Public Broadcast Laboratory; 114

- Transcript
it is this is npr this is it's b tonight the deal includes a full look at ending the draft findings of all volunteer army an exclusive live interviews with senator edward kennedy and clinton brewster jr president of yale university the government's announcement that it has put an end to graduate school districts next a different way for television to present a young artist thoughts on performance with a visit to seventeen year old janis ian and finally especially americans is
it the war in vietnam continues and so does the mine foreman the national security council announced on friday it is ending graduate school difference on the graduates continue to get there to esther for a month or for years many challenge in the form of special treatment for all college students but the debate over university difference is only a small part of the dissatisfaction with the system which will take three hundred thousand man this year a major reform effort by a presidential commission failed in congress last year to date critics have been able to win changes in the system which they charge discriminates between rich and poor black and white the deal null examines the way the draft works and asks
whether we could do without it by raising an army of volunteers only yeah who is ha ha ha ha ha ha you might they not any doubt about it but the nation john he's not crazy ninety five percent of the supplies arctic to have different than most of us i think are very happy about
new accepted are however this ms burgess the address system is inherently unfair monstrously inefficient and pernicious in its invasion of individual liberty many generations of americans have sought to preserve i believe that that is basically wrong we should get rid of it the draw of controversy is likely to continue until the drug law is jay aged the trouble is simple there are too many young men a relative handful are needed to rest their surplus to be deferred are exempt there are twelve million men of draft age only one in forty is taken or the army would split at the seams the difficulty is making excuses for the arrests seem reasonable in nineteen forty one selective service was set up its job was to get everybody into uniform the system worked well
then but now we don't need everybody to the babies born in the boom after world war two are now turning eighteen at the rate of two million a year it's a manpower flawed selective service tries but it can't make the reasoning logical when it drops only one man in forty of the performance system has produced some customers dr george hamilton who was said to get one hundred twenty five thousand dollars on a picture of deferment every government on the part of grunts as the sole support of his mother because of a trick knee which the new york jets were willing to gamble four hundred thousand tons of the poor and a half hour law congress is
different what if you have to work during the day and you go to college only part time at night don't get a deferment yeah you want to learn a trade instead of going to college are also completely who have attacked this is the worst sort of plus legislation during the civil war a man avoided service by paying government three hundred dollars today the prices set up a college course his office and students are sensitive about the way the system works in their favor and there's a tremendous difference between an a deferment an exemption i think it would be unfair if going to college was an exemption but i think it makes good sense to a number of ways for college because the department which means that if you don't get out of certain military only means to you serve later to completely go to college four years when you teach for a couple years and you're twenty six and it's
also a new dawn mainly because firms the first step on the way out a lot of people is and i for one don't think that's fair bit odd because there are large group of individuals either because they lacked ambition money or brain scan go to college doesn't make sense to have a weston go through four years of college then have to go to different taken away some have taken teaching job killed after a very heavy investment arms four years of education is like it is and those with the least chance of getting to college are frequently negro song which won a classification of eighty two is
just further proof that whitening stacked the deck against them now just recently we do because of the charge that it favors college students congress was finally forced to enter graduate school difference except for science majors going on to be doctors and dentists this has caused a storm in the academic world educators and says that those going on in history law economics government and the fine arts are just as important as doctors and dentists or even the pentagon opposes
the policy it says too many college graduates of the army would cause morale and training problems combat commanders don't want college graduates either they ask for younger man who will question the army or the vietnam war you know they feel a draft lottery random selection is the only fair way to take command general who was speaker she fought the lottery idea what it was has held before congress last year and he won even though he defied the recommendations of a presidential commission which wanted to overhaul of the selective service operation today her she is under attack for his recommendations issued after the antiwar demonstrations at the pentagon last four years she's adjusted to local draft board that they left the difference a college student who demonstrated against the war this is being done and being fought in the courts or she is charged with muffling free speech and using the drop is punishment
several congressmen have demanded his resignation under the present system the nation's four thousand local draft boards can we classify anybody at any time and each ward interprets the law as it sees fit one horrible rule one way on a hardship or occupational deferment request and another completely different way he was seeking a college deferment which the board did later grant the president's commission on the draft have urged national standards to do away with the law unto itself character of the local board but there are those demanding more radical changes abandonment of the old ways and a new system for raising manpower oregon senator mark hatfield the backstory we do not need a direct we can't afford not to have a draft
we're long or do it and in this invasion of the liberties of our young men i haven't played a volunteer professional army just men who have enlisted of their own free will realistically probably the armed forces are now made up mostly of volunteers about eighty five percent what you can do with roots is now miami i'm at a school district billy on the street some three hundred thousand youngsters be listed here because the rate has been generally stand in for the last fifteen years five congressmen have just written a book of brief for a volunteer army in which they say we propose a system by which draft calls can be reduced to zero and we believe that such a system is possible often times of peace and in times of limited or
