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you do cds savings and this is really all a second season broadcast live at al investigates the american challenge to an independent european economy is it true that american investment in europe is fast becoming the third most thoughtful economic bloc in the world what are the political result economic takeover and is there an affect the response to the challenge and unite europe under the violent videos european bureau has gathered evidence he traveled to japan to see if the response of the police convened quarterly here and leave why satellite york london and paris jean world leaders and intellectuals were responsible for working out the serious political implications of america's economic power in your
list dillon former secretary of the treasury jointly president of the european commission reginald modeling britain's former chancellor of the exchequer i'm john grew up president abbas chief economic advisor problem they europe's top political commentator will chair the discussion from what the deal will run ninety minutes the sea now here is chief correspondent edward p market good evening back and world war two when the military had priority over everything i remember posters in stations from los angeles to london pointing a figurative finger at the lowly civilian traveler and demanding is this really necessary the same question is raised about richard nixon's maiden voyage to europe as president of the united states drew answers one emerge until long after his return what more questions resist
the biggest one is this can and should nato the greatest and longest peacetime alliance in history continued to exit the stakes argue the potential breathtaking and the hole is called a glimpse this picture two hundred million americans with a gross national product marriott three trillion dollars a year and on the continent outside of communist domination three hundred million europeans with the gnp of more than five hundred billion with harmonious purpose and wise leadership they could together guide civilization toward a golden age that would do far more than just the weather but as wonky know not totally cynical washington observer put it there is no government on earth today that's worth of them every single one says her second rate leadership the sole dominant western figures the goal and he's just an arrogant power of trouble but if that's so it may be something else has been happening behind the headlines to easily overlook a new industrial revolution out of the ruins of world war two it has produced on both
sides of the atlantic a standard of living fairly wallowing in material riches ironically it has also produced western europe's major hang out how to translate this affluence into influence for america know how an american dollars have dominated this technological revolution because this riddle sprout from every situation president nixon wilsey and invade every conversation he has the neo will try to measure tonight the impact of the dollar on the atlantic alliance our story is not all fun and games but it vital to us all this could be any city on the eastern seaboard or for that matter anywhere in the state's main street anywhere easily identified by the major league of american business and the price is inescapable but this is not new york philadelphia chicago this is london england in
american tourist goes abroad for a change of scenery is going to have increasing trouble finding the familiar names he grew up with a bear to take his eye wherever he looks the american corporation man got there before and it is the new frontier of the pioneer europe promised land of us industry is particularly vulnerable to us takeovers after all we almost bigger language one tenth of british industry is an american and we have more invested there than in the rest of europe go into any british home and you'll see the familiar brand names tide can a heinz gillette colgate palmolive johnson and johnson center campbell the list is interminable us firms now control about forty three percent of the detergent market one half of war cosmetics eighty percent of breakfast cereal eighty five percent of baby food
and ninety eight percent of all cancer who sold on the british market even fight cooper's old english marmalade is america now us firms have absorbed nearly sixty percent of britons vacuum cleaner market and almost as much as other domestic appliances every year the group fighting between pressure waves in the infantry of us business a salesman go over the top overnight us government like this one on london's piccadilly on the eighteen months to three years in advance of european manufactures and the man in many situations we can have a period of eighteen months to three years of getting into a market establishing a company named doing the proper amount of promotions and then
there is a very good business can be developed a nine hour only a few hundred dollars the upcoming newest company and takes place in an exhibition designed to win him another foothold in the european economy typically the company must first so into the european markets and then the sailors were encouraging consider setting up local manufacturing facility good opportunity for the americans but for that approach and demonstrate they have a little bit better a product that are not on who that technique i think the chances are do a good job obviously has nothing it's no better
than if they hear anything or in other parts of europe as chad oliver more and more europeans now clearly increasing influx of our american know how a managerial ability as a threat to the existence of any kind of independent european economy and culture the chief anxiety so many europeans feel an underlined the past year by the phenomenal success first in france and then in other countries of a book by the editor of the paris weekly newsmagazine express jon jocks servan schreiber entitled to be the americana the american challenge it has sold over a million copies and has been translated into nineteen languages but since last year the flood of american dollars into europe was severely restricted by presidential executive order the result was an explosion of the euro dollar market with american industry relying heavily on these ex patriot dollars hasn't stemmed the tide of the american
invasion than a fifth american industries and in a small way they go on the road for the phone market and unloaded in you know there's a view of the market you're so that cesspool of essential point is that the american shall not a financial problem if on a column on essentially old money counts but if not essentially borrow money or to go find them on a week of the mlk dollars over then define it it's essential and that idea whether the food in those twelve months it that that challenge even more difficult for me to respond to the political i can do you who could you have gotten to figure that year the last twelve months like a month at the promenade the company is merge with foreign companies in europe and how many new
industrial units have been created a new logo while you're ninety companies large companies haven't yet gotten into partnership with fallen and i'll build nineteen thirty one that is the hmong you're going bald and sixty is that when you're going on an american author so the rate is increasing and the other figures in more impressive of one hundred and seventy new productive units created in the common market last twelve months we are european and ninety for all americans but american investment in europe is really nothing new over a century ago the singer sewing machine company set up its first foreign manufacturing plant in scotland in fact sanger has been and clyde bank outside glasgow for so long there's a sewing machine featured in the town's official coat of arms today singer astonished plants employs seven and a half thousand people
