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It's a beautiful night in the snow, but it's a beautiful night in the snow, so it's a beautiful night in the snow, but it's a beautiful night for a neighbor, would you be mine? Could you be mine? It's a neighborly night in this beauty wood, a neighborly night for a beauty wood, you be mine. Could you be mine? I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you, so let's make the most of this beautiful night.
Since we're together, I'd say we're just right. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? It won't you be my neighbor, won't you please, won't you please, please won't you be my neighbor. There's so many times I've thought about you in the evening when it started to get dark outside, just wondering what you were doing, with whom you were playing, or sitting, or reading. So I'm really glad we could have this special visit together tonight. I brought a flashlight. I guess it's called a flashlight because it flashes light. Have you seen one? Have you ever seen the insides of a flashlight?
Oh, they're very important, for sure. Batteries. What makes it work, batteries, and a bulb, it's like your insides are important. I have an idea. Why don't we turn the lights off in this room, and then I'll flash the light around and see if you can follow it, okay? All right, here's a light switch here, see the door where I came in, there's a light switch, now let's make it go down, and a cross. There's the door of the closet where I found my sweater.
Could you follow it? Could your eyes see where it was going? Did you ever watch a tiny baby looking at his hands while he was lying in bed, just looking at his hands and wondering? Take a good look at the light and me right here, because I'm going to go out to the porch and show you something, okay?
Ready? Come along, will you? This may be fun for you to see, now I'll shine this light back where I was inside, look in there, okay? See it? But I'm not in there, I'm out here, I can't be two places at one time, you try something like that, you get up from where you are and come over to the television set, okay? Just come right over, come on. Okay, now turn around and look at where you were sitting, see? You're not where you were sitting, are you?
You're over here, next to me. Now walk back to where you were sitting, and then we'll sit down together. You're so special to me. You are my friend, you are special, you are my friend, you're special to me. You are the only one like you, like you my friend, I like you in the daytime. In the nighttime, anytime that you feel is the right time for a friendship with me, you see? F-R-I-E-N-D, special, you are my friend, you're special to me. There's only one in this wonderful world, you are special.
You are my friend, you are special to me, you are my friend, you are special to me. There's only one in this wonderful world, you are special to me. R-Special, you certainly are. Did you ever wonder about the night time and about the darkness and about the things that go on while you're asleep, did you? Did you hear something? It sounds like an airplane, but I can't see it, I do see the moon, it's beautiful.
Would you do something for me, please? I'd like to go inside to get something. Would you watch this flashlight on the swing while I go, I just put it there, let's make it swing. Let's watch it swing while I go, all right, I'll be right back. Did it swing the whole time? Thank you for watching it. This is a telescope. Sometimes I use it to look at the neighborhood of Make Believe, but tonight I'd like to use it so that you and I could see the moon together, okay, just a minute till I get
set here. Let's look at the moon. The moon's almost around tonight, it's so far away, it's really hard to imagine what it would be like to fly up there, isn't it? When I see the moon from here, I think of how it looked in other places. Sometimes I saw it over the water, would you like to see what I remember? And another time, the moon over a city, at night time. Hey Mr. Rogers.
Hi, hey you looked almost as if you were dreaming. I was thinking about the moon in different places. Oh, we sure do have a pretty one tonight, it's almost round. I like your car chef, Brockett, so do I, it's been with me so long, it's almost like an old friend. Oh, it's beautiful. Would you turn the headlights on and off for sure? On, off, round like the moon, works well, doesn't it? Sure does. Hey, you want to take a little ride? Would you like to take a ride with chef Brockett? Okay, we'd like that. It's comfortable. Any rules? Two. Safety belts passing. Yep. And, same thing as in the kitchen. Quiet.
That's right, as long as we're moving, quiet. Shh. All right. Where would you like to go? Well, where would you like to take me? Hey, I know. Why don't we go down around the square and then we can go past Mr. McPhilly's house? Good. Shh. Go. the So I drown in water atresh water.