congressman's stafford school offers or congressman schweikert pennsylvania wharton of new york schreiber of kansas and women of ohio they note that only fifteen percent of the nation's three and a half million servicemen on draftees and their book offers the statistic congressman stafford nobody would've been drafted between june nineteen sixty six until nineteen sixties some had each recruiting stations one more mass every four day literally historic problem in or
there's a congressman always allow all of recording efforts are actually made to dampen down and lesbians when they threaten to be so i the draft calls would be unnecessary for example in late june nineteen sixty three recruiting stations were actually coal in order to prevent voluntary and what is bad objection often ways to an all volunteer army was it would be made up mainly of the poor and the uneducated who would gain from military service is with me in a large number of negro volunteers someone who co director of youth in reporting workshop at columbia university's graduate school of journalism costs a thousand connelly says another one i like to say that i know the sailors taking out come out of a train on the gi bill and more rounds and on and ira owners that i shifted into me on services online washington i
would judge the angry of the negroes here in hong kong and the shop for their own sense of britain's sun as a one issue i think we face is it wise for a democracy so you play so much of its own defense rests on much of its own defense broadly element that has very least make in society and the angriest grievances but congressman save their figures show there would not be a disproportionate number of negro volunteers and they point to the balance compositional the navy and marines which are made up mostly of volunteers in fact the congressman say the pentagon has kept secret a study showing that all volunteer army is perfectly practical it was suppressed to protect the drug charge the congressman who agree on keeping selective service machinery intact but say it should be used only as a last resort we fully appreciate the concern of many military men the abolition of the selective service system would deny the military the flexibility it
requires that men are planning to assure that every crisis can be met the military services should do everything in there are consistent with the national security to ensure that voluntary enlistment are as high as possible and rap caldwell lowell as possible unfortunately the present system actually works in the opposite way because of vietnam the services no need six hundred fifty thousand men this year three hundred fifty thousand are expected to win west ham three hundred thousand must be drafted other that many more volunteers available re spacing the congressman and they'll be plenty of new volunteers it is fully appropriate that military pay scales be commensurate with available civilian pay scales so that in seeking volunteers the armed forces and compete effectively with alternative civilian attraction it would cost eleven hundred dollars a year
to raise a private speta the federal minimum wage but congressman say the boost would probably produce an extra one hundred thousand volunteers and white the congressman say the drive could become by another one hundred thousand if more civilians were used in jobs which really don't require soldiers last year the army did replace one hundred thousand men with civilians and how to end the draft contends an exhaustive department of defense study of military manpower needs could expand that figure significantly it's estimated that thousands more would enlisted the pentagon simply spend more and spend consistently on tv recruiting now it's all lays bare it whenever it reduces its advertising programs calls are likely to be larger than necessarily that by maintaining a constantly high level for the advertising budget rap calls could beget
at a significantly lower level if more consistent advertising reach just one in thirty of the eighteen year olds it would cut the early draft called like almost seventy thousand human patients actually there are thousands of young men who try to enlist will fail because they can't pass the physical for some reason it is stiffer for volunteers than four draftees but congressman preston and ask whether every soldier has to be a perfect physical specimen does every gee i have to be a ranger training is find the one man and seven seas can there be some flexibility on this list after the defense department should permit
the voluntary enlistment of young man who do not need physical standards for combat but who can reform technical empirical job related income earner the army's iq test is also questioned the army has experiment and take an inmate well on the test and all but a handful have gotten through basic training successfully not now below the acceptability standards of the defense department did not in fact need special training to become good soldiers therefore acceptable of the standards are too high a slight revisions of the congressman would easily provide fifty thousand more volunteers a year finally there is the all important image of the service it's pulling power congressman say the army could do much in this direction by improving training in the trades and living conditions for dependence they point to the marines' united states marines have seldom needed to rely on the military draft
to induce endless months of high caliber he's a congressman contend that all of their recommendations taken together produce three hundred fifty thousand new volunteers a year after kraft calls to zero and then so i say better pay would produce one hundred thousand man more television advertising seventy thousand revised mental and physical standards fifty thousand improvement of the army's image thirty thousand pound the substitution of more civilians say the congressman had come draft calls by another one hundred thousand for a total of three hundred fifty thousand human since the draft called for this year is three hundred thousand it would not be necessarily all much would all of this costs the pentagon says the pay raise is necessary to guarantee enough manpower like syllables seventeen billion dollars a year depending on the labor market figure out four million dollars in research too little attention has been given to the
human cost of military conscription individual liberty cannot be measured in dollars and cents if there is one man who is unnecessarily graphic and combat role against his will to undergo combat service that is one man to many homeowners massachusetts senator edward m kennedy has been pressing congress for sweeping reforms of the draft system especially for a lottery yale university president kingman brewster jr served as a member of the president's commission on selective service senator kennedy and mr brewster our interview tonight in new york by the deal chief correspondent edward p morgan senator kennedy what's wrong with a volunteer army cancer mr morgan ninety during the course the last two years i've had a chance to visit a number of different high schools and colleges and i usually ask the young students at that time what they would like to see as far as the
