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welcome once again for our guest yes well welcome to world words devour men out marry me you wouldn't oh yeah you're right writing you're in much of the news coverage german literature and journalism you do it so well well i you've done it again again again this book editor and they take the cases one caller for love this book is of our marriage if our land and army this book is a collection of columns that the us senate has published in newspapers across the country over a period of two years and that they aren't both columns little essays there's a laugh or more and sometimes many more in each one of them but let's talk about the problem about writing humor
and the way where's it come from what is dale apart but also here on this burt played this very stage one day and was interviewed by me after one of his books came out and he was a deeply serious man as you talked about the ordeal volume yeah i tell a story that i was in a likely take it back from lexington an imam was following me in the parking lot i'm nervous and i just beat this guy happened and as i'm getting in my car tesla michelle or business online you were greedy son i thought you know you not that funny so the people are always going to surprise they they stand there waiting for you did kevin bacon lap and everything that it usually comes out on the page and i'm in perth where's it come from i don't know how my mother says i dropped out when the
wolf smart as well and eighties anymore little or partly it i take it is taking reality david a human existence living in a diverse complex crumbling society and be able to look at syria's things includes timed jake right you have to be able to unveil a prisoner families they'd exaggerate and you've been so many people that's what's so surprising that so few people have a sense of humour anymore that you have to be able to laugh at everything happening over put a spinner the yuan you've been done speaking of offending anyone since we know now swede goes oh sweetie shows up in your columns were more regulated than any of your other regular friend then
what is why i started writing the column i hated that a few of the things i've written in the kick me out the house he said i go get some way to read these and don't come back until you do and then he edits a column before goes to the syndicate and oftentimes he he thinks of sweeney is someone else and they'll say that's what you would know and we knew pretty early on a good news is real name and so we came up with three that's what i call a minimal and goodness why was really is that what you call him in real life had three we do but it was the dishes as nicely is one of the things that i've added call and then that the ones would stack them that look at
camp the attic that these are real life character you translate into my first named personalities in your column i use them with regularity and the cat has trouble periodically with men all what i'm not at the one another you don't like cats might like at the woman as that yes he is he this woman will never settle down she has of him pick out every man is attracted to that and due date younger man and she dates motorcycle or a never know what she's going to show up where that your house and she just leaves this this there's a trail of broken boy toy review your columns if you read of our men i'm army you know indeed she does she does have flirtation all sorts of male birth and now how much of her experiences are real life experiences
translated in the book and says and it's actually you know i actually called my friend sometime west and especially our call in and writing his column weston is that the single man is searching for the perfect woman and effective title came from him because one family was the just broken up with the latest play you know in an era came to the house although be any item and under the creepers get rocks at war can skip rockport where the point that really grabs me ride it shakes me really hard he says does my dream woman really anxious i said honey that's not the question the question is are you the man your dream you know if you were a woman would you marry you so when i called and sometimes because i am a little worried it i'm pretty hard on him a time all terribly and westerns comet
was the one column inside i don't see this is cover up in a car and he said you just make a tiny the funnier it is them or women i think they carry the calm that and i'll layer layer layer you and lovely were leila thank you which i feel like i should pull out my credit card and never that number was she is just the funniest person i know that's way through his body and she's wonderful in whenever i'm anna and just cutting can't think of anything the ride i'll call a call girl and she loved that one sheila sheila richter you hear it which you know and my friend thought that my book signings stand in line to go hi i'm on you at the time we were in the boiler you know i are in this book and
there are columns on laugh at more than others but beyond that there are aren't there a song that have more liberal was among them and not be on there's one the guano lovers followers unlike sox though is your fullest state playing and nursing them a full of static cling and assimilate and at the end of it is a mama aside as our suite walk his old girlfriend to her car hack and then be attracted to two women who are so different than mom says not it vapor they made a living from bed and there was a real life nurse three d at its curious like an airport i'm a geek women just always like that you're always showing up and um yeah i mean and some
of them are very intimidating the nightclub singer is an opera singers and known that night you say yum that a lot of his huge real life there is one column called the nature of your business and you have a garden and open for the guard and perched over a forty five playing all the key step to your destiny and nurture your abortion i take it that this is not the first of the area and my generation or the security guard on the part of the eu were of that column
