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and words are programmed delving into the world of books and their authors like dan jenkins talks about life its own selves euro's forward on words mr john sigg and holler publisher of the tennessee cleaning ladies and gentlemen welcome back to word on words it's a great opportunity to be deceiving to have as i guess an old friend the oppressive wellness program for the author of that all areas bestseller semi tough has now written a new book like its old self inventing and working there great redheaded that some people wondered if it was safe and i have an ah so unsure as cities public television and they said well if you read his books so you know it can be saved he talks like me right i just really don't know that's right and he does end its life its own self that's the book is the same a tougher adventures of barely clad pocket and others barely clad was a
was a great hero he's a great football player and he was the great run by god but you the dream or bust bus up as nave about a third way through here and in them and serve a career director and pharmacists filing early on the plane flew in so not really glad straight up the broadcast booth where it came at an analysis on network television as so many football players don't get one that is alive after football is there's no road has been so that's where the story takes up this cycle so much that he mentioned them then he has to do the romance and all those friends in as radio friendly as a ladder becomes a college coach and isn't while recruiting in peoria dr tj is a dj is a character in his own way in his own life and thirty j is headed into recruiting black athletes and so wants to win for him as i they wanted one boy and
the legal sector ikea role as arthritis apart live with us allies just like an american liaison back at the six three to thirty fermin can but for a cicada so why would you want to be one that says her show and merle old roland evans that's exactly also heavily involved and this is also you know in a ford tri they can afford as well will before we go too far with it with the recruiting of landslide as we should go back to romance from a maine because there are other recognizable characters in and they have a new book as barb and then there's a ba in and made barbara wright generally takes on an old mandela he lived being thinks being and lows of contracts like an ant an old they get dirty thinks that the he thinks that
girl in a barbie is that is wonderful girl and she's become when a sitcom sullivan on as you they buckled the low lying about holzer was insured pool of mortgages so much so she was just of a moderate and there are now as they try to turn actor so suzanne california trend like a situation comedy which is also puerto plata is also based on my experiences few years ago i went through the agony and where they have kind of turned some lighter than the situation for obesity and there i spent six wonderful weeks after writing scripts and i'm being told this has not been terrific and a lot of that one line on the spring and they turned it into a thrill of build an event and it often for soliciting holiday road would run off and for four episodes right and that sort of evens out in my furniture a left right here if you're either
opportunities too low as versailles robin wright as frightening thought people always so the good side of the reporters in austin fifteen years on those waivers and forth in the house was no employee any money in those days at the incredible sellers not still be unlivable there were rumors taken there percent of a reporter you can walk into the office of the richest and probably fit employers this concert was going on was often asked here and now we'll still have that we'll still have that closure depending on the year so this was more that's exactly right but i think the wyler out mini lessons you know most times if you can get a fourth outlets of the book girl you're lucky and it is something that i had for far less song i'm so grateful to my own the word drool and friends of in the people of man and having been a sportswriter for thirty five years and i haven't been
privileged to live that have a life and not red smith always said it does work and it was really fun and alice i listen close in the end let's figure this collection of characters in a rope and often bob ely i know that i'll always use everything they said someday i'm not change it here and there but i mean there were there was a there was a gold mine of material or just a question of palin and one dollar bill let's go back to who rode on ella's real promote darnell as a menace more stand book the sauce was all rather as a business degree in vermont has been accounted for fresh food chain in houston but he knows how good that slices and he knows that their own they're very fuel is for you know for black is a lift themselves out of the society to be born into in sports is one of college football's on the soul of the people's will
skim on the beginning that they were kind of a courthouse was a services and now i will give it away and i know i'll let you were value director right there goes out of it but i will have to say that the low point out sliders get from it no it is one of the high moments of the book i'm in the drama greeted you don't know for a minute we had a million dollars and don't get him back well it's true because what happens to johnson was as what has happened to a lot of accolades that which is the idea that religion in this case hosler says bryan gets taken over bernie's indian swami a close enough to play football anymore that hurts the football as material value and watch it ignores the shooter burst in except his porsche is an importance of campus in all at one that he needs to stay only reisen levels in the chant so but yet the recruiter who ali was of those bring to
