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     Julia Hill on Environmental Struggles and her Two Year Tree Sit in Luna at
    First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon
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the roles are more the northwest earth institute and i like to welcome you along with the other co sponsors including the Looking Glass Bookstore, the First Unitarian Church which is hosting us here tonight, and KBOO Radio, 90.7 FM. as you note to the butterfly couple spent over two years in an ancient redwoods union backed protests along a vision for a center story spread far and wide it on the first few months when she was first captured media attention a lot of folks felt she was a novelty that increases young woman up in the chilean we were very curious about her after the other ss question there questions answered about our votes but the house went to the bathroom initiative boyfriend that somehow was fifteen minutes of fame would fade answer and to write the history and her message of the last oh six innocent and fifteen weeks for another fifteen
months and almost two years later over two years later she came down this past december success and even their message that the more people see us what's the story with that really the country sort of happens process of globalization is increasingly defiant are accredited they live in and this is in the vigils and feeling more morrison paris time goes on sonos know you was wonderful story of a young woman's bright articulate a committed to the offensive in a tree for two years it's in everything from that haven't delivered sense of poetry so more than a story about a tree said more about more than a starter cigarette but it's resilient to pursue a call that region every one of us and as a member of the northwestern city we have programs designed our mission is to motivate individuals to examine transform mr rosen have incidents of responsibility for the earth intact on that commitment and again as as this process of mobilization
increasingly defies allies is getting tougher government do that so the store is really a breath of fresh air in that no you're really appreciate having hurt you tonight as a testament to the power of ordinary people people you and i'm the poet julia to do truly extraordinary things surprise to me in welcoming julian he's been to play the pan thank you i said the only visit her inner lives
a going up in the farther reaches association and in that song i'm really interested in and i thank you very much for being here i know that a lot of you here tonight doing things for the forests and for this planning for the people on it in from the very depths of my being for the rest of my life and whatever comes next for me i give you my absolute credit for doing so the peak so the storm the reason is because parts of it to me are really really funny
and so at least if you know and also setting a time at least i am i have to get another reason i just use it is because i want to know about i mean you know from the mainstream press anton the mainstream press the beast because it takes everything a real importance to our world and in the pursuit of entertainment in our world because we seem to be very entertainment driven in our society all the information gets chewed up and stayed out in the editing room floor and what comes out the other side is oftentimes not to the recognizable to what it is doing and why it is for doing what we're doing and as a result of that there seems to be this kind of mythology created around mean the first thing that happens is that people have this one of things i think the stereotype that i must have been living in a fairytale land communing with a very unsavory animals sitting in the lotus position contemplating my name on the meaning of years and the other thing that happens is this an admission like
something other than human and then a superhero in the ice who didn't save the forest when in actuality i just did what i knew to do yes we've protected of force but there's a lot more for a state still needs a healthier in oregon and in california and across the country and around the world or the reason that i serve and his chapter is because they get to make fun of myself i'm standing here with me everywhere i go so important that we would have to understand just how human i am because i think very disinclined to live in a world that creates celebrities it is then we create you mean it's something i think when we are all human every single one of us all of this were the rights to you and it's a technology that i believe and it's the heart of humanity
that disney hall because i believe that intrinsically in all of life there is hope i believe that intrinsically in our life there's love and there's good in everything and it's to that that i strive for it is that what i strive for within myself and just about what i reach out to intervene person on this including the heads of corporations like pacific are lax incorporation so that's why lynch recently stepped in the case i hope that in being human with you audie and one of the making of these people and number two will help inspire you to find your own hero within this episode know i find that twice the first time in november of nineteen eighty seven the second time in november at ninety seven ninety seven and the third and final time december tenth nineteen ninety seven at the beginning on the morning of december eleventh nineteen ninety seven percent corp and their subcontractors on the helicopter began cutting down trees all around me
including the cheese right crying right off the base of the tree and they ride with their families just like the voice of ecosystems very symbolic of families and family assistance because they'll often times from the same root system in the same time len is babies are a hundred feet tall that's how the first activists got into you know they used the branches from the smaller ladies to free climb up and then free climb office branches on to branches of the night and to get out an industry in october of nineteen eighty seven and his writing and listening and i literally putting those trees right off the base of the trunk with myself and other activist in it then they started cutting down trees all around including directly putting them into lennon and hitting luna with myself and other activists in the tree trying to knock us out then they have heard their twin propellers helicopter about my head which i hear they're getting ready to do not bend oregon and has you don't know when the helicopter is based here in oregon
