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liz from nashville studio a way celebrating offers literature ideas for more than three decades this is word on words dawn johnsen dollar once again welcome to word on words today my guest is paul sando loman one summer day on martha's vineyard star that is sung in the comedy writer actor larry david pall over that's inspiration for his book hitchhiking with larry david balto who wrote this book because he loved dylan and realize wow i'm in love that he'd never been happier are thousands of artistic flow they wait to find out all about balls greg and that could be back in the suit we'll get well it's not nachos was invented nashville is along for you and aggressive towards a nice guy like you want iran flawed or that they needed it and being picked up by larry david among others among others
well it started with no it starts with a girl every good story throughout time when his yes the miracle whether it's so dc's ma i had suffered heartbreak this only type relationship broke down was too difficult was to challenging so i fled for the sanctuary in the peaceful chilly waters of the atlantic on the island martha's vineyard has always been last summer place that i went to heal and learn and grow and i went there i fled there and i ended up at my parents' tiny cabin in the woods up hurting hundred square feet above the rollicking insanity and interesting dynamics and from that i was there on the island and i need to get out i need to move so i would ride my bike for long distances and i would hitchhike which used to be very popular in the vineyard but now with society so afraid of itself i was one of the lone attackers in the very first there were hitchhiking larry david himself pulled over and i got in the car and he asked me if i was a serial killer yeah a
funny line you open it was a very fine line and he really said that he was leaning back and i thought oh surely last minute before you because of those lands that for chile for larry i wasn't and i did say to him it's martha's vineyard it's the summer so even if i was a serial killer among vacation are not working and he laughed and then he said where you going and ice of the far side of the island is that and we started this journey which is a great metaphor for both the summer and life that we started a conversation and the least five minute maybe five minutes in he was thinking and he said you know i never ever pick up hitchhikers and said really you wanted to pick me up the thoughts and more and then he said i just felt like i was supposed to and that was deep because as i learned throughout the summer for my own experience and from all these other people were so generous and wise whether it's this couple is married sixty years like you dolores in your car talking about a lover homeless it on a porch or
billionaire wall street financier that if you listen to your heart and listen to your got to go with it and stale that extraordinary things can happen no read the title of a new media literature or chopped or anything larry david oh this is a story about a vacation and m and a fellow this come out with it in a real sense though it's a love story yes i'm glad you caught that it's a deep love story there is a romantic love story with a miracle now this beautiful beautiful woman from the inside out and try and figure out how that works in a spin gone on since time began the dynamic two men a woman trying to make it work there is a love story of my parents are aging mother having of the onset of dementia or maybe outsiders aziza my father and at six trying to hang on to that in a very old clipping but there's
this great love and compassion and i come to embody for them and has a love for life in the mystery there's the beautiful horse i can feel one day while wandering down a path there's the stars at night there's the ocean the years just as an affable thing that honor lives everything and supporters that informs everything that has come so they're coming to to that on bended knee gratefully in an officer so you have this you write it as a love story it's those three things in harlem news of sos it's just a fun story here about intersecting with interesting people would flock to martha's vineyard and you can be sitting there and suddenly we're looking at i was the mayor i am and the next thing you know you're writing about oprah winfrey
and then the book that may run get oprah winfrey n and so he had gone out to twain forget and rosa parks who who took such great a stand in among of elmo fifty is almost sixty years ago so it gets it's a story that's from gaza talks about some these interesting people and a light and moments of football and this is also the seven confirmed a really meaningful love story but beyond nervous a collection of really interesting anecdote with entrusting people night you don't name all of them your little bit i mean there there is
a bit in there you called bob he's one of the people you'd intersect and a ticket though that the environment into which to move and we stick out islam is really an environment where people can spend the time to enjoy the environment enjoy the ocean enjoy the song joy the beach but also enjoy each other and as you say and there is a young maybe i'm paraphrasing i guess i am socially democratic environment where where somebody like billionaire mom votes are down with you a tiger and and have a meaningful conversation again again again and unemployment check news i'm wondering which i mean that's the great thing about the vineyards and equalizes democratically thank you very kind words
