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it is somebody who's been in the postseason it's b aligning elements of an examination one has since been i like to express very sincere hope that once this campaign is over that question of the color of a man scamp have to be considered as a major issue and i'm a black white dialogue and boston always day six runs on like why why was
at our holiday delights and the black white dialogue from the negro performing arts day of absence written by a negro we repeat the day before early morning dew a dr yvonne magnolia blossoms your comrades citizens of this lovely dixie village walk to the realization that some are new not some but all of the negroes were missing parts and that moves the party that they you digit away pow pow just alike from chicago label black white pilot rarely takes place place to place really thrives is how that raul and now he wants to be the polite four expert perspective
what robert calls a harvard professor jon gould franklin of the university of washington has been this broadcast will be two hours and thirty minutes long divided into three parts part one will begin in a moment after this word for the consumer i'm not feeling too good in the hollows taiwan commercials on tv give me a headache aspirin music albums economy we got plenty of that we do
voyager is john listen to this and a preliminary announcement occurred during the federal trade commission said it appears that each of the various analgesic products as effective to essentially the same degree as all of the competing products of buying an equal than quantity of analgesic ingredient or combination of ingredients which is a long way of saying they all seem to do the same basic job it's valid you know that i'm sure that's why we use these the least expensive aspirin my greatest carries on it for nineteen cents but then why do you have all those others all we keep them around for friends who want to think they're better the size it around the cheapest use any one of these and this is good baby elements they've el believes public television should permit expression of different points of view and stands
ready to provide opportunity for responsible comment on the preceding message williamson says a nation about eighteen fifty four a telegraph line was strung between made in texas prompting henry thoreau to observe that made in texas might have nothing important to communicate in this age of instant news via satellite and live in a connected networks americans still are not talking to each other so it's a better fitting irony that the deal opens a series of experimental broadcasts with a communications problem tonight's broadcast has a fleet of dialogue of the deaf over the most explosive internal problem in our history race relations black and white americans are shouting at each other in the vicious battle to view our listener everybody should be the noise pierces the heart of our society with a simple issue how can
a democracy survive with a dual system of justice in which some people white people are more equal than others impatient negro extremists have burst the boiler frustration with violence some frightened whites have answered with the backlash a big victory the theme of our black wide dialogue or non dialogue is painfully relevant one year from tonight one year from tonight they will be counting votes in the nineteen sixty eight presidential election in which race in vietnam will be the cutting issues next tuesday elections for mayor in cleveland boston in gary indiana will be decided largely on the race question the bls going to examine these contests also by a plague and the real life verbal collision in chicago between blacks and whites we will try to show the awful wave of the communications gap and the urgency of bridget gary indiana is a microcosm of america's urban
problems and this weekend it is a symbol of the country's value to establish a dialogue between black and white why election day the people are very well have to decide several questions which involved raw emotion and a black man be elected mayor despite his color shirt a black man elected mayor because of his color than a white man of clothes and they grow without exploiting the race issue and vice versa in a city with a black majority prevent racial violence and warnings of racial troubles become self fulfilling prophecy and finally there's an election campaign of this kind to help restart a dialogue between the races in the fifth film joe zimmerman us to your precinct committeeman has ordered his party and is regarded
as union leaders right joe zimmerman is working for the republican candidate it's black and white he said it's that simple some other lifelong democrat sherrod and forty six a republican as a furniture naylor with no political experience richard hatcher thirty four the democrat is a lawyer and president of the gary city council republican party campaign advisor reagan from the california political management for which made ronald reagan's race here is considered very close generally agreed in theory that if richard hatcher why it would be a sure win this is a tough steel town with a long history of civic and political corruption traditionally the negro vote has been a captive democratic votes deciding election after election year after year those negro districts helped to perpetuate the democratic machine and derek
now richard hatcher is running against them ashamed as a reform candidate and then they grow hatcher has been opposed by powerful forces in the local democratic party whose campaign is at its organizational problems the democratic national committee sent in a white troubleshooter richard talk to work for hatcher there's been a barrage of charges and lawsuits but nothing persuades the local democratic pause to endorse it well it when the trickle of the media profession being a negro like martin luther king or become actually travel around people of that ilk certainly want to ask you for your support on next tuesday i think that perry can be a new city i think it would be a different kind of zany i think it can be an exciting city and i said he would like to have an opportunity to assist in that endeavor so i need your support on nature well i hope that you will excuse
me prozac and memorable democratic thank you very much more registered whites the neighbor about ten percent of the white voters and he knows it he also knows what troubles you feel that the election was there to say with this whole question of violence that funds easily in the last couple of years they're all very tragic things happen in other cities around the country that day didn't invent themselves in an orderly peaceful fashion and i just don't feel that there's a basis for i expect the non violence of any kind as long as those who are in a responsible position in a responsible way i mean your weight losing a deal that is going to happen and that's why i asked the government to an initial guard and state police and regular in
win win and need the national guard will be on stand by federal investigators will be on duty but the damage to the city has already been done the truth of it is that in nineteen sixty seven richard hatcher could not avoid the race issue anymore than john f kennedy could have avoided the religious issue in nineteen sixty and the race issue both held standards the neighborhood candidate as carl stokes is finding out in cleveland we won the democratic nomination houseboats ran for mayor two years ago as an independent won three percent of the white vote and lost the general election by less than twenty two hundred votes or this october he won the
primary by over eighteen thousand including fifteen percent of the white vote to have a campaign was to call the negro motorist stops up himself has solid evidence they can enter the traditional political mainstream as other minorities who had more than talking to whites you try to be on the specifics of cleveland's many problems including some of the misconceptions about the negro neighborhoods so can they this is just an example
it is police it's been at a time when we were in detroit were exploding the predictions were violent far worse in the nineteen sixty six of brian stokes campaign became a unifying symbol of the city a spokesman go from the white neighborhoods where as he put it i want to sell them this is no black hour take over toledo area such as this one designated for urban renewal but the problems were quite funny units that have been destroyed last suppose that some of
them are living in the approximately two thousand units that had been provided by urban renewal during that period but they don't talk well stuart was campaigning in the white neighborhoods working to remove color as an issue drives to voter registration became intense and residents who did not vote two years ago that moved and we were just there the ford foundation gave one hundred seventy five thousand dollars some of it to be used in registration were recorded as part of a larger citywide anti poverty plan the foundation was distilled selection voter registration became a campaign within a campaign in its predominance figure during the summer
was dr martin luther king who came to the city off the climax dr emanuel baptist church to an audience whose pride as well as well yukio here he laid in the primary campaign county democratic committee which was backing the incumbent mayor rob booker i did not write racist appeal against still many put out a newsletter asking where dr martin luther king actually be mayor of cleveland also just elected in the primary a vis the stokes election give them out of racist