and their force that are threatened and they go in there that technology allows them to get into the wilderness areas that have before now been protected because the technology been allowed to get into then but now because of technology like helicopters they can go into places like never before and seven for chainsaws and take down these forests in a matter of days and rip them off because that's leaving brian to destroy their cuts in the week and so they happen that helicopter but my hand i am i'm not going to light of lonely out to scare me out of whatever their reasons were then they placed me under age and the security of the state in an effort to cut off my supplies in their own words starting down i have a big mouth and sometimes its meaning troubled and i thought and they would just they might starving to death but they weren't starting down and so then they started blowing air horns throughout the night because the peppers on the eighth day of the security sees twenty beautiful people risked arrest grandmother's guy from finland earth first activists numerous community members are throwing together some words
cause of the commotion down and the divergence down at the highway was one of the other ones tied up the hill or risk arrest to resupply me and with a lot of love and laughter and joking and creative chaos we managed to pull off to re supplies which is powerful testimony to love and creativity paid for and then a few days later they pulled out because of the worst storms in recorded history of california are beginning to hit the famous el nino in nineteen ninety seven and i later learned that all of the world's problems have since been blamed on the winter all of us anyone and especially corporations talk about their their bad practices it's not essential mean you sweated of song el nino adviser the company won't offer interest reasons one of which was the weather there's very ironic that i decided upon and entry and live in a tree in the worst winter in recorded history but one of the things that all the struggles taught
me most powerful struggles can be in our life that there was at times when i want to get up and i was literally up in that tree rocking back and forth bawling my eyes out crying because of the pain that i was going through physically emotionally mentally and spirits lee wanting to die because i didn't want to give up but not giving up it was so painful it was killing me and i would pray and ask for strength from the creators of please give me strength i can take this i can't do it anymore and i would be sent another hardship and it was kind of like a harmonica but working on it as fast growing metro the wrongs i've ever done in my life asking for eternal forgiveness and promising that if it would just be easier i would never ever do that again continuing struggles in any hardships to realize our you know our strength is not something that can be handed to us on a silver platter something we have to earn something we have to struggle for the strength is not given to us it is something that when we face a new challenge we learned to rise
above it and the transformative that's where our strength comes from and so i said all of that because to me that's that's kind of them and the leading up to this chapter called the storm not long after the security guards that i thought that a bit of the music might call me down or anything other than the incessant thumping of tarps in the winter because of the helicopters in the storms and the seige i hadn't listened to my radio weeks cycling out of five gallon storage and started messing around with it and finally i got to work i put on the headphones and nestle down to my sleeping bag ready to relax instead of juice however i heard warnings about another storm was an upcoming seventeen mile an hour away that's for down their underground basin that only knows what it's going to be like here in your thoughts terrified me i kept wondering if this was the sign that i should go down on the ground where it was safe
i remember my father getting about a man hears that a flood is coming and so he goes in praise to god god please protect me he asks he be safe from the slide outs and use already see that response the floodwaters began to rise as they flow over the front stoop and answered the first floor of his home some people come by traveling at the new haven fire it is a ground matters you knew that cities is that when i prayed to god i mean he said he's going to guarantee the flood waters continue to rise and that has been in the second story of his house more people come by this time in a motorboat haiti we're here to save you oh no that's suitcases them and that's a drag that mean take care of me but the floodwaters continue
to rise and now he's standing on the roof of this house and some people fly by in a helicopter mail address at a new way to save you they shout hovering over him write to me are you nuts to manor houses underwater we're the only ones who can save you now how long really guys you may scream again as they fly up here in the us commander announced is that they were caught in heaven god and six and my prayer was ask and you shall receive why did you let me down the man asks him to say
and i said it's not going to save you know what more do you want but i didn't want to be stupid either i didn't want to miss my opportunities to make it out of its realize i wondered whether the worsening storms have been my son and my help from up above to get out of the chia ally maybe does radio broadcast is going to be the last hope for that god is going to send my way or maybe my fear is simply trying to put me under its power and manipulate me into going down into the ground where it seems safer why don't risk falling a hundred and eighty feet and smashing into the brown with wrenches during the late seventies barbecue i couldn't tell the only thing i knew for sure was that i raised i hadn't heard that radio alert i decide meditating outside praying and i still didn't know what to do i didn't want to get blown over or get
blown out of the tree i wasn't ready to die if it was my time that it was my time but i didn't need to bring my time upon myself for it was meant to be i tried to figure out what i was supposed to do i didn't feel any need it all took place of the woman but i knew that i had given my word that i wasn't coming down until i had done everything i possibly could to protect this area to come down because i was afraid of the story would be to break my word and i believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're only as good as our word if our actions don't meet dollars of value as a people is lessened and that's just the way that i was raised still i was torn my survival instinct was getting in and telling you to go down to the grounds of the pacific lumber people had all left and i could just climb back in the morning and nobody would
