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good evening everyone, i'm very happy to see everybody here tonight uh, to hear are honored speaker Dr. Neal Barnard my name is Carol Meric i'm one of the founding members of the earth save Portland Vancouver chapter here and for those of you who don't know earth saves mission is to educate, inspire, and empower people to shift towards a plant based diet and to take compassionate action for all life on earth it gives me great pleasure to introduce one of my heroes, Neal Barnard MD. He's a nutrition researcher, adjunct associate professor of medicine at George Washington university school of medicine in Washington dc he's the president and founder of the physicians committee for responsible medicine Dr. Barnard is a pioneer in our country and the world who empowers people to achieve better health, eliminate illness and physical pain through powerful dietary changes. He's also a strong advocate for non
animal testing in laboratories and in medical schools. He is the author of seven books the latest being breaking the food seduction most of his books i have read and i highly recommend them. Tonight we are privileged to hear about his latest research and his conclusions, please help me welcome Dr. Neal Barnard (applause) Thank you. Dr. Barnard: Thank you very much, thank you. Thank you very much, I appreciate you coming. Where not going to talk about breaking the food seduction, we're going to talk about how to magnetize a baby. start with a baby. The baby has to be nine to twelve weeks of age and you sit face to face fifteen inches apart and you take one teaspoon of sugar, one cup of water, one pacifier, mix it altogether stick the pacifier in the baby's mouth wait for about three and a half minutes and stop. Walk out of the room, come back in
ten minutes later with all of your friends and what you discover is that sugar has triggered the release of opiates in the child's brain which in turn has triggered dopamine to be released. That causes pleasure which the child associates with your face and the baby will be magnetized on you. This is very practical for grandparents and aunts and uncles, by the way. You can magnetize other people's babies. researchers have used the effect of sugar on the brain in infants in the first couple of days of life, what they've, what you'll find is that stick a baby on the heel to draw a blood sample, when they're just an infant, if you give them a little sugar water water before you do that the crime less. If you do this before circumcision for people who are doing that, they cry less. Someone in background: I'm sorry I can't hear very well. Can you turn it up a little bit? Can hear halfway OK? Okay, tell you what, how about if I hold it up like
like that? Is that better? I'll tell you what, if it's hard to hear wave your arms and I wont see you but you'll get good aerobic exercise now if the baby was born of a mother who was a heroin addict, sugar has no effect and you can guess why - because the child was just bathing in opiates through out gestation so the point that i'm making is not that sugar is poison but that sugar does act like a pharmacologically active agent and it's no big surprise that we like it. It's not the only potentially addicting food however chocolate no surprise right? For some folks, cheese. Now other people think, what you talking about? Well, in a minute you'll see for a lot of folks, especially men, the very last they would ever give up is their steak. Okay well, Well, let's start with sugar. Some people do, some people do like sugar um and and some folks will say well I'm addicted to carbohydrate. I would submit the carbohydrates they are addicted to are not beans, broccoli
sweet potatoes, these are starchy food but nobody ever knocked over a seven eleven to get some beans but they do they do go for carbohydrates that are high in sugar or that turn to sugar rapidly. I'm talking about white bread - not pumpernickel - nobody ever did a pumpernickel fast cause that breaks apart slowly, big baking potatoes, breakfast cereals that's it, those are the only carbohydrates people really, really binge on. Now you can also binge on something if it's a sugar fat mixture. Mixing sugar with fat accelerates that affect, so something like cookies, cakes, pies, or a starch-fat mixture, something like potato chips, or you can mix sugar with caffeine, that works pretty well if you have sodas like Pepsi or Coke - special coffees which are everywhere and chocolate itself take coca-cola a typical twenty ounce coke has sixty eight grams of plain old sugar and almost one cup of coffee's worth of caffeine and that's good for two hundred and fifty calories. Now, when i was a kid growing up in fargo
