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set is this sunday january twenty eight and from boston this is ed on a public broadcast live at an experiment in public television combining elements of information education tonight for the next forty five minute cbo examines the public and washington's options in alive interconnection from boston washington and jacksonville florida and then edward p morgan pointed you have the final hour and thirty minutes of our broadcast of el experiment in understanding new trends in the theater as a television played the arab world that has plagued the courts will be visited along with the dialogue about its me jazz critics antibiotic the next forty five minutes the subject is the pueblo incident and washington's options to examine them in
jacksonville florida admiral david l mcdonald retired who served as chief of naval operations from nineteen sixty three to nineteen sixty seven in washington dc george w ball former undersecretary of state under both presidents kennedy and johnson in boston with pto chief correspondent edward p morgan professor henry a kissinger of the department of government at harvard professor kissinger served as consultant on international security affairs under three administrations and professor abrams shays of harvard law school a specialist in international law dr shea served as legal advisor to the state department under president kennedy in decisions affecting the american naval blockade during the cuban missile crisis now here is edward p morgan last tuesday evening the world was presented as if it needed it with still another crisis a nation with hardly more than half the population of the state of california with a navy that were little
more than outgunned the harvard crew snatched from the navy of the world's greatest power a ship off the coast of north korea the question is will it will widen war in asia or what does it mean what will it do we're going to try to examine the options that president johnson has before him now and admiral mcdonald in jacksonville as the military expert omar group and the most part with u haul didn't happen well erin and i don't know how it happened but i have an idea how it could have gotten enough about a few years ago our country and other countries feldman collecting various types of information that means electronic gadgets stolen ships operating on the free icy
some countries have operated not only near are shrines what were the information of our flight way have operated nearly sure i love of the country we've operated under the sea of japan off north korea will fall korea claims north korea that is claims territorial waters up to twelve mile we claim only three months although we do not recognize her acclaimed twelve will very careful to always stay further than twelve miles away and we're not really sure that we avoid job as has occurred i don't know what can the order of course the young officer commanding officer happen but until very recently i know what can they had an opportunity of orders or first it's
outside of a narrative to make sure that you know if you have a slight navigational error you will not get instead of the twelve molly second do everything you can to avoid an incident he would probably also told that if we could go about past experience he would be subjected to a principal mount harassment but when he got up off north korea could expect one who are more pro abortion to cop circle him that he being an actual waters he should continue on his way but if it became apparent that the situation was such that an answer that might be created for other out so it won't deliver and i expect that this is just about what happened in the first time the commanding officer of the issue is that he was about to be an expose was when he learned
there were really about the cold war the show that's james tobin the crux of the situation i had no idea as you know better than i said these perilous modes of been happening repeatedly i was told in the pentagon yesterday that within the last fifteen months one far eastern nation it wasn't identified as career had eleven patrol boats surrounding a similar the sort of the world war and nothing further happened and i want to switch now to work george ball in washington you have been separated from the government a little while mr ball but you have been following it closely and as a former undersecretary of state why do you think this incident happened i call one can do at the moment is through the wreck so i thought the seas and without insurance system which one of necessarily correctly
and there's some indication that the soviet union may have encouraged some activity of harassment by the north koreans walk like the middle east prices were they encouraged the syrians and where they buy the false intelligence that they spread around the middle east they are they had some responsibility for precipitating prices wanted occurred they began to grow concerned that my hand i think the same thing may have happened here that's one possible there is another possibility and that is simply that the north koreans beginning in the latter part of nineteen sixty six became a very annoyed and does jerod that south korea was sending men to north to south vietnam and that they wanted to take some kind of action which would show a closing ranks with we were going on and at the same time give them a possible tactical advantage with regard to south korea
those could suggest a number of possibilities if there were for example a tacit understanding between audience and poignant a couple of north korea that some diversionary action was needed that at the moment it might suggest that the tabloid feels events in greater stress than the rest of the world thinks may be the case particularly on to what might be their last offensive now my own my own very ill informed guesses to what's happened is that this is much more the reflection of a tacit understanding between north korea and north vietnam and as anything in which the soviet union has directly involve the soviet union might have increased in the first instance i think i'm a monster i suppose that in part professor kissinger we may have to leave it to the military historians an otherwise in terms of the significance of what has happened but
one of the things are gently that we must review tonight is what we should do now what should we look i think we should make clear that as we have done that we take an extremely grave few of them out of the hour before the security council vote a face saving device for the north koreans to return the ship and the crew and the crew of the security council that could for example offered to submit the issue the fact finding of all it could determine whether the ship was in fact in territorial waters amount but i would not and one of the answers that this crew and the ship it really is before that if that what the
case would you favor of reprisal bombing of some members of congress have suggested would you favor a blockade what would be your alternatives your options well i think that and hit a chemical reaction that they must be related to the issue must be over nature but it can be a man and for long enough to accomplish our objective of this season i am absolutely opposed to that a bombing north korea i don't think we should be in the position of bombing yet another small country and the bombing is probably not going to achieve its objectives and having been accomplished will probably give north korea an additional incentive to hold on after the political blockade author would expose us i suspect who comes in person and people international body is and what in my judgment probably also not achieve the objective if we they could tell if you're
actually i would prefer to capture and the number of north korean ships at sea and holding them until the portal as its return this is the sort of action that cannot be constantly days before international bodies and it does not have the moral and political connotations of professor shane is as a key member of the kennedy administration who lived through two brutal crises the bay of pigs and her the cuban missile crisis let me ask your reaction to the public response to this which in some respects has been violently upset ask the question in the context of follows want the public take a more sophisticated view if that's the word if we knew more of the intensity in which nation's spy on each other these days not just in the james bond
syndrome but in the electronics syndrome are represented by the pueblo which was a list winship well i think i think it's become pretty clear last few days as admiral mcconnell said that to but there is a fairly widespread activity this kind are part and on the part of other countries and i don't see why we should give the euphemistic about on the part of the russians a year certainly maintained their listening devices of this kind are close to our shores and we spent i suppose so quite a lot of time telling americans that that we can interfere with the ship's when they're in international waters alaska you can see these things so off the coast and the brave often asked why something can be
done about them and i think the united states or in its policy has has served or turned very square corners on the question of not interfering with these things one there in international waters and gentlemen this is a very open season for discussion and i want you know to work in or jack joe when you work when you want to have a response and i think george washington as one respect i would just like to add that what professor shays is said to point out two things first of all that not only is this a practice that paradigm for a long time by ourselves but also by the soviet union and they have many more ships engaged in this and we do that by large it's a very healthy thing in an age when great powers or are viewing one other suspiciously and one they have the the instrument colonies of total destruction of their command anything to
the world secrecy is on the right side and to the extent that the soviet union finds out what were doing and has a face that that that we're not putting anything that might resolve in their destruction them are not encouraging espionage as such i am simply saying that this fight is healthy as it's healthy for us to have some reassurances about the soviet union and this is what makes for stability b a frivolous worried but i'm tempted to ask you under the circumstances that we wouldn't also a lot of money if we have called off the espionage and destroyed each other what we were going to as of eight and were prepared to do what we practically do that because we have an open society and i am opposed by large i think this this activity is not only necessary but by and large it's useful because it tends to erode secrecy and to the extent that secrecy becomes a waiting asset we have a possibility of building a kind of mutual confidence i would like also to interject one of the remark that point of time and that is you remind us to action particularly the best practices going on for a long