but that would mean breaking my word and i just couldn't do it before the storm ended however a promise would be the last thing on my mind i would just be trying to stay alive and not doing a very good job of it the moment the storm hit i could have climbed down if it wanted to to climb you have to be able to move and my hands were frozen massive amounts of rain and sleet inhale mixed together and the winds blew so hard i was afraid i was going to be ripped off of a branch the storm was every bit as strong as they said it would be actually it was even stronger when it does it would come through it would flip the platform open to the air bucking be all over the place like a wild romp through law i know and realizing this isn't even the nineteen nineties
it's b and that's kind of interesting they got stolen me all the way out to the hammock and only bureaucrats an angle underneath it prevented me from slipping through the gap in the platform i am really at red apron is going to chill out and duly impressed by howard what's the great almighty god the wind and rain and storm i've paid my respects and i've paid my dues and i do that the va made it a good bet that an era my arms once again yes blaming them
and then they discussed remain close to three feet through the air and that got to the rest of the night it comes to the middle of the morning i need i want to be strong for you know i want to be strong for the forest i don't want to die because i want to help make a difference i want to be strong for the movement but i can't even be strong for myself right now it seemed like it was taking all of my will to stay alive eyes i am so hard to hold on to life in it were clients range oscar cleansed my muscles are clenched my fist clenched everything in my body was close completely and really tight i knew that i was going to burn the wind howled it sounded like wow been seasoned law greek economy of noise and i thought that i was going crazy happenings hands for those sixteen
hours of the stories i would have snapped instead i grabbed onto lynn i don't know what's happening here linda i don't want to go down because they made a pact with you but i can't be strong right now i'm frightened about my mind and i'm losing and i'm going crazy maybe our lives maybe i was and i heard the voice of history julia think of that season a storm and as i started to picture this season is the only answer began to dawn on me but she's in this storm don't try to stand up straight and tolerant they allow themselves to bend to be alone with him and they understand the power of letting go those fees and those branches to try too hard to stand strong and state are the ones that right now is not the time for you to be strong giuliani reminded me for you to break learned how i think he's
let it flow let it go that is the way you're going to make it through the storm and that is the way to make it through the storms of life i suddenly understood so that's getting jumped all over by the wind tossed left and right i just let it go i let my muscles go either way john mark i let the wind blow in the craziness flow and bands and layered with it just like the cheese which flailing win how i laughed i cried and screamed and raised eggs every day whatever came through me and that carries humans everything around me was being ripped apart and my sanity felt like it was slipping through my fingers like a runaway well so i gave him the fire lines and i was still alive and i realized that by letting go
of all attachments including my intestines itself that people are no longer had any power they'll even take my life i felt that i was no longer going to live my life out of fear they're way too many people do it seems just jilted by our disconnected society i was going to live my life guided from the highest source recreation centers i couldn't have realized and he does so without having been completely broken emotionally and spiritually mentally and physically i had to beat all by humans nine i had been pummeled by mother nature i had to be broken until i saw absolutely no until i went crazy until i finally let go only handed it rebuilt only then that it filled back up with who i am meant to be only then that i'd become my hair so and that's the message of the butterfly i had some
good artisan storms and been transformed and is living proof of the power of metamorphosis and that's just we know i don't like me that's not insane and how i say that because i don't understand the cancellation is an everyday experience that every struggle is a chance for opportunity that every time we see something that's wrong in the world and we were trying to make it right we're living embodiment of transformation in my head as i see it you know the big things that keep us attacks to allow ourselves says our attachment to hear the anger the saddest of isolation is a comfortable living and then ultimately to sell
which is what i learned in a storm and i was at one point i was getting kind of dominating the air like oh i don't believe it was a lot of comfort and i had said goodbye all my friends and my family and i had just like a lot like texas and the eighties and oh you robin they'll attach to your own life you're still attached to sell and i see so many people who see an injustice and then abducted their mouth or their walk away because they're free and i reached that point there were so many winter there where i wanted to give up because it was afraid but that storm taught me the power of letting go of just throwing ourselves and victories the kickoff plenty of noise called our world called the stories as we know it and trusting that we're going to have wings to fly that we are going to land on solid ground to be surrounded by friends there is power in each and every one is going to leave that place love and honoring this sacred and when i don't know a lot of places especially not on
the west coast and honoring this sacred people start rolling their eyes california primary ninety days is place on monday of overvalued for life and because of that we no longer on instances in life and we only want money and so are sacred in life isn't money with tiny hard drive and enabling you live in nepal india where were you with their you know that's sacred money and that means in our society and that the magazines my understanding of love for magazines is and so you see an ad
