Public Broadcast Laboratory; 123; Who's Afraid of the Avante Garde?

- Transcript
fb and an hour adding sunday april twenty twos media or public an experiment in public television combining elements of information education and entertainment like the deal go for it you know when you do
does the original liars and there were all these new wave off an h the buffalo philharmonic under the direction of lucas far only the variation on the theme by four with an essay on in and they reveal the last few hours from washington could be all begins with chief correspondent edward p morgan point of view some funny things happen to the candidates on their sordid ways to the white house last week robert kennedy for instance our barber and use the visit as a political ploy an
effect a separate is an age from the flower children when a businessman avalanche in los angeles on friday which i covered i asked the new york senator how he proposed to demonstrate his capacity for leadership can any grand and replied we'll begin with i've got my hair and so we have kennedy had just finished a serious speech calling for new priorities on a national agenda as he put it so private enterprise and technical know how could be used more and more for the public the day before in washington the republican governor of new york nelson rockefeller and dramatically opposed to a meeting of the nation's newspaper editors the dramatic dichotomy of an economy soaring jordan eight hundred billion dollar gross national product but still unable to improve the lot of thirty million americans living in poverty there may be some novel significance in their shared concern that of rockefeller and kennedy over the cruel contradiction between american abundance and want but to this correspondent after round of
interviews in southern california the most significant political development of the week is not yet hit the headlines especially since president johnson read himself out of the race three weeks ago attention has concentrated on the struggle among his would be democratic successors vice president humphries expected to join senators kennedy and eugene mccarthy in the hurly burly of the arena on friday or saturday with an official announcement but strange fascinating things have been happening in california on the republican side rockefeller forces and forces guiding the somewhat theatrical fortunes of governor ronald reagan are reaching quietly passively and quite unofficially the verge of a political accommodation as one knowledgeable republican source put it to me this way even climax and a rockefeller reagan ticket improbable as this may sound we must remind ourselves of nineteen sixty eight political events it seemed impossible for that happened in the presidential campaign year is still young the bizarre and by no means fully flowered
rockefeller reagan romance is encouraged by a number of important though not exactly a lovable fact it's front runner though he is richard nixon is still cursed with a loser syndrome especially in his onetime homes that this was really underlined by diane rehm much more is respected california state poll published in the los angeles times last thursday it showed governor rockefeller by far the strongest republican presidential candidate among california republican and democratic voters ally much more survey had him be at all likely democratic candidates including lyndon johnson handily well nixon that said would lose to either lbj or mccarthy would defeat kennedy or humphrey but by much narrower margin as the rockefeller would another of those ironic paradoxes that stunned the political scene governor reagan would lose and badly to senator mccarthy vice president humphrey and senator kennedy in that descending order there's apparently reflects the emerging fact that reagan is in increasing trouble as governor his
critics including republicans especially republicans argue he has done virtually nothing write his latest and i might involve the state budget his promise to cut spending which helped elect him and sixty six has been eclipsed by the inescapable need to raise taxes and one method governor reagan proposes in effect is to soak the poor so why has the rockefeller can't interested when such a running mate might seem to lead the ticket back into death valley days oates be two reasons the governor heads the nominally a nominally controls the powerful california delegation which could conceivably decide the gop nomination at the miami convention secondly the reagan and eighties though tiniest within the golden state still believes elsewhere indeed the governor presumably intends to polish it more at least seven major speaking engagements in the next four weeks as such widely separated sites as boise idaho boulder colorado we'll move to florida cities chicago and cleveland and more and more reagan money is finding its way into the oregon primary campaign
if he could upset next or at least blunt his victory margin there were virtually no personal appearance is except on tv spots it could be a mortal blow and the former vice president human reagan conservative backers however i reportedly beginning to feel that their mandate may have only limited potential as a national figure and that if the vice president's they work up to his size it might provide a graceful exit from increasing chaos in sacramento there's maybe terribly cynical terribly cynical in view of the importance of that officeholders in succession to the white house and of course none of this may come to pass not only does the latest gallup poll today show richard nixon leading all three top democratic presidential hopefuls and across the nation you must still be going with satisfaction over the favorable impression he made on the american society of newspaper editors on friday by comparison with the dod which the pundits say governor rockefeller let them the day before but the dynamics of the situation are such a california where rockefeller loss to senator goldwater