I suck out water. I'm going to use a spray, but I need to use this spray, Oh, Chef Brocka, that was a great ride. Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Why is it, Chef Brocka, that you like it to be quiet when you're in the kitchen or in the car? Oh, I like to think. Quiet time helps people to think. That's true. It does. Uh, would you like to come in with me? Oh, no. It's almost time for me to go home now for my dinner. You have a late dinner. Ah, but I love it. You know, my wife does the cooking at home and after I cook all day, I look forward to going home and having her kind of cooking.
Mrs. Brocka dinner. Well, thank you for taking us for a ride. You really enjoyed that trip. Hi, Chef Brocka. Hi, Mr. Brocka. Have a good night. Thank you. What was that? Did you hear something? A kitty. Where? Oh. Hi, kitty. Hi, kitty. Hi, kitty. Kitties don't knock before they come in, no. You're really frisky tonight. Yeah. I wonder if that's why cats are so sleepy in the daytime. They like to play at night. Hello there. Are you lonely? Are you a lonely kitty?
Alone tonight? Hello there. If you are lonely, then you need only say hello there. I'm lonely. Hello there. Just say hello. Meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow lonely. Meow, meow, meow lonely. Meow, meow, meow. Yeah, kitty. Yeah, kitty. That's Mrs. Sanders. The kitty's over here. Would you like me to bring him home? David can come over for him. Okay. David's going to come for you, kitty.
They were wondering where you were. You're almost asleep now, aren't you? Well, there's David now. Hi, David. Just around the yard. And then up on the porch. Hi, David. Here's your kitty. Came over here tonight. Yeah. And you came for it, didn't you? Uh-huh. What's your kitty's name? Jerry. Jerry. Oh, that's great. Do you take care of him sometime? Uh-huh. Look, he's almost asleep. Could you put your other hand under him like that? And hold him. Maybe you could even go like this and rock him to sleep. You take care of him, don't you? Yeah. How old are you? Four. You're four years old. What a big boy you are. I'm very proud that you're my neighbor.
If we watch your window over at your house, would you go to the window and wave to us when you get home? Uh-huh. Okay. We'll watch for you then. Thank you for coming for Jerry. You're welcome. Bye, sweetie. Bye. Isn't he a great neighbor? A four-year-old neighbor? Why don't we watch his window now? He said when he got there, he'd take the kitty and wave to us. Let's watch. Thank you, David, for getting the cat for us. And thank you, Mr. Rogers. It's time to put the baby to bed now. Are you going to sing, Mrs. Sander? We usually do. May we listen? Sure. I'll leave the window open. Good. Come on, David. Three, three, three, three, three, three, three,
three, three, three, three, three, three, We love you. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We love you. Three, three, three, three, G-G-G-G-J— They're going to read a story together before David goes to bed.
Why don't you and I go inside here and find a story for us, okay? Picture picture has a word for us. Story. Do you have a story to show us picture picture? Well, what's the story about? A firefly and a raccoon. Well, would you like to see a story about a firefly and a raccoon? Would you show it to us, please picture picture? Say the words. You know the words. Picture picture on the wall.
Will you kindly show us all the story about the firefly and the raccoon? Well, what's the story about the firefly and the raccoon? Thank you, picture picture. You're welcome, says picture picture.
That firefly and raccoon were playing hide and seek, weren't they? Do you like to see stories over and over again? I do. One's that I like very much. Why don't we ask picture picture to show us that one again? All right. Picture picture, would you show us that story again? Say the words. Picture picture on the wall. Will you kindly show us all the story of the firefly and raccoon again? Say the words. Thank you, picture picture.
You're welcome. Imagine a firefly and a raccoon playing hide and seek at night. Make believe. Yes, that is make believe. What do you mean by make believe, picture picture? Oh, neighborhood of make believe. Would you like to play neighborhood of make believe with me? Come along to the kitchen. These are toys. This is Daniel's cloth. And the platypus is place. Here's lady lame fair child's museum go round.
