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stay tuned now for pear firings interview with michael gruber publisher and editor of from the wilderness good morning this is terrified rang and we're very happy to have as our guest mike were purdue sorry leaders said is the editor and publisher from the wilderness which has it really invaluable source of information that's been published now for my comedy is he's been the publishing wow special k i you know well it's been two years since nine eleven we've had two wars at two victories kind of turning to dust that eric y one start out there were a couple other was a big event in new york it was one in berlin to tell us a little bit about those yeah what were these were second anniversary commemoration events like looking at nine eleven and even
know what happened to the world's plants and i actually had to relent and go and i would go with the honorable cynthia mckinney former congresswoman georgia outside of atlanta who we are waiting breathlessly was an announcement of the what you gonna do so that i think we may hear the cheese rolling again so apply that reminded me of portland actually witness all alternative bookstore and indeed it went out with a large unfinished studio in the back with my barrow all been hanging like that was a great atmosphere in brooklyn i had no interest in cabaret your breakout and few of them counterrevolutionary song when it was a wonderful little warm up events for the major event which took place at berlin patrolled amphitheater on september the affiliate with the light and we have about eight hundred people you know
we could the ensemble show and mohamed out of connection to the us government and re decker's of the flight school that connection the us intelligence we have enough feed ahmed author of the war on freedom a number of drone well germany italy who are you working on fish byproducts rulers appalling if terrorists were blamed on terrorist to get us military respond very good response in germany so we came back from their high flew back to new york new york on the camp were angry and i again appeared in new york with a number of other people
on the second anniversary of that that with a blockbuster that said well oh no you know you could say now that the people who really run this country are already set up with george or so i think he's got a screwed up that big time and that that bush is on his way out at one way or another and i was wondering i do think that wesley clark is sort of the instrument of that it is it's way too soon to tell a camp and live in a lot of you are what people who peak early on even before the pirate even have begun we have yet to fade from one foot peak you really are what i thought was extremely interesting was the fact that charlie wangled a black democrat of harlem
and new york endorsed one thing clark the day before he even announced area and my first reaction was good grief wesley clark has never done anything domestically anything now for african americans was he getting the endorsement of an african american from harlem you know even before even the race and the court economy immediately that bill clinton had his office in harlem and wesley clark have been living and working in little rock arkansas since his retirement from a delegate but within about ninety eight or ninety nine and what the victory meant truth is that what would have been walking for arkansas billionaire jack and even who had been deeply involved the promise i'll pour scandal a billionaire banker who had to give a book when the two million dollars and ninety two which really feeds him in the presidential race you're welcome really well
literally i would say but much my own assessment of the world record represent them in arkansas good money trail and he's got a lot of arkansas baggage which is going to hit him very hard sell it even though he's a magically jump to the front of the democratic field and what he's doing largely in my opinion is neutralizing howard dean and that someone about who might have many reservations well but it's too early to see who is anointed yet bush's cain himself slowly but surely an avid it wouldn't going back for seven months now i guess back in february of six month wave that bush may feel the next election and the deadline for now but he can't easily be removed then a watergate felon picchu and graffiti after that and of that that process is still clearly underway with what the records building up about how it an illustration
of why did we live to an event do you think he would steal of the year lists of touch screen voting out into how how widespread as i can be in the next toys everywhere that's right if people don't know if you know if it's a real mistake to believe in electoral process one that it's vastly more corrupted now than it was in two thousand because of court rulings that proprietary software used to count votes are if that cannot be examined by the people and in other words we don't know who's going to get the votes because those who are without work and manipulate them and we have no second chance man you know honestly said them are that dumb if the raptors not start they're producing oil and selling it there within the water know pretty short timeframe that they're this news can really mess so
far imperial effort and i just saw on the paper today that paul bremmer says it'll be two to three years before that oil or starts generating income and now in mid january or february right before the iraqi invasion will bear up on the website from the women of the outcome of the deal that he was not over up until production which of the barrel with a lot of what he got in nineteen ninety beating really a million barrels a day out of her well we thought it would and so that's turning out to be a major pilot quicksand for the us and there's really no way the out of the what and i also see that supply and budget goes in the movie is that that that but that quote a generation second