i feel there there is a magic there's no streetlights there's no crime i say look into a crime is a side of me walking on the nude beach you know be it so an unguarded people leave their doors open the keys and then in the car in the ignition so it's a magical place and it is the kind of place we sit down have a bagel or a cup of coffee and then meg ryan sitting like where you are to start talking about the weather the beaches the yard sale some somebody went to and out with them a grind think you give a book called the power of now oprah winfrey by fertility and then they ended a long story short he wrote the new worst thing to simulcast a hundred million people downloaded it all over the world race consciousness and i realize that in life there are no small acts in you equate and i equate it he pointed out generously about rosa parks didn't give up her seat on a bus in nineteen fifty five and that started the civil rights movement and create a monolithic a great i have a dream that had you get your head
knocks him in the march you know i remember that i am an immigrant below probably a scar from it but it's small acts of courage like you marching rosa saying no people being arrested or small acts of love handing one woman having another woman book picking up a stranger who's got there some out somebody read the book recently told me they were touched by the book so they're giving of themselves more there in east nashville and there was an old woman agnes whose harmless and they bought our dinner and then at the end they came up to say hello whatnot and then she said to them to the traveler get a ride to the traveler good ride in mesa emotional think about because i think is that all of us you know and i think we're here to lift each other up can give each other out and that's what the book is about too and i hope to by doing this to inspire others to open their hearts to stick out this song
to be authentically and genuine and who they are and in interest in other people like you are some justices houston is not but just stunned look about celebrities are power brokers although you know hello you find or stream it yeah hollywood but halliburton and bollywood birdman but you also find your dates illustrates yet they also found your friend call roll and i didn't expect a bump into carl and that you know in its fight with another to the store that ties into the store and other civil rights icon absolutely and iran and the henry louis gates for people are saying we're going to that name he was the harvard professor who was arrested in his own house at least one amenity on the seas about this tall the american mistaken for tom thumb and we started talking on a bench he would eat as he gloats enough then i realized it
was an historic and we're talking i started to laugh a little bit and he was a climber so no disrespect but the idea for big policemen and you've been threatening to and i'm just finance their own reasons that absurd isn't it a lot of enemies who want to come next week of them the scripts and racism and of course i had a million magical characters happen for me to end up inside that building i had breakfast one day blacks and louis gossett junior started a foundation called racism and ennobling was for most of it so i was sitting there my ignorance again he had an outright ring on that said world champions and he's really fit and i thought i was an athlete and so it came over and said i hate to interrupt but your acting inspires me and analysts had begun a little acting and he thought very generously said why actually i won the academy award and suzy said that a clip is a movie boucher west and i start to shrink down to the size of henry gates if this was a dove
after neither one encounter an hour long and wall street might have a lot to say he kept picking up in that red mercedes he'd been downsized at mit all this money and was treated it was unhappy that now is try to find peace and literally got to the point when red cross army out of my hand he pulled over six silver for by the end of the summer i feel like i should be chipping in for gas well you tell him that and he had notified his wife and he would say you're still here cause i kept extending nice day and there are a lot of famous and rich who i called things like forms for comments like what i can understand and which are now just which i can understand is that these people are just like us and in fact it's harder from a position of celebrity feted as a hollywood birdman generously shares with me on this beach and to find happiness outside of yourself through celebrity through the role you play in society that can only come from the inside out this is one of the noble
truths of all great teacher x and this human body to have a billionaire tell you that or a famous hollywood power broker it carries some weight they've been up that mountain in there till you don't climb the mountain there's nothing up there but a desert it's empty but i learned as much of the more from people that were famously counter with the homeless woman on the porch all women who weren't counted is thing healing our car she was a she was angry and i was bike riding so i gave if you want a military or twenty bucks and gentlemen is along i said this is a long and i put my hand on her hand that she said would you pray with me and we prayed and is something powerful happen and i think more to me that she said it was her but who can tell in the situations i ran into the very next day at the library was on a porch at a small door and she said what you do to me yesterday house the press that for the first time like a baby and i said i'm doing fine says he does not last it was in a
