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i will follow the sauce and add a good to take a lot of not that the last ten years science learned that response was honest getting the coverage and japan all of the elements that i've ever decide the officer is wrong we could make we could take an understanding that honest an unpleasant moments when the political boundaries to compete in a cross always saw the result of ryan he means millions of unique about life in the early nineteen nineties from there all really poses a recipe that i saw that and finally we could make them i saw that politician i found that i got five at life in that day and i was actually up a century ago and outlined the us via the first half of it is after a popular that get that without it really
wasn't today i've bought it that there're hundreds that the bond bought it coming in nevada have felt like this is amazing and i want to find another job if they thought they got to the pilot to get that down that is gathered that and i write it that i found a society the beginning you really trust because of it i said i listen then again not oppose it we live by developing a computer game that how i'll use the resources to make that will play this game so that anybody digs up and down votes on nominations and so that you are using is also increasing the volatile pow pow pow and then if you live without a way to make it work right on the comparatively this kind of played it in concert tickets out of this outage on that time it publishes a quite exciting to the
final publication live there were competing evening to realize that as a sign the invasion says with madison avenue are a lot in an emergency summit the politician can deal with the computer that can you audition for that you know they really have a right to know the right that all about i'm interested in any instance of your ideas are for your right and on your life but i'm interested in your life than some of the lesser are living in that situation a high return on its your eye on words without that you've just they didn't realize as i don't have to play a critical thing
about my record of my life that i first baby at a time of low on to paralysis in the spinal meningitis because of natural causes child yes she had an information out of a child's brain want to use the range of getting information about not calling owe them really getting information out of people and the capabilities of monotonous and isis became aware that you might have much higher potential that it was overly aggressive drought also says that with the line about this without really sang think it's ever to live outside the senate who lived then maybe maybe about life because it like that right five years later a second child i wouldn't do
it they'll kind of a safe than the chances it like that that that was certainly the most critical all the fact that that idea of how you should have known me the two children teenagers use johnson in the years since about his time let's
do it emma are you familiar with the words run al hubbard of the volcano has failed that ignorance is breaking the law he's kind do you see any possibility
why was it destroyed a concern of a lot of the original with a while you come over here on the wide open this month that's ok i live
right fifty the earth i wouldn't talk about this is lottery business and i find that i'm a man and this is well respected copper grow there's been a press releases because it imposes made some money because recent event on every continent headed every corp has to make particularly the state department heads of them have a shortsighted in politics how to short sighted in our feet firmly on the next elections on the lifetime mentally really united the laughing as it has sued on the weekends i'm scott simon i only thought of that but matt has discovered by difficult to get on to try to survive in the van that we organize and there's military leaders believe might be inside the
country they would decimate the other side i find there that we get through a noun then i'll circle so going into know that i and nine different bases standing about a hundred fifty years ago with thomas malthus thomas malthus was a professor of global economics in the east in the pews the first economy you have to deal with that out of its fat go and buy you all the empires again is calm alexander roman empire with the drawdown will another top school athlete and kaiser family and five point is that without the infinity if they will lead to infinity gathers all isn't an infinite possibilities of vivid unlike what went on that you might find a roast beef not in our way out of iraq so you got any number
of documented representing the valley we discover that those issues there are closest instead of a publicist with a very different addresses the same rate that their scientists geologist and biologists around the city that have been powerful resource or places like that so now it is a macho scientists think that around the set and now an alliance and recalled all live in specific of anomalous of college system and then about the theory of evolution has been completely impossible for now and about the theory of evolution in the terms of the roman empire that it had in the line and so they have been noted this a very different thinking one supposes that now offers them looking over the economic battle injured coming in from all around the closest aides in the matter of a massive immigration problem that
statisticians in the film is in the bottom is the mouth of publishing making them and to his amazement the people are reproducing themselves you found out and what gm that are right now on the producing the food says about themselves out mathematical rights over their water is going to run out of food and here this is a highly classified information please in it on the right path of not published just about central avenue in vietnam in that throughout africa first as an assessment he reviewed the knot again to not say this became then the lessons of the great powers to running low that they have going on the ground then came that balance is also on the service and then he said explains evolution by side so why were only and the pressure to activists especially as well as along as weak showing great asset between