to drop his first city in the united states i see the pain there's been it is the eighth largest city in the country and the industrial town and its labor unions have been a powerful political force this summer between federation of labor meant to endorse a mail order which it did not without deep feelings on both sides
oh wow class what we're going to do and it is and i do i don't know about it
right right this election season a lot more interesting this is more like twenty just like he said i think he thinks he's made an art making in the idea
and the white neighborhoods these folks and it hasn't begun airing on the point that race was not an issue that was houston's only a fact of life so in the same way i'm going to talk to him explain the areas like the three different winners it's what you mean is that the port's in the common experiences they have shared able to help him to relate to the position of these people mr
speaker you're unable to speak english and so all of these things make it this is the end and say wow this is the point that the audience i mean the one in canada
and the reaction of the audience to almost fifty fifty a high school auditorium in cleveland the night of october eighteenth going to be really a fine with you an equally fight with separate appraisal analysis of set and the analysis of many competent political analysis analysts is that serves mainly in november's and in november seventh election but only one reason and that reason is that it's in it is now
and give you the reasons why on a question that i could have a border so easily let me go forward and to tell you the reasons why i brought out into the open this issue at least as i sing set himself as an attempt to divide us the so called black white issue in fact is public relations firm in power and they saw me during this campaign is not so subtly points out that low household has more experience and says taylor at being unable at which is true and he goes on to say this attack has had more experience of being what does this all mean my ample to me ladies and gentleman of nineteen sixty eight when
richard nixon was running against john f kennedy and how and when we want to be a good nixon would say you must not know i'll get john f kennedy because he is a tough one though if this is not some kind of subtle deal then why continually bring it out it's b because on october the third of this year the owners of the city clearly demonstrated by their votes in the democratic primary election that they are more concerned about a man's ideas and ability and they are resolving visit the page
well oh well oh well it seems that the race issue is with this now now it appears that if i say something on this subject it's racism says nothing about it it's there still a slight favorite to win and if he does it must be as in the primary with fifteen to twenty percent of the white vote joining the negro minority the issue of race also affects the election for mayor in boston but they're the question does not center on a negro candidates whether nato should be kept in their own neighborhood
and i wish all of the people in boston that it's a most happy and sincere and reporters earlier today that rumor was mitt romney are older and less well educated and for the most of all the guns she felt the little people the university taking property off attacks but one school committee woman takes place close to them is that you'll protect their neighborhoods from the needle by preserving neighborhoods
if you want to repeal it you do as well it's b polls by
the states by the police station is bought you know it doesn't
matter but the color of another skin is she was a little child in the neighborhood school if you ask me you know where i stand you know where i stand i stand on behalf of all the people of boston and i show represent as mayor hall of the people on the apple issues that would've been somebody about systemic odds are that she'll be on the record as a person that created bigotry created division creative play and it's an awful but she's the one that happened there you're welcome right
now the poverty line the paintings mrs nixon fond of the police and one theory they're felony offense make author the election he promised to get the money from congress and washington along with
insight her opponent kevin white found this good reason to doubt her credibility the latest poll shows him with a substantially <unk> laughed at them with the flood of tv commercial whaling solely on her opposition to the racial imbalance law it's been it's been election analyst will be busy for a long time after tuesday's elections trying to measure how poles negroes jews the irish another ethnic groups drop their racial attitudes and at the ballot box this sludge already a square politicians are pragmatic people who know that racism issue and the only question is how to handle it and gary the white candidate can say in truth that he did not raise the issue but his hopes to winning a handgun getting the backlash vote the negro candidates in cleveland and
gary muslim not only the black negro vote but there was also good conscience boats from whites in boston without or even saying the word negro everyone knows where mrs hicks staff it is an ugly fact of american political life that race will be an issue and politicians of both races will use it as long as it gets votes scholars stations isn't it
radio resume it's a story we are the virus and sometimes you can't escape all the talk about race is scientology giuliani where is the time to leave el in its examination of what white relations wanted to get a dialogue going one way to do this video believes is to put people together in a confrontation like to talk directly to each other like the real reasons its first confrontation reported at the end of a tense somewhere and that was duly old station the blm white
rose of militants that want this song say now some say that this is the way the confrontation began you wanna know what an ally you want on a lot of like madonna's begin with that of chicago will be a mile and overnight rather have on our show you know why it was this i'm dave davis and invited a cross section of concerned citizens to a meeting in chicago our question is this will add a third movie white man and mobilize the black man to end the domestic war bring about a constructive things place we've chosen to ask that question in chicago my name is arrest me i am a writer musician a poet and i live in a blanket
on chicago's westside this somewhat imposing building a check for the arts is my day label i am one of those who loves the camera and one of those who believe in that matters is the philosophy of the film and that we are a new breed a class of black men and women would rather die on the beets then mr lee this is also street where people in this is not washington state this is maple street was a kid i'm a poor man a festive celebration i think i'm drowning people being told don't try to swim and when you look at the street you wonder well from an honest and you say ms richard yes kim how are things going as i did an italian not so good this
two years my neighborhood my black brothers and sisters live and die this gun he's just back from the hit man before five days ago and we talked he told me one thing sure that matter like macarthur he will not beat what defying far or maybe for these death is madison street merchants these exporters among people the n and look normally explore this but they also have fringe benefits like that not that their daughter would never marry and that it was a day when a team is along with the barnes why don't miss you white managers year then black power works to ask a and p these
guys are now manages the other threat and while not for humanitarian motives that because black power black college that see look at this they sell everything that we often are muffles garbage cans last week i saw a young black boy about seven years old and eating from them in the midst of an interest but hare we see them telling jokes to colleges oh yes that's what they said that's what your teaching them at all nothing were telling jokes around the corner a third of his material he's in the crimean years the dignity of futility graduated from the back alley blooms and came around to wall street see those cars passing bauer only to tell you
what because of the flying the white and that's the political and by and by you know the young guys are well we might say are the counterparts of the garbage cans yeah that's right their little baby black soberly none of that knowledge can listen with nsa dr king whitney young royal welcome and reverend henry mitchell do you speak for them hell no dain ba ba bam the white man gave me everything now that he has to prod me all my people love of the bass or wonder years i could still not get the slavery that is taken my people so awful at three hundred and then you know the words we were after the complete separation
this is the school on the track where young men who want to learn about black history was told to go back to africa why principal white vice principal white castle's black students one fourth of whom graduate dealers beautiful black woman i'm talking to yes is a college grad and a statistician very in our ticket so revolution baseball diamond are surely in the rough year they play rats eat cheese they also eat babies we say no more to the rats and we say no more to what america but diet is scarce you shall be for the best now the story of ross make a black revolutionary who lives on the west side of chicago history can complete control the filming and editing of that story that's has never been as he sees it why do
