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why why ellen johnson the welcome to word on words our guest and over and clyde edgerton welcome back then simmered dim a gun never too many times it's first person accounts of course all my adventures and here i know where you are why don't talk about much but it's kind of a noise in the press but last time of losing the nineteen ninety one flew my own aircraft which african leaders until you know you're out there your own well jewel a plain and there's a chapter go on bail but our lesson again with your images in iraq or they begin with your mother who remain introduce you to the air for a moment the young man in your
boyhood six five hours about for all figured out when she first took me a broader report on noun international airport there was one runway the er pilots the commercial purpose would stand beside their twenties walkout doctor walk in the cockpit see the employment and as you often take off and of course not anymore but i would go out and i don't i'm a treasure she made for photographs of me that i can find him one in support over the book on she took me out when i looked back on it she was sick she could read of the cbo actually cheered says prison and callous toward that goal nobody's the story is similar stories in the us in the bombings in their book weren't always in the book as one fell afoul of their family in mississippi than a portable lectured to gradually just go ahead it lived as they could but it was she was her mission to get me out as much as possible and as young as boss when many other ways it was a very conventional gonna bring acute for protective an awfully lot of different
churches sonnets goes very important and permitting church of night and so forth and i and she was an avoidance systems overall attention i am i guess she never understood and that that first trip would lead you are ultimately lead to but you follow hear i did i have i would the consumer more watching air planes fly over and then also images goes in haskell i fell a little short film that a lot of people are in this in the southeastern liaison of replay to remember while of poem half light know i've slipped the surly bonds of unicef world for which was a silver total over short ways beautiful airplane would be slow and rolls of power and there was no money in his palm go on in the american flag and then the national anthem all at midnight just as it went off the air when television welfare act this was a dream that i wanted to use it in an ad did
it to call and luckily there are many ways to a likely cause of spots along the way i was able to get out to see undone sign up to be a polished well lit the cover of the book a solo has that photograph that there is i have it was a saying at this moment and that little more waving is clyde edgerton out you talk about today's your first instructor a man who had his novel gods and sniff sniff he was a bit of a test left it was then you go through that list of checks that he did use one interrupted by sniffer but i thought at the outset you know when you've got a
commercial plane now some guy is that there's a delay in the palace doors open and you can hear them going through the checks and it really is vital we try and as the train you go through those retain the goal of those savers flying is and it is very safe safe and i'm in a car in terms of accidents and the dollar's it still it still can be a dangerous adventure he said he was very systematic and that the court will force instructor and i know exactly what to expect but he did things he said stay with me always one was realize that the guy who flew their point for you that got a woman float through the air going for you is a dallas problem or c really got a check those switches to be sure the
years she left them in the rye poison you go check everything because they were dull and emily the aircraft or moment of the next probably the dumbest crowd the war so you've got everything set so they will make a mistake and the systematic use in the checklist i was part of the air force trying to set i wasn't i mean we were being the idea that he was a civilian air force is in charge of training and so i never got my art slices from civilian perspectives on military and i'm assuming that the church was his importance of implied but you could see how i especially at this one flies for a long time the star sale checklist i'm going to memorize i'm but we had to look into a golfer to post everything online makes a big difference and then he and then he takes your one day and as a solo and many takes shoe another day you know your first cross country then
you make a mistake the sector i was a surrender his review is a first time gore obama self out of sight of the airport to find another in judging him going or having fun and forth a few times now to go away and a map everything planned out and the land drama map on the left is a minute takes a normal ride on the mile tricks might've been just the opposite a camera but i would know every minute where i was supposed to be in every mile well i got my medicine mouth confused on the second word of a trip and in reality when outflow the slow airport out where was woodland weasel turf <unk> to feel down there and then there's a another fry without i'm looking down from a three minutes and from in amado important to realize because i was confusing moments of mouth so i'm lost i cannot fire near her feel and sweat and then looking and nothing's matching up and finally out raising down the radio and he chose magnet
that the airport using my radios and so forth i get back on land and he's thinks it's or take in stride and that's taking off and ensemble impresses god he thinks i'm a dummy from get lost and i'd forgotten checklist time which was to trim your nose so that we take off aircraft stay in a stable position i did not trim my nose so that when i took all one knows would just like them a pushover would just like that if i was there when the phillies provost eleven and i get home as chemist of all la and i think he's gone we operate because i'm thirty minutes i you know you made me giggle and it's a mile ride each way doesn't yet he knows that omelet was your phone call and i just thought maybe of seventy six unless it than a more informed a scream a miniseries did you learn anything servicer to which lawyer asked over not confuse one
minute and monk takes he said i can't see a more uneasy have marks yeah you did the fall while all good the filing game in as well but i learned that it was a it was not just try to make me feel both my great it led you in the arctic otc and then that led putin to power training and to the us air force and ultimately and your that and he thought about where you're going when you first in the cockpit and as a youngster it had sixty six i got mom passed license the new air force or from a vietnam was just beginning a double dip ah but i was twenty four years old twenty two years old now afford you think in your twenties and a prominent foreigner it was a warm and