now and then an office we have this palin a jazz us as a scientific mark waid nation has nowhere near enough around though not enough to go around for less than one percent of the rabbit and then beyond that to so we had the toughest issue this entire segment on the dissenters and so that this is the first time you have that kind of basic thing which is that the right thing was wide open and how much money in the mouth it is the workers who produce it goes and they are they have that other that isn't they ought to the side so that was the beginning of a really great point although out of ideology essentially about and i knew that as a scientific that invention and make sure none of my lived mama gonna be decimated that was the big nation began to go in the fight with the right felt so as you shot this in any of this is a joint listen to a lot of bobby we've got a
long distance on in relation to the armageddon so we'll price i recommend that in any given by by the politician with a scientist about where an articulate is hitting our greatest this is a joyous time but as actors it is the law and they've got a great weapon supplies and thousands remain anonymous then the ice tray sin began to happen because it brought up it when it was still you can't refuse that i think that this is obviously not enough to go around tonight when i'm going on as i picked up twice and when i went there i had fallen on the us and i like that man a father lightly toasted and the senate well is that you as a well you know we lived in this man we find there's just not enough and then it said i know you like a golden rule in rwanda you like set aside
apathetic that if you have the other un hundred other guys said we like to bring about if i didn't have to do that with a high five hundred people and financing if they saw you know like inside information so i think this is that as soon as i have an application to the house and then they decide the election law that is something again that happen that truly unexpected on during this century between nineteen hundred and that we were going from less than one percent of around forty percent advantage on ios nine eleven and when annie kayne in allentown pa at the same time thirty to around nine thousand and nine on that omar is
not a matter of three to have now been continually decreasing so very strangely that you didn't accomplish placing tags on the voyage that would be changing history line from a full out on expensive than forty two in the seventies the kind of the line and it obviously wasn't something that you can buy any type of operations many economies of it of all colors and so i say i like guns that was going on but we didn't have as much we saw says oh you must be the law with less than again the smaller issues i discovered hear that that's about half of that milan has release it was about life of less than ten percent of the conflict is a huge federal workers abroad and this ninety nine and that that was a very tiny little at once that fire was a little tiny people within the new orleans is just in the time we have to come in the water and the water's coming
this kind of you can't tie that men maximum of the father reese austen ryan instrument well the eye the neck and go and i think he saw for me that and after astonishing given on the swell rather relentlessly and the land around them nowhere near enough to go around and if you found a place in the time it took some musical romp times places and they walk and even though the focus and that's the velvet rain is when you put all of the brain and robbers game around it having us in the nineties that was left nothing out of it so they would be well there was diary wage alone and then really weak and the economic package so that the focus and work for very long long time it was security then to be both because i have a lot of high office next question i
chose this as we live a secure as a rock about now on the cd set in that because you need these people who went out there that no laws the footage that was out that just a natural on that pirate ship that lazy rich characters that problem by rob the guy if you find a benefit the community the icc has discovered the us was furious and that really seems to get ever wrestling if they were over although nineteen ninety nine sideman to a local people and they receive you again makes the sesame sauce about nothing to say they have you know what about it was and they would invite about the law mandates and there were about how the party has been tested out in a fellow sailor so you have basically a suicide there should be an avid podcast i
have so many problems on watergate there's documented rebellious bowden so far this is the way of the chef conway went out law center it is and i never knew about my family and out and put my weight into so much nationally about real shit locally and that the best we can the next country nigeria ship and found that a massive readership of women about him that you know that if i were to make a stronger so that a family of the strongest fibers the strongest nasa investigated the resources that out before me and the fire and so there's a great battle a billion dollars less filling all the lasting legacy and not out of ninety nine point nine the things out on all of the law audience of them came running of the world by air which won the center and the
alpine the need that don't stay out that i would never have a matter movement says there's been writing on his left of the heavy hand of the photos that have a heavy fuel the villain in the hole now be strong enough but that hurricane hasn't weighed in their naked as taiwan island that had to fade just out of a sense that less than fifty years sixteen grand to release of the smallest upon our actions nineteen thousand people around the world to ours now this isn't the ball with lessons of dissent where the red of this summit they get a particular contract at the contractor who's producing <unk> sinuses i suddenly found that particular public option even then out of a contract so they said we all dressed up without that company enough scientists fear and we need to work we need more than five out of writing about upcoming match up so they looked around and domestic economy for some of them
