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Let's welcome back and test it number 10. Let's welcome back and test it number 10. Let's welcome back and test it number 10. Let's welcome back and test it number 10.
To be Miss Chinatown is just you the ambassador for the Chinese American community. We trained how to walk, how to turn, how to be graceful, and how to just be appropriate in other given circumstances. How do you be appropriate in your Chinese dress cheap how when you sit down. So this lift doesn't go too high for example. We're going to start the Q&A section.
Okay, who wants to go first? So last, do you think your society has become more immoral? I just think that things have become more out in the open than they were before. So I don't think that society has become any more immoral. Thank you. What have you learned for so far? I learned to be a lot more feminine, I guess. Like before I used to do a lot of things like hockey and wrestling, I used to be his tomboy. And then now I have to learn how to sit without twitching my feet or fiddling and like that type of thing. Okay. Next. I consider Moné Park as where I grew up. And since Moné Park is considered a suburban Chinatown, I was exposed to a lot of different Chinese culture and heritage. And my dad, he was really into culture and heritage as well. He goes back to China every year.
In the times that we're living in right now, especially the dawn of the September 11th event, it is important that the government needs to take some kind of measure to keep the citizens safe. Thank you so much. Thank you. They say improving over the weeks, everybody, really definitely everybody. Shoot, I blow, shoot, I stay, it's time to run you on the track. Fanny Wong, former Miss Chinatown second runner up. My home, born and raised in Chinatown, second home is Hollywood, home of the stars, home of celebrities. Not too late to get your lap dance at Polaroid and famous. Polities that I have that made me the second runner up. Passion, got lots of passion, humor. Everybody thinks Fanny Wong is just the life of the party. Hey, Alan, would you like a dance? Polaroid here? Tonight I was here for a company called the Toxic Shock Stage. And this is the fundraiser.
Could have bought a joke for me tonight for 50 cents. Oh, sure, let me give you a joke. Okay, all right, here's one I got on the internet. Okay, why did the blonde have square breasts? The blonde had square breasts because the blonde forgot to take the Kleenex out of the box. Now, Fanny, I'm here all night, folks. In San Francisco, celestial beauties from all over the United States are represented in the annual Miss Chinatown Beauty Contest. It is one highlight of Chinese New Year's celebrations, 19 fetching contestants, some of them seemingly ill at ease in high heels, from as far away as New York and Hawaii, and from such exotic locales as the children of Mississippi, rightening the opening of the Chinese Year of the Mouse. The first national Miss Chinatown Beauty pageant was held in 1958, and it was won by June Gong, who was a home economics major. Browsing hand for Miss Chinatown, USA.
During the 1950s, this is the height of the American Red Scare, and very much in the American public mind is the idea that China had fallen to Communists. The pageant is a way to deflect that vulnerability. We're celebrating a Chinese culture that is passive, that's non-revolutionary, that's non-threatening. It wasn't until 1943 that the immigration extinction laws and the naturalization laws were repealed, and that Chinese immigrants could become Americans. The predominant image of Chinese women prior to this period was that of Chinese prostitutes, or else the wives and merchants, and these women were viewed as demure, housebound, women with bound feet. Now, the image of the Chinese American Beauty pageant contender is very different. She's young, she has Delano heels or high heels rather than bound feet, so it's really updating the Chinese American community image through the image of the female represented. Where are the where of the crowd? Can this number four? Good evening, everyone. My name is Michelle Wing, and I'm from the city of Syria, and I'm sponsored by Lakeview Provincial Center.
You've grown me, thank you, and me has come to you walking down, and I go back. The way this setup is by your number. Contest number one, two, three, four, and your number contestant number is going to be taped on the top of the mirror, so every person gets your own evenly divided spot. I'm an ABC, so. But I'm slightly fobby for an ABC. But some of them are born someone. Yeah, I'm the fobby. Some of them came when they were like in junior high, so. Some of them? They're their borderline fobby. What is, you know, ever be fresh off the boat? Like, so fresh. That's the number seven. Well, I've always felt more Chinese than American, just because my parents divorced when I was in sixth grade, and I've always lived with my mom, so I speak Chinese, and I write it, and I've done Chinese dance since sixth grade, so I've always felt more Chinese.
