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from nashville public television's mr delay celebrating offers literature and ideas for more than three decades but this is a word on words jobs oh i'm john simple and welcome once again to award and words but yesterday and it's a real pleasure to have mozart on some listener the sun and when the first pandas in tennessee found a law firm baker baumann sunday biermann cowell and our quiz is here to talk about is no more simply titled louis this into a distinguished legal career he's been active in politics at the local state national know for sixty years with my pleasure to welcome the lord own words david thanks for have for coming and thanks as well for writing the book i think that anybody who is interested in history and the history of his state that uses nation anybody was interested in politics politics and state politics of the nose anybody who then arrested him
all along you're being around a practitioner of the archive is going to be interested in this book simply titled louis and i'm gonna want to ask you and why it took you so long to write it well right now the busier than many interruptions of a pop hit and i and that's a million e i started to write i thought till i respected figures straight mandates that good until iran had navigated that so i'll put that this way when the form is now ivan i remembered well it's wonderfully done and some of the antidotes are so rich and they contribute so much and your memory and i'm sure it's supported by some research your memory of your ancestry is remarkable it's a remarkable ancestry
and in the fact that yemen is donaldson maybe you go perhaps meet you never realize that you know you're you're right on rachel family and a million more than the natural absolutely an undue when you when you go back to the young she must've been and her family must have been when you think about that and the pioneer spirit took to establish a city and really a day and helped establish a formal government that's what the family did and in a shooting in her mary stanley jackson was controversial at the time and still phone that controversy he established a legacy in your drawer that legacy to
talk about your great great grandfather one raid on the docents know my great grandmother at that and that's the london sun is go and borrow of was that gaddafi is the one who brought the people that drove on the ruling in an evaluation and nigel and then and is said siam was a good friend called for them again they only have dorothea the weekend though could've been successful lead to hear very badly on him he made and get in promising that he would look at this show and philly my great grandfather was and yet not use his regular internet and they detected the slow signs that
trade flows good to examine quote unusually brother and there that that's that's the nation and blamed them go ahead and because he was you had not had that there was an adapted seven but he was not that's when they learned that the conflict in changing need an injection senegalese pointless pointless road and then and then and those who would very unusual and they really know what went on wrestling in another way who wait in their leaves and then he came home to meet that date and then love in twenty fourteen twenty eight campaign tune then their rejection the eighties wife who was not my great grandmother ah know lady is
a wanted to know as a violin the brothers in the city who were born alive and warm and immediately the blood to a way that that was is that he went on to have to get in that day that get them appointed to negotiate the annexation of texas joan mackenzie was afraid for michigan's second families to mosquito eradication and i just for that as i recall as your life in very active in the dating for four convention in baltimore were gently pull the track was nominally is the political vogue and he used the men who really care about jackson's one village voice to get pregnant we are going
to be counted right then i you know i if i ever knew that haiti he went to russia as our ambassador i have forgotten but it was it was one experience in love and then at three quotes it was while he was there the german federation would form and be in a recent biography of the major way with a whole lot of thinking yeah good situation did know the village and in the fall if the federation of build forty head of europe but they give them a reality and no
and he has an interesting enough that no other aspect of your lazy comes from elizabeth and aoki nicholson in isaiah sonnenberg two terms were those terms with an objection and so had red and so you know uganda politics on both us in uganda law internet rally on both the seminole got it all right and for indian and fifty tenth inning games day the law firm baker dong isn't as you point out he later in the book you go into the james a baker frowning and that brian little for amanda and then the legacy on thompson side was all about l p he regretted i gave you a bad tempered be on
alibaba at eighteen twenty and when they gave a very new for a rare and even they don't crack in everything the president even to illustrate the conveyor belt and kenny and nathan everything can his speech with four hours a ha ha ha ha ha leno was he went to the court that it's quiet and you know and he had them tell any detailed not going i am going you know you don't really give a straight day or orient dr gregory for our well it's interesting and i think there's so many people in the state who know about your own career who consider you the father of the modern republican party in tennessee i think
