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mail you income it is something you know this is really all in at a creaky old second season is about is the first discussion of president nixon's choices for settlement in vietnam in california at the center for the study of democratic senator j william fulbright chairman of the senate foreign relations committee and former us ambassador to japan it went alright show in washington one of america's leading experts in pacification and development of vietnam's retired major general edward lansdale and berets or until very recently chief un spokesman in
vietnam and ppo chief correspondent edward p morgan also on the beales second season tonight negroes next door a dramatization by french journalist daniel unocal of the reactions and emotions of a white community when an eagle family moved next door which uses her own technique of the key problem mr rubio well now to washington within the past twenty four hours the longest and what has been described as the most hated war in american history reached a new phase yesterday these talks on vietnam actually began in paris at the outset ambassador henry cabot lodge told reporters i am the most hopeful man you have ever known in your life he ended his formal statement of the huge round table by declaring the united states government considers that have a mandate for a fresh look how and when hamlet fresh look in the vietnam war which is already consume thirty one thousand american lives
and continues to engage more than half a million us troops this towering question fairly low years at the new nixon administration with a cop priority urgency in our transcontinental conversation that evening we're going to try to determine what lessons if any we have learned from the war and explore the options president now let me ask you what life and you want president nixon to apply what you want him to do a perfect well i obviously you want him to use all of influence to bring the war to a close to get the cease fire and to proceed to liquidate the wars film possibly can i make it in addition to the thirty one thousand dead if you get two hundred thousand many of wal mart terribly alone it you know it's been a big cause that respect and about a hundred billion dollars plus in in kerry has been spent on this war i came to barry lynn has a farmer's the free and i think the country and the congress will support
him and he said oh this war any kind of reasonable basis so i think you can do this of course he had also have the option he wishes the country would support women in the opposite policy i would not but he had a great opportunity and i'm anxious vigorously denied medical care in your opinion what would happen if the talks in paris drag on interminably and women without solution for twelve eighteen twenty four months and the fighting continue would there be automatic pressures building up to do protocol for what would happen i think so because the aid impact upon our domestic situation is so severe our budgetary problems the cost of this war in addition to the lives you know the number of people in time and killed remained elemental if you're running over onto the wheel driving in some weeks lately and fifty thousand not
in the small matter of the economic particularly in the stands in the way of a great many other programs at this administration and i for that matter the american people are deeply interested in i don't believe this administration on american people are willing to accept that at least i wouldn't want to we cannot solve it on a reasonable way then we'll i think intuitively invent so forth have to be settled on an unreasonable wait and that is why i think we ought to be very energetic and very resourceful unimaginative any day i'm assuming not intend to have a permanent base would not weaken new colony and i'm going to occupy the military aren't very very definitely thought even the function that correct and i think it is sen burr the nixon administration has been in office less than a week so i haven't shown its hand too much but where you alert you have examined the earth in close session near the new secretary of state william rodgers and you
have some limited lee good things to say about him what is your sense of the new administration do you think that you're going to be forced to accuse it as you've been so severely of the democratic administrations of an arrogance of power i did nothing and with large a leaner they are in general agreement with eu has to their objective we fight about that they're not permitted into the reason they're mistaken there was what i meant about a few options and families who are having lost faith even get into that unfortunate situation and i think you're the settlement and i believed well i think he has a sense of the significance of his last election and not only the latin legend of the election sixty four the lesson that we're that we did not single rider war i
consider debate both the year after that election director conference in millions of election fraud general and they'll you're a military man but a military man and a very unique sense in that you have had personal experience in helping to solve a counterrevolutionary are revolutionary situations in the philippines against the hawks and there you have been an advisor to libya the new government and that served under three a bachelor's in vietnam do you think that what senator fulbright said it's feasible ex favorable what this moment are at the employee from early part of what's left now than a statement was only people of vietnam aid quite rightly were thinking of the american participation the most of the show and this will but we also must keep in mind that there are seventeen million or so the uk remains who are very much involved with their lives
important and sacred honor and withdraw you think of the year and leaders of the south vietnamese government has now constituted could live with a situation whereby they would accept members of the national liberation front piano at the viet kong in a government including a mentally the point of running for the presidency i don't think immediately made for a walk on a form and paulson by four know they oppose conference calls call away from one of the things one had another half the cabinet were they manage their oil jobs the la mama and forced upon them by a porn or even life on the way to market i think that for the state one point that they get the maze they make government and saigon and the people in mosul where it won't come together very strongly and