Like, I forget that I'm white until I write down my last name, and then I'm like, oh, I forgot about that. Uh-oh. Supposedly two. It fell behind my bed. When I was kids, when the parents give you money, they'll ask for back. And then you say for you, yeah. You're supposed to say happy new year, mom. Happy new year. Come on now. Very good one. Where are you from, mom? Taiwan, China. Canton. I was born in Vietnam, though, I mean. I'm away from China. I'm away from China. Being in the communists. When I was little, I always felt like I didn't belong. Like, I got the whole, like, I mean, when I was in first grade, my mom made me sign up for the talent show, and I had to sing in Chinese in front of, like, a whole audience full of white people.
And so, I mean, obviously, I just emphasized the fact that I was different, and then in third grade, I went back to Taiwan for school. And then they were all, like, oh, whitey, and making fun of me for being white. So, I always felt like, I don't know, like, either way, I was different. See, I don't like it. Make it tighter, please. Make it tighter. Thank you. Make it tighter. Tighter. Not like this, okay? Not like this, okay? And we're just going to see these forearm down here. That's where we're going to hold it, okay? And then we're going to walk out. I don't think I've never said all, but, you know, when the day comes, I think right before you step on the stage, I was like, oh my god, oh my god. And then I have a panic attack. Later, yeah, you'll be like, oh well, I just had a panic attack for the first time. My vision started, like, blurring, and I got tunnel vision, and then I was like, oh, I seriously, I thought I was going to die.
I was in the bathroom, I kind of splashed my face, and got some more water. I was like, I can't go down like this. I can't die in the bathroom. I'm going to be like, Elvis, I'm going to fight me on the toilet. So I was like, no, I can't do this. All right, we're going to check. So what are we going to do? It's crunch time. It's crunch time. Well, I was born in Minnesota. Basically, right after I was born, my family moved to Southern California. My father, his ideal is for me to marry a Chinese guy, and also to be a doctor, neither of which are coming true. Hello. My older sister, she's in an interracial marriage, and my dad has this idea that, you know, I'm supposed to marry the Chinese guy so that he can relate to him, and that he can talk to him, and get on with me. When we came to America, and Milan was carrying her eight months, so we just weren't hurt to be born here.
So we rushed. We rushed and we're here. Okay, okay. Let's go. Mommy, don't pick on to that. What's that all about to add? What's this? Big mouth, huh? Yeah. Let me do it until you don't know. Right there. Good girl. What are your hopes for Priscilla? Well, I hope Priscilla's in her future is to find a well-better life, and a good family at traditional Chinese. Yes, I am very traditional Chinese. I mean, it's no mystery I do know that my dad wants me to marry someone Chinese.
But again, you know, for me what's important is the person, you know, when he happens to be Chinese or not, you know, that's going to, it's not going to matter. This is one of the performance art characters I do, which is Fanny Wong, former Miss Chinatown second runner-up. Doesn't look at all like a real Miss Chinatown. She has these pinples, these sticker pinples, cigars, drinks, hair's all messy, middle finger. So basically I go in a different places, including places where the actual Miss Chinatowns are, and perform this character. Fanny Wong to me is who I would have been had I ever run for the Miss Chinatown pageant. There was a lot of pressure when I was growing up to grow up and become like a Miss Chinatown by Ling Guo, play the piano, very ladylike. It was very interesting because Miss Chinatown, the first thing I noticed about Miss Chinatown
is that she's very sexy and she's showing her legs, and it's like how do you jump from being completely sexually repressed in the family that I grew up in to just turning on a dime and becoming Miss Chinatown. This is the perfect Miss Chinatown. I can't. I can only be this Miss Chinatown. The Asian moment definitely, I don't know if they have no bones, they have no booties. There's so many audiences. Chaps six days after Asian release. Who's not after the fashion show? Shhh. Right after the fashion show, you'll come back here and do not change. We'll start an interview with a Phoenix television
white awaits at men. So, if you can speak Cantonese, if you have British big Cantonese, if you can speak Mandarin, if you have British big Mandarin, if you cannot speak Cantonese and Mandarin, you can speak English. But you can mix and imagine. If you subscribe to like the series, and that'll subscribe, but like the victory is secret. Yeah, I can. You know the one ballerina I guess that they have is black? Yes. And have the ballerina pumps with it? Yeah. They have the ribbon around it. It was so cute. But you basically live in all over the place. All over the place. Consequently, for my senior graduation, I only knew like two people in my class. It was really lame. But um... Why did you have to move so much? Oh, because my dad was an alcoholic and so he had a hard time keeping a job. So that's why we had to move everywhere all the time. And my move from Arizona to here was because my parents had already divorced, and my mom found a good job out here. Yato! You noticed that I just call her Yato.
