thumbnail of Public Broadcast Laboratory; 219; The Eames Design and Report from Chicago
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we lose the people ourselves and trades and when the calls them so part of the reason is that because an artist is a title and you don't have again that by choosing a line of work the film's subject of the sentence to hear we realized it when
it's time the real huge role to us right question and sometimes way i feel it by as you sound like the top david susskind show the peak i really really love me the result when they ask questions or an informal interview is a kind of financial markets which it turns me from out of that simple unassuming guy so a monster full of great bits of wisdom mr know it all of the century is over and reagan says no less violent but it's simpler is pure paralysis
nice to be in the us really all of the mouth and they're sweaty palm have an animated gesture if you'll forgive the comparison to spiro agnew which you won't charles eames also is hardly a household word in america true eames furniture such as this chair i'm straddling is now an established than distinguished part of the international canon of design true films by charles eames and his wife ray have won prizes and filled with exhibitions across the world their artistry has been debated in prestigious seminars and analyze and professional magazines from tokyo to the loo eames as a consultant to his clients range from ibm and westinghouse to the smithsonian institution and the department of interior is virtuosity in design curves from a bag of towing cars to the entire and radical concept for the new national aquarium in washington one is tempted
to call him a genius or tag him as a kind of latter day leonarda live and she both labels would infuriated as you know just a few minutes ago charles eames as a little impatient with attempts to immortalize but somewhere short of canonization perhaps a close look at the work of charles and ray eames and restore us some balance in this cockeyed year of the irrational the team's attitudes toward work and toward life can tell us something about ourselves and about tomorrow if we watch and listen closely as we were we got some of the message in teams own works but much of it comes from films we have a excerpt of the first two films gives some idea of the range of the game's my boss steve
one of the keys to understanding a new a special field is getting to know something of its move a particular flavor that's often given by its technical vocabulary and its special effects are greater seattle lenders shakers rectified and getting aligned drivers were to rival dc cable that isn't the control unit everything is under control of the real story and then once you realize cpu by the channel interviews along these intern wasn't destroyed with a couple of the driver conditioned by side each x y line that enters the storage or addresses a particular and were the absence of presence or because coming on the line feels like you know
and that level of it was determined by setting the current flow resulting from the twins and annex it is needed and it is located in the top oh yeah it
is a far fetched connection with the italian renaissance but interestingly enough means does work and then in this case brenner sees only political subdivision of los angeles offering considerably less architectural inspiration and poorer grain eads in its namesake teams defend venice and really the community we love boe admitting they moved here thirty years ago to a place where no one knew of them so they could get their work done they have and they work in a rundown neighborhood in a building with the outward appearance of a factory inside things are a little different recently in washington dc
i'm not for a memory book but critical political purposes charles eames for grabs a chair in his duty of a chair a prototype was built right here in his own shop by his own staff most teams project evolve slowly because he refuses to take shortcuts as he put it to us is unwilling to explain something a client's no idea for instance until he understands his explanation however can sometimes be bewildering because with a kind of gracious impatient he assumes the layman sees it as clearly as he does a devastating complement you're a loser oracle marc attacks makers of things shavers of ideas
dreamers grassman reaching toward art towards order structure problem solvers and critics of cam simpson ideas expressed in concrete or steel or lloyd or just don't work you create yours anything that you're working on consideration the likes larger and are they right i'll arrive fargo transaction legacy of kinds of voices that are right in our would be very much alike in loans religion and right were a very strong concepts relation to the building of the landon how one should say to be part of the other horrible the very opposite what's man's man's with majors majors with but it still there
like this as a whole move in these times fighters from from all of them and learn more modular furniture schwinn or marketer can sort of the classic eames chair come from that come to you as you're shaving one morning or how hard the thing to go the story came to me in a thirty year from i hope you're thinking of those same chair i'm thinking of this and thinking of the molded plywood on terror without which in a way is they you know only really interesting chair done but no i came over a longer time and low rate from the rectory here and think of you but may said mendoza well and so while cohen for les harrison the past or if it
was a warm and they can debate they break it was one of course which we weren't conscious of the time a word we were intent on doing a piece of furniture which when you look at it if you've got anything from it visually that what you've got to have a direct recently building furniture this is largely
because we look out of those unfinished business there's some pieces that should've had a lot more attention to detail typically in the light of a remarkably long life that lounge chairs an example leigh the molded plywood chairs one that really didn't get the attention that needed i believe it shows a show of fire and was chairs are pretty good but the race was really never saw i never had a passion for innovation and only way ever had and i'd certainly like to clean up the unfinished business no question but what we get pleasure from it and there's also a question what that that herman miller projects of help support the other projects the late great arrows simon and his work are bound up with much of the team's work washington's dulles airport has a special award for child seems not just because he designed furniture but because his friend arrow designed dollars whatever the assignment both men followed a
similar approach carefully examining not just it's not function but far beyond structuring for future use a hero at the time of the dulles was an amateur airport desire and i think that so there's a thing when an architect does the same thing too many times he loses is understanding and no longer has that the ability to even look at a problem in a fresh way so that when taro the dallas he was looking at airports for the first time not as a professional reporters i mean i think that has a lot to do with her not heroes motion with a completely remove the aircraft from the terminal itself so that the incentives league oppose services in line and through the mall the lounge go out and service the aircraft which would mean that the second third fourth