off of their lands bill isn't as an expert on the vietnamese people who have been intimately connected in conversations and consultations with them what you've taken away why you think that it escalated its own desires over fifty four years ago is it likely to be reasonable i don't know and that way on monday night or move it i really your mind at that point they leave their top where certainly have been pushing a very aggressive movement on the fall and i have been going toe right america lowenthal while the talks were going on they have viewed from the mind of their own but they are fine art both were tough i think it would be a way for a mailer threw faith with a fork hanoi having my mom from
the book the witches or thin implicit here in this whole discussion which is only a few minutes old there is a great deal of concern for the welfare of the vietnamese people themselves are you afraid of what might happen in perth side on the minority that would do be a complete reversal of the situation i'm not talking necessarily about out of junior version of cap the enemy's attack last year in late january early february well i wouldn't rule out that date military after that seeks to do no leverage and paris thing i would be afraid of and paris is that we seek to resolve everything in her and i don't think that's going to be the case you ask about a time when i think we both read you can't say that that's the time women on but i do think time is working against hanoi in the united states in terms
of the main force fighting and lived with the only thing that really expect that fee resolve in her hanoi they're aware there think that way because we both were flooded a military situation it says they were seeking those some resolution some formula under which the main force fighting will stop some form of troop withdrawal some form of this engagement which will then lead to be resolve the political question the political challenge for the existing government from the vc and so that i don't think that we resolved and two months or six months of this year that's the continuing efforts that may take two or three years we have been mind that the choices here in the decisions are not all hours the awareness of the attorneys about the process of how noise of our panel last were talking about a precipitous withdrawal which i don't think
anyone really knows this is a two way street hanoi has to be as ready to reach a reasonable solution as we are and i think this is what's going to unfold in the next next two of monticello through it state of mind her own or very unstable as well if you agree the nixon administration as a priority and liquidating the floor but i don't think you can do unilaterally and i hope their lawyers state of mind of the same as going after i shower if we can look back across the country to use or in your latest book beyond vietnam i gathered from it that the real thrust of it was in terms of asian responsibility in particular and that gentle foreign policy that's your criticism was that we didn't really have a policy until after we got into a crisis of our inner crisis and we're trying to get out and this parrot phase may be hopeful when you assess it in that
context i've gotta know where you want to go in oregon step by step get underway morass of that sort i think we're in the process of changing our view of what the problem is in a human what are owners should be we got into the vietnam war thinking that we were stopping communist and chinese aggressiveness i don't think that would ever call that was made that that's near vietnamese situation i think we have learned from the war that we cannot control what kind of situation we need to get involved in that that still has a problem of how do we move out without doing even greater damage and they'll mention the thundering million people in vietnam itself in the us amish are made it is in the united states and i think of
that image for the whole world situation so while it is clear that we must move out of this war we must do it in such a way as to sell you a real chance to determine their own future dr ashrawi a scene to be in the end general and surprising unanimity on the overall goal here of ending the war and leaving that area stable as possible but if you were to do that day could you come down to some specifics on what you would suggest and in that connection with you before or against are taking a position endorsing a coalition government at this point i think their job to find a political solution in vietnam a lot to be worked out by the south vietnamese at mission not oppose a coalition government but a coalition government would be an end result of a very long process that senator paul rudd talk about a cease fire though i were something about it there are a million to draw a single line that the trouble
area that the two sides are so mixed up with each other but to get this a cease fire of almost through and all fine and the final solution of that war because what comes out of the politically will be determined by the nature of the cease fire and under the coalition government can set the something way down the line and work to be done basically by the vietnamese themselves we have the problem of getting our own military involvement in vietnam finished in a relatively small short period time people talk about time and that i don't think we can have any time limit for the actual negotiation but there is a political climate on the president yesterday getting american troops out of vietnam within a fairly short period of time that is within this year that begin moving out i think you're also going to be a real problem hang on the line when there will not be a massive american this patient has made clear that a show that within a year or two saigon has to make some sort of political settlement with the
