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or the series of conversations is history with historian professor can be one of your fellow historians eh car has offered this advice before you study the history study the historian cuts would like to study the historian david if you don't mind i'd like to begin by asking you about something that you were quoted as having said and that is i do not believe an objective history ochoa says it's at this point don't you believe an objective history rather than live in a human being being objective is really doing the word inside story on the show scientists steven kotler tells you can't have a favorite performer or in a brutal east and any local producers but to winnow the availability of being evicted thousands does it go you have feelings of like oh this like you pass judgment on the iss social
revolution human being so i don't think that in a study of univision news and the objective what you can do is to drive a joke on the table and say i think my own saw that uses a sudden surge and it was discovered is it and customs of the solution when do you have as you've been doing the job will struggle of the stalls one of the principal subject of elements of the story and brings to his work and prejudice is one that you mentioned mandela long bus approaches have the time or history is a contemporary history noted that wasn't having gone jump of a lot of her job of the fundraiser to live and they all vote for prosecution have see the background to your life and present and to know that that's one of the euro was no time for his second term graciously of his own moral side of us to cost a lot less
pressure we're retrofitting the flag still deciding other people always has come in i think what brought you to undertake the monumental work the study of history and those two locations some of the pollution that survived so long to take i took my first notes for june nineteen twenties seven crew at age eleven and that were local slick second world war in the revolution and fifty for such a long time ago those oakland druid wolf blitzer prodigious attests to encompass a compass encompass all of human history in these volunteers and that you must have faced with some apprehensions about a year ability to get to
sixty vote known for her and one he's been informed of michael graves but fortunately i didn't i started the meeting room jordan and the nerves and in the village will the summer rosy pink in our world that people to have insurance is that city workers teaching options have already had the same experience is some political ranks of his big change locals of those innovations issue then they're going to think well what he's offering two thousand years ago invented the southern russian he's already his experiences we're going to have that many think of defense militias being in some kind of a soft wilson's contemporaries of those politicians to you know cleaning contemporary enough for the soft science conferences and then pass through the same experiences won't those
collections sovereign states which would warmly the session going to say in all western world good job those of those great religious roots doing all future so i saw most of history and religious side by side they ended up to was voters a look at the kinds of war the scripture of the world explain that but as with a scientist you've selected a limited number of samples of civilizations history and white egyptian civilizations as a basis for comparison well i think because so much in those that is native to think of serving justice judith lewis use bottled water restrictions over the world greek world in all his aspects
of modern political work to surf last it's all just literature poachers on the themes of hope so i got used to he once lived as a whole and i tried to apply that to western history as well and just in general this sense of unity citizens live this is the they aren't and what is described as your unitary syrian history there is growing really out of the relationship between the seventies and modern society that this is a narrow comparison to history you are quoted as saying professor to india as soon as i put pen to paper and i knew that whatever reputation i had would go up in smoke this is in relation to writing of the study of history yes i could you interviewed over a particular wife and i are those details of the actual effect to look proof of the object
to the objective one could really be able to improve the level go up mcguffin of the dishes and that involves a way that you feel it would not be well received for some tumors and vote third of news that wouldn't have to go through a number of additional or florida where you're so certain that some would not raise seaver well because of the general and the story is that about my generation which was wildly microscopic prove it's true but little about how that piece of history and they've accused hewitt of using a telescope the microscope it would sort of images that they would suppose the superficial and then to his horse pose and she was an instance is a scene but there is none as agreed to the criticism exchanged among historians that i
that also that there always have been the spirit of the ocean but in britain and words and so it's become much more rooted in a personal loss to ireland police relations rethinking this stuff in like the earth and that they will push forward their work with and involvement with by the states by those events that is a big part of the job in the west for some political views as is a lot of seventeen years of settled with more than their with the intrusions walton you've not spent much time answering the critics except for give on every consideration said was that the critics it was really a lot of that too we need a little poison
destructive and said there was a joy rocher even more than his conviction in friends with joe the comparable to know the truth about the seven things that interest in the subject and when a court another one of their critics this one is a man who and there was a death recently was a man for whom you had with affectionate they are great dutch historian peter hi elvis and he said about you a photo india's but because of his religion he will not acquiesce like the secularists in human endurance like faust he tries to no more than can be known why did you focus upon the religion you are thought of it as a kind of religious has not i shouldn't let go of all the losses jordan is a world vision loss of mistakenly of his conclusions is that i cause of religious agnostic
the oval table that time we're losing the images below the imo attention to serve the government to have everyone has reams of them and this revision plays a very large part in vaguely of structure of civilizations their birth and their death otis and i dated sense of leading to talk to us in existence <unk> human being's being in the region is trying to get in touch with the news of hosting and to get a dutch violinist nobody in harmony with that i think will really try to live
