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it's bad without the time that would be dark and nothing with the group would be without wine some were shooting indians of the plane's new green plants by eating plants entire chain of life continues at that point to get to a park a job
pat pay a visit to a right to suggest
woo hoo do they want to continue it not all of the energy flowing through these changes new part of that is lost because he and who's been renewed energy analysts returned to earth as an interim plan the plan would be a power source three new nominees demanding an amount of energy but even you cannot apply if we break the cycle of the energy chain wearing trump carson industries run on electricity is made from our modern civilization is built on gas oil and coal all but opponents in the senate
race i was but you feel you're tapping into juba millions of years ago are your underlying black mesa arizona hundreds of millions of tons of coal called such low quality that it wouldn't have been touched unless there was a great new market for fuel in the region for a new power plant supplied a growing energy needs of los angeles tucson victor gao am just a few years ago the school could have been economically mind that the development of new machinery metal drag lines longer
cranes and bigger bucket to strip away the year a greater depth and often hundreds of square miles of surface cold apartments to strip mining right now and it will be changed by a growing desire for more and more energy the drag lines now in use for peabody coal company go down about eighty feet to reach people in the ruins of the future that the proceeds he can mine and he called the operators say as long as it's economically but like mason peabody says a restricting at least fourteen thousand of the sixty four thousand acres and has leased from the navajo and hopi tribes it's big remember during the two years that you boys been operating for a total of two
million acres of these like orgasm on public and indian land mine meet with the full cooperation of the department of the interior which administers or hold these lands because it's comparable call has been done in fourteen western states what happened
record your own way low grade olive byrne and their pollution of the mojave desert a mythic at
an engineer with the environmental planning department of southern california edison company to pursue the mojave power plant in southern nevada the plant is why this whole like nathan mine in northern arizona called the letter to the coal slurry pipeline two hundred and seventy five mile like what happened here the plan is basically a rather simple broth that colleges and the combustion process that generates the water skiing venues to drive a german couple for the generator which generates electricity when the things that make this plant different view a huge quantities of water are being used to transport coal mine to generating plant the storyline the longest ever built drains the main groundwater supply of northeastern arizona
at the rate of about two and half million gallons of a new addition to the slurry water in the cooling water to supply a city of a hundred and fifty thousand people every year must be pie in the nearby colorado river are already over committed for irrigation and other uses recycling conserved water at the plant to use again but eventually the water evaporate in the brine has collected unsettling not a drop of the polluted water can be returned to the river the mojave is more efficient in order converting forty percent of it for the regional energy electricity the ref has lost his heat going up this vaccine interviewing in other losses including lost in
transmission of los angeles energy grow it's outside the united states with only six percent of the world's population consumes about thirty three percent of the world's energy no electric power requirements are growing at the rate of eight to nine percent a year doubling every ten years since nineteen fifty and to what one example of how that power being used as las vegas the sidewalk air conditioning unit spectacular neon light i've made five times more per person on the national level you burning coal is one way to meet this demand for our question you're going to be overwhelmed
the proposal but they shouldn't have been negative man we're going for it there are a great many people in this nation that seem to feel that they want a return to the good old at zero growth advocates in the world energy growth advocates zero pollution advocate i personally feel that these people are well meaning
that they're missing the point i don't think we're going to her newest nation are on the nation of economic growth they are nullifying that nothing of defended more than one is about to change and i suspect that his wife so many industry people are riding all been accusing the environmentalists are being against progress again the well being of the nation for example and actually i think that's nonsense and plenty of roman outfit family will organize ourselves a bit better clean it up in short to improve the quality of life for everybody and the first big step in resolving what we now call the pollock right fifty to eliminate waste enough is the example the big uses of electricity many of the industry's get large get out of a larger quantities of pollock that they use
and i think that if we're really getting shot and find that we eliminated the fifth and then everybody will be on the same footing and the competition that this will enforce ought to be good for everybody if we really believe in the free enterprise system i don't think that people are going to say we don't want any more air conditioning or that we don't want any more i'm ashamed to provide a vision seems uncomfortable with an industry finally people have said that we ought to start promoting a lecture for that part of the liver spending millions of dollars on advertising i think in about our companies have advertised for more than that davis isn't true our company's southern california edison company does not spend the money on more to advertise and any growth that results in this area that growth comes out of the consuming public financing which is
you know one of the confusing and very difficult questions at the present time from the public eye to view is the notion that in that the demand for more and more pop are real public demands in other words the notion that the public is really demanding that and i denied this because actually industry has been promoting the use of electricity at an intemperate way some electric and one of the companies that you're promoting that despite over enthusiastic people like herbert and delighting it's great for golfers skiers swimmers tennis players everyone well almost everyone with a college london black mesa the navajos don't have any electricity furthermore significant number of them don't want the traditional steel their way of life will be destroyed other members of the tribe see jars and coral about three million dollars a year to the novel