although company headquarters are in new york city most britons will go on sanders is one hundred percent britain when the queen came to open a new assembly job she wanted to know what all those americans were doing their plot horses in america line outweighed the company has never had any american and i believe that many years earlier in the day and maybe a day we do have
a very american way to fight i said to do this on a policy and american managing director david ayer's like most big american company singer exports a much higher percentage of their manufactured than the average locally owned company to get remittances back to american shareholders singer now employees are more people outside the united states than inside but like other companies may rationalize their international production company policy is to turn out the cheapest rate of sewing machine in every medium range and scotland and the most expensive mall in germany recently have been decided to coordinate the
control of the entire european operations and one when the novice singer you're on one of the city life by davy davy we might be doing that the criminals behind it all my life but it
might be nice be nice the singer company wants the general motors of american industry is now making a comeback after some very lean years not because it knows about making sewing machines these aren't so important as they used to be because he realizes that a huge advantages of just being a world wide organization with the ability to make and sell internationally are wide range of fraud with the economic effects of these giants who say they're not national the multinational it's so good why should serve and schreiber object of their influence i'm very important debate because many of those great industrialists and the very sincerely and i honestly say that the big industries of becoming more more more international multinational that they have known nationally than a neutral venue through politically and culturally though just instruments ago and the awesome say only on that but it is through economically
it is not to win a ticket is you know i think what has happened in the last ten years and the state ended up that the most advanced industrial nation in within the weston were the old woman so what has happened is a grocer and crossover relationship between the private and the stroke or portions and the federal government no knowledge and the focal point for now can work outside of the government they had a contract they have to negotiate we have to have a special owns air and long mall the advanced industrial nation is obliged to find ways flexible ways it's possible on the bureaucratic ways off a prominent partnership between the federal government and the private called voyage but you and try them with perhaps these companies are the instruments that a vote that would not be pope the political there is no
political consciousness and there is no and taylor's and there's no political will of congress know it is the fact that they have made their essential decision in an american company and this is an inevitable first of all if you take a large company like general motors the government speaks about ibm all the time about an idea that general motors that has made a subject areas and you don't want to implant that when germany and the old also and chrysler now these talks come whether they make that essentially said you know you make that kind of investment going to the town of product they make it in the state or were the american managers know about it secondary decisions can be made in france and italy and germany but the basic message of the whole company and its inevitable a normal and help they all made out the essential point of
the summit of each of these companies and this summit is more more market even if the top level decisions have been made in usa stamp on them the products these companies produce of being stabbed more and more we've made in the common market dow chemical set up along the rhine is just one of the major manufacturers would seem big opportunities in this market such companies long accustomed to working in our own vast common market of north america i've been quick to seize on the advantages offered by europe's common market quicker indeed than most european companies have been served and schreiber believes that in fifteen years' time the third greatest industrial power in the world will be american industry in europe after all we have the experience of working and fifty different jurisdictions scattered over geographic area much larger than western europe which has only seventeen countries to deal with although its population is greatly in excess of ours ibm and the other multinational giants compete as hard for that european market as for our own it is difficult for the american competitor to live with ibm in the computer
industry it is very much harder for firms in europe with the computer was first conceived however at present most european countries welcome american investment particularly in the less developed regions germany is no exception the secretary of the split got chamber of commerce dr han all has this to say about american know how they ever existed a very large technological gap our second war between the united states and europe especially in factors are at play but we at that the effect that we know right now and more and more on on some fields european industry is creating already a technological gap against united states so unusual to meaning there will be an exchange all human beings all knew no role in both directions i'm chewing is
not allowed one the beggar common is that european companies bought especially ms williams on a small european companies they still exists and he can there's still a lot of the new law stays alive dangerous out there are interesting data is one day you will be that some sectors at a moment of an iconic industry wants be only the field of all american companies and this cool european politicians and even though economists seemed to be dangerous but if american investments and i must say only american investments best investments or our congress to vote spread although the european economy we don't see any perhaps so but here in stuttgart you have the headquarters of daimler benz how would you like it if they were taken over by general motors or chrysler
all bollywood an online based so much on we are not afraid that donovan is really a vocal by a general motors our report on it in one hand even if the hamas confidence is well founded and the giants of detroit can merely try one of the other five member countries belgium headquarters of the european common market there's also attracted considerable american participation in the economy and would like more it even has a special government department to encourage americans to set up shop in belgium such as the recent investment the jc penney company in the belgian retail chain sama in charge of that department is listed on prayer first of all it is good we're leaving i did the american companies about it they tend to do a lot and the case then it could be july opinion be difficult a descendent of the mission become an american colony executed as it is nobody in the world that day in fact we prefer the
preferred the stage to a bit of silence was automatic investment instead of adding that a large and the prize is not only for the reasons of being ugly be colonized by americans but for this simple reason that if you have a very interesting point of the safety or four thousand people and if something happens and economic situation of these people up to grow these factory that we haven't committed tremendous unemployment wherever there is unemployment the american businessman finds the welcome mat no one greets him more warmly than do the scots today american controlled companies have a large estate in scotland and english companies they make everything from automobiles to electric shavers officials of the scottish development council travel frequently to the united states to work up interest then never reluctant to point out for american visitors the wholesome advantages of the native he we have been five years old binh been more of the daily planet live in the truth and that's what they thought