time and that the ships are operated on both sides and him and defended wei hadn't that inaction make a commentary yesterday or the day before or criticizing the johnson administration for not having color for this kind of humor during that time it was where they had to cover for this activity because i'm quite sure they didn't think this is a practice which he was wrong time i think comer would would tend to the nomination was really applying on this activity were along the ships tried walking through to operate in and as in conspicuous gallantry as a military man on as mr balz assessment strike you in terms of the other more successful and spinach is the more stable world will be i i agree on a set and that on the other comment that your people may well i wish he hadn't do about having a
vision of a tie i think is a little bit like your wife going to the kano grocery store every day or maybe several years and then all that was on one occasion that somebody accused you of the company well this would be a little bit like a lot of the assignment but it would be a little bit like having herb a bodyguard burwell an evidence escorting mata hari or something like that wouldn't and this is why we are we not position is there's nothing to look at she was in a very particular category of it might not be a waterborne you too but it was engaged in electronic listening spying to be brutal and is there a parallel between what happened to and what happened to the r b forty seven bombers that were
shut down by the soviet union in the late fifties and early sixties and the crews captured well if you're asking is are you know what kind of a car i think here if you look at the us response to the rv forty seven and nobody went to war over the you know over the years of firing over there shooting down the army for his seventies that was integrated with others because this is not going to go in the i say the law professor shays is saying though at interpreting this with the army for his elderly rv forty some was great a situation in which there was an invasion of the various ways there was no invasion well that raises a point that i would like to get the opinion of all of you on and that is a ticket to get a terrible word in a terrible cliche the credibility of the government senator fulbright faded as aflac either yesterday or the day before that his
foreign relations committee staff investigations true that the destroyer maddox before the incident in the tonkin gulf in august nineteen sixty four was engaged in listening as spinach and have violated north vietnamese waters the point that i would like to raise for you gentlemen to a precious cells do is if i were an under the circumstances any better than anybody else is hurt most of all to refresh is our memory that the army forty seven incidents involved in actual invasion of space we claim with him pressing documentation that the pueblo did not senator fulbright now finds he says that the mavericks but what about all this kind of thing that if i work i i have no other information except what what
is what is in the press and it is probably a question of credibility i would think that we could submit this issue into an international fact finding but if we wanted to images of this nature tunes to me and the net but then by definition it is very difficult to determine who is through this is that a man and to me that day that issue seems to be that we have here is is the capture of a ship which according to our best information was in international waters and of that artificial talk and that it was in fact an international waters infinite that cannot is it that there will be others who is that man well henry i'm prepared and i you know i don't agree with you that there may be all over the world to everybody isn't about sept are words i've heard to accept the statements of the president and the secular state and it has to go aboard the
ship was an international waters spas if you take that as a given you say we have to resist that and i agree we have to resist that but i think those issues is a kind of open ended word and i'd like to ask you what you mean by resist remember just before you knew you a question my former lawyer tell me that it is not true that even if the ship had been in territorial waters that the what the north korean government was entitled to do was to ask a bully which it was in fact i didn't want was innocent well that is certainly true of course so there is some indication in the press that the north korean government did that we dont quite know about your quiz he was trying to board and i would say again the real issue is assuming
are our situation is our statement of facts is correct which i think if it is donald loses hypothetical but please address yourself to what would happen what should happen if exactly the reverse had taken place like last week for maybe twenty four hours after the pueblo have been seized the south korean navy had seized a soviet listening she should we have in addition we have intervened and as the capital of south korea the relationship i think they are and i had we been as i think we would have taken some positive action i really do and voila mondale my i say that i hope that no one will get the impression that the world in the same areas are doing the same thing that
never heard that an accusation before that that actual events that of the territorial waters of south korea and i am i'm in i'll address that hard when i would hear that the monkey was of a warship and although all worship certainly helps our listening devices our objective was not to collect intelligence by electronic means to show that we're talking about now is a non warship whose sole purpose was to do just this like a solid evidence i'm the lonely to machine guns i had three particular berth and yours globally we're on the air through the through this whole ball around let me ask you this on friday a senior member of congress suggested to me that president johnson had two options and two options only one that he could so for a sharp political and
military defeat our temporary that might be where you could put north korea on notice that he was going to use tactical nuclear weapons what would you respond to those two options i would say that we have a considerable amount that during which we can try to obtain arm them and i shot back that diplomatic means before we discuss such a proposition that you just referred to prevent citizens are you as i recall of varying views about the utilities in terms of love international policy and otherwise the utility of tactical nuclear weapons will you take up from where the abba left off with your view i feel that nuclear weapon to panic i cannot be used in the situation when the united states uses nuclear weapons it has to do so for an overwhelming issue and on the circumstances which wrote have a high probability of
success to use nuclear weapons with love achieving the objective on to use nuclear weapons and one goals in life to have a live version will save that seems to me to be in proportion to the issue i i'm confident that we can get the ship and the crew cut without means as justices indicated one possibility out there to work capture a few north korean ships it says none of them until their lives their workload to continue some of the measures that i did taken a i would go very very reluctant to engage in common and i would rule out the use of tactical nuclear weapons any other kind it's just kind of the situation that we're faced with in one song harbour professor shays where we've got eighty three americans and one ship incarcerated
sufficient pretext to go to war well my own view is that one ought to go to war and by that i include the substantial commitment of military force or less vital interest to the united states involved i don't i think it's a i think first of all i'm prepared to accept and i do except that the mayor that this is an international wrong has been commended and this and that the north koreans in our in the wrong about it an idea take as sir professor kissinger said a very grave you about i think the united states should but i don't think you can say on the facts that are now before us even interpreted in the worst the way that you can at the moment the threat of violent state at a lot of your colleagues know knowledge distinguished historian of military matters admiral samuel eliot morison he's ordered an important paper today is
saying that the navy could and should be going to lunch on harbor and take out the horrible but he had significantly that he didn't know that he didn't know under such circumstances what might happen to the crew what would your response to such a proposition b i think that a divine like that would be quite impact on that familiar to date not up to date on exactly what the defenses are either an hour around the horrible what if we started a thing like this we must first be prepared to eliminate all of those defenses and i frankly believe that if we started to do a thing like that that the north koreans would blow their show up and so before we got a tablet summer month of sauk dakota said they were just the other day that joe taking cognizance of the report that north korea had warned us two weeks ago
about the time that they were the one on stage and said that it found this earth surveillance intolerable taking that into consideration center month's deadly wearable very likely should've been fooling around in that area anyway because that it wasn't there wasn't worth the candle from a political or diplomatic point of view how does that strike you that i know of no hard evidence that there was such a warning i'm arun may not even if there were it's a kind of bellicose statements that small communist nations are accustomed to making them make them all the time factor is that we run this intelligence operations around the world it's a necessary operation it's a useful operation and that over a period of time when mars just got this kind of thing now if every time a small congregation make a
