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whoa oh lord night cruz because women who doesn't splash in a puddle my family in philadelphia because soon and her husband gary count themselves lucky to still have been part of riverside county have been one of the areas hardest hit by exotic newcastle disease newcastle doesn't harm people were birds it's incurable and usually fatal the swallow say they are so afraid of the disease that they use bleach and disinfectant to clean their shoes and clothes and few outsiders are allowed near the birds but they also fear government agents were trying to stamp out the disease they say there have been several horror stories like that of a family and mira loma
he's unethical she wouldn't that produces lots of volunteers of a shot ducks and chickens and as she said as the chickens later riding the scream in pain and she begged him to euthanize him and he's evasive other year and the next day she found some of them in the bushes for hours later stuff in an attempt to eradicate newcastle disease state and federal workers have killed three point four million birds most of them in commercial poultry operations but more than a hundred and thirty thousand were pet birds mostly backyard flocks of chickens and ducks but some of them parents and parakeets officials with a joint state and federal task force dealing with newcastle admit that early on there were some incidents where workers behaved in appropriately but they say the problem has been fixed larry cooper is spokesman for the task force
we found two task force employees who were not being sensitive as they should be and who had made some mistakes and they were dismissed from the passports but some bird owners say the cruelty persists they say the task force is so concerned about saving the states three billion dollar poultry industry that it's killing birds before there's proof that their sec the task force's larry cooper says his agents often don't have the time to wait for test results because the disease can spread so quickly the virus so usually turn into your navel if you go into an attractive property or you get when you go to another house newer version of how they can pick up of honor to present the task force decides which bird let's be killed immediately based on a variety of risk factors including their proximity to birds known to be infected and he says given that the diseases in parts of six southern california counties there are just too many birds for the authorities to test them all
we've got a serious and the stations and a huge area so you cannot if you were to discriminate and every every house around an infected property and they whispered ok that was not a task would be almost impossible to achieve but some bird owners say this approach is violating their constitutional rights they say by killing and tested pets the task force is ignoring the owners fourth amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure these owners also say the us department of agriculture's own rules require that bird to be tested before they're destroyed the taskforce disputes this saying it's enough to suspect that birds have been exposed to the disease it says killing some birds even those not proven to be sec is necessary to save the rest of them in norco bills is set sail at nine point three kpcc
Exotic Newcastle Disease
Producing Organization
KPCC-FM (Radio station : Pasadena, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
KPCC (Pasadena, California)
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Segment Description
To combat the deadly avian virus Exotic Newcastle Disease, authorities continue to go door-to-door looking for --and killing--birds that might be sick. Traumatized bird-owners say state and federal agents are killing many pets unnecessarily. Authorities say the disease is so contagious that extreme measures are required. KPCC's Ilsa Setziol reports.
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News Report
Bird disease
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Copyright Holder: KPCC
Producer: Setziol, Ilsa
Producing Organization: KPCC-FM (Radio station : Pasadena, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: ExoticNewcastleDisease042203-2 (unknown)
Format: audio/wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:04:16
Identifier: ExoticNewcastleDisease042203-1 (unknown)
Format: MiniDisc
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:04:16
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Chicago: “Exotic Newcastle Disease,” 2003-04-23, KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Exotic Newcastle Disease.” 2003-04-23. KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Exotic Newcastle Disease. Boston, MA: KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from