North Dakota back in the nineteen fifties we had six ounce bottles of what we called pop and I remember my mother saying when the twelve ounce cans became popular "I can't finish all that. I wonder if we could get something to stop up the coke can." Well, I got news for you mom, it's now sixteen ounces and now twenty ounces and nobody saves half for the next day, serving sizes are gradually going up and this is from the coca cola website. This is what we call a lie no, now sugar isn't necessarily poison. The real issue is if you're having the occasional sugar sugar here and there who cares? But, if it's two chocolate chip cookies that lead lead to four, an eight and sixteen and the entire bag or if its sodas once, twice, three, times a day a day or really digging into the Twizzlers in a serious way, you're talking a lot of calories. now, let's shift gears. Sugar is not the only addicting food spot the addicting food. Call out when you see it. when you see it. No? You didn't go to a funny part of town to buy
to buy some baked beans? Ok! There it is! There it is! Let's see if there's another one, there we go, ok, there it is. So there's something about chocolate, I have to tell you, in the emergency room we use a drug we like oranges, we like apples, we like asparagus, we like strawberries but we don't have any compulsiveness associated with them and that is for a reason. This is Narcan or Naloxone, we use it in the emergency room when a person has overdosed on heroin. they're near death, you stick a needle in their vein, flush them with narcan and they wake up what it does is it blocks opiate receptors in the brain now if i do this with a chocolate addict. I stick a needle in their arm, I flush them with Narcan. They don't care about chocolate very much anymore, they'll eat it if they're hungry but it's pretty much like dry bread were just not so taken with him anymore so this is not a treatment for chocolate addiction the idea here is we use this in research studies
to show which foods have opiate affects and which ones do not, bread sticks don't really corn chips don't especially, jelly beans and pop corn don't, chocolate chip cookies do jello and marshmallows and the ones where it really starts to kick in art like M&M's and Oreo's and snickers but different researchers find different things and we will come back to it these aren't the only food that do it, no chocolate doesn't only stimulate opiate receptors in the brain and just to remind you what I'm talking about the taste of the tongue causes a nerve impulse to go to the base of the brain that triggers opiates to be released that domino pushes the next one which is dopamine, the pleasure chemical the opiates also stimulate your appetite so you have one cookie and never only one you will always want more than one. Chocolate also has caffeine, it has theobromine bromine which if any of you have dogs, and the vet says don't let your dog have chocolate this is what they're thinking about theobromine kills dogs, uh, phenylethylamine which is an amphetamine like compound and
anandamide which is the brain chemical turned on by t h c in marijuana so, chocolate slows down the breakdown of anandamide so the the message is not eat chocolate when you're smoking dope, the message is that chocolate is not a drug it's the whole drug store all in one wrapper, now, the third addicting food we just finished a study with Georgetown university where we put fifty nine women on either a Vegan diet or a controlled diet and after fourteen weeks on the vegan diet diet and i have to tell you that they lost weight, their cholesterol levels fell they really felt great, but the one food they missed more than any other was cheese they would say i'd wake up at four thirty in the morning dreaming about cheese, not pizza, not milk, not ice cream cream. It was cheese. So I started looking into what's this about and when i first found was back in nineteen eighty-one a researcher at Welcome research laboratories in research triangle park North Carolina found there's a compound in dairy products
That looks very much like morphine and he did over...his name was Eli Hazum, Hazum and he published his results in Science, the journal science nineteen eighty one... to make a long story short after a lot of research, he found out, it it is morphine. There's not a lot of morphine in, oops oops, sorry, there's not a lot of morphine in cheese but there is a little a little bit, there is morphine in dairy dairy product but the amount of it is not very much. It's actually produced in in the cow's liver and it ends up in the cause blood and in cow's milk, next slide please what is more important is something called casomorphins. Has anybody ever heard of these compounds? It's funny, the dairy the dairy industry has known about it for twenty years casein, you've heard of casein? c a s e i n Uh, let's go to the next slide. Casein is the dairy protein, casein gets into your your stomach and your digestive enzymes break it apart