in nineteen sixty four maybe saying nelson here i come if nixon shows any signs of water at least that's the un expert and uncertainty of this observers point of view last month revealed that several of the buffalo festival of the arts know the real reasons highlights of the festival with who's afraid of the avant garde art begin with a speech or german allegations and guests of the arts continue with a ball yes it has
been oh oh oh the top names in there is that law do you recount those things that you don't and my hand through here he plays a new for me an experimental and i'm still finding out exactly how to twist to build
here we go to prove in our arm we have enough of foreigners and faces something inside of a true we must go full obviously going back would get into deeper trouble i'm really healthy in the course of this investigation we discovered that the avalon garde artist date is no longer an ivory tower dweller sitting down in the room you are liable to get something like this
they occasionally and morris's role television audience because the morning we don't really feel that he could do it every night and the whole thing and all the actual community of the united states in the late nineteen fifties if you veer the mission of amanda's <unk> responsibility demand goes up then you're right now that memory and then can we lead the
poet than planned for john gilligan who made and temple law most places have any serious intention whatever are written in effect to affect a change the problem is how to be part of the world at large how to be an artist in the world that isn't and things that are tremendously worried about with our music really has an impact in the right direction then why you may ask all the art works so uncommunicative so different from the arduino and love what happened to pictures of things what's happened to tunes where the heroes where other plots why is this modern art so silly so obscure that isn't really or are we just looking at this new armed with old old habits and have the contemporary
artists come to terms in his work with what all scientists since einstein have known to be true that we're no longer living in a commonsense world buckminster fuller and the news was up now that was up and down and only the country all years and i think that he was up and down right now what seemed to be their realistic that there are probably horrendously average and they zone seen one man in the service and because of that there is an singer singing when it came to let those amount of incumbency eventually he went out that that plan i'm as well i'm sure you are using words all corners of this bill and red rose up and down then you accommodate this concept that's not well
with matt merlin also been because of that one other being out on another date and that's all that one direction a point up no action that point down but now knowing none of that because of the power of one another so that might be up to this point is not the most fun of me in seven navigating that the sea captain been wrong more rapidly enough to really how this upset is sinking but the nba began to fly around it so rapidly that morning news and political upside down the end of the rally was an upside down and at how much better alignment for close inspection so if it comes in for a landing and those are obviously not been going to authorize masses and universities right now says leonard
here's the pitch you got it it's the avant garde making ends there's an upstairs music paintings and plays which we take in and reject with our upstairs and downstairs eyes and ears are used to date have armed guards are at best a dead end the worst put on this broadcast cannot make that decision for its viewers what it can do is set forth the facts in the form of the art works themselves accompanied whenever possible the other creators and the two hours ahead you'll see more of what they haven't got is up to and most of us have the opportunity to in the year we leave office of reactions to the abstract art in the albright knox gallery and to the festival itself
the original ugly thank you the plant which is why i think the
piece be it's b the party and people in the
post things on the various things we parent but they were all accused of things in other words the picture itself is a stand in for the region something second name on the economy is you know regulation does a lot of israel want what is he doing the same when a violent violent game will tell you that well lent is played by thomas eakins in the old days people were very much concerned with pictures of things that i love sometimes and
sometimes there are very fond of their own parents as well now john we only hello julie one of them was in america do we know one thing to think of it oh
no a lot of us now what was your job
thank you he thinks it's a masterpiece in certain kinds of abstract or ticket of those which deals with shapes to associate with geometry we don't get a portrait of a square or a circle we get the real thing we get a square dancer the art exhibition to be all non objective is this video is that you should be and b and they were to play it as though the vote and
then you begin to turn now to two people a completely different vibe you could be compatible in a lot of activists to concentrate on one kind of on one category that you would think well we invite people to get rid of all the wrong people that education college loans the
peak that's the first time in sixty six years shows up here the other day and i asked her first time out that's right like children three of them have given up on the new measures these days now every room you know and how are
the ears right i want to hear in that he's getting and he agreed not to an end this sunday and the whole movie's force base i wish it all wrong whoever made this seemingly without sinks i love what it looks like the farm opponent julia and then again about because you've got that got that got that works in and say oh there's a piece of that up there that's