in nearby or the indians over the thirty five year lease the traditional square a minority within a minority who were people who had little contact with the outside world until he bought a game all the coal company promised jobs unlike your people the police you know i won a lot of indian find a way to record without understanding the consequences that way why they come here to go after long and i have no way i'm living the way we want to live that way we have five point when we came here we were here where they are we love her we praying for them
gave him like we aired without in that i can live without are the modern we'll call convenient like television telephone can opener an electric pressure we're havin harmony what i've got five eight contract with find the nineteen fifty four long before the questions at the heart of the women and the young navajo reservation on indian navajo reservation suddenly hears the hem the leaders of the navajo tribe some concern and that it not only creates the atm pollution that that everyone's talking about but on the other hand the earth
matters that the that we know people want to consider is it wise for the tribe to continue to lead outside is use its resources in return for a small sum receive for royalties and also a handful of jobs if we are to continue to lead our resources being utilized in this man i'm afraid that thirteen fifty years from now will be in worse shape than we are today we have groups that that very strong against the permission of a man and development of the power plants in the area and there are those who are strong employment of the navajo spoken kind of development and even a new model on the inability of
the cold war an agreement which ok dan winey that agreement also guaranteed employment among go with people coming soon they became my name so two years ago the mining started that they can't work at vanity vanity katie dill the look and they get you know caught there were no jobs for us live with people and even offered the patient charts and people became eleven workers here are very thankful that she reported that people cannot support any more land of the things that aren't there more people living on it now there is no longer known christ he did
school lunch me bradley the navajo interpreter for peabody explained the overgrazing problem on blackness group is going to be difficult and if you can cut down on their livestock mcnew to bring this country back of the barbecue but he's moved and i don't think that the peabody you enter this area a new poll to loan or an opinion when the company recruited grown that they would be in better shape in what you do know when they first took over our opposition to the mine traditional
girl what do your traditions you know so the criticism of the animal years fish growing movement to never grow back then begins to doubt that gives them an education ben bradlee liked me was i think of the color of my mother i think of her own with reverend of how my prayer that was meaningful every time on my home on one thing that the value of american band of the pan and my children she like horse the cattle
and all the people that i know really that they think that what i believe that black men only there wouldn't be any issue at how i think the thing that's how the white likely only some measure we are responsible the government made peace with the navajos in nineteen sixty eight the recovery is as many sheep and goats as possible later on in the dust bowl year of nineteen thirty three the bureau of indian affairs began to enforce the reductions this was done for almost twenty years without educating people and livestock management and remember the hunger than suing god comes now they don't think of putting down their heard they were in the morning and i don't blame them
they're doing everything possible to destroy that this was not right and becoming a parent and i wanted to call the tip line up what is going to happen as i mean i was only operating in the original box and black maids in an unfamiliar to approval rating and the reason even after we do that because of a seasonal aspect of an angel complete year's cycle some reclamation has been done on black mesa about his record
on other jobs partly because the company owns seventy five percent of the land it's creeping across the country and can lose the farmland the indians want them to be the same quality of reclamation here on the road walker you by one of the problems is it's a rocky planet our parents always noted also eric wolfley robin plan trying to run over and they were going to order we'll be very reliant reward just like a farmer planted feel betrayed love the order that voyager more durable lead when farmers plow them at the problem is putting this all back nor would it be he really claim success of the vegetation to calm on the testing and possible here the sheep eat up a test for the overgrazing problem with their people linger
it is not well obviously some of the afternoon they protect the areas that we're replaying been seated until we get that how it will be done whether it will be done with and then or what'll be done with the actual mention i don't know the current environment another arrangement that the vertical company can make we don't know yet we can improve it it's not a question of the new kid in new haven and they the house and their livestock and as much as on other areas of the layers of ocean every square foot of it is being not now where are these people going to move with their lives until such time that in many areas
to some degree that it can be used again questioning you and i know it's going to be a matter of four five years of truth can be longer than that then the odd couple my home i worry about that a white and often disagree about who you're speaking of moving my hometown is the pecan minute here we have no other place to move them only one family has to move so far there's already a problem sheep and cattle that once group in the mine area are not grazing on other people's land
for compensation for lives because it would assume that the lives that would remove who we were and in fact the pentagon and livestock that americans not been discussed specifically we're not been asked to and the private ride for the families that they are moved an offer has been made money for livestock union leaders may not even consider there's real fear of stock productions and well justified suspicion but this could be just another white man flawed meanwhile the losers are real people who have to live with a mind we get no immediate economic benefit from it hubble champion and don't want the novel
nineteen eighty doesn't really make any generation before the navajo tribe and why couldn't to try though these are plants and sell the park to california and other places rather than just received one tenth of what he actually economic gain his family's resources i've been an honorable think i don't buy that the idea that the bathroom i thought wow like if they can they're not yet it can't have heard a new chairman so he wrote that opponents call on the line with me why why would he be but
when he was speaking with us and if you with me we asked them what happened was the home why did the mining coal or you don't carry a look at me the mining what none of the home and the backyard which he liked that we keep going i don't i don't know i haven't yet that he speak again but if you continue to beat shouldn't be put in that god put another one in the world so troubled politics are part of the problem to some navajos feel that it is senseless and unfair that the drivers selling water for the coal slurry pipeline in most of the people i've known for irrigation and must haul water from government worlds often miles away and because of scarcity