dissident element in south vietnam develop themselves senator fulbright the man who has become at least in the title and responsibility than when george bundy or if you will walk around scholarly nixon administration henry kissinger later of harvard has said in an article in foreign affairs minister the sense that we should follow what is called a two track system installed in vietnam that week americans a minority in these should negotiate on the de escalation of troop commitments and the south vietnamese and the animal if india can come apart or should try shot the political situation does the scene a viable solution you're new object to is too complicated and i think also his remarks could be interpreted in some of the way that the main thing that first thing without mandates if it i
mean in the slaughter of people are people and there's an obvious generation of political thing will take longer and that's in his contract i don't know that we're at some special meaning i don't know what i understood that his organization which is not unlike what was kissinger said and i think this is a way and it will take time for the political want to stop the major fighting and killing people i think tempers and feelings emotions tend to calm down a bit and you could be a little more rational approach and the political spin figure for self determination we always calling elections maybe they have the mother's system by without a donation can be arrived at it isn't easy but i think that the russia have mentioned this a moment ago it seemed to me this is what was involved in vienna iran the geneva and i approve the principal the actual implementation through international
supervision and so on has been discussed at length i wouldn't object anyway are even saw the political thing on those variations idling we can impose a version of a political solution i have suggested another avenue from his asian other ideas that might make a more acceptable of the things you relied on i think his marriage in the concept of vision joe lansdale mollify gone and washington at least the secretary defense clifford have indicated that despite this morass of problems both military and political that it is not unrealistic to think that we can pull out a number of troops during nineteen sixty nine anywhere from fifty thousand added two hundred thousand eight in your opinion is this feasible acceptable and good and be assured we do it on a unilateral basis even if the north
vietnamese stand up only on the de escalation well first i made unilateral those months and may warbler two sides and that we cannot act unilaterally we have from objectives for change the way we want their own simply pulling our troops out and bring them back all the employer really trying to bring about a long lines solution in vietnam including the people including the political and there has to be some safety or security for the people who do come to a sort of combination of amusing ones and that means that we would withdraw troops only one we can lead the people secure enough to become known unknowns i don't know they really are
recorded withdrawal of north vietnamese units from south vietnam there's a sort of an open secret that they feel like they've gone into cambodia but they're close by i don't know or whether we have they're complicit word that they'll never come back in the south vietnam or not i a year brazil now they know very commander in vietnam from roy berns wouldn't want to cut america's combat forces from persuaded him that he didn't have to use just to have them i'm a standby basis for a time when you come to your ear a superstructure your headquarters to proliferation of all are you mammy mammy americans to work on various projects or i and i suspect there's some fire and become a senator fulbright your colleague here with me in washington both know i was there when the europeans came to
me to fly very strongly that's our commitment to such as it is at this time and place to the south in these people in here vets are moments in this engaging clark clifford the outgoing secretary of defense was more praise than severely criticized for putting public pressure on the south vietnamese government for not moving fast enough to take over forty you identify yourself in the situation and i come with different view i think the the head basis for a settlement with found out fairly well in the geneva accord i think the government without yes ma'am i don't wish to be pretty clear in that sense but he's not certain they are fully representative of the people's interest there so it's a military government most of the generals were very special role in this country and the continuation or a huge you know i'm on the people of years if you're interested in the people of this thing from the girl and i am interested in them and i think a ceasefire
mr that's under the conditions of the fifty four seven with it would be acceptable and it has the advantage of having them over the chinese the russians in other words other interesting people and then not unless there's some berries they change it are not aware of other than our own embarrassment for having made a very foolish committee and i think other than that it knows the principles of fifty four still up where you stand on the issue of bringing home or starting to bring or marco when you start it now regardless no i don't think i would have is if i'm not sure about the period detail of different i think that's going to give these people an opportunity to negotiate without making any serious change in the status quo is i'm dave davies anything and
a incentives i'm assuming certain crevices and that is that we do not intend to alabama basin hit man actor as you are assuming that there have been lessons you are vietnamese experience up to now what are they and how do we operate on them to avoid the amount in asia in the mirror on the far future so they realized we cannot control a situation of internal instability which is what the new situation basically walked that would be quite clear that we do not want to be involved in terms of bases and necessary in terms of hard and fast commitments too unstable or less developed countries of the types of his nominees and so that we should be minimizing our commitments of that well perhaps maintaining a un military posture in the western pacific and would allow us to have the option to intervene in the reintegration of a reintegration occur across borders and in the conventional way i think that in the news for us and we certainly
