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remember one john simple once again welcome to world words betrayed jackie collins welcome to world where it's so nice to be here and we're dealing with and other than that i'm lucky is out again but not before dawn i get sleep exactly like he is back and i had to bring them back in in some way that would be very interesting to the reader isn't to me because i received over twenty thousand letters to bring this character back and that they really want and i really wanted to continue with the life which is an interesting strong very street smart but also very bright woman up to the tough she's wrong with ordinary but what i know it and then the top women are strong in you think i mean there is that scene which you flashed back to that moment when mandela became necessary word she killed in order to
protect her own land and he keo out of vengeance innocence you'd have to be on your i guess i guess touches good word to put in a lucky as had a very checkered life where you don't have to reach on fifteen lucky lady boss but if you want to you want to enjoy her and that's exactly why but if you if you read about mike is passed like you will see that she was the daughter of a major gangsters you know she was in las vegas gina was a womanizer his wife his beautiful wife was killed when she was nineteen she was murdered and found floating in the family swimming pool and like he was he had a baby and she discovers her mother an interesting piece of trivia is that in the miniseries the native lucky chances like his mother was played by the actress sandra bullock was since come and become a major star which is kind of funny because i did the casting so i remember sandra come in thinking this girl's gonna be a star
anyway like he's had this tough life her mother was murdered her lover was murdered and her brother was thrown from a moving car and you know they shoot you know and one of the books and she takes vengeance and you know i look at the justice that goes on in this country and it's called criminal justice and i do a guided now have a line in the book to this effect that it is justice for the criminals well done deal get shot again giving things away well i don't know about always done everything well and i sure don't give everything away but i do when you get full i do on give full credit to one of the most fascinating parts that i run a long time because and i have fallen i have followed the sentencing for rolling along like industry and if there isn't if they're in this is if there is a mystery and if there's a knowledge it's the times
bestseller list i most likely going to get it if i like the alternate i'm not i mean some people like the same book over and over and so i get little china that he's full book should've been fun well i've enjoyed taking is firmly on this trip and it's been a fascinating trip to me for instance i started writing about he was a sixteen year old street in the aachen a great lover when he grew a little older taught by his stepmother is and then he goes to prohibition in jail and all kinds of weird things into like these on and then she just took a life of her own as in this is a character that i love because i love her because as a kid i read a lot and i grew up reading how robinson because the lane and henry miller which my father kept in a brown paper route of it is there and so i you know i saw all these women that were just from a bed in the kitchen in the bedroom and that's what they were
doing and to what i'm going to be a writer this is my passion of mine i wanna tell stories and so but i want a right wing then that are out there that are strong and not kind of that they're equal to men in every way sexually equal equal and business has to win they saw that the sense of vulnerability well if you don't call if you don't call her let me ask you if you would call a metallica then interest of the littlest donner teller by mack the people not the window on along the dreaded thank you know put it right who is being done away with another body is a little psycho comes along not so little it'll sound i was a sixteen year old beverly hills kid as minot up with all the privileges and has a really a black eye and all hang out all the hangouts and i think sometimes a mother this contest and mothers in this book actually daughter is his mother then alex woods the controversial filmmaker who has a mother who is very domineering and
commanding in and has a great influence on his life but i'm always fascinated by the relationships between sons and their mothers because it's very much a love hate thing i have it are you fascinated me with the news tip let's take the second year into the book just being done she has my husband was a movie star who has the most faithful loving fellow i was so yes he wouldn't cheat on her unless he was handcuffed in a cave oh yeah but lenny is is a two thirds vote of years such a such a straight tone he's such a straight a track to take you up on that and i want to take you up and i'm a great believer in fidelity i'm a great believer in when people a single
they should go out there and do whatever they want to do like i did so myself but i believe that when you get married you make a commitment to somebody in that commitment is everything and i think the best marriage is a committed marriages are not people who are busy running around seeing what else is around because i think that is a lack of integrity and i wish people in washington would listen to me only on on her side and she says she uses to them but there comes a moment in the book when she thinks because a woman answers the phone photo she thinks he can do but it's a lot of a woman answering the phone in his hotel room it's when she rides on the hotel and there a sign says there's been a woman there that your champagne glasses photographed there are all kinds of things so she in her mind has to say that he has been unfaithful to her and because of circumstances which i can't get away she cannot question literally
future in question and and i mean i wondered about that moment to name one that moment were talking about tragedy strikes where i knew immediately that donald was guilty i mean i knew the dominant really done something to a private pr from her aunt and not one out a way to try to her and everywhere everywhere everywhere she could well she wanted to take the business back we're not out very very early to see you again the strange thing is that our heroine doesn't know who this person is to some day she walks in the page two hundred she walks into her life and she she literally got above the throat is very interesting that as a woman in the uk are shopping they say who as a quite attractive woman not bad you know suddenly she went and had probably six months of plastic surgery and reemerged as a different woman
this is kind of what happens in our daughter is that she is not very attractive she doesn't speak good english and when her husband was killed and a husband is a major gangs she says what i'm not gonna take this on and i'm going to take it and she learns about his business she learns english she has plastic surgery she married george irises the company so she's really in the business and learns how to speak english and it is actually very smart and she suddenly decides that she is the one's gonna get vengeance she's the city so she says another lot like the san angelo get away with as i'm going to be the one that gets because this feud between the families has been going on for a long time i can remember dingy no name lucky after lucy i was on the front of the line but this is as someone i think asks a question by couldn't remember previously whoa that was the original book about the symptoms were firmly which is way back now do you