children grow up hearing tales of rainwater from popular r word peabody water coming from thomas dunson consultant for peabody ideology and theology and healthy development the least interference with any other development area be the deep wells right on top of the mesa year the product itself through our geologic cross sections are what make them the formation moves on with the peabody well expect their water or the untried or the navajo with the actor and the wedding get in this portion of the geologic that well thinking about that
the information of another one of their information with all of the local well the wealth for local youth extract there was they would they do not and i think about movies were formations on with the peabody public that the war and in constructing the peabody well and we have those wells can have all the top two thousand feet coat of the world would not interfere with any of it a performer if wells and what makes it will be drawing on groundwater supplies and surrounding areas have a rate of more than eight hundred million gallons each year for thirty five years this is causing considerable work of one of the areas we're really concerned about is the availability of water in the future at the rough rockin area of law that might that be using the water from the fame our water table in the area and know
not knowing art what dr situation might be in the future we've been acting dea out people from the peabody coal company to get a finance are honest and not the letters have indicated to us that ah this is not be our case i don't know what formation of a rap rock well and probably earned least twenty miles away perhaps after many many years of pumping them at from the facts are there but there isn't enough time logic information available now to tell there are many unanswered questions about the effects of mining on the area's future there is little mystery about what it's doing today is disrupting the very fabric of being a way of life on the manx although that way of life has been lonely and poor in material things it is not important they're living in spiritual harmony with the unions and somehow been able to turn their rocky and almost
one of song into a house of wonder the navajo night chance the desert in the house made on a house made of evening light when it rains a dark cloud of a door and high upon have to the bond insurers and war will happen with abundant plan and walk what was you view of the plant fear of losing this way of life and the main reason for the protest against the body protested included a play performed by the students of the rough rock school of the animal gallop an excerpt from ceremonial much of the skin as a parody on the coal contract and i made the night and we live in an alternate badly the fact that i've been cooperative with the united states
thank you like richard pryor and eternal and madder about that the piano man like a man and i know the joke i had been on the nominee in the back the damage the way the novel by a navy destroyer i'm fine that's right dr
whaley yeah and canada why now at the top the town that about that and the fact that the only job well without my modern family and about how it cool area that thing in an operation that really about letting you live in that we're hearing on things like you know the man they thought of night of the life of
the light of that david platt we've heard very large are the hearing not only you do not think the ban but the tea party down the violin but we won't be out until now that the medicare then never mind the mine may be that that the ramp up in that and that the money that they can and i think
that the mine gave their car and that may mean dave move the blanket it gave the middle of the game plan was the moment working hard knock government dying the dear abby of factly how weak the hell are you here it's bad you perform it pours off like mesa overflowing the waters and sometimes flooding entire valley lot
of the props to announce that now they say the life giving water is polluted by the mind the body good walker the ninth earlier than through airport and they're the only doctor i would like there to be sure that this building it would lose about an accident never been vocal about any war ii debuted at war children illegally in the war you know it's quite clear that there is not local outcropping alongside someone can watch kenny i collected samples from a broken arms after we compared them with samples of villager and they're quite different from the court
order what i see and what makes a potential problems with mining oil geologist one of you are to call the first is a matter of disintegration of the shale is removed or unwinding process yale and what tends to disintegrate consists of a type of clay when monroe with hydrates pretty rapidly when where it intends to disintegrate only a month here you go i'm a low grade go on along with four wines contain sulfur this weather is fairly portly and are somewhat inclined to reduce sodium sulfate which are the principal salt does all the weathering of jail and for weeks
now the material is allowed to get into mournful was assistant principal range and mining area poses a potential hazard for now all will be forming communities some forty miles long walk the cornfield that long coppery village grow above the deep watch if sediment from the coal fields on black mesa filters wash and cause flooding across the entire plane the salt buildup in the soil make farming impossible for bighorn of the desert mayor ramos i was standing just enough moisture during a season to produce short standard stocks in small mirrors as employees of both the staple food of the hopi an absolute necessity for any religious ceremony the corn mother is a deity like mother corn has also fertility on the body and the spirit when offered in prayer
so a cornmeal unclear whether poppy asks ruling successful crops and madame long life when those prayers are answered depends on the goodwill of the kitchen is or messengers of the gods kitchen has arrived in december and time to preside over the planting and growth of the crops in july it has bluetooth one of the owner's religious rests on the cyrus just like it was home because
he's in the traditional way he carries on his crops up to the mesa top on foot and as water from the spring along with mostly home from places miles away the children go to school akiva religious school were ceremonial lunches top and a government school which teaches the everyday things that are considerably different and the hopi religious instruction and property on an empty properties teach respect for the natural world over the centuries the puppies who follow these teaching have had many blessings of corn has given them a dependable supply of stone houses high on the table and overlooking all the approaches from the desert i've given them protection from you survival there's no dispute with the navajos over grazing rights and like mason about three hundred acres in the colony syria are jointly owned by hopi and