you suppose he has actually been relatively cool into problems because things are veterans are problems that well first of all the question of who is relative because what the white media and the white power structure means by cooling effect on the surface they don't see anything but as revolutionary for a manager called perhaps more so than any other city and i have to rob peter that's a question you might ask a white folks steve biko we don't go out to allocate revolution the revolution takes the farm that's necessary for to be victorious my task governor mitchell you know the other big money for south carolina who says pluto and peacekeeping it is quiet robert mitchell was here and you did much earlier film to an admission right now though the writer michel you can stand survey like it's easier let's
say maybe the late eighties we realize and understand that they are on the march is a new emotional than in any other name of online education this episode our mission to try and sow cancer in this particular culture the eurozone the rhythms liquids this was live westside here's what they missed well let me say something right past us and bunny technically were convicted a woman literally says christian the needs of the times for mac or the methodist church i had a daughter and when she was eighteen she represent united states is a history major and she's been at columbia university and she met a young
lawyer who isn't always due date columbia years the negro boys they have all of nineteen years old and they had just been married his mother and by your father is a doctor now i've got the most wonderful all i just think that the new world was going to be wonderful to hear a nineteen year old boys and girls they aren't married but they love each other they are my daughter have been raised as a methodist or twenty years i've served the salvation army like wisconsin and they are my daughter has learned to b with little negro children and let them and i'd never thought anything about her marrying one i have fights over and methodist minister ej he has just said is twenty eight years old the youngest boy in the conference and he had just married a chinese girl who is herself also missionaries crystal well this is what our children are doing today this is a wonderful thing that we can look forward to american nineteen year old children who are students at columbia who have they
have learned about religion from their parents and yet this is what is being interpreted them to love one another they're going to grow up and raise children and that's what america will be with the potatoes and so on up to one of the areas that was upon inanimate thing i like to direct a question to have been made to do you think that we are will be says that with the dow they're given yes i think so so because we're up ickes thing that you'd be training on the job and that this is part of a sign of a salad as dawn raids and you're below the motorcade route maximum know how the white man is gonna keep your way get to be an apple an ohio and watched it go and wade a
sofa not been but our away an hour about this violence an unbiased often not of the eyes because we have pleaded for less more than two years or more like that because essentially what a lot of the young man and the group that the estimate not speak for how he taught me on what i would say about that a celebration yeah the least that our revolution who said it goes beyond the still dealing in these big first hours it was it wouldn't is best an enormous eleven about of
these alibis and enough ago about avatar to gimlet this white man who you like it well young man you voice must be volunteer got his eye on a new device that could play yellow the kobe less you can love i've been largely on ray a young boy i'd like us to wean them lucy all the white people realized to be that they were problems lehman we all know they're so intelligent why don't you market and while setting a disgrace to the rate was then the white men love the new members while there's a reason why for the mississippi has been really get his mother and his
little fat yogurt with her so i'm sure that the great mass of the white people realize that they were strong question even a possibility but there are real life warrior what has kept chicago from erupting as piano bar or when some oppression and thus apple right tactics that the chicago policeman at the initiated in the black neighborhoods are odd are more new worlds congregated in a breakup goes through those groups and i'm talking about the break up those groups and they shouted everybody off gm's our own leaders their body and not deep fried about their breadwinners and that luck was that chicago is going to be read but
brilliant chicago police official their vote was better to responsibly charge of all of our concerts is what's going to start as alec luhn back to sleep one apple may actually go back when i want to go back to where i am you right whatever little money you need to africa do you mean africa remain after week and that africa is no mall you have great great grandmothers especially today and that resonated well how natalie nagele and that was a pretzel a slave it does what it doesn't and they are still serve as wise as ominous about this way
back here with you dale community can fill a french artist and i recognized much of your town it's the third nipple we are in thirty two was why was really looks quite familiar with the deployment of their marshes and on that was more than seventy five percent color you're going great sum of five as i recall very few colored lights it we were friends when there was any arguments or flight is you can begin to show he's used it to get the courts to wait
i'm not ashamed of that you know nobody help me ask more icebergs more it doesn't make any difference graduation and that work for you how that you showed me on that there are so many identities the thing is lee's voice here that i've been elected as well as color gets together to dig the advantage here like separately thank you i'm a pc
do we yes we see with an h why'd you do it you might find that stage yet that's right
it goes oh it was amazing now just like that there's vision i
mean why wobble yeah what he means there are other reports of loses and you believed you were you were seventy five percent the roman and you say that the friends that you went to school with as well as herself what the way out of the ghetto and you believe that anybody can do it a lot oh my the wrong clinton tell some ignorant why people that they just aren't mr russell making waves and
the great thing about movies and i like businesswoman and she obviously believes reason segregation in chicago and if she's been the school's it to the wire simon and richard tell it to the upper grades and the west side and i write that you're thirty five we were white principal white assistant principal the negroes to teach our school or afraid of them out because they're afraid that they're going to lose their jobs their times there's lot of segregation that owing housing volunteers her neighbor to me am i don't see how you can sit here and beard atop a resume can say there is the segregation in chicago was it the whole thing was an association i don't know this and i do the whole thing here comes an education graduate lack of education approved as julia i was an employment manager of a former employee of dozens of negroes a five and fifty years ago twenty years ago and we're looking for a truck driver several times not just wants the sometimes we interview
colour we follow the coming in all four mile eighteen of thirty any age and at twenty five color of the laws that came into the life of the job only three year for the far right interest three or four of these really calmed southerner from the south you're from the south and only about twenty five thousand only three or four years two fifty three that before but what what can you do with the people that they serve and the south that can read and write what to do with people that have no education does that should not be allowed to send these colored people up here when we started out
oh wear cotton on this track between whether we want the fall about doctor martin luther king with a nonviolent approach when one of all snakes there was a lot about what to do we read shut up again we're afraid the tribe meets martial are afraid sophistication they got to be removed there they are afraid to not eat which is that the signals will become complacent who fear of the revolutionary it is to some people it left right my pleasure alanna say this because if there's other things that the notion that what study which they
just walk through that the middle class but maybe it was a while and so called understand what well see there were people in our show see as it is the point was part of the black vote and that no matter what happens the directives of the situation of a make you either get off the fence a carnival with a rock it is the ability to take your own resources and develop a quarter as a psychic energy of the way we want it free from london of friends were not interested in their racial house we don't want your neighborhood who are to be just as good december we don't want this kind of the possibility that hasn't this plot before a background singers that was and we are saying they're ballots cast of us that were not asking was in this