not into individual amino acids but into strings of them that act like drugs and some of them act like morphine - the most powerful one of them has about one tenth the opiate effect of morphine and it's these are called caseing derived morphine like compounds an or casomorphins, now this was a little bit shocking to think that that there would be opiates from a dairy protein- let me make clear what I'm saying cow's milk has a protein in it and that protein produces morphine like compounds in the calves stomach or in your stomach and what we have made...the way we've made sense of this is that who is milk designed for? A calf and nature doesn't leave anything to chance nature wants that calf to love mom so she might be attractive and warm and sweet but it's better if you drug the kid. and so cow's milk has opiates in it that go to the calves brain and make sure that
calf feels calm every time he nurses and there in human milk as well and so human babies bond with their moms not because of the lullabies and cooing, but because danger is drugging them too! Now, the weening process says ok, enough fun now you've got to eat on your own but humans being restless and creative have decided they don't have to be weaned, let's go to the next slide the process of... let's skip this, let's go to two more... there we go, that's fine.The process of of cheese making takes milk and expresses out the water the lactose sugar and all the whey proteins and all you're left with is fat and casein which is the source of the casomorphins so what we're working on now is to try how to determine in whom are they absorbed? Now, they are absorbed in calves they are absorbed in human babies we don't know if they're absorbed from the gi tract of adults or if they only work within the gi tract but you know they're there and you can stick a nasal gastric tube into a person's stomach who just ate some cheese and you find all these opiates
in their stomach they also after a big cheese fest you know how people get constipated in exactly the same way as if they're in the hospital and were given a narcotic painkiller the opiate effects are really clear and we are suspecting that this may be part of why people get hooked on cheese, is it good to break a cheese habit you bet! Calories, lots of fat, next slide, lots of cholesterol now the sirloin steak is only part way down this list, ounce per ounce cheese is worse it has lots of fat seventy percent is fat typically as a percentage of calories the cholesterol content is worse than steak, let's go to the next one and so for people trying to lose weight it's a good thing to get rid of if any of you ever had rheumatoid arthritis you may have found that giving away from dairy products helped you did anybody ever notice that is the most remarkable thing or migraine headaches migraine headaches and cheese is a very very common trigger and digestive problems, no big surprise, what is perhaps
most important though is is the link with prostate cancer, have you heard of this? um, the Harvard research teams at the Harvard school of public health has been trying to make sense of this for a long time the country's on the right here consume a lot of milk, the higher up you go the more prostate cancer there is. I'm talking about western European countries particularly in north america. lets go to the next slide at harvard there's a physicians' health health study it's about twenty one thousand doctors and those whose consume more than two and a half servings of dairy products per day had a thirty four percent increased risk of prostate cancer then a similar group also at Harvard was the health professionals same story nearly fifty thousand of them the big dairy consumers had about a sixty percent increased risk of prostate cancer now probably the most important reason is that dairy products trigger the release of a chemical in your blood which is called i g f one insulin like growth factor number one now that's kind
of a mouthful but it's called insulin like meaning it it's like insulin. you take sugar from your bloodstream into your cells but what really counts is it's a growth factor it makes things grow adolescents have a lot IGF one in their blood, they're growing and then adults usually have much less but if you drink milk remember what milk was for, it was to direct the growth and foster the growth of an infant calf at the time of maximum growth velocity and so it's filled with nutrients that stimulate the growth of IGF one in your bloodstream so what? problem is, and the next one please, um...let me take some some questions at the end, well if it is a burning question, go ahead. there are differences... the question is, are there differences between between homogenized and regular milk? There are differences but not in relation to what I'm speaking of here, there are casomorphins released from both and they both increase this IGF one and are both linked to prostate cancer and