now because of this will be also share in part of the coral there's no question about the legality of police approve of the tribal council in nineteen sixty six and the right of the council itself to represent people of things are not one drop little evan different villages cyrus and a great majority of the others never voted and they don't consider anyone except their own village headmen had never signed any agreements with for peabody coal the peabody money goes nor would they accept that they were going to split widens between the progressive is the new money culture and the traditional fs of the corn belt the tribe is being torn apart money just isn't part of the traditional hopi culture even hold below on third base to settle in the nineteen thirties doesn't have the
money from the townspeople come from older ivory which date back to camp fifty ad and they haven't changed much in nine countries at harvest time you still find women sitting dried beans preparing to store their propagation way instead of cash the basis of the village economy is having a year's supply of dried corn as well as fresh fruits and vegetables from the terraced hillsides gardens the traditional sphere a change in this peaceful and satisfying way apply to money based economy which would destroy or their religion and their independence from white society the wealthy people and other union people to live from the beginning follow the voting period but a lawyer they admit that they do they get addicted to the theory
and that had all kinds of trouble like we're having right now i think their moment because sometime in my wounded the other people with why contract in there would be very intelligent and there would be very greedy and there would be actually there would tell lies to take all or so without much like play in the water and metaphoric and i think that really belonged to the hopi people many of the white people came at different religion or way of life and they don't take time to understand that and they'll look into material things and now they're disturbing sacred land like and that makes them religion or over land water river in this war torn areas very much and turn to the hopi people because the political campaign on the big business interests are coming in with all the things that they have used another area where there's broad
mukunda and water and everything that the current plan the hopi tribe and a very low income community know the shores and with this development he went through in coming with a tribe in the unthinkable very significant part of a population without wet and their land their own cars or their on their behalf when the sectarian curious the trustee that we must consider what impact economically socially culturally such a development of energy without will have a prom indians benefit of violent action this is utah mining companies navajo mind that brings more than a million dollars in court fees to the tribe every year and employs two hundred and fifty navajos after ten years of operation
no more than any other mine in the united states been taken a major role over the past decade and without us which shows many called a near the thirties most awkward that relatively low cost economically behind areas that need economic development in the sense that the indian reservations and benefit economically bowlers a reason that cold in that part of the country of appalachian region it would be a lot more difficult the lead in the final part of what we would call reclamation restoration of temporary use of that bound to produce the phone and b the offset by the return of the material the rubble in the light and the vegetation so there are some good advantages in considering coal
fired plants in the far west at least thirty nine states to make the thing that was funny kentucky alone has seen three hundred ninety five miles of streams polluted by my math is torn hillsides eroded by heavy rain after thirty or forty years the problems are dry climate and soil is ruined by solemnity nothing is growing here and spoil banks the novel omar we talk about this pollution air pollution i know for sure that any fruition could be eliminated the plume of smoke and the four corners plan carries some two hundred ten miles into colorado in nineteen seventy one the planned admitted ninety eight thousand tons a
particular seventy thousand tons of sulfur dioxide and fifty seven thousand tons of nitrogen oxide more pollution than in the cities of los angeles and new york and why what's it like to live in a home with it's electric heat the electricity made the queen in the house where you had not made at the four corners plant work is underway now to cut these emissions down even with the latest equipment the amount of pollution as always everybody's
entitled to the right to claim for sure we must mean everybody region mainly only this and like this and on top of that now we shouldn't name a person who has a seventy five mile knew and liked to keep the masses of our people who live in our cities and living room the only way they can have the right to claim fresh air if they have the means to have painted by pushing a button and the home from rwanda now we have great the man's garden state of arizona and the appetite for art the robots are in the state to take care of in the future i think that is so much a battered trail more people than larry yang commandments is there some pollution and improvise we're trading office in the
beauty and we hear of the great southwest or electricity that began the four corners eight years ago mining group called worth the solution it's composed of twenty three power would create a huge grid system using the desert water and coal to generate electricity for urban areas it's always love sad in nineteen seventy five and seventy nine many many many many
times thank you i think in years for many years now a patchy and notable writer the san juan in colorado river water have been usurped by cities and irrigation project now the power plants where they're exorbitant use of cooling water or increasing the competition for an already short supply the bureau of reclamation central arizona project will bring some of the scarce water to phoenix of course watching the growth of the void created a need for more electricity
the navajo plant is being built not only to supply that electricity but also to provide the pumping power to carry water from the car and students only known problem and supplying a major they've doubled the population the state say there were then or jew or jobs or the other necessities of a client civilization whenever something have to be given out is the indians will have to do the navajos give up their water rights to the colorado river in return for the building of the navajo plant which will burn like mason or transported here by special role in this case is a conflict of interest on the government's part the department of the interior is both a trustee of the indian land and twenty four percent owner in the power plant and the central arizona project in nineteen sixty six conservationists successfully oppose the building of more dams on the colorado river to pump that water