as their asset of our own little self little bit of it but you've described yourself as a religious agnostic in another context you said although i can't get away from my judeo christian background is temperamentally i'm a hindu is why hindu was set in next question and that in the possession of the village and prevention prevention with the world but it really is something outstandingly in though none in japan and the patient load first impulse on to what the reagan revolution so what i like about the on his own is its own farms always sell them for
a time when the government was less interested in the fourth century when the members of the missiles of televisions or four specific of it all they consider that wilson and one an extended letters of summer this a new low go so great industry ministry of existence it cannot be read by anyone or have warrants and walmart and they believe in this is is that in a way you would have to prove it's a multigenerational movement professor john reid recently as you have published a book entitled appointments yes this is about the closest to an autobiography that you get rich but then i sell them and you would ask you know some of the people you write about there but i was curious that little mention was made of your mother in it and an end and acquaintances
for very obvious reasons i suppose but you have said in a different context i am an historian because my mother was one thing for me yes now i mention my intimate conviction though or friends national immigration laws would go so i wanted the detroit with what i couldn't keep fighting so the citizens of it but the isi and the title acquaintances apparently include one of the kids and then the end of prince's version of distortions in that second class citizens if you're going to reach a single issue of a lot of weapons my mother's sister was a memphis of this will go to an interview and i was always very much aware that my mother was well as four years old we will build awesome and that will push water levels in their own got a ford was a
lot of us have become a rare right welcome to politicians in years when you witness that have an issue just five easy decision wrote a textbook in this discussion about this interview with an enormous criminal groups coming into the system and everything about me were you predestined to become an historian and because of your mother's interest in this palace was the destination of conditions and know my family history of britain from her husband and you have loved history had had both of your parents urge you in this direction into a study not necessarily of history but into an academic work i follow those social worker that knowledge to heat to a lot of stressful consultant in toulouse a collection but none of the
anesthetics for the event in the new senate rule and that most of the workers who wouldn't this is important this is working with some to make money and he does it with people with terrible positions at rationalizing sheriff to work with joe has in it all of the world and the new facilities and his world so he was anti islamic to speak that he wasn't that live intellectual of person i suppose with this parental backgrounds not surprising that you were given a classical education though officials cautioned that immigrants who wanted his caution that i'm all in the school's is controversial moment that you can have a letter written things though that go that happened to for the people who
voted for him you say that the drawbacks of a classical education in the modern world are obvious where where they obvious what are the drawbacks of turn them into meat religion region of nevada remembered it is a little girl in michigan that to write to write regulations and the city when a plea this would be living in a deep into lebanon little people who led the existence of education says the third edition to save that of the divisions in on why this is so good times so the building writing really committed and listened to buy it because it expresses affection eleven and reagan that it refers to thanks guys you have also said i grew up in an age of stability and security for the middle class american ones family might have very little money
that have won was moderately able hardworking and well behaved it one could count on having a satisfying middle class career now i presumed that eu were hardworking well behaved and more the moderate label where you bent upon a middle class careers you astro school sport and also the thing else so very competitive with a glow that would repulse an informative for people's lives so go public so through a private school in groton and they have lots of cambridge were rich who had very high fees unless you got a scholarship and the competition has gotten just this and so it will happen at a condition that was a lot of this is the internet to live at which in a sense was to get into the walls and instantly too it was the
response to the trolley televised and so what the us is intending to google forwarded was cautioned the school which is those difficult they say will you almost quadruple know this but to a few failures go to the school which we can afford to send you to say don't worry they were able to squelch you know that was it was a really love you write an acquaintances were effectively of your uncle harry this semester says captain nato and the eu as a seafaring medical they're brutally as a boy young man i suppose chelsea's grew up with there's a limited to live and they didn't keep us from so i grew up the us us open up the world for you because it was a troubling that he painted ocean china
and the world will also that woman that mean and what of your on to charlotte this is mrs arnold when the widow from your neighbor that it isn't that the message she hadn't repeated consumption isn't a stranger to what kind of influence well then covers all the digital conversion has purchased a flu virus to their chagrin that had that discipline and you're like well i wasn't that's right and villagers voted for adults a lot of these a lot of the global financial to believe that there are so many of these person's professor time is difficult to know which to ask about in a few minutes remaining but i would judge that serviceman or was someone who was a rather influential in your life even though the two of you disagreed rather
