Public Broadcast Laboratory; 201; Birth and Death

- Transcript
i this is because know it is sunday evening december first of this is really al's second season as the first of a series of broadcast weather beaks battles broadcast leverage or an experiment in public television bodies be or and like the beginning of a line and the poem and there the film chronicled by producer arthur barn of the most elemental and moving human experiences like the deal second season last year here to introduce the savings program is the bureau chief correspondent edward p morgan good evening there are only two experiences which all people everywhere share in common we're
born and we die our existence in between swing from recurrent pain the transitory time nobody some sage has said we'll never get out of this world alive since we have no control over our beginning and little if any over our demise it is natural human intelligence that we concentrate on trying to smooth the roughness and enrich the experience of our passage from the cradle to the grave it is this interval studded with perils pleasures and the hopes fears and prejudices that so influenced the course of our journey that will command most of the attention of pbr second season we are still a laboratory and the us will continue to improvise but i criterion for programs is not maricopa county the frantic urgency of time and that's our focus is not so much on what the headlines met yesterday as on the meaning behind them in terms of tomorrow power and the pettiness generated by the selfish seeking a
bit too often pressed the fabric of civilization into tortured package without undue pretension we hope the deal will attempt to seek out and identify the pressures that war these bizarre and we will also pay attention to the resistant hopeful and good natured decency in the spirit of mankind which lists all our sights toward the possibility of something called progress we could think of no more fitting way to begin this second experiment season a p b l and to remind ourselves that of mankind is indeed a brotherhood it is rooted in the common experience of the beginning and at the end as it so simply and eloquently portrayed in arthur burns film birth and then now here is part one this
recession weekdays six the plan is bad
for you ms bass be patient he's been the case before it's b ms
bee it's been off but we didn't cause
bees in baseball week as
benny cause it's been tough but i think it goes she was the leadership well in forty five my wife and so she was later
when the corner at lunchtime the people's lotto eugene thank you thank you it's b it's been
days but today you're right it's
been close to port i think it will have any real picture of you know what i would want to you know and why the water you know the same rules that would be nice you know being feminine to the womanly
lukas berry is a status conference just about every possible way in terms of the relationship you know it's a nice wooden shoes nice person so sincere that what he's doing so today i think it's a condition they were selling that was when those signing up in school
has the story oh ok the first school lozano so in the education first i was so it would be a first the first how many lives i mean that families sorry chet signed school will run in the movie of the west and with the us as like a month was in reviewing seriously you know i remember when i came to school and a frank loesser because of them with us if they can close one when you were frozen
purple dress yeah i thought you know blacks women from that some sweat pants women in tv and three of them it was in the thousands join us we are hi and right then and then he sets
me oh i said oh you looked so to say oh yes you know and having lived problem says about it has my phone number one of your head and say give me across sometimes a hard act of nineteen eighty eight and then he called me up and five or six times and has never harmed the centers that's consumed callison this kitchen at the polling places and then they went from monday night he called me up and i was home and then to consume in a clap they're farming civil rights in philadelphia when he brought me
roses for millennia parents and that started everything reason i haven't yeah right now with the baby that i mean it's it's bruce and myself and a child it's not that at its heart transplants the child born that comparison it or distancing making it happen the way my parents did and it i feel that as a child is invariably it's an extension of a relationship and other we had the at bat three years ago or four years ago i'd just done our relationship with the now i turn in the hairy he says i'm like a lot of a rocky things that happened in between and we burst out that when we'll be able to basically have a
relationship has reached really weird the talking stage and standing there it's been there's been weeks with this band air this
week it's been you do
you know and six years staffers and i know i'm not that it's going to have that experience for the first shoot him well it is what would be the only child born in the fields monthly loans
well there wasn't doctor's office and said i'm going to start of course is a natural childbirth oh wow man shouts out there it's been these
birds beak has been and oh right at that moment ms simmons
guesses of how many names smith in one play that has a missing any jewish you're the monkey in and will lose to do with investing seems to be here mr hawley
routinely have a ripple effect on the students who have the beaches beatrice's government says that since the sensational smaller plots against doing in between you know there's more places now than anywhere in between and i think it does like a
flimsy wise you know thank you you weigh them out because you are playing out what you owe the formula that they stood by the chimes the road was a real shabby eh three months with the fifth
us mr hoy yeah he did earth we won no
question three thousand pages of you thank you no experience let's play join
us yeah yeah the fishing lanes in ruins really all of the time because of your own he was
going to do well you'll find it minister as you know this is a necessity yeah exactly you know be
a fish yes yes right i would rather paint visions visions obviously i get it ms
bachrach says buyers be as bell it has been
building something of making something interesting something stable physically what i can do myself instead of creating something physically has been