is the accent that i let the difficulty that the guards having with the nurture bush and it didn't end well they use their device in the first paragraph to make the point that which you quote a column and the but at that point you're talking about it talking about something totally different but you're close it with blind man i love the nurture bush and now talking about that device recruits because that guards common sense pfeffer says the column up for the punchline and believe i read as funny but is
not nearly as funny or not nearly as serious the newly it's it's also funny and profound to funnel on talk about that device and wow i didn't i'd never thought of myself as profound you're so charming you make the growth of the meltdown is not an additive that those will win it all but all over the lives you're uber she's you know approval and i mean i want people who are different i want people that love the unique people either the ones he just added something new people are threatened by the uniqueness where if that's the thing i've really go for that person and of this particular guard sounded like andre codrescu you know and then i knew exactly what he was saying from the beginning in egypt and to the roots i guess of how when you when someone how you sort of
absorbed there were the qualities you find most enjoyable and then most unique in one causes it we talk about three and the end is all over scotland has gone cold sweetie and they blend our three years alone when i had joined in a room full of females of like begun toilet and now they really are from a loan with and like dropping her off the roach motel now he goes in there and as we have the roller olympics and thus we have will run yet it remains raw live an icon rolex because usually these guys that it's more important it looked deeply resent being go right now we give them a kick out at singletary and the paper the newspaper and the women is often seen over a man gave him only distiller he was doomed and late republicans wall about her book if our man i married
and widowed well many do we need and but and rolex you robert and he loves it you love that there is that one of the lines is talking about town it is fine to trot that he wanted to test drive a person that you know he's single is katie owns his own business he you know he doesn't ever the authors note where i've forgotten my own mind oh that's that has become his trademark we ever like always has no hope there aren't there in that column on counted by number seven separate laugh i laugh seven times that never had a recount mine and the last line
was rachel saying real shame bouts we i had the worst crush on him when we were inscrutable guest he'd turn into gop and what is a gop grumpy old far and that is the word allah with that but what we started off by talking about that she had turned into a forgotten are the initials for her but that and overweight indictment and moaning and groaning in talking about our elephant all that's right so you you always try to close the digital age and hypochondria mother of the late writer you surveyed that you just close the circle he finds a little element the beginning at one official with and i never know what its kind of a i never know when i start a colander out about until i sit down at the
computer i write almost everyday events that have a fifth and eighth of it and not all for the calm that it's the company that once a way because once we know we should read more it rightly or if you have an e book all we saw a week from paris early his career forty four i think for a job in the senate get fed those was ruth bader turow bonus for week four ever twentieth and i don't know how they did it i really am a very slow or iron bar again ira what's the maximum number of columns lessons and said do you do for four weeks i'm doing it in the last couple weeks have had to carry that there are for the same ticket all of them innocent guy right or new cars you're mad and then output had called me up unneeded in
a patient's are a calm them human space and that so i could probably due to a cure for away but the two to four wait but i wouldn't eat sleep or because you think about it constantly you know i may go to bed thinking a hundred and in this when i wake up old ellen barkin said god intend for you to write and live in one lifetime and vertically and i admire people who are much more prolific and also the congo's than seventy at it the week you know most of the other people wrote essays and mine is our stories have a beginning a middle and then typically and so the first thing that it may be nothing like what the third and it will break and then he goes to the syndicate and they have to edit it on the phone says senate now they are wonderful and that audience indicated for about two years
or so and they'd only change one word and earn the world to instantly they did in the article about the truck find tripe yes they changed the salesman think of jazz and because they were afraid i wouldn't and by this year who fears woes the hearing in person who rely on the database at is this is really about was a novel is a welcome business day was disturbed that they felt that theirs was more generic i guess instead of actually getting a nationality you're welcome dr bieber hey s waal why would somebody the name a reliable is the initial
four so i didn't want to use my real name and all i wanted to use a pseudonym i didn't i certainly didn't want my picture on the column referred worker oh god i wouldn't want to have been totally anonymous that there would be so many more fun really that the first editor of the newspaper wasn't that in fact a grand my address those couple of albums with a new dad that and really quick and that civilians will go whoa what was very nice and they'll arrive common there with the flowers and they in the process well you said that isn't it adopted two years because it was a man's world not much of a chance for the orion none of that saw camouflaged update the us have nothing to do have no approach postscript well it did well my name is paula says if the