that our status quo just isn't between taller life was supposed to be about and so for me the issue is yes but the fact that we're destroying the lungs of the planet that everywhere we turn the forest to being destroyed at how the world the regional forests are gone we will never give him every day we destroy society and destroyed thirty four million acres of course we destroyed a sizeable and every year in forests that every time we do species are going extinct not the air quality is so bad now children around the playgrounds have to stop midway and prevent an inhaler because they can't really anymore and everywhere we go we're running around by not like a dollar ninety five for clean water in a plastic bottle it destroyed the environment and the water to clean up that water put it in the bottle or you're associating ourselves in a circle and say we really are the basis of a lot of challenges in our world we really aren't here
in oregon as i was flying in today and looking at that unique perspective from the air again and seeing its a california oregon are mirror images of each other and so much has been used to at the same time seeing the destruction is to think about all the bees people who are here doing something about putting them by south carolina putting the voices out there in the public facing ridicule so the first thing that happen if you decide to stand up for what's right col means just expect that to happen during today's syria during his face struggles are going to face adversity but not to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do is the most empowering thing that i've ever experienced and i think the lesson a transformation starting to come from a place of love and honoring this sacred in all things and as a result by facing violence in anger turned to love it turned from ej a fierce compassion and increasing frustration and sadness to love a tiny perseverance and commitment
and the last that i can see every struggle as a chance for opportunity and we live in a world where a lot of things are going wrong it is easy to give up and say you know what has one person i can make a difference so i care i think as well i people in mainstream society have to doubt have gone numb because that it is too much it does occur to care in the world today and absolutely guys to care about the fate of our planet and our future generations and all those who are sharing this world together today hearts because we see it being destroyed i think i see a lot of times in society but even in activist circles where we burn out because it hurts so much that we get consumed by that sadness and then anger and frustration actually doing it face that when i was an entry because every single day to listen to the roar of chainsaw hour after our own people as we really what's the hardest thing you went through and actually they sent me say look on the helicopter hovering helicopter above my head with a massive storms of el nino the company trying to start again
but the harvesting of often the missing during active like because every day i thought this cheese that every day or c the chainsaws of roaring hour after hour after hour until it was coming up from the inside out and consuming and every day i listened as they slam the metal wedges wedges wow well intended to unite here knows that she splits increase away from its foundation and sounds like a screaming and more pain jason the earth shakes and the airspace and everything inside a few shakes and diez y right along with injury and all i wanted to do in those first couple months the strike out i wanted to obliterate guzzlers off the face of the planet and white lettering that logging company because i've watched it every day for two years my view was that pacific lumber lax incorporation mail that he sees beautiful or is what is left of them
the remaining three percent because ninety seven percent is gone and destroys them into the ground and all i wanted to do with a liberated and i started realizing that i was becoming a part of what i'm trying to change and that was becoming a part of entitlements and the disconnect that allows do things to the light like these corporations are doing and allows people to do things to each other like we often times do because i'm hurt more afraid more now we're like a wounded animal and strikeout it would have his closest a release valve for me and his wife sharon and that's why i'm willing to go back to that pain gay in a day out in a day out is i didn't learn the lesson of the lesson of love by sitting in a groovy fairytale combing i learned the lesson of love for some of the most intense adversity i ever could've imagined going through in my life and service would be you and hopes that you will feel inspired to get involved i talked to bring it back around a centrality
of a hand into something a lot of a suburban for that anytime we wink and what's wrong in the world those three fingers pointing back at every single time and a lot of those three fingers it's our responsibility and love at life community life a life that it's not time to make a difference in the world if that every single thing we do and say changes we have the power to change our world to everything every penny that we spend every time we throw something away every time we speak the word out into the world and i believe in our various thoughts are very powerful and manifesting the reality in which we share is not a great puppet master barron the staggering ok life is going to be like this you know it's all of us together to impact our choices that shape the world i talk a lot about the simple things like bringing in reusable lung sin reusable container is reusable bags and the bible in and say that's a very simple thing in that isn't really counts of why talking about that i have to think
about the the average american consumes fourteen generations worth in a single generation and most of them with throwing away there's not a simple act that the heart of cumulative impact isn't massive on this planet and out there we went to corporations and the government's it's a shame on you if we're not leaving the solutions that we know every single moment of every single day when the people leave their leaders will follow the lenses isn't known as the responsibility because you were always we do you would have a responsibility to try and change for the better we have a responsibility to face adversity and become stronger more passionate human beings as a result we have a responsibility even looking through a child's eyes recognize that everything we do in say ski shaped the world
