thumbnail of Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke at the Memorial Coliseum
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[Applause] [Host]: Ok [Host]: Ok [applause] thank you Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] Wow. Woo. What a rousing Oregonian welcome, woo. [applause] Woa! [applause] Well, thank you very much, Greg. Thank all of you for coming. It looks like there's over ten thousand people here, over ten thousand people. That's equal to the whole population of my home town in Connecticut. [Applause] Which leads me to a little calculation. Judging by how many people Which leads me to a little calculation. Judging by how many people voted here in Oregon in the last presidential election
If everybody here, between now and November, talking consulting, speaking, chatting can bring can bring in 40 votes between now and November, from your friends and relatives and neighbors and coworkers the Nader/LaDuke ticket will carry Oregon. Now let me ask you, are all of you going to try to each bring in forty votes by November? as billy lucas be as my mother used to say and remember
thank you by the seeds for the votes that will carry the state of oregon for the green party ticket in november a ha now before we get down to the major objectives of this campaign and author of them one by one and they are really big objectives but to realize about the law never do we have the resources for a cost issue enables the majority of people i don't it's b this song
but i think his presidential campaign may be unconstitutional in a white rose george w bush is really a giant corporation running for presidency disguised as a person a ha ha ha he's said that he's running for the presidency of the united states based on his record in texas and he's going to do to the united states when he did the taxes as vernon texas no toxic chemicals number one in the emotion of those number one a production
of hazardous waste number one in a number of facilities in significant violation of clean water permits they're ranked second to last to work out their spending on water quality well is ali was known for the rest of the united states nice job and he says he's had to this as leave no children behind this racket is better council lies in the phrase leave now corporate dollars guy raz how the compassionate conservative governor texas texas is forty six and the number of mothers receiving prenatal care for it a thin child
immunization rates number two it's fair to say like the corporate lawyers who are campaigning and finding george w bush and carburetor is also the corporate welfare king of all presidential candidates have been brought into the texas rangers baseball team with a six hundred thousand dollar investment he and his allies and make sure that the new stadium was built with taxpayer dollars are inflated the value of the dam and two years ago he saw the six hundred thousand dollar investment so you know
he's going to say alice convention last week in los angeles the city's in a fight for the people against the big hmo the big oil companies big drug companies or big insurance companies and corporate polluters and so i challenge him on monday in front of the staples center and i said mr gore corporations he's not going to do that the man with the fort on
the man who was the difference between the words in the debate a man who spent eight years with bill clinton crawling in front of corporate power one day after another and that's the men who has a hard time conveying credibility by the gore campaign officially when asked about our campaign the official word is they're not worried about the official word is they're not losing any sleep over our campaign to cry ms bee dick cheney has been campaigning on the west coast and in ventura california
couple nights ago he had a dinner which costs participants twenty five thousand dollars twenty five thousand dollars have a better pick and five thousand dollars apiece ms bell last week mastercard sued me for the priceless at an ironic twist they said that it infringed on their trademark on the word priceless have a good price on chryslers this is part of a corporate effort to corporate ties are dictionary word by word phrase by phrase right which is where this saturday night live which used
made up mostly in nariman trying to enhance a presidential campaign by taking advantage of the public reputation than status of mastercard so i have a press conference the next day at the national press club in washington listening all a fraud and negotiate many interest rates and the penalties in the face he's been right now let's go into what the objectives of this campaign are literally look awkward its framers opposing most of these objectives are constantly saying no to people say stop nobody knows nobody
will say stop trump denied government notably would say stop making our government turned against us now to be able to say stop commercializing childhood in exploiting kids were the most disgusting violent pornographic entertainment song called number one is public financing of public elections for a further office will say to the giant corporations and the corporate sector and nurses who think that everything has a dollar sign on it who think that our democracy is for sale our governments for sale obama is for sale our childhood was for sale on human genes are for sale of privacy sever sale of the roadblocks strong democracy by getting private money and cash register politics of federal actions and out of congress are not of the right half
a high you saw the republican and democratic convention there are marinated and corporate cash flow goers corporate hospitality use weights all kinds of money funneling it was like legalized bribery confronting legalized extortion that cat will pay an awful politicians for president future favors and the politicians were shaking down the corporate fat cats and when the corporate fat cats finished in philadelphia at the republican convention that took a few days i popped on the plane and flew to los angeles for the democratic convention this is called equal opportunity corruption of our two major political party so who is during a democrat national convention though i'm