the communication university and of course the financial industry going all upside to the us corporations have been moving in with kind of an example of companies setting up for five years we'll get that twenty five percent of the cost effective it will also get forty percent off of equipment faithful by the government and then of course the long term loans available of oil was a little plant singing live and the floodgates mind and competition will build fight tooth and admirers of requirements right the line from where the whales companies can get these her and i bet like that somewhere in there you know all thought they fought a good faith faith faith and
defense and then of course the rebel fighters made all this and a lot of requirements i was in range all five is available this moment which and offered an interest for that way sometimes the scots are so convincing the americans so eager that a new plan can be set up in a matter of months these women who make electronic components work of the scottish subsidiary of the california based company warns unlike many other american businesses warren's is content to hand over the day to day running of its foreign operations to a local manager one of the younger generation of managers who find american methods very much of their faith to be part of the decision making richards but because of religion or restrictions you know what
scientists call the american people are going to be in the lake you see images that i want welcome particularly support what i want so say the last five years has been a small but i have nothing against american history in the one one that they determined that the new industry many of the younger european economist also see the american invasion simply as the best way of increasing efficiency and productivity the economic editor of the london times recently taken over by a canadian publisher is peter j the son of a former british economics minister he rejects serve and schreiber's argument but my idea may disagree with him isn't thinking that
that matters so desperately seems to me to come from thinking of international economic relationships in terms of relationships between nation states all or geographical areas in which you compare the spending of america over the spending of spending the spending that it seems to me a completely wrong way to look at the current crisis is what you got in factories hundreds of millions of people the object of economic policies should be to maximize the rate at which that economic changes and welcome santino and it did not make a great point of view but their various respective diplomats greatest ending in international discussions on britain during doesn't matter of a vital economic importance of people home
villages i should be at the golden star running and that increased efficiency fortunately or sometimes unfortunately is only one factor in light american takeovers of all establish european companies can cause insoluble social problems there was trouble here at textron machinery plants got word england when the american management wanted in their own words to bring in people anxious to work in the non restrictive atmosphere of a non union shop when they found out that unlike our own us federal law british courts never enforce a union contract against union membership the trade unions resisted on occasions violently anti american feeling was intense in the end the plant had to close and this winter is up for sale the union leader who led the resistance explains the plea he was head of the customs an agreement that handbag and nine
a polar bear and a considerable skills a textile industry came from this particular part of the world and also change in unison temperament parts of the world a hundred years the sheer the sensitive they see you say that that's the manchester in at night and i'm at sixty quite a number of people at work to a lab working life or employment and calmly and as they knew it has completely disrupted some of them have found that the jobs now some of them a purple polo jobs many of them has left a nasty tasting tomato is speaking as a pretty brave argue you the prospect of more more more convinced you think it's good for the countries but no i dont know i think we are building problems for ourselves and i am short term a good thing for the economy at the
moment i think i'm a professional development we will not mate the masters in our own house when the incentives aren't type of investment going on and on i would much prefer to see a socialist economy developed and more public benefit well i could have a plan to become a need to inject capital into it they have is that our clients than many of these companies are coming in the rotating a lot of to forty percent development grants and so forth and this is definitely going to play by precious to the present government debt and they're obviously responding and i think that's a bad thing in the long term or they pretty well
the automobile industry is vital to the economic strategy of any major industrial nation us now accounts for twenty nine percent of all europe's auto sales and almost sixty percent of the british production britain has only four major automobile manufacturers three are american control including for britain which until recently enjoyed a considerable degree of local control and most of its top management was british but now detroit is in total union leaders afford in britain are far from happy about it it didn't work and another thing is
in the past the way of the world and the companies that your views among those who lives near whipple ohio now the complaint was a lot of them and not understand the economy jobs at a republican position where the whole management in america can adjust their production requirements to each country and playful great novel as if i don't look like that might much more profit in germany i am a legend about the requirements will play going to increase immigration which maybe to the batman i think that was a pretty girl told our are in the business of profit and they're going to look for the biggest market has continued because all that and then again my getting the loans they defended
the components will produce an agreement because we're praying nineteen sixty own exclusive a british the american public what luck it might not clear that we are not anti american when ninety german or anything and only drop to believe but mr kocher protect libyan standards of their own members and in this direction of course when mrs in america tom home does pose a question of britain is concerned and also you know the one thing that we know and we are deeply involved assignment small american company americans got their while the germans or the bailout we got law with
the nationalization because of a major export industry that the country's to the economy of this country we've only should be under control you can come over here mr buckley sure but some european firms are successful in competing with the american giants even if they are the exceptions rather than the rule wilkinson sort it out les paul played the gillette and they're winning and notables share of the world's markets they're managing directors of patriotic englishmen lawyer randolph we are now worldwide and we are now spending vast sums of money on advertising because all my competitors in order to stay in this market had to follow
us but now you will find and dropped below the ten and then there's now this might see an uprising forced more company business which in those days was making something like five hundred thousand dollars profit suddenly jumped to five million dollar profit imperative to yes i think the reason for this is that our management have been thinking international for many many years we did not think in terms of the whole market and then gets pulled in germany and we have no data about market may have been kept going to walk about thirteen percent and in canada but if i present las vegas market and these figures are putting considerable when you consider that weight all the american job against the one thing that we insist on once again it's a major philosophy of this company and