Yato in North and China means a servant girl. And why do they call the precious daughter a servant girl? Because in ancient times, lots of kids die young. But then they look at those a servant girl and they serve in their household. They all stay strong with a little food and a little cloth. They still can survive. They say, oh, a little precious daughter is starting to call them Yato. It means they will be stronger like a servant girl. Okay, the usual scenario is that my mom works late at night because of the time difference between here and China. So I closed the sliding glass door over there so I could hear it when it opens my morning to hurry up and hide whatever I'm eating. Um, so usually like depending on if I'm in the mood for something salty or something sweet, I have cookies and my quakes.
My mom does not want me snacking right before I sleep and she says that if you eat a whole bunch of fatty food right before you go to bed, that's like number one way to gain weight and then she pokes at my belly fat. My belly fat. My kitty has belly fat. Does your mom come into your boyfriend's temple? Oh, all the time. You know she refers to him as as ponds, which is like the first word is like death. Death to the fat one. Do you worry about her sometimes? I mean, do you worry about her or she, you know, boyfriend thing? And the drug thing, because sometimes I feel on my own I could not look after her for so much now. So I have another stash that I keep here. That um,
since my turning 21, I have my remi red. And then I finished my alize last night. What's your mom's, you know? She hasn't caught me with that one yet. Because I dilute it with Sprite. Since she was a little, she always has her, she has to make her own mind. After my parents divorced, I pretty much have to do like any kind of, all of the, what is it called? Your word? No, not lifting. Heavy. Because I'm just, consequently I have no idea how to cook. Or any like, it's barely types of things. I cook. I watch clothes for her. I thought it for her. I even bring a tea to her room,
as soon as she got her, she hears the tea. So you're gonna need a wife. I actually have pretty much. Let's see. It's a good place to stay. Hi, my name is Priscilla. I'm with the Beyond Time comics, and we're a new independent publisher. I don't know if you guys had a chance to order our new book, but it's a martial arts related story. He does the writing, and... Excuse me, honest, he does edit. I do the editing, and sometimes there will be times when we brainstorm, especially when we started. There's a lot of brainstorm between the two of us. Do you guys encounter stereotypes about the other person? That my boyfriend isn't like Jay-Z. What do you think he's a rapper? Yeah, they think they're automatic things. It's like, oh, he's black. Is he a rapper? You know, to play ball? Well, he plays ball,
but you know, he's not like professional. I've definitely had a constituency of my own family that was surprised and not particularly happy. But ultimately, I think people have come to realize just what a good person she is, and realize that I'm happy that I've ever been. Honestly, within my own family, there has been some concern. How do you deal with that? It bugged me a lot initially, just because I saw no merit in the reasons why. I was like, you know, I'm doing well. I've gone to good schools, and you know, none of the things that, you know, seemed to be kind of the parameters were at issue. You know, nothing but my skin color. And then kind of like we both decided, you know, these are their issues, and we just weren't going to make them ours. And I think the thing that really mattered is that Priscilla wasn't going to be swayed. There were points when I resented being Chinese.
And one of the key things that happened to me that made me resent being Chinese is in San Francisco, the best public high school is the Lowell High School. They have this thing called the quota system to keep original balance in the school. So they add up your C-Best scores and all that shit and a perfect score is 69. To get in, if you were Chinese, you had to have a 68. I had a 67. So I did not get in. I really resent. I'm like, what about me as Chinese? I don't speak the language. I don't even eat the food. I don't even like the people, you know? Like, you know, I mean, this is me as an eighth grader being really upset. Saying, why can't I get into the school? And I remember being just so devastated and depressed that this Chineseness was going to make me have to work that much harder. And I felt like I'm as oppressed as everyone else. Hello and welcome to the the Payment Cultural Center Auction. Tonight's Auction features islands from Priscilla Wong's life and carry with them confusing memories an emotional baggage.