sorry to say that but the big story at the democratic convention is really influenced by and paddling did you the states are leading the way here remain arizona and no here in our again yes on measure sex now the next priority list as the scar on our conscience as a nation the richest nation in the world the nation likes to be number one and everything the nation says they're concerned they're concerned the goal it's about time it's about eighty years overdue it's
thirty or forty years asked what western europe european countries have essentially done we will open up a major campaign to abolish once and for all poverty and child poverty united states of america a high with tens of millions of people if they get a job working for a non living wage and kmart mcdonald's wal mart all these big companies are reporting record profits and the sweat of workers who can even me their family needs even if there's a two income family they can't meet their family less than one thinks this is a government to suggest it was richard nixon as president united states is seventies the proposal a national minimum income policy for everybody united states and congress rebuffed a nice at year two thousand a day we ought to be able to catch up with richard
nixon would use a number three again decades overdue again decades after wesley european countries provided this protection for all those people as fast as possible the pain one hundred and ten billion dollars range from the health care billing systems do the billing fraud in advance every year with our modern sixty billion dollars that can be saved in administrative expenses there's plenty of resources to cover the forty six million americans without health insurance and to
make sure the rest don't fall through the cracks of co payments and deductions and exclusions and preexisting conditions and all the rest of the tale of that we have to endure and intensely need any more money to establish this essential human right that nobody should be sick without treatment nobody should be exposed to melodies without strategies of health prevention nobody should have to die because they don't have enough money to pay for medical care if there isn't enough money from those two sources i have a suggestion where the money was but you know years of years and hundreds of thousands of options every day and trillions of dollars of transactions every way
they don't pay any sales tax and it's time for a tax on stock transactions the police tens of millions of people in this country are abstract it from four major eight years we have the most restrictive anti labor labor laws in the last rural we're down to less than ten percent of their workers unionized and our private economy the lowest and sixties and the results are that the majority of their workers so they're making less money in real dollars than they made twenty twenty five years ago and the result says that the forty seven million americans are working every day and not working for a local way and so what we did it was so slow
this a unemployment rate that their top priority like the green party's top priority like the grain coalition's top priority of a chokehold on american labor protests thought we act of nineteen thirty seven and it's about time that workers get a capital share in the trillions in this country is so just having to work paycheck to paycheck or if their report payday loans payday loan or two three four hundred percent interest by the loan sharks it is time for the workers in this country to have capital investments as part of their sweat and toil and not leave out oct corporate executives and fat cats but also a good education than george w bush thinks there
should be more education for children in youngsters and our country i often wonder why does he keep emphasizing it but after it and i understand why because he needs more education in the worst of the high line after you repair the scrolls have preschool and structure after that basic materials and decent facilities and safety and this goes and good teachers some else it's missing and the dialogue on education ordered the children learning what are they learning either basically into trades to provide themselves with allied skills after they graduate from colleges at all or is still in it just in the process of normalization to regurgitate into the vegetation when do we want them yes they said well what you did today in school did you and i think where
did you learn how to believe the commercialization of education sennott says the pope the biggest welfare problem of all corporate welfare groups use the common parlance lead pledged to end once and for all corporate welfare as we know it right out of five year cut off period at the pentagon for asians that are making tons of money and saving i subsidies and alex jones doubts as we witness
these giant corporations draining away from local state and federal budgets there is and i heard a couple years ago that the nfl patriots for quality was willing to come to harvard if the state government gave them half a billion dollars to build a new stadium and a practice they are going to pay for the skyboxes that they could fill and they sure of the connecticut river and it's about this year and the republican governor presented to the democratic legislature and in a quick move with hardly every day
passes half billion dollar corporate welfare package for the nfl football patriots this is the same government turned down two hundred million dollars to repair our first public schools which are in a state of medieval disrepair well a great idea i had a press conference against overwhelming public opinion in favor of i guess both parties in favor against corporations in favor of joint they get the skyboxes against a person the tv stations in favor and i don't mean to say this that's such a couple examples of corporate welfare they're so cruel to people in