listen and it's reminding troops and women dead just listen to his eleven disenfranchise people out there that just a little attention a little love and i was the lucky one because when you're on that side of the equation the other day we brought a bunch of books over to the danny pearl foundation a gun a norm the giver character in a new book donated which is given much of books to the chapel to fort campbell for recovering soldiers but who is the lucky one i always feel like the giver is a lucky person because i'm sure in my life i know for a fact i've been on the receiving end and i'm like but it probably will be again very humbling life it's humbling but they have the opportunity to get what you realize that it's it's unparalleled assessed in terms of writing the book there are some celebrities and we've mentioned most of dates and then run an earlier it's not be
nonbinding the puzzle larry you know i realize that that is that so far his attorneys have been very pleasant sight out of anything if they're listening and they're named an identifiable bun b of auburn was freed my team yes hollywood birdman i'm sure that people own mother you know read those those they'll laugh on the erie that no identified know about what made you choose names in some instances and nicknames and others probably the threat of a lawsuit it's not enough that i don't have much that i like this is like all muslim in the car getting hip pockets and it came out of my mom as a new equipment so most of that the state law say or when you come down to it there long
fight the fact rich and perhaps nine million is that whenever my parents my crotch a deal that turns out to be a hero in this book my mom who used to be this hard asked atheists force of nature has been replaced i say by extraterrestrials with this being that is completely in the moment and just talk about the miracle of life and how lucky we are to be here for me come back to those you're just joining us i'm talking with paul simon along on his book hitchhiking with larry david and he actually did it's like what larry david as you look at that cover use a thumbs up that's driving it it's also the way that the world is portrayed here with would you let me ask you about the way you portray parents yes it's very personal deeply intimate is totally revealing any reservations
about that in the process of writing of course and that's a brilliant question it when i went into this room to write the book and i vanished into that room for a couple weeks and you know i went there and had the seasons had a choice to make i reached a crossroads very early on for the nsa was was was i going to be completely transparent and authentic without hurting anyone that's why change the name to the long standing one of the trade privacy some people share some deep in the cease fire terms of myself in my life i thought as i gather all in here all up and whether it's in the book where in my life i wanna be all i wanna be a lion and i wanna be open and have the complete experience so i revealed as deeply as honestly and as intimately as i could but i thought lovingly and that has been a part of the magic of the book becomes sort of an unofficial permission slip for people to be authentic and transparent back the best part of the book is
i get letters emails from people all over the world can australia the book was ayman al tell me their story just as intimately just as authentically an even more beautifully and i think for all of us we have the archetypes there is this you know we've all struggled with their parents we've all struggled as parents we've all struggled with our relationships and put it out there so openly honestly people can then relate to lose absolutely no doubt as the story of these are grown phones than let a mother's love is obvious and it's pervasive is father's love is not that well to find early in the book is talk about that a little bit and beautiful your first there is this wall between the farm and i take it personally as a great sin story and about not taking it personally that helps me but as i move through that
the book and i don't wanna give too much away but my father actually picks me up hitchhiking intersection less rite of summer for a look at this kind of wild who orchestrated these miracles that's the question i ask you and the reader and myself everyday his air force behind us but he picks me up and we'd drive around for about thirty forty minutes running errands and when it drops me off as a living somewhere else at the time he says you know so that was wonderful thank you and we share some really deep stuff he says you know i talked to mourn this ride and i ever spent my entire life of my own father and he left too that in an apple and i walked down to the dock and how can you not have compassion for someone knows that it's not a commentary on his ability to communicate love art is a
commentary on yours then that's a great question where does summarize start in the night and you know this can we say i guess it's all how you look at it but he did meet me halfway there and as you see at the end of the book losing touch and there is there's a great coated to this and i'll probably what's only the second called palmer book we are an amazing terms that we've come to an incredible place and i'll give you the secret i realize that all comes we ever happened to my parents and i told him that you know when you look at someone and use understand their story and you look at them unconditionally and love unconditionally loving him with great compassion there is a magic that they sense and they feel a new allow them that unlike children's sandbox when they bicker they wanna cry and you come out with love and ever since i started getting after my father or with my father he's changed he is so lovely to me and when this airs i will probably be in martha's vineyard