that same kind of focus and the excitement that some great things with that is the main thing that sketch and then we did the other night minet auction house just a sketch or our buses drive a couple years back for
a woman who had a very frightened look to where she was also some songs of cringing kind of villager says looking at appear on a gray day here as bernice been any money has bought fb freak it's
by the plea deal i'm doing honest work medal count so we're both happy i don't feel a zone of exploiting my wife where both quite happy in the end the way we're living at this point as far as i know we talk about it now i have to no room problems about i would like to make one of the certainly would like to be owning one of my baby feel good as
a painter and i i think i'll have to you know but at this point now i hear them during a very normal kind of semi there other wives that support their husbands were the doctors it's setting of going to school and got a visa guaranteeing amount of money it and then you learn that i have they're at some time here and recognize it instantly iraq or i wouldn't support an abstract painter but i mean and when i was talking about before that by giving some are looking and nearly getting something and there and when he comes home again tony has something to show
its how's that so the word he's going out and he was their eyes as it felt about it and i just find it so very very exciting to live with so so creative class i get my portrait when i posed and i don't have to pay for it you know as far as a man making the nine eleven women making them ii i don't hear what people have to say when did and none of this really very very still and there's no reason frank russo says no times harder than i did and i'll just because he's not being paid militarily i mean well you know there's a society that i won't pay we
need i'm renee montagne you will the
pooh is both ms be the pope anyway it's
because bp has begun his life at thirty nine weeks and he says there's the
pain ms bishop has been the case but it's been people listen in
baseball it so much about how to use it for the new ufo it could be the poor to pay you were
they know the area here you go mm hmm right right
when you use your money you know i mean i did he was younger they're running again yet related soundbite of jimmy lee you know if they're only for political elites that number you say a leaf
do you really you got it oh yeah we didn't and also very bad the most of it right into the social value against you know that maybe i
think in barrow disagree with the fact that you know a lot of it was you know a destructive kind of negative stuff and finally i was able to choose what i wanted and what mission is that we have you know very destructive i don't know you know where does something this essay whenever you know and gone to something else for the development you know have you expected challenges to do you know to fall in the first of two reacted somewhat political event or to trade him in that sense but can you expect that you know one of the words you know greg that they would ever university open tomorrow kind of society and dr veech division what right and wrong because of universal's but beyond that you know
we have a certain amount of batman that we didn't happen for no and we have this tool for children you know you said it began to attract a band so we're going to let your daughter do we just met to reject a certain other justices that there's a local and they rejected a certain amount of religious think the cartoon looks at home from us and we accept it from our parents singing in many ways
to be at the point here is to be creative
thirtieth we tell them and that was that she says it was the perfect
it was i think the reason
is you know then a lot of them this says bishop has been the
fb has been the peaks this is
because beans beans beans as
by the police by the police it's
because brazil is because beans but he's been there so it
has been it's both those beavers but
it's been it's by a piece
by this bill is but the people who do the pole the political week is
being has been has been it's been
a porsche and it
has mainly here in the lgbt rainy day he he he will do it
it's been in the past ok
it's going to be a previous bet joyce baugh always has been fb freak anyone has been a
plague on the prize but louis ck
so no come on who we had here unshaven and that failure rightly moment and bruce vs the baby but it definitely looks like you said we've tried to see you made it you didn't believe properly or the outcomes dunne no i'm not from the current offensive to seize the ship there it's been
a year they're set apart because the us economist at taking the mortgage market rent that's real right now it's been nice but he'd be ill second season
continues with birth and death in one minute man the beales
second season resumes know where the birth and their own the story of our broker saul mm hmm he can code
the patients i don't have any idea how to help the person to die but i am sure we can do much to help the person to live until the time of this living as any line should entail dignity respect and humanity immediate threat of dying of isolation condition at a hospital as an agent of society as much trouble the graceful among the diary while to become aware of his feelings about that with
that she's neurotic when congress graceful use of the cell lines that can be natural that we will make it so it is not to do surrounded by disapproval or shine men the system has been
ms bailey it has been in generations b
this week the case be things thank you like before i die
i'll think about bill would not like having too many things but they had this thing that i kept thinking about myself in my clothes and beg you know so you know so close to lansky and it's really like to tell me in recent years one of the most important thing you do not plan on hearing is
not a question of humor for you right now you're hearing right now is to make the last moments of his patients had come up on our screen and so you can only live on just because of their last moments when they feel that they're you know let alone his
protege sometimes forget indicting a bank patient and a patient's have the same sensitivity as you know the patients that you can't be patient patient that guy who committed and i am historian and i think and you know the pie the
paris bombs but at the movie and that that is beginning of days but the crimean navy
how you going to heal and to play in a huge demand is there too it's