rome a few months ago with ovarian cancer she lost her nineteen thousand dollars a year job he had no health insurance she went to the doctor the doctor says very serious case all i can recommend he said is a tax so a drug developed by your tax dollars discovered tested and given free to bristol myers squibb which charge that woman fourteen thousand dollars for six strings and they're pressing one point two billion dollars in revenues and tax law that is ten percent discovering that were subjected to human clinical trials and this is what's going on our taxpayer assets the natural resources given away and the public lands ago libyan silver copper given away to these corporations free of charge would not wealthy what is this white nation never do that i don't know one country you know these corporations
and i say that the presidential campaign when you look at the tv set listener radio it's our public airwaves we are now where the landlords the radio and tv stations of the tenants don't pay a cent for use of this valuable resource to the federal communications commission when they decide who's as one who does it on radio and tv not satisfied with the result the five years for use of our public airwaves
and make billions of dollars they're not satisfied before years ago against her wishes john mccain and senator dole they got seventy billion dollars worth of the new digital spectrum that long pause now they want to crush in congress the sec east advertising thirty seconds i say no democracy with it so he never be so heavily reliant on the commercial media elite as well the present the criminal justice or shall we call the criminal injustice system criminal justice
system that discriminates against poor and minorities as nothing but total combination given the pretensions of our constitution a criminal justice system that is often invoked in secret that often is invoked by violent legality it often isn't against the civil rights and civil liberties of millions of americans and immigrants who are here in this country without due process without due process a criminal justice system that with the administration and shredded much of law goes by way of haiti has got there's that critical human right in his time attention the man in the middle of official from an hour and we need to raise up
the assessment of the civil rights and civil liberties was beyond that present in the justice department's lawyers thought was that the litigation enforcement against police brutality and against affirmative action under the point guard ministration this was housing discrimination litigation and that there's been no discrimination well america is a tremendous distress the small farmer a far more serious problem and they're presumed just a booming economy by giant suppliers seed companies on the one side and giant buyers like it being cargo another giant the packers are set for that drive the price
down the big grain companies like kano ray cargo and so the farmers squeeze well a big supplier corporation the big virus and a chemical and they're gonna have another job farms are gone out there being abandoned are being gobbled up by the big guys we have also do also help preserve the small farm economy though protect farm labor that will protect migrant laborer and there was a certain safe healthy flow to the american consumer was in their interest in following up on this the website is competitive markets dot com competitive markets don't count for a whole food policy agenda now willie nelson it would have thought they were going to be to form a beating in september than willie nelson's a great supporter of this campaign
and so was phil donahue that means a pen next there's a major program a law enforcement against corporate crime fraud abuse all of these investigations you made in the daily newspaper was nothing happens after time magazine does a good job on the bankruptcy will cash politics nothing happens
nothing the new york times talks about tax shelters for corporations under paying their taxes as is usually the case we do not have a mechanism in our administration in washington that says yes we won at low in order for the straits but yes yes we want out of law and order or protocol for criminals have gotten a criminal suit simon pensions corporations who are consistently systematic cheating consumers and bankrolling some of the most exploitative conditions in the inner cities and our country from the effect what's known as predatory lending
that's pj he's been doing this there's no incentive those bands and safety standards he's been
and in those documents every member country has the right to evoke a six months notice of withdrawal and he anticipates being the biggest economy in the world should no longer be subject to charges by other countries under the influence of big corporations but the important this is can't meet safety standards and how this decision they made in secret tribunals in geneva switzerland under the wto it's regulations really is in perpetuity until we obey the secret tribunals decisions in the world did was to our constitutional principles
to our territorial sovereignty what a day was a surrender to the global corporations commanding heights of labor capital governments and technology in the world and your brain the national government's last remaining defense of the communities against these global corporations and so to do that he's sober john ross perot and that the dirty and that is something that we should ask him about as he goes around the country comes into oregon next week why the green party and the green presidential campaign that's why fifty five years of the road to what we spend seventy billion dollars
a year they should've defended themselves against nonexistent the pain negotiations with an already weakened russia having trouble putting bread on the table for its people won't reopen the negotiations until what the former general head of the strategic air command said should be done you did and the fbi three hundred and twenty billion dollars a year and the military belgium
when there is no longer any non animating there is no more salty work on dale's with communist china douglas macarthur the general in the korean war and wrote concern in nineteen fifty seven he said tends to one inflate threats from abroad so they can blow its military expenditures those considerations by corporate considerations san was an ex generals and pentagon analysts that i've spoken to are privately had set the generals and admirals acts retired had set of publically we do not need the f twenty two