i have the word was it would be over soon in nineteen sixty six a powertrain four year and then i have a george degree japan stay in the state's original and if you live in a western about the confusion when i get so i asked japan first george moore's descendants or the announcer george allen gets paid for eighteen months but then i knew i had to go to the southeast asian forearm of five years so i was fine for most of my life i never thought about the war and then i knew it wasn't over and i knew i had to go i've thought about it and romantic notions about it and never dreamed of being hurt or injured or muslims feel now when he ended on that kind of naive way which i think most people will go in or probably do or at least in that day and age when you were coming out of two quote are more wars and heroism was there and it was our let's go and
i've been sort of are isolated from what was going on in states was the panama training reading the art air force news conference call upon all this anti war movement so that that's how one in the water so then youre in korea trying to force and forward i never heard the term the word jink before and didn't know what it meant but i learn you're up there for the first time and these white puffs of smoke are showing up are blue whales as athens oversaw fiat a lot of thailand own recognizance try control right we started and flight en well you would find that is ms jane eyre where art thou the guy is he's last train allow more workers in a territory the
chances are you can be tracked so you must always keep a wing love him and be unpredictable and early on in my training tom one of my instructors in the backseat and i'm in the front seat you're flying out there ourselves no ground for yet on the scene here and there verify would file on afghan them on maps appeared i'm not sure i am as the first mission i'm nervous and i'm always so low while and i failed and hear this song and he says by competition has genes i started corn and i learned while loesser well in three weeks where were the barney's as human waste or she knows that that the first mission is here is you'd have your bottom instructed today italy was doing that's at dischord and awful events and it's only allows instructor had been signs lately because attention when they will do their messaging for those you just tuning in i'm talking with clyde edgerton about his new book solo
his adventures near won the euro song for you do when your guitar today but i am and illuminations your own like me about it back in a lot of celebrities abroad to call i go he's dead and songs from our ratings in my last knowledge about six songs in a sort of mix of the reason music and chat for not drag so i wrote a couple songs the first was a funny song best is air taxi which is the name of will or textures opt in and i had and i was finding racers so mr sears on about one dreamed of the apollo or to be apart when i was a young man so it is august and you say that the decisions that no boy but i want to be a pilot fly into the air and where a white scarf flying goggles and lacy underwear
i went to be a pilot and pass my first flight test but an art to pass my physical i had to undress why can't i be a young man like other men or where all of their jacket drink and carson sin within gaza dr bob now a pilot i fly into the year where a white scarf and goggles know they see on marijuana now i can be at a man like other men where all other jacket drink and curse in sin and where mostly and there were only now if you've got a random so that says that's great but that my python
know you also the editor of but in the south of the base of the salad is the book that i am carol put together which is which account which is a collection of twenty stories from the last ten years of the new stores himself on this is a book that the sharon runner now puts together and sends out she she short sellers stores a year says until an author of schism and editor who pitched toy stores has been more than twenty years and the first ten years the best of those first unusual published and vouchers dollars and there's just happen again and i'm honored and i'm flattered to be included in the book along with more culturally smith and jill mccorkle and some other people share ever knows been bringing fifteen hundred to two thousand stores a year to sell its doors for the series and that's part of why i'm in national tour to promote the book well our viewers got a glimpse of a cover that book and
congratulations i think therefore i am a solo includes sound at least a couple of letters he wrote home from asia via father to the family and to fall in with some an alliance which were part of a family code it's online it may be less an serious how soon did uganda have second thoughts about what you were known i probably have was rumored to have again or realize because our score score to different places early stage of station thailand i fly into the philippines and b and i was in vietnam for short wall that began to realize that there were nationalistic tendencies going on among the between countries in southeast asia that will
powerful people didn't like people of other nationalities are people will brown together and it was a complicated something going own arm and also realize that watching supplies literally watch and supplies come through on laos into self it now for more than on and seeing the thousands and thousands and thousands of tons of bombs that were dropped on there and nothing was stopping the supplies i began to realize the more want rulers in the war and number two it was unclear to make much less clear about while is there than it had been before i got you know there's so many parts were not all over the years in discussions about press coverage of vietnam who turned in another way that we did not win
then you say it is i think it actually should be stated we could not when we lost well you know i had some incredible experiences being in the middle of the air war was in the growl rouse the middle where war in many ways and i saw and i hurt after the war i heard people saying all the press lost the war aren't that was not what i experienced when i saw was a a very advanced technological machine operating in such a why for example up and down that for a documentary of their militia men fell through whales were no american fruit because we can get in there our aircraft were dropping tree like devices that this long without hearing sensor on in the sabbath trail so that we could hear trucks combine them overnight talk about a visit to a todd yeah so they would have a very
