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marigold splendid as a border with cabbage squash as teachers beatles and cabbage was carefully clipped the flowers just before fully poland and get ready to make a whole host of medicines simmer two cups of flowers and two pints of pure water, set aside and allow to cool. This water is an excellent insect repellent, sunburn coolant, skin toner, restores highlights and shine to red or brown hair, and when sprayed on a floor or carpet in a fine mist leaves a sweet-smelling scent behind. [music] Marigolds planted as a border with cabbage and squashes deters beetles and
cabbage moths. Carefully clip the flowers just before bloomed and get ready to make a whole host of medicines. Simmer two cups of flowers and two pints of pure water. Set aside and allow to cool. This water is an excellent insect repellent, sunburn coolant, skin toner, Restores highlights and shine to red or brown hair and when sprayed on the floor or carpet in a fine mist, leaves a sweet simmering scent behind. Clip Clip two cups of flowers and cook them on a low heat, and one cup of shortening until the flowers are dry crumbly bits. Strain well, add well, add one teaspoon of honey and two ounces shaved paraffin, or better yet Beeswax. While still hot, beat well. Reheat If necessary to make sure wax is melted. Pour Into tins or jars and cool. This miracle balm is an excellent
for burns, rashes, dry skin, abrasions, insect bites, cuts, bites, cuts, scratches, and just about any irritation that you’ve got. Using the above method, you can make all sorts of balms, but if a cream is wanted, wanted, use three-fourths cup of shortening and one-fourth cup of oil. Decrease wax to one ounce, and beat until thickened before packing into tins or jars. Here's a handy list to try out these different creams and balms; Apple: skin softening. as a balm, good for chopped, raw skin.... rather, chapped, raw skin. One small cut in small pieces as a cleansing and nourishing. Balsam: antiseptic. One cup needles or one teaspoon essential oil added to the hot oils. Hot oils. Catnip: cooling, good for
burns. Add turmeric for an antiseptic action. Clove: one-fourth cup clove buds, topical anesthetic. anesthetics. This one, however, must be heated in the hot oil for at least one half-hour before finishing out. Crushing or using powdered cloves helps speed the process. Nice to make on a cold winter day as the scent cleanses the air and lasts for a long time. Chamomile: good for diaper rashes. Soothing, mildly antiseptic. Use two cups flowers or one-fourth cup powder. Dogwood: insect repellent. Use one cup of the shredded bark as well as the flowers. Elacampane: eases the breathing. breathing. Mix a tiny bit of wintergreen oil in for a warming balm. Four tablespoons powder, one cup fresh. Fennel: mild anesthetic, antiseptic. Two tablespoons seed.
Jing San: don't fry this one. Beat Beat the powder through the melted fats. One of the best all-around balms and creams. For a good, real good one for cuts especially jagged ones jagged ones, an equal amount of comfrey, one tablespoon one half-cup cup of balm cream. Horseradish: one fourth cup shredded root, nice liniment balm. Juniper: one cup berries. Berries, aromatic, antiseptic. Good for chest colds, abrasions. Linden flower: one cup flowers. Skin soothing. soothing. Best on lips or as a facial cream. Leaves a honey-like scent. For us ladies, an excellent feminine irritation cream. Quince: one quince chopped. Astringent, good as a tightening facial cream for cleansing. Rose: two cups petals, or one half-ounce essential oil to the melted fats.
? Vats. Smoothing... Rosemary: eases aches, chest tightness. One-fourth cup dried or one half cup fresh. These are all simple remedies; as grandmother called them. And don't them on. These are all with love and peace from from Allicorne Lady. [music]
Allicorne Lady's Home Remedies
Contributing Organization
KOPN-FM (Columbia, Missouri)
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Episode Description
A letter from a woman containing herbal remedies, primarily marigold-based.
Copyright New Wave Corporation/KOPN Community Radio. Licensed under a Creative Commons Non-Commerical 4.0 International License (
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KOPN-FM - KOPN Community Radio
Identifier: rrw0014 (KOPN)
KOPN-FM - KOPN Community Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-518-222r49h205.mp3 (mediainfo)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:06:28
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Chicago: “Allicorne Lady's Home Remedies,” KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Allicorne Lady's Home Remedies.” KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Allicorne Lady's Home Remedies. Boston, MA: KOPN-FM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from