should be moving toward a complete evacuation of our military from vietnam and david had this in mind i think we can begin cutting out troops right now because obviously we have a lot more than is necessary for the only operation that we tried it carry on at the present moment i think the symbolically very valuable a start on the standard one thousand and one that has been mentioned so that by later this year it'll be quite clear what direction we're going to go we're playing a terrible political price in this country and internationally and our elections with all other countries and i think we have to nina simone to our own people and to the world that we really mean to move out of southeast asia in this way and i should say for a natural area there rather than an area that is specifically committed to us i said i don't wish to reject anything would do this without some value to pay some attention to the japanese japanese conference and the possibilities of impending doom the
ferrari they're not isolated get them and concentrate on your attention on it that is only one aspect of a very broad and important job where you you made a very important promptly nobly bigger than that much earlier on to explain the reason why you and authorize shark are at the center for the study of democratic institutions in santa barbara namely to meet with a dozen or so of your opposite numbers from the diet in japan on the question of china and i'm grateful to you for doing me up on that i wish we were able to be there when you just thought of it that way is even more important in the future and one ma and i think in the for some kind of solution that the details like with the one of the the field share their lives in relations between japan china the united states in that area dr sharp i think one of the euro other tried to travels about american foreign policy is that we tend to oversimplify so often we get hypnotized about vietnam we get hitler
hypnotized about the orthodoxy of chinese communist party and eisen obsessed about a recession and probably not an exaggerated were in in the closing minutes of our conversation after a short walk in the basis of your experience should be our stance our policy toward asia granted that china is a big power but not forgetting that japan is the rue industrialized power in the area and we want to talk about that all my speech for me on this we became so obsessed with the chinese problem in nineteen fifties that we thought it was involved in vietnam another major reason why we got involved in the wrong spot there are on the danger of being so obsessed with the vietnamese problem that we don't see one of the really important thing on the war stands out far
above anything else and all of our relationship with japan would indirectly important was an intern for negligence and in other great country who can help in the economic development of war the peaceful development of this part of the world in an hour of the crisis the relationship with japan the next year and a half ago to be a very difficult time and we want to be thinking about that behind other questions the problem of better relations with china but i think it will lead in helping the chinese to get out into the world oh yeah through the vietnam problem though i think after the thaw and so quickly in such a young contemporary way we eat in family in danger these much more important things the relationship with japan and then with long range problem i personally think that the we should not be in southeast asia i'm not for international peacekeeping force and i don't think their work where i think the people of southeast asia have a great deal of bins are on their own there is and we've given them credit for
the ave can develop vietnam themselves in a tie but thailand and so we should give them one day we can from the outside that we should not consider ourselves responsible for the future of that part of the world and new wave of the incident what you think china and japan how are they going to react to the first auction and again they directly or indirectly influence the talks secondly china can i think can influence the talks should have influence in an art i don't know that the japanese have tried to influence anyone yeah yeah come back again to this question that we were in the conference long range of relationship between japan china and are symbols of them with ourselves and there's a viable and i think the
japanese have that i have a unique opportunity is a great country and the third most powerful economic country economically speaking the world with his version of his arm i think it is is a great turning point are they going to follow the traditional way and go back to military are moments in the only a in the view of the existence of nuclear weapons are they going to be capable of taking a new approach to the international relations and possibly make a breakthrough forty different way a different way quite different from these traditional haggling about bases in cleo weapons on land or in the sea and so i think this is an opportunity in with anonymous and live including myself i sense there is an opportunity this is a good country and with musicians from japan and with assistance from us we possibly mike making for the realization of our one really like would probably eroded are shooting it out in new orleans on for five thousand years and something's got to be done in my view and the
view of the majority or is not obsolete that england was thought that i'd be thinking of moving the phantom invasion of japan having me god intended the big question does not that investment in these vast establishment such as the pentagon represents in this country when you think of what the pentagon represent approximately half of the total of the given this country we live in and i'm hopeful that the leadership people like rush hour and you have a new approach can be made an initiative by the japanese i don't think is a risk for the vegan the risk is on falling away with nuclear weapons senator let me try as delicately as i can to pin you down on one thing that you said just before we got talking about china which is certainly the overriding overriding issue in asia what would be the fulbright recipe of intervening or not intervening in a ruckus is abroad certainly not eligible low wage employer in various