he was army chief of staff at the time as saying that he had written and which plan that the number of troops needed for post well that was going to be greater than that needed to win the war so you know that there's a lot i mean a lot of air of spin being put out on the events of nine eleven right now and everything stems the democratic party which is a n and that information is not entirely true if it's been away from the reality of it acknowledges basic fundamental fact which i have an ad from the wilderness politically and many americans though i mean it legitimizing the war on terror it blames everything on it it doesn't look at us government complicity to one degree or another in the attacks of nine eleven and hitler that deliberately assumption being made by the spin meisters out there about facts lucka back to nine eleven now well you
know you can say you had a timeline or a thing about how the wells says at first there was a video of becoming clear that the bush administration knew something was gonna happen whatever might they announced the county since becoming more more clear that they actually help bring about the law what a lot of that what is the strongest evidence for that i know and i'm a non nazis are made in his book easter focuses on two things were warnings and the fact that the year for said didn't get his planes in the air when they should add those two things how's the strongest that he's invented and say like well i don't know how long i could make the whole hour to answer that question is that in my forthcoming book which actually is going to get published while the next which is close to making an announcement in the next few weeks there will be a good one i lose a great many evidences know your question was about for knowledge and of course
what you were just a few of the stories that i broke with the documented warning from foreign intelligence services in some cases directly to the white house that they in the case of russia which president bush can say that you didn't get because we have a statement of water put an infirmary from about here and their times but i mean those warnings were so specific that the bush administration was called the highest level the hijacked airliners would be crashed into the world trade center in the week of september tonight we also know that the names of the other hijackers specifically are hardly on the dark and two others have been provided by among others the young israeli mossad one thing a lot of attention lately is the insider trading elliot be i'd just officially closed their investigation of insider trading think oh gee nothing happened nobody made any profit from nine eleven and that their their press release was really one of the worst why the fbi that republicans
not global and they couldn't even get the number of trades right and it was a blight light only relish at a chicago sun times on really in an interview with you oh that was very detailed discussion of insider trading and the equivalent of what many people knew about the effect of violent and that made me three dominant and that's as a result of the penetration of the intelligence services of a number of countries france germany russia israel jordan morocco have a bit you have a ball of penetrated out here to the point where they knew the attacks were going to happen and you are going up so and there are two million are still sitting on quaint someplace only one trip out there are many many people are turning
to what to attack me that the world g nobody would the only insider trading for two and a half million and they completely disregard the fact that the insider trading took place on markets from hong kong to tokyo to chicago to new york to london to berlin and by one estimate german a cabinet minister under arrest on buel might've been the hundreds one report speaking and so that we can sort of ways that the incitement could have been a hundred and fifty million dollars we don't know the exact amount but it was a massive worldwide phenomenon and the reason why the government has to feel that is because it's proof that everybody knew that the attacks were gothic one evening and in the intelligence world and and that the us will go on a map other countries have any interest in investigating your own stock markets
no nation wheel ice to show that we're financial corruption accord that's no surprise to me talking about six hundred billion a drug one point the wall street for years to do to show how cynical the markets war and of course the key to understanding always understand the very close relationship between intelligence communities around the world and anti a financial markets that's what cia fbi at wall street reports we talk about that many many many times the year gone executive vice president of the new york stock exchange where enforcement is a retired cia general counsel didn't teach you mentioned you write a book recently what is what is his book saying and i'm reading about little bit about a legal dim wits news about it here well having that read the book there's not much i can within germany it was with god and now he's often omitted more vehement
petition that politicians and the duet with a pitch but he's still basically saying that there was ample evidence to have prevented the attacks of nine eleven and that wasn't done and you talked about the mobile penetration and now and was very clear about what michael nature of britain who is much more part of the road in english a former cabinet minister tony blair saying that that this was the pretext of view is the blood of the world oil supply yeah always so we saw that tornado clenney chose really something i also in the news is there richard grasso you had a thing about how you went to a columbian try to get the fart gross and that investor money wall street on the web when asked before it rose to invest the profits from protecting