into central arizona and accepted the navajo coal burning plant as an alternative course now that we are involved in the construction of the navajo plant the same groups who oppose the construction of dams on the colorado river and the birds the construction of the thermal plants are now appearing and in fact the supporting want to begin with thermal plant in the navajo plant for its construction environmentalists appear to have made a mistake on this one religion marble canyon dams would have produced as much electricity at the navajo plant then they would have created an air pollution either another example of strange planet glen canyon the last of the colorado river dance created like how which last year hosted nearly seven hundred thousand visitors now the navajo plant will be spewing up pollution that corrodes bullet holes and
drives visitors away the few years that a power plant will appear on the high plateau to the west and double a small grove of the lake that quite chimney of the san juan plant has also risen with inside of the mushroom cloud emitted by the four corners on utilities and the concern about what this proximity will meet in spring pollution throughout the area that they say the plant will have the latest environmental control think the consuming public that has paid for these environmental controls on all kinds of industry including electric industry and the automobile are beginning to realize because the impact on their lives i think a lot of the government officials have been done of all in terms of acting laws to solve all the environmental problems of this nation are also beginning to realize the costs of special lots of money provided it controls
they'll be carefully scrutinized for industry in general is required to spend less money and that is the consumer pays for it unemployment in twenty three million dollars went through three one that is a farmer's operation we will require it operators and partners of the two units are in the process of deciding to spend an additional thirty million dollars to put on a shoulder bag house on the new units with two new units which out of about a million a nap a lot robers installed on the older units of four corners had changed that seem dramatic way the units point five are still putting out ten thousand six hundred tons of fly ash a year the bank now says were cancelled it a work we're
flying about capability of wire removal the most optimistic than the one practical man does not really believe in that more than ninety nine point five or ninety nine point seven five at the brain that can be removed from a large generator of the five worst speaking of them or a quarter of that is that the quite good for example the navajo plant one operating at the thong twenty one hundred megawatt with really simple operation twenty five thousand and the calls for de would be putting into the atmosphere only about seven point five tons of particulate matter rather than an incredibly small now when you think of love but the warmth in the air which were ever come with more particulate matter in the air than seven point five on the big storm or probably on a daily average fb
along as with especially if they're combine sulfur dioxide and sulfur dioxide alone interferes with other sentences in the growth of plant leaves of the most sensitive plants out how and why time show streets after only eight hours exposure to very little of the point all the levels of arizona are not dangerous now a doubling in the next twenty five years could cause the kind of damage that has already killed crops and shriveled the trees around our large urban areas it in fact i think that one could remove a fan to a hundred percent of the vote to a laboratory that you might be able to run it more power plants with them for a few
days and remove but they were to attempt to run a two hundred seventy five megawatt electric generator with all the problem tribulations of keeping a plant in order the wind divide that he could not even achieve twenty percent over the government he red rock country when it rains the sulfur dioxide turns into a mile sulfuric acid missed was dissolved rock and speed the erosion of the canyon small from the four corners plan has already been detected in the grand canyon bryce in zion national park would more plants and construction possibly nine more in utah the outlook is bleak for twenty seven national parks monuments and recreation areas in the four corners region tourism is one of the most important business is that five state area the parks alone attracted some twelve million visitors last year what about the future of
getting rid of the pollution power plants that it's expensive and not very efficient some car engineers are looking for a way to capture the pollutants during the burning process opportunities as a matter fact were appreciated by our engineers at even at the dawn of the age of electricity in the eighteen eighties electricity was generated by identifying call to make gas so cold you cut down the amount of beer that has supplied the furnace of the cold and burn all the way the best team over the corvette this makes a fuel gas you cruel that gas and scrub the dust out of it with water to make a clean power fuel that burns at high temperatures to make electricity basically the idea hasn't changed and beating at this rather ironic to reflect on the fact that the electricity was generated when the rural emissions are not
absolutely no emissions about could get the coal had first been gathered by turned into a clean gas and then burned in death which indeed a few french installations well they've had the queen can't remove the foil and in both the paper and insulation electricity with very good in the nineteen paul revere omissions of the nfl a remarkable fact the microphone with a career with a parent or why didn't the car industry developed and that's the direction the electricity industry grows so fast that by nineteen twenty electric generating sets were roughly twenty thousand kilowatts the thirty thousand or aren't getting just when we built that big and so that particular path of technological development died in favor of whiskey bourbon with polls simply being burned in a big box erased the leading man of
course for the emissions will learn to get by why should you get the sulfur up signs going up is that the operators of the new mommy plan spent six hundred thousand dollars on research and special equipment to raise its performance to ninety eight point nine percent particular control and they have spent a million dollars and so for control research that they still cannot meet the air pollution standards of our county nevada the alternative to be conventional power plant gets a fine called to be burned is our guest on today's large scale hasn't yet been perfected one small grant of the city university of new york is keeping a project to live according to dr squires a coal gasification plant would be considerably more efficient it would cost about ninety dollars a kilowatt installed compared to about two hundred dollars a kilo are a conventional way to get higher efficiency and save
fuel is still another way to go and the technology is available now we've enjoyed thirty to forty years of meaning our electrical energy demand by building bigger and bigger problem never mind never mind how much fossil fuel burning but that's not the case that we've heard are running out so often i've heard it said that we've done all weekend and i don't believe that for a minute we haven't done a weekend there has been great resistance to accepting the total energy trance the airplane mall a six hundred thousand square foot shopping center located in lexington kentucky was one of the first projects in which localities system speaking we're all essentially has an energy plan to provide employment services for the tenants of a shopping center only two pipes service so once the water one for gas