that is that we must concentrate as much money as much strain was possible on research and development ark might seem a lot to that we have ten percent of our employees are on research and development we consider those are insurance for the future lining the only answer is to go in using them record of management then after the marketing and so these characters and try and beat them at their own game because i'm convinced that the best in britain of the best in the world their european management could be one response to the american breath until recently schools of business management was practically unknown now the springing up everywhere like this one in bradford england behind the stained glass windows of a former theological college a new religion is being studied one which it is hope will bring substantial rewards in this world rather than the next do europeans really want to adopt american methods the harsh competitiveness of the american way of life is not universally
admired the head of the school professor kempner has this to say about the alleged shortcomings in european management i gather there are shortcomings think it's much more than is some time ago oh my i don't know that they didn't quite appreciate what they've done it in public announcement by politicians we still talk of the economic woes of the thing i don't think the people there we ship just how much change to be hard to keep up not only americans but some of our european competitors and the changes which would take many years and so i think it's a
the theology of business administration has also studied in rigorous austerity in a newly built beautifully appointed temple in the woods of fun and work in france this is in seattle europe's answer to the harvard business school in some ways the standards of in seattle more exacting than those at harvard students or participants as they're called must be able to discuss case histories in three languages english french and german money for nationalities are represented and the growing chorus last year participants rapidly acquiring the vocabulary of money management they argue such questions as the correct way for a supervisor to take up the introduction of safety procedures in his plant you're right you know i want to
give people an easy and that's really you know not the application time i mean forget all about that very real event that rather than knocking that the idea the products of the seattle much in demand so much of that about a third of them have gone to american corporations the dean of the fontainebleau institution is monsieur de niese is the management got between europe and america really beginning tomorrow well i may not be too optimistic because the americans they can stall many many years ago and they are running very fast you're going you're quite welcome
does this destroy the american situation and know that many people knew about this state offense but technically the stops took place only a few years ago and only walking so chuck walks with absolutely no chance of catching up on them and runs though it is going to be very difficult i don't mean that i have to go with the americans i don't mean that we have to do exactly what they do because we have oil increases and i'm sure all of europe has to develop a mission management adapt to european and that voice european anthony i mean the politburo that they've been in germany italy france and all the other countries when of course the actions of a group of imagine that the chicken sizzling react do business the way to train
their request came to worst what do you think would happen in europe what i'm afraid that there will be connected to a neutral conduit to be spearheading the development of the world view of the united states perhaps in your history countries in the region i don't think i have any competition between states and europe i think or two losses and i think that we have to try and run much faster if we want to be a good partner for the americans and europe ever hope to catch up and in any case does the economic future belongs not to nation states but to the great multinational companies like
ibm now easily the richest company in the world with a budget larger than that of most countries in common with other major corporations ibm has benefited from the huge us government agency contracts giants like these are little notice of national front tears as they plan a global operation from the board rooms of the us the orders are given in the computing era national susceptibility remains strong ibm has undoubtedly been more successful than some of the other multinational companies and giving a local flavor to some of their overseas plants and laboratories and they try to look genuinely international rather than simply american ibm his philosophy in europe is described by the number one man mare billy christensen who is headquartered in paris for more than twenty
years a lot of things that we have every single point that hill thursday a characteristic image as a german company is another example of a character of my own european headquarters in order but the people here twenty five nation
or my personal ads that people in my office and therefore the stress and well people cross the ocean near my blogs that i'm not going to listen to me listen i have an american visa holders who are currently operation must be and is in fact only owned by ideas or fourth of all the fightin requires massive capital that's on a scale that has to be managed worldwide basic
nature of our business is such that we have to respond to the changing nature of the listings were often in a position of making that decision that will require a large amount of money if we have minority owner any chance you can imagine the kind of time to make it on the other hand we have the owner of a large multinational company should be also be involved in action we take and we're not taking care of your body and not let people around the world we have a lawyer we have integrated operations with so many insects sects gabriel manufacturing at each one with one or two plans for boosting a highly complex thoughts on all of that if you're inclined to do that in germany
they would take quite a bit longer than that with that on that day serve and tribe of view that technological gap in a very different way what you have said i think it's very healthy and importantly the ibm is making its scientific discoveries are available to all its subsidiaries and we're not even though it is a good idea of why be an underclass this is the invention of technology company a technology news when you go from the invention of the production now this is very special because the decision to go from one invention and the production of it this is a major industrial decision and that would take the decision that is the company in the united states and when we speak of course publication is to cross fertilization
between the inventors and that when the policy makers and this happens in this place not as i said many cabinet so important to emphasize that there should be no misunderstanding it all nobody can suggest that it would be in the interest of you look to prevent the american companies from investing here that would be foolish that would be on the development it would be disastrous course for us so we do not have to prevent them from barriers and to nationalize so if you look primitive moves we have to make our own company's large enough powerful enough to make the kind of decisions that add the thyme all mall a mall made in the united states first of all i think that have some points supporting i think the point and mouth virus or seven years old and i think we must not make the mistake of fighting yesterday