vision in the draft system selective service system and there's no question when you ask do you support volunteer army about eighty five or ninety percent of the hands go up and the us that same group how many of you would volunteer and if you get a half a dozen hands that search of her that's that's doing quite well and i think this really reflects with all due respect to my colleagues and india congress the senate really reflects the popular attitude i think generally among the silly people about the questions of volunteering secondly let me say i wonder how much you're going to be able to hey young american to go on out to the swamps of viet nam and to fight over there with the extraordinary loss is that we have an extraordinary high casualty rates twelve thousand americans killed last year eighty five thousand casualties and that it really is an extraordinary kind of burden to to work that's
what you go into what a walk on compensation i can you give to these are young americans i think the idea or as is worth exploring and they should be considered and study i think many of the suggestions that were made by my colleagues about providing additional kinds of david to attract more young people in a fine of the questions of additional educational benefits find private lives additional civilian personnel a very good but i think of all these ray certain questions for example the lowering of the standards to to bring more people on into the force's fifteen project one hundred thousand which is sectarian nightmares proposal to try and bring one hundred thousand additional young americans who didn't quite meet the minimum kinds of standards is working out satisfactorily fifteen percent of those that have the equivalent of a fourth grade reading ability i think it you reach that basic
problem quite rapidly i just don't know how far down the you you can really go and finally let me just say i'm just morgan that i personally feel that the others are citizens obligations with regard to the service of our country i think that this has served as his responsibility to exist in a free society and although we we're interested in trying to reduce the concept of compulsion i still feel that the obligation of service tickle me at at this current time of involvement in southeast asia areas of such import that it should be considered evenly across the cross section of our young people so much for the volunteer army for the moment the many things to be talked about you wanted to get maybe a footnote i agree with senator with respect to my doubt about victor bout of the president's commission two
rows of volunteers of the acceptable level okay under present circumstances and i think would be grateful for the country to have an army out which should have a financial stake in the perpetuation of military way of life a mercenary aspect of a part of a volunteer army becomes repulsive that you have to play a person so much in order to then the force level you need that you have a financial stake in and perpetuating military service but i think there are two other concern which a lot about why this the congressman's book which has just been referred to in an amnio reformers we've seen there really questions of morality i rather think that the executive the president is restraint in foreign adventures by knowing that it was call on an involuntary arm and cannot have a bottomless well of mercenaries to go suddenly i'm afraid i do not like the idea of having a volunteer army raised by a combination of madison avenue techniques and social coercion because of social
disadvantage these are just footnotes because i think the senator himself has referred to these factors also <unk> we've got to right now a problem of the more on voluntary this if there is such a word on friday the administration ruled that the deferments for graduate students were canceled and that included many college students pointing to graduate school ten days ago your colleague president to z of harvard said if this went through it would be disastrous for education work well i am without water disagree with president using or perhaps it's inherent in my job that i should i agree with them that said this is a great blog not so much to the institutions which exist after all if republican that was the fighting is a tremendous blow to the effectiveness of graduate education whether students who now live under a cloud of total answered they own the possibility of a series of corruption just about state of the best education for continuity lead the imports was it was understood by
myself and the guests have been against the student deferments at all levels i think that they are involuntary service should be taken care of the four person gets into the cottonwood is a higher education and therefore i would myself like that all student performance should have been abolished or less spying on the congress have a chance to revise selective service will nonetheless within the present law i don't think that they out of meat ax approach with respect to register this is gonna be right arm the students the institutions and the quality of education in the country you think the only one for sure what to present roosters stated also mr morgan no we find that even in the border they came out last week an individual for example a scholarship boy could have just had paid his down payment to attend the graduate school be notified the next day an effect be withdrawn immediately is no no we're up to me for the continuity of even the rest of the semester even the term which we had another time to me that's just an
isolated kind of a factor but i think it is important so once again you have this uncertainty which is i think is is really adverse it i also once said i agree with the recommendations preston brewster with regards to the student deferment i think that this is the only realistic approach that can be an equitable approach le mans give both this show with a meat ax approach of last friday been a little more delicate if they had changed the aid sequence and instead of drafting the oldest first drafting the youngest first was rude what excel in a way that would've least the fun part way toward know random selection system which are would provide a total pool from which people could be drawn know when that became eligible watching it is older haven't completed the college under the present law but to the congress who indicated that the president was not free to use a random selection system without going back for their approval on a gravity thought i