even skim milk in the research studies skim milk is more tightly linked to prostate cancer than whole milk, perhaps because it has a greater tendency to stimulate igf one one, so, are you with me? Is this making sense? You drink milk, your IGF one level goes up in your blood doctors are using this compound rather like cholesterol you measure your cholesterol today to predict heart attacks ten years from now we measure your IGF one today to determine cancer risk later, it's like a prostate cancer and to breast cancer. Now, your government knows about this but it's not helping that the us government has a peculiar relationship with the dairy industry in which they collect money from the dairy farmers, about two hundred million dollars a year and then dispense it in ways to encourage the public to consume these products they worked with Wendy's I'm not kidding. The us government worked with Wendy's to have a product called the cheddar lovers bacon cheeseburger and during the promotion
of this product they move two million pounds of cheese and that's a whole lot of fat and a whole lot of cholesterol. Why? Because the government wanted to help farm income and they succeeded now they didn't stop with Wendy's, they also worked with with subway because subway had some sandwiches without cheese on it they worked with pizza hut to take an entire pound of cheese and put it on just one pizza and they worked with burger king and taco bell next time you go to taco bell listen to what they ask you when you pull up at the drive through- they will always ask you do you want to buy a product that has cheese in it? and, it's, the government, a government program and let's go to the next slide, um lest you, imagine I'm making this up and being a little bit paranoid. the fed or the federal government, oh skip the next slide, I'll show you. This we got, this is a document we got from the us government a couple years ago uh, the government had a planning program where they've hired a group called dairy management incorporated on how could they trigger cheese craving they've decided that you
can separate Americans into two groups she's cravers are the ones they want. The enhancers or people who just take cheese and sprinkle it on top of their food to enhance the taste they don't want you, you're not a good customer we want the cheese cravers because you eat velvetta straight out of the pack and we can make you eat more, we know how old you are. we know where you work we know how educated you are and so we can use that information to trigger your craving let's go to the next slide, that's exactly their goal these are government planning slides so then after this part of the presentation they then went through the plan with Wendy's, Burger king, Pizza hut, why? Because if i try to hit every ma and pa' restaurants through out north america that'll take me forever but if i work with Wendy's one decision changes what everyone eats in the entire country and if you hit all the major fast foods you can push the stuff like crazy, let's go to the next slide, and the next one after this this is the last slide in the presentation it's two spiders
weaving a web across the playground slide in they're saying if we if we pull this off we'll eat like kings i try and it worked! Cheese intake was fifteen pounds per person per year in nineteen seventy five and now it's over thirty and so now your average man, woman or child is now consuming fifteen pounds more that stuff every year. year after year after year than they were before and i'm not eating any so somebody else is getting mine mine and it only takes one pound of that to stick on your waistline and you've explained the entire weight problem of america. This isn't the only issue but it's a big one could you give up meat for a week? This was survey done in April two thousand well what's, next slide what if we give you a thousand bucks? Now, if i say could you give up apples for a week, could you, could you give apple's for which are geo <unk> salad for a week no problem but could you give up meat for a week for a thousand dollars like such amazingly enough although asians and hispanic americans typically will say sure because they know about
tofu or beans and rice Caucasian Americans and African Americans say, uh hu. about one in four will say i would not give it up even - not for seven days not for a thousand dollars that addiction if i use my friend are can get in a meat lover they will still eat meat if they were hungry but I will block the amount whether it's ham or salami or tuna they eat substantially less. Let's go to the next slide. But it's good to break a meat habit you'll reverse heart disease.You know this work right Dean Ornish's research. Your arteries open up again. You lose about ten percent of your body weight and people improve in so many ways the most important is your cancer risk drops dramatically. Let's go to the next slide please. Don't think that going from beef to chicken does the job the leanest beef that my uncle Harold can raise is about twenty nine percent fat the leanest chicken is about twenty three.. Fish varies some are lower some are higher but broccoli is eight percent fat and beans are about four or five, rice is between one and five