thousands of our soil by automatically that that all of the decisions that the company happens to be based outside of someplace else and in fact the faces five days away when the scale of
the revolution of the computer today the twentieth century is very similar for the revolution that happened to the world five hundred years ago with the invention of the printing press one for the first time you able to when things go back home old man's mind for communication information and learning was revolutionize and then the culture of this world change rapidly the equivalent of sales after great difficulty we are going on the villainous else because of the technology nothing to do with that you have with everything to do with the mind when you change the possibilities of the mind to get involved to make a decision that if all the aspects of one poem and to communicate the world over between computer and the third lives you are revolutionizing the whole pattern of information and communication like five hundred years ago with the printing press so we're going into the camp we change of culture
so that is good although it is very difficult to master and the americans in the masjid it and we are far from the americans and the mastering of the technology the mastering me that the man's schulman and top of the computer and the bitterness over the country a lot of difficult problems that even of the all the michael levine yes if they were to get it or won't they will not find the solutions by themselves they would find some solutions and as you know being in the very country that good decisions come from the bay one of the day its people who are the well of information and have the power to be independent from one another so going to debate and io though you look should be in a dialogue and japan should be in that they'll then russia will be in the mail and in thirty years china will be there in other words what is very difficult technological world define the human and political answers
and cultural and says there should be a motorcade velo or the world which means one thing that should not be a monopoly of technology and science and the thinking and the things by america but fall or why the group is not the first candidate for that dialogue is you know that's why we're interested not only for you for us but for the balance of the world there should be one at least fall in the next ten years that should have the strength and the capacity to discuss with america and possible solutions the report thank you
less the west forget especially while president nixon is in europe there is also the east from which rises like a modern phoenix from the ashes of a nuclear war the archipelago called japan japan too has been transformed by technologies revolution and the effects of american investment but what does all or any of this mean for you and me it means that of ancient distressed them because all societies evolve east and west now may apply tools of science they never had before to carve out a stabler these of course mankind has always had in any society the capacity to be
foolish as well as why is what makes the situation different today is the opportunity for industry leadership and political leadership to reinforce each other in that the open an opening societies they have some advantage and maneuverability over the ridge and regimens of dictatorships notably china and the soviet union but this remains to be seen a clue may come from the new japan which until just twenty four years ago was a dictatorship herself doing instance the american occupation in exchange for most americans of japanese word for us it loses a great deal in translation in the east yes seldom means more than we
understand since nineteen forty five japan has achieved one of the most startling economic miracles in the history of the world this success is based on a highly organized government planned economy which is made use of the mass production of university graduates an unorthodox but created a banking system and the highly disciplined and loyal labor force and capacity of hard work is unparalleled industry of course fertilized with a brilliant young civil service which runs mickey the ministry for international trade and industry for which or foreign investment has channeled why and how they resisted our investment as explained by a top american business consultant ten years in japan first is an extremely provincial authority and the second is extreme nationalism in the true definition of the european americans and now
this then the question arises as to how much affect their action one the approach is made for technology introduction by investment ah because of this a typical reaction and their fear of contamination of the social economic structure more western business policies and methods the japanese feel that invest avoid this by licensing and licensing for national average and you can get rid of the monarchy whereas if you accept that a joint venture of human engineering body politic for an indefinite period of time they're enjoying an average stranger things murray many perishable information
control the river channel new phones available for industrial investment into the industrial sector at the expense of the consumer and the infrastructure or the japanese automobile industry provides an outstanding example of how the system works even without licensing although the industry's modern and sophisticated it operates under the protection of high tariffs import quotas or restrictions and capital inflows control bp has successfully barred any foreign participation whatsoever your immobile manufactures association has demanded protection from on capital at least until nineteen seventy two and there is no doubt they will get it in the vital field electronics where us companies do operate is wholly owned subsidiaries ibm and national cash register for example mcgee sees the government orders go only to the japanese companies in other
fields neediest equally restrictive and exercise its control through insisting that all plans for foreign participation be subject to its scrutiny it deals with each request on its own merits the test is japan this sort of economic planning and bureaucratic control is unheard of in western europe we traveled to key over to speak to the leading japanese economist on the present situation doctors of moore oh oh quito one reason says elijah getting rid of those big in japan and that morning and that in the past so the meat industry's lobbying for that and combined with the abundant living in the country and that's some a cuban bed and you and then the protect soil and to be fair to the new world at that moment but now these are very very diminished the only a
in going into that period only little begun doing so navy base in some of the tent the houston region so far the polling companies were willing to say that noisy informal they didn't liasson speaking and there is the amendment by the army are growing and his stance on the part of a bonding companies to share their technology until you have these companies they make you believe that there was an artist making with yeah that these companies was named captain and management then they get their market share and then they may have you say as a condition of getting out
elisa manna moment that day before school and hiring is very important element you we have reached a stage this week an awful to reverse many of an industry building building it was that's worried is obviously that this fades away that iraq is in a horse race between japan and is a day in the nineties the back issues that have been at an andy the fallout given us that each way in nineteen seventy five and assuming that the dvr was that it when eighteen voting