And X's tree. And Henrietta's house. And Cornice factory. And this is King Friday and Queen Sarah's castle. Or somebody at the back door. Would you look out the window to see who it is, please? Lady Abberlin? What's letter in? Lady Abberlin. Hi, Mr. Rodgers. Hi, come in. I got an idea from that firefly story of yours. Good. See, I've always wanted to do firefly dance. So I just got these wings at the shop. Great idea. Well, where would you like to do it? In Make Believe.
Here's the neighborhood of make believe already. Great. Where would you like to start? Here at Daniel's clock. And I'd like to pretend that I'm wearing a really fancy firefly costume. Okay. Would you like to pretend with us that we're in the neighborhood of make believe? And Lady Abberlin is in a very fancy firefly costume near Daniel's clock. It looks like nighttime there, too. Tonight times the best time for fireflies. My lady Abberlin, you're in Make Believe at night. I'm pretending to be a firefly, Daniel. Oh, well, hello then, lady firefly.
Hello then, Daniel Tiger. Fireflies are lucky. Why? They get to stay up late at night. Do you like to stay up late? Sometimes I just don't want to go to bed at all. Because I wonder what's happening when I'm asleep. But after a while, I get very tired. And I fall asleep right where I am. Sometimes it's scary if people that you do things that are too grown up for you. Why don't we play Tiger and Firefly hide and seek? It's not too grown up. Who will hide first? You hide and I'll seek. Okay. Don't look. Okay. Ready. Ready.
Oh, where would a firefly be? Maybe up in the sky. Oh, but she's a pretend firefly. Maybe she feels her here. Oh, there you are. There I found you. Now you hide and I'll seek. All right. Ready? Ready. Ready, Daniel Tiger? Ready. There you are. I found you. Yes, you did. Sometimes I even sleep up here. Up here with the TikToks?
Sometimes I pretend that they're music. Would you like a little music right now? I think so. I feel a tiny, tiger-tired. Maybe you're ready to go to sleep now. And then tomorrow you can feel a big tiger awake. All right. TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, TikTok. TikTok, TikTok, TikTok. We love you. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. I love you, take, talk, take, take, check, check, check,ок, Take...
I'll talk to you in a minute. Good night, Daniel Tiger. I wonder if everybody's asleep now. Hello, Dr. Villal. What kind of a bug are you? I'm a pretend firefly, Dr. Villal. You're the biggest fly I've ever seen.
And I'm really Lady Aberlin, Dr. Villal. Oh, why see? I will come along. My wife is resting and I don't want to make any noise around here. Where are you going? I promised the owl in the pussycat that I play for them a wee bit tonight. Exit Henrietta? I suppose we meet over there. Fine. All right, all right. Lady Elaine must be asleep. Hi there, Lady Aberlin. How in the world are you? How did you know who I was, Axe? Dr. Villal told me you were a pretend firefly tonight. Oh, where is Dr. Villal? Oh, he's on the wall there behind the branch of the tree, you see it? Oh, Dr. Villal, I didn't even see you over there. Oh, I see it.
Oh, I see it. Oh, I see it in the branch of the tree, you see it? Oh, Dr. Villal, I didn't even see you over there. Hey, the night time's a dark time, Lady Firefly. You're right. Would you like a little light over there? Oh, no thanks. I can play my pipes just by the sound. Oh, there's Henrietta. Meow, meow, meow. Beautiful, meow, meow, meow. Oh, no, Henrietta. It's just Lady Albert on me. It's just Lady Albert on me. It's just Lady Albert on Henrietta. Really? Look. Meow, meow. It's me. Meow, truly, meow. Truly, truly, meow. I'm a pretend firefly. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow, meow. You're beautiful, meow. Yes, it is, Henrietta. Meow.