is that when he was really what you feel is an example of the answer with others why do you personally feel martin perkins worries about we were well they're seventy five hasn't worked is talking about new technique lineups are reviewed you know that no city you don't have to say there's no such thing as messy civil disobedience this a defeat if you have a revolution to go the many jazz at the police force with a lot of metal monotonous think about the not about it is that it then for the season what if every negro important policy at a big one day in september gets it wouldn't that it ultimately is generations to come off a democrat right about a thousand years ago the greek philosopher who said that those who do injustice far more harm than those who receive injustice and anybody who marched and those white neighborhoods last fall would not from the looks of that hatred and the fear on the white people's faces that they had been was harmed by
the way they have treated the negro race goes badly as they had been invaded and i think that the white race in this country needs this revolution even more than the negro race need a lot of ammonia but because they would get it right no not that i mean i would really attack mine however and i am for the negro wonder seen get ahead but now that we got with this gentleman said where these negro kind of practice his knees many of my friends have been properly but ever since this violence that they have turned against and how do you go about not alienating the white man with him for you do anything for you
right now we're in it is oh man that's right the league
dozens of the local economy there you are we
all come here countries in the world now the problem here in iraq or into the problem here who loves in here i wanted to marry you need to be integrated into the scripts
oh yeah it well we're going to pose for him i read every country of the world may have given the money to
stand out here in this to help themselves immigration is the growl and that song was the black man has been masculine now he wants to become a one wants to be a woman are going to feed back in a white mane now what you know what black people walk here to the quality they say it's all new student political science
said you know mr nixon said that he's not afraid of alienating when america young lady from winnetka stated that she saw during the markets which are just people who are full of fear and hatred mr lucas has said that american idol is either going to be free or he's going to be dead my question is this if the violence continues aren't you mr nixon you mr lucas afraid this would be the second alternative hard to say what he was saying when that juice in some ideas about that him in talking with you know what will live long i guess i'm in a lot of the terrible one that you're like you know probably a lot of the edna identity disconnection korea those wounded three time for a copy this tree
you get you know back when she was a baby but you want it on the freedom of that fault is common really get it you think you're so indestructible you think is so right weapons i remember was that someone said the one where he gave his weapon from and then long time fashion and he said thank you jesus just understand us were dead serious this country was founded on revolution <unk> settlers out there in the northeast section this country that some us doesn't fix anthems though and what that might have festivities on a baby and fat lover back and one that was that is over the men and you will before everyone was dated thing it was nothing is going to be there you can you want to really get to the widow fighting we don't frighten all your heart this is dr robert calls a research psychiatrist at harvard
university and author of the book children of crisis a study of negro and white children in the south i'm john would find and this is bob white managing editor of the public broadcast laboratory called we make of all this well what i make of it and i won't tell you know i'm glad that i interrupted this sunday that can watch it i have been working with the lonely informed sullivan with since nineteen fifty eight passing all kinds of dramatic confrontations and sickened korean dr king's prove themselves and within those community action programs i've never seen anything quite so we'll visit an incense historical as this film because in this film i saw everything that is going on americans had a beautifully shown i wish that people in this country could see in his all i can say i don't know what they might have been obviously different woman different things is what can learn from and so i
think what has happened is that twenty million people are progressively being brought together as they never were before not necessarily by the leadership whether they be the legitimate leaders of those who claim that our ways and we know don't have very many followers of them being brought together by historical experience as i think mr meeks whose very names a lot i mean given to him obviously by white people i am which is now throwing inside but nevertheless that's interesting to how he was caught up in the white world and yet railing against living in an apartment house of lords as a victim in park avenue and yet furious one is around in what i was saying was that historically i think these people are being brought together by the hour and counter with american history the way other groups have had before and we have seen and read history books you see that the irish italians the jews every immigrant group that has come to this country and have been a major source
of difficulty for the country one ornament its history has also we had to say no but ultimately went wrong for itself together and to find the rest of the society and a source of tremendous difficulty for vets decide what's the difference between an irishman an irish girl i think the feelings of the negro people we saw on the tv screen i'm not so different from the feelings of a lot of irish people about fifty seventy five years ago the new militant say what that's right i know because she must be some like so wrong people and working with these past years and i can imagine and i don't think she would feel in any way offended by this have three or four years ago she simply wasn't talking this way she was speaking more in terms of if we could only get that valve to the sharecroppers in mississippi if we could only perhaps have a better kind of human relations set up
in chicago and now she's talking about money and power political pow now mayor daley of chicago an answer has ancestors mr tom waters talk the same way we talk today if he doesn't know that he's got to find you know thats right thing is so what it much more significant population kind of talk about beautiful black etc is of them becoming oriented and typically american fashion to avoid getting nearer toward getting money and power money and pounding american phenomenon what has is the high point of the war is a song about it is the beginning i think it's the beginning i also think that that census many many negroes in an article that tend to be the leaders in the negro union have second thoughts well moving on our into white areas that
seem eager to have more countries see the kind of thing we just saw in chicago because i don't think the people i work with white people as well as neiman fact in boston i'm working in very much like these white people so called white backlash for lower middle class white people and say just what this woman said about wild thing do what we did the people who are not terrorizing our fight and politicians to now i don't think they understand how negroes feel i'd also i think they don't understand how faith and i think this film shaun white people how they feel i'm supposed to be a psychiatrist who spent ten years working with the drums and whites and i said so then i found myself getting nervous getting more apprehensive twin hearing that we are reminded here a month there were upset me would be buying the door would be a remark made by a white person running against who i think is important for
this country to understand these feelings about the right partners not just bus to meet although he's pretty good friday nights in that lab session obviously were hurt when mr meeks said we don't love you we will want to have anything to do with you is is this a pervasive feeling out in among white liberals francisco i was a white sensor why liberals for all of the intelligence of ireland claims in london prayer on the way other people around money i think white intellectuals often find land to their own arrogance which takes the form of condescension which takes it so the kind of the ny live in a sense odd almost ingratiating kindness which is infuriating to someone who's hungry who's been rebuffed again and again we saw early classical scenes here of a woman off it was offered up a dog singing well lace and
