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at her cafe on main street the mine for morning coffee is long but the choices are many including chain grown fair trade organic teas ma has installed solar panels and low flow toilets it pays for employees to use public transportation and facilitate crippling for employees of assad's leadership so that they can travel together and that's it's a holiday she works for the nonprofit sustainable works gives free advice and conservation to santa monica business if your business is defined benefit for instance by purchasing a low flow toilet that well and it's in the business money with the cost savings you can invest another environmental measures like her to sing her hollywood takes me up the street to euphoria loves rom pollution cafe the first and only in rockport and even market in us twenty nine year old janet riley is co owner
ivy bargaining unions and so it seemed like there was no way this very fresh coconut water after tasting it we head south on main street well ben watson their surfboards educate their employees on sustainability at every staff meeting and they also asked people in your bag checked out a laundromat that offers all natural detergent and a bar with ten year then it's on to the outdoor apparel store patagonia located in a former shoe store manager brian hayes says a careful remodel ensured that virtually no demolition material was sent to landfill close to one persona with general during the remodeling
process this is very nice green striped shirts and summer so than a cot and we've been using organic cotton out for ten years since this is just the knife that people over but its pc are places where we thought it was consumer cycle pretty much what it is that soda bottles that would have gone into the landfill what we've done is we've chop them up and then it's made into the fabric they're called tha carter penned you know it's melted down is not the demonstration up the final stop on our green business tour of santa monica and elegant craftsman style in their tour was all the windows and how it's so let's use of air conditioning now they were sailing in the guest rooms for the gas we're doing know how people would react to it i have and they say go in to how that people seemed to really like it so with that vehicle out for and that sentiment that the aides are so
we are converting into biofuel does the scale for your business i think in the long island destiny player for business guess response marketing to people noticed these all things and say oh i'm glad you have this interesting people definitely do you notice that people were not interested might not realize it but i think our affected by the environment a variety of mainstream businesses use at least some of these green practices especially energy and water conservation starbucks also gives you a discount for bringing your own cup but santa monica is one of the few places in which so many businesses can count on customers to support such a wide range of green ideas in santa monica villavicencio at nine point three kpcc
Green Businesses
City of Santa Monica
Producing Organization
KPCC-FM (Radio station : Pasadena, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
KPCC (Pasadena, California)
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Segment Description
The City of Santa Monica has a long history of taking environmental issues seriously. A decade ago, it launched a sustainability plan: a blue print of ways city can support a clean and green environment. One of piece of that is greening Santa Monica businesses. The city honors the most environmentally friendly entrepreneurs. KPCC's Ilsa Setziol recently took a tour of some them. She has this report.
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News Report
Green business
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Copyright Holder: KPCC
Producer: Setziol, Ilsa
Producing Organization: KPCC-FM (Radio station : Pasadena, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: GreenBizSantaMonica-2 (unknown)
Format: audio/wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:04:01
Identifier: GreenBizSantaMonica-1 (unknown)
Format: MiniDisc
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:04:01
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Green Businesses; City of Santa Monica,” 2006-00-00, KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 8, 2024,
MLA: “Green Businesses; City of Santa Monica.” 2006-00-00. KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Green Businesses; City of Santa Monica. Boston, MA: KPCC, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from