Oh, why don't you play for us now, Dr. Villal? Meow, me, Dr. Villal. All right, Laddie. And what would you like me to play? Meow, meow, meow. A night pipe, I think. What do you girls think? A night pipe would be fun. Night pipe, meow. All right. Stop that noise. Stop it this minute. Can't you read sign? Uh-oh. Lady Elaine Fairchild is awake. Yes, she is. She sounded angry. She surely did. What will she do now? Let's make believe that she calls for Officer Clements.
At the museum, go round. At the museum, go round. Okay. Lady Elaine Fairchild calling for Officer Clements at the museum, go round. Please, please, please, where's the police? Please! Lady Elaine. Oh, Officer Clements, I'm so glad to see you. I want you to arrest my neighbor's officer. Well, whatever for, Lady Elaine. They woke me up. And I have this sign here. You see it says, do not disturb. Well, they disturbed me. Now, you stop that noise. Stop that noise, Officer. Stop it right away. What noise, Lady Elaine? That bagpipe. And all that noise that's around. Stop it right now. Please, stop it. Stop it. Well, I don't hear a thing. Well, it was loud. And it awakened me. And I was having such a good dream.
Oh, such a good dream. We're always sorry to disturb you, Lady Elaine. Oh, I certainly did. We were always asleep, so the noise wouldn't matter. Well, evidently, Lady Elaine was dreaming. I was dreaming. I was dreaming that the king and queen were kissing. Since you all woke me up, I think I'll just go over and tell them to show me the real thing. Ask the king and queen to show you a kiss. Sure. I'll kiss you all over there. How about that? I'm not going home. I'm going home. All right, Dr. Bill, go where you want. I'll raise the rest of you. Ready? One, two, three. Go. I beat you. Oh, no. I beat you. Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you? What can I consider? What is the meaning of this intrusion? I really don't think you should, Lady Elaine. see you to kiss pardon me fair child you heard me I want to see you to kiss
I'm dressed as a firefighter and I don't go Friday out there how do you like my costume you just look lovely my dear officer Clemens I presume correct as usual your majesty now don't you all try to get out of it I want to see you to kiss this is highly irregular fair child I'm sure you're curious lady a line I'm sure that's so too nevertheless people may not see everything they're curious about come along I was even dreaming about you to kissing that's your dream fair child your dreams are your business our kisses are our business some kisses are private you know they're big spoil sports other people kiss each other there are kisses and there are kisses what do you mean sometimes kisses just mean that
you're glad to see someone but sometimes kisses are private okay Friday what can you show us then I'm awake now and I want to see something well as a matter of fact we do have a dancing raccoons in the dr room dancing raccoons may I dance with them well of course you may dear you may all come won't you join yourself as a Clemens well I could come for a little while I will command a short dance from the raccoons thank you very much your majesty oh well come along everybody it's better than nothing do you want to watch the make-believe raccoons dance to do you lady abberlin oh yes and I'd like to pretend I'm dancing
with them all right let's pretend that we're in the dr room of King Friday and Queen Sarah's castle yes that would be just perfect and lady abberlin would like to be a firefly with you in the dance that wouldn't you lady or yes uncle Friday well we'd be glad to have a firefly now this is what the dance is all about thank you very much come fly fly officer Clemens yes when you kindly read this to us of course your majesty this dance has a father raccoon a mother raccoon and two young raccoons they're watching television together
they're kissing I thought you said you couldn't show people kissing they're
kissing look look Friday look that's just part of the dance lady lady no thank you dancers lovely lovely firefly oh thank you uncle Friday it was my pleasure well now it's time for everyone to go to sleep I'm not ready what do you lack lady Elaine I don't know how about flying home with a firefly lady Elaine do you mean it oh sure and I'll hold you the whole way lady Elaine likes to be cared for sometimes too even by a dancing firefly yes it's
time for me to go home now mr. Rogers I liked your dancing firefly it was fine good night lady Abberna you know it's hard for every child to go to bed sometimes to have the lights go out and to give up the things of the day I remember when I was a little boy I used to ask for a drink of water and an extra kiss just to make the day last a little longer I remember too that I was glad to have my