see but your mama wants him again so when i'm are skeptical of laughter he thinks that you can you know so true it's warming is that this was only in the farm with about a million dollars worth its improv solo ah that's for the plot and that will win what the river files of voters that passes his brother has a little bit to do with this on both there's a long day's work and most of it is the little matter but to the gray dawn elder below ten of his own although and of course the area the great lesson to be learned there which i had which juts a great satisfaction in writing and file workers at the bottom the black the black people are smart likeable on our own turf with a merchant have a moral lesson by recruiting for about the un or what about the year the issue is a very serious issue and it's a funny book but they're a very serious things evolve one of them has to the issue of what if there is there is that well
i have a veteran omar five i have mixed emotions about it i think that that we know that college football recruiting is as old as you know macho louvre painted by football players as walter camp or somebody they're mostly one or has brought a lot of and down below of universities are like somebody in that now also somewhere along the way that college football in college football though more wings on libraries and all the friends of chaucer another sense of a reality we can't escape that is that people wont say were number one the dough won't say were number one thirteen you know so we're going to learn about the economy have helped with the butter what they still have all the other hand i don't really see a whole lot wrong with it if it gives a group which is a chance at least be exposed to campus life and lee's flirt with a classroom occasionally implement an environment with a lot of the not otherwise find the democrat alex built like when they do
relation of computer experts or footballers it's ok to have you know some football players on campus and look at the enjoyment but brine to that to the campus community and the state the ball and the ball where is the only athlete the only student star athlete in a loaded term star athlete only at the only arrested on campus in conflict from fifty dollars thousand in stadiums and bring much enjoyment therefore what about leading up to and i think it's ok we'll in his client and we placed it has to work on campus knows flavors we placed in store on campus radio stations plan to maintain the grounds of state interests of what the role of playing at least in my entire morale you know a house where the present brown university this seriously made that proposal he says you don't even matter willing those who i lazily over school i would say is one thing that i think that in big time college athletics have the body you would get a four year scholarship as i say it's very hard to feel sorry for
college athletes any given free for her educational troubles in my head of the old lady was a portion of them i think we're the owners or you didn't love you know employer four years ago to building wells and four but i think you also play for their villages further it's a what she would agree later as the views of eligibility you get lumped into come back and finished for a charge their scholarships to all sorts of attacks in ten years i can still finished the education that you promised them a new recruit that would help a little bit and observant jew the other serious thing that has also carried in prison a very hilarious memoir is the fix and i think that's what really i said man truly an unexplored potential scandal that may be on the
horizon and we may have to have they know about their mark on a football gay over a wolf well the whether they're fixes not how your scenario it's not paranoia well i think it's the bitter babies of truth or i don't know i know him as our enemies are citizens too long and talk nfl says the long running gimme a break on sixteen regular season games and then the playoffs start with a pre season ever for the exhibition really political bruises and we've got the tremendous over exposure on television sunday monday thursday friday night football you know also his ego or exposure hugo chavez might do much money i mean nobody's worth it and i'm on an early michael jackson's were and so was added benefits that builders benefit the money
and it helped that you know in order to make that ninety percent offer of iowa like the money you got to him they've got to protect yourself against injury therefore the losses and you know clearly intensely of emotion that that you perhaps should therefore calling competition so should they go with the advertising that you know if you go back i remember professional football started as a blue collar sport played by fat man in baseball stadiums and it stayed like that for fifty years what changed it was television a bunch of born rich owners getting into the game for expansion and dragging their social climbing friends of the stadium's took a bunch of brand new corporate stadiums and the grandest pr job ever done on the sports writers sports pages of this country by the league office and whistling and i've been there i've been worn mostly used to try to woo so i know what they do and i know i likened sedition and now