natural gas is one of the cleanest fuels saar plant virtually pollution free besides there's no formal pollution because we don't just charge heat to a body of water like a conventional power plant by using waste heat from power generation process to provide heating and air conditioning we can achieve sixty to seventy five percent efficiency this is to be contrasted to get to thirty or thirty five that means we've had a few live in the same job so why are two energy systems widely and one reason is that it's a major threat to the local electric company the shopping mall is a large electric plant with the franchise when a total energy systems offer to a new factory or computers the car company often fights losses are a big discount to be like mine many of the power companies
say total energy systems are unreliable within their own record or a liability the increasing number of blackouts and brownouts in the city's this question most hospitals and other places where continuous power is critical must have standby equipment for use when the electric company failed going to gym waiver the safeguards built into a total energy system are more reliable than plugging into the power lines the government planners and engineers in the industry have not appear anxious to accept the total energy concept virtually all the research and development of the nation are now going into another nuclear power this was underscored in september of nineteen seventy one when president nixon visited the hanford washington nuclear installation announced the building of the first commercial breeder reactor i mentioned a moment
ago all the region react to the science and i got about a sophomore but i can assure you that it's always been fascinated me because it seems to me that if the people are to be a group of people we must always explore dionne now we must never be afraid that's why we have those things that's why we should focus their city that is why as far as this particular concern in terms of nuclear power we know we can't be sure what i'm going to do on the other hand we know much forgotten all available for the rest of us in a way that will be good for all americans and for other people who were reason why we not readers and otherwise we will run out of any
worthwhile sources of uranium within twenty five years we're only doing it they had an economics i'm using uranium in their bravery are using a mixture of plutonium and uranium you don't have the neutron matter and the reactors cooled down to an end many have a new radium and thirty eight and produce more plutonium you ran me on the radiant and thirty eight at the end of a little
more plutonium and you used up expansion only way he'll oregon i have that leaders if we're living here all jon kaufman is a longtime critic of nuclear power even if i am in nineteen fifty three by the atomic energy commission to investigate in a comprehensive manner the impact of all peaceful atomic energy programs a man in nevada and so we did just that job a little more laboratory i haven't that biomedical division was associate director un laboratory i am really fundamental objections and concerns about that breeder reactor that are even more serious and my objections from the current reactors one and if there's really
an icon it's capable of being rearranged into what we call a critical mass and therefore have the prospect of giving rise to an atomic explosion which is not a possibility for the current version of nuclear reactors one can always conjure up costs related accidents one can conjure them up as readily for the light water reactors as for the reader it will be using plutonium to fuel its growth will be a liquid metal actually german laws liquid metal and sodium are tricky its finance so that we will have to take a considerable error with the coolant are and as well as in meticulously with plutonium and they almost have the telephone man
one millionth of a glam of plutonium and sufficient to live in long pants a bath reader economy based on plutonium means in twenty or thirty years we will be handling one hundred tons of plutonium career a hundred tons versus a million of the blank this means that any plutonium that we release of the aisle five any container is there to be a potential lung cancer producer la law with a half life of twenty four thousand years we can say that any plutonium release will be with a man getting in trouble for a period like a hundred thousand five hundred thousand years singing with you
by larger safety program is designed to solve the problem before we actually have an operating near the right heritage action for the past breeder reactor and tony emmy and we must never forget that plutonium in amounts so order fourteen pounds is not giving up and make an atomic bomb everyone thinks about the fast breeder economy is well aware that a black market and gentlemen is extremely likely to develop or small arms and even for a major deal with the organizations and eight the plutonium presently being produced in riyadh is owned by the reactor operators lay out on the stringent eighties the regulations with regard to the use of that plutonium they cannot sell it to a private person for example
but they are the owners and they would be anticipated in the period that really comes in the thing you can only kill me once again we would have to regulate meticulously in order to assure that and here you are in the proper channels and they're a small very small losses from and why i believe this that everything we do in our daily lives what we can hope or at most is to reduce those risks to as close to zero as possible and i i believe that the benefits of electrical energy from nuclear power and probably saved more lives than the nose that might possibly the law i would hope that everything we do in our society that does provide greater benefits than reds i'm very
surprised when i hear people say we math though the nuclear power or out because the only fourth when the fuel made of our reform of course we have our requirement and indeed we let me are reasonable all require but the situation is so bright with respect of fellow alternative and i have no doubt at all that we can bypass nuclear fission fusion power which deserves a great deal more supportive of it now getting it is one of the very fine programs and the atomic energy commission it should be mostly increased limits funding at least double the current if we can begin getting fusion power and that we won't have the nuclear fission power and it will give an almost infinite amount of available for the future the deuterium and