and taxing the drug trade that you are straight and it's not just you know make money with their own on wall street with a drug profits and of course they refused and of course he has just been dumped because of the outrageous compensation i think there is a there is another play going on and i'm not quite sure what it is grasso represents a lot of the new money that was developed at the eighties and nineties a lot of your money and to be holding true well we tell our listeners were talking to mike rupert that publisher and editor from the wilderness and if people want to call in our phone number is two three one he'd won eight seven i had a couple questions one is is to maybe have babies i've been hearing you know that that's a summary suppose of the hijackers are still very much alive now you their identities have been stolen or what ceo its destination for that
do you remember and that's been really buried i mean i just get a little inklings of those here in iraq is so these guys is still alive that we seem to me to name at their identities have been stolen and somebody else i used though you know they're the hijacking are also hear stories about controlling planes on the ground is that really possible and then when it was
over i'm alive but in the case of not one but multiple legend and that's an intelligence term of talk about how you create histories of people that i think there are multiple layers of legends around the hijackers on nine eleven and only spend now going in the story came out yesterday about interrogation of khalid shaikh muhammad and one of the holes in that because we've been told he was dead and then we recorded with captured know what you think that says about that two of the hijackers are hardly in our radar who had lived in san diego with an fbi informant actually now be more important than the mahabharata if you like can lead you down a garden path and away from bigger truth and so anything that comes out of an official order like that from one lot of very skeptical of because i always wanted no one was being led by the league and i will were what were getting is what this
dye says are actually what the hair what our government says he says so you know you mention speaking of latvia jfk assassinations is an interesting a book out now called assassinations and has a couple of articles and really lay out that there were two oz was right from my view is junior high school or something and either you do the writers coming out with a book on that suzanne is john armstrong he relays about that that that even just going by the records are on the warren commission and elsewhere in him and witnesses at the er to oswald's even as teenagers party now it's got to be very careful had an eye for a long time and watched how they do things are yet to watch would you get intrigued about ann and yet to keep your eyes on the major more global issues about what like you know if all the money yet what he says is a way you may bring that one case maybe you know something about there's a fellow named gordon lonsdale
was billy canadian illegally spying inning britain the turnout was there was money can add was a russian who were sent the candidate that a very early age teenage years or something well let's get our core we have a caller on the line higher on the air thank you i thank you both for the program i am i'm you know whether the war on me at the dmv be a government in the oakland city bombing and i know that even employing people anna who committed that i have to get them off so the age the nineteen ninety three attack on the world trade center oh wow man that connecticut is eating plan mr frank keating oklahoma at the time of the bombing and if they're
martin ed you wrote the final jihad a blueprint for the nine one one attacks i'm natalie listen and certainly you know we won a small it's i'm falling into bed and i know how in india the bombing adm to my former you were trying to make her life a mom with you at dr cutler rahman one of the men shake rahman and they make of that one of mike so that white man in the new alcohol content
of tom colleague leader eric gemini comedienne phyllis about co founded by a crime in an editor at large and having walked out of helping police compound isn't covering fell father roman are going to be which is an acknowledgement that you that i don't know they're big questions that are emerging about how the world trade center happened to collapse and oliver yeah i do think of the black week with an interview and i'm reading the paper now for the possibility of the world
trade center collapsing in a way they did him and i know i i know that their group involved as you think radio frequently weapon meant that we had a whole level of the firm he had this information where people can access that on anybody with it does that math it says its email to mayor kamal i like to read it's alive well the next day he announced he would find it and they're looking into that if megan and obama being on a factory to produce her in later in the report and he had provided to it fell well common do i want to merely that
i think we're in the car on the line one year ago michael and i am the owner and i'm going to get in the war and in an elimination or revolves around either oh yeah i didn't know that and the way you know and i would like to get your viewpoint on oil and can control economically and in and we're not and then for almost two years we'll add that the overwhelming whiting issue here is the fact that the world is going to work out a hydrocarbon energy with a vaguely oil and natural gas it's called peak oil