can understand now how these people can't possibly be so angry or frustrated or nueva now this kind of a lack of comprehension doesn't make her a person does make her a bad person doesn't interest in prison inmates through ordinary human being who has the kinds of blindness the kinds of self defense that we all have to have in order to survive some of these very rancorous and racism going through and i think that you think it's a better thing for the country that the negroes have come to the point where they're saying we're gonna win rather than we don't all come you loved i think that we are going through a terribly painful terribly out ranching and terribly difficult to sound somewhat series of cream sherry kind words but i think this is what we're going through a military options in a way is the film talking about parents lose their
children when they grow up the children sang the pounds so long i knew coming up and no longer your child and then you have to look at me as a man and deal with me is an animal be painful for you listening to and it is painful for instance will lose perhaps and short term advantages problems there's a lot of people would like to paterson and celestial known as chamorro has a respect of the mountain they grow up i think it's inevitable unless we're going to continue to have just what we have a society in which in which twenty million of us one tenth of us are still treated fundamentally psychologically economically politically is chilling to any parent who's ever had a child grow up and become eighteen and twenty and say so long and nina and was facing anger that they feared for the child for leaving him for talking back to them for doing things that i don't want them to do that they didn't bring them up to date and any
child was no one has to grow up in and say goodbye to all that will understand what is happening in american history and i thought that campus there between those people were people in uniform for us snake talks about oversaturation we go from real life in the north to fantasy in the style of the presentation of a day in the absence of that and that would be more teams observations are marjorie after this cause for station identification he'd years
there was no history that evening the dialogue between black and white continues across america and we're hearing it more and more in the arts traditionally on our stage isn't screens we saw the white man's version of the negro usually a caricature or two dimensional figure pale version of the truth but now when we ask who speaks for the negro answer comes back very very clear he does himself sometimes his message is loud and stern james baldwin and
leroy jones sometimes it's cooked insect aren't comedy ossie davis were the late langston hughes tonight's play day of absence is by douglas turner ward recalls of a minstrel show and was in reverse it was produced off broadway by robert hooks where it ran for over a year and won many awards he'd yell presents it as a strong comment on urban crisis and also as powerful theater watching the play with us is john hope franklin chairman of the university of chicago's history department and an authority on the history of the american negro douglas turner ward the author plays the mayor and restless the entire company is the newly formed and brilliant negro ensemble company the same as a small city in rural america it has no meaning he's
a new meanings beneath these be as marnie hello mr nemeth where only are
hot day that we're a migraine know that well the us made is ominous good you're the little wet they'll portray our methods ryan and the gate man is thank you you know we yell air
you feel in a tank farm a large war like some strain no way it's like our place on you what you got in there not and it is like some hot heel of one of the internet's are not up to snuff and actually not what it maybe you'd say in your playing now now nothing like that it's like some done happened on an inbound it was lonely where we don't worry about it you don't care agnes us bales
both so you don't feel map and peculiar calls the patio man client a we got a long day of applause it's not wrong you owe nobody and you know you worry about it you know had a common it way no i guess you're right mars but it's been i don't have a day like you think something is dropping dead and i know in math at a glam night at a brat day it look like it's going to get harder you fight a whopping he had to find them there's no way rendell was the one in the
role i thought boehner away campaign will find you give us about that night you ain't help inmates years now where nobody else in about it is not only hino better an old wire when it you know my idea about you we can gain the pushback to the fbi why is be you know thought oh it's bought me a video many
iranians he's bitter hmm no
he i don't know dr who those you
know it is why you know i say what i you are wary and the corollary the name of all of the neighbors know where the neighbors way and they all the neighbors' house the no neighbors what wehr look very in a body inside and you could remember we ate spied a matinee all morning the neighbors to remain a dive on many of whom at home on you who was the craziest not quiet way you think about you know we've been sitting upright how unwilling to see if you can recollect remembering doesn't want all that i don't recall about them off the bay in bomb but he was that got you why i'm
going that they'll be a man to be the way you think about it all nemo people walking around with the amount of crime based polling going on where they wait for the buses businessweek decide what we missed all of spanish and shoot them up and look around you ways they use a coach make no way to be saying well this foam kind of holiday former i don't know but one thing i do know at least unify they wanted is your plan a theory well maybe they even banned in and wall e and enchanted on august three let's go low secular thing to say about old
daughter otto you like a typical no use the track knew was time to continue to do this week's all new agents and finally it now you're going to blast away he says that's never gotten to the people and it's a lot of liberty have what it has given to get a body and then it might get loud here not only on time you have national executives to put a net around know that you ever saw them one day just want to
know why didn't we all know that that little was prostrate body raising the replays last line base against the bosses liberal norman runs an ideal done michael way and much more you will excuse and i was on holiday at that it could possibly boil a pot of all a toast to use life's the reagan i got laid it was the mistaken assumption that is enormously result in anything that could possibly be bad at the time a male audience that when ahmed you up with your whole same weaknesses that ultimately human imperfection but now i know i've been extremely generous and anomaly deluded you have no idea how you really all my advantage when desegregation law
co op for the sake of my whole like giant icy eileen digital device reforms that cool and dry eyed humanity to find out whether he also lent lack of income all the evidence all the time our usual you can make it to the bathroom without that was backing you up many many years ago welcome to you they
believe they are you find out when there are important like that that allow think it's the food at the bottom of the hour not ridiculous with your mom all right wait a minute oh wow iran good
morning and robert mundell my one the my when i read you know as i realized that unseen area one they growl moan in and gnaw away ahmed and me and you no no evolution with it now because we've all probably play and i don't think that the mouth of the images of his destiny all of these sound trucks the patrols these were due to population maine caucuses was in that is that is located in the control then another slot on the storm
believe that slowly through all need all intimate come out wherever they are you that don't you organized vigilantism it now track down that leave the goal before with this intaglio type of the choice of why god will find a weak that right now or go to the share not only builds big employers you move out of three women on the side of bp and when the nobodies to extol nevada they're also this hour the street bang don't i was six other though is a coloured person could've gotten any the woman or cha i be militant like dole could be scenes mail box raw they go near it we're now main jar and oh no no we had
giant she never sag that's why i couldn't expect it when the policy ten hour show you no no money i never liked you can fall apart from a model borrowed on the beach or even pushed the best way at noon everybody in town as they are yeah yeah
they just leak that's right sen dodd <unk> and then i don't need an obesity and then there's the relative of the veneration of ladies love i must say the report only this training is we are completely human sexuality and tv signal follow greece and rome or the downgrading of funding bills very real yeah all right
your daily get images of which provided that only inspiration an ideology or galileo or you can add to the old regime yellen to me and that's why this was of an ideology not know the cars will be washed up on this even allowed at all it's only the new lab i guess you you with great confidence of the damage was only itself several reports are expected in rome what they got back to work back to have announced a lot of the food is needed i'm not have them have been okay we have not heard a single wonder how effective that surge not a single one is you know you start a big quake and many inside the halls attended the middle of sat down and sat outside macon now