soft pillow in bed with me it helped me to remember that my mother was downstairs and my dad was with her please don't think it's funny when you want an extra kiss there are lots and lots of people who sometimes feel like this please don't think it's funny when you want the ones you miss there are lots and lots of people who sometimes feel like this and you're growing just the way I did just the way your
mother and dad grew so many ways every day so many ways I think that's officer Clemens it is let's stand at attention when he comes in officer Clemens are you great how are you are you on night duty yes and things are pretty quiet tonight do you ever get lonely at night when you're on duty sometimes I do feel lonely but when I go past the sauna house I remember the times when I've been there and when I come by your house I remember the times when I've been here and then I'm not so lonely would you sit with me a minute sure I could stay a few minutes I often think of you too and when I think of you then it's sort of like you're being here I often think of
the times that you've sung for us would you sing a song for us now yes are you lonely are you are lonely never alone tonight if you are lonely then you need homie say hello there I'm lonely just say hello thank you officer Clemens you're welcome you know sometimes it feels good to be
alone don't you think yes I do especially when you know that there are people close by we're caring for you and there usually are people close by ready to care for you yes that's what we policemen are for we're close at hand to help what's that oh well it's like a telephone or you mean it doesn't it doesn't have any wires on it officer Clemens here right away officer Clemens out what did it say well it seems as though somebody needs help in finding a pet raccoon which is missing oh pet raccoon yes things scared me when it buzzed it first did well used to scare me but I got used to it you know I see then it didn't fried me anymore well well I better get over there right away that's a handy thing to have thank you officer Clemens for
stopping by you're welcome take care have a good night pet raccoon reminds me of the neighborhood of make believe in the dance of the raccoons I wonder how things are in make believe let's just pretend that we're looking around and make believe and seeing ok all is quiet at the castle I guess corny's been asleep a long time you know x good night Henrietta now and lady Elaine is having a good night the platypuses are quiet too and Daniel is asleep in his glow
good night fish wonder a fish swim all night long picture picture says good night soon will all be asleep when I'm in my bed I'll be able to close my eyes and remember all the people I visited with today you could do that too we could remember what we did
tonight and how we pretended with lady Abel and the king and the queen and officer Clemens isn't that officer Clemens buzzer let's go see if he's outside officer Clemens hi hi Randy why hello there good for you Randy where'd you find him down the corner man in depot well isn't he a fine animal he's up pretty late tonight anyway your family's gonna want to see you soon yeah I just found a head to let another we're bringing him home Randy's one of my neighbors yeah Randy Sorgo thanks for helping find him we'll be seeing you later mr. Rogers okay good night good night Randy lots of people helping in this neighborhood a night times a good time some
creatures like that raccoon or lively at night sure missus Anders cats too an ex in Henrietta and some people work at night to take care of the rest of us but most of us use the quiet and the darkness for being at home and for sleeping and after we've slept then comes a new day and that new day is called tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we'll start the day tomorrow with a song or two tomorrow tomorrow we'll start the day
tomorrow with a smile for you till then I hope you're feeling happy till then I hope your day is snappy tomorrow tomorrow it soon will be tomorrow and be our day we will say a very happy tomorrow to you tomorrow comes and then tomorrow night and then the next day and the next night and the next day and you always make each day and each night a special one for me you know how by just you're being you there's only one person in the whole world like you that you yourself and I like you exactly as you are good night
and This is NET, the public television network.
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Mister Rogers Neighborhood
Mister Rogers Neighborhood Special: Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood
Nighttime in Misteroger's Neighborhood
Producing Organization
National Educational Television and Radio Center
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-512-5q4rj49k3f).