Priscilla Wong is more the skirt when she was a student at Mercy High School in San Francisco. Mercy High School with an all-girls Catholic school. So I believe no further information that's to the baggage associated with this island. For her, you can serve it if. Very traditional family. There's nothing exciting about our wives here. Definitely no artists at all on our families. It's not in our family tree at all. So I don't know where it came from, you know. Maybe pick the wrong baby at the hospital. I'm going to kill you. But she's got to follow her heart, you know. These are two authentic Chinese back scratchers. Do you thought that the acquisition of these authentic Chinese back scratchers? Or are you closer to her or are you afraid of it? She hoped these items would give her apartment
just a IKEA slash Chinese fusion feel. What will the judges be looking for tonight? I think built is important. And of course intelligence is important. And I think the judges will also appreciate what the Miss Chinatown will bring. A mixed culture of being Chinese and also living in American society. Looking for new things. The reason I moved here because there was an older boy after her. So when I have a job over here, I mean just better for my future, better for her. So I moved right away. I haven't think my mom wants me dating anybody. Seriously, she wants me to date.
I don't know, she wants me. She says, friends is fine. But you don't need to have serious commitment or anything. Only she understands that if you date five guys at the same time, that's kind of not really looked highly upon. Remember I was looking for a life. How do you feel about the fact that her mom doesn't know? I wouldn't say she doesn't know. I say she doesn't like it. She doesn't want me hanging around her. She doesn't want me as a boyfriend. You don't resent the fact that you have to hide it. It kind of sucks. It kind of sucks. But eventually she'll get used to it. I definitely plan on having a successful career later on life. And I'm pretty sure all the money like her mom do. That's our plan. That's the plan. After I go to a grad school, I'm applying to a mostly school on the East Coast.
I mean, the most closest school that I'm applying to is Berkeley and Stanford. So either way, I'm getting out of here. And he said he's coming with me. So I'm looking forward to that. This is my theory. It's because the traditional Chinese way is that, you know, the parents take care of the children. And then later the children take care of the parents. And you live in the same house. You very closely connected. And he's afraid that if both of us are married off to non-traditional Chinese husbands that will forget about them. You know, we'll put them in a nursing home and kind of forget about them. And he's afraid of that. That's what I think. I'm not afraid of being in a nursing home. I don't think that I will be there. But I just wanted to have a real traditional Chinese family. Chinese have how many, over one billion Chinese, at least about 500 millions of men.
They must be one good for her. They must be one. The 34th annual Miss Los Angeles Chinatown pageant. Hey girls, are you ready? Yay! Are you ready? We're going home. I'm right there. One, two, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, seven, eight, nine, ten. We did number one first. One, two, five. Everybody need help with spring. I couldn't find the normal space, so this is just normal if you say it right.
Did I square your ball? This is me, right? Please give it up for contestant number four, Priscilla Chio. Let's welcome contestant number seven, Celeste Lonson. My name is Celeste Chio. I am from the city of Monterey Park. My name is Les Lonson. I'm from the city of Philadelphia. Come on! Come on! Come on! Yeah. Do I go? Yeah. We need to line up. Three, ready, four. This is handmade.
It was done. I had it made. How much? 900. Oh, beautiful dress. Too much glitter. I know. And hairspray. I know. We can't breathe. We're all going to go out there. We're all high. And hairspray. So I booked my first commercial. I'm also an actor, right? And it's for lunch and meat product. And when I went to the fitting, I thought everything was fine, because I had this hair in my audition. And they still cast me. But they left me a message saying, can you please even out your hair too, that even to your natural hair color? I went through a lot of changes in just a few months. I'm getting older, and I'm feeling that I'm getting older, and I want to settle down, and my energy is changing. Oh, no!
No! No, not the black. But my beautiful, agiation woman. Goodbye. Will you buy a hot dog from me now? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome again, contestant number four, basiliccio. It's very important that we educate on the issues that are going on in our society today so that they can be better informed citizens. Okay, let's welcome contestant number seven, Celeste Lonson. I believe that art is a very important aspect of society, not only for relaxation, but also in education. Everyone's going to be all to make fun of me. Yay! Hi, Jennifer, I'm Connie! Connie! I come out with my face. I'm like, must be! I'm pretty excited. I'm excited.