i believe that there is no longer any day or two billion dollar please be two bombers that have lost their strategic value since the soviet union the mines and as greece this week anybody who tells you that the taxpayers should not fund public collections it's now where corporations put a million bucks in congress to get a billion bucks back of your tax dollars and unnecessary weapons systems natural resources you know that was the best money
and i would get the best money goodwin is a very versatile they not only sell out they write themselves in order to keep the versatility going now what's interesting about the military budget is when you have a military budgets like this and you have a little bit for the epa a little bit for head start a little bit for housing a little bit for child health have to go up to the knee of the military defense on that is critical information and critical to build about american child poverty is a national security problem the pin drug resistance
tb and we're spending less and our government research in drugs and vaccines and trying to help people in this country suffered from these diseases in its pages where we highlight some solutions wonder these political parties that i liked solutions that's really interesting says he's pro business and bushes business companies pollution control companies that are trading their workers in a very severe way giving them a stake in the capital a company or companies that
are innovating in order to shock as the ways by which affordable housing can be built by which foods can be more accurately inspected for safety these companies don't want to change the way the small companies wanted change and one of the busiest news corp atlanta georgia which is the second largest commercial pilot carpet manufacturer and from nineteen ninety four to the president has been slashing its cause as i drive toward zero pollution goals and maximum recycling goals are selling drugs competition elderly people
are being squeezed by these fantastically high drug prices by drug companies are already get all kinds of subsidies by the us government your tax dollars and then they turn around and their way of thinking the taxpayers who subsidize them through the national institutes of health through research and obama credits my doubting them mercilessly know these objectives this list tomorrow and the republicans and democrats oppose all of these objectives i see but ten years after the soviet union was no longer side who did there's an alligator sides with their workers in presence there ej how they really nothing good thing about getting money out of politics once to unilaterally
disarm as the phrase goes in washington let's do it they're not going to do anything about the concentration of the media and the shadow of the people from their own airwaves and the need for them to have their own media they're not going to withdraw from the wto and after they're not going to do anything about the concentration of corporate law over almost everything that matters in this country they are not going to do anything about it so the curriculum where children grow up with critical independent minds and understand what paris and understand that democracy must be strengthened against the concentration of power and wealth funds aerial actions they're not going to do that it's be a piece by
it's b it is mcchesney this is the dams on those
why don't you ask him if he favors the lines at a very tough issue and you know the pendulum goes into emotional like that that decision is an about the pay and a commercial audience that's three percent of the timber harvested in our country it won't stop one point two billion dollars in your money subsidizing the giant timber companies in law say that one point two billion dollars in restoring the forest i'm renee montagne
leads as a mystical or you know the administration allows the importation of a product from abroad it's illegal in this country that you import in the us from france in china and hungary can bite you don't allow american farmers to grow the most versatile strongest point it's been it is it is it is madison's it is
cosmetics it is liberty's it replaces the cutting down trees to produce they grow you do you did you used to do is be oh geez it he wins the point
as you mentioned corporations control that we are i mean look at the extremists of these corporations they're denying the owners of the right to control and they call themselves capitalists what age are these giant corporations are destroying capitalism capitalism is the freedom to fail and the freedom to succeed these corporations robinson says well listen i personally know so and they say why after thirty five years of fighting for health and safety accountable government corporate
responsibility taking on the big guys never met a buddy say that these overwhelming odds you know when i was up against gm has a lot of fun it was a wonderful time in the mid sixties in on this giant cumbersome technologically stagnant corporation sold millions of americans gas guzzling promised that psycho sexual samples that were worth the money that was paid for and they were very dangerous and very odd sight people said you can't take on gm gm is america what's good for gm is good for america but i saw too many grisly fate our knees and i were hitchhiking the tens of thousands of miles and i used to do when i saw them and i began seeing things it made me think the child was almost decapitated in a ruined shane collision anointed by the falling back of the guillotine sharp glove compartment door
the motorist driver who is steering column went right in and up killing him almost instantly live from collisions so i began studying this law school and i learned that in nineteen thirteen the auto company's patented a closet was doing all that the roman chariots had padded dash panels than any engineer know how to do stronger try to sue once on hard pavement after a collision that your seatbelts luck for pilots in world war one to keep it from falling out of the plane when it went like this but they were in our cars that what markers and many of the things that were in santa decades ago one in our cars and when i win after gm and i didn't really systematically actually it was so much gm hired detective firms and they tried to smear me and try to get the congress in a way we'd be in congress the nineteen sixties with a more typical highway safety or how