been it's been nemo spend the money to take care of these kind of people and i mean really can't do much for them but what little we can do as to be done and that's why some money and most positions in practice don't have the time or the interest rate can mean people die and most survivors don't like it and so i think people frankly the general hospital ship i think scouting care needs that we now that they're now weimann last pastels now i
personally i want to be working as long as there is such an institution that i wish to go in on the so called death that house the place of ostracism dying and sick and dirty me in so far in what we're expressing our civilization i just can't accept what is frustrating here is not that we go in on this secret except that is it's all what it is in the process of dying can you do something to prevent that or can you do something to make the capital wasn't this is one of the first amendment that is that that is a young rwandan things that occurred that has its final one liane hansen and expanding i've said consistently yes i mean this is a real problem and it's very poignant that
we all are and you got to work this life you can snarling unless you personally solve the problem of the united states says it's been the piece is the piece is the piece is the
peak in the nineteen sixties and so the chinese launch a silas jayne lot of mess belongs to the time his size so
this really does this is also a biologist so good chance though that he has to show a ninety million years that so many of the new report on sunday mornings ago and my god you know the nation
with snow over is mainly isis scares this is a solution for the longest time to listen to two months ago we are in a valley girl and a jovial it goes back on the job you know people are happy for people thinking that they know that they're going to have not only very close out a funny thing happened when another pit lane november and they actually
load people say that it was probably just a slam but someone calls lot of different thing we're going to come and it's funny if you talk about it so i've never tell them that in their shared that showed the earth i failed those trouble is five boys or boys most was this vicious wits swallows addition to that you know and he always wanted girl in rio we only was always home in beverly is going into the
gang that wouldn't grow as bill is back that's
billy cruz mccain has been ms cauley it is be a man he says it was poor it's every christmas every christmas that's going to be up the holes will
surprise given the crisps them in these remote road station in the eighteen days though maloy says he's going to look like he was going to be an old man who's turning eighteen bengal with american was of acting like outgrow any more of these jokes are the only a dying it's by the paintings by it's
by the poet who isn't me you know i guess in his usual of times who earn income natural jewel and it i haven't been to visit to move quickly and it was it was very salty and a lot of the aisle
it was a day when it was in the coast and little journeys year before libby had you say hello to me today he was stationed in the pacific he's a bully but got what he could do though his policies beliefs lot of its way it began i think that that's why in that picture alone won't want to fight for your yen
is that they are going home pay my taxes i'm coach a ridge extra work finding fault in fact he was a kind of a trained what other refiners who had any dealings with them in that respect but his work with that is to work with a concern that they ensure that
would more than the that this type of work but that's where you wind up in all i can say is you're very insular as a little house and listens as radio or television went to sleep i think of his first ice melts the weekend's jones whom i haven't gotten one i should have been out and they shouldn't do and most no goblins nice moment this one levied on whom i have even an unnamed or causes ceramics
un friending your eyes on once and while he lead the new book can only that not only that he had a nice movies in his native italy but it's very very interesting that there are one thousand people signing day in and day out come into the word elite know mark separately yo stone on the great pieces of their lives and this is something that no one knows the woods come back so youre in a garden that's a joint list of the list the us dollar is what's the end of it why do you need to do more things like that he could have done it was for him on his ole she says when i go in that i can be happy to make sense and that's that you know to realize something like this would
happen and future oh lots of things i mean you don't want to do right now on the rights to the film and that's on the emphasis now christians by the
pause button he uses new
shoes this boy as soon as one of
you will lose a huge issue is this is the land join slate plus it's been a delight
any clues some things and love your neighbor and these are your numbers one of the radios and easiest ways to show our love to our neighbor is to smile this smile is an act of no it says a thousand words it is bred into it is understanding it is compassion on your card was someone who knows you
use or where a neighbor and once you have this compassion this love everything else follow the good samaritan began with compassion and love value active low as patients andy expressed simply by your smile i would like to leave you with a little sign which perhaps you can make the league news here in the capital this morning and the scientists say and so i need good that i can do to anyone to cunningham let me not to
fire or neglected let me do it now because you and i will not pass this way again in the name of the son and of the holy spirit in them the pittsburgh fb is because by this
this bill today's big news as
bill to pay it's been the police
believe in yeah ms because bananas palm grove peers they'll be a mistake at age fifty two because if because it's
between the people at
eighteen he feels second season return to close a lot of white americans who follow and that by the government's own second seasons of public television stations and the one thing that we're going to be alive for the first time by a month ago in satellite the police beat it's b
you know
- Series
- Public Broadcast Laboratory
- Episode Number
- 201
- Episode
- Birth and Death
- Producing Organization
- National Educational Television and Radio Center
- Contributing Organization
- Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
- cpb-aacip/516-3f4kk9555p
- NOLA Code
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-3f4kk9555p).