know was you notice is that in the nineteen twenties prohibition and everything and he was kind of like friends with like you know gentle and he decided that he would then his daughter up to now he and pager living in all wearing a good life you know scott a retired he's almost eighty his playing options on the stock market for a bit of excitement so he gets up every morning very early to call y'all can find out what's going on but it was a fascinating character i love geno an icon killed in auschwitz not in my bones he traversed time i tried it and i thought no i can't and how long you know since you wrote this book about this this book lust if you believe you know that anyone at one year they were still going strong but it's still going strong and they're not that i know i don't want to drop names and i'm not going to visit a certain billionaire in in beverly hills whose very athletic very very much involved in business still he's eighty two years old and his girlfriend is twenty seven and she has a big smile on her face well
i've i don't want to i get the problem with whistler with with reading novels with mysteries and so ordinary and yes and you've got two or three or hearing in the us in this book is that when we get on the air it's very very difficult to talk about because you don't you don't know it had only given away but but let me just say there are there is not just a plot here there are sub plots within subplots and if you think about the most men her lover and her lovers if you think about that reshaped and then with michelle mcnichol oh yeah yeah i found out that if you think about that the book really exactly right is the stepdaughter of a writer was that you know it was really a sad luckless with an end and lillian and lenny
and and in another lively and lucky i am that were married to different people around and came to love each other almost as a result of an encounter i'm such a believer in to love and sensible even people that have that certain something between them that they find a cell mate and that's what i think maybe that's one of the appeals of my books and i mean it when i write about soul mates people being faithful to each other ok so there's great marriage sex we never read about that we always read about man we know about this and that excitement to couples used to be that growing thing well let me talk to you a bit about about how he how it is that youre able in five americans ten twenty pages to leave so many different lives into the same dramatic sequence make it if you just think of that
if you just think of the romance is that we're a bull horn in this book from which died in this book as if you think about this thing about three nights and people whose lives he touched texas named alex she touches his life and won a santo i'm in santo have a fixation and a session and then as i went wrong and there's a fur and then those are the numbers of britain's out there for every up in the air and then as they leslie trial mccall go there has been many things i don't want other there is a year there is a year there was a dinner party and there's an opening paragraph to the chapter then so describes the moods of a number of different people i mean one person has one person's furious
another is delighted one is ron moody that chapter is if you just opened the book on that chapter there's and then how everybody felt about everybody else who was there and you wanna go back to the beginning and start over and i'll play with it so says that in that one paragraph you say what it is there's so many plots and subplots within this major story and i must say as a just as a reader i can't imagine how you how you manage to use the fabric of the story to weave into of all of these different all these different relationships all this love and hate violence and pass asian well you know i think that when i pick up my pen i don't like people and i have no idea what these characters are going to do next i start to write you know what about mine so they all come and they come and they go and they're there in an it's an interesting parts meat
intake so every day i'm kind of like oh i can't wait to see what they're going to do today but what you do when the juices don't flow in an unlucky is not talking to you and dollars not all things that happens it doesn't this never happens evidence sixteen looks a lot of them haven't been out of print and that's kind of a school dropout i mean i left school at fifteen and now my books on certain courses at english universities and then that structure because they say i had this amazing ability which is what you said to structure a lot of characters in different timeframes and bring them all together and it all makes sense and so to me it's always exciting always that challenge it's so exciting to be number one it must be must think about the main line is due out what is commonly and i guess commonly probably the proper word described as quote explicit sex close quote
there is some explicit sex and overbooked and i suppose certain that there are people who read who might be embarrassed by it and i suppose there's some people would say well no wonder the students like period is it solely you talk about marital fidelity and the excitement of true love an anniversary of sex you're in your characters who are not married some were married she'd a lot and what i feel about that is that these are the primary the puritanism that certain exist in this country i think that what happens in this country is as an enormous double standard you know what is ok for a man to do is not supposed to be
okay for a woman and when i first started writing i completely turn that around so into books that i write my strong female characters venus maria hickey sent angelo they have no double standard they will refuse a double standard they don't see a double standard so they're very sexually free unless of course the night when they wanted the faithful with that one had a great relationship but i don't think that i write a lot of explicit sex i think is a lot of perhaps a dialogue that could you conceive a little shocking but i think sexually when i write a scene i want to read it to be turned on as opposed to turn off a lot of male writers of fiction it is very explicit things that almost like they're gonna colleges you're going oh my god this is not particularly a rustic i like to read the writing fiction and i like the reader's imagination to be able to take over a certain point because what i'd write their imagination is going to be more exciting for them so that they think there is more than there is in the book because then at the time because they're imagining oh yeah and you have to love the characters to be able to do this