could not get that approval so it'll say whoa really the tone of the present legislation that was on every feasible way of taking the youngest first without having something which would be called water li kai had won one point on this i do feel even under the present legislation even though there was a prohibition for a lottery a system it written in the legislation that that there is still the power within the executive to provide for of moving the age grupo formula which are and constructively take individuals and you could scramble perhaps the induction of dates and and selecting the different times in almost carry through a random selection system and yet i think would also meet the legislative requirement of last year this i believe was recommended by even the defense department to the administration it was rejected principally because mr hershey felt that administratively would be difficult
and that if presented administrative difficulties and i think once again there we find where administration over the act and mr hershey spot has worked to the disadvantage in the inequity and the hardship to and the country has always had trouble raising an army from george washington on up there were draft riots in the civil war and world war one is the issue of the draft to date mr brewster more blood shot because of the divisiveness of the war in vietnam on charters and i think this whole issue for instance a volunteer army is an issue that can't really be discussed without reference to the great national unhappiness about the war and what have the pentagon quite rightly the sewage into a pipeline and experiment with new systems in the middle of an unpopular war and likewise the student generation the younger generation certainly are fined involuntary service more involuntary that never won no
award that their eyes to engage in a war that really the ideal wanna be unfair to you but i'm going to quote you to yourself on december third on cbs face the nation i think you call dental hershey's move for punitive drafting of protestors quote and absolutely outrageous usurpation of power or you feel them overseas to be removed yes i think joe message has done a great service to the country or through very difficult times of war and peace and sometimes peacetime and more difficult to maintain selective service in wartime serving the popular war but turn so i would not tolerate general pershing's forces national service is concerned i just like that his concept of the drought there's a nice neighborly affair where the neighbors around the social service is now wholly unrealistic an archive of society and i think that if he has an unrealistic you leave the national made an automated on a national basis with national standards of the ninth i myself think that he should retire and be replaced by someone of a more
modern guilt what's your view of his service at this point in time the problem is the current draft law as well as the way of its ministry tearing up where president bruce dern said even in this past week for example to find the occupational difference now will be decided by four thousand different draft boards across the country without any kind of national criteria i think this can very easily work to providing occupational the firm instead the advantage of the privilege members of the community and to the disadvantage of the less privileged members of the community is no reason in the world why national standards could not establish based upon their critical national shortages that exist in this country they stow also won the degree of training that an individual would have to have before he would be given that these kind of occupational difference the once again in this past week are you saying that the creation of four thousand additional workers the four thousand
draft boards making extremely important and significant decisions where these national criteria should be established and not letting the local draft board to utilize those work then i think fundamentally the problems in the the act were tinkering with the legislation that has been far out loaded in them it is just completely inequitable under the presence of circumstances president's commission suggested what i think was the absolute way in which we've at least a week we should proceed i think in any of these kinds of systems where we're looking about which are which policy is the best among a lot of extremely difficult times my considerations but that's where we should be in a moving and that's what the senate the congress should be direct your attention to fuel your subcommittee have probably gone into this a bit more deeply than any other person or group in the senate and if you missed a rooster were a member of that blue ribbon court martial commission of the president and the congress
rejected the recommendations of the commission and haven't really done much with the recommendations that you son or have made who is more to blame for the congress of the administration for this draft mass where it let me just let me just a defensive the senate of the united states mr morgan the bill that passed the senate was livable that what you notice right last spring working out of a conference was completely un satisfied and you will begin to weep and number twenty three members of the senate voted to reject the conference a reporter and an unfortunately we we have that now but in the and that the day to send russell the chairman of the committee on services committee indicated that he would if he has said that he had an open mind regards to establishing a more equitable system a selection said he didn't feel the during the course there are areas they have sufficient time to consider it and the president united states has stated that he feels that the youngest first is is that the best and most
equitable way to proceed marshall commission has suggested mark clark who who did the study for the house members recommended it and the defense department recommended i think here we have unanimity on on this question of really the fundamental question is whether we can to congress the senate back to remedy that list of brewster borrow a phrase from another kennedy how do we get the country moving in the direction that the senator says is urgent well i think that for better for worse rap legislation like the other pervasive legislation which affects everybody owns only if you have powerful executive leadership behind and i think that it will move if and when the president of the united states really flexible by the horns and mobilize as popular support for this cause when the commission reported to him a year ago unfortunately time was so short that for one reason or
another he did not say fifty like this offensive article of his own effort and i think that to without that effort it's very hard to expect a spontaneous legislation to solve this problem are some allegations have been made particularly since friday in terms of what the administration did only non affirmative graduate students of the president and the administration were playing politics with taking the easiest way out because the people affected were less numerous than the people left in the end the year a younger age category do you think that the president and his administration are playing politics with this year not in those terms not i don't like that term i think the sure i think the president and has this always buy products and deciding what legislation to recommend certain inevitability was make a judgment about what his priorities will be and what he thinks he can get past that sense it's like politics and deciding that as a citizen i wish that the politics the play it would be the politics of oil if necessary go over the heads of congress to