now the story really well documented we just heard michael meacham a former british cabinet minister for the environment to refine three four months ago that's right we have now it welcomes scientific data showing that oil production is diminishing worldwide new information showing that saudi arabia may have peaked in two thousand and there are oil reserves in the oil production has not gone away bell curve the peak of a bell curve which means of course what that the largest oil reserves on the planet it without a lady asked the planet has peaked would have come earlier than most people had thought it would and that there's infinite war which according to dick cheney which will not end our lifetimes and literally a war to control the last remaining oil reserves on the planet and that inevitable game of musical chairs we have no effective replacement are hydrocarbon energy specifically oil and natural gas people rushed in and feel like thinking
too at this point that without even thinking about infrastructure issues how you apply a thick hundred million internal combustion engines on the planet how you were placed the infrastructure for generating electricity we just published the major interview on our website from the wilderness that come with the world's largest energy investment banker was actually very forthcoming and i happened to respect a friend of george w bush we're not a member of the council on foreign relations its clients include the world bank and have the black out in new england was just beginning there won't be new generating capacity built because there's nothing the power within that natural gas this is the beginning of a very long and availability of eighty one economists like capitalism as we know it which is not in my opinion will capitalism that organized crime words based upon infinite growth
in the world a finite energy and we know that for the last forty or fifty years there's been like a ninety plus percent correlation between gdp growth and greenhouse gas emission meaning that economic growth only happens when more energy and burning them out is going to be worth less energy that is when you think about it that's one of the most of the most devastating implications for mankind a chicken leg up in addition and boom in college a hybrid of energy for every kelly the food which a compound and a population of six million it'll be eight billion by the middle of the century but there's going to be inevitably as a result of that large scale starvation because all fertilizers come from natural gas and within a be publishing some stories on that but there's been some great work that brings them by professor kenneth the page who did that
while older the machine that actually lived with the poor with the well natural gas or right with low in which baseball interview with water well i quickly deliver natural gas or coal is the hardest goodbye oil powered machine packaged in a plastic which is run by electricity which have or will you take away the manager and you take away everything right now singh's new was saying that there'd be the ultimate answer is some kind of organic farming and more people on the land but lonely is it feasible to get to that stage i don't you were kind of did this one when their water was cut off from russia eleanor ten years and the question is also kenya fifteen with a number of people without that infrastructure in place legally answer is no but that you can i mean obviously the solution for me or you or anybody has to get the permaculture host quick we as possible but you have to
accept that the same time that you know that the plant will still not be able to carry six and a half billion people and so in a way i think the land seizures in brazil just so one example would be i would be a positive step that should be taken immediately but unfortunately the way the current economic model and fed up they're going to have to be taken by individuals when an example that i talk about is some hope for oh well take energy a witch of color which usually will improve a lot of the seventies and you can put a good solar cells on your home and your individual home but how many people in an apartment in big cities you apply electricity the world uses you have to cover about fifty to fifty percent of the land mass of the earth with solar cells which means you couldn't grow crops and people who have no place to live add an n s but there is a strong base in fancy benefit them end up in northern california
and many other states you can put solar on your home now and generate enough or your home but if you try to generate surplus you're automatically required to spend fifteen thousand dollars on permits what does he want many people's lives but the hotel have nothing to do with were replacing the war will in agriculture and transportation talk about why they used to sell it back to the system or something while they make you jump through a billion hoops to get that what you intended to doing that ranchers well we have some locals line the state and they score higher on the air i mean yes you ok i'll boil question well after nine eleven i'm on comparative think thank you governor hired out of the bush family and i'm there with a plan of action of empathy the rack right away of wobble block i'm going to
remember the name of the think tank that have that that had that paper out of the pro i think for a new american century which is that a great many what what i would call clues as to what was happening it was published in two thousand even before bush took office they have maps of the iraqi oil fields in arabic was on page fifty or fifty one he said the rules will require an attack like the american people to support it there the whole litany of things in the end keeping that report the people involved in that world that report they you know to her to have a really don't want what they really get all of that what do you think that the only religion of the world or b