countries are trying to work out their own grievances we should not intervene on one side or the other to be unsuccessful and would be very bad for our own our own fortunes i mean this is very bad intervention it is permissible i think it's true multilateral organizations in which we get economic aid to a country without regard to what is illegal and social organization is the line as joe think people should be allowed to develop that in accordance with their own power we should not trample their own view of the country especially assuming that we got a settlement of some sort in the next several months or whittier how soon after that or what during that time what would you be in favor of giving to north vietnam in terms of economic and technical assistance are the aged comes as they do multilateral organizations for example the asian banks singing
that received a big event of the asian bank should make that decision i would not think the united states or sell directly to become involved in getting aid to the two countries after a long run out there who lived and trying to promote this idea i would use things some professional that's needed what's called point forward i mean really developmentally i am as it always does patches to swiftly and as each one of you gentlemen who have just capitalize on your hopes and fears in terms of what you think the nixon administration can and should do on this this this terribly deep moral of the vietnam problem an icon of eighty three really major lessons out of vietnam has that we americans have to find some other way and going and going and filling the job for other people we have two were
made very great skill that will work when we've been involved in for war who are helping other people to help themselves and we have been going on the promotion now we've all agreed that a priority is terminations of the main force fighting the killing of people i would suggest there's a restraint a limitation on the nixon administration that is that whatever formula is reach whatever resolution there is an asia has to stand up at least for four years has to be somewhere so that there is a backlash of southeast asia is in riot unraveling in nineteen seventy two the nixon administration will have to be accepted responsibility for that i think it's back something professor archer said at the start the importance of our good faith and bona fides in southeast asia this has to be borne in mind but certainly we can all agree that the shooting has to stop and be a family they have to let the vietnamese themselves turn to the
political resolution of the situation there senator fulbright obviously president nixon is under tremendous pressure oppressor self generated and in some respects to end this war in a mac minimally and satisfactory way as max away satisfactory as possible if you can do this in the next several months it will be a political thriller in the republicans' cap and a lot of the say in nineteen seventy and there on that the democrats get us into war and the republicans get us out of business cards you apprehension as a as a member of the elected reelected branch of the government and i think he read the country's welfare of course far more important than any for consideration i think what you say about it quite foolishly if he succeeds in that i think he is there's such a lesson in this war that surely have no other administration will the
lander again into a new civil war is in seeking to intervene and in such a situation i thought i had one word i do think there is a big lesson is that policing activity of our interventions for two billion in places is it a very important man and i think that this mistaken this warbling back very far all the way back to where we he said only that it is due to the country to maintain its control of a colony i don't know an example of where this country's done that this was a smart beginning but it led to very serious results with it with a succession of decisions in between of course wishing him and that lessens our eye chart what would you like to see most accomplished in paris what is most realistic to think can be accomplished in paris between say now on the magic arbitrary date of june thirtieth the law clearly i really think that they belong in the company around and monetize the
situation i think we're going to have a bit of unilateral withdrawal on our side long negotiations are going on that would pressure on saigon fighting to come to a political settlement with the other lebanese than this news and so i hope that by a jew living well on the way towards getting the forces of north vietnam and i didn't think of that area and then they'll out and saigon well i've been forced to come together to really discuss some sort of a cease fire and the future of political settlement there but it's often then rather than the us marine and an author to decide what that settlement in south vietnam should be that is up in the air in a couple of senses could you give me your own hero nerd edition of that response new religious revival i would basically agree with those are you know we taught them when the gradations of how silly then if we pull out and the bia police handle the situation i'm perth where he met up with any of them even more grueling take effect
in that i bought hanoi and the american disengagement troops even if they're not pulled out immediately physically and left the people inside the authentic way and resolve their problems out of vents in the long run the first five and a headache which we live and wrote about jimmy we'll work it out and you think it was a mistake fourth forget involve over time during your bearing your service in vietnam when he set off there we really made a blooper or we should've done you know i've i believe than our commitment there i believe in the basic policy we have a first execution frequently but i don't think i want to be the benefit of hindsight and turn back and say we were wrong i think there has been an essential merit in our involvement there i don't think anyone conceivably would reach the stage and five hundred thousand troops the level of casualties we had the great division says has created at home these are very heavy prices we