Oh, that's a white girl. Okay. Let's see what she is. I think it's because I only have three people out there. It's just my mom and her friend and my best friends. I mean, everybody else, like brother, whole posse, and thought like five tables, but I'm poor. Did you 2003 missed Los Angeles Chinatown? Green is contestant number four, Mrs. Celeste Lonson. John and I are engaged and we have our wedding tentatively set for next year, but we haven't done much of the planning yet. I'm trying to find the right moment to let my dad know and kind of feel in the timing and the state of my dad and my relationship,
which is really good, so I just want to make sure that we can ease it into him and not take him by a complete surprise. Sure he knows, but it just hasn't been put out there yet officially. So last time I got a last final word with you? Yeah, sure. So, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Yeah, of course the hand is a boy hand, but at least I don't have to wake up at five o'clock in the morning tomorrow, right? You're free. Yeah, exactly. I'm starting on my day. That'll be okay. What do you think, you know, out of all this? Do you think it was worth it? Well, at least I got a nice cheap haul out of it, right? Good night. Thank you.
Thank you. Basically, we're going to have now, we're going to have a mentor panel, and it's going to be opportunity for you to hear from the mentors, see what they want to do on high school just an hour said. See what they did in college, see what they do for a living now. I'm at the U.S.C. for what I'm doing. The NASA is an economic, trying to figure out exactly what I want to do, and I'm getting my MBA from the U.S.E. And it's just a mentorship program to help these kids make that transition from high school to college.
We just wanted to do something that was for them, not just for us. And try things. You guys come around this age, you guys come around one. Every time I look at it, I just know that we're just meant to be. So it's not a doubt in my mind. I had always wanted a beach wedding, because I want to get married to Jamaica. My brother-in-law is actually the one that gave me away. If anyone can show, and he just calls, why, maybe not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak, or let's go off the perimeter of our homes. My dad wasn't part of any of it.
He was upset when he found out that my sister was coming to the wedding, because he told her that no one from the family is supposed to be there to represent and give the okay for the wedding. Who blesses Priscilla as she comes to marry John? You know, it gets kind of difficult for me. Inside it hurts like knowing that my dad isn't accepting my choices. You may salute your brother. Friend, I am pleased to present on to you Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Hervey. So much kissing.
We're in St Andrews, Scotland, and I'm here doing my doctorate in psychology. I'm studying Alzheimer's. We're here on Market Street, so we got here a lovely local haggis and blood pudding. Sheep, heart, lungs, and bits of intestine. I think wrapped in the stomach? Yummy! The cold I've kind of gotten used to. That's not too bad. Just not knowing anybody here. Leaving my friends and my little security blanket back home and starting from scratch. I'm so glad to be out of the house. I love my mom, but I'm so glad I'm not living anymore anymore. When it was great, it was like the first two weeks I moved out here. I pierced these two. I pierced this one.
I got this horrible email from my mom, like, I'm so disappointed. You pierced your time. You know back in the day, that made you were someone's slave. I can't believe you did this. I broke up with Sue because I didn't like who I was with him. He was interesting. He was my mom, like, absolutely hated him. Absolutely hated him. And when she finally was like, okay fine, whatever. We know it's whatever you want. I broke up with him like the very next day. I know the first thing she went to a school and she did her piercing. I guess a sign that she wants to grow up. She like, hey, I'm independent. I'm free. No more mom. First, I really, really kind of mad. But I know there's nothing I can do, so I just, I just hope pray that there's no infection or something.
But I know she will grow up that. What was cool when I first, like, I'd finished school and was selling stuff on eBay, was like, it was a really quirky identity to own up to that I, you know, was eBay person. My friend Justina. She used to own a erotic bookstore, which was totally shocking to me. I had no idea until she told me. And she had all these leftover books. Adultery for adults. This book is called Group Sex. I feel like nauseous right now. I think if people knew that this merchandise was being stored in a toilet all these years, they wouldn't buy it. I was thinking a lot about mental health and mental illness, because I've gone through my own, like, interesting experiences with different, with different things that have challenged me emotionally and mentally.