no i think that first of all it's wonderful but the plane that control the next election what you might think that if they make when i think of the ideological it's that my family had new conservatives on the top of the food chain they are they can be replaced that's why didn't think on february the willpower the money of of the neoconservatives who can replace the neoconservatives with neo liberal than continue the same basic agenda commission which is well above the yacht there be a neoconservative people they've just hired you know the board of directors can we place and anytime and got as far as a mayor particularly a december or january but we've got to see things like and john d rockefeller the former senator j rockefeller of virginia west virginia calling for an investigation it is the equivalent of the geisha the forged document that the administration have relied on about the millennium from near
the political problem was part of what henry kissinger former secretary of state of london saying that abortion date of haryana be impeached you can get away with that sort of thing in a democracy that's a clear sign of the neo cons have offended and they blow their hand in a larger plan to move and quite often the parent would be well enjoy the primaries and the preliminary to a presidential campaign with a lot of the witch hunts the best that a great amusement from thing which candidate performed out there in the field before they might be in oregon or sometimes they loved the theater we have no way of knowing and it's way too thin that no i mean i've been saying all along that i still think john kerry will emerge at the end but you know everybody does well i mean and for the last four five presidential election people get all excited the early days of the year of the race even
before the primary and i think he never want to read that defense for colleges in those past ten this is katy oh all important than money to spare five rang and we're on the line with mike rupert editor and publisher from the wilderness southwest gone on it's color you know you cry the election year if my question as my question of the filipino and you know it was illegal action that president bush and then ship it there were a new administration like that that somehow on she regarded that this election coming up before that there was a new administration and a man that could possibly work that all of the action that the current administration has taken on that it didn't work i guess for those bush supporters ministration actually be a wet their investment idea gets globally well
first of all you have to make up for the woman and no matter who takes office in a daily two thousand and five they are going to roll back all the actions of the bush the ministry of oil that you and do all the financial markets you undo everything that had to do with both the democrat and republican finding people who i have the record that the farmer five going to be swept into the white house needed to start dose of reality i was just two days ago the day before yesterday with that percentage why not endorse but i like you here in california and know you know you know i don't think you know because of the voting stock worth controlling everything else people honestly believe in iraq written under a function there and i don't mean to be too critical i'm saying is that we have two wings of the same party the major financial interests are never going to get overturned clearly the
major corporations that profited most under bush like halliburton one guy that would buy pork will always be there like all all all the major busch companies like carlisle group will be edged away from the table but that won't change the overall structure of the way the markets work of the way the money works at all oh you know i just read down its stores for to me by a friend of mine is to write for the poor and free press and apparently a george bush the elder henry kissinger were in moscow recently you're doing some kind of loyalty oath or write the carlyle group therapy can you tell us about that well i don't know that field what will grow an hour are all offering major been to buy into the russian oil company lukoil via now russian oil reserves are way down the list from saudi arabia but what we're sure can in an infrastructure that can open for all the oil and deliver it
to market airports wi fi for lack of not doing anybody a very good with the second largest reserves in the in the world because nobody can get out of the ground we find anybody to get back but clearly these mergers and in that and politicians and the oil industry are over can follow the other confirmation of the people of familiar i just thought he had written report on where you're from bloomberg news kate chopin stockholders got good news the nation one of the opinion quarterly dividend or a bi annual dividend well as you know wow so these mergers and acquisitions are absolute proof of people well because all the oil companies are downsizing shock wave of the politiken in the indian griffith almost dry now it's running up with another not that they'll be and that energy important which put it right back in the european union they have no choice and a lot
of ways to that and have no energy so it did it and whale the us has to be provided by russia russia only have i would guess that i think a lot of that but i thought what will the good one what about think speed seventy billion barrels in that well ultimately recoverable reserves the oil in the well is not always with a little now that puts them well below saudi arabia perhaps two hundred billion barrels and thereby for those are big numbers right but the world of now using a billion barrels of oil every eleven twelve they sang solo shows pumping at the cannes and china and even fighting with the panel was really an actor to world coming out of liberia sign of utter desperation in the energy market that will soon become very transparent of all he says i mean it in the most prolific all have heard me in two years i was in paris and made an area conference of the association