mobilize popular opinion to try to cure this thing so it becomes more equitable more certain and more possible were singed mayor when national interests senator kennedy is a working politician what would you add or subtract from that statement was well i i think present brewster has stated the situation new kinds of efforts which are necessary to bring about the dramatic changes which are essential to remedy the situation i don't think i probably about one thing in this film that we've watched was news to me if indeed it was a fact that was alleged in there you remember that to the government have been suppressing reports for the purpose of protecting the draft article in your investigations have you come into any information that would support that or we know what they were
talking about why there isn't a defense department study that was made with recommendations or sometime during part of the nineteen sixties but that was available and to the members of the armed services committee in the respective house committee so it i don't really feel the serbian are investigation we have complete cooperation from a sectarian were to came up and talked about the men on the mission how to talk about the education that i'd like to just add one point if i could to an earlier about thirty pm suggestions were which were made last week one of the two hundred thousand a graduate students are going to be affected by last week's decision i understand the fiscal year sixty nine which starts in july to july of this year is two hundred and forty one thousand the next year so more to these boys will be oh probably for the most part available as of june will be effective in that period of time the best estimate which has been made now by he a house
committee that's been considering at this question is that two thirds of those will be taken in the draft of the year fiscal year sixty nine which is an extraordinary a burden i think that these young people to was so i think you know i think the transition although i have as present russa does real reservations about the extension or caring of college and graduate student deferment think this a treatment that they received and this is extremely harsh about discipline senator kerry said earlier work with us and that is what i would hope the children where she would do what he has done in the past and that is at least try not to have his draft boards like a person out of graduate school or out of college you're in the middle of the turmoil in the middle of an academic year he's been really good about that at the press and i would hope to for this family the eruption will survive
then admitted and has accepted the mission for the forthcoming graduate year it seems to me that this at least would mean that the interruption came at a normal educational breaking point but to vermont senator several years rather than really about about a month after the settlers arrived to whether we graft women i'm serious about that question i mean i'm thinking of sectarian mcnamara's recommendation in montreal a couple of years ago for a voluntary service across the board now maybe we could do a case in the voluntary service lawyer recruiting women a little bit more compulsive oh i would say you're just a mormon ad offering the opportunities for for women to form service in the armed forces i would certainly i think goes more could be done in that area but i suppose the bee and the drafting of the mother it it i suppose you'd have thought had some samoa reservations about i couldn't think it'll be worth studying and
considering that i i think the most effective way of doing this and filling those areas now which are being provided to her by non essential kinds of jobs would be to open them for volunteers for women the great thousands of women who have volunteer for the service how they go to considerable list and i think that they could be utilized and utilize more effect is over the vast surface to rooster that's far more not only voluntary basis and unfortunately they did not volunteer if you have a twenty year old son in college what do you tell him about the more importantly what to tell you about them well i am not going to discuss that for the benefit of your audience because i really that were strongly that to giving advice on this issue or are making a decision on this issue is probably a very private intensely personal matter particularly when you're faced with a war which
is a source of such on happiness for everyone and therefore i would tell you what i would tell him and that is to consider very very carefully the consequences of alternative courses of action i'm not particularly ought to do and i wanted to have the satisfaction of making up his own mind but i also though one of his mine for thank you senator kennedy and frozen rooster for align yourself to be drafted for this program composer john ydstie reports all filmed vietnam mosaic on what that country's people want and how they feel about americans reveal part two it is
others la this is jonas is he's seventy years old sayings plays guitar and piano and composes poetry about teenagers in the way things seem to be for them life magazine calls were a wistful critic on stage a dream or are on an actual lyrics are a person support of declarations of independence from contemporary us society at all present some of her performances and what's the song called she's blues and it's
about a friend of mine several friends of mine whose parents a very nice people and good golf players and spent all the time on the golf course and tell their kids only love you and use a dart gun buyers of secondhand time and never talk to the kids that have support him and don't really care except insofar as using the kids against one another ryerson oh oh oh it's
been nice he says
isaac it is yeah
and you know that's the kind of song that he would come to my concerts expecting you sing and to sing it sometimes financing all the time because after a while talk imagine parents gets pretty jackie's so much for the future america fb the pittsburgh man due to some point of song that people say never
happened if it happened and to love songs and they have this series is also in santa scenes image as it were she's not supposed to come on and just was a spokesman for a generation that she denies absolutely and then she supposedly house spokesman which she agrees to date enforcing <unk> really thinks i'm a spokesman for my generation which is then called because they're not and you know it was this so many lives huckabee spokesman and so people get a sense of hung up when i'm speaking for me in the film she needs no question which made it that you don't you know he's thinking about people in just instead of those one day