generation gets no matter what form it took i don't know who you know we would have the city they film for arrow on dulles airport and arrows haven't really a tough time with the day the official groups involved include the prose airline smoke reckon marker that the group the getting them together to listen to the id and said it takes three hours and they just can't sit still for them he said this may be another meeting in a month and if we had a failed state the concept of the dallas airport and we haven't lowered because they didn't think the lift it would be great and so when we spent a whole day and with iraq or eleven no we went back to the coast and using is that voters put together
in a sense what was this concept fell that happened around ten minutes because you can get an emotional material and thirty days later is terrorizing the film arrived but arrowhead know that's him he he wouldn't go in cold with the bill arrived at the last minute just before the maybe the pitcher with a projector and the coach was a different mood the first half of that and actually this isn't what the dallas i cried because it was the concept that was a great concept but the ten minute statement was a great tool are choosing the median and the techniques to sell to a crowd in to a lucid way whole not the whole flock of ideas forms and definitions but otherwise would take you all night to explain it was
audiences are now out and the father of holding them for an extra second so it so terrifying that we do i think in its brutal work to do to you so the whole new planes and sort of get them down i was going to do if there's a group of guerilla the moment i think they add up in my mind the number of man hours i wanted to them to get them all in there and this is a major responsibility that scares you know one of the reason we read that those those not a little peep show or even get they just tried to get a significant idea caused in two minutes not so much as a tour de force but we don't know if it's two minutes maybe they they won't mind say it again because i'm tired of the city's twelfth do you think
or a piece of art or we think of men of things from a trickle is only symmetrical to one hundred times or that is he looks the same as his mirror image there are many kinds of symmetry and some things can be shown to be more symmetrical another one way to test cricket presents a victory is to count the number of positions and objects have taken up it's a man and a man barks only one way now solid reporting cases include in its parks or any of its foreclosures and with each base positions returns for a while if you have
six plates and each one up content for different positions that senator baucus twenty four weeks but in its box sixty one the number of ways to adjust the degree of something somethings and take an infinite number of cronyism example put it in the cone box and mark a point and move it halfway around the path that this is the starting point in half again and again we can keep having for the conga take an infinite number of positions the spirit is the most symmetrical of all and rotate into an infinite number of positions in an infinite number of ways because he has a more pointed out still getting things in boxes
is one way to gauge how much more symmetrical one thing is going under the eames contribution to cinema perhaps has been less than discovering new techniques been applying them to new material would you like brilliance the quick cuts the mix of still and moving pictures and lightning montage stop motion all been much of their buddies from teams he was smaller screen projection more than a decade ago american still remember the nineteen fifty nine kitchen debate between nixon improved job in moscow for countless russians the us exhibition was their first real glimpse of america a memorable it was made i for one seven screens at once how did you make the world as we see a list of how you make a really credible to an audience like that and the plane landed with one of the places was many images many images of
what it was was happy for example showed some freeways an interjection like well we could have shown think the greatest freeway in the united states we've shown one picture move on they would say you know that that's a great freeway interchange but we've got one the names and we're gonna build one or lawyers will have to have won but in the rebound in sumo clean image technique in something like twelve seconds i think they showed a hundred and twenty a freeway interchange is and no with most appropriate to go with that but just as part of that getting to work in the morning when they lay them out the image was used there has a credibility to buy and he had work than in the ibm playin a new york we use multiple images as a very special to know you as a device to build a logic the bill the logical situation were jobless situation
going air that were laden situation going here and together they mean more violence in seattle it was used to broaden the base that at the the show we did for the image that science special kind of curiosity scientists and covers it is in others to help maintain the necessary respected scientist uses minibus he writes himself in a you know three dimensional models to actually experience with fish and chips creates different images of the same concept to see two different way in either way he likes it because he delivers it is
you know and he tries his emotions in it would be impossible to tell from the intensity of the discussion but that they are talking about questionable cosmology the labeling of a butterfly space sciences essentially and playing so sophisticated play the scientists use nature's assistant pastor says he assumes that the underlying his motivation is assassination of the puzzle itself is choosing to play between idea and its
pleasures so any high on the list of prerequisites for being a scientist is a quality that defines the rich human being as much as it does the man of science that is usability and his desire to emerge from under his imagination something in his workshop science and the arts seem to separate him and marry again with delight ratings as a painter's childhood an architect it's almost impossible to describe exactly what she does but her presence is everywhere saturating the surroundings with their delicate style along a quiet conversation shrank the total silence before the camera but her impact on the news works for four in a tiny office swirling with an unbelievable
blizzard of things she sat like a delicious bumbling an adulterous concentrating on a sweep of subjects which would seemingly chalk a computer regime stamp is on every film every exhibition every piece of furniture conceived in the shock and the authors here a lot of people you don't really usually looks at a problem and the contribution doesn't have to do with the juxtaposition of callers it usually has to do with the consistency of structure and i think that this is kind of appropriate related to