we have the responsibility because we've been given the greatest gift of all unless the gift card like i like so many other people didn't understand i was completely a part of mainstream society i grew up thinking that i was a shame to be poor because my family lived a life of service since i went in the exact opposite i was like god i graduate high school when i was sixteen years old i went straight to college and i majored in business law i don't like when i was eighteen years old i saw it because i couldn't make enough money as a small business owner because the government likes to small businesses and subsidize huge corporations so so many people writing their businesses more time because i was really good and i was completely caught in that system but it never felt good enough light was never magical moments of funny moments of beauty but it was never this joyous overwhelming sense of childlike energy that i now have we
stayed in bed and the latter on the roads one reason for current traffic jams and they're so unhappy with their lives they like this and weren't reminded me was because seven hundred and thirty days of the contest it was like seeing the most precious beautiful thing it just being right out of reach and or seven hundred and thirty eight days i didn't have all those things that i used to take for granted like hot running water which is pure magic i couldn't go home and reading and threatened to kill me and because of that precious life truly is we are so blessed to be alive you're going to play we have a responsibility we have a responsibility to do everything in our power to protect this precious
gift from others and that's what's really their finger comes in thirteen years because it's not possible to new age way of feeling it's not about feeling groovy other than his theory not i'm not playing that but it's about taking as revealing some training in action it's about taking the power back in your hands it's about understanding that love is more than a philosophy is more than a tactic as a way to being is a way of life and only come from love we can do this seemingly insurmountable odds never would have thought i was going to live at seven hundred and thirty eight i would've went running screaming in the opposite direction if someone had told me that this was a life i was going to climb into but he was loved that gave me the power to transform that hurt in the anger and the frustration that sadness that was overwhelming in the beginning it was loved they brought these incredible human beings and my life calming down support friends who up and down this grueling bring up food and supplies
and pack out waste and bring a medium and do all those things that were a part of holding this actually successfully reached the world it was love that brought people together from all walks of life religious groups young people labor the kaiser aluminum steel workers now formed an alliance steelworkers the tree huggers it's incredible were getting them to eat it all up and that's bringing people together and so that's the key thing is going back three years we lived your daily life what can we do every single moment of every single day in our daily lives we challenge the status quo how do we challenge our own status quo are accepted norms of how we look at the world of normal and how he means simplifying how can we get back to that we take an entire community life what's happening in that community there's a lot of things happening in the community and each and every one of you before you leave tonight if you feel inspired by the story we then just feeling inspires one thing going down
stairs finding out about the groups that are doing something and finding ways of plotting with them and how you can that's a community now what i mean the one thing i want to mention because it's time sensitive his own sincerest their economy a helicopter the company recently they're going to go into and protected wilderness and there were activists in oregon were doing something about it that they need or how and even if you can do direct action is something that you can do he says the state which i hope it's you on the number it doesn't have an area code is a five four one five one what i certainly hadn't obviously is different places to four one to forty seven nine months to fore won forty seven nine it was announced it will still have to know a lot more about what's going on because they're locally and i have a way of letting you and whether you're a teacher when you're a young person when you do somebody
looking a child protection for the first time an exercise those muscles of freedom in this country whatever it is that you could do talk to them see how you can help even if it's just finally support with food supplies as people on the front lines is a lot happening in oregon are set in the water quality air quality in the forest is something that each person in this room can do what's the lights your community life then taking only find out where reversing argument from do a little research and find out where your family using clothing to exploit workers inside and started an investment company in our reading of the redwoods in mendocino county california for the money we gave them forget clothing globally means to do to really look at our choices and see what's happening on the global impact because of him what's really really really need this is the average about seventy three fingers pointing back at us ally and all around me
right by your ability to change the world for the better lives in the home of your own here we all have the potential to do the greatest harm and the greatest could each and every one of us me included every time it being free every time i get frustrated every time i yelled he hasn't said i told myself as possible for that violence as those who are perpetually on the planet in other people i truly believe that we can do you know we can i see it happening people coming together doesn't bring success are you willing to accept your hero with an iv willing to stand up and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do it when you challenge yourself when you get like a community like the new global live i am willing to stand up and say wait whatever his drug wasn't going to go through i'm going to do the right thing if you are and you found your own hero and that's what our real needs we don't need one woman on top of it gee we need a lot less in our movies whatever that means for you
that means waking up every day and saying what am i going to do today to make the world a better place once again please take the time to go downstairs find out how you can get involved it's very important to me that you do that and i look forward to all of us standing together someday are in arm with our heads held high as we say we did it we cleaned up the mess of those looking for is really promoting the solutions to make it right and we're going to do it together joining our hearts our minds our spirits and our actions together thank you he's been the president