write in the village and there were these people their names and names of people from long island in new jersey and they didn't the scene is nothing wrong with that except good morning sink into sochi have to pay dues and savvy oh and skip ages nine eleven pages were becoming a junkie because i'm ruining is that that's no it's that become a junkie because it gets image i lost a lot of money come closer to sea an urge there's no new spending the switch if it anyway and soon the negro surrogate so you start singing the rooms you start singing so max allen show is
that things like they're like even gracefully singing that a random stuff and you know this money well you don't want this money thing where you get an announcement parents every week and you keep it you can keep your checkbook in some way in your house you know and you look around and he totally i'm guessing no bedouin to do seniors chat with you in your house you get a decision to seek <unk> payment as you can always give out a dozen delinquents move into a slum you know in the middle of town just because you on islam you know so it's like you can always leaves the same thing so the song isn't it it's
kind of close it takes the form of the record in the way of real soul and really that's the nitty gritty which is really this is
nice the skinny santas he's eighty he is
nice to see you in this game is
the cease fire it's nice he is does it hit me there
is no question the youth take over the older generation they handed a chance and canada itself joe spent containing tiny house the emmys outstanding because those communist which is an area where because you know the animal from communist dampening communities or to ditch nickerson look and also to turn out anyway good thing and made some francisco everybody was saying what do you think the epa is how you feel that the drugs do you believe in free love you and things like that is really weird there was springtime a huge explosion in haight ashbury only ninety eight ashbury is posing going on and
jokes and stuff and seems to be very inviting and take chunks he said the city was stopping going on racially which may be better you know i'm not really into that and then into drugs and if you want to chase and drugs near savannah business and sixes ok any cash very keen to kashkari who's a mess you know they develop span on saturday nights instead passivity just dance around the city bleeding and it appears an interview standing here and hispanic and preston and the mines and doing nothing else but standing there waiting for it to happen i mean it happens you know because it's not extreme action they don't like something they never happens to
get into character and three insane and then immediately made history you know listen to it i'm usually writing those songs most honest iranians love songs this song was written for a friend of mine rescuers song that drugs that acid in
particular and i said ok and so he told me you know basically what you want to be about so you can try to date can fight against the canyon a system goes it was supposed to say this
second chance so this is us so it's scary there are endless analysts are saying this
scene remain a scene and saying me a mask there'd be our pants does my jokes and you know as you can see this was a big difference between that and like this aside chinese news which was at the beginning and it's softer and trivia and he says things to you know which was old when evening star writing a song telling people i love
you but she made a expect to change and that change is against eu overturned so the poems by mistake and so kind of song is a song salmon discovering these new kinds of the nhs i know right or and stuff like that that you can really fool around and do all sorts of things that and just describe what you could do the blue song and again it doesn't have to be iraq that you can mobilize so
it is as big plan he uses
tv and i listen no this is nice he
has nice job and now the voice of his fans really great you know recording an assistant own playing weight into personal stuff and
standing around us seal these things happening and they denied dissent in the snow and so some people some people seem to think so and i think intellectually closer because as i still am allison often school known as p warning all of that we see itself dozens of that you know the city was in my friends and teachers man he said a math class and says teachers standing than new the wrong answer you know mentally she lives here she says yeah so smart why can't you be the right answer when johnson these events at the law school knows that she said that in about two minutes so it could be embarrassing and funny i was asked to leave the school
because i was creating the motions in class and being there and left near schools than tuition and the newark schools long way in recent days horace mann a nice nice yes yes this ancient
humans there's you know yes
yes this issue and this issue he is in moon
leading to the senate fifty years let's see
la still to come on here and ricky martin's report and void of you have the full report on the cells and these people and their feelings about americans fighting and dying for the deal portrayed continues in london others
video resumes reports the deal to close you're in exactly two weeks the presidential commission headed by illinois governor kerner will make its report on last summer's riots on the race issue the governor already warns the report will make nobody happy what's wrong first many official and private sources emphasize there is no sense of national urgency over the greatest internal problem since the civil war no coordinated concentration of action to deal with the negro revolution almost every conceivable organization in the land including six cabinet departments
as a piece of the action but with no master plan there is duplication the waist bureaucratic report such commotion insiders warn is doubly dangerous it produces an illusion of forward motion while real progress is almost frozen some critics accuse president johnson of compound in the confusion by robbing peter to pay paul by blocking funds from one program the war on poverty for example to help finance job training of the hardcore unemployed instead of asking congress for no money that the urgency of the situation really the man is what congress talks truculent plate of crushing crime in the streets and so far has rejected administration please for a tax increase there by ignoring the weighty admonition that when the richest nation in the world refuses to tax itself to do things that must be done it is in real trouble there are some bright spots in
this heavily plotted picture leaving a big hole in government a gw secretary john gardner made so another when he takes charge of the urban coalition a distinguished dedicated but somewhat this organized group of citizens trying to fight poverty in every city in the us hailed as one of the most civilized americans alive with the deepest concern over a shrewd sense of priorities about the crisis at hand gardner could become the needed inspirational figure it feel to rally the nation's energy use against this the lab and bewildering dilemma it is for the inescapable indications are that even if every agency involve suddenly began to hum with time even if congress and the president agreed on a major positive program that would house educate and employ every single knievel american satisfactorily the racial turmoil between blacks and whites