that's in those days the days of maybe ten minutes that he was a community college that was unbelievable in that boyle along the mine and anybody that says that as well i think it's this place that you go in this nation to the world what would you call it seems that it's different colors who's been infected with it he's a
painting which he's also you know you can go through the movement thank you the shoes because locke whom we have been landing site and you have to fall from the top about the moon and you see the enormous about it and you really think like these you know the men must've so the initial idea because the line can work unless this whole system worked together we not believe it live at central command which you know and then at the
farm family before you physically which we'll be seeing things along with nearly all art was divided into two parts remember season in which expressing things was primary and classicism where the emphasis is on beautiful construction then john cage invented the third neither expressive nor well constructed and he called it now he seems to be saying to the other artists stopped manipulating me with your expressiveness your designs reaching into my insides with your long avid fingers that push the buttons that make me feel the way you feel duty is not alone in that you can drive it is all around does that is what is this what happens it is life itself and out of cages idea and happenings
and in fact the day plague is one of the prime movers in the art world he composes he writes he performs on he also likes to work learn i never used the word about myself i'm not i'm not interested in naming things are things being categorized as far as my work has always been interested in you think that i don't know i don't describe it i do it right
this time i met bb eight right
word are the those boos oh
no i didn't interpret anything but the church since my definition ira group of human beings we are that on the stage as we are in real life people moving around various ways but we don't interpret something we present do something and then any kind of interpretation is left up to anybody looking at the audience but i don't pretend we're not human beings like i think that's inescapable i disagree so they convinced three of the music and art in connection with that and then we would sound together and actually you have never heard and the night of the performance he will combine that with a lot more reaction have you have that will always so much to love to be polite one of the strengths of this great company is its ability and
carlos since dr tiller feel that the team of stravinsky nation's key in koslow drop to itself as full time collaborators tom visual and musical artists like cage warhol rauschenberg and jasper johns <unk> john's cuts the finishing touches and the costumes david tudor warms up the electronic rig that will help him produced a nine surprises and then the woes silver pillows which of the entire set wander the stage club like looking for her set sarah you're a
peace than any or will now
go it's been an
air act and right are earning right sir
tip so see see a hospice is no
man i was for an ain't do
it will i'm arun always as
an fbi va joe
for fitch it or else things
right and there are eight you just teach says
herb early this june it's been the
point there
are quite a few fishes you a ft ashore a fissure a fifth
victim to such a few seed for further aiding in
is right i
mean an eight eighth ste on the album you film
techniques by jonathan a poetry reading by an issue jersey boys that's author edward albee huge wave off the vote will be reopened as
a commercial film is a series of images that movement tell a story usually a series of unclear and they just moved in don't so that's generally the chairs the prejudices against clear images this is to
be greek we need money
it in any case we can we can do
it at the peak of a pay to play business
jenny thank you thank you
it became a new yorker right but there is today it's been very well twenty million people live today they're changing that
there were a large amount of the corn and see what happens on the chin or you know one of the things i mean geez fb it's
been allen ginsberg poet and profits eroded singer of indian for is not way out just mom and he speaks to the album in fact he forms a sort of bridge between the world and the airport i
said i'm gonna need you're with the blue bar though are that marines being built like wearing over water following that was a cliff top syrian electric they'll lose your music from a jukebox trumpeted shadow that began my left rhett rhett cigarette matter where phone waiting at the lens the german at over what will light wind in bed with over a monograph the bank the fact that song relax the rules or and i go
well there a man named solomon we're walking here crying and the sweet water where things aren't the peacemaker english spoken on the street bearded you sampled the narrow white glow with violence between hebrew and arabic that through the first house he can only learn over the hill down the valley into a living i have no name and wonder in a nameless countryside young boys all at the movies being a great western art gallery glows like razor and tobacco on the floor to touch the beard of martin buber's to watch as stacy grisham sholem lacing shoes pronounced proper nouns name and steve stone dollars of that to be me alone beside a big bar late at night the bathroom as
they're in the afternoon and smelling urine down near marysville to watch the orange moon keep over syria we're drama to wait beside galilee night with orion lightning negro voices critters these a glass of them and they feel my left hand on my shape him all you have to do is over the metaphysical pain of dying art is just a shadow like cal berkeley keep the future open make no bass on here was moonrise and talk music on pornographic memory just think how amazing someone getting up and walking on water first party again he's he's with helping you