and a potato is one percent fat and zero cholesterol so if you have a loved one you really care about you don't just go from beef to chicken. Okay so what'll I do? Well we have some tips and and if you want more details on these this new book "Breaking the Food Selection" goes into elaborate detail but we want to start with the first food you eat in the day because it turns out that a food that causes your blood sugar to start reverberating going high and low triggers cravings later in the day and I can measurably push up the amount that you will snack by giving you the wrong kind of food. Um now some breakfasts are substantial but not healthy. When I was a kid growing up in Fargo way back then my mother had five children and she thought that the best thing for us to eat was bacon and eggs and so we would get up in the morning and she would be taking a fork and pulling the bacon and of the frypan and putting it on paper towel and then that hot grease that was left in the pan she would
carefully pour it into a jar and she didn't put the jar the refrigerator she put it on the shelf because she knew that as it gets cold what happens. It turns into a waxy solid which is a sign that that's almost pure saturated fat and she would the next day take it down from the shelf and put it back in the fry pan and fry eggs in it and it's amazing that it any of us lived to adulthood as I recall now. Anyway the problem with that there's no fiber in that and so about ten o'clock in the morning we're hungry again or bagels, there's no fiber there either but old fashioned oatmeal, half a cantaloupe a good high fiber bread,these are things that do last all morning long. If you want to add high protein foods get the veggie sausages or veggie bacon. You can simulate them without all the fat and cholesterol. Then you want to use foods to keep your blood sugar steady later in the day the legume group beans, peas, lentils are very good for that green leafy vegetables, fruits as well. Pasta is ok ,people are afraid of spaghetti because it's white flour
but when we measure the effect on blood sugar it's very very uh mild and protracted. It's a good blood pressure uh blood sugar leveler. Boost leptin, leptin is an appetite controlling hormone we all have in our blood. It goes to the brain and it turns down you appetite unless your dieting. If you had five hundred calories all day today your body stops making leptin because it wants to let your appetite go so you eat more and that's exactly what happens the next day, you binge. Your appetite controlling hormone is gone so for you I have a rule of ten.If you're not dieting ignore this but if you are dieting I want to give you a minimum amount of calories that you must never go below and the way you calculate it is you take your body weight, your ideal body weight, what you want to weigh, multiply by ten and that's your calorie minimum so a hundred and fifty pounds say is my ideal way I need how many calories? Fifteen hundred, now the truth is I need many more than that especially if I am physically active but dieters
should never ever go below that number. OK. Break out of our craving cycles if your refrigerator screams out at you every night at eight o'clock don't be home. You've got , forget will power, will power will not save you. Um you got either have that refrigerator be empty or somebody has to invite you to the movies and escort you pass the snacking counter. Now you don't have to do this for the rest of your life, you only have to do it for three weeks because that's how long it takes to get out of one rut into another. I'll come back to that. Have regular exercise use your family and friends to help you don't let them be antagonists and use other motivators. When I talk to high schools I can't talk about their prostate. High school boys don't have prostates or if they do don't know how to spell it and they don't have atherosclerosis or any of that kind of stuff and if they care about the environment. Then they know what what what cattle ranchers are doing to the environment they know about animals, they know that Americans eat a million animals per hour and that is their bigger motivators so use those things.That keeps you on the straight and narrow during times of doubt.
The new four food groups are what we should be eating, fruits, vegetables , whole grains, legumes or what does that mean? If you wanted to make a change of any kind which is a good idea do what I call the three week test and this is my most important recommendation. What you do is you use the new four food groups exclusively but before you start do a preliminary try out some new recipes. If you're an absolute chocolate addict try my cocoa powder recipes that use that have all the cocoa butter removed or if you love that cheesy taste use nutritional yeast and think I have lots and lots and lot of arts of these. The recipes for this book were done by Joanne ?Stepanyak? who's a real genius at making many of you probably know her recipes. She really simulates things wonderfully. Let's go to the next slide. You'll just try out different recipes here's some breakfast, the next slide shows some lunches and dinners just try different things. Once you find the ones you like then, the next slide, do it a hundred percent .Don't stick your toe in the swimming pool jump in.
