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<unk> move for her nino i'm speaking the peak
he's becoming let's listen the university of illinois fidel castro makes his triumphant and free to do what a beautiful
cynthia popular solidarity and popular he'd get spontaneous expression of october nineteen fifty six commentary and people rise against the heated domination of the pro russian communist regime the old and very unquiet symbol of national independence the standard of the national popular resistance representatives of the police russia's revolutionary justice oh for a better order of things long smoldering period of russian come to the fore sustain the hungary ends in their feudal but passionate like begins overwhelming mike ordinary people early nineteen
twenties the revolutionary forces will be extremely lenient the police at the democratic republic or suppressing demonstrations resulted in a postwar mood of desperation of discontent in jail and a righteous revolution introduces another element often expressed in a desire on the part of the individual to lose himself in the mud as a lot of the uniforms in this case the brown shirts a positive joy of marching and precise the burning of books a blind eye to the reason i didn't like some kind of religious education other leader which seems to enjoy these elements one expression in one way or another in all revolutions the victims of the revolutions are often quite different just after becoming chancellor of germany on january thirtieth nineteen thirty three hitler apparatus of that
electricity is that you could use in the military or the gigantic man's emotional speech into a rational it too a fascist general formation of a new pentagon recently former socialist minister seems the new role of you digit lead again we see the whole apparatus of the white nationalist revolutionary new year without the same grammatical in prison watching incident indicates the tendencies of a sort of revolutionary movement it's healthy the prevalence of crowds as a token of the feeling that for the
first time the people the masses directly participating in an aspiration of all revolutionary movements march nineteen seventy lenny directs the seizure of the breakdown of government reduced by the world war one emergency of revolutionary situation to anything connected with the orderly ep suddenly aware of its organizers suddenly the weekend mrs now become participant is the best organized and the party which
promises peace plan and the russian revolution us carefully studied the development of a revolution that occurred one hundred years earlier in seventy nine the french people rose up against the last year the symbol of royalty or one hundred forty years earlier in england another irrevocable revolutionary actor kirk jowers the first was beheaded he was executed by the revolutionaries and his date just as the board and king of france either a loss of russia would be inclined to come those were seeing the very violence from revolutions all the new although we americans trace our national beginnings to a revolution which had its share of violence would miss for example the unpleasant tar and feathering really lynching in new england nearly seventeen
centuries still we have had in recent years very little direct experience of physical violence in our political line rebel violence but not really we did of course have a few echoes it's revolutionary disturbances in europe we to that article a movement knows the book is a meeting in madison square garden in nineteen eighty with a fascist rendition of george washington as for its green head of the brain reverend tong an objector league on the stage and got it you see the kind of treatment the nazis gave their opponents never support fellow just about lost his trousers this technique of beating up those who just to review as a kind of litmus test that he intolerant masse rather says they do not share in the same way in a stable society
even in the depth of the great depression sixteen million unemployed with little threat of revolutionary violence here this person flew on smartphones anacostia high these stones shocked just suggest that even in this country we were in the early nineteen thirties that means think the types of the possibilities of political clout as some who remember the no strike is when good no pour it on the rock indeed many americans and nowadays to think of revolutions a shocking exhibits the file says marlene politically pena yet clearly revolutions have done much good work of leftist much we value highly the declaration of independence for instance we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain an alien of all rights
but among users are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness historically we ought to the english revolution to the seventeenth century the american and french revolutions at this basic concept of free societies that the individual citizen has certain rights which judges agents of government apology though that bar will defend even against the government itself the safeguards of orderly justice this to ripple effects we all to revolution as we owe more concrete if most dignified reform bill itself i would say it certain various or reform seemed impossible or at least very difficult to bring about except by revolutions in great western societies used to freedoms and falling tree joy only a great overthrow like the french revolution for instance could substitute for the chaotic system of weights and missions of the old
french regime yards points whistles and the like in our equivalent varying from pound down only such a revolution could substitute the knee the fission metric system with a new decimal point as you can see here it is at least a neat decimal system even though the arrest may mean very little to have is a system now in use in science the world of but even so the french did not reform the spelling which is almost as absurd as expensive and student man hours and frustration as our english yes witness for example least three were all spelled differently all pronounced the light snow spelled s so say you jump welcome back to the kind of changes revolution spring about here let me and says once more on the site the drama of them know about the whole emotional
down that makes a great revolution like nothing else in human life the people some of the people anyway overturn the established order to take into their own hands judgments involving the very lives of their roots here is the aceh how long by popular varieties not judging the debate the death of king louis the sixteen it was this final decision in these scenes which led to his ability saut them the world and no see you listen for a moment to that great symbol of france the mass it's b the piece