And, and then thinking about the statistic that Asian American women, my age, are the highest risk of suicide. We do such a good job of keeping it quiet and kind of keeping under wraps. You know, we're fine. We're fine. Even though we're going crazy on the inside. We don't acknowledge it. So I was thinking I wanted to do a show to address this. My friend, Jeff, actually offered this title, Wong flew over the cuckoo's nest. I remember I always wanted to go to therapy when I was young, because I was convinced I was, like, nuts. There was just a stigma in my family that people who go to therapy, or if you have to pay someone to talk to, that, that, that, that makes you crazy and being crazy is such a bad, awful thing. I remember my mom responded saying, no, it's too expensive. Rather than asking me, well, what's wrong? She asked, so it's too, she said, it's too expensive. And to me, that was like, really, that became more traumatizing than, like, you know, the body issues or whatever stupid things I was going through at the time that made me want to go to there, because it made it seem like, wow, her money is more important than my mental health.
Oh, I feel so sick, I can't even tell. I hope my mom is watching this. God, why didn't I just, why didn't I just send her a check every month, like, other Asian parents? At college, you see, like, I went through a breakup and I had been assaulted. He came up and he, he said all these kind of racial things, like, you, you and your Chinese lies and all this stuff, you're making all this noise. I had just gotten home, like, it was finals weekend, and he just started, he pushed me onto my futon and started to beat me up, or started to, to, to kind of kick and beat me up. And I just started screaming and kicked him away. And my roommate, or one of the, my flatmates, finally heard, came out of this room and pulled him off of me. But it was a huge thing. I had to go to the police station. I had to drop a class.
One strange instinct I had out of that whole instinct, which I feel is very similar to what draws women to stripping and things like that, was I remember, I wanted to work at Hooters. Because part of me was feeling so ugly and so, like, stepped on, and so, that, that I felt like, well, yeah, I'm gonna work at Hooters, and I'm gonna write an anthropological paper about it. That's what it's gonna justify working there. But really, like, what I wanted was to feel better about myself, or wanted to feel like, wanted to slip into a different identity that felt a little bit more sexually empowered. What was really great about being in a class where I was making art week after week was, it was like, it was making stuff that came from that bad place, and taking it and putting it outside myself. I'm busy, but she makes me seem like I'm not doing anything else.
When I was in her first schedule, I was saying, look, Priscilla makes me look as if I'm standing still. She's very active. She's so awesome to me. Let me just come to you. I'm just still being able to fit in it. After graduating from UCLA with a Master's degree in education, Priscilla headed for the classroom. She currently teaches seventh grade life in science and put her middle school. She sets on several boards of directors and societies. One of her more prestigious roles is his vice chair for the moderated park, art, and culture commission. For all that you do for your community, Priscilla, I'd like to know that she or her being, you are an outstanding young California.
My wonderful husband, John Herby, he's my husband, my business partner, and he's the father of our expecting child. I'm 9 weeks pregnant. I'm just so blessed to have him in my life because he keeps me grounded and he supports me in everything I do. When I was doing the Miss L.A. Chinatown pageant, I basically had to give up a whole year to do community events pretty much every weekend. And that was a lot of time spent away from him, but he was at home waiting and never complained. At one point about time that he didn't spend with me, so I'm very grateful for his support there. Like what's going on over there?
He's looking at it. Is she? What do you want? I think you want. John, every minute of the day. I can't believe he has moved around so much more. He's an active wife. How does that help people at all? Well, you will, I guess for a few months. When he gets bigger? Yeah, I get so much stronger. So you're stuck all around there. No. With Priscilla, I was very disappointed. In that way, I kind of accepted. What about Priscilla's child? How do you think you will in terms of relationship? It hurts, not ours. You don't consider this child your grandchild?
Well, technically, yes. But I don't feel it this. I don't feel it this. I wish we could all just be together whenever we go to dinners or when we go to eat dim sum. You know, instead of having to either choose whether or not my dad's there or Priscilla and John are there, it's really hard on the rest of the family. I definitely think that the Miss Chinatown pageant made like a lasting impact. I thought like maybe it would make me more Chinese? You know, if I was, you know, Miss Chinatown, like all my mom's friends, daughters. Miss Chinatown, 97 and 98. Ultimately, what I really don't care. I think it brought me and my mom and my family closer together. But it was at the same time not great because it sort of lost myself amongst all the...