pay i'm also a suspect that are very interested in and the edge of the many things which one doesn't and knocked his head and which we've done everywhere and how i wish i had offered up on a stronger any a background of technical skill his frantic another sizable concept called mother media is old hat at the eames studio long ago charles and ray eames grasp of human attention is fleeting there to capture the public's eye and ear or even for a few moments requires planning to get reception and teams exhibition as planned and analyzed down to the last slide for maximum meaningful impact on the varied thousands who may see it must be an intense experience and if possible fun
the new and in and also these
are charles haynes is known severe scrutiny recently he had an exhibition at the smithsonian on cities it was fascinating to assassinate people are gripped by a blown up photograph of an earthquake in santiago beguiled by a balloon nudging the ceiling intrigued by nineteenth century shot of manhattan but they missed the point through the medium of still photography it was that wanted to ring the city and its problems and the focus is on verdict he failed so now he is translating the whole thing to fail open this time to deliver a clear message how do you create images that make the problems of the city seem real and and dynamic a minute static images but images in what can you do to really make problems seeing
real so that you can sense some of the ideas in the plan problem of those surveyed the city that this is quite a different one man than the question of architecture's as a devout as a lot to do with with choices the ability to make joyce is an associate at the situation has never existed before i would sort of put the chaos that we're not to a decline of judgment or decline of sensibility would justify that the situation is such that now we're forced to make choices that were not prepared to make computers programming systems research eames has mastered a new vocabulary and devotes much of his energies to helping others to master he presents a note is the language of especially as the vernacular of tomorrow which must be learned
today if we are to communicate and urban problems and a computer me and a huge workshop in this case in a demonstration of the computers possible role in a highway plan and if you if you value your a good guy in value the rest of the family is and what a cut down the displacement you put your your values up there before we can re concerned about area served with up to four and if you do care nothing about because you're always down you lose your job the computer reactor that's you've made gives a certain that and it will react by showing the optimum rape that will follow this set of restraints that you've been response as it has no information to solve a problem is weighted in different ways of services a different
value almost no matter what you do you will have some air feedback that comes from the computer would tell you there and you try to memorize and that put the ottoman era and try to low cost the opposite reaction to the morgan freeway plan was swift and critical luxury highrise tenants irate with typewriters that feith proposed rule of rulings river of youth i have feelings about the application of such devices devices similar to wear maybe some limited kind of reference is based on information that a person gets in these areas are going to be put in so that we can let some of his work has been known the feedback likely be taking place in washington and suggests a plot such a device and was kind of the lodge freeway but that this case it's partially exposed
and harsher so they understand that in a problem like this there are levers and that they should be setting a minute someone of state and city someone who was living there that this is probably a responsibility only response was a great win because we have a situation in most cities where unfortunately almost all the people in the country will be reconsidered the same time more people are moving at the rate of moving is increasing and there's a real life and the people making the decisions often don't live in those cities and then the question is you know who has the responsibility there's like a rush oh that's i think where you have a set of characters each is the city in a different way each his own truth features own truth and each one is true and his set of values are maybe completely contrary to another but they're true and so what they're trying to do is a situation where if people realize that solving a problem
through a computer that people avoid that film that is filled with liz romer years part of an information so people come here to convince certain background about the way problems are structured to where solomon in many cases a case of feeling as to those things it shouldn't be done by a computer technician that shot that essentially say a background to the philosophical ideas and said we belong to a period in this room is made for people who will support were born before the computer and insert really respects this idea that books of information and sorry it still forces were are surrounded with great devices but in some ways we
think and roller talked as characters in recent years dedicated as an astronaut john freeman's has made it his personal mission to dispel the bogeyman which some see lurking behind every computer laughter thank you so much it was the narrative on iraq strictly speaking the machine doesn't
think about all that is it doesn't know where everything he does is planned for it step by step day by somebody is there's so much more though steps are extremely simple as just as i was saying there is a great place well it's not only accurate it's true that each part has only two positions on iraq but when many simple parts are put together results in highly complex relationship to be all that operate a tremendous be using millions of operations for sexy we see there a computer may operate fantastic speak but preparing the questions to go into the human job i mean this takes time it takes careful all
right no no no america computer can't make decisions for us away make the decision it gives us information with which to make better what you see nothing can replace human ingenuity imagination or ten years so there's not bit like to explain this awesomely simple marvelously complex slowing program incredibly speedy shockingly naive highly sophisticated computer like america right after the next number of the jobs that we abided junior high school marching band i was born ms what does it
mean when you say they will be at home baby people at home with the values or lamont wasn't only a young person rosa knowing that a lot of information is not in itself a date disaster but there are ways to start it and look at it and make it a bit more say they didn't make sense and they don't view that starting or that relating as a mysterious act to be sort of looked upon with a certain amount of fear but they do it as a natural process not long ago some people or the computer conference were having a discussion about this very thing can the computer help or hinder strengthen or weaken political institutions and one man for barber said that wasn't a good question that the question was simply to use this to intelligently remote areas