political statement we took our intelligence ships out of the business of patrolling outs in international waters outside their coastline way we would simply for the whole operation of the nonviolent all this we can afford do it wouldn't be useful for the cavernous or for ourselves to hopefully make his business of eroding secrecy is a very important point gentleman over the weekend happily or not things do seem to a hoot about the theater has moved into the un and as you know ambassador golberg years opposite number the canadian contingent and there is one report unconfirmed that the united states and the the soviet union might prevail upon the un to invite a north korean delegation to be when the state's case would there be an impact validity of the physician as well i think it's obvious
that once it gets into the un and the security council oh we're in for a long period or relatively long period of clever well i think on the whole it is they give most people a look at the security council is as though it worked please court judge orders something to be done in fact the year the value of the security council as it permits people to talk to each other over a period time and which tempers can cool and people can begin to look at the thing in a more in a broader perspective so that i think are security council consideration even though i don't think it's likely to do eventually a resolution that's gonna tell the north koreans to give back their share is likely to be at a useful a device for as you say cooling cooling the thing and getting people to talk about that what's really at stake instead of
the high emotional levels in some people than talking we've gotten a fait accompli here and that we've got to be as really candid about the situation as possible because this is a presidential election year here are members of the american navy allen american ship taken off the high seas allegedly in an act of piracy what does the president do i'm anti any way for an unlimited period of time forgive i gather from what you gentleman of social for that nobody is in favor of eight bombing retaliation because measures and just heaving from north korean ships but what to that question that the president himself asks what would you do in my place
let me say first that i what the president will do in this situation is exactly what he would do if it were not an election year because these are very grave issues i'm quite sure that prison just isn't going to be swayed in his decision by this kind of political climate i disagree with when abe sher is only in one respect that i rather doubt that what we're headed for a new security council is a long letter i think it's a rather short letter i would hope that this issue can be resolved very quickly because i think it's important to be resolved quickly and i i have a feeling that perhaps what has been understood in the security council is from a responsible garments looking at this issue is that this is an issue that shouldn't drag on for a long time because it'll be difficult and complicated the director of the united
states will be under great pressure to act and there is a danger of blowing this small affair into something very much larger in chile sterilization everyone's advantage including the communists and the responsible government and the prime minister has a solution then a number of suggestions are recipes we might call i'm forgetting the men back one came from new delhi to day after the fact that we might reinstate the euro ransom techniques by which we retrieve some americans in cuba in exchange for a very large amount of medical supplies another one that was suggested by senator mansfield we allow ourselves to make what might be called a false confession that the ship had violated north korean waters how do you respond to these alternatives we're anxious to get them back you said that not all us a grade there that we should bomb
i don't agree that we should bomb until we exhaust all diplomatic means power would you put a time limit on that level yes i would but i can't exactly an overtime and eight weeks that is but i think we must realize that that there were getting our hands cut off and cut up find another time and were bleeding to death and a lot of people in this country have had just about enough of this amount of thing like this is very laughable to what i say like the spark a reader doesn't like pearl harbor and we will be in a terrible fictional world for the citizens here that another alternative yet has been suggested for the release of the men in that isn't there the exchange for the remaining members of that north korean alleged suicide team that was apprehended in seoul week ago today with the assignment of trying to assassinate the president of south korea does that make any sense not as megan is an estimated would put
a group of assassins on the same level as members of a crew that was outside of territorial waters engaged on i know those are on a legitimate activity and i would hate to have the us government put itself into oh i thank you ever get justice in art historian practically about getting the man back and i think that's very important i think what everybody is sad just now reveals that as long as this thing is sort of front burner public issue and if you approach it in terms of a deal of one kind or another and neither side is going to feel abel in the heat and probably stay and all that sort of thing to have to make accommodations of that kind there are when i just to say that lamb exchanges of this crime
occurred in the past they always occurred relatively long after the incident had occurred and when comparisons of the kind that having just made we're not everybody's noah were on everybody's lips and on everybody's tongues so i don't think the prospects for an explicit deal with the north koreans of the kind you suggested or of other kinds are very a bright right now there'll have been in or out or to make sure that all of the meantime though is that this worked out the next two weeks at everything i'm saying it was a deal of this i'm not been a question the wisdom of your bat but can you give us a little bit on which on what you base it because i know that you're not a terribly you aren't terribly risky man bag or a lot of different ways i think the what a democrat is that the united
states has made clear to the world that we're not red so that we don't have military resources that are available to deal with this kind of problem and the weekend her research and what it cost to our ability to continue the war in vietnam i think this is very important and i think this will make an impression on the soviet union on the eu commoners parts that have some responsibility in this situation and i would hope and they would even predicts that within a relatively short time the sweater can be brought to a conclusion which we've conveyed this implies pressure here is that we are now or soon going to be in a pasture of conversation with the soviets to get this thing moving there have been said many insistent demands that we issue ultimatums what was that the governor helmand are some other prominent criminologists said was
a way to talk to the comet well i guess we are recalling a conversation we had a little earlier and there i always used to say tell him what you want and tell him very firmly and in no uncertain terms what you want which don't necessarily have to say or else and they don't have to tell them how they can do it we'll figure out how they can do it i think here we do we have to take and we order takers as as henry said at the beginning a very serious very firm view about what our objectives are i think of them more you multiple threats so the harder you make it for anybody on the other side to respond because nobody likes respond under explicit threats and the more you create a difficulty with yourself because the problem a well even a
payoff on those threats are not germany earlobe said no relative to what you're about it's only want the sample return of our man and show that i think we got a sixty four hour question after that what is the second war dollar question after that without them contending that are we going to accept that they can simply confines of this type and then our weekly unofficial start all of you know they are and continue the time that someone will find well that brings up another question in terms of cost it's been calculated that the fallout of the reserves and a very limited call up it was less than fifteen thousand men that the president made last week well about two hundred and fifty million dollars fuel and ammunition sectarian war i think that forgiveness is not upon are not meant to be the ball is in your court can we afford to let this
kind of thing go along and if we can't happen without that we have we have a gross national product of this country of almost seven hundred and seventy five three hundred billion dollars this is the greatest economy that the world has ever say we fought two world war as we made very great contributions and we can do what we have to do i mean this is the problem that has no limitation of physical resources at all it's what the problem is going to always the same thing how do we relate to our effort to the law rio are our real vital interests in this case i think that that our vital interests are concerned and concerned with the fact that we have american citizens whose lives are at stake here we have an affront to work for international dignity we have on what i think is a clear violation of international law we do what we have to do very much opposed to any precipitous action which would be the largest
are miss warren burger into a bigger share of family lineage all right back at this point to donald do you see the danger of a double front in asia and that if there were one for a good we support it second part by saying that there is no limit to what we can do if we have the well nothing really been done in the town conflict very few people in this country during the whole burton we only one of it i'm not trying to back you know the wall here have more but i have them regulated book on the korean war india is inclined to agree with you up to a point but he is saying here that if there were a second front in an asia that it probably it would not be a supportable without the use of tactical nuclear weapons and he says the job if this happened it would sow and i'm quoting him out would sell revolt free world opinion as to