and you actually enforce those laws have saved over a million american lives of tens of millions of injuries prevent a distance of thirteen made imports of guys having to make higher status in japan western europe and the death toll went from five point six fatalities per hundred million vehicle miles traveled in nineteen sixty five to last year's one point six rep delahunt who nobody could do that today you can do that today in washington the committees are close to the citizens who want to advance at the congress has no entrance sign on monday the white house is listening select the right features and television is beyond redemption
in terms of serious attention by its news office and the scientists have been so starting in nineteen eighty i could see the disintegration of the democratic party and it's moved to imitate the republican party to beat the republican party by becoming more like you and when it doesn't mean the republican party says because it didn't take enough issues in the republican party and democratic party that cater to its right wing because it knew its right wing could become republican voters but ignored it so its progressive way because it moved aggressively had nowhere to go right now the millions of progressive americans have a place to go for years now the democratic party's become very good at it in very bad republicans will hold them responsible for a republican congress if they were they are a democratic
party they never allow us to the extreme wing of the opposing republican party in the name of newt gingrich tom delay the economy a tremolo it's a disgrace that it is razor we can even find the democratic party to save us consulate most crave in vicious evil republicans had ever worked on capitol hill there's a potential contribution to human beings now and in future generations there keeping america down environmentally they're keeping america down in real wages in america down a massive child
poverty they're keeping america for mobilizing for the people of this country and until we have a new progressive political movement and this nation in the seventh century of justice of the american people until we have that the sovereignty and corporations will ever replace the sovereignty of the people and if we have a moment like that the sovereignty of the people or replace a sovereignty of corporations it's been really good these corporations which are neither we've allowed them to become persons under the constitution they have all the rights real human beings even though they're artificial entities and they have all the privileges and immunities that these allegations of capital and technology are capable of a messy in order to further their own immunity
their own limited liability and the supremacy of a political economy our government and are very democracy it's time to end this weekend and those if we put the time and if we put that will land if we put the spirit and the people still have the power but as money these days and i said no but a choice between a bad there were good boy the newest republican party is not an acceptable joins
us in there but allowing these two parties to control our government so that they don't allow democracy to do it's great work and the pursuit of happiness and justice is no longer allow a permissive action and we've got to change it you know how kids change by every one of us saying that we are going to transform enthusiasm into steadfast work and the next eleven weeks to november it's a mess go out there and dig yourself as an ambassador for new and just america figures sell as an emissary for rwanda estimate of the significance and the law could you want to leave on the selection in november a major parties think that third party challenges fade away
they rise up early in the year and then they fade away and they're very very smart about that and allen is due here now all ten thousand of you know one asked you this question where we get all our this green party candidacy just fade away that means you've got to say yes to a certain number of hours in the next few weeks and so effervescent personality in terms of overcoming whatever restraint you have whatever an abortion you have in a nice way there was that roman orator analysis of over two thousand years ago to find freedom the best definition i've come across is said oh freedom
is participation in power our unequal power power of the people to pursue justice and the justice that they were a few days on earth must become the cardinals game the police that's what it takes to marry a major political party in this country so i said earlier a million people a hundred hours each year raising a hundred dollars a year if we do that across the country and given the agenda that further and five seeing agenda of the green party that came out of the denver convention in june if one million americans pledge a hundred hours here and raise a hundred dollars and you're carrying forward
this agenda will be a majority any employees and a very very fast period of time you know i asked you just contemplate this challenge and think about what it must have been like and how hard it must have then the departure of the anti slavery movement in the city they think thirty or virginian eighteenth birthday for women on the picket line often subjected to fire hoses and harass as a search the right to go to the west of men like for those farmers in east texas beleaguered and squeezed by hiring freight rates by the railroads in high interest rates by the banks and could hardly make a memo living standards when they said enough is enough and they organized two hundred thousand farmers in six months and spread out northwest cities and launch a populous progressive more about over the next twenty five years there were still benefiting from that i think it must have them up against the banks up against the roads no