seawater could provide us with a billion times the energy now left in our own oil reserves simply the difference between fashion and beauty that invasion you're splitting atoms of uranium or plutonium infusions by refusing to be carrying the radioactive our products are created confusion and some advanced models there would be no radioactivity at all the problem is that the particles of material must be heated up to one hundred eighty million degrees ripple effect that's what happens in the sun and stars and hydrogen bomb these conditions pose a tough puzzle for researchers who must devise a magnetic field to bottle up the part of these particles can never form a critical mass and possibly explode one of the hazards of nuclear fission while technical problems of the major hurdles in developing a workable fusion says the second big problem is money for research national
policy is committed to fish the figures speak for themselves their laboratories working on fusion have received about thirteen million dollars in research on compared to the big push for patient twenty three billion dollars from government and private industry research and you can also harness the power and hear from the alaskan volcanoes down through the words that he stored in the area is the equivalent of the energy obtained from burning nine hundred trillion tons of advisers in northern california pacific gas electric company now generates three hundred two thousand people lots of electricity is only a small part of the company's generating low production costs less than full cheapest geothermal steam has been used at home to make power in italy iceland new zealand japan mexico and the soviet
union sent the early part of the century united states has been slow to realize the potential the geysers plants constructed since nineteen sixty are producing her first and only do their our pollution problem i didn't saw find von another element within the year the girls are gassed damages both the steam pipes and the trees in the surrounding area is good and mostly control the potential geothermal power under the imperial valley in california and this year of pre april mexico to provide at least thirty percent and possibly ninety percent of the entire country's electrical production in the development of these new mexico's the pioneer experience here and around the world in the case that far more hot salt water and steam will be found and geothermal
exploration one pollution question is what should you do with a salt water supplies that come out of here do you inject water in the world are these selling the water and replanted for desert buttes there's some evidence that underground waters must be replaced to prevent the land subside the ultimate source of clean energy a few years ago the national academy of sciences to study of the overall energy picture in the nation and dismissed solar energy is being of no value and the reason for that was one thousand times more expensive than burning but they were only considering the cost of solar cells you the spacecraft since then many plants have been proposed to convert light he there when a byproduct of the sun's heat into electricity one of the most practical in
my dream i know their plan would collect the heat of the desert sun and converted into electricity using a standard steam turbine just as we're doing now with color nuclear energy our proposal for a new approach to leave some solar energy is actually getting quite a bit of attention now from people in washington as a viable alternative for other types of power at the present time there's still very little money for development of these units that interested in growing this is a model of the solar power arm what we do his coat and the shrieks of stainless steel with a coating optical and film coating that absorbs sunlight the energy is collected in these banks of collectors that are represented by these black strips these get quite hard and the liquid sodium and cools the clothes back along the pipeline
back here to a thing called for more storage the solar energy has one very basic limitation that you want it to operate when the sun isn't shining to store the energy and in our proposal restore the energy for night and cloudy day operations by dumping excess heat during the day into a big pool of molten salt the solar farm is designed to store enough energy for one night and too cloudy day the mondale scholars a farm because they're farming solar energy directly instead of converting it into crops or livestock or people this is a model of a one square mile power plant equivalent to a two hundred fifty megawatts generated stage a thousand megawatt plan would take out four square miles were the collectors raised above the ground so the cattle could still grain underneath they feel that the first thousand megawatts size plant could be operating by
nineteen eighty all the technology is available the utilities people call this monday and said that they had figured out that the amount of land that they have the mining of coal in the four corners area is that the mountain lion had been cut keller and jay would have a effective than a lot of activity the only difference being that the flying j would have gone on and on year after year along with bernstein that the call is going to be depleted in thirty five year the same amount of land that will produce power for thirty five years could have been moved to grow the same amount of power as long as we have on the utilities in the southwest are shopping around the other way the fact is that they have permitted us to coal burning power plants until far beyond the year two thousand
is probably too late to stop the destruction makes this desert is been in a drought cycle for years and reclamation may not work gone will be the hummingbird gone will be grazing lands in the livestock barn will be aware of life and culture and what makes the united states government had promised to protect it in the water and stripping away the year more disappointing appointment or junior genius the government is much we can learn from the navajo and hopi it we will only listen and open many hundreds of years until the supply water encroaching in iran that and what will happen to phoenix tucson albuquerque were in los angeles given how the tragedy courtney nguyen
it's not necessary to exploit every resource completely as it becomes available for technology called well all the uranium tomorrow you could have a choice of these and other almost unlimited power resources the alternatives that we have explored ability of a handful of scientists working with some dreams and very little money to come up with ways of varying call with minimal air pollution making machines more efficient so that we need less you tapping heat of the european unity of the sound waves of producing electricity that will not destroy the land and beyond that there are personal choices that we as individuals must make knowing that the earth cannot sustain our demands unlimited growth as individuals we can use less energy and
still maintain our standard of living as a nation we can develop the alternative system that would provide power without destroying resources are pointing the way if we don't know what the proposition a very welcome change white people bringing olives technical night convention of all kind of went on a night there the day and give it a night they should and not bring that in we
need to have a week
he can do so our moon would be
Black Coal, Red Power
Producing Organization
WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
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Program Description
90 minute program, produced in 1972 by WNET, originally shot in color.