pay but on the other hand that i would not have even today turn around and say vietnam was was an error gentleman thank all of you very much for a meaningful conversation still to come on the deal a second season this evening negroes next door a dramatization by filmmaker daniel eagan about reactions and emotions when negroes crossing neighborhood come about the bill's second season continues in london thank you
the bill's second season continues tell negroes next door to portray really a little white label worked with first negro neighbors it grows next door is the creation of a french filmmaker the euro's you know i'm a janitor of france germany after having
covered the book with the world for fifteen years go about the world interview the note that union and let anyone keep it either qualify for becky and ice pick for the man he and his back to the public more humane care for children to expect that genetic of the fans here the head what you think all live in the humane of life connected and previewing the action might be better equipped i've been meek opinion when ed and i think of what you for humanity getting effectively a victory the issue came to me a challenging path will likely i don't know anything about the city that he came to me a wonderful opportunity to approach apartment so badly known and understood that point so i went to meet with her and she played when i
don't know anybody out with friends and people around the academic but god time i speak but it's neither one handicap after six weeks to wearing metal chute that he knew about he read that one hundred and fifty feet and an infant oh no cooperation in fact a knife in the keep and i don't even like that they were doing that they live with each other even in the flood plain and the client about comedic that even the life of the weekend and so i'm gonna ask you need hard work to be socially lead people who have to be i'm a junior i mean it enabled nixon talk to people you we feeding in an old white neighbor who are really be believing in cleveland the same block in the same level typically available in the
situation they've been there in addition police report it interview or redeployment plan to be the author of the cooking and feeling and maybe that bp acted now psychological info should be having on with it maybe he and i can think about seventeen to get my pen and the commentator or acting it on to cause i'll go through them and we can be thin thin at all at a map and they believe that a parent be here sufficient we're hanging tv he didn't match i think in youth of in her new comic the new five halfway between entertainment and new economic argument to catch other very much of the moth can cover here issue hopefully we're going
to get an email at the same time income it an objective keith i would hope that neglect of weeks last week's episode we love the event that you we give you an idea of the way now thank you
yeah they are different how does it remembers iran's leaders moving into a middle class neighborhood and trying to lose the identity of the day in between i v nasty we stay here and on the way here no we can't
do you have any hints now her name the peak i understand why james got one movement or why doesn't really cost entwistle and find the conveniences form some sort of a given the throne would be able to find a
good ole within the negro neighborhoods he would probably stay in the neighborhood however as it stands now it seems so most of the homes are in a right handed because he was a decent home in the same neighborhood to raise his children and you'll move into the neighborhood so wednesday night in the phillies will go to get a job it didn't have a beat and then make good morning
it's been here a chance to get up i'll either get talk about yours you're happy you're a tv actor and finally you may get into america the americans with it the passion and he has
he says is more about the holiday yeah or even now some of the other common names are those people live rather than a for years and years and they had known about him by enemy of family and the allies and many at the moment i'm not prejudiced but i feel that there's a time in a place for everyone and i think i mean i played in i think that
eventually we will all be together and right now i do think to the way i feel about it that it takes one person twenty years or better to pay for a normal average person and we've got a clip of that you have to pay for it i went through it i try to live in when i did eugene what i've been awkward <unk> move into their three bedroom i'd be the first one that nobody of them
know that they had absolutely no problems the poll well i think if you could come tomorrow night that would the best because you are the first to come into the district and maybe it'd be better on the game oh well it depends on the type of negro if they were it might be a neighborhood where jimmy a fine upstanding man who's proud of being a major problem for a clean and that you know i would not mind and rio
de la la la campanella no no keep and i think the majority in the house and an update segregation integration microsoft opens the jack white neighbors and i would not so the individual and i would i buy next one if i could afford it everyone i really believe that the negro it in your ear and this is one of the people that you're here and you have to be just a little bit and i thought that well you have black people moving into your neighborhood and they dropped it and then obviously your
neighborhood is no longer what you thought i was really very valuable to you know the mainland they were he's been to pass but the pain the peak and
just as buyers because it's behind us be it the monkeys thank you mm hmm behind him no way oh yeah
is it is here among the middle aged man has been able to turn the clock on our home being on now to a confrontation can we talk it's
because of the point it's been disbarred crew this bill is but krone is it
no no oh yeah i know i couldn't now i have heard of all the real estate