they go along and surrender and so many of the men look for you for advice in consultation with it an inflated budget and the others the other thing that was interesting to me was to read about i read a story about a woman who was so your ancestors who is a democrat and an who was given a job because her husband had died fighting for his country and then we woke auction and they want to work this and letters in the book it's chock full of it is that they return as an asset or a vivid vivid matter with she said she's and he'd build pushing the new generation and gentlemen
the new record away and frank and solidify aegean and eighty nine dr murray said that of italy for the winner to manage your attention so she would multilingual elmo and yet his cabinet and have unlimited transfers management and he adds fabric that led to it and she's a devil and she writes with his well when she says the name id made out of work han han and the father is going to get now from eulogies leslie was born an education they were on hand at the cabinet factory then that need the gab the lebanese cabinet or an hope you only leverage to a dire prediction for love paula had glamorized prejudices that no real father willie was not clear and i want you to be restored piano you know and in the back and she didn't always you said that
as you wanna born on to tell that those undocumented bag at the newly admitted to taking dora have another says don't i feared dead including the va we're joined by good example of a maid and wind and they all had the added and then she'd she'd get in thirty six thirty six when he actually ending of his time had been in she even that if they'd never laid a major win in a banana foreign tour and again that have a lot of that with whaling families trying to live with the leaking on may
not realizing that this goes will be a good thing why isn't touching metal from that four you felt about the joys and the problems in the richland to make you know at the young and the book of course that well it's interesting fashion with that historical background but also in learning point brings us into the present a certain city council you say that that it was a meaningful experience and looking back on it and most of them must've been a bit of a burden or approaching warrior to take them out and then to get in so public service at that time in your career in italy that right now bill isn't it building to be you know i would get a warrant for stuff but there has been a whole rundown castle and then
there was the phrase council and then we have this foundation or are we the navajo month head cause of that plant tennessee holiday created this could recognize maybe half hour laughter phlegmatic that order further did in thirty five states have several times it was an unusual play and to one favorite of the camp when it's not obvious anyway with a great humanity and that but he had been in the mayhem draw contrasts with us and while visiting the name each gave a strike and how do it know what hell point so well he was a black man and they embody abortion and came in india was the one who can see that in them watching on the radio every day in and the fan says the ammo
my hand on something henry aaron's video back to me that you were small pet be in that they would if you were the little red probably hear hannah and i couldn't get people that had good for a black swan again fled their votes hey man at a bridge and then primal functions for a head with these three and four other well if you want to settle for it but didn't feel that was now politicians notably had no it is and then i tried every way i did they went into it not realizing you're going to be faced with that sort of detente so the controversy and he was a bit of controversy and butt head happened is that in the book that probably is very welcoming you must it
must be said that the you know maybe we'll look on as chairman of the us but i would think you look all your effort to save themselves from the violent crisis in that tragedy what i'm oh yeah yeah that effort but i'm not proud of that that have failed i mean i consider myself to be a therapist waiting for the day when they get rid of them a lot of bor nation that if it did the way that god couldn't get their head and the james bond option of apparel one way they did after that he was shot for days now will mean with the veteran leader and then they remember having been through like over and the talent of a long and have called
parallax morning and you know that strategy he slowly andy i called euan is mourned only did the eulogy that and blood i will be doable you did he say at down leading to say any good and have to do that that there's no not veto it at that what you do there and he did at the tour with that the ear of a girl i remember mr lobo the tone you know you write about you know because of you just tuning in i'm talking with david on some bodies no more lonely and it's a book that delves into the political and legally some ways the financial facts history of our state let me just don't you talk about memphis in the thirties right eloquently about
memphis has missed prompts memphis in the nineteen thirties and you know renee i grew up in nashville and i didn't know that in the scrum first time was i had until i was enhanced to our falls from clouds away was known here but you write about a as a as a as a creative political leaders for a stroll you know this commission is black voters in memphis in the south and those days and then you know a very unusual move acknowledged voting men yell at ten and it wasn't and it was a city yeah i don't know that i ever heard of only job oil before it your book but only job cleanup the