religion that when our before became a writer you have all of interest five years i guess and then four five and i'm terrible with dates they're asking dates but as mr miller so i signed ahmed reports ps wall because you did have male managers have plans everything that took you more seriously without their reporting from pakistan i was one of one female in that fifteen hundred men so i was the first woman tv a harder work and steam plant which you would think in a world of an ephemeral work and then in a modern world even in today's mail order that that might not be so what would you say to the idea that that's a fear will agree on a fear of a woman giving them advice in the dutch are feared thought that but that if you sounded
awesome in our own thing they were taken seriously audience at a post in the ministry that they start singing animals on the scene at all right they're well have you thought about writing more income status on about a book of fiction or a book sort of a biography of our regional about that that would be too late too much exposure now i don't give them too much exposure when you mean you know i i have this little saying oh my wallet's is when you do something like burn yourself completely and i bought it from the outside you might think i expose lot of law because the really i've now people don't know me at all and the idea of writing a biography they are not a
lot of aid that's you know it turned my full run down the street i don't think i will become one i like my thinking well clearly if you read here's what he read over our man and learning you know buzzfeed also derided and so's not much an analogy behind a bow and even though it is somewhat obscure and off or what about fiction as sharon i had always thought that i would write fiction the column was such a surprise i never ever expected to do then it's a lot like since that was pushing rockabilly buried down here and i'd always when i knew that
i would have to write on their come from women or i you know my great grandmother was a poet and i woke up every morning with my mother sitting at the table writing letters wonderful one page letter that you can fit in charge next to my mother and she will write you a letter or even though she'll be talking to you a minute after the sermon and ever since i knew that i would ride i just never knew would be a calm and so yes i would like to write and more than a timid person yes i can and making half there are you are you want you know yes yeah you know i don't know that it a good of it never showed that dave and my dominant enjoyed not someone write about batman the caribbean no more than out where you are at well
the press is biased or the best of paris and that was the island opened mexican restaurant monsters but of also an inventor it could be because we're not mexican i ask mom isn't content with taking trips down memory lane jabar khan owns loans every year there having heard them access to for one billion done the sort of drift all which is unfortunate since under strain it and then you go on it almost louder the garbage truck or you know where does that come from where does it come from a speedo she's a mystery and von braun the dressing room slowly i turned twenty bikers as a fixed on the ata back out of later this be us banging my lamp little bar from his finger pointing out the notices a bicycle sidetracked running directly bagley across like some other reaching for foreign that vision speedo jerks the rabbi bears it's slated the yellow minivans
valley the average software software erotic funny where those that come from below that really happen that is a real life story that i didn't read one of you is not yet of our manager mary meat above the law last year but that really happen yes we were we were i think non violently rented bicycles and i'd change and a mile bicycle outfit and i forgot my bra in the dressing room and it was the only one i'd brought travel very light so i had to go back and do it and i walk in and very embarrassed that i had gone to the woman behind the counter is that he's seeing a broad anti get you know that it was like eureka eric ferrero been i'll let me take you over from
matters wary of tomatoes deeply serious writers there are writers who feel that in today's world there is an eclipse or politically correct movement that really restraints not just you know the reality as well we hear it on college campuses you may not save as you may not say that you may not think this human rights issue may not write that what we see a creeping into news columns editorial qualms calmness i suspect affects autism looks up until that writers do worry about that how do you deal with the usual politically correct in a world where
there is maybe too much if there is too much of it is an interesting is they caught political correctness and we i i'm right my first wrap is always what i think is how i want it and then we go back in play discontent and then you don't want to offend anyone the problem is that you have so many people now looking to be offended i mean it's almost like there are robot exercises you know they're looking for things to to offend them and when a horrible way to live good and join us next time for your own words meanwhile keep going
A Word on Words
Episode Number
P.S. Wall
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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My Love Is Cheap, But The Rest Of Me Don't Come Cheap
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW2902 (Digital File)
Duration: 27:46
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-3b5w66b171.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:50
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2902; P.S. Wall,” 2000-07-01, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2902; P.S. Wall.” 2000-07-01. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2902; P.S. Wall. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from