Episode Description
Fred Rogers is joined by his Neighborhood regulars in this one-hour special which includes an actual car ride through the Neighborhood, an original pantomime dance and hide-and-seek animation, mixed with Mister Rogers usual intimate communication. A flashlight with good strong batteries, begins the program. Its the insides that are so important, says Mister Rogers as he shows the batteries. Just as your insides your feelings are so very important. He sings Its a beautiful day in this neighborhood and goes on to talk about some of the things we wonder about concerning night. He shows us the moon through a telescope and how it looks (film footage) over the ocean and over the big city. Chef Brockett and Mister Rogers take a ride through the Neighborhood and see some familiar neighbors on their porches. Mister Rogers is startled by an unexpected visitor, Mrs. Saunders cat. His four-year-old neighbor fetches the kitten and Mister Rogers asks to watch him and his mother put the baby to bed. Then the mother and child read a story before the child goes to bed. Mister Rogers asks Picture-Picture for a story. Picture-Picture shows us a story about the Firefly and the Raccoon. The story gives Lady Aberlin the idea that she plays Tiger and Firefly Hide and Seek with Daniel tiger. Then Lady Aberlin, Dr. Platypus, X the Owl, and Henrietta Pussycat unintentionally awake Lady Elaine from a dream in which the King and Queen were kissing. When Lady Elaine insists that the royal couple show her a real kiss, King Friday tells her that some kisses are private. The King instead invites Lady Elaine and the others to his DR Room where four dancing raccoons pantomime a mother and father helping their two young raccoons get settled for the night. The sound of the night such as crickets can sometimes make it hard for us to fall asleep. Mister Rogers speaks of how this was so when he was a little boy and sings Please dont think its funny when you want extra kiss. There are lots of people who sometimes feel like this. Officer Clemmons is on night duty so Mister Rogers and he talk and sing about lonely feelings. A teenage neighbor later helps Officer Clemmons find a pet raccoon which has been lost. The Neighborhood firneds are all settled for the night and Mister Rogers ends his special with a reminder of how close tomorrow is when the nighttime comes. And tomorrow is a time for getting up and enjoying another day. He asks his audience to sing Tomorrow with him. Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood is an NET production made possible by a grant from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. Produced at NETs Pittsburgh affiliate, WQED, by Fred Rogers. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Program Description
Young children in the New York area will get a special present to give their favorite grown-ups. The present is from their personal friend Fred Rogers, star and creator of NETs daily childrens series Mister Rogers Neighborhood, and it is a way for them to express some of the things they feel about the night time. Mister Rogers reaches into the common fantasies which a child may have about night and comes up with an-hour-long color special about nighttime for children and their parents. Viewers will spend Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood with Fred and his friends who together explore some of the feelings, the beauties, the animals, and the fantasies of night. In his usual caring way Fred Rogers combines talk, song, dance, pantomime and animation into a program which will help children grow from within. There is a ride through the Neighborhood with Chef Brockett and a special dance by Lady Aberlin as well as a pantomime by four Dancing raccoons in the DR Room of King Friday and Queen Sara of Make-Believe. Mister Rogers sings some new songs and talks about some of the feelings he had about night when he was a little boy. Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood is an NET production made possible by a grant from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. Produced at NETs Pittsburgh affiliate, WQED, by Fred Rogers. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Executive Producer: Taff, Paul K.
Performer: Rogers, Fred
Producing Organization: National Educational Television and Radio Center
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-46fd1dbca03 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Mister Rogers Neighborhood Special: Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Nighttime in Misteroger's Neighborhood,” 1969-11-23, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 5, 2025,
MLA: “Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Mister Rogers Neighborhood Special: Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Nighttime in Misteroger's Neighborhood.” 1969-11-23. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 5, 2025. <>.
APA: Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Mister Rogers Neighborhood Special: Nighttime in Mister Rogers Neighborhood; Nighttime in Misteroger's Neighborhood. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from