passionately the navy things more evaporation at making voting is david's buildings will fall eventually will be very much involved in that kind of speech it unusual going to move this the state of the campaign goes on to have and may be forced to liberalize the traditionalist element is not to be underrated typical of the category of recently opened the foreign investment in shipbuilding with the japanese us so far in advance of other nations no foreigner in his right mind would try to complete it is significant that says the door was open only one application has been made to participate in any one of these fifty emancipated industries in theory
all japanese industry will be open to foreign capital by nineteen seventy two but since mystery will still retain the right to consider each case on its merits liberalization will most likely remain like the most beautiful of japanese are only an illusion of reality three days ago the beal invited a group of distinguished journalists in london paris and new york to participate via satellite into discussion now to london and robin day of the bbc the male modeling to a high level international exchange reviews between forman with immense experience in government finance and diplomacy on both sides of the atlantic i'm running dalian here in london with me eat the right honorable reginald morning and peale was chancellor of the exchequer in britain's conservative government and is now deputy leader of her majesty's opposition in paris which your jacket or the
influential french economist who has been one of president and those closest advisors and the new york with the douglas dillon who was secretary of the us treasury in the kennedy and johnson administrations and ambassador to france and the president eisenhower also in new york as it happens that measures your own way of belgium who is president of the commission of the european economic community in other words he is if you will permit the journalistic license the chief executive of the common market edelman after this to begin with that you consider that america is guilty all an economic colonialism in europe which is a threat to europe's industrial and even come true independents have had been argued in the film which we just see is the morning now chandon says no question colonialism no question the guilt it was an invasion in the sense of an exported goods all capital on invasion but a benevolent and my view on this is very simple on the free flow of capital among the free nations
this variable i welcome american capital coming to britain brings the vaunted all kinds technology know how markets management techniques always is a bet that was looking very much the court must be certain limits of a medical journalist and interest ones they'd ever competed when our vital industries who have to say no but short of that the moment and capital to moment experience they went back up the second point you have just done and remind you walk the prime minister will since a couple of years ago when he addressed the council of europe he warned that is strongly against an industrial country under which we in europe and i quote produce every the conventional apparatus of a modern economy were becoming increasingly dependent on american business for the sophisticated apparatus which will call in the us to do in the seventies and the eighties now what about their industrial yellow tree i don't believe that there is and the outside shell thing at all i
think that though are american investment in europe is made for economic reasons and we have learned that to be successful and have that sort of investment we have to fall the customs and habits of the individual countries in which we make our investments there were some cases individual cases where american gun companies did not do this is we're unsuccessful one of them was cited in this ordinarily we're just saying on the hull the balls the customs of an individual country i think it is good and for the benefit of that country and also we do try to develop technology that we do not try it to keep the technology although ourself we pass it out as fast as we can and actually it speeds up the technical advance of the countries in which the investments of night monsieur life in paris are you concerned about
this and particularly a problem all vital decisions in european countries being controlled perhaps a new york detroit or chicago or what about that the navy and as they try to what you said that the ayes be no definite capacity an adolescent in terms of the french parliament what is being said and this is about it went on american investment in your eyes and that the competition has been financed in the us albeit ruckman a technical review lynn who as the lives of people and i'm very much one event in detroit but unless they can be that what is failed the union and your name land that was sort of the last two and so that was also
he's the side of the sendak congressman will and one which i would never permit them to me is that the size of the bank investment you'll use what that moment not because of the conference but because of money that might not exist then it's the thing we just see that it is a nation in which foiled an open bar the money you do they think there's been all things about being weak investment i'm a mac i've kidded about that a little later this year ray of the common market commission are you were concerned you and your colleagues at the market headquarters about the gen jones or drawbacks of its vast american investment no i did not i think certainly say that my colleagues and i think we share the view of those feast big bear hug the heat induced another there we tried no
question of any whether this division alone in his of luck to have been my friend is a police chief of a cause an accident than your doctor says he's tired and we don't think the investment should be eddington who's a congolese navel conquer griffin was a development didn't violate the loans were and that whatever is the investment came home and so winners of basic attitude it was also a prisoner to the future but in the hushed un commission on which i was a member of basic overview is through investments in some of the long walk and i do think europe gentleman kept most effectively harmonize again phillips resource centers to build up a counterforce to american industry in europe because however beneficial at radio show you won european invaders so you measured by a busy i'm not trying to harmonize your buildings to minimize harm and not only problematic to
indicate that the distance at all at this invitation and we have the second was a future in which we are not advocate that we are watching it and investigate it and fire announced a nerve at the apollo and technology and so on and on the continent is a fusion which we aren't they hated wickham who are part of the court's and run our ordered the invigorating to lose and they're unpacking for instance when i look of articulation can trade ending it was a stunner regardless of their community is there is a saying that if the gate the oslo accords external commerce of united states but in value and that explanation why four years ago and that committee on weren't able to have a negotiation the ticket with that because we're talking close with united states in
addition to your policies of integration the industry isn't typical one from your point of view that the common market should be in law says to get a bucket of two hundred million or at least to compete with that with the american you know it's absolutely evident the community has been built by six gun plays and it wouldn't have been invited to shed the bidding was a community and we are not the big event of that time didn't walk in the room and i think that has always provided another committee couple been a mock it's not been of the proceeds it's an enterprise of wealthy you up and drags of those trees couple i mean piano twenty two thousand state united states i mean we've stepped into now fifty will actually convinced that kind of knowledge without a looser