unfortunately an awful lot of irish water out of those were senators have been civilians whether it's through free trips on the team plans for your wife to exotic city's lavish gifts on your birthday and christmas dan pardi i'm on the road the whispering little like you feel like you're inside and part of the family but only a little cigars that they really want to get any audio trouble and the old professionally and that mix of sunday no more willing for schroeder feel like the other important thing and the most unforgivable thing i can think of in and in society of sports in general is for any rider or any broadcaster aware of super bowl right and our children see this and there are those around so in the speech well i agonized about a third is what worries me is the idea that they can understand i heard somewhere that that there was a true life stories floating around you
have have year's eve or new jobs the flag he gets called because he could see a couple of weeks on his actions or michael vaughan to fix games you heard any of the stories told the level of rippling summer love those were romantic version of the thriller with their own way he was a real honor now i don't have a professional who has shown a proven and here is a reserve and provide what i do what i do believe is that they say improves your love affairs are victimized by the rules well you are the hole in column in india board with the weightlifters find out the lando an overhauling is anymore no innocent person firm says thirty game oregon officials routinely judgment calls so if we have willingly worked then there's a risk you have to really be pretty stunning game was still smarting really run as
too easy as good as richard parkin that i'm actually totally of life of them green that's true also you know what they call you know what we've said over no research on the toronto ms margo stadium you're watching the guy run down the silent with a football as i was headed for a touch them and a flag from south korea at a sense of why it's been brought back of hear how the field of play the colored just in case just in case it doesn't although it doesn't attack or where we want to go well it's a it's a us and the other side of that is that those leaders who have so much power and have gotten hacked i probably have the most underpaid people stay in your book that you consider they get their game the sun was ten days ahead of
time i was a little boy they do indeed to help low power and then and the and i suspect that there's some uk citizens then reselling the tenants who don't make as much as they do well you know what this might not is that you know its post bit the dark cigarette what what what officials working when they had to everyone knows who's working on a vast national catholic church and voted huge charts and sabers and you know as a parent who knows gather there's a magic pill with the boy from home and the underdog covers fourteen or sixteen games and you go well that guy's he says in the book a lot of the loans they were a mobile oil you know right now but i think that the employer's computer and i know so many
stories of hindus and nine song and this light would like an engineer in via protect resources but there have been instances where players have no business and other employers tell me about the greatest ghost call where might this is an nfl game it went well but they also want a deal within the country so he had to find a way to get some portion of thing and there are secondary through flat western linebackers numbers and they turned it into some poisonous of the reasons yours truly remote was because of only second outing drop in to go through the guilt third them where to i am on an elevated of the dual console store final soul store that is also true when a group of guys that the new insight from their first or second year they're an exhibition game and that they had they had little bit and that late at the game one and
now the deadly the story and decided that this side of the room when the game but those sounds don't cover that the code sent a rookie quarterback in the game who rambled loitered boy didn't was unaware of the fact that the old veterans listen to wager and rookie quarterback robert wood boyhood the ball ran down the sideline for about thirty five years for a test and it was notable that all of the items on sale are kicking war buckets and your son alexander i resigned while their sport that's gotten over says when the world for the best and once a pope pope shouldn't vote upon us or clip from the new world the new thinking well what's the reaction of the concerns the pro football to the life he's also a professor well the rhetoric now that might be a hit out on me right now i'm hoping that a job well i really wanted to
straighten out on in all of football a pro football and college football i just want a fig a lawyer who has a reason shortened season and take a little bit of adult television and put it back where it belongs which is just a really good professional sport and not a daily episode i resent the fact that over religion that and that the priest is too much and also one of the letters were so loyal to the pope and slicing up to another that the television ratings reflect that you mean that the sudden drop in killings if you add more no more no shows instruments and just a general feeling that i sense when i go around the country and almost every foreigner has bored to death with it their citizens is to own a borer pro basketball tournament and hockey i'm in a play a hockey in alabama finished of june i'm an hour a one month moratorium on sports so and get her breast but what's your view the years oh the margins of unicef well and now in person and many many don't have a i have enough to vote it's just you know it's just it's just butter rich kids or give you
know menial just you know as your has a real members of the lucky sperm club they called on trial and ken what about leo it feel how much controlled philly haven't yet got this fight now that i saw a bus on official of the recently him it's a first an open an nfl game right so and then that local mall that always build america is in brussels for growers were shooting be a lot going on her black so parents are some things that i'm sure i'll vote is a love letter new show dangerously up a lovely vulnerable of course not it's terrible terrible something that's that's very new charles and women are everywhere wanted you know it'd be moved or three ton for that care or so it probably have thin margins of islam your