strongly as a widow full of history was quite different of us politically and know what you like into poetry as a vote by legends and leaf or leaf and the other historians think it brought about pretty broad approach is wrong so on that level and what's left you did a great you've also said that you've both been trying to head the mythology eyes history this this book you mean by dean apologizing history well look we haven't you called write about a little girl who shows except in political terms the united states won't the olive is will the political figures are live and what you have is a lot of human beings in those relations have done that to the conclusion that we
have a means of thinking of the skipper bivins in in terms of trying to set up drug history rich in terms of the personal lives of grows all of their individual qualities that this is a concrete in his row people usually is a letter this but to a girl's one lesson that didn't get finish it introduce you a lot of those in an affordable apartment in the opera stage making these individual lives through global effects of holding the big public events in history i believe to do so there's a computer labs fence get the job they're the names of patients and state senate lives of the falafel balls on the way that human beings all well i sure we for our viewers to to your book are quite and says and turn
from these people to enter your reading this because you've said some people live by freud and hamlet i live for you and fast young was undoubtedly had a great influence upon years ago tens of thousands of the regiment it what i mention what's striking about him of a psychological connections of a book i read and of the biggest suvs agree with some clinical case his own something of dubious because history shows the underlying or hispanic right this version different businesses saying primordial image people didn't think the pan and human nature provides a base for this unitarian but then a new dimension and seventy one that are recorded a set of choosing a lot of you it will
in iraq now let's visit my goodness we did get letters well get down to the mothers use that a moment that you never think about the mothers and the state uses that they often thinking about the final images from i was like you know this is a little history of his datsun you've been quoted as saying that when you travel you know we carry a volume of faust the troop carriers well the bhagavad gita a volume of dante and a volume of metaphysical poets and interesting selection reading we lived around the world and six expands to have that bit of your books because you wonder why you selected those affected are faster a stole files were othello the school where was puerto rico but if you don't so it's like that all my life that has much
explicit content hello both says in the continent his own religion christian was concerned and so i wanted that because it only imploded lord russell yes in another contest in which he said it is important to care immensely about things are going to happen after one is dead eighty people should make this a matter of life do we have a debt to our errors in this respect in a historical sense but it was really cool to look at and then they will then i think this is a very important thing we didn't live from the dead there were the film just few witnesses agree with instances and we have a bit choked off the slide onto our successes in the first time in history we added up our crew into
reckless pennington director human race would you ms miller heads portland's of all of course was that if your listeners of too much tension soviet union i danced and feelings of young people in this country to be you know the little roly and b will the tv on those in these two countries and the whole would you like history to remember you own rules summers tried to see it as a whole new slew of those who was from that red boxy just wish to terms with joe sees in terms of what will lose the realizations often presents as a waste not to help with the ultimate question is going through those i think you refer to yourself as a minority of one would you like to be remembered
as one who in a sense swam upstream against the current times against the moment of the dirt ahead of their time on my side as possible because after all in all western world and the american world jewish world to the open or history was in their universal to begin with creation in the last judgment and the seals live you'd have the dog mountain it recently before a whole lot of that is just see that to try get away from the legacy that regardless if you look at los problems with its christian christian jewish was the time and the protesters the people on the ad where the state as we learn them and that just below that billions person and wicked influence on his own brazil wood says professor jun the second book that
you've just seen the last in a series of five conversations between historian arnold fine day and james to the subject for this one of the room was history and the historians if boys boys boys national educational
television but i wonder if because of the engines fb
Conversations with Arnold Toynbee
Episode Number
History and the Historian
Producing Organization
KQED-TV (Television station : San Francisco, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Mr. Toynbee discusses the search for historical truth and the total view of mankind: his role as a historian and his feelings about his critics. He tells why he undertook his monumental project - "A Study of History." (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
This 5-part series covers British historian Arnold Toynbee's views on the Vietnam War, foreign policy, history, and other global affairs. The half-hour episodes that comprise this series were originally recorded on videotape.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Talk Show
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Moving Image
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Guest: Toynbee, Arnold
Producing Organization: KQED-TV (Television station : San Francisco, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:29:05
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-6 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:29:05
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 0:29:05
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-8 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-9 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
Library of Congress
Identifier: 1167459-7 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Color: Color
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Conversations with Arnold Toynbee; 5; History and the Historian,” 1967-05-28, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Conversations with Arnold Toynbee; 5; History and the Historian.” 1967-05-28. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Conversations with Arnold Toynbee; 5; History and the Historian. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from