walden parents received we may determine that has the barn out the whereabouts of our fave local told informally but even then have vanished without rights searches was on the verge of panic and is doing so well which is among them campaign for support of policies we need was on the lorax seller but there's a ride that sentiment that even if i don't think that was the death and the ball up to even we'd only accelerate the gravity of the situation but it's a lyric that is that when they rounded up well what we don't resent them looked out you become a rational and i was thinking that would get their original that was the finding it at all costs that are already crippled must prevent extremism also been an ascendancy you wait wait wait wait and portugal will say where they hear live that
i don't want that well as you know it the scrabble club is the law that killed more than highlighting waves iranian employees and that will be back home all you know but you know what if this gentleman you won so we went on the road to recapitalize to build bigger than a bottle of the lender that back to your colleagues and an omen that that well what was the lone coleman so eleanor what
marks this man what do you mean they all in all that to say that every last one of the midwives doulas may end up in danger still not know you knew that no did just nailed down a coma like that at that point mr yoo i have to that the murdoch sons was this idea of how who may be homeless man you don't know thank you i want to know
well what the top are right it got up in june and look at all the big valley a rough treatment that he planted and we go what is laying them as sick people sick than last half will know better baby let's do want the bomb and their mascot osceola law it was billy and know which need the senate dianne is even refusing to pass away that's the idea that phone and caught up to pull these
kids yay you find out what's going on let them they grew up that is that what the government's role is back and the mother of two on your ring of profit and within the top leader and it will stay in illinois they still on the premises and that when they went to rodney regaled word this morning sailed around long view this way no try and repay even exploding dynamite charges he just wouldn't act that didn't get a big pollock say only one of vacancies bhatti impulse that in one of the background and advice says mice for his chances of a regular pattern because they've been attentive about that theory anyway they heard a neighbor's we called it wait wait what about trains and busses passing
through them must be some didn't reject no one will know you know one of the things these days what is the assistance of colleagues she said that by snail one thing it would've been last night when she woke up this morning he was brought him it's an all day in the snow could and that was the whole and brother in law what that house there's no sir besides ian investigations revealed that a dozen or more prominent citizens all missing without trial what two city council members the chairmen of the junior chamber of commerce house in a guy yells sudden have that picture and at the border the confederate rebellion happens that testimony at amazon them as a mania is no bright days as evidence points to the conclusion that they have been infiltrated in bill clinton pass and all are now passing all yeah
this is the grave could become an elite it pains me to surrender priority of our stage right we know but it is my solemn and platinum beauty can argue that we have no other recourse but to speak outs and eight every factory in spending i don't know lots of non essential workers stores shuttered from absconding on until president also each seconds somewhere in his former utopia below the mason dixon dozens of women usually tended by people most is insurgents are popping off my clients abandoned by sons daughters and grandchildren who is refusing to provide bedpans and others serving as the city's for the tottering relatives result than just a nasty messy departure of the most critically affected at all by the apple american resources a policeman
who have been denied today pete because it has on the record talked to legal and within three day has already been cordoned off with the insane asylum straight jacketed screaming and biting unable to withstand the shock of having his up his sleeve so they buy into what it is that similar attacks are so unexpected among invisible done to prevent it for the first time in years a distinguished man sitting on sentencing one single integral to a corrective institution reason german as you drive in from the joys and headaches of work the chores and as the dust begins to descend upon this sleepy southern and that we repeat the day before early morning dew had dried on magnolia blossoms your comrades citizens of this lovely dixie village awoke to the realization that some pardon me not some but all of the negroes were missing absent families departed at a fugitive away car and so far i'm retreat in order to dispel your
incredulity gauge the temperature suffering compatriot and just possibly preparing for the likelihood of an equally nightmarish eventuality we've selected a cross section of the city's most distinguished writers for exclusive appraisals of this mysterious event first <unk> council clap grab your goal of this area's most active civic organizations and stomped bellwether of the political opposition <unk> clan you account for this incredible disappeared plain and simple that when any of that plane as the cold on your week who would you consider a response i had gone on the outside if you can just won't name names one can go would you be referring to native quarantine and letters from is that still is a show which is why some old harbor mouth and stimpy both a comic what he had going on for my shoulder your city government i talk state administration that are in a blind man see the color is the big name latino balk at stake well mr glen with this massive complicity of you think the plot had been prevented from succeed nate would have been a major
blame at the doorstep of the present administration down to iraq expressed views mr clanton shouldn't do when you're always be delighted at the turn of events after all isn't one of the main policies of your society to drive and it was a way to drive them back where they came for july boy track that's right when he says oh an audible is going to do nothing till we tell them to stay put till we exercise our god given right to ten when biggie but why aren't you were going to jump the gun on that rejoices premature aging of undesirable sad a variety of boy the attack he'd like to think he was to climb up ladies and gentlemen the city's social welfare commissioner liz's and they allocate this is a hit with all of your negroes absent haven't developments raise the staggering demand made on your welfare department production of relief requests elimination of a slow removal of chronic welfare the benefits of the
contract and it's gotten about pilot projects on the growth that goes out why community with extreme hot she is the guest star ricky out what agency has always been the fall will spend it off to a better job in may we hire made in impulse and social well now areas which of poems cotton in a brown skinned very close race they knew is to beat the income in the neighbor to help him say no but talk yourself and in maine label really is how well he has a handy as all macho me situate them as biology of breast feed us says cohen because washbasin maine as shoeshine dollars and sell all tired at prevailing celery root wolpe running as andi oh we'd only make
us on a main goal is to improve a ethical back a job being out an allegation to positive participation is on noah baumbach bilbao it's all on we had more buzz use the demanding the main authors asked children she missed by the parent are you are you glad to cleanse their muscle there are up a this is the neighbor next opportunity to indulge his wry and playwright jon robin a marlene the nation you say they volunteered because of aid in these private project ones no no tell us i saved the program was a volunteer army and all wind saved eat although whaling in my garden doing the voluntary in place and they owe it all says all night has any lessons at all
disposal well you see in the operation or you know we would never did leave such a decision in the hands of the metro it would never give up the right they have no ties in the matter what all's dahl is the slogan we use this area late negro all wet years of war is good ballplayers of babel thank you mrs not ladies and gentlemen the reverend read a pious this city's foremost spiritual guidance counselor how does it look to you read it in his hand shouting gin is ten years old how would you assess the disappearance and mr lat my son are all men at the gray and defense lawyers a crisp and i ain't supposed to be calm them from
a red coat that of this may shock so many decades of the church's missionary activities among them what do you think would have prompted this mass defection it's basically a real version of the need to have is a deep rooted relativism they now have less you can understand the difficulty of the church an ad campaign day god's kingdom among ungrateful mood it's unconscious an unrelenting know large government paints a kind of pro wrestler way so mopping his quotation from countless a trade is this at all i ate or guidance all this and protection and only bob still retains tenacious gritty some prominent negro status larger debate are comparable right at least two and in fact the actual physical departure