Program Description
Strip mining is occurring specifically in an area known as Black Mesa, a large ?black mountain? with pinnacles and plateaus. The strip mining and related power plants under construction nearby will, according to producer Shelly Grossman, severely affected the livelihood of the Indians by destroying the ecological balance. However, Grossman says he is ?concerned with what was happening on Black Mesa, not only for the Indians but for the whole Southwest.? There are about seven power plants in the planning stages for the Four Corners area of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. Power production is the only end use of the coal being mined. The power is transmitted to large cities like Los Angeles, Tucson and Phoenix. Power production is the only end use of the coal being mined. The power is transmitted to large cities like Los Angeles, Tucson, and Phoenix. Benefit to the Indian is minimal. An agreement signed with the Peabody Coal Company in 1969 allows the tribes royalties of about $1 million per year ? divided between the Hopis and Navajos on areas of joint uses. (The Hopi reservation sits in the middle of the Navajo reservation. On the land that is in the Navajo section only, that tribe will get all the income.) Also, Peabody promised to make up three quarters of its work force with Navajos, which amounts to less than 100 in a nation that is 130,000 strong. For the uninvolved Indians there are two serious issues at hand. To the Navajos it is the strip mining which is destroying grazing land for their sheep ? their primary income. The thin overburden ? topsoil removed to get to the coal, then respreads ? could make reclamation difficult in a climate with little rain. Peabody has said it would move the families affected. But since nearly every square foot of reservation land is allotted for grazing, the livestock cannot be moved. Also, to the traditional Navajos, all land is sacred. For the Hopis, the problem is pollution. Piles of clay shale sit near a creek that borders on the Hopi cornfields. Moencopi Wash, as it is called, is about seven feet below the cornfields. According to Dr. Vern Taylor of Prescott College in Arizona, sporadic downpours could cause the shale to filter down into the wash, dissolve rapidly and gradually raise its level, flooding the cornfields. The shale would cause the water to become salty and fresh crops would not survive. Since the Hopi culture is based on corn, the tribe?s natural economy would be destroyed. In addition, smoke stacks from nearby power plants release SO2 in to the air, which is killing plants Indian women use to make natural dyes. The film follows the strip mining operation from the initial dynamiting of the topsoil to when the coal is carried off in enormous trucks to power plants. Views of the Four Corners plant operated by the Utah Mining Company at Fruitland, NM, are good examples of the pollution pouring from stacks and penetrating the atmosphere to as much as 50 miles away. Other scenes depict the simple life style of the Navajo amidst the shadow of mines and power plants; evidence of a clay shale dump near the Moencopi Wash; a Navajo woman making her natural dyes, and other examples of how the Indians? life style is threatened. Grossman also filmed a Hopi family in an attempt to understand a day in the life of a traditional religious Hopi. Throughout the film Grossman stresses the need to find clean and non-destructive methods of producing power. Shelly Grossman and his wife Mary Louise were the creators of WNET?s ?Our Vanishing Wilderness,? a series of eight half-hour films based on the spectacularly illustrated volume, Our Vanishing Wilderness. Grossman has been a longtime photographic explorer of wildlife on three continents. Other books by him and his wife include Birds of Prey of the World and The Struggle for Life in the Animal World. ?Black Coal, Red Power? is a production of the national programming division of WNET/13. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
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Race and Ethnicity
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Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Prowitt, David
Producer: Grossman, Shelly
Producing Organization: WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Identifier: [request film based on title] (Indiana University)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Black Coal, Red Power,” 1972-05-22, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 10, 2024,
MLA: “Black Coal, Red Power.” 1972-05-22. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 10, 2024. <>.
APA: Black Coal, Red Power. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from