julian really get creative or the sacrifices and the gifts that you've given as we have here the law has created is going to stay in sanctuary he was in your story there's a close we also answer is and it just be a talking head it a lot of people have to say and this is a great chance to
bring you were in the audience who are doing good work and when others to know about it just keep it short and simple so that we can all absorbing and give people numbers the simple ways they can find out more information about that you care about selling any one hundred thousand years in the glasses what happened in woody harrelson is icing woody harrelson you know i talk about a world that treat celebrities and resources he did a banner hanging on the golden gate bridge to try make people in the bay area and through the mainstream press aware what's happening including trying to get the government to do real protections for the forests which they still had a pass the headwaters forces agreement which protects some takers but it leaves a lot of areas and protecting
actually sacrificed thousands of areas under something called habitat conservation i know that sounds really of anything that the government putting forth it sounds like a disease in life waiting for you back to germany and so because of that i call he'd see these horrible concepts erie superior naacp coming year are to your hero stand and speak out loud and richard wright really say so and woody harrelson are chinese government to do better agreement and that was forced agreement we i mean because that says a reason there's a forest they're protecting the first place and it never do i think a lot of concessions were made on the environmental side that wouldn't have been made without a lot of people pushing really really i am speaking out so it was important that often on and done he's he's still doing some things he works a lot of activism which is another way of protecting the forest as well as the air of the water our land he said you're
wondering and so that's a lot of his activism right now is we have and how that really forced issues but he also put together this extremely powerful radio piece but the song that he wrote it talks about it highlights shell corporation it highlights the people who go out there and the seals and other animals to death and it may force it used to be alive in the remains of me at a gathering two ninth things have they bring in all the dolphins and killed along the ferocity covers even half our aquariums and things are especially all about teaching people that he could remain as they literally torture and slaughter animals in the process to pick out the best they'll gather in a multitude of specimens and then in the process kill off any of the ones that they don't want
so there was a lot of different things and it's a powerful tool i hope that he gets out even further than our house because it really an eye opener of a difference is it thank you the first thing if you're interested in doing more out of sharing inner just downstairs is a table with a circle of light foundation and spits foundation of myself in the people i've been working with have established to continue building upon the success of the main issues on the table you get information for getting more videos including one that touches in on big data and what they're doing as well as the protest in seattle very good coverage then they also did a very very very powerful heart and gut wrenching video will change your life and i think it's very to get active if you're not already is it
one caught fire in the ice which is about the police brutality of torturing peaceful protesters with pepper spray reading their heads backed by their hair of forcing our eyes open spray pepper spray and the cubs then directly applying into their eyes and when that didn't work spraying them all over again i know the good that you know obviously oregon many incidents bring him all of his body ripping his clothes and spraying it in this prague spring it in his eyes because they can kill you in case you don't know that they can cause cardiac arrest so i want to be read very brutal with it and so they have a lot of different mediums in case you're just sinking and they're also doing a follow up on the coast of the utopia that was at forty three so since then including in myself as far as speaking to major goes and one of the things i learnt is a nature is screaming at us let the massive crime going out of control with all of these incredible extreme hurricanes and tornadoes and it's really extreme streams of everything happening now all at once look at the mudslides
look at the rising disease rate in human beings look at all the toxins that are showing up and its feces like that like the polar bear which means it had a rigidly all the way at the food chain to get to them so the toxins are written in our country look at all those things and that's another major going all right and now we go we have said no you know major hit hard even though we now have science in a fairly clear about this teacher that we have science that proves the atlanta community and they responded to communication that plants that her song to have beautiful music in an hour talk to you know i love your plans thank you for giving oxygen being really groovy an open plain of the planet and things they try to whitewash and then does that weigh down say with their way so there's been scientific proof but i didn't know all those things at the time what happened really in that way as you began ways i was climbing out of the tree and the beginning and i would get sad
on this little parts of me and one day when they were cutting down season season just really intense things going on irene's damage he and the first time my life i felt ashamed to be in the color of my skin because i thought my god what what we're doing as a race and i held on to the team and i cried and cried and i said i'm so sorry i'm so sorry to be a part of a culture that's lost its indigenous roots our roots are so far away we forgot how to honor the land had on sacred honor nature either learn from nature and when i sat and i realize that his congregants that it was all in my ear all over my body as terrific it was flooding so fast out of her that sec this apple inc which is not a common thing we sat and so i mean i realize that that