and also there's a danger now than ever heard the lot lot the hammer with a law that hammer is stated simply assistance this if you give a young child a hammer you also find out that everything he encounters beats hamburg and this is this is true of almost any anything in the future that in computer printer technology is not an exception but as they grow and any number of miles of information and that speed and the political thing we encountered as they enter or in the computer the basic operations can be done within the order of america's one thousand internet sector within the half second it takes this bill cochrane to reach the floor two thousand three hundred examine the
electrocardiogram is of one hundred patients another position the possible land score one hundred fifty thousand answers on three thousand examination then evaluate and it a role for a company with a thousand employees or clarify the position of three hundred aircraft with an air traffic controller take such things as toys and games seriously in a world where soon few of us may have to work to survive maybe they're calling us on how to avoid a future of the roses and boredom amid the expanding threat of leisure one of the one of the things that seemed to be common among those who and to not be miserable has the ability to do have concern that later from and respect for things objects people things that are not in the media vowing to respect for the thing is that isn't going to jail tomorrow because the mood problems are
going to be different and the pleas have come to rescue spain this is a film about bees are you know mob that doesn't mean the tories are good and scale models were bad but they are different in recent years we made do
to be nothing i'm scared it is anyway eight mm mm
now in news sal
says is in is is is to plagiarize mr disney fallen you around all that is made the impression that you whistle while you work and your reaction was that there is a sense of a joy of enthusiasm of enjoyment in all of this i think it went to the creek near you know
eventually the romantic idea of the boat that's right great architect people coming and likes of daily is very active in the situation from an arrow as a child i looked upon look forward to the time he grew up to be an adult or enjoy sell them which is a pretty good or pretty pretty sophisticated idea that that the fund the pleasures of that businesses are really as though the players that that going on a kind of work if you want a religion or that they will look up and pleasure you take me take on the job as a pilgrim not doing for the smithsonian rich and responsible with westinghouse
very interesting project and we thought well maybe even win right make some money on it is that you know because again a lot of the basic workings of pulling it together we began to get into it the government and that will lead to make any money but you'll be a good thing because we're about as the point because we noted it caused more than a way only we thought to do we realize a lot of them that they get they decide that he's a filmmaker will make any money at least it'll be a respectable state at the moment were wondering whether it's going to be a respectable was a normal course tomorrow will be worrying whether we ran out a common rail and this is sort of a real picture of what the funders like and it is tremendous play we're laying on the line every time it could just be a colossal are do you get the feeling sometimes that you're really working in the rarefied atmosphere of well paid still the
discipline maybe and sensitive low you are that you're sort of in your neck to the problems that society is making for itself or do you relate directly at least in the way you think all right as we live in the society we are concerned about the society we may not know you know what does the week susan cases what that is and we assumed that good is the kind of order that we have known and that it may be unfair but i think that this is true of anything that you'd go to a korean rocket is definitely an example here we are not especially marine biologist at least a week billy of an issue where in the setting another opportunity to to get it as the worst superficial
aspects of a society in two syllables about the prisoners but another young young people are right the values word what typically those things having to do physicals the intrinsic values of things because first place if those are the only values are not enough to go around and a lot of people in particular in the case of the pleasures of the concepts that was like marine biology is like the fishers the more you can spend a fortune a lot of the bridge every way the aquarium becomes its own mark a new open court is an aquatic guard the terrace and exhibition center and in the summer there's a special display were children of touch and all greenhouse dominates the harrison suggests the excitement within the new everglades upon the largest part of the colonies would seem to define cloning embryos look
shows range and varied as space can be and longing and one there are few areas so like why does the american ever collects an actress at such as this can be improved a laboratory where the scientists and other regions in areas with a listen and another part of a green house holds a living piece of intertidal song from each of the two american pows surprisingly teachers my own somewhere nikita the lessons of lyon these apologies will be given the visitor the main orientation richard burton as a variety of forms is something of how about that that for sure the precious major that lived life in even the most unlikely places just the process of natural selection i was
some notion of the workings of evolution other oddities in the aquarium may seem less than gracious and contribute more to a common understanding of all the other incidents still the greatest souvenirs of the aquarium at the beauty and the intellectual stimulation and whole the principle goal is much the same as that of signs to get the visitors some understanding of the natural world is the national aquarium is as good as it can be it will do just that how do you justify something like this when people are saying that these are not the things that need emphasis in our society will be somewhat play if you do see it as me that was the most important function of my body my head or my heart that'll be difficult
the test today and effort and in one direction one maybe chatting off the head because of their concentration a lot what is a ten year old boy or a fifty year old mother going to get out of watching these people in their environment that they wouldn't get in the old fashioned type wherein well naturally you can't look at a map that was giving a little bit of a gee whiz built into a lot but on the other hand have about either this is functioning like this if you pack it up in such a way as to say fight let's not look at all these strange creatures in the way they look well now you're beginning to sneak up on whether the attitude that his client's just like they are isolating a little function and if he lets his fourth the thousands of this way