cool like night through the road with cars are outside injury behind the gay bars to him above the ravine a fire burning by the cyborg as you desire souls hunched over a black leather jacket in the huge wooden have a yellow chandelier at three am the black a lot bigger hype by rulings those ray charles beatles jumping joe jackson and when are you getting to the vibration of the floor of the lead in the bathroom girls and garlic by one most dealers move in man's wedding band playing for our beer can then the touring the art i hang then sculpt your dangling an unlikely wrote children's weeping softly in their bedroom bunks and
being in the lead these in and manage our and talk to go jazz has an avant garde and the leading exponent essential taylor jazz goes the same route to the other foreign markets namely this year reduction of the folk elements in jazz that means now a big one two three four dance rhythms another simplicity various
columnists tesla taylor originally was sometimes hard to find you kind of julian ryder cup in new york in all or in a nightmare
who herb as bell aaron
airhead airmen the only thing you really must do to give these players have a chance you've read maybe that they're difficult but they don't skew they're not really knew that they perhaps make experiments in the ad coach to the theater that may be unfamiliar to you hear things and see things in in different ways perhaps than you may have experienced before the play still use words words add up into sentences and sentences hopefully get up
into the semi coherent thoughts don't come necessarily expecting to see the kind of place you seen before don't be put off because they seem strange my aunt a come open minded receptive willing to let the players happened to you on their own terms of let them happen that's that's all i can say i can tell you what they're about because of the many things hopefully they're about one thing and then i would make the blue one because i think i think that's sort of fun just be receptive and not put off by anything that has the appearance of being unusual it is but that isn't necessarily scare find things to come up and say what they're about
not sure i know edward all these new play baucus was premiered march sixth nineteen sixty eight in the floor studio or in a theater is a first night audience saw the play exactly as you were about to see it the park the park has the power to prompt the pope i'm in san diego and i know that in english that his attack we really do carpentry isn't
me that's going out a crafts if you're the non classical disposition there are other his other arts which have gone down to craft and which are going for the wars reports music the making of good bread he will not living in neon lights glow craft no i'm going for that but this is silent good morning naca news new and you know give them so many of that no high level very good work filing
and so fastidious like when they shine the bottoms of issues and he instead not only to where you might expect they'd turn the bottoms if they did but even means death and other and i nature abhors among so many so much else among so much ice itself they say vacuum system as conclusion in the sense of method as an end to the dye so big you can hardly throw them anymore seven hundred million babies did in the time it takes talk to meet the deal to make a
proper meal now in one nation in the wind could do new instead of hanging on movement when it was a beautiful beautiful dog and newman have to walk around and take a ten if only they had told is clearly when it was clear
that we were not only corrupt but there's nothing that is not a little like a rock to the selfishness to the corruption that we should dye to keep it oh oh oh in a moment spilling and spilling in killing all those children to make a point a penny or two and a symbol of that and i suppose the children were symbolic to build a dying and couldn't stop once it starts gets to a certain point the momentum is too much spending know
oh shame the pope would notice he said so there are no positions he said so long as there are some with nothing we have no right to anything it's the little things the small cracks over every pundit not even send a check to someone but that does not smell and it can be done is to crack and if you go back to a pot p o mcalinden they should cry and the beauty of it but from solar that you cry from loss of patience and it begins to have
an arc begins to hate it's time to look around yes it is yes it is no longer just great he would take you more but you reminded enough of what can but what happens is when the art her it's not and room enough to move around except like a fly that would be very good yes but so what's so much here is the thing about tension and the town the
important thing the release of tension is the military into consonance no matter how far traveled one comes back circular not to the starting point but they're sinking down again and the beauty of art is order not armed oh so much lived a billion birds a once black knit skimming the ocean or the butterflies that time in that island the monks known by the wind but going straight in a direction order and thick sides to bounce it off last year painter
when he tells us what we cannot well then it no longer relates does it that is the thing about music that is why we can't listen anymore we cry all she's you doing that and and europe only honest response is our parents well no wonder it's another sky of them or straight or even more radical it is only when you can
come back when you get in some distant key that when you say pecan the atomic and they say what is that it's been there more a thousand and one below the moving fast in the opposite way what was accused of movie though bullies and see cause the sound out at night in a fog when i was very young and if i had ever seen in a fire dependent but i knew and yet the sea sounds