Do it a hundred percent because I want you to have the experience of what it is like to be on as perfect a diet as you can but do it just for three weeks that makes it do-able. You can do this for just three weeks. Ok now I know that something is happening in your taste buds over this period. Do you ever switch from whole milk to skim, ok if you did this how did skim milk taste at first, not good, watery and three weeks later what happens. How's skim milk at that point? It's ok your adapted to it. Right did you ever go back to taste whole milk again and then how is that? You know, wait a minute when before it was fine and now you don't like it anymore in just about three week's ok. This is s a very common experience I'm not saying skim milk is health food you're better off with soy milk, rice milk or the water fountain to tell you the truth but if you lighten the entire diet it takes three weeks for your taste buds to now realize a monster burger is not what you want
anymore. It's own but that we are doing this just because we can get our hands around a three week period of time. Change for three weeks, Let's go to the next slide, and use transition foods. My mom taught me this. My mother had a high cholesterol level and she would not listen to a word that I said. I was working on her for a long time and she just ignored me and I finally realized it's because I'm her third born child or any for you third born children? Did your parents ever listen to you? No they don't because the firstborn child when, when the firstborn child starts to talk it's amazing they write it all down they call grandma and if a child is walking they take pictures, the photo album is filled with all sorts of things.The second child comes along and the child is saying something they don't care they've heard this stuff before. When the third born child comes you can be looking at your mom and saying mom you have hyper cholesterolemia you've probably got atherosclerosis She just thinks it's cute you know these big words she's ignoring you so anyway my mother goes to see her own doctor who says Mrs. Barnard sit down
you're in trouble I'm putting your cholesterol lowering drugs. She says ok how long do I have to take him. He says you don't understand you're going to be on this for the rest of your life and she doesn't like the sound of that so she goes home and she picks up a book that I wrote called "Food for Life" and she started going through the recipes that Jennifer Raymond had done and they 're good recipes and they are all vegetarian. She says Neal told me if I did this this this would bring my cholesterol down so six weeks later she goes back to the doctor who thinks he has a laboratory error her cholesterol had dropped eighty points in six weeks. So this happens this is not unusual and we published three years ago in the "American Journal of Cardiology" the biggest cholesterol lowering ever reported in women under fifty in five weeks time using a low fat vegan diet It happens all the time. Anyway my mom's got religion now she's says the light bulbs go off in her head, she runs home she picks up the phone she says Neal why didn't you tell me this before?
So anyway she decides my dad's got to be a vegan. Well my father grew up on a cattle ranch but and he doesn't know about vegan diets but he's been sitting at the same dinner table for fifty five years and my mom brings food in and then she takes the plates away and that's our house. So she goes to the health food store and she buys not dogs phony baloney you know all these things that you're used to be you'd go in there and it was all kind of horrible products and you know dusty and everything but now I gotta tell you you take some of these deli slices and you put a little slice of tomato and some dijon mustard and some lettuce you can fool the most food disecting eleven year old and my father's quite happy he's been eating this for years. I've got two vegetarian parents now and only one them knows it. So anyway, so use the...I'm, not saying that phony baloney is health food, what I'm saying is you use it to drag your reluctant relatives with you
so they see what you're doing and they support you. Now the other thing my mom did when I was home last Christmas time and my my nieces and nephews were all there and they range in age from about ten to twenty or twenty two. She's the vegan police and my mom's not that good of a cook but she says you can't bring Macdonald's in here and she will not let anybody eat anything non vegan. My mom's turning eighty this year. What she said is that my husband is not going to die of a heart attack, my kids are not going to get cancer, my grandkids are not going to get sick if there's something I can do about it and she says you will you please cut up the carrots me, will you take the little kids can tear up lettuce and think they get into it and some of the foods are duds and some are good but the whole family gets in this together and at the dinner table they talk about what is cholesterol what foods do this what foods do that and is dairy good or bad and I read this in the paper and for once in their life everybody is talking about what it is that's going to keep them healthy and what can they pass along to their friends and
it's the most amazing thing. And if my mother just said ok I'll just take this pill and go ahead and eat any darn thing she wouldn't be doing anybody any favors but she's made it an issue and people don't push it away they love it. We don't always agree but we're all talking about what we need to do and it's the most amazing thing. Let's go to the next slide. So how many of you are members of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine? First I want to thank all of you especially for your support support and helping us to the work that we're doing and working with us and so many groups are working together to try to to turn this huge battleship of eating habits in another direction. Let's go to the next slide. We have on our home page we have something called breaking medical news. Does any of you subscribe to this, um this is an electronic newsletter. We don't spam you, we don't advertise, we don't trade your address but about three hours ago I sent you an article that is in the "New England Journal of Medicine" tomorrow and we will keep you up to date on things so please join us whether you are a physician or not we would love to have you with us.