this way we just the united states and for an amazingly great battleships out of the county seat of five or fifty years or a flawed piece of steel in a building on the latter date generators like generating out of the battleship we have refrigeration and the thirtieth of air conditioned state with at a ready all the sins of the fallout of that preoccupation with a negative not that far actually the missing weapons now but before it had become a generalized to me that there was a little everything keep making the law prompted the question goes into quote got generalized elizabeth berg is peaceful goes into that but not all the time so and then that'll fall out they were going up and that has actually brought about this great change so i discovered them takes twenty two years ago the cycle through weaponry and the fallout of the five on it i haven't read it wouldn't be that way and so it
isn't then they get one of the silent place twenty two years old i see that we can save the twenty two years most of the deliberately setting out a redesign the issue of resuscitate it wants it and i'm going at twenty two years of the wave of fallout the chances of the summer sun when it on the news it was the same bang bang price of us a very impoverished begin to catch on that there really isn't as i'm robert siegel outside of that that that money was that was going to come back to our society to the mac was on night with the new law
you know as well as anyone you know i said i meet so many young people at the high school level as having committed this crime record i'm natasha khan young of the only one of the tanks at the velocity this mr and we say we use these terms of having discovered our social change and if so where is the low income in and where you have
taken it two of my god and in the nineties the moon is a lot of my affiliate in office at the us to turn that i find in america my high integrity that he's also very busy this guy trying on things as mason doesn't necessarily get foreclosures as i was you know it's when i am president national always save our muffins out his wit there is a line which is in english for the american literature professor well read and his name is fantastical and as that marshall allen that ran many many books is and then in the the implication of affairs that difficult books are
coming out fast and i could read them so he feels that these new frontline position religion and they want to see that number of people were saying those things which were not i hadn't at the time the salem on time the summit what they said and coming together the immigration issues and the rise in geneva fashion is not a visual thinking that it is a great harvest of these thought her son marshall really does say many militants and you know so i have made a number of discoveries in mathematics you are an undecided voter so our talk about iran's backing up into the future but the debate within the past an independent national fears that my mind is out of a medical faces of a lot and then they comprehended is soulful and that as i
am and that you know that i find exploration and i find that many jealous is many people get into the very odd complex want to show up with something that russia was not that way so i would say yes we're ready a nice beat thank you so we have individual scientists
especially from inside finding certain relationships in the violent bloody refining some of the main tenets found that they didn't think they were in the same world temptations of the graduate normal problems of ghana as it is south like tennyson and they found it in the dramatic revelations thinking them all separately not integrated evangelism believe the animation renaissance leaders inside a complete integration has done it thirty lot about what you call it the modern concept of car
talk about that call it a lot of places and five or ten nights of that life along the start of a prison going to isolate herself lives inland as a complete in the remains of a partisan like how do you know how to actualize it just as clear that we like getting sent this
audience a potential realizing it together and then you know i don't think that i've seen when somebody who is sent out that i look on the top the gaps that classic man that he could be in that holiday season of attending journalism thank you he then thought or later they'll actually and actually find out of the founders of leverage and talk many others there's nothing i don't have to tell me that
you knew were together as a regular grew or what you like to be something kind of nineteen seventy we do meet together and we would like to say what we do about it i have a lot of that really it immediately not to visit many and not the capital is it that the singers that i have a seriously there is a community that's something very core to community at some kind of poetic feeling around a lot of failures <unk> answer lies in colorado and colorado's this is the power that has done it there's nothing wrong
the rapture and they are diversity sells and using that meet me that i've given them and gymnastics nine eleven setting of fiction the house and that they were building homes or don't just outside the circle we have here only about forty feet but a very good one for the non descriptive process all about one seven dollars mother's ninety dollars dollars or five thousand dollars a family you've seen many shantytowns on the telephone they're
there and they're there would generate something very strange events this idea out there and then that probably don't want to make this salty society candidate joe bass income they find any traction at around the radio over rhinos of thinking that that's going to solve all of the facts so again the victim of a violent fightings extremely interesting things that that if they've gone up he says the city and enforce the country as an alternative or starting your own plan and we can redesign the city think all the problems city and part of it is the question of why cities developed at now you put together some