do graber cave community a lot of a lot of them a long way it had learned a lot of the more effective in competition with america would be to add that britain particularly with technological scale yes and a lot of the development of the economy the us or any guns at all estimate and you are partial idea that we can only wish upon things that wait a second all the competition as being more competition will be better do i understand you to say that you would like to see britain admitted to the common market says to build out though europe's economic strength alone and didn't want to set up that does that surprise you unless you're let's say that now because those europe has always been a strong believer in free trade and competition and this would certainly you know promote the album helped that this has to be decided in europe but the fact that maliki even though if
the united kingdom making a bigger a larger stronger common market a stronger competitor for us and markets nevertheless we favor not been singularly words in any way what you think british industry ad european industry has got to do in order to be able to compete effectively in any of these fears against the american john corvino prison an american invasion of a separate an american trial well certainly slow thing that's already being tried out competed with successfully than many european countries companies that are doing this with great success to date germany missionary in france which is come over and they're taken over an american networking company and running it very successfully wilkinson sword show and i'm going on so many of the larger
companies ended just as efficient just as effective as any american company the problem is despite that business management that managerial ohio download throughout the european economic structure so morally european companies operate in the fact that some of the larger european companies now do you'd think with them or play with the dominant being a little generous and like when when no one knows of the many improvements were john this is a particularly and management and vigor of enterprise on the british side of it was that there was always the life of these matters and i think he's right in saying that the main gap is nana jo says about the management to develop techniques of skills and millions mojo working probably opt out of the bottom of a copy but there's also i think a pretty big was such that survey was such activities
of gc in america needs all the big american car is renault is a broad research facilities serve although with europe or the mosque a lot of the typical american education an hour such facilities and also posted a vivid images at our excellence of turning a scientific discovery into something actually made on the factory floor but it quickly of elevation how high the main all political unity are all of that i think is quite correct unremarkable we spend more money for development and our company is overdue and basic research as compared to european companies that europeans are more inclined to be very strong in basic research and then doing a little less than a little slower on marketing and then developing know the results of that basic research into something that saleable and notable this is something that we need but that for them and i think that's the moment quite ripe and the europeans will come one should
come to having a greater openness in iran mr clay what you think about the defendant for in relation to this problem all politically and political unit in europe in other words the fulfillment of the islands in the preamble of the treaty of rome when i should say that a lot of the community will be the end of the pool of course if enough to the beginning of when you remember as a big donation for reform on in nineteen fifty this local affiliate actually go up in that we showed in wal mart and sam's the united states of europe and of course a route and in fact we but in the meantime users stroke or certification and all culminated with was having a situation was urgent also minister was it was a commission with the parliament and the government just as an example is already a political organization when other power only had become an icon without a political organization or can you bend the drive the drive and the energy of the
effective planning a bristle with europe so divided even the common market which do have different company northrop from taxation that the patent wars and so what about them the nationalists went with railroads a situation no when these recordings without a good luck with that they're the nation there in their bodies of a new york apartments and looking for so we have no i'm not but this market have not to publish or is a lego fiscal difficulties and bad is inside but when we do cause of progress without doing just things he's been building which those ads these things operate efficiently by the litigant in between when we know chromosomes as a nasty sixty in which would have been a four wheel of high fees for our sake government
air quality of art and lobbying or not they're not you know the community where local supporters will need is a fuel configuration as the end of our customs union as the end of hour and you know obviously there's a porpoise in iowa on monetization of indian taxes decision of the student movement sort of work through the community result speaking of external their negotiation with african states that we see there there was a lot of governors are not yet fully almond eyes is important to those who support if i'm going and going and going well we hear that american about whether it was found bomb under just one of them complimented you very much for what he did with his colleagues were held now a new nation technology was exploding out their lives and then i would walk out and we'll
set up and we explained what we are doing in all a commission in our community and then he laughed and it doesn't have to mean i think the blocking of drawings but while the thickets of the world where the president nixon's visit to europe in mind no i belong to our final topic of but i ask you what should be the policy of the american government with about this problem should attempt anyway too restrain or by american investment policy in europe to avoid some kind of a collision between europe and the united states or chile leave it as it is what your vice president nixon of the morning with a tow responsibility but i think the american response to the smallest so leave it open top incoming investment in the united states on what americans have always been extremely good unc investor find out america investable sort of back again otherwise i don't think it's a matter for american
policy rather than a medical allowing the movement competitive movement rep barton says the funds and other camp is adapting themselves intelligently that loan fund for america welcome to write to given advice or make him a suggestion that the american government with rockets economic relations you yes i do explanations and then brooklyn the third american investment of a basic objection new are these not because i think he sees doesn't make investment vehicles like that moment of size which they hire a census in twenty years you got that you're right then the national money balances than in leadership nest he's absent but i think that you're an
investor and fogarty with our finis barrow many regions of the world so you think maybe i am quite sure that i make an investment after the row but not as the police and the girls i see movies together the eyes and noble you know that is it will get changed on vance's won seventeen and vagaries of quote ultimately the firm that the model navy as fish of all night and she flees or you allow market and they get found the new one by one for the benefit of that there was a write up a technical expert aback by european basically notice your bones <unk> by european and you know and then the united states right back at it and you see in fact these videos of yorba it