as the plant now about it and are semantics conscious eight dogs the problem with defining what we mean by revolution well there's many meetings or revolution in ladies' fashions that revolution that the eu through their palace revolution school day pop which is an art of great social sectors like that in france and seventeen eighty nine in russia in nineteen seventy i do not intend to discuss such long slow movements as the socal neolithic revolution of some ten or twelve thousand years ago a man move from hunting and food out in the farming village life nor the industrial revolution of only yesterday nor shall
i dwell on other social changes call revolutionary by a kind of figure of speech such is the revolution most of us have lived through in the united states the revolution you know attitudes towards sex here for instance our two books a mere thirty and forty years of plateau the first is jumpy it's you the last novel by the distinguished british novelist thomas hardy in the eighty nine is it with them to the public were likely shocked and yet surely the most extreme scene is merely the one in which the hero finds the heroine a buxom country last cleaning port bladders and integral now we're a little bit later is the book you all know lady japanese lover now available an expert david in paper cup is in its original edition the late twenties you like to
buy in paris and right now it is available everywhere and it certainly is frank almost comical and it does use the four letter word is now lady japanese lover everywhere for twenty five cents that's revolution but not our time the wind you insist that the revolution robert lee and we're just in and beads and that are actual sexual behavior isn't greatly different from out of our grandparents twelve the docks i am simply trying to make some useful comparisons than among major political over there is such as that in england in the sixteenth forties france and sending eighties russia in our own time but i should feel free to range widely in other times and places when i need to hear is a fairly simple scheme for the revolution's i'm
concerned with one that would help to place them in your mind as they first involve a complete turning our political power but turning out is achieved by actual violence by fighting nearby obviously legal action at any rate legal actions skullduggery it sounds very thinly disguised as legality and three that book threw by an organized minority group i should simply call the revolution is most great revolutions even our own mouth early respectable one this play at all of these the royal government was completely turned out in all thirteen colonies there was fighting all the way from lexington concord to savannah and your job the declaration of independence was an illegal act and be the continental congress was an illegal assembly of the dignified gentleman of classic poses by the painted trumbull
high they looked as though they were doing anything illegal but even good patriotic historians now a net that the active workers of revolution and the american revolution the sons of liberty committees of correspondence in the rest we're an organized minority for an example of the revolution playing the holy legal we should have to go to hitler was actually accession part was on the surface in the court at the mall of the weimar republic but of course the whole record of nazi paramilitary organizations is whether the legal file it's even hitler's voices stridently revolutionary and you're right there was indeed a messy revolution so how should we tie all these social and
political revolutions again in an understandable way they could be some classified one democratic a popular leftist revolutions english french and in its beginning at any rate the russian joe authoritarian factions and the democratic revolution mussolini's the blues franco's than three the territorial nationalist revolutions the american the irish the hungarian revolution of nineteen fifty six yet these forms of network you're nationalist revolutions usually have a touch of social revolution remember what happened to those rich loyalists of the whole street in cambridge later call karl rove from here is a house a familiar landmarks mark the home of colonel graff later general battle but unfortunately for him a general in his
majesty's forces as such he was obliged to put boston with the rest of his majesty's forces the luckier than some of these people he was able to will his loss of his property in any rate to a rather innocent sons and there is an unfamiliar face out the house you know with the longfellow house which was originally the vast storehouse of hassles where prodigious the rich for those days john russell last of them in this country was a very decent job law abiding whole octave but he do lost all his property moreover there's another classification that cuts across all these lines that which separates the successful from the aborted revolution plus the american revolution of the seventeen seventies was a successful nationalist revolution but the american civil war the eighteen sixties
was an abortion nationalist revolution and four generally was the leader of an aborted revolution though our history books really put it quite that way niall quinn at the data for the time together or generals that view of course the dynamics of revenue well i'm in nineteen thirty seven i gave role lectures on the anatomy of revolution i adopted a medical analogy and consider the question of revolutions of the course of the fever with signs and symptoms onset development crisis recovery convalescence with perhaps a relapse i still think these figures suggest that inconvenient but there are many other possible one such as adam great storm or drama even novel the exposition climax resolution this is dollars nasa space oh i really anxious about is that you should
see these revolutions is having a course even alive perhaps he used a charity old age i don't care how you put it as long as you give them a shake shake that is never identical and two or more of this but also to shake that is never totally one hundred percent if unlike another revolution never unique well if you'll pardon a salary of metaphysics a unique form is simply not a form a toll not understandable but any facts and remember that of comparisons are odious they are the stuff of all history as well as a staple of much ordinary and pleasant conversation one more preliminary portion about the difficulties that lie ahead for us in the study abroad you're for well known revolution is revolutionary culture hero george washington looks in this do it what