videos i've never seen one another the self doubt on the sound of our investment churchill as i have that the minister has not invested always i might find rights to finance a little demonstration of person kind of information they got it the semi space i was enough to realize the way there and i can say one hundred feet in diameter and i've made many senses you there's a ways to go it weight of air inside of that of the one hundred foot diameter sphere is seven
intensify the airways that much common structure which will hold the seven tons of their lives only for him out concert weighs only half of the airway when you double the size of the island then leave surfaced and it increases the second tower so i thought it was my service and i saw that what i mean that's a lot of his eight times on that every time a double the size of a business of volume is eight times in the daytime stretches on the increase on the levee a basic ideas and listen to louis arch of the night so when i went to one foot diameter sphere hire construction always at times of the weight of that and there's fifty six pounds so it got way way out so when i got up to a half mile in diameter
weight and arizona right i finally got a half mile diameter sphere this made among them to as an open sit at the sun shining on it is concave on the inside and like it like so many of his shiny reflects that so that even unproven inside reflect back some of the son decided that in the atmosphere inside of the sphere so to begin to concentrate some of the heat inside i find that when they heat the air inside of it have my close up one degree fahrenheit began we call as he resented the molecules of anger so they didn't push out there when he's of expand so it pushes out in the open so they found the man and pushed out ways a great deal on the structure so that the last wave that much less than that the atmosphere around the white house that quote in the sky how you look at it
they're missed in the valley in the morning flying over when the sun shines on it you sit at question than the one that gets lighter and imposes congo because i found that you could maybe you could inadvertently make the flying car when i got to it one mile diameter unit five thousand people could be outlawed and then the navy will likely be floating around the world and i guess that just give you some ways of his discoveries begin he said why are you crying architect ole cosmologist exchange of ideas with young people in san francisco today bobby fuller has been here this afternoon with sensory systems in golden gate park here at jpl and some of those sentences can says you know when i was at the haiti community here that exchange had expressed ideas with this man and seem to enjoy the afternoon we hope you this is wandering
here in san francisco ms phaneuf it but doubt say that the faction i picked up the criticism everyone to know he and i could broadcast it to argue it wasn't really a lot of things i couldn't write theoretically broadcaster adam says that a guy around the world around the unusually iraq is only fifteen thousand miles and eisenstein that's about it as environmental factors and not just alone was luckily earth you know the effects of the test that we call the phases of the moon there's no question about the
identification of phases of the moment that as activism man with fish and no question there's a phase in a moment there is that when we saw the possessions moving on the stars might have been in an elegant dramas drawn very readily haven't gotten the fact that his death could have been decided and have a lot of effect that doesn't make it in now so the assembly that's i think a deep into awareness who is whole race is something fun was that very often turns out that sometimes wildly paid attention he could be given the expectation has been rediscovered by great significance in the astrological living date july and so it
was the third our geodesic city mathematics and i have made the geodesic domes of steel a billboard country classics and so forth and then sometimes mr barnes and i made them do what is essentially moving so fast at the same time and as i say i could make the contents a race that make his vision it's very interesting
the conversations about a whole lot of things yes there's no question that the fact of his own job of trying to find ways in which out whatever i can but i ride to an obsessive the ravens <unk> out of oil in the theater and now flat and his attention get through to them you know that you can get to them is an innovation and one of the sessions so like do you have make
your own music racism at the surface yeah i said it we are think that
these exchanges cheney the punk scene this is wanda rainy in san francisco's golden gate park right behind me is the area known as the hill and this flat section down here is where he is me constantly to love
and to be and to engage in conversations and confrontations that time if you will today they're meeting for a very special reason for a conversation with buckminster fuller of mr fuller is the very famous architect he developed the geodesic dome that was a part of mexico sixty seven he is a cosmologist a new word i just heard today is a man who was a philosopher and certainly were you can express his ideas you'll be doing that for us this afternoon here in golden gate park with beheadings let's join them right now it's
because you can be quite nice but it's been nice but
it's the peak is
bleak there's been this boy
Public Broadcast Laboratory
Buckminster Fuller Meets the Hippies
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This episode of PBL is an interview with inventor and visionary Buckminster Fuller and a group of hippies in a park.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-7w6736mz7m.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
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Duration: 00:47:46
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Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; Buckminster Fuller Meets the Hippies,” American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; Buckminster Fuller Meets the Hippies.” American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; Buckminster Fuller Meets the Hippies. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from