for the study of people which withheld good point it may not be profitable or not music and financial structure can figure out i'm a way to make money off of dating people lived they want to work mom and there is no as capitalism a nutshell it we got in the car on the line by on the air i know in the book and then no
no jp morgan lehrer okay i can't play the bank account with it but what i can tell you that what you have described a small little snapshot of thing to go on all the time everywhere the largest money laundering operations in the world they have been hundreds of theories and the cayman islands now there's no oil and gas in the cayman islands with a lot of drug might be p morgan have been connected at but the knowledge jp morgan it up to look at the group well almost that book which out of work and family all of them have been wandering six hundred billion dollars a year in drug money to keep the financial markets alive and part of my cave wall street's war for drug money for the common
ones with that particular thing to look just at jp morgan estimate the larger picture i do not believe under any circumstances that that these were drug money if they move they absolutely were not that for cover that's the idea that well we've to keep that six hundred billion a year in drug money as evidenced by the fact that afghanistan now awash in a field poppy and there weren't any there on nine eleven no poppy people know them we occupied the country you have to weed out the competition that way out according to the sewer water its money the same way that you wanted that the way the real war on drugs a lot yeah and in colombia but yeah i mean i think that i have always had been a long before nine eleven i was writing it that way about colombia venezuela because there are some significant
it was control of the rebel group and a calming the market yeah you talk about the pickup about the bombing that allow them often complicated and it and that meant that common knowledge that the ending what part of the country i agree when we classify the bush well that's exactly right but i know clearly this administration that wants to in reality that's
why they could be replaced by the board directors well not managers i mean they have power and they wield the power i think that the way to understand this is to look at what happened with richard nixon and watergate when richard nixon was very powerful get enough money to buy several times over the nineteen seventy two presidential election and he is still in his arrogance that he was untouchable as a result of the crimes that had surfers before the seventy two election of the watergate burglary on the obstruction of justice the one the family to election in a landslide and yet he without my early nineteen seventy four that the real power behind the world and i see the same kind of set up occurring with all the bad intelligence some allies over a lack i think very clearly dick cheney will probably be done before the two thousand for election but he's just taken a lot of flak and we made it like rudy giuliani is
that it no not really we would've coraline so it on the air or great i'll go the only go on you are you are well the question i would have those sought out that even the oil the creation of the old line with eu we've located artist eugene no i haven't yet but that would have
made it so much about all of what's going on right now tied in to the world the region and they have that that seems to be the plan at the malibu white elephant in the living room of the victims want talk about well they're good people and got to people like mike michael nature of working and another far more oh a camel a very dear friend and i'll be speaking to events with richard feinberg great offer on the part of the party is over so i force them all i think the issue the peak oil and keep gas are becoming more apparent by the day of the thumping of that that it's not there on tuesday in their subway or when they were going to become increasingly apparent like someone's pulling off a spigot i think the process is already under way it's going to become more apparent next year so i predict to be in new york black out that we have no actual summer in the us are natural gas we have one hundred and ten days with a temperature not it did not get over eighty
degrees in most of the country which all which meant no air conditioning which allowed us to beg borrow steel and robbed them in particular of its natural gas to replenish the thoughts going into the winter months but there's not much left for coming for the fall of two thousand or more blackout feat increasingly tight oil supplies united states might be able to rob field wonder bargain its way to sustain an economy for a little while but i agree with matthew homann the future growth of quote impossible meaning that the economy which is going to need more energy to go i think what the report recently with the that the fed us energy supplies are ok juana there's no economic recovery and so if people are things going in that situation so yearning at which it were you in five years down the road aren't hurt it will be passionately that well on either the unemployment
rate territory and that they're lying about and then they continued on to be the nominee square well the out although we're going to wind up being one of the most attractive places on the planet which is why when a move there the number of people that will be in order but you know it's low population density good arable land lots of fresh water all the things that i make a difference in the survival women able to move up there because i had a major goal is there some are really a ruptured appendix with adam felber a plan to offer well i mean i was twelve that i had been a parent might of the treatment by the ruptured appendix for today's world yet now and for joy than what their way with with a lot here but that that's a separate issue