leave us quite possibly friendless an isolated in a hostile world of that era so realistic idea of factors like we've gone too much thought to the world and then there are all the knowing what we think is right well to see how you can that suggest that really that one could embark on a second front policy than one thought that that was an appropriate policy hat with the notion that you'd have to limit in wars going at the same time of the magnitude of the one more that we've got now i don't that seems to me the notion that you can sort of proliferate frogs of a limited character is not a very realistic idea and i've got to be road as the time keeper and ask you we're getting right to the end of our segment ask you individually to very very briefly say what you think the situation is an outward about beginning with admiral mcconnell in jacksonville i had i'm
hopeful and i honestly we're the commonsense is going to prevail here and that of the census will not cause an extension of the present conflict in the lead professor carson there are no imminent before escaping karin martin and then the reverse migration go back to washington and that girl former undersecretary of state ball if he shares that sentiment you i share that side of you know i think that by march the country has reacted with a video a month journey and after the first year normal expressions of congressional hyperbole i think people are talking very sensibly i think a worker way out of a sudden they don't take too long and i think that that what the administration has done is exactly what any informed and responsible of ministration circumstance when you give the same bill of health for the citizens or i would agree i would agree with what i think that
i would think that after the crisis is over which will be my judgment along the lines of mr paul light of an inquiry into the command listed shows and big diplomatic context that led to korea and vietnam and disabled they can improve and avoided a petition professor shane here liane well i i think i agreed with the wildfire jurors that that response of the public and the congress after the first flush of the that has been relatively a mature and relatively year measured the only thing that does that leave me to believe is that there were not likely to see and immediately or very early solution to the problem maybe george and i'll have a bad of a dinner in new york on whether it's two weeks or somewhat longer but i don't think
still as i say that that that should or is likely to lead to major military action in this more or less leaving forty minutes we had tried to examine the options that the president of the united states has been dealing with this rule a new crisis we haven't accomplished all of solutions but we have examined many and we hope we have ventilated some of the gentlemen thank you all very much now here is edward lee morgan's personal point of view just after two pm last friday dean rusk emerge from the senate foreign relations committee roman washington and was momentarily before the tv cameras after cryptic comment about the us este pueblo
incident you started to move on but a reporter wanting one more question on the secretary of state said sharply and i quote don't have me and my friend i'm leaving don't block my pet unquote and he left how much the pueblo skipper west of wished he could've said and done precisely the same thing when north korean patrol boats closed in on how much president johnson must wish the kids so positively worked his will and this latest international crisis but the pueblo and her crew remain in hostile hands there is a lesson in the paradoxical grandmother's importance of power a lesson which i suggest neither politicians the press or the public has learned well enough it is that especially in this nuclear age the more power on mission happens the more restrained in discriminating it must be a good music the white
house shown fresh awareness of this action last week but some of the reactions in the wake of the pueblo's capture were looted recently a senior republican senator for example reflecting know about wine bipartisan outrage and frustration called for an armada to snatch the pueblo from one song harbour on a toll on presumably the north koreans were to stand idly by and watch this bold win over with respect for one one tv newsman open his evening program last wednesday with a ringing reports that the united states show that that business tonight as the aircraft carrier enterprise steam toward korea through the sea of japan reason is the horrible incident gives americans the opportunity to pause and ask what is indeed the business especially the military business of this country in world affairs spokesman for the johnson administration says the president is trying to steer a middle course between isolationism and being mister fix it for the entire blow
that is a wise declaration of hamas but current events provoked this inevitable question can it be activated this policy in this rattled posture the us now finds itself in at home and abroad we have more than a million and a half members of the american armed forces assigned overseas tonight and only one third of them in vietnam nor does this come the three thousand men in military assistants advisory groups mags they're called in my teen countries not including vietnam are mushroom commitment in vietnam started incidentally with a modest nag group despite this far flung deployment perhaps in part because of that nothing can prevent a repetition of the pueblo incident in varying forms of suez in berlin iran almost anywhere in his excellent sobering book that i referred to the korean war general matthew ridgway writes quote and setting a military goals we need first of all to recognize that most of the world's basic wolves
do not lend themselves to purely military solutions we haven't had to of course but we aren't rising danger of locking ourselves into positions which leave no other choice that's the shape of those observers point of view videos experiment in understanding the modern theater and the television premier of hair hurled enters the dwarves in one minute after this pause for station identification others
i'm often highlight beebe of men and lost a lot of the play tonight one that we did aaron wgbh creepy be al there's no guarantee it all it will be a comfortable evening of the theater it's not an ma moore oklahoma that help improve the dwarves in ohio and or a birthday party the caretaker the homecoming i'm told is one of the most important contemporary playwrights and exposed to right some of the best prose that being if they just heard in years it's also supposed to be difficult obscure my psychologist france a huge difficulty that we don't want to cope with what he has to say the meaninglessness of our lives people's inability to communicate with each other all that business we've heard so much about this day we judge that for yourselves we showed the play to an audience of boston theater goers
including the cast and critics we invited from new york washington chicago and boston and their discussion was so interesting though we're gonna show you that first with snatches of seems to illustrate what they've been talking about it's an experimental approach it really isn't that why we often don't apply the movies because we've been intrigued by what we've heard about them besides you're going to get a chance to see this play once that it might be helpful to seo expert and people like yourselves have reacted to it the borscht with a one act play with three characters and it all revolves around their relationships with the job or they're letting the key figure lower class kind and searching for something and that's mark an actor and a friend if you can call him that and pete a witty fellow and just about as cody to have around that mark blyth take a glimpse of how it all began the flooding isn't marked flat london london paper waiting for him to return
the patient was really a half bus boy oh what's the matter with his recorder there's something wrong with his record it at i kind of thing which i think was a milk or you're going to bring them milk us right well there isn't awful doesn't want your money it's because big deal you know it is
because the patient there isn't any milk the potential is bigger they must have a point it's been
it's b well either talking about milk and pickles and pate are other grand meetings underneath it all there's louder skull is is there a bit of him in all of us but see what our audience had to say right where you feel you said here i felt he was talking about people what they really are what's happening to the mafia a man destroying isis is fascinating it's about people that it doesn't have to have a conclusion that makes a conclusion i just gotten lately they were so different about this one what makes especially one thing saying right on the nose and i don't think its repetition
always within sometimes yes sometimes when three iterations the cure what these what a piece of do what you want to be so what bees do you like because what it is do you think that the cuts to cut the cut where the cubs what i got on the scene said to cut for those who care about people care about ideas i think that it's very easy to send live about this but what anybody was going to stand up and say to discipline had better have read and i had better know something about what's going on because it's hardly i put on a no hitter this is the early play in nineteen sixty as a play in which could hurt states it's morbid activities of the planes he's talking of more words as you said he's talking and in a way as any early play what we do for the simple reason that he has learned how to show it in the homecoming shows us i think this plays sounds as though it could be significant you know i think it really gets us all excited have a british accent as a yiddish author it
has references to psychiatry my line how modern it talks about reality so that it almost sounds interesting and had they pose as though there's something about philosophy it really it's got all these things is it's schizophrenia it's homosexual it's in comprehensive well i think there's a lot i don't care what happens to land and i don't think it's the actors all the trouble is that the thing has no hard and that you really have to get into a relationship to your audience isn't enough to put or are sharp i can't lose their habits all project madly onto it as though we know what's there we bring ourselves to it and we talk about it and i think that's fine if you wanted a rorschach test that if we want a man to communicate human experience to us from the steps of his soul and he's got a little button and the river has communicated to us oh there's a lot of dirty words in it for many years actually references the main thing about the cheeses next door while i don't really