- Description
- Episode Description
- TV's first examination of death and the meaning it gives to life will be seen on Sunday, December 1, as part of "Birth and Death," the opening feature of the second season of PUBLIC BROADCAST LABORATORY. A passionate celebration of the joys of life, as well as a contemplation of where it ends, this television non-fiction novel was made for PBL by Arthur Barron a practitioner of the cinema-verite method. Mr. Barron began work by searching in a famous natural-childbirth clinic in Manhattan for an expectant young couple who would typify the hopes and aspirations of today's young generation. At the clinic, he found Bruce and Debbie North, two young artists from Brooklyn awaiting the birth of their first child. Through the next two months, Barron and his wife Evelyn, along with cameraman Gener Merner and his wife Carol, lived and waited with the Norths to capture the actual birth on film. The filmmakers shuttled back and forth the length of the city, from the artists' Bohemian digs in Brooklyn to Calvary Hospital in the Bronx, and institution specializing in the care of terminal illnesses. There they found and talked with Albro Persall, a gold smelter, slowly dying of incurable lung cancer, who reflected on his life as it, neared the end. Producer Barron expresses the hop that this startling contrast of birth and death will remind viewers of the abundant possibilities of life. "Birth and Death" follows a young couple through the last weeks of a pregnancy and a dying man through the final weeks of his life: Bruce North, a struggling artist in New York, and his wife Debbie, awaiting their first child; and Albro Pearsall, a 52 year old gold smelter awaiting the result of a terminal lung cancer. The people are real in this cinematographic equivalent of a non-fictional novel. In the course of showing new life coming into the world and old life going out of it, the film witnesses a natural childbirth and the preparation for it, and a dying man's attempts to come to terms with his own existence. Awaiting the birth, the Norths resist parental strictures on the desirability of finding a secure job once the child is come; awaiting his death, Pearsall regrets never having sought to do much more in life than earn a living. PBL Side Bar: The sound man for "Birth and Death," the opening broadcast in PBL's second season, had more to worry about than the rest of the crew sweating out the imminent arrival of a baby. The sound man was Carol Marner, a petite, blue-eyed brunette who was herself eight months pregnant as the time approached for Debbie North, heroine of the film, to give birth. Viewers can follow Debbie's hectic preparations for natural childbirth on the two hour broadcast. During the final days of filming, Carol, in addition to all the extra weight she was carrying, bravely lugged a heavy sound recorder as she worked alongside her husband, cameraman Gene Marner. She recalls that her only real worry at the time was whether her baby might to decide to arrive at the same time as Debbie's. Luckily, the averages held steady and once the filming was accomplished, Carol's baby arrived on time. David Levine, the caricaturist whose vivisections of the world's mighty enliven the covers of Time, Newsweek, New York magazine, and The New York Review of Books, does not always dip his pen in acid. The lighter side of Levine is visible in "Birth and Death," the 120 minute broadcast that opens PBL's second season. As witnessed in the film, Levine often takes a holiday from his pricking of the powerful, and heads for New York's Coney Island to savor the sweetness of life. On the beach he sketches old New Yorkers at their leisure. Seen painting with Levine is the caricaturist's apprentice, Bruce North, the expectant father in "Birth and Death." Film Editor: Birth - Zena Voynow. Film Editor: Death - Gene Marner (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
- Broadcast Date
- 1968-12-01
- Asset type
- Episode
- Genres
- Documentary
- Topics
- Social Issues
- Health
- Parenting
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 02:00:17
- Credits
Camera Operator: Marner, Gene
Director: Barron, Arthur
Executive Producer: Oppenheim, David, 1922-2007
Film Editor: Marner, Gene
Film Editor: Voynow, Zina
Interviewee: Pearsall, Albro
Interviewee: North, Bruce
Interviewee: North, Debbie
Producer: Barron, Arthur
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
Sound: Marner, Carol
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049829-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049829-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049829-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049829-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049829-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 201; Birth and Death,” 1968-12-01, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
- MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 201; Birth and Death.” 1968-12-01. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
- APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 201; Birth and Death. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from