this this this this then the next step is to find that there is a relation to the way he moves to the way he has to make his lovingly is peculiar so that then the next step is well you know they had this thing strange at the roots of these creatures is not a capricious thing on the part of nature this is part of a system of development that supports this particular kind of life and once you're down that road way the recruiter and that you're bigger than it what they say about a man who designed his own house conceived his own furniture creates toys tries to show us how to enjoy a mathematics understanding ecology and even teaches that the computer is our friends at least we should all listen because he is talking about tomorrow
if we are wise enough to deserve a future and that's not certain we still must learn how to live with new concepts ins and self philosophizing is with a self effacing great much of our energy is like that lion bode well that has the plates going and then he's intent on getting thirty plates spinning at one time part of the process is with the bay where the winds are winding down and it meant spending and going through another one and it's spending in and keeping bees on their once in a sense this is this is what's happening because we are concerned about summer toy that we did sometime ago that furniture and certain direction of films and keeping up certain intensity isn't bolivia and is all the same time and then one begins to survive and you know go a word about this big concern about the game
computer techniques and methods of human stating problems in relation to two modern techniques is a concern that that came out of architecture or i think that the common denominator of structure and i think that though if you know your son or armies of themselves to hope that they would find themselves doing the same thing the only way as i think they have taken the courage is rooted in a sense when chickened out because we have left the world of architecture innocence and many other super problems of going out and settled at a more human scale pace so i think in a sense they may be not doing the same and that they are the courageous one well you continue our journey the scene would probably now remain much the same
spots of light might just get smaller the trip back to the picnic on the golf course will be a sped up reverse version reducing the distance to the earth's surface by one magnitude every two seconds every two seconds we would appear to cover ninety percent of the distance back to well we know just the rhythm of change between periods of great activity and inactivity that will continue all the way down to our next target nucleus of a carbon atom just beneath the skin on the hand of the sleeping man at the picnic thank you and five four three two one
a dizzying but revealing film on magnitude and a film soon to come on spending boy tops he seems the work of a different matter how many images are just one or rather to charles and ray and that is not enough to go around so we are finished and what we got the games genius i suspect lies and plunging through the corrosive poisonous crime that we have made of our material existence and bringing out the harmonies of life which most of them so forgotten or their his workshop as a fairy land but it is not make believe it is really full of structure and balance ideas that conceived things and things that spawned more ideas borrowing one of his film titles maybe we should call charles eames the symmetrical man who with a gifted touch is doing his best to get that lopsided pinball machine called the american society back off till
from chicago every city has a personality it was unique and at the same time chicago is in many ways the american city of bustling heart knows business always nagged by a sense of obligation to what is going to get the feeling of the place where the action is should not be the marketplace for the museum that concert hall called a culture of the guilt feelings positively swallow especially chicago most visitors coming to work by day and played by night and they often expect the city to display some kind of funny over to its residence chicago was a far cry from your sensitive there is the usual and hopefully
we can already a girly shows nightclubs in places that he did allow that simple minded fun fun fun chicagoans don't mind visitors have republicans because pain and let people leave this is the city's only christianson is editor of the chicago daily news panorama magazine and a knowledgeable critic of the chicago courtroom scene we talked with him and followed him as he discussed the city's cultural image with some of the people who helped make it more serious including chicago can think of culture in terms of buildings and that if you have a lot of buildings you have therefore culture so called edifice complex the building of cultural centers is very important in chicago we don't even have a cultural center to worry about but we had so many cities would you translate this kind of need for cloture into a sticks and stones were kind of building that i don't think it's really that the
problem is to get people aware of that an artistic fall of life in their city is vastly important to them and to their immediate reasons for living what you get down to know the hog butcher of the world which are its big robust vulgar brawny and windy it is all that i think and continues to be there but on the other hand there is there are people who are trying to build a better life to satisfy the needs of the human spirit as well as the physical and financial betterment of the city that's what i like to think of them as part of the chicago scene anyway of course won the great images of chicago is a cultural center is jess and one of the purveyors of this great tradition and still living and still practicing his art holdings a lot of people would now that chicago has fostered
a distinct and vigorous literary tradition from helmand town and james to throw and ben hecht there's been a tradition of tough though sometimes lyrical prose and poetry coming out of what the current standard described for all time as the city of the big shoulders today saul bellow nelson all right and gwendolyn brooks continue to practice their craft here and chicago won for many years now and his novel's many adventures along the march to hertzog i entered in scenes of our city richard stern another distinguished novelist a national reputation like barrow teaches here at the university of chicago a magnet for many critics and writers in the midwest despite the artist the chicago foster's herman cohen editor the sometimes book week takes a tough minded view well because i think peculiar about chicago that makes it negatively or positively a fertile area for cultural activity there've been periods in our history when the freight headed in the nineties there were people within a cultural arm in the nineties were chosen very materialistic out of a place where there was a period in