electricity no motor vehicles no cellular phones no facts which is not helpful in west virginia pennsylvania kentucky they get decent wages and says david they get what they want there was no unemployment compensation detective police hired by the programs to go after the striking miners thinking of the civil rights workers in the twentieth century and of the people and said once and for all that they're not going to be discriminated against because of the rigors of well because they're women or because they're gay lesbian and courage that took this stuff out and stand toe now not compare with what i just suggested one million americans
pledging one hundred hours of volunteer time year and pledging to raise one hundred dollars bringing forth this marvelous green party agenda that sack off ise one of history's greatest sacrifices of course that it's one of history's greatest opportunities the police let us not be looked upon by our descendants century sent as allies know had to give up so little in order to achieve so much the last generation that refused to look beyond the horizon last generation that refused to use is aspinwall assets and time and knowledge to build a society that goes to another level now one just a mature possessions now
and has a decent standard of living along with a spurt matters one with a sense of the arts matter one with a sense when you have a sense where the finer things of life as we find to continue and wi fi and to try to make ends meet and we'll have time or for children for families for community for civic engagement leading huge vacuums of being so but the concentrations of corporate car and on on and on this no john adams was her second cousin he wasn't known for many succinct aphorisms but there is one that i'll never forget when he said oh generation meaning two hundred years ago his generation is composed of
so yeah and scientists in order for their children to be composed of artists and musicians it is from that vision almost two hundred and some years later how far away are people scratching around in our country to put food on the table to get some health care to get some face for their grievances and around the world three billion people and semi starvation sick unemployed blue eyes and with a combined wealth equal to the three hundred richest people in the world a world record by ominous and was because our country the most powerful in the world
has not pursued the policy of preventive diplomacy preventive defense policy of environmental advance a policy of global public health those of the great purpose is to give people purpose of oil and those of the longer range purposes of those presidential by special chemistry and the growth of the green party and after november the green party will emerge as the green magnet saying to the two parties you're going to come into the arena of justice and fairness wells and it's kind of the green day do two parties that if you don't shape up the green party will be done really been replaced you as a governing party in america la just a legend so what to do
in november ms bose be fb it's b
you are great thank you so much for all coming for having the courage the vision that commitment to be here thank you for believing in the future we are here because we have a beautiful vision for a future a future their water is clean or rivers and oceans are full of salmon i have and does not smell like a cult now however when it was constantly and it is winds of change and also when they generate power we believe in a future where women and men up whatever religious or spiritual persuasion sexual
orientation color and background they walk in peace oh brain drain and by economics than the gravity free of the fear of the insidious violence of environmental contamination that causes cancer is immune disorders and shrinking testicles it's been we are people who believe that we should have a fugitive very first race eva louis this is the new millennium and we are people who in this new millennium see it as the opportunity to take the courage to confront the challenges of the society it is a country of so much potential
so much potential it is a challenge that we have a mad challenge i believe in that we believe is to reconcile our relationship with the earth and reconcile our relationship with each other opponents by the pain you know i was raised in southern oregon and we know it is true we know that they have cut pretty much every tree they can and we're fighting over the splinters that are left they have this drive much of the top grass prairie we have dammed pretty much every river that they have come upon we have indeed in most of our apple first year drawdown of contamination we see that the melting of the north pole we've endangered most of the fish stocks of the region that are commercially exploited well as it is sad and we pretty much of them boston ourselves
into oblivion congratulations some really bad decisions that were made and also some things that we need to change the police it wasn't reduced most of our relatives whether they have wings finds families to our most abject poverty where they live in small ecosystems surrounded by want and industrialization or factory trawlers we are a campaign that has the vision to not talk about the committee's to discuss what we should do about the salmon and the rivers in the northwest we are people know that he was actually reach sundance to save some families
who will protect the wild areas in this country through no commercial logging in national forests and all wild land for that their core areas and corridors so if you have for a fee you could live free all of your generations to come well fairly easily do mining law gives away anatomy and they may have a tale or grazing act which gives away two hundred and seventy million acres of our public lands pretty much two counts in ohio unlike cows don't mistake that's when elsa like dot com
and we have the right grasses out there it is not just something that ripples we will transform our energy economy in this country from the corporate welfare today were sixty five percent of our research and development money for almost four decades went for nuclear and coal power we will transform into a wind and solar energy economy as bell we have that we have the money we're the richest country in the world you know why is it that way back behind denmark and germany in wind energy