is when a crime that's been trees do communicate and that's actually something just like grief that it clings to us it doesn't wash away easily undone in the process of changes since that grief shapes us and he's communicating science to back them we also just know this intuitive sciences as human beings trying to get back to our roots even though really lost so that time but i also learned that i didn't need to be seen to be in my skin color that i too have indigenous roots and that now that i had found them i could use literally the color of my skin to hell other indigenous cultures that they're not being heard because of the congress can bet that the name big mountain in arizona are being pushed off their land and what i call this location because the vertical polygamy their land in los angeles wants it for electricity and then i couldn't speak out because people as anthony davis uses which to me all the roots of the trees are indigenous
and the transformational and i just all of asia would communicate mean there was one time when i was a bird way up in the sky floating around on it and this is what i was just beginning to get bombarded with what do you wear and i'm signed that way only authentic and i'm really i'm willing to give up everything in my life to try and make the world a better place is you have been allowing is a million or even when you know my integrity my morals my values are my values are my rights than anything else and i think you know it's interesting i was leaning out the back of my pa where the cats of race and i saw this weird way i'm
circling around this jet stream from old kind of thing with the clothes and coming down on circling around the backyard and i love this thing in this one little stream listen now and i read that the regime all accounts a high level and was a turkey vulture enlightening me and when i received from members share with me was julia oftentimes those things in life that seemed to be freeing and beautiful we take the time to be still and you take the time to ask for guidance oftentimes a bird of prey looking to turn you into you're
doing all these things even though we want to take the time to be still and asked for guidance not just think that i know what all the gas for guidance and to be stills and the biggest lessons i learned eventually because societies are spilling us a million different directions it wants to just do that if we get caught up in our inner struggles that overwhelmingly to immerse ourselves are not in a party with our friends but eventually we have a list of ways of distracting ourselves so it's important to take those moments to distill and asked for guidance and the answers will come from anywhere so now i'm trying to show in one of our listings nature speaks to that doesn't keep screaming at us which would be nice you know we could we could try and get ourselves back to balance level and then we could all just stare that communication again except thank you for challenging his students and now a ok one last question isn't it in just a minute only because i want to share what you're saying that if he were my peers i want to cover the name again
was oregon oregon sustainable agriculture and just say three times really fast so where are you one million times spell the letters on them as you're insisting afl as having a house he said that compound word that is amazing here is about how our horse races are in the world and found the reasons i was fourteen being raised in a family that's all about any potatoes in clean car lines
remaining i was a really horrible light they're a legendary went on every day if i could find a way to be very end and zenith injected i probably wouldn't be there and that man i started learning more about creating big problems and dairy feed the world says of veering away from that and we're not really convenient and find anything in that because one of the things i think that was where they come from anything we don't really think about our interest to do so disconnected from them by being in the tree i had a little single burner stove
and i saw the fuel every day and a thick skulls that took a while to get through but once it got through a set of realizing every time i turn this to take something from the plan i take something from the air and the water in indigenous culture like that work being turned into genocide by occidental petroleum and i realized there was another way i could make the difference and so now about a ninety five percent drop one episode i was at doing this but they are looking at the site i would say along with each and every person who wants to be standing in the line and i just asked you because of the fact that there will be others standing behind you you can also get information once again downstairs please do from all the groups including circle of light foundation where if you have questions you need answered tonight that we can do it in another form another way well you know that has
been the plan it's b
it's been because as our stance be i'm very much for the va i mean
and there is an honesty i mean this is you know he's doing and as it is james
yeah yeah it is half the money any way and
i said no no no you're a citizen it nina thanks oh rats
and you know liane they do just a few of the places like new orleans i know
yeah maybe anthony money honey last week and it works
all right oh geez now we are
unemployment remains busy year ms neely yeah knox and i have a standing so i
oh yeah i have to say yeah it does i'm renee montagne yes he does i love it he says new
i have made a the rise and that in the end the senate historian who spends more of his time in haiti where usain i got to say this is it now to say to me it is we knew
the guys do you need as bc why do they need but it was very nice to me in the united states anyway or maybe my fear is in
the going down for the grounder it seems safer why rates falling the leafy james brown grasses are the only thing i'd say they missed it wasn't a baby he lost but it wasn't to come down because of the greatest only to break my word and i
believe the us that we're only as good as our we are now in this economy i don't necessarily need here's rose now
right as it is did you really you cry the pen oh yeah another question i
mean me that's right you cry long we are now on the rise i want to make a difference
it seemed it was taking all of my eyes that sing it makes my job is everything can be and that we every year and i am sixteen i don't know it's funny that's right media is what happens to the way cities
beginning to season is the season is the only answer to get it done if jesus and his stamina because he stands right now is not a time to be strong or you know in the nineties that way so they're all over it i just wanted a job and more of these