chicago history when it was known worldwide a jamaican as a literary capital of america and twenties it was a materialistic one is we may become much more materialistic maybe that has a new tech culture and ultimately but i don't think there's a big difference for example that the people should close but the people of dallas where there've been repertory theaters are the people of minneapolis wave at the guthrie theatre what it takes sustained today is a person on two persons or a great many people to get this thing going to attack an intense interest in tune all that this is the kind of the thing that is simply good for the city without any kind of payoff or materialistic rewards the money to back autry project has been hard to come but chicago has been good is this candidate chicago demonstrates that a businessman had been willing to pay for the best culture that money can build produced an incredible range of styles instructors hear from them or not like building the first skyscrapers a
majestic building massive merchandise mart largest commercial office building in the world are wearing thick sweaters and the wrigley building just across the street from the single got the chemicals in the tribune tower and twin towers of an inner city and the right of the expressway there is to receive illinois chicago circle campus largest in the city's recent history which muscles the ohio house virginians first and you got fixed of the university of chicago's rockefeller chapel right nearby a modern classic lloyd wright through the house and finally one of the city's great pride center a joint theater at night we saw them all as chicago picasso now one of the great poems of the city it was put together in the steel mills of gary our neighbor to the south and was dedicated with no ceremony or two summers ago in the plaza of our civic center we're stuck
arguing about water and accepted as an impressive part of the city and a big new sign that we have to culture it takes hard work and fund raising by dedicated group to get any city even something substantial as a picasso the other curious gloria cassidy dean of our critics have worked for years to key provision of the highest arts alive in chicago she has a definite view of what the city needs but i think again of everything which must be the best approach for the lowest possible a wonderful record it gets rid of a resident man named the highest quality
the chicago symphony as well like all large orchestras today is expensive to maintain and find itself more and more needed support from a larger new orleans he's younger and started just fifteen years ago and surviving thanks to people like his general manager carol off i think the lyric should be the midwest regional election i think that we all have to put on that longer seasons now because the unions that dictates whether the good of keeping a good cause in the orchestra together and i believe that our citizenry wanted to be proud of their company a commensurate with the metropolitan and the other major companies and i think we did it for them and i think that they have responded in kind a city that has no resident ballet company produces huge answer is a city with few dancers can step recorded ballet to help
break a circle establish answer such a similar share come to work and to teach in such places as the national college of education and the landscape means a great deal to me and when i was looking for a place to put down my roots in someplace we're a big city i found that i was more into the landscape around chicago than anywhere else in the country the fact that i had made a success in new york was really just a personal one i knew that this had nothing to do or was not necessary for creating a kind works of odd but in other words i like it here richard ellis interesting came from england to direct the illinois ballot they found the kind of audiences they saw but not the kind of patrons that i meet
incomes rose this is a play institute is an old established cultural landmark in chicago has been housed in its present building for seventy five years and has gradually accumulated authority first class collection by any cities turn the city's rich too and businessman art collectors rediscovered wealthiest that explosions and the tax advantages that come with acquiring and donating works of art the art institute's world famous collection served as a ruler to draw together talented
staff and the museum going and resources given it over the years by wealthy donors is now relatively safe from the winds and tides fiscal appropriations organization a pretzel establishment to sums it up best they are people who have been here for a while we're established families who are in most american cities white and anglo saxon protestant traditional wasp those who have the power who have made their money being in the city and its very earliest days and who now know are at the top of the heap financially and socially these are the people who are first asked for money were first kept for money when the article two institutions need to go out and these are the people who after they give to the large institutions are not really too concerned about the new and smaller groups which are coming up in which perhaps need support there's plenty of money in chicago and there is in any other city
people are used to going to the established people people will always have the money and have always given it patronage of very wealthy people tends to be conservative going to rely on the more horses' stables that they know are traditional and say younger audiences more exciting and contemporary audience demands more experimental and innovative works which perhaps establish america's not allow for some people actually do have a real feeling for the arts they think it's important and they enjoy to get pleasure out of working in others it is sort of a social obligation that one thousand one wants to maintain his status and community and others it's just been nearly check writing off to make sure that as the texans there are some such thing one's of commons is that i don't think there are enough people in chicago or indeed any other large american city who
are passionately concerned and involved with the arts and that applies to the lower levels as well i think you should have an end any city must have been institutionalized hard but any city that's going to be forward and a viable cultural have a voluble cultural life has to have something coming up some experimental the goodman theater is supported by the art institute it's work ranges from amateurish really awful to quite respectably professional one of the better recent presentation of their production of the savagely and a militaristic a man's a man i don't regret and their badly translation featuring teri lomax as imported guest artist the play is hardly what one would expect to be a favorite with the fat cats you know is it because
no no no no these are your stories join us now this is
eliza sneak it's been the place became a teen the symphony the opera the museum in the city all these are examples of institutional culture and to many citizens like autocratic studs terkel they do not really spell out a true cultural terkel instead insists on something more meaningful i have an idea what voters not it's not something