agent calling for us and it wouldn't sell quick the wind and devalue out now and it appears thirty right good job get you somehow sarah set a mood because enterprise myself much for prodigiously because of who my friends are precious i really can't put my finger on the reason why
this moment let's say that they are but when they were just married and they have no job they talked a good game you know they live close to me and i lived in an integrated neighborhood many became pregnant that they begin to think about moving them into the trial comes in the curly hair so we're really begin to think about moving in the movie gets about that big here we go but you know and you have good with a
good deal more serious problem i don't wanna leave his neighborhood i like it here a lot of it it had i not only had no problem somewhere else i don't think there's anything that we can do with our own thinking about that i didn't want you to know that i feel the same way that we can be proud of it that i don't want my children getting here anymore i don't feel that i have a prejudice i'm at now it and while i disagree with the things that my wife because they say that even practical to leave this house after all of that work and the numbers project that we have
undertaken here which we live where we want to be happy where that we have to change around thinking one thing here do you expect any big chain and this big changes in race relations in our country fall or whether they want to move on with some consideration of what you're going to do it once we got not what they normally like i don't think we should jump to a conclusion that there we don't
want that i can see is here is a calm i don't know how to be nice about this the problem is the builders right here but something has happened because everyone worked hard we were due to get what we got and we have to because we were and now we're going to lose it because whether we like the system or not the mere fact that a lawyer element has moved into a neighborhood is going to eliminate real
and i'm renee montagne i'm renee montagne and then i for a second day now
i did i don't know for me i think that's why people believe that the only actual they have sexual hierarchy of the white people secret for years i know
the pope has been if bikinis but has been leaked to the press mm hmm
other people in the alley behind the house we have no problem last year they have a barbecue and that they'll sing and dance and make noise until a very small hours of the morning and by neil and freshly i've been waiting for an invitation but it's never come a lifestyle it's a lifestyle that was gonna be very good
the oracle because he was delightful of trying to make him white like an acute npr white girl and yet to be like tomorrow and i don't like it now and then the girl is good for the light and you could see where they live in a world that we have and my children did grow to an integrated school tillman except each other much more readily was my grandfather a certain reservations that i don't have and i have some in my children have less prejudices than i am and i think the children are much more receptive to being friends this case was decided only at night
like present feel they know is that it's got an electric and again and realize that the victims in the virginia new schools have been subjected to me is when you take a section of these days you find that there are only one sixth as many new routes three hundred and thirty point law which is the demarcation forensic period plateau of intelligence my recollection he says that the
saturation point in education was below ninety well may find it in the body of the page less than monica grady that it didn't go through and the tension between the races and you must keep in mind that in a number of these men the politicians and the label launched on the proposition the narration joan between homo directors and no moves at the end about two hundred thousand years after the line racially it's b oh it is
huge the peak oh david would do that they played in la when i first got there are white school it seems so much different because i was so far behind and what i have learned everything seemed to be so much more advanced than what i was able to comprehend let's go get schools back i don't think hillary is that the important thing character and
background type of person main thing i believe in integration that to me an equation doesn't mean to say this what intrigued me as a man at this to try to get in and start making progress and about myself as a man does not accept the gospels and about people who have a lot of the women
they have somewhere to their people as bears b indians we came
we're doing what we have to get rid of the party when we're neighbors about collins i know i believe i would but my guess know in advance that i was bringing a negligent level not to get something done because they think it's right is it going to be i think that would be happier if everyone had to get in the new book we are not the now fbi
has been going on she's a black woman trying to be something she is now in the black bean not located the militants at least be with the people allowing america and the american and having grown up in the us american society one has to adjust or you don't survive the twentieth you do and the whole movie that are these wonderful people are they do i want
pity i really don't have a hate adding that in an accepted without really any a north on the line many many many years
before he commissioned it i just want to be
away from you people talk about community when i shape without it you know i mean the hostilities the guy in the state
examples the new testament of the masters he's on the line actually her friends of mine who have never had that chance that the candidate you know in aleppo a black prisoners like you don't have that you know that you know they are human beings different meaning now it's been doll here is paleo chief correspondent edward p morgan with his personal point of view moving as my down the unit those dramatize documentary or if you please documentary eyes drama maybe it leaves off where the story actually begins it's what is