think they allow him on television you looked the worst oil with cheese the stereotypical miami and renewed in a lot of chinese yes well it's easy to read too much cheese it all came out in about twenty it goes against the shoreline and i can stop supporting people will write all right now only three times a day now a timeless regulate it once in the morning a quick just before lunch another quick dash of the t and then i'm free to do what you want i don't think you can understand
that's chinese didn't die as only begin to leave one is what you see after it had gone down how to communicate in an explicit way so one of the things and fascinates me you're a psychiatrist failure he's reaching underneath there are certain things they can't communicate and sutton says there are certain families and the world amounts of a certain kind and which i think which this boy land faces and i think he's trying to get under the surface of that and to me i read this is what happens you have a sense of anguish of women of something that cannot be expressed in on an hour away something like the nightmare they're going to pick the dwarfs oh christ lifted his sweetly ought to keep the place you know it's about unity they're supposed to be keeping you on an observation with and i think i actually charlie a couple of his promise of its not possible cars and pozen
pounds of marketing for over the place you want to help a lot of skinny don't tell me and just having their own don't worry it's basically a happy relationship of trust and they're very efficient they know what they're waiting for but that doesn't uganda kenya it's to do with bagels and planes as a rather over the city i like watching them or has it couldn't already on their next always squatting and bending it didn't you know we'd seen the custard independent arab leaders germans and part of the world right now i think is in his job as he sees is to try to lead us into a new kind of dramatic experience this is why i find that one of the reasons i find it exciting it goes back as far as strong it implies like the
drain plain twenties trying to work into the sub conscious the conscience to do it what's implicit and not exploits to try to dramatize this dramatize what's negatives what's not clear what's not specific what cannot be spelled it not only doesn't spell out it cannot be spent and i think he meant you have this family i think you feel you live in an experience that you can't explain and he can't because nobody i think you find this kind of theater that annoys me terribly nervous like thank you for this bitter intimidating you find yourself sitting there saying ok this is a game and on supposed to figure the whole thing out and to me that's not been my question is how many people are going to stick around for the conclusion of the people in this world want to be bothered with the whole game of thinking puzzles that you have you enjoy
some are listening to you it you haven't said that i find so significant about this plan about the other place is akin to seems always to put his finger on the pulse of a very universal experience which most of us organized and a farmer that's such a structural and this i think it's one man's search for a deadly which is very obvious ob the erroneous in the homecoming adds the family and it's a map of the bills on top of you know what is on to design a central america man's it really well i really loved it
describe cantor talk about that experience i'm just want use people in this country can understand the score which is universal if you just you on an emotional level that's its appeal and it carries the arsenal a new kind of dramatic experience and i have the family that doesn't work for everybody now within five or ten years and worked for most of the democratic party in england that first we make seven invited onto and fifty thousand dollars for a week would be buried and this is the first winter taylor and the fear is the area like the papers that won the impressionist began everybody thought it was a scandal a night you get a monday in every shirt and i don't say that necessarily is like it is probably a somewhat important to the future of the
news and do is only going to think that's one thing i want my family to live and all i heard in that play work and he was references i think it was ridiculous couple of bananas like the whole thing is one sustained homosexual men the penny it is people like me stronger doesn't born he talks about humanity checkoff never whitney talks about lack of communication but this guy it's a tiny point of lack of communication
which might be a moment in chekhov between two people widely although the name of a piece of the flu and he drops that this guy takes that pain and makes the whole thing out of it from the carolinas to get away but you know it is a cheese was less and less obvious that the money plays that i have seen i think that this fight as is i'm greatly about paranoia and of course all paranoia contains a degree of homosexuality but so does everybody else every woman in his audiences certain amount of homosexuality and so it's not surprising that may arouse certain degree of distaste for bordeaux or whatever you want to call a week not by a long shot and it isn't the whole essential so subtle thing is in the play the question is though to make it so literal i thought i mean i think that it should be there but it shouldn't be so that one sees a rating so once you know pulling
and pushing on their shoulders say is not anything it's in the play itself a visitor to a point which i think makes it too explicit you're not around with mark too much he can do you any good to i know how to handle but i don't think he's your so between you and me i sometimes think mark is the man we all i like i'm all right when you come right down to it you can forgive a lot will or pat summitt and then he'd modern jazz playing a game or quirky i mean you look at him and what do you see an attitude now as a substance or is a barren or sometimes i think it's a barrel as a bomb site now he'll be a spent force in
no time if he doesn't want just that and for what i was working on and it had nothing to do with i was actually i mean i just i guess somewhat apart from jon's and the thickly events in getting his dna that when one man on screen and have another its homosexuality was allowed the one k giffords was threatened when both got that it was something else say our music you know it is not something that would just sell makeup because that was the ratings and we see a man following his naomi always a cigarette vapor of the site of course is that there may be others who was a kind of a pecan say going on with the butt of the lesson is of a one of a sadistic nature's his views threatening any sayings was very specifically year what you're doing is
better well what are you doing with yourself in a hospital nothing serious well one of things i saw you do
pauses to think about that possibility but he never wants us to actually say hi ho session because obviously open one's identity in any of these places never that's it and having a vision was a surge on it was a plaintiff supervise imaginative him or will it just make it it beat where does fundamentalism of the suspense up which is one of things that really triggers a master at creating what do you know the intricacies of the homosexual motion different you don't know who's an actor who once were puzzled for years the ring that was used incidentally was a scallop and it was chosen by me because it was a scout and was an evil room and was a minister we're going to be a homosexual is a housewife taken with human beings increasing probability that any business of the social class the different
language that homosexuality and any of the other puzzling objects were accidents compared to the mounting concern that i have for this character i'm so surprised that it reveals his reaction i'd never read or seen her before i did not find it offensive and i found the whole thing extraordinarily effect was emerson hauser made our dough and we need to we're inside on isis cells what to look for symbols were just followed the experiences an emotional experience as a human being if we can get out of these there's nothing really worth it with some of the people who try to explain julia i didn't want most difficult things for an audience to understand is the
qualities do is let itself be washed over and i think that and they're so i'm sure that i would be delighted because to be the place perfectly clear i don't see any questions whatever about it is how all of us humans a really eaten alive and lightly by our friend this is really quite a partner that this young man has two friends who somehow really taking away from and destroying when i just sent up the smokes and you sent it happened is i called the minimum job then taken up positions and you know just and i haven't noticed have you noticed that but i'll tell you one thing they don't stop look into the job in hand is finished one way or another i never ran out on a job oh no the true profession was real professionals as they were trying to play
chess i've called him in to give a minute to use it they going to keep a very close on you saw my work we're waiting for you to show your hand when you're going to get a very close on you me osha's be oh yeah and so this really is all boils down to a mean the business of putting in all the homosexual stuff really is quite pretty on an important it gives an added sense of shock
perhaps a gel a fashionable for the inequality which is reach down to was tremendous joy to our attention that the effect of the plane itself i don't think anyone in the room doubted that i'm amazed to find all of these little jabs of this that get done by what i consider to be that we happy few seconds in other ways you know i think this is too bad i think that a lot of the critics the sage of galway and eleven were all over here the outer world or the underworld were saying the pretty nice bits that