you all know well almost to iraq let him know whether they're in his work once kept a part of a deliberate revolutionary poems because he was not a workman's disarm up a prosperous and distinguished upper class brits when it has an oriental lute there was no slam as he doesnt to an american seem to be the stuff of the culture here and now that sir charlie chaplin most action looking for law some of you will remember how back in the nineteen twenties but this seemed a rather pleasant comic character but still basically comedy know kind of a hero we changed our mind about that but he still not becoming he'll finally got a bug bounty though many of the sympathize with him and his cause he was after all the un the dog looks know here is bill in his closer to strange forests
for various reasons then none of these last three look like heroes to most of us americans even american leftists liberals path though intellectually they may admire gandhi have some difficulty with his device and dignified certainly an heroic looks like an intimate letter of unpleasant feeling much difference but i mean not rub his new wi fi distrust or a kid or scorn sometimes illogical mixtures weeks when we get the thinking about i'm feeling about revolutions and revolutionary is and this is you and natural inevitable but it does make it difficult for us to be objective to see things as others see i need i point out that in fact russians feeling towards land and the kind of feelings we have to wash and the hindus have forgotten i was trying
not to suppress eliminate or even change our feelings quickly but put them in suspense for a while as we try to understand the behavior of revolutions is to draw an analogy from the practice of man's the physician has feelings towards his patients usually fortunately nice kindly she says though sometimes she was just like a patient but you try not to let those feelings distort these diagnoses they're even much harder task not the lectern distort his prognoses to day current events on most americans sympathize with the border of hungary and revolution in nineteen fifty six many of the sympathizer fidel castro's revolution in cuba at least in the beginning but most of us now i think you know most of us hate the communist revolution since vietnam and in north korea but we should take care not to go from such feelings to the conclusion what we like we'll succeed what we
don't like we'll fail in the course of these talks it almost certainly say something about for instance the russian revolution that will arouse feelings of dislike among many ice was certainly not point ways in which revolutions revolutions we might resemble bad revolutions revolutions week this i shouldn't and our forty and ties their urgent suppress such things but don't try to keep them in control and in suspects even if i make a comparison between shall we say the irish revolution of forty years ago and the current revolution and how dear do not be too offended if i suggest that the
navy and coral a french term correspondent a sense to the million are so old steamer who also were once cool or settlers from scott you all heard perhaps that well known quotation from samuel taylor coleridge that to appreciate it for him the listener has managed to achieve i called a willing suspension of this big lead now this it's difficult enough when one is reading a poem or when one is watching a play on stage it's very difficult the correspondingly do this when you were studying subjects like revolutions for objectivity seeing ourselves and others say it's no
longer go burns wish we could all do this is extremely difficult for scientists it is absolutely indispensable and the scientist above all the social scientists certainly let's ask of himself and those who seek is following what i should ask the view is a willing suspension of moral indignation i'm speaking
the peak this is an eighty national educational television
Anatomy of a Revolution
Episode Number
Varieties of Revolution
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
The program begins with a ten-minute film clip concerning Castros Cuban revolution, the Hungarian revolution, and the post-World War I German and Italian revolutions. Professor Brinton turns form the violence of the film to a calm analysis, as he outlines different kinds of revolution. He schematizes and classifies revolutions to show the pattern that underlies most such experiences. He also contrasts successful and abortive revolutions as well as the observers of Gandhi, Lenin, and Hitler. In conclusion, he asks that feelings of indignation or righteousness be suspended and that the revolution be considered as simply as historical phenomenon which must be understood before it can be approved or condemned. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
An apt description was prepared by the man who wrote this series Crane Brinton, professor of history at Harvard University. Said Professor Brinton: I am anxious not only to present the drama and human interest of revolutions, which I think the visual materials will make fairly easy, but I also want to have the audience think about these problems: how revolutions come about, what they really achieve, in what ways revolutions are in terms of social psychology pathological or at least abnormal, how it may be possible to achieve necessary social, political, economic changes without the worst phases of revolution. Professor Brinton deals with his topics analytically, dissecting revolutions not by period but by theme, aim, method, success, weakness, or failure. Each episode is enhanced and vividly illustrated by visuals film clips, photographs, cartoons and portraits. The 15 half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Media type
Moving Image
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Host: Briton, Crane
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079264-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079264-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2079264-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
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Chicago: “Anatomy of a Revolution; 1; Varieties of Revolution,” 1961-05-21, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 5, 2025,
MLA: “Anatomy of a Revolution; 1; Varieties of Revolution.” 1961-05-21. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 5, 2025. <>.
APA: Anatomy of a Revolution; 1; Varieties of Revolution. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from