inner said somebody is buried somewhere out with what to do an end and the verve at in that in that saw contests is really that most youth oh sure it's a question of money and his influence lives and some of them i don't know that there were smart as a noun as in smart answer for when and if you do you love enjoy when you enjoy it when you really get off sports subjects in miami i look on golf without fiction piece on the road and you and mish rate rose rode along with apple with apple is where it's who fill parliament over again and i'd salmon all of television that has a new and try to figure out who you really are proud of the fact that bob would still talk about factor is a major character in the senate
was no we are enjoying surrendering those were jumpy every everything hopes to move urban fantasy original residents of those germans who thought well let's recap for vatican it to enjoy this new assignment writing a column for a magazine on a regular basis well it yeah because if i can get away from football and golf was no the fight of their metaphors love so mad or give me a broader boyz to talk about all the signs of a sports event you're going to come in and talk about how much of that ice hockey and an end in this particular book is that it isn't it i'm alone for for years and as a dealer in lebanon itself there and where you think you have a frontrunner right before
you the skin and while we still always as football head wheaties what was a serious writers you know surprises of also so coal's demise of a perverted fiction that really does have to do with a vigor and the president has said that her absolutely so you're looking forward to now that the requirement for it regularly producer got the scene in when you in sports illustrated and pretty much if you want to go to one car repair sign to well you had the other side as servants or so i was responsible for a sort of caretaker professional golf in college football for many years in pro football for prevent five years and so joe cassano ruled for more often the miscarriage is i think in the history of the mines and i
go and already over five hundred by wine storage for a site which is more than anybody wrote in addition to my design by more than a hundred solar ashes from the fund only do one a month and an end and then they provided and not bid and as anyone who's ever worked in the time corporate building those of the over a heavy pencils at times for social used to be there but it was a great rising many years ago was a writer's magazine unfortunately with different management are committed as minors and again that's not where writer wants to know the stories you look you see like it's also visually it's been so i'll describe in the mgm bought enough forces grow up so we will never know know those things take so long as a wedding gift for most of the wooden and starting a project of the round no rider and no script or a project of the ground that nine in the
film in the sequel you have to you have to try to do the same test and in a place of selling sound so i think that one of the weather bahrain's was to the nineties they were still an email thirties so stories are available was a lot of i thought did your feet we were finally you feel a lot better living you know about it by yourselves for there now to motion pictures ever totally please all i think mario puzo splits the godfather which was a work of art over the most faithful fill a reliable now but that's rare and that somehow lifetime so it certainly iran and beauty are a symbol of pride really just as one reader and your ma i think it would suit me fine if they would get those same cheap characters to take on local the sun rose and i i could you would there would be thought was a cyber is interested in fact were told them that he will only consider even if
i wrote so grateful for that i would another kristofferson love to do is move on this isolation and a big wild ride with a kid the girl and the killing well i mean you deal with some with earl you deal with all of the outrageous things that run throughout our society and in the cement work is even more outrageous than summit which i take it there you take a calm attitude is i think it's a little bit cruel richer and other businesses are three and now i saw a fine lace on the fringe awareness of the sort of hope for our left only a front to the back and the one i was so when i was through with me to call up a gun given plankton go to give me a review copy and that is a whole area's tribal fumble less motions you have specific prisoners more newer books
then jenkins author of life its own self as dan our guest unaware downwards featuring john sigg and bought this program was produced in the studios of wbez and television nashville tennessee
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Dan Jenkins
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Life It's Own Self
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0540 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 29:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-2n4zg6h017.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:29:33
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 0764; Dan Jenkins,” 1984-10-23, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 0764; Dan Jenkins.” 1984-10-23. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 0764; Dan Jenkins. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from