are particularly john's idea for those healthy at the way god bless you and i wish i could join us great thank you enter the second and there's the mathematical tricks or is the world i'm violating hundred salvadorans identity he knew the answers we would be anxious since these anxieties rome about the world blur of the board of the people making people see much threat perhaps far aren't make the object in the ship will ease of questions asked about these things i sympathize with someone's life advocate with all of us i think interest talking about our own inner worlds and we were sort of the world on what parts are aware of the threats our anxieties our doubts the confusions about where the body and where objects are standing what the meaning of races are what the meaning of well look i'm a person sits across from us is and i think that a fact believe these questions and answers exactly what tribal elder if you're born is not asking the questions and with it helps
you to help me a great deal i might i'd leave with my mind how many as we know it as he leaves the inept at unanswered space i find myself struggling he makes these trailers of the morning well i don't think i appreciated that remain as it fails to to get that really does and i have nothing against clinton but as a playwright for myself i find that he does not and i'm saying we've got to reach people like me and maybe there are a lot of people i think a very ripe some brief comments other cast and then the television premier of help hitters play that works in one minute after this pause for station identification you are
mm mm mm mm i just like you if you would hope that i'll tell you about my character if it would help you because you've asked the question so nicely and that is that i played mark as a narcissist totally as a narcissist and totally self contained and very self satisfied notice ben is another object apiece something he's collected something of the only things i had to go on in the script with a very sensual indications of the character he owns things he likes to possess things he has this huge he's very proud of himself or and that is all that memphis won citizens another comparable and an incredibly
varied and stranger vain about himself intellectually and of course this is a great area of vulnerability on because the one thing that gets in our planet one years he things as food which is the only time soon with them last clue i guess because people have been looking at an objective as the actor the invisible and in the sense that he is an incomplete manner that is peggy i he would never say that but i've i feel pity and intellectual courage to a violent and so he doesn't know what is there and as i become very magical very much exactly exactly our week republican nomination will we'll miss actually what was the relationship of the janitor the fact that he thinks a lot of
the marx attraction too he says that he is with the world and it is a great quote they're that kind of impact and that landline is to be from the beginning with a different way to live and that it's not a new threat to work through the situation and there is that definitely going on the planet after that was it is not just through two of these above working on the line i want a better question was written i never answer when the he's used the roots of apply really he's he's a common man he's the porter the other people have and upper class people are functioning very well he's he's at the bottom of things he's used to work at the plug it was that kind of a bright young guy going after something the best you can find a hundred of the human with their old sets no good over here were local here and finally just gets caught in this tremendous mason's got a fine as well and he tries his best to get out of the
situation know almost kills them and just by chance he happens to mention that you think she'll fall they think you're full but that doesn't matter and in that moment he is tipped the scales which the balance which breaks the friendship and they pull away from an education the drug is released from the trouble is it would go forward to his first up for health then they return and make another an individual kind of offering to him and he says when i can't deal with that was not the signatures and they go away and then he's able to take his first that for health and the poem says i know one ad wars of laughter and stones and then he looks amazing on that everything's changed and at sea because is a lot out there and he for the first time he sees the real world that entice islam and the beautiful and i think it's just that sometimes a government supporter i like playing in vermont need to cry
these miller the point oh what's the matter with his recorder there's something wrong with this record it at i kind of thing which
i had was a milk or you're going to bring them milk us right well there isn't awful got each one into a minute it's because big deal you know it is because the position has been there isn't any milk it's
big they must have a point there's a government agencies bottom of the page it's b i know it will probably done it stiffed i wouldn't open that
one that i can't drink two of milk that it gets caught leaving low risk or if it will come out the new will come out of the bottle it's been in that few weeks why should it come out two weeks i've
been way longer than two weeks room is stuck in a bottle of it i liked him with regard to that this was a white milk or a gentleman a gentleman gentlemen if what you really got a gentleman gentlemen tucked away somewhere to look after the place for the money or you know you're the only a gentleman johnny's got away what's this that i've seen that before but it's hosting fork it's got a monkey's head
it's portuguese everything in his houses portuguese why is that that's where it comes from are deadly well is this grandmother on his father's side before the family comes from it's been well we're going to push buttons you're drinking blood and what about send in northern poland i think there's nothing wrong with it but it must be broken as he hasn't made any on to the
most shocking was that conan had you know my lifestyle is not much of a nuisance really me out why don't you pull yourself together you be ready for the only been executed in the long might miss it's b mark
they gave a lot of what the pope said it would find much sediment away there's nothing in the kitchen is not even a bit of lettuce it's like the warehouse here they can eat like a book that i read before the project in italy the breadcrumb apply to be a bass dean acosta much attention to change things the change but on the same you know i thought so it's when you have one day last week at eleven o'clock two o'clock six o'clock at a pub in one apartment but doing what makes me hungry i was working that day i'm only stopping when i get up is a funny effect on me as the light that goes without saying as far as i'm concerned the only thing you can do in the night is it it gives the effect especially for mattel after rhinos that were kept long run upstairs downstairs to get a sandwich arranges side writes this given what i'm going back downstairs into the sausages and sausages
we have issues about what's the matter with them it really knows a lot when you last week say the ability to have would do a sleek well what about work and housework is a big trailways station it's thursday night shift i get a bill cover that it does much of what could've been a core leader tom davis of distrustful driving to a lot of the makings of a number one point would you do it again
what you're talking about and what to do with it how and what did they care what they've begun doing with it i don't know what i can do nothing and not doing anything with it it's not moving and doing nothing with it come on what about it is not a normal episode and a homicidal maniac is that i don't look at it a straight line and it was the minaret was the missing honeysuckle but so you've got a wooden synagogue in a knot yes oh you can find two men in a minute would have liked that it sticks out tomorrow omar but it was exactly what you wore your holly solomon at home
the us budget there is much that is a boat from that is my chair democratic means there's no wind just
past night and the formally this in my room this is the room that is the wallpaper on the wars that sixty eight wolves an octagon this room has enough to go jeff bridges this is the center of the cole the hold of it jenny and no one noticed that the president took a significant in the center of the night and the morning and that is monday fb
page a day goes by sharon moon says brazil is moving to pass by i suppose it has a ridge to get home this is not a wearable was clean and abundant testimony will arrive was distraught fix your name identity if it is dark and the night's all right nothing of troops i marko what time wage is my arrangements mccain is but i don't know
what is a suit was a correlation and that is not as mater it's got to sit at the hips as it ends was for the apple it's neat knight i should say it's an eight and then it's i can see that what you tell us it's not true about of course his small do without turnips that it was and the rest of a good night a single breasted losing a close to talk with obesity or wanted the simple one to be simple want to be sued what bees do you like to call what it is you think that the cuts to cut the cut was cut was cut oh no hestenes had to cut you know what i just didn't
know it what we're doing that's beside the point it's a movie where you have to go to say as a place to have a thing what do you buy that as a job and a place for the beginning of the idea right isn't it just like when god does it is a rose on what's the matter with acting as a time honored
profession it's a time honored what's what does he do physically get when you walk on the stage and everybody looks up and watches you know they didn't want to italy they prefer the word summit yesterday and asked them the wives of them take up a mathematics look bored just like i was working at mechanics indeterminate others neither neither the detectives to cheer you up it's your house what did doing it what i wanted well i thought you might give me some bread and honey all i
know i don't want it to become too curious in this room is no place for curiosities here keep a sense of proportion that's all i ask that so i've got enough on my plate with his roommate cities to promote those waiting open jobs and history oh i'm from livonia that would keep to some consistency but they don't and i can tell the limits the boundaries which are being led to believe and that you know a muscle the natural behaviors of rooms those decades is the lot that i can't rely on one example i looked for a time window it's not on the sleek they yeah let's take a listen to the odyssey the best new but barely still because elmo i know they do more loan with me and when we go around the band that the gulf have another list of justice and the outpost the campos which are open to the us so they must be still in there right in so far as the episode is dead which of course it isn't the point in the show
