an idea an amnio not the editor but the marketing people in the publishing house say that's just not an attractive title it's cold it turns people off it's misleading and job and so i would say i've selected most of them that we had had trouble what a problem with a one title was funny was crescent city and that's my story about to continually and i i am on a crescent city because that way the city is built on on the
president of the mississippi and that was the old name for it so somebody else has set in there at the publishing house people every think that's a western like that i'd say the oil out and jam i really stood firm on that and i was right but there are times when i if i would have been long and end their suggestions were better than mine how do you tell your own mind russia was a phenomenal success you did you know you can write it didn't turn out that way are now now that would have been so stuart they give me to think that i could get now it i use the word i just used in three minutes ago grateful i am really i really am now i had no idea that it would be as wonderful as it has been and i'll answer the first half of your
question as to why i think it happened i can only say i'll repeat to you what people tell me and that is that they feel that the characters are all true and that they can identify with him and that they are real people not all good not all bad like tornadoes is a gold digger but she was very kind also a neophyte that's how we are isn't it i felt a little bit better about the soul of the vote was on wall street after i got to know it in the us and he was the one about the next book it's already in progress as far long after her end of the summer the trial you won a year no i really don't it's just seems to work that it's a little bit more than one ear it's a bad set of fourteen month silence dvd well the plane author of treasures as that our guest ana we're done we're
your hosts as ben johnson this program was produced in the studios of wbez an issue fb
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Belva Plain
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0631 (Nashville Public Television)
Duration: 28:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-3r0pr7nn50.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:35
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0934; Belva Plain,” 1992-04-03, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 28, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0934; Belva Plain.” 1992-04-03. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 28, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0934; Belva Plain. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from