that we're the capital city government being forced into soup and fish to attend first night of the opera since and walrus like afford to delta still not having him fall asleep during the ordeal has forced feedings once homeless trust bruce smith voters not it is not the mayor represents what i was talking about something that is voluntary and what people actually participate all sorts of people i think there's a chance for talking with us mostly in this town nothing to do with the administration that all in the community fears perhaps in the communities themselves participate in coffeehouses and people that i think it's something that have to make them like that sell the way people talk during the way they sing many young people in the arts have rejected the role of the patrons determined to find an audience that will support them
with more than words is the second city is prove that satire and support its that right thank you yeah yeah there is a
science the regional producer of second city's bernard silence with financing by bell and how he recently produced a feature film the monitors using a mix of hollywood and chicago actors he has a practical view of the city's future and filmmaking oh i don't think that's the way i do and what has happened to us interests was a sense that there's been a coming together of people say that actors are people personally i'd say in
percentages that you can do about ninety percent of the republicans bob second year the energetic director of the hospital he was that the need for help is still there but the government should mean it's a venture called audiences can enjoy a first rate community theater productions like this one george abbott for the red menace with lyrics and music by kamran and i was at a fantastic and then just lose your listening people should tell the resources of halvorson they are listening probably be anything that tensions as great tell as a citizen it was funny six years parents the thing that i have and enjoy the most and found most advantageous i'm an artist i work with other people and we sweep hay for the us to arm local i think
that that the time has now come in and words are really wary of warden of the government of the city who has a large money and the federal government of our country larry even larger amounts of money they push this money and to the arts at all levels to a professional level but memorable moments of theater dance music everything news he's been and the bill in the house second
city in its early struggling days paul sills the troops first director recently returned to work in a fear that charge no admission and which presented experiments and dramatic telling or i think fairytales cells always the innovator was the director such stars as alan arkin and mike nichols when they were here and although they've gone sells a stage and hearing continues his direction and teaching of improvisational theater i asked what he was trying to accomplish with this new experiment it's a story that story back into theater i think has let me understand house i think a lot of it's been out i think the seriousness pleasure of movement float using a transformation later devices working recently and just language and literature the story to an audience was old school beyonce there was anybody like story three year old wizards adult for boston's children's
rights sixty seven after years of frustration collectors outside the old clothes inner circle of the art institute from the new museum of contemporary art in its brief history of this visit has given us to showcase her artist working in all fields were a current exhibit is an especially happy again because teachers who is your mary who were nonplussed so says another distinctive new sign a culture comes to us from the city's jazz groups like this one this is chapelle as the proms as any other american cities with its
culture there's high institutionalize control all popular culture and the perennial problem of people who want to see something for their mother who want more banning from their buck one insist that culture is a building rather than atmosphere or way of life the spiritual quality within the city itself and the sad example in atlanta of a thirteen million dollar art center which people down there now discovering that could very well have used to support some real life artist who could have made a real contribution to their city but of course that they wouldn't be able to point to and say that's coach city's future depends upon the vitality the oncoming generation of art is this vision of chicago dominated by the powers a scene from the isi artist read more jolly many metropolis that would paint imagination and a genuine interest in the places and people of pictures including who's little homemade chicago is what we like to believe our city to be a
source of pleasure to see that's something that we have learned to treasure the values of the past support the artists of the present and health and dreams of a future in chicago it's so nice to go sunday april thirtieth on tv all are violent universe a study of the major recent discoveries in astronomy of the universe began in a week's time with one explosion the big bang or has it continually expand it in a steady state thirty distinguished astronomers to see the work with the most up to date observatories and telescope such as this one ninety six dishes in a six mile circle operating as one huge instrument that tells a violent explosions on the sun at i'll take you to observatories throughout the united states and europe japan and elsewhere are an observatory orbiting in space for one sunk a mile underground actor richard burton
played several classic poem celebrating the glories of the cosmonauts discoveries that are revolutionizing astronomy will be examined when you feel resentful violent universe sunday april thirtieth three tonight the deals and public television station wnet in buffalo new york on its tenth anniversary on public television station the pit crew that's because it's
been the point the pay to play this is nice it is sad nationwide distribution of the proceeding program as a service of the corporation for public broadcasting
sunday april thirtieth on video of violent universe a study of the major recent discoveries in astronomy of the universe began in a week's time with one explosion the big bang or has continually expand it in a steady state thirty distinguished astronomers to see the work with the most up to date observatories until the spill such as this one ninety six dishes in a six mile circle operating as one huge instrument that tells a violent explosions on the sun tv i'll take you to observatories throughout the united states and europe to japan and austrian women observatory orbiting in space for one cycle mile underground actor richard burton played several classic poem celebrating the glories of the cosmonauts discoveries that are revolutionizing astronomy will be examined when you feel a sense of violence universe saturday april
Public Broadcast Laboratory
Episode Number
The Eames Design and Report from Chicago
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
WTTW (Television station : Chicago, Ill.)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-qz22b8wh3v).