that i can only appreciated that when a moving when i'm still nothing around if i was a natural course of conduct and a half i'm in santa monica today and i would say that after a one on the train i'm not really moving at top that's obvious on that record is a huge thumbs through and that he moved the government moved by such labels granted but what kind of a bit in the front and mr you're frightened but an amendment to put a red hot cocoa in your fantasy what a show is busy at home
mr knopf i got a bag of this is a very sore and table is because i said yes and i didn't know that are you have the reasons it's a family heirloom oh yes lot like a good table and good cheer solids that made all the better i put them in a boat and sailed it down the river a house not a hill could sit in the cabin and stand out at the water libby's doing business over inside it's because big
creatures big part rimmer oh so impossible to have an impossible impossible impossible and i've been thinking about how you know what your problem is but you're not nasty there's no elasticity in you you want to be more elastic elastic a lassie yes you're quite right to be a stick or to talking about giving up the ghost isn't so much a failure as it is a tactical error by elastic i mean being prepared for your own
deviations you don't know we're going to come out next at the moment you're like a rotten or shut up your ideas up there are you up with oil much older no there's a different sky each time and look the closet run about in my eye i can do it the apprehension of experience must be dependent upon discrimination if it's to be considered value in a letter to lack you've got no idea how to preserve the distance between what you smell and what you think about it happened at the factory people making this important distinction between one thing and another every time you go out that door you go straight over a cliff the work you've got to do it you got to nourish the power of assessment how can you hope to assess and verify anything if you walk about with your nose stuck between
your feet all day long you're not around with mark too much of it done do you any good to i got to handle him but i don't think he's your soul between you and me i sometimes think masochism and we all i like i'm all right when you come right down to it you can forgive a lot will pat summitt and then that modern jazz playing a game or one game i mean you look at him and what do you see an attitude now as a substance or is it a barren or sometimes i think it's a barron has a bomb site will you be a spent force in no time if he doesn't want to use that
the patient to provide an update aig would dream i had last night in and i was with a girl in the tube station on the platform and that people were rushing about that with some sort of panic where round i saw that everyone's faces were getting much to boost to do people was screaming at the downer cows with a girl i saw that her face was coming off in slabs to like pastor black scabs and stage the skin was dropping off the calves meat sizzling on the letter grades well i pointed it out to get out of it and she wouldn't but that would
happen face staring at me when i scream going to come away and then i got grazed my face like is that why he's buried is that true the dwarfs about image of i said that dwarfs about the middle and what the dwarfs oh yes oh yes they've been waiting for the smoke signal you see when i just sent up a smoke signal is sent to attack us are called the minimum job then taken up their positions and you know just and i haven't noticed hadn't noticed the backcountry one friend
they don't stop look into the job in hand is finished one way or another i never ran out on a job oh no they're true profession was real professionals as they were trying to play chess i've called him in to give a minute to use it they going to keep a very close on you saw my wig we're waiting for you to show your hand when you're going to get a very close on you be this is big oh yes but this
book is this is the best piece of furniture you've gotten the house in spanish no portuguese portuguese on you put it back maybe deflation isn't there look it's a fast so what your figures haven't gotten the features you can call those fiji what you going to do about a day what's the answer mind that merits not insured us a preview of the day in the evening you didn't know that day i wonder that you involved in one about you but i must keep it a promise has atomic age of ideas
oh you're not alone to do a lot but we're just totally devoted anything over two ounces goes up a penny is your medications because it's been this is a funny looking at the
piece because of it i refused i refused to learn the mission and what is the country since i've left and i've been thinking thoughts on the the thought before of invading thoughts of never thought before you spend too much time you want to give it a rest it doesn't do any good to take them too
seriously what else is it takes liberties with maino that takes liberties with a puzzled about a detective is why she felt this is a phony toasting for him to make any text about it you don't know what will happen if you touch it up it wasn't i didn't it was a band wait all day and i'll pick it up i'm going to touch it is that you're saying
nothing happens when i cut it nothing nothing can happen no one would bother you see i can see the broken glass i have to look through was see the other side the other side but i can't see them i saw it i wanted it but how can i break into not conceit but thinking got me into this and thinking he's got to get me out you know and i want an efficient idea what i mean any fish and idea one to watch something i can tell my money out of nothing is guaranteed i know that i'm willing to gamble again when i came to work in the city i wanted to fight them on low ground not known about them from a distance well i did it and i'm still living a bad night for the
city got its nightfall that scavenging scott a lot of people at the gates of heaven open to the mall the appeal would be the draft i'm wasting away down there the time has come to act i meant to something julie workable something deserving of the proper and acting and voluntary application of my own powers and i'll find it ice cores to tiny insect or pick the other than an address the demands of my finger with my thumb then i saw that the fragments were growing like fluff as that was going there were becoming larger like fluff i had to put my hand into the body of a bird you see the trouble you got to be quite certain you know what you mean by efficient look if
you press the cracker the crack of cracks and not what you may think that's an exact process it's not although not cracks but they end of the crack is out of friction which is completely incident with a particular i get the necessary always driven edgy you know that it's so there's nothing efficient about a nutcracker picnic oh wolves oh christ this week cr to keep the place you know it's about unity they're supposed to be giving you an observation with and i think i actually charlie a couple of cars promise of its not possible cars and thousand pounds of marketing for the place you want to help a lot of skinny that i'm a writer just
having their own don't worry it's basically a happy relationship much worse than they're very efficient they know what they're waiting for but that doesn't uganda kenya it's to do with bagels and planes as a rather of red hots i like watching them that hasn't colin already on their next or was squatting in bending to be no woodson the custard now and again a little flame screws up their noses you know they do the yellow that page that the big out of it than they solve each other's allegiances with a local appointment and they won't go into his body great job and no spoilers it's
arranged so that was a lot of fun it's bleak it's b i'm supposed to be offended what you want me to say like i see you for the cab wears an incentive on a plank chuckle out that got better that sometimes you're listening to me you're listening to my house
you think the moment when it was done in italy into the lonely for my mother doesn't have on the obama doesn't know you're trying to do at best out on something say something and to understand you don't agree you disagree you think the mistaken but i know both of your boss gives them a hole in the side are transplanted a lost a king i suppose you're taking good
care of things that you know that you and pick a music or at what happens when they don't get along to do a jig i suppose you're taking good care of things well it up as much as a tweet seen michael everything's in michael knopf everything's from the correspondent who want out of the width of a neighboring monitor the court as well a slave market sought after we went on the state but it never dies it's never did a fleet it's very well presented one time sunni about you i have no resource put together to wait and what was the value tons of the purse and high living and leaving aside nothing to be laid aside nothing to be hidden nothing to say it wants its its voracious you ain't paid to meet your opponent michael no i
am in the most somewhere else they walked by the un stopped scholars use of the end of class the war veteran schedule dustin offensive text about ticks feed his critique of the roundabout upriver with this wet heat walks and enjoying stops stops the wind must come in the next go
slicing go go down the stumps wrapped corpse of you know gross heads the probes stamps his feet and when he's of course greens head age ten is digs deep cuts rates as such is the corpse phillips's winds its big growers probes digs proves joints know what can i say less than the bridge that
it's got about visuals and wolves could take the investments that would encompass islam during the deepest these grooves into their rates it will just watch the times the times is doing the carrots it's getting arrested with a c not the keynote address head terms because you look the worse
for a with the matter of the new hero what's the matter of cheese the stereotypical miami and renewed in a lot of chinese yes well it's very easy to read too much cheese it all came out in about twenty it goes against the shelling and i can stop supporting people will write all right now only three times a day now a timeless regulate it once in the morning just before lunch another quick dash of the t and then i'm free to do what you want i don't think you can understand its chinese didn't die as only begin to leave one is what you see after it had gone down