If we do not tackle these issues we will continue in a state of completely nutritional ignorance as this is not true. A guy goes into a doctor's office he's bleary eyed, his nose is red and swollen and he's had cirrhosis for ten years . It's on his medical chart, he's had several arrests his marriage is in crumble ,the doctor does not say why don't you see the ophthalmologist about that look in your eye and go see the dermatologist about your red nose and maybe the liver doctor. No, the doctor says you're an alcoholic because we recognize that addiction. Another guy goes into the same doctor's office and he says I've been really gaining weight pretty serious, my blood pressure is coming up, my cholesterol has been really high, I think I've got a trace of diabetes, I've got gout the doctor gives the man five different diagnoses, five different prescriptions and sends him to five different specialists instead of recognizing this as one addiction to a meat based diet or a cheese based diet or sugary foods or something like that and say I can prescribe the drugs all day
long but let's get to the source of the problem and yes it's hard to change but what are you doing over the next three weeks.Let's make it work so lets do this together let's win and it's amazing what we can do with this whole country and things are not that today are the most out of shape generation we've ever had but I think that we can help them and the ones that come after them if we win this battle together. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. I've got, Let me take just a couple of quick questions and if any of you like to pick up any of our materials the proceeds all go to PCRM. Ok multiple vitamin and what about B12. Fortified products do have B12 like Kellogg's corn flakes and Product Nineteen and so forth but take multiple vitamin every day regardless of what your diet is that will cover you for B12 and other things too. Yeah. Artificial sweeteners
yeah, I will, artificial sweeteners maintain the sweet taste, that's their whole goal is to trick your tongue. Um some of them like aspartame are being looked at for whether or not they are near toxic and I don't think the jury is back in on that question yet, but they are low in calories but yes please. Gluten is the wheat protein and a lot of people are sensitive to it and it also may have opiates as well which may be why some times people really do want wheat. Ok I'm sorry what foods contain leptin foods don't have leptin,foods trigger the production of leptin in your body and it's very simple. All your body does is that it measures incoming calories and if your calories are enough my rule of ten you got leptin being made. If your calories go too low your body shuts down leptin.Yeah, ok um it would be good to give some materials to those doctors because a lot of doctors are laboring under
the idea that you have to have meat for protein. Broccoli is forty percent protein, beans and grains have lots of protein and the American Dietetic Association has issued this statement, year after year after year saying basically forget protein you'll get adequate protein on a totally vegan diet even if you don't especially um compliment or combine protein but you'll get plenty. Will lecithin lower cholesterol? Probably not substantially related compounds are used in alzheimer's disease research but I wouldn't count on it for for controlling your cholesterol. Yes where do you get calcium? Well you don't need dairy for calcium. The Harvard Nurses Study just came out with eighteen year data, milk drinking women have as many bone breaks as women who never touched the stuff. You do need calcium green leafy vegetables, the greens and the beans. The greens and beans are your calcium sources. If you're nervous calcium fortified orange juice is fine but the key to osteoporosis
is avoid animal protein because that drains calcium from your bones. Keep salt low because it does the same thing, don't smoke, exercise so your bones have a reason to live, get some sunlight cause that makes vitamin D and that's your prescription. I wouldn't bother with the calcium supplement, um the World HealthOrganization's latest figures are four to five hundred milligrams a day um and anyway let me start at that point. Thank you very very much for coming. i'd have to apologize for a forum fleeing the eggs rather quickly unfortunately i got
Dr. Neal Barnard: Breaking the Food Seduction
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KBOO Community Radio (Portland, Oregon)
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Dr. Barnard discusses his latest research and latest out of seven books, Breaking the Food Seduction. Hosted by Earth Saves.
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: Carol Merrick
Speaker: Neal Barnard
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: 4CA80800EB43D19F9A899EEA993A3B3A (md5)
Format: audio/x-wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:38:06
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: MD-125p1 (KBOO)
Format: MiniDisc
Duration: 00:38:06
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Chicago: “Dr. Neal Barnard: Breaking the Food Seduction,” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 5, 2024,
MLA: “Dr. Neal Barnard: Breaking the Food Seduction.” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Dr. Neal Barnard: Breaking the Food Seduction. Boston, MA: KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from