wall with neon with a big map of that trail in all keys just add an e and you see the places where these sensing devices was on trial and says the trucks go by when large aircraft dropped bombs on the trucks we had it was such sophistication that you would walk into that place and look and say there's no way we can lose its wall so use your room for moved its report for work yes literally a country weigh in it in a room and you can hear what's going on the minority have a trust thereby your conversations you hear people sit around i can't sorry about mr mercer as this is both an amaze comic strips and what happens is from this perspective you gain a great deal of confidence but then i went after over and watched and realize with bob areas which were bombed clean servers the moon no jungle mile square miles you go back in the morning at least ever been bombed a bomb for weeks in ways in a
cedar it's a truck tracks those cross of woman service and we were able in fact what was interesting the powers would when they i was astonished that drove them there maybe a month was a time for power than a year to go home and we're drinking a toast and says blessed is time for withdrawal and he pauses says here's to the truck drivers there was a cow respect for these guys a bigger surprise was the enemy in his is a farmer and powdered it does it was like almost like a it's it was you know technology which could stop those supplies going down and and and we were saying this is this is a lost cause it were doing what were supposedly living rises isn't that was a nationalist of thing and so you know the idea of the first time i find i really heard of them a lot more talk about colleagues who felt that what and most often i realize that remote i hear most often i hear that we couldn't wait that we were not allowed to
win most often hear the officers who commanded ground troops and i guess they had the sense you know they just let us go north and they just let us do what we can do the war veteran of an outcome and perhaps would i don't know what what you're saying is that from your colleagues who follows not just one human being guided its own who says we're losing this war there was a general feeling that you couldn't stop the infiltration south and that ultimately mr that this was after watching that that after watching times in tons and tons of bomb struck and directing those bombs in and and realizing that we were we just it was and we met i must also say that we were not allowed it was frustrating for me another proud sometimes to not be allowed to bomb fox north of the
line which was north vietnamese border and we would actually see trucks lined up at the border when for it dark and only when they would cross a border war ii before i must say that's frustrating but it i can't believe it are given what was true about the nationalist attendance is etcetera that the that that we would've won the war home so i have i was disheartened and and demoralized when you conclude in the book on the outset of those right only allah so compromise was a there will come a california there's a domino theory you'll get yourself in the moment get to cambodia to thailand and presumably come into the show or to california believe this with all my heart and of felt i was protecting and then it to infect them are crammed into a nose again twenty three twenty four years though i wear a father's airplanes an hour to believe what would help me flowers are
lines and so there's a lot i go on our whole hero thing in and of feeling that your invisible universe domingo the gap all that's going on in you you had friends whom he flew think about those guys know i think about what i've experienced since i wore the f thirty five years or more and the springs that i have it lived in and then experience a feeling of a new spring another child and all that i'm as gone and scrubber so many people are and it and it strikes me that was gone for civilians it's a little bit different but the summit was over for all of us and i think western true and then it will get one of will she was a what so with britain odd it was all white wine region of them was a nineteen forty six piper cub up almost as disco y back seat or three thousand
island built in nineteen forty six nineteen forty seven i found out i need i wanted more hours back with a blow against all found that there were thirty in north carolina i sell thirty letters alibi aircraft about five letters to god saying no way i love that you can have it one has a project you can have forgotten would put aircraft ago a pregnant there is one for sixteen thousand which didn't have the money for one for twelve said i get ahead in the morning that i was going to make the all from a mechanic expected out he said it's a great new airplane is worthwhile for us and is waiting in the check for eleven a ship from room furniture but we're from a partisan injuries get a message jim i like to make an offer he said ok that's about what all of eleven thousand dollars for their flight suit clad only twelve percent ok because i had inherited was that zelaya was just done is unusable
second phase of my flying career of the black book as sort of the third fas but i had to have a lot and have some great flying experience with an ending and weapons and build to love you she was based at americans feel in the woods a friend of mine and his airfield there phil was short and daniel you had always take off downhill regardless of the wind direction that they in that the effort to try what was said was a walking cane but that at the take off in the g star julia do we had a war or anabolic and it started down this downhill grass covered runway and look both ways as a driveway you'll beguile become an all dry way to go and i head of press in the back i was heavy i had a tailwind and i lifted off they knew that if i can fly might not make the trees it will be on the field that was beyond the subsidy but then rolled out into the field was planted kemal back around not realizing that dated and lasted up on the nose cone the
top and aircraft total now as they observed them on injured mob it was i have said then we crawl out and i was in a much firmer so much for moses said said they have no you're in on a group of working on novel about a con man photos whole life and was granted right now he's selling it or in bottles from a bible society to give away any use for care for cutting out the page details where they came from in the selling them that says making that may sound like a book i'm eighty four once again join his own word on words and thank you for watching and johnson and over and gets a rating no no no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Clyde Edgerton
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Solo: My Adventures In The Air
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Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0053 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 28:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-3775t3gw2x.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:53
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3418; Clyde Edgerton,” 2005-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3418; Clyde Edgerton.” 2005-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3418; Clyde Edgerton. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from