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this is morning edition here under the un say i'm david brower one hundred years ago tomorrow a pair bicycle mechanic from ohio flew for the first time the actual first flight was a sputtering twelve second hop than a three other flights a day the longest was just fifty nine seconds it was a humble beginning for the world aviation the one the pilots around the world remember every day that the wright brothers national memorial incurable ills there's an airstrip here and this year pilots like charles tied to the making control over me just slam the planes and walk the sandy path that warhol and wilbur well over one hundred years ago and as a travel avoid words like sacred and pull those are something else maybe even howard but this would be as close as you could get our ground for pilots in this centennial year they've been landing nearly every day most of the plots of land near the sun gets the park rangers though corporate jets every so often almost sixty planets that have flown in this month's like a safer more over the world and in this country have someone that flew in from
alaska iran and in california upon a small ohio fear is no official count of the number of landings here that's because as a terminal no control or not even a tower and pilots one of land they use a radiance to sort out there have been some signs and around this is jill stein's been implemented his lawyer many times first as a student pilot and more recently as part of a ninety nine plane flying over a year ago to kick off the centennial celebration stein says lanning it helps you remember them magical flight pilots i can take for granted and we get an airplane to go somewhere we get involved in the mechanics of flying we evolve the technology the modern navigation equipment that you come here and it's just like it's a pure and simple and it is overhead is a little single engine plane with a student pilot accident management take
us anywhere else it would be routine lesson but here student pilots take extra pleasure lifting the plane's off the ground your bike travel from norway to do just that he's been training as a pilot since april at a school in south carolina and the payoff for all that work there's a three hour flight he made on this day to the right a little more so it's satisfying we're following and just so that the kilo those states is missed the directions or speak to happen his instructor spend all ran fuller's also from norway used to fly huge commercial and military planes but still plenty of moving to land at the foot of a little hill where you're going are breathless it's really something to walk up to the top than say when then that's the place where they endorsed the gutters and then they will come to their flat area where they had mr price right it's really something where you know it's really
the park rangers here have a lot to say about the magic of flight and the now mythic story of how the wright brothers' first talk of the skies major bill corcoran love to talk about or form wilbur and it was interesting is that every day we have to make well the military forced their way into his daily at that was a f eighteen supermarket chain by its kind of tradition for them to fly around the monuments that on their trips back and forth up north and south on the on their carolina close and that they use our money meant as a turning marker and i've had guys come in from carriers asking them if it if it bothers us when they come and stray thoughts like that and then we decided it's exciting to see
them do that the two thousand every one of you watching tomorrow a charity a job and kevin coe prisoner they'd been chosen to attempt the five historically accurate replica of the plane the wright brothers' first flew one hundred years ago this year the replicas flown before but the crews in near perfect condition streep either success if it rains there's no wind the only flies flying over more on the actual anniversary maybe in modern planes during one hundred plane fly over
Wright Brothers & Pilots
Contributing Organization
WUNC (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
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Episode Description
First Flight, First Flight Centennial, Wright Brothers, Centennial anniversary, pilots, aviation, student pilots, Wright Brothers memorial, Kill Devil Hill, park rangers, military pilots
Series Description
News program
Segment Description
Discussion about pilots who are honoring the centennial of the Wright brothers first flight.
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News Report
Copyright North Carolina Public Radio. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (
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Reporter: Brower, David
AAPB Contributor Holdings
North Carolina Public Radio - WUNC
Identifier: NDB1216 (WUNC)
Format: Audio CD
Duration: 4:51
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Chicago: “WUNC News; Wright Brothers & Pilots,” 2003-12-16, WUNC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “WUNC News; Wright Brothers & Pilots.” 2003-12-16. WUNC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: WUNC News; Wright Brothers & Pilots. Boston, MA: WUNC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from