on his invitation he called me and convinced him to come to the vineyard spent some time of us so that's a long way from that so there's a transformation happens that's one of the great things i learned in the book love compassion family's words of people probably severed to somewhere else it's like yes in everything he was ever written that we believe to say we believe that that works i would encourage people to try that tried for five minutes or an hour and the day and you'll see so my father has come a long way but i did maybe i have a show the leadership but i had a much more privileged background in a lot more of good fortune than he did he grew up in the depression he never really knew his father issues were too small and i've had it made if you make five thousand dollars in this world i went on a website of the day you're in the top one percent of the world so for my privilege place i was born on third base the lesson i wanna do is act like a triple so what can i do to show how grateful him that
i ended up here when men men men on a wall in a sacrifice bunt they want less for humans will live about the miracle our csa drops enormous and drops out of us and then drops enormous but yes don't talk about the miracle and how you were able to write about that during the pain is the emotional pain that the relationship because yes great questions and it's a reason even on the air forever i feel it in my heart now yes a question that says that twain time and in our life we still drop in and out on each other we had a magical meeting in del mar california now where we crossed and she was supposed to leave the next day i was there for three days i spent the day
before the author gets up tensions reading his book on the plane when the spending the next four years together predominately and we share this great soul connection which again where does these industries you know and we have is ineffable bought this amazing connection but we also have a thing where we can't seem to make the day to day work and it's neither one's fault or the other as a cult status on the take to hire an article over the bailout moment for me you know and i feel like we do this we come back and forth but the love is always there and so right now or one of those pauses but that the levees there and ironically when we're apart i feel the love more purely more acutely and i have learned to surrender to that to the process in other leg to cover the book and read some promotion about the book that
you think it's a book of humor and you know the thumbs up all my cover and then there's a dummy lyric well is it not in the process of laughing and writing humor is top billy me on a ride in yemen is so well thank you couldn't process in the masses of letting us ally have you also make a city braced for fifty years i think that it's a book and their attention that doesn't places along the way by just an intimate exchange with well a woman who lives in a cardiac arrest it gets hard our with billionaire bob aman you know there isn't there's a meaningful moment that goes beyond laughter and the good humor with which you which you take on a day as you write the book
in part what writing is about is the attitude of the offer yes and what your mindset has an affection get on a story and that there's truth about a minute left time flies by rescue having done it so successfully is oh well you know and again well we get used to in the commercial win nevada's that's the most beautiful cricket i was shot at once at the muslim you can talk about maybe just jon stewart on my work so that's given the signal i have an hour a second book outlined and thank you for that i feel like the book represents life is full of laughter and tears and i my story is ongoing as is
everyone's yours and i hope that i get the opportunity to do it again to talk about making a movie of this one will say and life right itself and i had several people say are left on the same pages i cried i just was myself i was real and this beautiful thing really are true self or her travels often we allow that come forth the beauty is just something spellbinding and i think he connects with a beauty in people like you in and let history well i think that we run out of time and i deeply appreciate your coming i really enjoyed them as much as it is a new owner thank all you for watching and dancing and over word on words keep ringing the
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Paul Samuel Dolman
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Hitchhiking With Larry David
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
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Nashville Public Television
Identifier: AM-AWOW4002_HD (Digital File)
Duration: 00:27:46:00
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-0z70v8bd5w.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:27:52
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 4002; Paul Samuel Dolman,” 2011-00-00, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 4002; Paul Samuel Dolman.” 2011-00-00. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 4002; Paul Samuel Dolman. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from