low i just like that he's explaining how i just let it go would not my fingers fine wines all right at the end and when it does
it does and without having me i hate it oh yeah i mean any the pain in the nineteen nineties
nice boots there is and that cod to be a teenager to satisfy station to competing at era and that's just that's
right it surprises me it is and he sees it i know many times
mm hmm and at the fcc's policy saudi arabia the us embassy
so npr and the human looking and the hands of all the eu as a whole yeah you're right the answer is no
in the nineteen sixties any sense is burned he does because the president wants sanchez that's just
an hour after hour what you mean there is everything right now it is it
is it at me it's interesting as cc and that is our responsibility at night
isn't it i know i mean now i know
while romney is the winner is all we are i was
sixteen years old i mean nice job it is i'm alive
at all all right we hope so the pain it's unnecessary is it
many scientists are they oh nice
and we want to you nineteen seventy cunningham stares jessie and her
he's nice for forty eight years it is as orphans any way
where is it we really need this thank you yeah yeah and he's at his best yes it is
it is that's it to make peace i mean this is iris iris
it's been the polls by the pain we have here it really is he was in your story
the piece very close you know i mean this is business thank you there is i do yeah
yeah yeah any so yeah it's very you know so
we yeah when the eu and he yeah no oh nice is me
the state so to speak the piece it is you know
it says is it thanks liane last week so
i say yes all those hurricane in this release these women all across the season or they're all hours we're going to say next
music toss away so this is it and it means well yes he says
oh yeah it is it at an assassin's hand i was going to say it
is now or because of it yeah yeah all right it is it is
it's funny it's amazing yes i mean at all annie mac
is buried morning steve and you know the biggest lesson and so now i'm an ecologist
working well that's and his beak in nineteen ninety two i am now
thank you it is i know it is you
this is what it was and at times like this you really
are you mentioned because of this but it's really extraordinary things policy
who is it at the place but at any time the clip
as you know chile butterfly kill spent over two years in an ancient redwoods union not to protests along an ancient ford center the story spread far and wide you know in the first few months when she was first captured media attention a lot of those villages and novelty that increases young woman up in a tree and you work on a curious about her after the other aces questionnaire questions answered about that volatility as the bathroom initiative boyfriend that somehow was fifteen minutes of fame faded entered into right to history and her message to be lost who's fifteen has turned into fifteen weeks turned into fifteen months and almost two years later over two years later he came down last december success and even their message that the more people as time when on that the us solicitor live out the story but the milliken the country souter
happens process but globalization is increasingly the fire are targeted at life in an ss in the vigils are feeling more morrison paris time goes on so you know this interview was wonderful story of a young woman's bright articulate a committed to the earth and setting up in a tree for two years spanning everything from bad weather to deliberate attempt to pour out of the tree so more than a story about a tree save more by more than a starter cigarette butts resilient for so called action for each and every one of us and as a member of the northwestern city we have programs designed for mission is to motivate individuals to examine transform for some guys the habit seemed to accept responsibility for the earth and act on it and again as as possible position increasingly the fossilized skin to do that professor as a test of the power of ordinary people like you and i'm the platoon to
do truly extraordinary things surprise to me in welcoming to them he's been to pay to play anything the pope it's been patients
the only thing they're right under their taxes who's buying beef burgers
Julia Hill on Environmental Struggles and her Two Year Tree Sit in Luna at First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon
Contributing Organization
KBOO Community Radio (Portland, Oregon)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/510-2v2c82515b).
The Northwest Earth Institute, Looking Glass Bookstore, KBOO, and the First Unitarian Church host Julia Butterfly Hill at the the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon. Hill discusses her tree sit that lasted two years between 1997 and 1999. The tree was named 'Luna' and was threatened by the Pacific Lumber Company and Columbia Helicopter. The audio recording is edited. Copies of the audio are included on this recording including portions of the Q&A.
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Raw Footage
activism; corporations; Energy/Natural Resources; Environment/Climate
This audio is property of The KBOO Foundation and may include additional rights holders. It may be used for educational, scholarly, or private, personal use with attribution 'From KBOO Community Radio, Portland'. Any other use, such as commercial publication or multiple reproductions, requires written permission from The KBOO Foundation.
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: Julia Butterfly Hill
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Identifier: kboo_MD-149_20000522.mp3 (KBOO)
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Duration: 02:03:33
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: A2B0237527FCD99C723A8C3872943D92 (md5)
Format: audio/x-wav
Generation: Master
Duration: 02:03:33
KBOO Community Radio
Identifier: MD-149 (KBOO)
Format: MiniDisc
Duration: 02:03:33
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Chicago: “ Julia Hill on Environmental Struggles and her Two Year Tree Sit in Luna at First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon ,” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 23, 2024,
MLA: “ Julia Hill on Environmental Struggles and her Two Year Tree Sit in Luna at First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon .” KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Julia Hill on Environmental Struggles and her Two Year Tree Sit in Luna at First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon . Boston, MA: KBOO Community Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from