reporters how do you explain that although my son oh do with saving message they have probably a vive and magic elixir week calculated sophisticated christians know absolutely nothing about it that it admit that they've all we are confident about contacting these evil witch drip and time being and our only saviors made it at this perilous don't draw many voters of all the nominations are participating enjoy round the clock october instead and offer in france while masters have given to say i'm optimistic about the outcome of the event of a journey which prompts me if a major draw for these words that can survive in a tornado i asked aj without rancor
operating grants warning on friday's of one of your greatest profit it's a book clubs eu was seeing time that audio book expo where they eat an already a very inspirational you reply as they get it all in all as you have witnessed ladies and gentlemen this is a town that has begun to symbolize the face of disaster a bike a lively robbing organism being forced to a screeching halt by the strange and nick meyer of the missing negroes week taking out to offices of the one man in whose hands has been crossed the final responsibility for rescuing his shuddering metropolis from the precipice of destruction we give you the honorable mayor and ray are tv but the filmmaker lee well that we just included interviews with some of your city's leading spokesman and if i may say so sir they don't sound too encouraging about the
situation on mount says the actors the two ways that women and that could be under the circumstances could lead there in hand underneath every box labs at all we'll russel l i discovered ones are well zach of that what we believe these little classes but as we based on the final sermon martin gardner once lincoln freed slaves momentarily carpetbagger reasonable mansion state legislature congress in the senate of the united states what happened or bits about right on backup lab has named the supreme court begins in our schools and that was that in india which is that will happen old takes a low paying them back to you when i saw the good fortitude severance appear i'd always went out just what health news i hate to introduce this note but in an earlier interview one of your cheap opponents was the
klan and it at your own complicity in the top and i'm lynn neary a planet the contest or to the skepticism of your constituency and what concrete declassified plans have you to support your confident claim that negroes will reappear before nightfall we are presently awaiting the payoff of a masterful five point simple recovery program would get hit when rick was a bonanza and it was was it down first exhausted efforts to pinpoint the way about the volume isn't dawkins continued to view going on the bill's ah second the president of the united states on an emergency cabinet meeting
as designated oscar primus asked area of the century lesser gods are normally first in an unusual but bouma we have appealed to in eight a cpm all other that we can spirit of that battle the benefit for limits on our non reciprocal action and requested that all for turtles seven states express their solidarity by linda michelin is to rely on credit fear and foremost we have already got consent of the government to roundabouts stray excess and incorrigible that was to be super bowl's on the best goal of the state militia that's why we stopped of pessimism confidence that this full scale concert or when none of that is the phrase that and gradually kind of what happens if it fails to think that absolutely no reason fb at lehman
about that you wished that we don't turn up some by mcnamee old building the farm has already been done you see the south has always been trying to get the ban on interrupted presence of about these new parent homes but we might be getting people like that as that adds up the end of naacp and our other neighbor fund groups the nile and not the connection with the missing victims maintain as you all a senate emergency investigating committee was subpoenaed and the washington post race and lindsay oberman contempt a handful of negroes will be to make spectacular appeals all the comeback to ask at this album is doing to disagree who was knew the malls the houses the citizen khan is inside and outside the statement saying is among one back on the promises he's made it
happen well dale birds indictment as a lawyer from shane gave another revelation in the report and it's a good route doesn't just as the disappeared all will get ousted in the competition robert escalates it and make a deep and we only one law com or taken by an occupant of law so houses and mrs singing anyone else away was the tone that was to me was a return back on settled another city and one in the parts it was the new fees that report the law cornell i was we've got the latest on the math exam the plane that he left out of all of that there's not that's a
little you got the less that was probably around about it oh i doubt it all this time around the linens pots and putin real solutions all along to collect the qualities of the whole outlook on both the beginning about what bout ottawa about before our eyes as long as it's so to me it would be a personal appeal from the directly today is over we would lead a march to the polls and express my affection farmer through the ballot box we always know i don't know have been there steve direct address from their beloved mayor if these intellectual for than the sound of a boy's they'll shake up when is the last time it usually is she was my ancestor of the four men who met when they pucker the lips till whistled while sample is gonna come out like this is a call that same chips
down these confederate great plains each league nearly ideal like a dork ron edwards facilities such a crucial public interest a dresser will range immediately for your appearance on an international look up losing you and the whitest proximity to contact him where ever they may be banking on that michael jackson reprieve the machinery and sets wheels in motion in farm towns that was being done till we roll in this to get up the next adam an excellent cooperation so there was silence in activity that is this is the most important our intelligence to tell if one single negro sold out during the dalai is within sight and then again that one many all right wing honorable mayor henry are you at the point
where you know the sniper fire and newsy wonderful people throughout the nation of you know listen to his moment his broadcasts and i thank you for your concern and sympathy in this hour of our po apps that marijuana concentrate not getting an address these remarks only for the benefit of our deep on a nigger friends and maybe less than subtle way as an hour far from land and some novel is if you are is with hot the emotion and fond memories about what happened also is the asian night i ask where are you that left a void in the middle of a single man i'll tell you you don't know what it means false to wake
up in the moment and discover that your cheerful capital of the faces of this from the depths of my heart i can only on the subject what it means to me personally it's the one place i will never be able to erase from my memory of the face my mom my mom pop beloved sack but the image of the first one back into loaves so will win just the we let the visit of the first human eileen class that's abner the profile that yet before a face oh my dear raul is in our more restless so yes land is a romantic way around amman and moon named lena not only the koreans you know i remember an astounding starts p e and drab
only up absolutely as seeking the us on the moon about oh it's a memorable bits of ali journalism is in permanent further james the map now available what if this radiant image and remained so a handful of invented to me all evening you that tom watson in the mass of the ball thank all the major the rest of us must be suffering happened in freshly been madison president we need it here and i just can't thank the station that welcome you back personally let me just do your best guess do you know nothing has been soaring upward you part of us in the long to have just just give us a sign and we'd be contended that all of that that if you let slip away all the little fun fast nuns then on up is we know you like a good that they will be willing to do you
know it i think you would you know you would oh and we've had big you use the tunnels and there's no leverage is enough to clap and common scenario we've had to get that it is up to we will be enough on ideals that it's a long as a lot of really act so that that we've got along which is long as you don't take a jaunt to fire a joke is the joke and you played a new memoir we just that was was around from you do them one of the new head of the back if we aren't agents of song
farmer i have been authorized by the president of the united states to inform you that this little eleven republicans prepared to rescue from the others doubt that you know taken to mess our resolve the eighth is that you get off on our control and you know it if you'd been bamboozled by rabble rousing nonsense leone so called an officer and protected just cause the distance i'd give us a fan he went out teeny weeny well right now no you don't know what you're doing if you are a serious interest in this obedience enlargement of the consequences liane the galaxy crossed the stars will capture un says that with all the avengers we command a new knowledge warehouse we can be double cross the state and the entire it was