otherwise you're writing about characters that people don't care about him they don't care about their sex lives but the thing is i'm writing reality and that you know sex is a big part of like a big part of life and i write about all aspects of it do you do you know people who are unfaithful people who are guys hang out and strip clubs all the time which is the new craze across america which is rather sad i think because it's almost as though there's this guy working in an office and a woman comes along and she gets promoted over him and he says maybe i would've put you in position i don't spend my lunch time with the guys in some lap dancing bottom and i can come back to be up to feel like a big man so again if the double standard existing you would find women doing that at lunchtime and i like to turn all the things that i like to kind of play with an unlucky likes to play with and that's where we have plenty of common let me ask this plot what about about composite characters me where you create on paper people who are innocent as
real life as an really larger than life as these characters are me and you certainly you must drawl on personalities you know four traits of characters to fill in like something you know what i do is i take i know nothing's people and i might take a character and i might tell my character down and write about them but believe me if i were some of the things that the people that i know do and the way they behave nobody would believe it that they would like the character it so somebody might do something that in hollywood is considered quite normal that if i wrote about it or they would go and jackie collins has gone too far this time well jackie collins has created some characters in here i don't i don't like me i can understand donna want you don't like that you know i have no desire to despise
and then you know in a sense it's a morality play guys who an evil there is there is evil and the good and some good and evil but to make it work there are a couple of particular characters who are just guilty of the trail again you create one character who sharon interlocking and the double cross or solar out yes a lot of shock in the lion shocking when i'm perfect perfect it happened then and that we find out why he's over a leaky so we're out with the closing of the libertarian and so he had an obsession i find men of a certain age sometimes feel that they're getting older perhaps they'd be mad to the same life for twenty five years they have grown children they're successful they have a lot of money but they don't have that that excitement in their lives that they really require and this is
the character of maude and shocking he meets this girl whose complete free spirit she's eighteen and as she's wild she's kind of almost a street kid in a way he wants to be an actress and she completely entranced isn't sexually and he's lost his luster says is a huge comeback at and he wants to be with his girl you know logically logically he says on two old my daughter is older than my wife is a wonderful woman but the census at him i want this lost i won the slowest feeling of freedom even though she ultimately destroys him you know frequently of office of nigeria and they complain about editors at the publishing house i write this and the editor says that won't work i write that and the emphasis rescue let my guess is that because you have time again and again and again again go on that bus alone with that you tell the others were to go off if they tell you
what put in what i feel that i've very rigorously edit myself that you know i write in longhand and then my secretary puts it on the workhorses that comes back to me and that changes every day and making changes so i feel by the time i deliver a manuscript which is usually a thousand pages on law that is exactly what i want so if they come up with some comments that i consider useful to the book such as what we have a little more of this character off and can we you know just cut a little teeny bit of the scene that i might do it but i think you have to pay on your own mistakes and i'd never depended on an editor they don't come to me with ideas i don't tell them what i'm writing i tell him a title and i tell them and they ultimately the book and i've done the sixteen time so i don't feel inclined to sit down with somebody who's going to tell me what to do it just as a work for me it works for a lot of people they want to be very close to the editor it's not the relationship that i've had when writing another title another thing i hear
again again again there is an often say i don't like that title i didn't like the title it was not my title they talked me into it on their song save you know this was my working title only love that they picked up not very often does that happen well you were others like a mother the title and i'm very adamant about it i know you said vendetta lucky's really a vendetta like this event is a great title for my new book i'm writing now is called the rail exclamation point and i like that title as a feeling the titles will somebody transient to do they were trying to just do that one of my i had a book called chances and i wanted to call it which i thought was a great title and they said well you know who had long women aren't going to buy it so they can to persuade me to come up with another title that's the only time i change the title you think i kind of like it me out with that title now i feel you are you know
like i don't know listening to the camera come a moment on the cover are unhappy with the couple i helped design it or did you guess i always try to give my input and they came up with the concept of having the klieg lights and my name and the vendetta was kind of a pale pink and i said you know guys that's nathan bussey let's bring it up if they could read because it's going to get you in the eye and then i always am involved in the covers i have luckily enough cover approval because it won the one that's going to go out and help sell the book and i'm not going to say oh this is no good unless it isn't and i want to have that conflict and you love are they going up and promoting her but i love that we're talking to you that there's a real question of so many people say they do it for three weeks the rest the time and either making my mini series are shot away writing so it's great to get out into the country to do book signings to meet people like you i really love it as fun talk about the book be what could be more pleasant and you enjoy
sitting down and sign books people get that i get that input and i get a very varied audience i get men who come along the stand buying two copies one for my wife a one for the misfits ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay then i get a lot of a huge black audience which is great for me because i i i like that no no no
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Jackie Collins
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge
Talk Show
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: A0693 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: DVCpro
Duration: 26:20
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-0000000w2s.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:26:25
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 2506; Jackie Collins,” 1997-05-27, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 15, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 2506; Jackie Collins.” 1997-05-27. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 15, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 2506; Jackie Collins. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from