you know those guys are just a little bit smarter what we haven't had is the political will but in the future we will have the political will we'll also begin that process of reconciling with each other in this country the historic relations in this country are strange whether it is with the first people with first nations we must do right we must do the right thing really you might spot in their religious freedom a native people to play their sacred areas
because cultural diversity is as important as biological diversity and the more languages to be leader we will begin that process of reconciling that desperate disparity of wealth which exists in this country where the rich get increasingly more wealthy or poor become poorer the average american worker today makes pretty much as much as they may during the nixon administration that portion have no health care and many people in this country thirty two million people are working at the poverty level you know i lived on a reservation in northwestern minnesota where we have sixty five percent unemployment
and fifty percent of the people at the poverty level when the clinton administration came in with welfare reform another question that i ask of my villages that are forty fifty miles away from a job is where are we going to go work you go drive seventy miles to go plot turkey's for traces know go out another seventy miles to work at wal mart as an associate those are not the choices that we should be offering our people and our future to become wage slaves at the bottom rungs of the ladder it's been well wal mart has a larger income than the countries of portugal or ireland or israel our people struggled a day
we must rectify that with a living wage in this country what's the point for workers like the united steel workers in their struggle against or against el in a curve on corporate welfare a pub we the military budget to meet human needs and how my children last year went to school in trailers because there was no room for them in a building and that is the state of schools all across this country if they still want to talk about new bombers
new missile systems hole lead bizarre military creations and we cannot even take care of our children and feet are hungry mark warren take care of our elders it's not it's i would like to see that day when our children have schools when we are have enough health care and day care about is quality not just tv babysitting the political figure out how to make ends meet we have to demilitarize not only our domestic policy but a policy how
we should not sell guns or give guns to countries that vote down women and children he's been the pen united states is the largest traitor of small arms in the world not just i see the atoms in the big gardens f sixteen fighters we are the people who sell m sixteens to most of the world today ninety percent of the combat in fire in the world are not fraught with large weapons their fight with those small cans those assault rifles and while in world war one and ninety five percent of the people killed were combatants today ninety percent of the people killed in those conflicts are non combatants our tax dollars should not go to paper shooting down women and children
it's been the police did not medicaid and food they argue is by to pay we should be humans there's the teaching of the six nations iroquois confederacy which is that in each deliberation he should consider the impact upon the seventh generation from now that the tide of public policy we need in this country i am so happy to see all of you out there and so happy to be here with you
i am a mother of three children and when i look at my kids' eyes i want to say that i stood up i want to say that i said no to militarism i wanna say i said no to contamination i want to say that i said let us look for the future and i want to say that i voted green and one of the great american leaders he said let us put our minds together and see what kind of future we can make for children and let us what our actions to those fonts and make that future tone of her new single minute which thank you so much for your time
Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke at the Memorial Coliseum
Contributing Organization
KBOO Community Radio (Portland, Oregon)
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On Aug. 25, Nader held a rally/fundraiser with Winona LaDuke (minimum donation of $7) at Memorial Coliseum in Portland; the event drew 10,571 people, his largest crowd to date in the campaign. Nader speaks about defense spending, global reform, how TB and malaria are the real global killers, not weapons of mass killing. Compares Bush and Gore and how similar they are when it comes to being pro business. How corporate power rules almost everything in America. He then transitions to talking about how Gore/Bush won't allow Americans to grow hemp. Then speaks at length about how vital and necessary hemp is, even saying Bush's father used hemp in WWII. He then talks about voting for None of the Above, where you can vote for the none of the above candidates and it would essentially eliminate them from the election if it had enough votes.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Economy; Government/Politics; Military/Veterans
This audio is property of The KBOO Foundation and may include additional rights holders. It may be used for educational, scholarly, or private, personal use with attribution 'From KBOO Community Radio, Portland'. Any other use, such as commercial publication or multiple reproductions, requires written permission from The KBOO Foundation.
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Release Agent: KBOO
Wardrobe: Ralph Nader
Wardrobe: Winona LaDuke
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: C95495E65C22BFA50FCD73EFDB2854AD (md5)
Format: audio/x-wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:24:30
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: MD-148 (KBOO)
Format: MiniDisc
Duration: 01:24:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke at the Memorial Coliseum,” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 17, 2024,
MLA: “Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke at the Memorial Coliseum.” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke at the Memorial Coliseum. Boston, MA: KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from