will not end until there is a major change of attitude is last week ebony magazine sometimes called the black life in one eloquent mouthful suggested one explanation of why this is still in a full page ad in the new york times today show the gleaming teeth of a pretty blond and asked is this any way to sell toothpaste to a negro which brings this observer to a personal point of view that is bad mocking madison avenue for overlooking the negro toothpaste market by using a peaches and green lawn model is of course a pitch for the magazine as a powerful advertising medium that is also a powerful pitch at a point far more profile how much can we care about any product ebony asks that has always shown to us in a world we don't really live it which is just another way
of saying that quite he has given a black man almost nothing to identify with in the mainstream of american society here is the rub the flash point of friction between the races in addition to militants to the negro is rejecting his long legacy of service the new jersey commission on civil disorders recognizes that's the central issue it reported recently was stated most simply and starkly by andy grove businessman who testified just create a needle like a man it is so easy but the white men will not stand for a black man being a man he's got to be of all the racial conflict can end until white americans learned that lesson the issue is not black power what black powerlessness the white majority has pulled the strings so long that most of us don't realize how patronizing and hypocritical
we have become nobody cares how much negroes each other up in harlem a negro vice president of a big corporation told me last week in new york but last summer some of the boys venture defiantly down fifth avenue and then suddenly it was crying in the streets you had that same executive on of the few negroes to reach the upper echelons of american business also added most companies are really saying how low can we do in hiring negroes and still stay out of trouble accepting or not negroes militants and moderates alike are increasingly convinced the white majority wants only to make blacks happy in the ghetto in quotation marks and is really committed to violence if necessary to keep them in their place also in quotation marks with no twinge of guilt for such repression small wonder then four carter violence from the black nationalist french there is even serious
talk that extremists have some prominent negro is not targeted migrant negroes not targeted for physical attacks but politicians the press and the public have been so hypnotized by the handful of firebrands that they virtually ignored a vital facts nike maybe even ninety eight percent of the twenty two million black americans are nonviolent opposed darius nine ers really working against them when i asked a courageous new york attorney or a walker why harlem that didn't blow last summer she instantly replied that level people fifteen hundred of these little people using black power positively to create something they can control and identify with an organized witnesses walker they're all huge collaborative supermarket in part of it is becoming increasingly clear that the negroes basic demand is for recognition and respect a scattering of extremists suicide squad you
might call them the men of these things at any cost less gray really damaging the righteous cause but far greater damage will be inflicted if the white man doesn't heed the battle cry of the negro revolution which is this don't call me boy and a law that's the shape of this observers point of view what's going on in vietnam what shapes vietnam these attitudes what do the people want out of life how do some of them feel about americans recently but before the current viet cong offensive video producers barbara kopple injuries and spent two weeks and mikey and in life to which is also headquarters for the us first infantry division as of eight o'clock last night these towns remain in government hands as they have throughout the vietcong cities campaign this is a report about some of the people they meant for in the end it is to these people that either the americans or the
viet cong will make the most sense yes you can position of the country that hp vivienne is fifth sixth
fb am est at thank you thank you it's been the place but i'm
going to cry when the five hour live there to help shape the family he goes to school in the morning we ask how did you and the presidential election but i guess the blank about the cars there were too many gentlemen and if i voted for juan diaz s would be offended well yes i see more and more americans
they have hd remake roots as trafficking should what do you think the americans we asked he says i haven't ever seen a mate and they oddly jeeps all the locals it's amazing french rule of the commander of a company technically it your accompaniment of all they're not very intense action human terms between
this boy you mantel m i know why they took me from my hormone and wants to be a virginian candy in school things like that what do we want my son's injury on the purple heart out then i know why the americans i hear well he was making it all
the one point her husband and she say to win over senate was alive she knew only to be hit with white life was a lot because if they had a happy family now she doesn't see laundry for the americans she says that she wishes and hopes more americans come here because if more americans can have them all should have enough money from fees if the americans it's based on all of the issues that she was of a boy duo to
school physically head producer and co and those that go to look at and they can now i'm renee montagne the piece because both proponents be nice but she says the former
life she wants to leave here in this space that support issue which is on life disband know as his son joe and she expects that when a boy grows up it would be a sign to kill human beauty so you hungry man you must be you must be like you must secure is your hand that's rosa amount of threat people hadn't you five exhibit go thanks bob right now
anyway dr jawad if you can get rid of finally does find work it's a game so the maple and find the family farm is tammy vomit to deal with this doesn't fall into line is margaret hi renee simone means though just a fried people fear that people do that say so bad of these days of really you know nobody not leicester city a diabetic in when you were a month ago nbc came into a hammock in fujisawa like to try to recruit a sixteen year old boy and he's too young to be in the military service in vietnam but he was young enough and is that enough that he decided he would not join them and confront a