but nonetheless the issues of energy are going to become more and more apparent and much much more of a hat i mean people look at the arctic national wildlife river and there's only a lot of oil out there on of the best of conditions the us and it's hardly importing ten million barrels a day which would be fifteen million barrels a day by the year twenty of twenty fifteen to run the us for about three years felony wilder's you do but people are scrambling now for little pockets of oil just to keep supplies up in the pipeline to meet world can function on a daily basis you can learn about what about that only geeky and i keep thinking about all the thing that show that only you people though we'd been on the end of that and the large yellow then certain point you do need a male come now a native in a situation now where
i would think that if anybody had a buy in america and they will be desperately trying to put together every alternative energy situation that could actually come up with when they're trying to fight their way back to life bill youse there you are but it takes six weeks to get a drop while from the persian gulf into an american gets it takes four days to get a drop of oil from venezuela and into american gothic and it would be with the wood production capacity just got to the point where there's no he left yesterday whoever controls even the little swing producers you're the one who gets to maintain the facade for that much water without a pipeline constructed
in in west africa where so we're going for a long time and clearly we're we're establishing a big military presence throughout west africa small hours as compared to saudi arabia but that but that wealth can get to the us market much more quickly i mean it they built the pipeline from earth chad a camel on the african coast in record breaking time in less than a million barrels a lot of a billion barrels of oil than you know oh it's always want me to being increasingly or action by the insurgent groups to try and keep the oil flowing now does the administration lived by the world financial markets yet to go a level above the next administration would be exactly the family even of even of that oh no what we
want i'm gonna be bad but with the mitigating waves of other approach you're at a time which alternative energies much off work and get by a buyout regeneration going wild at unit we're there i have to be very clear that we've looked at this for some time and on the website from the wilderness if you go to two of the world since nine eleven on the left side of the page like mayor and then look for the heading of energy low energy you'll see a show you about fifteen play articles we've written in the last two years with good scientist they'll own life or my contributor for energy that you know that even if we stop everything right now to try to belittle alternative there is nothing that will replace the oral people are going to die anyway and the wheelchair a community meeting at a landfill
or do you try to be a heat for change in the air when it no no no the be all their lines from a mighty worried about ems units were there that were concerned about time were quite adequate to keep a more quiet hundred horsepower engine operational in sweden and norway of their entire when that basically their entire society at all three of the towing other tree because they live but the towing i really do when you do that it is perfectly feasible probable cause but that it could be that work for some engine but when you do the math have to say okay let's do it for six hundred million internal combustion engines you steve he doesn't can't can do that ethanol and we joke it takes more energy to make ethanol than you'd
get from an effective photos but you do write even think that huckabee started and what it appears to be there is that the solutions are only going to come from the bottom up with people and communities are acting on their own to do what the corporation that of the financial model are going to refuse to do for them and for a college degree at the rapid up now that list of a light them idea to your car you might be glad in order to your car now anyway media laswell iona you know the problem with well as i want every thank you very much for being with is a lens to me like they had the number one issue in this whole thing is is people will and we have to be really focused on that sometime i like to talk about all the little they've dated a consequence it because i'm writing a novel about this in the next eighty years
or something you know but anyway thanks a lot for being with us mara read that is that it is an excellent book
Michael Ruppert interviewed by Per Fagereng
Contributing Organization
KBOO Community Radio (Portland, Oregon)
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Fagereng interviews Ruppert (publisher and editor of From The Wilderness). Topics include 9/11, responses to economic crisis, etc.
Asset type
activism; Government/Politics
This audio is property of The KBOO Foundation and may include additional rights holders. It may be used for educational, scholarly, or private, personal use with attribution 'From KBOO Community Radio, Portland'. Any other use, such as commercial publication or multiple reproductions, requires written permission from The KBOO Foundation.
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Interviewee: Michael Ruppert
KBOO: Per Fagereng
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: 5D6C6DE9C55246827B7E6065FFD02600 (md5)
Format: audio/x-wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:56:39
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: MD-086 (KBOO)
Format: MiniDisc
Duration: 00:56:39
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Michael Ruppert interviewed by Per Fagereng,” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “Michael Ruppert interviewed by Per Fagereng.” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: Michael Ruppert interviewed by Per Fagereng. Boston, MA: KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from