where we can exist with anything without those little that we need to have to go on evolving goodness weil died when we were thirty ones now much younger much i couldn't have been fun i'm in rehab and more and more the memory of what we have not no and so it is with a fog which i had never seen
yet know it and the resolution of a color no difference and even that can't happen here because but un provable conte that makes a difference does it not nothing can keep here except the memory of what i am not crew moon we give up something for something scary at night interesting in its way room enough for a stadium don't know which is the italian olive oil for a lot of
the italian of rockin chair a window it hurts that is where truman what to look for when the corruption and corruption is complete nothing new is no more of them and i learned skimming and here's one moving the need in the opposite way no
the politician musical joe porter david rosenfeld and the performance of local philharmonic orchestra conducted by the fistful be reopened the moment it's
billions as some critics have pointed out there's music and stroll be split there's also theater and much of the new music is an example of musical farce a brand new piece by a brand new composer violent turns out to be someone we've already met it's been nice many
many no no as
barry krisberg the power to pay it comes by it's big the peak to peak week he comes back the creek in the paintings the
paintings find and for them i mean madonna a
pipe at community in buffalo means lukas foss conductor of the buffalo philharmonic and the composer known the world over one of his latest piece is for iran is based on bach and we asked him why i don't know if i would ever do it again but this last year i had this mighty obsession with the past eight if i could
only discover my future through the past it also that the things about the twentieth century become ever so much clearer when you suddenly the ring the parenting topic in venturing into the twentieth century and you really knew what happened to the old and i know you love you might think of rape or an illusion but more than that it's bad you to complete you that you love that you've always loved and you put it into that completely different context with different climate our climate our grand twentieth century coming to wind up with a nightmare if you wish jewish therefore young is of that kind of nightmare lou
beach through the new they end in
des moines anyone can
hello many can fit and nice
boy it's been in the past move the route
to do niko the kid he's been the peak
as bell did it's been nina many years
and an fbi has been he is it's
b it's here and now it's been the peak to peak it's been the
peak times by the pope the pipe to pass by at one recent contemporary arts and the question was is they haven't done ahead of its birth in the years one that
audiences and innovation like this one for a piece of modern art security one of the violence to an old master would've been unthinkable just a few years ago so would this broadcast we've come a long way but the artists still want more we demand from our life from that that he thought that he gave in the same boat that he also thought because i do believe in audience has a certain responsibility to bring to the center of some of the intelligence enthusiasm information and willingness to suffer a kind of experience whether understands it like so totally or not the moment they learn to discriminate anything that he does that and the thing that really very different but the author african fascinating analogy you get to thinking audience you get an armed people in productive and on and
want to be detained ann arbor is difficult and it has to be a true history you can't use it do you like to play a lot of that in mind oil why do it in washington you know does it is it
has an issue with it specialist of public television stations in washington dc and in boston massachusetts
reveals lindsey at the beginning and will use those fourteen or at least with most violently and just those delegates was imminently overwhelmed by lionel hampton band the deal also salutes public television station played as the suv in spokane washington on its first anniversary in public television news in washington i'm more than adore also public television station w t t w general eleven in chicago starting its second annual weeklong auction tomorrow with guest stars celestial and phyllis diller
that depends heavily on your support of absorption in order to continue bringing public tv to chicago and finally revealed some of the executives of the more than one hundred forty stations a national educational television unveiling their annual meeting in new york tonight april twenty four fb
- Series
- Public Broadcast Laboratory
- Episode Number
- 123
- Producing Organization
- National Educational Television and Radio Center
- cpb-aacip/516-4f1mg7gp1p
- NOLA Code
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-4f1mg7gp1p).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Edward P. Morgan Point of View; Who's Afraid of the Avante-Garde?; Abstract Art in the Albright-Knox Gallery; Merce Cunningham Dancers (world premiere of his Rainforest Ballet); A Circus Film by Jonas Mekas; Allen Ginsberg Reads New Poetry; Cecil Taylor - Far out Jazz; Edward Albee's New Play - Box; Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra: Lukas Foss, Conductor; Buckminster Fuller Essay on In and Out.
- Broadcast Date
- 1968-04-21
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:54:23
- Credits
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-4f1mg7gp1p.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:54:23
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 123; Who's Afraid of the Avante Garde?,” 1968-04-21, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
- MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 123; Who's Afraid of the Avante Garde?.” 1968-04-21. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
- APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 123; Who's Afraid of the Avante Garde?. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from