the bottom of the page now an iran about taylor swift pass the guy responded that they can you know you've got the combat jobs job of it i'm broke the red you waxed the college and how it is pulling back them without the voluntary use that use that rule but it was super awesome the real number of words no mr russell you're essentially creating music that was seven of the men the mandate is that we suggested to do not just we'll let all your lab what is the platform we all of the benefactors
it's been waking in the same color hair buster they've been dried roses you left washington though these things need and then they are wiped out of your memory so sharp is that the incitement to you please was they come by please argue even questionable loans i promise no harm will be done to me we've just come in i would probably lean in a little context there dickey is the issue about why it is so well absolute must buy your requests does the race is not male that we'll concede it evacuate the
crib baby that if they would nestle has been no rain its success and i mean it was like somebody
had a beer waiting as completely as the beloved apps and negroes as our crew packed gear and crept away silently we traded softly as if we were stealing away from a muzzle me in the face of the defeated sickly now those areas you see
what i see or am i drain is a deal where it's your last lap on playing what we better make your eyes could be play a trick fall of the things they'll look like one you're buying usually flat right after earthquake but you better not jump to know has to conclusions that he owned restaurants law well a new year is the us knows why you know all you'll want rest as though adam a way i was new year's day so i was miss lilly remember i made that delivery of volume that was monday rest death yesterday was doing that
saves the city well what if you want all the other neighboring yet to be riots that god is close is it on why is the way of the riots that whereas you do you have some ideas you robin when i walk within moments suddenly i didn't know i had skipped the day that just goes to show you have that he's been
below they're beyond those quiet way that jess lively is that they never buy five of all the canes is it right this time as bob and now to washington and edward p morgan as one of america's distinguished historians he has been watching our drama in the studios of the beauty gw our affiliate in chicago professor franklin and not as a drama critic but as a historian when you write us a review
since it reminds me of an article which the reverend dr ck marshall of mississippi wrote in eight units sixty five just a few weeks after the end of the civil war room it on the prospects for the survival of a negro in the united states and freedom but the marshal predicted that as of the first of january making under twenty of the last name roland disappear may i ask you if the plague day of absence is david are is it telling something of our time is a contributing something to lead dialogue between black and white extremely difficult to have anything about the south or indeed about the united states that is david so far as race relations are concerned the so far as the relations of bingo than whites a concert for what is remarkable is that some of the same too
which were held a hundred and fifty years ago regarding negroes are there initiatives of whites are held today i think particularly of this this kind of ambivalence which show which is reflected in the play that on the one hand the negro is somehow indispensable he is desperately needed but on the other hand there are other areas of the tendency to do wei and to disregard him and you fail to recognize that he has a new updated as the aspirations and indeed a certain rights only by i think understanding the message that seems too big and they may lay of the resistance and the prevalence of these cancers forces in american life only by recognizing this time one really begin to understand what is necessary in order to do anything about it one simply looks out of those of kind
of romantic observation about why the laws or even is and i suspect that one might be fairly close to baker as the negro and as a historian and a distinguished american are you optimistic or pessimistic about the the course of this dialogue it depends upon the law and what i see and feel of that particular time that i say that i'm not terribly optimistic at the present time at oh baby i'll continue with another word for the consumer and again eighteen i'm sure you've heard there's a new cigarette it's been doing one hundred
one hundred millimeters long has extra long and because it's extra long races extras as more and more cases they say and there's more and more refined tobacco showed her new one hundred by now some say that if you think it's just another cigarette and time you go i have to say put it against the clock will soon notice the difference because it's long for about two minutes longer than the old cigarettes which only took five minutes to smoke can spend some extra time smoking it they'd say you must have heard about the new one hundred's soft in case there's a cycle or the new tobacco blend are the changes say sure you've heard about the new one hundred i'm sure you've heard that according to the united states public health service most of the new hundred millimeter cigarettes and what are more nicotine major health risks than most
cigarettes that sold before i am powers says this is the situation some observations now from washington and the real chief correspondent edward the market recently in detroit i asked a negro mother how many kids in her neighborhood went to black nationalist meetings half of them she said you can count them by their haircuts but she added we could match every rap brown with a responsible leader if we had support we're cut off from the middle class black and what she opposed the riots but saw them coming a year ago on a tide of frustration sometimes lucky opportunity can stand frustration not long ago the job corps found a high school dropout in baltimore with such a high iq he won a
scholarship to learn how to run a computer we were you know not enough about our natural resources no computer could calculate the waste in human resources caused by racial prejudice prejudice political demagogues and the popular press radio and tv included are our priorities well intrepid newsman track jungle to track jackie kennedy through cambodia's jungle who is covering in depth the vicious a responsible political safari through the jungles of capitol hill to shoot down the poverty program one had looked at a headline last week spoke volumes houseboats almost three million in military pay but nearly box at ten million in rent subsidies for the poor the same people who push crash programs for defense complains an urban expert tell us we must go slow on the city's crisis most americans white and black
about more violence in the streets do we forget the violence the white man has done the black man since slavery at best the white southerner has been honest in his superior attitude but as the race issue moved out to everybody as suburbia the northern white has been tracked by his own invented the newly revealed hypocrisy which inspired carlos russell maker to note that the misused phrase black power merely makes bigotry more respectable again i suspect the issue is not separation on immigration but recognition recognition of the negro as a card carrying member of the human race despite his splendid record on civil rights a recognition of that truth will take more leadership and the president preoccupied with asia has shall we read today russia may be celebrating bolshevism his fiftieth birthday with an orbital long the bomb of racial hatred has been orbiting this republic two more last week and the go gee i just back from vietnam war
and we better do something about all the little vietnam's flaring through american cities is there a more monstrous paradox and that's why we invest our substance in blood and bullets in a war nine thousand miles away for justice and freedom we have yet to fulfill these basic goals that hole this has been the first in a series of experiments television stations it has been the piece but nice became the police bomb
radio stations the national association of educational podcasts this week or next week reveals a second experiment of the house divided a congressional confrontation and the question of the administration's right to continue the war in
vietnam to evolve portions of this program we reported has been sorely needs it
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Public Broadcast Laboratory
Episode Number
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-v69862cg92).
Episode Description
This episode of PBL contains segments titled "Day of Absence", a stageplay about race relations; a report on the civil rights movement in Gary, Indiana and Cleveland, Ohio; and a report on Louise Day Hicks' political campaign in Boston.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-v69862cg92.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 02:29:32
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 101,” 1967-11-05, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 101.” 1967-11-05. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 101. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from