Episode Description
"The Eames Design," a profile of a latter-day Leonardo, Charles Eames, and "Report from Chicago," a look at the state of arts in Chicago are broadcast on Public Broadcast Laboratory. Through the past four decades Charles Eames and his wife Ray have virtually revolutionized American taste and design. Furniture designer, architect, planner of exhibitions, and puzzler over effective means of communication for the 20th century, Eames may be a Protean prototype of the designer of tomorrow. The broadcast traces Eames' influence on American and world taste, from the famous molded-plywood Eames chairs, to current interest in whatever is well wrought, however naively, in the way of paleo-technical artifacts: such things as cast iron toy trains, early lithographs, posters, paper flowers, ornate cards, and other expressions of encounter between popular imagery and new technology. Styles and tastes that have trickled down into the American mainstream are often the result of discoveries made by the Eames. The broadcast includes extensive excerpts of films by the Eames, among them "A Computer Glossary" and "Toccata for Toy Trains." In the profile, PBL correspondent Edward P. Morgan interviews the Eames at their home in Pacific Palisades, a house that is considered to be one of the temples of the progressive movement in art, design, technology and the reconstruction of the environment. In Eames' studio the two men explore ways in which the computer can be used by planners, artists, and designers, to make the environment more livable. Eames' pioneering in the development of new ways of communication - exhibitions, expositions, and motion pictures - is glimpsed through quick cuts. The broadcast also depicts Eames' preliminary planning for a new National Aquarium in Washington, D.C. "The Eames Design" was produced for PBL by John O'Toole. "Report from Chicago," produced in color by NET's Chicago affiliate, WTTW, reveals the city as something of a boom town of the arts. Included are excerpts from a recent satirical review by the famed Second City troupe and from a performance of "Flora, the Red Menace" by the Hull House Repertory Theatre. The report looks at the revival of film making in Chicago, with a glimpse behind the scenes at the filming of "The Monitors," with Keenan Wynn and Larry Storch. The feature is being directed by Bernard Sahlins of the Second City troupe. The report examines the giant Picasso sculpture recently constructed in Chicago, Red Grooms' whimsical models of the Loop, experimental theater work by Paul Sills and jazz pianist Richard Abrams working with the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians. Discussing the quality of cultural life in Chicago are Studs Terkel, author of "Division Street: America" and unofficial chronicler of Chicago history; critic Claudia Cassidy; Herman Kogan, editor of Book Week; dancer Sybil Shearer and others. "Report from Chicago" was produced and directed by Peter Strand of WTTW, and written by Richard Christiansen. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Performing Arts
Fine Arts
Media type
Moving Image
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Director: Strand, Peter
Interviewee: Kogan, Herman
Interviewee: Eames, Charles
Interviewee: Cassidy, Claudia
Interviewee: Shearer, Sybil
Interviewee: Eames, Ray Kaiser
Interviewee: Terkel, Studs
Interviewer: Morgan, Edward P.
Performing Group: Hull House Repertory Theater
Performing Group: Second City
Producer: O'Toole, John, 1931-
Producer: Strand, Peter
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
Producing Organization: WTTW (Television station : Chicago, Ill.)
Writer: Christiansen, Richard
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-qz22b8wh3v.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:30:03
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 219; The Eames Design and Report from Chicago,” 1969-04-06, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 219; The Eames Design and Report from Chicago.” 1969-04-06. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 219; The Eames Design and Report from Chicago. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from