does the new yorker in states which is fine and so we saw the police officer john lewis a different anatomy lesson and so i don't know that they were getting hiv often they're dumb investment go up or by that led by the united states and i think that everybody will be legal warfare of the vanities it's that what does do is to on the new york times today it was how is the theme of women in which the country which invests in front company moon says the purchasing bow which investigates not to do as a resident and that was it it's on a danger that evaluation of the situation was a little thing that as of seven eight nine percent which are doubtful that rodman not only know we were in the war in iraq
well i you know i'm not concerned about the international monetary system or i agree with those throughout his love of free trade in his feeling that competition is the breath of life in an economy i am not and i remember driving i believe in freedom in capital markets the maximum extent you can have a if american company insert wish them are funds in europe and the europeans wished to learn them to learn i think that that's a perfectly alright and should be done and i don't think that that might make one point europe and that is that there is no connection that direct between our american government and american business and invest abroad others the solo shriver air made a point of partnership
between their business and i'm certainly are larger businesses that are in the defense or have to do business with the defense department that is by no means the whole american government are government is not a centralized institution it is quite diverse and a company that may be doing business with the pentagon at the same time may be in trouble with the department of justice are having no relations with all of the other important parts of the government scientists assembled for their point of the film was that they were taking decisions in an american context well that certainly earl true certainly are because that taken in the united states and i do not think that there's a connection and i got a little connection to the authors wanted that to do lose your regular pentagon in this bag and his business to europe would you like to have a final word with what you would like to opera by way of suggestion
or comment to me about the beginning of the american president well i should say exactly exactly at a time and we'd sure our conversation we are pianist feed on sunday evening i we had been partially shaving president nixon and the next thing my eyes because you must never forget that the new commercial fourteen colleagues desert guarded your body are going to vie to talk weezer hasn't window again and eighteen piece of advice because it is one of the skills a minute we are marvelously opinion that we must have been absolutely convinced that we shape on the side of the country a common responsibility for better organization but just we were on one side you all for united states without an outpost on all sides a community and john what was it ended after a minute the way of common policy to develop in an attempt to try to get to of being a superman
in one of their friends and to develop a strong policy on development and we did an initial president nixon was a way to appall commission first gonzo prominently also in revival which we asked all four with the appropriation was a new administration not the state takeover half of the beginning of the war to pay a visit to europeans fuel pins are very much impressed by this in overtime thank you wish your way thank you measure whoever it was to go in and you must have more legal services robin day in london what's a big city reasons like sunday at the deals to a lot of behind the scenes look at the deficit problems if this is
live special assistant was received from the british broadcasting corporation and northeast of your own sense it's b it's because this is
the point nationwide distribution of the proceeding program as a service of the corporation for public broadcasting we waded out here and i had a friend over gdr that means is the cause of the light that that's just like that he found out that i was in and i hear it every once a while were personal say so far please visit was one great truth is the truth and that's what we need to get into some of these that we have to be a part of the society his assailant chronicle of the daily activities of the kansas city police department showing the range and complexity of a big city policeman's job as well as the feelings and attitudes of the men about their work
see you are underwater next sunday march second on pbs all second season
Public Broadcast Laboratory
Episode Number
Europe Under the Dollar
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-3775t3gt9j).
Episode Description
This program is a response to "The American Challenge," best-seller by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, who warned European industrialists to adopt US methods or perish. The broadcast coincided with President Nixon's visit to Brussels. PBL shows how Japan resisted challenge. It features a transatlantic colloquy, via Early Bird satellite, with Jean Rey, president of the European Commission; Reginald Maulding, former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer; Douglas Dillon, former US Ambassador to France and Treasury Secretary. "Europe Under the Dollar," was produced by PBL European correspondent Revel Guest. Before joining PBL in London, Revel Guest was a producer for the British Broadcasting Corporation, since 1960 making programs on current affairs for the weekly series "Panorama." She previously served as public-relations officer for the European Movement, a British association promoting a European free-trade area before the establishment of the Common Market. At the age of 22, Revel Guest was the youngest Tory candidate in the field when she contested the Labour Party for a seat in South Wales, a stronghold of Socialism and one of the toughest cockpits in British politics. Defeated at the polls, she joined the weekly political and literary magazine, "Time and Tide," as assistant editor. She lives in London with her husband, Robert Albert, an American international lawyer, and their two children. Representing an important segment of British public opinion in "Europe Under the Dollar," Public Broadcast Laboratory's report on American economic penetration of Europe, is the Right Honorable Reginald Maulding, deputy leader of the Tory (Conservative) Party. Maulding figures prominently in the "shadow cabinet" -- the Opposition's skeleton crew due for ministerial office in the event of a return to power. He is considered the likeliest candidate for the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer. Maulding served as Chancellor of the Exchequer once before, when the Tories came to power in 1961. A distinguished Belgian economist, Jean Rey is president of the Commission of the European Community and is the one man who many believe should speak for a "United Europe," since there is presently no one voice to negotiate with the United States. From 1949 to 1959 M. Rey was Minister for Reconstruction in the Eyskens coalition government. More recently he has served as communal councilor for the city of Liege, and as a deputy in the Belgian chamber of representatives. He was a founder of the Liberal Walloon Entente. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
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Talk Show
Global Affairs
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Director: Wheeler, David
Guest: Dillon, Douglas
Guest: Rey, Jean
Guest: Maulding, Reginald
Producer: Guest, Revel
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
AAPB Contributor Holdings

Identifier: cpb-aacip-516-3775t3gt9j.mp4.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:29:21
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 213; Europe Under the Dollar,” 1969-02-23, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 213; Europe Under the Dollar.” 1969-02-23. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 213; Europe Under the Dollar. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from