I don't really want to say like the glamour of it, but just like the... shallowness of it make up and always looking like you're ready to go out even if it's 10 o'clock in the morning. I mean, it became one of those girls that I really horrible like plastic stereotype girls. I became that kind of glad that I went through it though because at least I know now that's not who I am. And that's I think worth knowing who you're not as much as who you are. It's time for me to pack up all this stuff and just move on to a new chapter in my life. It's actually good that this is moving on because I've been looking at it going, this is ridiculous. Totally long shot type thing, but I applied for the Creative Capital Grant.
It's one of the most competitive grants for individual artists that there is. And this year I think 2200 artists applied for about 43 slots and I got one of them. It's like no more bullshit, no more selling crap out of my bathroom. I've had to really work very hard and know this whole time when I was doing these kind of ridiculous things. It's kind of like the karate kid, like he had to go like paint Mr. Miyagi's fence over and over and do all his dishes and whatever. And that's kind of like, you know, like those tasks I had to take on to claim being a full-time artist. And I'm just going to ride it out as long as I can. Hi everybody! Hi! Thank you so much for coming to my show. I've been seeing you all along and this is my new solo show. We'll be right back for the cookies then!
There you go, sweetie. I'm just going to have interactions around 1.30 this morning. Around 4.4.30 or water broke. This is still a life in our family. Still, you know, I mean that we still love her very much. But I just don't care about her family.
Good for you, sweetie. Oh my gosh! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my gosh! Oh my goodness! Look at him! What are you doing, buddy? What are you doing, buddy? What are you doing, buddy?
What are you doing, buddy? What are you doing, buddy? That's Daddy. Get your eyes open now, huh? You ready to go home now? And Suzanne was at the door. And she just says, my father's here. So, you know, he came in and we shook hands and then, you know, he looked at the baby. I mentioned that, oh he has a lot of hair. And my dad was like, oh yeah, you have to sell that. You know, she's like the only baby in the whole nursery that had a lot of hair to give me a hug. And he said, I love you. I love you too. And I figured, one of the blessings that comes along with this child is, you know, we're still in her dad being able to reconcile with each other. You know, that's a great thing. And the babies are blessed to get more ways than we could imagine for them. And now we have a whole future ahead of us.
And this is such a relief. Ladies and gentlemen, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles is proud to present the 2006 Miss Los Angeles Chinatown Agents contestants. I don't know how much I missed.
Oh, you just started. You know, first of all, you know, congratulations for getting this far. You know, all of you put in a lot of time and a lot of work to be here tonight. And you should all be proud of yourselves for that. One, two, three, we're going to do this. Yay! That's okay. Thank you so much. You don't have to remember silly things. It meant so much. So when you are ready, go downstairs and light up. I'm very passionate about art, and I see it in everyone and everything.
In such a diverse world, art is one thing that brings us all together. I believe it is a universal language and a leading source of self-expression. Art is a major foundation of our past. And by learning from it, we as a society can only build a stronger future. The 2006 Miss L.A. Chinatown 4th Princess is Dao An Co. Sub Yihou Gok Dao An. 2006 Miss L.A. Chinatown 3rd Princess is contestant number 3, Angela Roberson. Some hope to one KU. It's history.
I was just so alive, and it represented, you know, just something a little bit more, you know, for me. Because I'm just like, when I have a daughter, I want her to have that same opportunity. I don't know what that means.
I'm just like, I don't know what that means. I'm just like, I don't know what that means.
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Yours Truly, Miss Chinatown
Contributing Organization
Center for Asian American Media (San Francisco, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/520-w950g3j72g).
Program Description
"Every year, two dozen women compete for the crown of Miss Los Angeles Chinatown, one of the oldest and best known ethnic pageants in the world. "Yours Truly, Miss Chinatown" uncovers the intimate stories of three young women who vie for the title Miss Los Angeles Chinatown, while struggling to navigate two cultures with conflicting values. The crown is a link to the past, while their lives are a sign of the times. As the spectacle unfolds on stage, so does the drama of their lives - there are no pat beauty pageant answers to real life struggles with love, family, culture, and life as a modern woman." - Daisy Lin Shapiro
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Director: Shapiro, Daisy Lin
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Center for Asian American Media
Identifier: 00021 (CAAM)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Duration: 00:58:38
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Yours Truly, Miss Chinatown,” 2008-05-03, Center for Asian American Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Yours Truly, Miss Chinatown.” 2008-05-03. Center for Asian American Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Yours Truly, Miss Chinatown. Boston, MA: Center for Asian American Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from