happening over the long pull the middle class black citizens truly caught up in the race issue that light has been largely obscured their voices drowned out by the bellowing a bigoted extremists on both sides of the racial spectrums a fragment of their painfully ironic position is caught by a cartoon in of all things the january issue of playboy magazine seated in a comfortable living room an angry adult seizes the negro youngster by his shirt front and shout sure my name is tom and you are my nephew but that doesn't give you the right to call me uncle talk of course there are those black americans nobody quite knows how many were broken the barriers of poverty and to a lesser degree of prejudice and in a material sense have made it and want nothing so much as to insulate themselves from the racial struggle and turn their backs on their fellow citizens left behind in the rural backwaters and the urban slum it is probably not unfair to label this minority of the black minority as belonging to what might be called
the uncle tom an anthem i'm a but that is not the thing that i'm talking about but committed blacks who were activists but not extremists in the racial struggle within their ranks i think is being forged a potential linkage between black and white america which in the end will bridge the threat think as in the apartheid and eventually bind the nation together with the throngs of equal rights equal opportunity and equal justice but meanwhile these americans and their children are taking a terrible beating take for example a brilliant young attorney i know who made it from harlem to harbor and who now holds an important position in the federal government here in washington he and his attractive wife had been accepted as a charming adornments the capital society but they can't help thinking of themselves in the brutal terms of how sneakers because never are they free to accept a tennis vader a luncheon appointment in a private club or whatever without
exploring the potential of embarrassment and roadblocks of racial prejudice which resist ironically in this still southern town probably calling itself the cockpit of the free world on the other hand my friends credentials in washington's ghettos are rejected by black militants on the grounds they have sold out the hunky and the white establishment no revolution that i can think of has spent itself without damage the twisting tornado like dynamics of america's social revolution being is furiously inconsistent illogical and a time as destructive as they are it is probably true that the black population or parliament must go through a transitory phase of separatism in order to collect and stabilize its confidence and pride but a nation divided against itself permanently simply cannot stand and to keep it from such a fate the moderates especially the black markets are absolutely vital to shape of his reporter's
point of view we like some baby the whole second season returns with generational songs an examination of the crisis gripping and in some cases policy that makes sense that our study is the most advanced a controversial power struggle now underway new york city's search for a workable of the plastic we reorganize school system at mit and he also builds public television station gay or engaging in denver colorado on its thirtieth anniversary special assistant was received on public television stations in los angeles and washington dc chris
has an easy it is something you can sit and this is really a second season nationwide distribution of the proceeding program was a service of the corporation for public broadcasting nine yeah yeah hunsaker says the system urban school crisis in new york city sunday in generation and launched a deal second season examines the
controversy over community control now gripping the nation's big city school systems it's a controversy often confounded by sheer frustration good job oh no
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Public Broadcast Laboratory
Episode Number
Vietnam Discussion Hunebelle
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-qz22b8wh8d).
Episode Description
What's the best way out of Vietnam for President Nixon to take? On Sunday, January 26, Public Broadcast Laboratory presents a live coast-to-coast colloquy with Senator J. W. Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Edwin O. Reischauer, former ambassador to Japan and now professor at the Asian Institute at Harvard; Barry Zorthian, former director of Joint U.S. Public Affairs Office (JUSPAO) in Vietnam and now executive at Time Inc.; and Major General Edward G. Lansdale, one of the nation's chief experts in counter-insurgency strategies and tactics with over a decade of experience in Southeast Asia. In the live color broadcast, the experts examine possibilities on extrication from Vietnam and of maintaining U.S. commitments to other Southeast Asia nations. Senator Fulbright and Professor Reischauer speak from Santa Barbara, California, where they are visiting the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Mr. Zorthian and General Lansdale speak from Washington, D.C. Following this live, interconnected discussion, PBL presents two views of race relations in the U.S.: "As the Twig is Bent," a look at a positive aspect of the problem filmed in Vermont with the Vermont-New York City youth project; and a short experiment in "Documentary Enactment" produced by French journalist Danielle Hunebelle, "Negroes Next Door," about a racially troubled St. Louis suburb. Hunebelle calls her technique "Psycho-docu-drama." An editor of the international magazine, Realities, Mme. Hunebelle has produced dramatized documentaries for ORTF (French Television). (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Global Affairs
Race and Ethnicity
War and Conflict
Media type
Moving Image
Guest: Fulbright, J. William
Guest: Reischauer, Edwin O.
Guest: Lansdale, Edward G.
Guest: Zorthian, Barry
Producer: Hunebelle, Danielle
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-qz22b8wh8d.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:29:45
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 209; Vietnam Discussion Hunebelle,” 1969-01-26, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 209; Vietnam Discussion Hunebelle.” 1969-01-26. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 209; Vietnam Discussion Hunebelle. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from