gentlemen gentlemen so this week we had egypt it was brutal with each he would blow it off and then concentrate i tended to him that's what came out of his nose police studies feet after he goes to bed that was the boat upright so he picked his fingers or did another piece of black currant pot it's not pie making season is your name steinbeck was stunned that she has to do
a new look and i think if you want to watch us that you know that we're going from bad to worse don't you pull yourself together and get a steady job in cultivated became going dots are ej because of useful mate for christ's sake as you iowa just a dead weight around everybody's neck you want to listen to your friend nate who else have you got walk says bob fosse crosses his legs his finger
was ordering the finger polish and lock the gods greek gods has legs and it goes to the five spot though is the loss of consciousness with an opinion column since id laws in those auditions racism says no change in the postal units suggest watches his hand clasped about it was a flight
sees his mouth go forward and sees the constellation dissatisfied least seized the snow she's with the man and the smoke and he's a priest of these big cities a ring in his hand and he's blocking sees himself speaking the words arranged its sleazy it's just so that distance is sort of at the edge of the
people in the state is that person just watch mooc lies heavy content waters is smoking the window and tom says all felt his hand for a small sip absent guests arranges he's wearing socks in this last spike i never said anything
would you do in utah has built a bit like a long they want to do when you wake up wake up your desk you know that are you prepared to answer questions know what to do during the day when you know talking about an eye rest what it what you find interesting place and there are constantly invariably but your loss a
particular alarm particular you choose your resting place moment that might be anyone is does that content you sure i got home i know where i live you mean you got roots one why haven't i got roots was his older than yours the family lived here why haven't i got a home it's b do you believe in god do you believe in god whom god yes
do you believe in god is because both have a biscuit fact that they're your biscuits with us through that to have one yourself or you don't understand and i don't understand your do you know what the point is do you know what it is no the point is not even water to see what bites clearly enough but who are you it's no use of saying you know you want to because it on a potential political upheaval particular slot which would only receive your particular key because that's not foolproof and seven and up and closing it has nothing to do with it is not my business obviously i believe i perceive a little of what you want but that's pure accident pure
accident on both our parts of the perceived i'm not perceive there is nothing like an accident it's deliberate it's a joint prevents we depend on these accidents these can fraud incidents to continue it's not important and that it's conspiracy or hallucination are you changes so quickly so if it but i certainly can't keep up with huge amount i'm sure you can buy them but what we want i can't even begin to recognize and sometimes so easily again look i don't deny visas into what i see when i don't want to look what is that an ok so is that some of the business you're the
son of so many egyptians how many infections who is reflections is that would insist on let's go to the party what happens to the statue of saying what happens but i can speak when i see that i don't think would've been attributed to the storm is broken in some back and see we don't i don't see why i don't see what was c what i see what i was saying the scum all the essence what about today you know you are it's not stopping he's promising to use a better way in the same boat all right this obama is
spending enright my cousins my cousins in my home emmanuel that night you at his blackboard but on the best friendship that is that i know that that's what are you as blue america ms
bauer has been ms butler what you're doing well what are you doing with yourself now nothing serious well
i saw you you and i'm going to say yes it really is you know what's the point you're
wearing a gas mask days by jeff bennett yes about again another major allies that there was a notable that you know
taking the air these mysteries pitching exactly like again mark knox is that we scored a crab tender and airy miss wharton this quieter guy gets home cooking everything you could wish for the debt ceiling is not too high and is not to know about away and mark what's happened he applied nothing's happened to leave a smoking a pipe and how to not come today sherry baby ring author troubled loans
thank you i said that was driving a tank but don't ask me though we've been walking up the road that is beer one is building walking up a little better by the piece be what you doing sitting on my bed i do not supposed to sit on the bed is supposed to sit in chairs well
you have given us calling get out as bess because it's been ruined know you use both our example personalities those places you're the only event are major fear disease you ever been inside one of those cases right right what you talking about i
talked to see you walk with me what the most in a lot of playing a double game you've been using me you don't give that gives them a lot you've been wasting my time you've been eating up my god for years don't push it you are from the beginning and you you know if you are
you an infection i don't believe it all i've got to do to destroy you is to leave you as you wish to be mr pj it'll be a quick get out when the whistle blows or belonging suspect in parts of justify about her nothing was the cause for alarm was a big impact why they're ready for the off but they say nothing become your foot of a pen and now they've settled down to a wide cross legged with a fire it's insupportable i'm left in the lurch not even the staid frankfurter slice of bacon rind or leave of college but even among the piece of salami likely is distinctly
in the days when we totaled take some time they sit chock full two books osman are out there seemed to be anticipating a rare edition which was to spread and just change or above it change the odds are no it is littered with scraps of cats made the buttocks tin cans bird brains spare parts of all those memos squishing squealing copped although dwarf leading split within the mock weren't stuck in opposing the mix the alleys of local rodeo ring slime got introduced now all these big old he's clean we scrubbed it is a loan that is her
it's because half buffalo again johnny only destroyed a theater i certainly hope i think i think it might i think that there's a lot of interest in even if people are disgusted with it or don't understand it they still think i think there is enough that is a great strippers strong intense reality here which is a compelling things people want to both save and the nih and i think that
that is no we can't help but that we're talking about here that you were interested in fighting about it you can't help but health and as as silence in the audience are really pretty soon you go if you go to go to replay or if you go damon what is a scientist at ucla here to talk about that interpretation acting that it can do nothing but some stimulate ideas and discussion of that it made people want to go when i think about what's in oh i know why new forms of this particular time because your forms of them are exhausted a reason that broadway is in trouble is because they've done the same thing over more are again and the same people who say let's get back to the old ways while go to the old boy had this the young audience as likely to respond
that's hard about this place that you really have to get involved in that i mean i got very involved in the character of land i really hadn't identified violent because i feel that worried about life in everything seems plastic and nothing matters in this whole plan wouldn't matter i think an audience you've got to have an audience sniping maybe we can come to a theater where people have to talk about it out too that's the main thing it's like being in this house chris this has been another in a continuing series of experimental interconnected podcast is produced and edited by pv of a public broadcast laboratory
mission as bishops by the police bomb tonight to public television station wgbh in boston el salutes television station kqed and during the newspaper strike in its area kqed's bringing with television audience unlikely newspaper we're presented news analysis and reports of the society drama and book editors of sentences
those newspapers that tonight at the el also salutes public television station wksu levy in which this week broken ground for its new production center and television stations have you can levy will use its new studios to create instructional cultural and public affairs programs for viewers in pittsburgh as well as across the nation next week et al examines an allied interconnection with questions what's wrong with american health will also present a conversation with secretary of health education and welfare his resignation is an issue is being
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Public Broadcast Laboratory
Episode Number
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/516-251fj2b508).
Episode Description
This episode of PBL includes segments "The Pueblo: Washington's Options", about the incident with the USS Pueblo's seizure by the North Koreans; "Edward P. Morgan's Point of View"; and "The Dwarfs", a television premiere of the play and a discussion of its creation with the author and actors.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049731-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049731-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049731-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2049731-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 111,” 1968-01-28, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 29, 2025,
MLA: “Public Broadcast Laboratory; 111.” 1968-01-28. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 29, 2025. <>.
APA: Public Broadcast Laboratory; 111. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from