whole village he told abc that he wouldn't come and if you're shy religious body painting for five of the boys turned on nbc abc internet they killed one boy and the others decide not to join the dc they left the village ah so about a farm on campus just fear of my feeling and sane at the artist nominees they didn't like comedies what they get for it now feeling of protection because the vc at nine may come by one and killed aimee mann and now we have a problem namely that failed and they left their reelection and landed three years ago and coming here it is more secure is a wife's name is a half they name in pigeon doing a
visit to bees and flowers about she says when there was the gunfire she put her gender means a friendship and the bad when me and she says you talk to we hear her tinder and cry but she met them stay in detention sometimes three hours who says and now if there's enough seat in a vehicle near but that he's really at the front of them he says he has another lefties the house after dark in five years and there's an article in a prius except to walk a good journeys want to leave the jury it's because there has been
a play a play it's because bees but it's been enough because it's big japan has been this week
it's b i'm
keith a lot many times because i'm sick of
them as good as i mean he's a man as bait the police
but the preakness but you can you can
the paprika plains be exchange the
peak things things being bankrupt it's in my vending the americans to hand it and the netherlands voted to a lot of the message or is the prices go up an ordinary nice and that's been
convicted or naive arguably abandoning their fins and on monday i am i am and order man i wonder if the major committees are right or wrong before nineteen fifty four and has a walk because the vietnamese french since nineteen fifty four the list then the nationalities of vietnamese vietnamese i think it's a while became the vietnamese and the vietnamese that we that didn't have the americans too much more than before the poe walking in return because barely live event thrive is
bleak it's been kind of the point it's
b chu says businesses bend iowa seemed saunders of the french army and the economy tommy i have a wall and dan gorman and i'm a warehouse outside the museum to live as a when the vehicle gamely and all men like neat seventy years you made me to be convinced they knew that and been so we had landed
and a house and then get ice and i've gotten and oates we have eight may we ask you i you angry with the americans or making you leave your home you know we have liza with the americans and with all of that i know we're not angry with them we have an old in now and do we appreciate the naval full that those without them we would be committed by an indian and we will win if they continue its beef
he's been on the line mr ha ha as well emma old and he says he's a vietnamese chinese dissidents is a father gordon's to abort jewelry factories to hear he said that war has balked at to new surprises business because as it after all is a war goes and is it a new
draft age so i go asking wisest the media and he says that he goes he knows a lot of money and power so they'd give him about his self his survey his own ways to save the cozy as they didn't get off morning and that it thinks it can protect a pretty good off his life the capri pasta so he and
the point nina it's been a month
will this be the piece be our
teacher steve yaeger use that as walt up and that the wealth gap is europe's think well that is your victory i would just like to say a few words on this particular event is a solemn event whether it is not necessarily a sad event especially after we read something i think paula years old and that's one side i will never in my life in the years all that decided it didn't need people i know people i talk to that morning and siobhan o'connell mourning and so it made it i thought of the colonel's kill five cadillac
or pants on fire he's been nature something that they believe would lead the world in a much better shape now that that isn't the thoughts and the desires and will behind all of you i really you are fighting for something that you hope other people live and live about a light so right now i think it would be good if we just took a moment in silence and the realities that in whatever way you typically want to have an individual fb you personally somebody you know personally you know horsing very impersonal and get this so very far away until somebody you know using leonard cohen's films and that's what you need
susan thank you or khalifa was seated he owes us what's the seven days a week and makes a one minute gently guess those about the war now one hundred fifty yes those cd
for ford and so he makes a boss gets to send him out there and he can operate all right but lives and dust the whole issues of whether life to have ordered ginger and go to school and to have made a scene of what was said and her babies she says she doesn't understand that wants a war is about and she does not know why as we americans are in vietnam but she would like that the americans to stay here so they can have it the vietnamese people in the towns of like you and my two were attacked by communist mortar fire this morning but are still in government hands tonight it's because this is
the point special assistance was received from the television stations in washington have the videos of hints but you can eat the conflict and its month long and it will fund which began this week a total of three hundred fifty thousand dollars is needed for operations community supported public television station next week at all examines journalism television
coverage when you sort of yell covered an event that uncovered the cover journalism written and eventually within these sees the new york times and these days bill moyers on pbs somebody's rooftop during the truth and this is the reality
- Series
- Public Broadcast Laboratory
- Episode Number
- 114
- Producing Organization
- National Educational Television and Radio Center
- Contributing Organization
- Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
- cpb-aacip/516-wm13n21n3r
- NOLA Code
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-wm13n21n3r).
- Description
- Episode Description
- This episode of PBL contains segments "Can We End the Draft?", a discussion with Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Kingman Brewster of the viability of fighting the Vietnam War with a volunteer army; "Janis Ian: A Self-Portrait at Seventeen" about adolescence and art; "Edward P. Morgan's Point of View"; "Vietnam", about the Vietnamese people and their perspectives on Americans and the war.
- Broadcast Date
- 1968-02-18
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:59:56
- Credits
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049814-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049814-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049814-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049814-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 114,” 1968-02-18, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
- MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 114.” 1968-02-18. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
- APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 114. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from