town that at one point but the ground may or one thousand college in the visit that within this city was why don't i mean every hotel had its cameron the big nightclubs and they have rooms for great ways he was everywhere when then what he did and allison no criminal record they had cause he he and the man in the craig wright who would read and collected from a variety of them they found evidence of them aaliyah the attitudes and all day energy and then when he would see that as a son that a question crashed during a
flood and that's phenomenal job or a fight and it was in and from that time on we have to go with the dictator when he was a very benevolent became an acclaimed how i miss you up to period when i spoke briefly about the new republican party and you know them for many many many years of your life to see was part of a solid democratic south and and then you were on a key position to watch its evolution government done selections of fuel and lamar alexander's and what's the situation and in nineteen fifty two how
the capitol pointing as you know i don't crave sour sobel but alice that a goal rather than a grand political left they would fill a slow lately and hell and had a one point a system with the pressure of the point improv democratic primaries you didn't have party does it have prevented patients and juliet i had delayed from that actually had plantations and there one that calling them and re in hand and one ever want to be a part of that to get a new crime but when he said that even though your be a republican as well how my great great grandson will be a big thing for me but i will not let that we did that we would an adolescent love with this and i will be a winnable republican hands and
we went together and she did moshe were currently at hand well we sell with two places to have an important appointment and you could also live with me quality a position to pokemon go an excellent contender southern democrats supported you rumble and the word that killed for talley got emma brown and fifty two which comes again there was used dunn will delay any he visited interviewed people like ha ha ha and so what we we our reverie at our big margins or go whoa that's a letter did you really did that on the ground that we had seventy five hundred and one feel like you know we had no one hundred and twenty of the election and salem are
transitioning and i'll you what i think about them but your own role first will you open the lead counsel in the midst of great controversy if you come back to state government when mr alexander takes off as human before the cabinet you have the duty to be in charge of budget and finance what was then you come and we give up right after the study you run the state government have coffee and be with the people and the lives that is required but the patent to deny gathering ranged they gathered in what you do you end a young boy he read what you did there is that moment all the plans are set the election is over omar
is the governor elect and then there comes another controversy the need to move in and plant and literally as defoe's senate two hours before the end of his term and you will come down then you literally are called born on lockdown this state capital for a period in so let there will be enormous wearing an hour a wedding gown and joe riley blanton the usual group of muslim or another really talking with you again because that alan levin the apprentice and they're not allowed to go into the commissioner david addington jordan and they yelled and i went down and have an ovary at a call out when ben and i think we need to help we're calling alan cole and i wanted to put the ball into a white brand new
data demographic and why they came down we ship is called bud cort and he fed them what might come afterwards she and evil in the capitol with a complex they know a couple of gold every night what he did you mean the breadth and that it had no breath and there was a lot of dust on that as a gag the lady said i think we guarantee the deal on the other utility below the violent clear it up the matter the books partly leave the republican donor that kind of racial amalgam of the nation and they feel as a bad method want to get
dc he told me until you know the tibetan been flattened well you know ever are five by air and we run out of time and there's so much more i am dying for reduced to know about an easy way for londoners to simply go out of the movie theater and i want to know that every cent of the proceeds goes to roads that it's got your comment about why well let's agree to tell her and she was a great great partner to do that and the last entry in the book is a memorial and annotated generation kill thank you to adults and for joining me and they are all again has always to be with you thank all of you for watching for john for overcome forward own words on john's a baller and remember speed reading
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Lewis Donelson
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW4105_HD (Digital File)
Duration: 00:27:49:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-348gf0nr3z.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:53
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 4105; Lewis Donelson,” 2012-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 4105; Lewis Donelson.” 2012-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 4105; Lewis Donelson. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from